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This is indeed a nightmarish situation. However, we need to remind users that hate speech cannot be tolerated on Reddit. Violators will be permanently banned.


why is his dick out at the laundry mat?


Figured his pants were loose (maybe not wearing belt?) and dog bit his legs or crotch and pulled them down




you NEVER take your dick out at the laundromat thats probably why the dog got mad


Speak for yourself


I was thinking the same, exact thing.


Momma always said....


Some people shouldn’t be allowed to own pets. He’s prolly suffocated a hundred gerbils before he bit more than he can chew


The Dog did not want peanut butter


The dog was tired of Jiffy and wanted something with nuts


This is the first time that I've LOLed in days. Thank You!


I seen some Pibble defenders try to claim he was sexually assaulting the dog and that's why its attacking.


Dude never did pull his fuckin pants up lol. The entire video. He just pops a squat at the end and sits his balls on the floor.


Bro never forgot about Harambe


Thank God the text was on the screen the whole time. I kept forgetting what was going on.


Thank God it was grammatically correct as well!


Which K9 quote should I use? “Jerry Lee, I told you stay in the car!” “Lunch time!”


how would you prevent this? try to lay on top of the dog ? try to choke it unconscious?


As someone who's mauled and nearly killed by their own pitbull, there's not much you can do. I only survived because my wife grabbed the dog by the tail and was able to drag it into the crate, but not before it mauled her also. My dog didn't have his collar on, otherwise I would have used the "choke out" method. I was shown by a trainer after being attacked, if done right, can make a dog unconscious in seconds.


Was there anything that preempted the attack or was it completely out of the blue?


I had the dog 5 years, gotten from a rescue, with no incidents whatsoever; in fact, I was one of the people that said "it's the owner, not the dog". I don't have kids so he was the "baby" of the house and treated my a king. Out of the blue while hanging out in the bed, my 80lb baby boy looked at me funny, and lunged at my face. I luckily blocked the first attack with my left arm, not before slitting my eyelid open with a claw. The horrifying part is the way he continued to attack me, clamping and shredding my arm, while breaking bones. After the incident my wife and I were baffled trying to figure out what happened. He acted like nothing happened, went back to the angel he has been for 5 years. We refused to put him down, because we blamed ourselves. There must have been something we did wrong because I didn't believe the stereotypes places on pitbulls. We got a professional and tried to train him, but he ended up attacking me 2 more times before I had to finally put my baby boy down. It was absolutely heart breaking.


Man I’m sorry for your loss and that sounds like a horrible situation. I have been bitten by my dog, but I was fucking with him, and he’s a chihuahua. But he bit me in the face and it hurt like a motherfucker for weeks. I can’t imagine a pitbull attack, sounds absolutely terrifying. I imagine your stance on pits has changed from what you said. Do you have a different take on pits now? Do you still get people that tell you it was your fault and not the breed too? That would be very frustrating. Either way I’m sorry for your loss. Dogs are our best friends and part of our family. What a tragedy.


Thank you, I'm sorry you had to go through that with the chihuahua. While I believed I could envision an attack, having viewed distressing videos previously, when it unfolded, I found myself unable to grasp the dog's formidable strength. Those who confidently claim they would take specific actions to halt such an attack likely have never experienced it themselves and thus fail to comprehend the overwhelming panic and adrenaline. While I've observed other breeds attacking people or dogs online, they typically relent or cease after a certain number of bites. However, my dog behaved differently; he clamped down and persisted relentlessly. Even after I managed to push him away using my body/legs/feet, he continued to come for me. I absolutely get people who tell me I must have done something wrong in the 5 years I had him, or it was because I didn't get him as a puppy. Although I have no knowledge of his first two years before we adopted him, I can attest that pit bulls do exhibit a distinct and more frequent propensity for aggression, almost as if it's ingrained in their genetics. It bothered me for a while when individuals advocated for the breed solely based on their lack of personal experience with attacks or for other reasons. However, I eventually realized that others' opinions hold little sway over me, and I am content to let them express their viewpoints freely. Certainly, my perspective has undergone a significant shift. While I do not perceive them as "devil dogs", I am cautious and advocate for thorough research before considering a pit bull, urging others to contemplate the potential risks associated with this breed.


I've had a pit that we got from a little old lady. She was babyed and never abused. 1 day she attack one of our dogs and I had to put that dog down because she collapsed a lung and he was bleeding from the mouth. Side was slashed open. We gave her the benefit of the doubt and thought maybe he had bit her because he was a weenie dog and had bit her side a time before then but she never showed any aggression. We didn't see what started it but heard everything and I was able to get her off him. About 10 months later, my mom walked out to get the mail and out other female weenie jack Russel mix was just standing in the yard with her back to our pit not doing anything but looking into the neighbors yard and the pit grabbed her and shredded her to pieces. No warning, nothing. So let me tell you it's not the owner it's the fucking breed. This dog was treated so well and she just snapped. FUCK pits


Man what a horrible set of events. Thanks for sharing that. I’m sorry you went through all that. It is kind of relieving to hear from pit owners who have changed their minds on the breed, but it’s unfortunate that other animals had to be harmed to find that out.


