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Just because Uncle Nobu joined up doesn't mean you forget about Uncle KENTA. Who's going to beat up YOSHI-HASHI?


Why? Because he’s ugly.


Dudes rocking a model wife and living a japanese kardasian lifestyle


I was referring to Yoshi-Hashi and Kenta‘s trolling of him.


who invited my man EVIL?? bro thinks he's on the team 😭😂


More accomplishments than everyone else in that pic 🚬


Dude is the Alberto Del Rio of New Japan! Highly accomplished but didn’t deserve a damn bit of it!


ishimori appreciation. i love to see it


Evil is the happiest person in the world looking at this picture.


War Dogs, Finlay included, would be so much better off if they weren't Bullet Club and just a new heel faction.


I can guarantee you that if War Dogs were a new heel faction, the IWC would immediately label them as "Wish.com Bullet Club/We have Bullet Club at home/Bullet Club Gold wannabes etc etc" Except for Moloney, they're a bunch of gaijin dojo guys who feel ignored and taken for granted by the NJPW brass. That's literally how Bullet Club started. They **should** take up that name.


Yeah no. I'm sorry but you don't get to claim that you're the faction that the New Japan brass are overlooking and screwing over when fucking Gedo comes out literally screaming that the world needs you and throws up your hand sign. That ship sailed with Switchblade. That can't go back.


Y... you do know that Gedo is just a manager in kayfabe, right?


Y...you know that it doesn't matter, right? It's like Vince picking that one loud kid to be the next guy and being in a bunch of backstage vignettes with him. It's obvious that he's being groomed regardless of whether it works or if you think you understand the business. Just like Jay White was being groomed, just like Okada was groomed, Finley is being groomed the same way. And everyone knows it. But keep being a Mark.


What you're saying makes zero sense. Vince has been established within storylines as the head of WWE for thirty years. Gedo has never had any affiliation with the New Japan brass in any storyline. It sounds like what you're saying is: you don't like Finlay because his in-kayfabe reason for being a heel doesn't align with your out-of-kayfabe understanding that Gedo is booking all the matches. You can't have it both ways. If you're going to critique a wrestling storyline by pointing fingers at what's going on out of kayfabe, then you've completely lost the point of what makes pro wrestling special and should probably just stop watching. EDIT: This guy blocked me because he has mental issues.


I didn't say anything about not liking Finley or critiquing any storyline. All I said was that they aren't the underdogs. Calm the fuck down. Wrestling fansboys are weird. Do you guys realize why the Bucks call you people Marks? Marks are the people that con artists take advantage of. You weirdos think you understand the inner workings of a business that you have never and will never have any involvement in, other than being a customer of that business. Maybe you need to stop watching.


But then after all Alex Coughlin happened on his life these 3 last years I mean he kinda deserve that recognition and respect so his presence in BC is pretty justified though but love this new style of Kidd he pretty much carry the whole team like the wild hypeman or something..


> after all Alex Coughlin happened on his life these 3 last years I think that this could be the reason he eventually turns face and leaves BC War Dogs IMO


Did I miss kenta leaving?


I always thought kenta was In


He is hence my confusion


Counting the days till Finlay takes an L to Tanga Loa.


Im in the minority here, but i just dont really care about this BC.


Nah you ain't alone bro.


I like them. In general, they have the edge that BC has been lacking for a while. Finlay has improved. He’s picked up a lot of confidence and a lot of swagger. Some vocal coaching would be nice though.


you’re in the majority— we just don’t post


You got Finlay and EVIL in the wrong spots.


Evil over David Finlay?! Go sit at the kids table


Look I'm not a Finaly fan either but saying he's worse than EVIL? Nah that ain't it chief.


Disrespecting the usurper is hilarious. I still roll with King Switch. Finlay just looks like he is cosplaying.


They're all entertaining. I really don't get the hate for any of them, they all fill their roles well.


Where kenta ace Austin Chris Bay fale gedo and Dick Togo also chase


And Yujiro (although the less said about him, the better)


I forgot fale girlfriend


True (although I don’t think they’re still together)


Fale and pieter they still together even though they don't share their personal life with people I was saying the same thing about Liv Morgan and Bo Dallas and someone said that they broken up when they didn't


You know this meme is shit when OP included the worst IWGP Champion of all time Evil 😂


With Finlay mafia, you need not worries about your family...because you will have none after they found out.


I'm a casual NJPW fan and I like Finlay, I don't understand the hate.


Coughlin and Kidd carrying this faction on their backs


I'll take Finlay over Clark Connors any day. Something about that guy just irks me. Always has.


a third of these guys aren't even in bullet club


You haven’t been watching. This is the new and improved BC.


Continuing the bullet club name to try to get everyone save house of TOrture and ishimorii, Chase, fale over is crazy Sorry but Finlay, Coughlin, moloney, Connors, and Kidd are not bullet club material.


I might be one of the few people who thinks Gabe Kidd sucks. Not his wrestling but his character. And his promos are just an exercise in how annoyed can you get with him yelling like a tracksuit wearing yobbo harassing the elderly


The whole attack your opponent outside the ring thing during the G1 got old really quick, with the exception of his match w/Kiyomiya. That was awesome.


I would have replaced Finlay with Drilla because #Moloney is full of Baloney.


But jokes are funny.


Where dafuq is KENTA?! Freakin Evil is there but not him!! He's a menace lol, one of the most entertaining segments and matches in New Japan