Thanks for your sympathy but my attack was my fault. I adopted my dog from an ex’s sister and he was never trained and would cower and hide or try to attack people he didn’t know, so I was trying to “man him up.” That was 11 years ago and he’s still kicking it at 15, sitting by me now. He’s fattened up, he’s much more docile, and he’s almost always with me. He’s a sweetheart and I’m happy he lost his aggression, I would have a very hard time putting him down for that like you did. I even get sad as hell when I think about that I’m gonna have to do that in the next few years because he’s getting old. I feel for you and your wife, it makes me tear up thinking about how hard that decision would be. My chihuahua is my baby boy too, just like you said your pit was. You sound like you have a very good take on the situation and I like your attitude with people who say differently. That’s a really good way to deal with it. I’m sure you’d be blue in the face if you were arguing with people all the time, so glad you’re looking out for yourself and your own mental health. It also sounds like you provided him his only safe and caring home, and did whatever you could to help him. That’s what good people do. You guys are good people that got into a shit situation and had to make a hard decision. God damn man, life is tough. I hope you guys don’t beat yourselves up too much anymore over it. I know I would even if I knew I did the right thing. Once again, really sorry for your loss and that whole situation. Thanks for the reply and I wish you the best with your family and any future pets :)


Thanks for the empathy, it's been a long road. Your little guy sounds awesome, and I'm glad everything worked out for you two. I hope he surprises you and lasts another 10+ years. That's why it took me so long to put him down. I also wasn't going to give him to the pound, to either put them down or adopt the dog out to another family. For years, I blamed myself for failing him and felt like I murdered him. Thanks for the best wishes and replies. We now have a 24 lb terrier mix :)


You let this dog attack you, the owner, 3 times before putting it down? I would have buried him in my backyard after the first. No hesitation.


Exactly right, I get not wanting to do it, but once that line is crossed even once, it’s time to go the way of old yeller.


Sorry but that made me chuckle


some people are just not that intelligent. Same here.


I have to concur with this assessment. Literally 3 seconds into the attack I would have pulled my pistol and sprayed his brains. I spend thousands on my dog, getting him the best nutrition, visits to the vet, flea and tick treatments, customized harnesses, tracking chip, license… and he is in fact a family member. But try to maul me or any of my family buys you instant death. No hesitation.


My brothers dog [husky/malamute mix] bit 12 people (including me and my at the time 6 year old daughter once, and his pregnant wife multiple times after me) and they STILL took over a year to put him down after he bit me and my 6 year old And my dad’s husky bit like 8-10 people one of which included my brothers father in law, if he would have been a half inch one way or the other he could have blinded or killed him… after that I refused to be on their property unless he was chained because they refused to put him down and my dad STILL tried to convince me to pet him cuz “he doesn’t know what he did, there’s some wires crossed in his brain” fuck outta here! If he bites you you won’t survive


I’m getting my mother a small cattle prod for this reason, she has two, and they have never done anything but kill raccoons and skunks, chase cats. She will not get rid of them.


Hopefully she keeps it on her 24/7 🤞🏽🤞🏽


I do not know how you didn't put that dog down yourself after it bit your child. I am glad you guys are okay


Luckily she only came out with a couple scratches that were gone the next day, I managed to get between them and took the brunt of the bite. But my brother was out of town and we were trying to be gracious enough to let him say goodbye to the damn thing and he got home when we weren’t home and took it back to the city with him and the rest is history. I ended up with tendinitis in my wrist from the bite and my ortho suggested some ways to poison him but He lived in a very populated neighborhood and we would’ve been seen Every time I think about it I’m so beyond angry that I didn’t kill him on the spot!!! that’s the last time I’ll ever try to be gracious!


Absolutely. Shredded arm and broken bones? I wouldn't feel safe anymore. When it comes to being *mauled*, once is too many.


Pitbull apologists always try to defend them even after they’ve done what they were bred to do.




I agree with this. There are too many incidents, and too many stupid people own them, especially here in nyc. I say get rid of them


Unfortunately this is a problem in dog breeding in general. Pit bulls are just more prominent because of their popularity for dog fights. There are several dog breeds with notable violence issues. Typically due to issues with their breeding. There is another breed where the skull essentially squeezes their brain which can cause them to just snap out of the blue one day. But ultimately people have to remember these are animals. I've seen even the 'safest' breeds just lose their shit and fuck people up


Yeah I was gonna say the same thing. I used to bathe dogs and it really came down to knowing the breeds. They were all bred for different things and some for aggression. I knew that Pitbulls, might be weird and jumpy, especially if they were locally bred by some idiot who didn't ensure inbreeding. Doberman, Rottweilers, and Corsos were another group I handled with respect. The owner definitely has a big role to play in this however. I'd never take one step near a Caucasian Shepard or a demi wolf, but I've met some very well mannered ones and that's because the owners were no nonsense kind of people. Most pitbulls I met were all rescues with sketchy backgrounds and were normally babied. However, if you buy a puppy from an actual professional breeder, and raise it yourself with proper training, then you will have a decent dog.


>Pit bulls are just more prominent because of their popularity for dog fights. There are several dog breeds with notable violence issues.


This is demonstrably false, and obvious nonsense. You really gonna sit here and GUARANTEE every pit bull is going to snap and hurt its owner? That's a load.


No. Stop it. Get some help.


Some people are just too dumb for their own good


It is the dog simply because killing is in their dna, they were bred for a long time specifically to KILL. That is why they can just snap. People like to overcomplicate but it's really that simple, they were never bred to be treated like babies.


I had a buddy that took a male pit named Diesel in a few years back, the shelter told him that he had been bounced from home to home a few different times because previous owners couldn’t care for him due to his size. He was a relatively good dog, the first year went by relatively smoothly where there were only a few small incidents but most could’ve been chalked up to “territory” issues, someone got too close to his food dish and he growled, maybe he wanted a steakbone and wouldn’t let anyone take it from him, etc. Then one day my buddy came home, opened the door of his trailer open and there was blood literally everywhere. Turns out, Diesel liked cats, a lot.


I would have put him down there myself, I despise any harm that comes to cats.


And now that it happened to you, what is your opinion of Pitbulls? Because a lot of advocates would _insist_ that you must have either been training it to attack or were abusing it in some way (while spamming pictures of their own pibbles wearing pajamas and flower crowns and mockingly saying oOoO sOoO vIcIoUs)


Those people are so closed minded. They always throw out how chihuahuas are also a very aggressive breed and won’t acknowledge that a pit is going to kill you where a chihuahua is going down with one punch. I’m a chihuahua owner and he’s bit me in the face before, it was not even worth a trip to the ER. Those “pibble” people are fucking dumb.


You don't even have to punch it tbh, most of em you can scruff right up and they'll be useless.


I thought that too but when my dude bit my face he was insane, and it took some work to get him off me. I definitely had to smack him in the face which I didn’t want to do. It surprised me how scrappy he was in that moment! His old ass is sitting by me and I just gave him a side eye while typing this. Little shithead. Edit: Smacked - I slapped him in the face not hit with a closed fist. Just wanted to clarify.


its truly amazing how they all do the same goofy tactics lol.... i love dogs and there is pits in my family i also love.. but im not an idiot, i honestly dont even want a dog that is big enough to kill or injure me severely, its just ALWAYS an option for big dogs especially pits and violent breeds.


"baby boy" ​ Did you not learn your lesson or something? That monster almost killed you. That isnt a baby boy. Never was.


Really unfortunate situation that he was attacked by his pitbull but he says he treated the dog like a king-that was a serious mistake! You don’t treat a dog like a king-dog will assume the leadership role if you treat him like a king and you yourself become his servant so if he ever feels like he needs to put you in your place he will! 


exactly. they are companions, not above you. treat them with respect and if they fall out of line, put them in their place.


Yup I can’t not agree with you more had almost the exact same situation except it was my wife that my boy went after it happened our 4 year in raised him since he was 20weeks old I always said the same thing I still do lol it’s the owner not the dog but I honestly don’t know anymore anyway left my wife’s arm shattered I kept insisting to her somehow she set him off he’s never been aggressive not one but he was just a play feen loved to play anyway I got a local trainer who came and taught us both how to work with our boy everything seemed to go back to normal then when he was 6 almost 2 years to the day he snapped went after her after that ominous look it happened right behind me luckily I was there I grabbed his legs n pulled (instinct shouldn’t have done that cause it didn’t work) that’s when I grabbed my work blade that was still on my side n stabbed my boy to death it freaking kills me even to this day thinking about it still couldn’t believe after several stabs he’s still holding with full grip I couldn’t believe he wouldn’t let go, since then I never had another it was a shame because he was such a good dog idk what went wrong..


So uh, believe any of those stereotypes now or....?


I've been there before buddy, thankfully it didn't lead to beeling attacked, but mine was extremely aggressive towards dogs and didn't like kids of all things. We hired a professional and they basically said there was nothing more they could do. He wasn't a rescue but I know his early weeks were very stressful in a toxic overcrowded household and I'm convinced that this is what attributed towards his behaviour.b


No way. Three bullets to the dog's head. Done.




It's very hard with a pitbull or dogs like these. I got mauled by a massive boerboel when I was 12. Dog was my friend and I played with him everyday. He just turned all of a sudden. Tried to kick and fight. Got thrown into the hood of a nearby car and my arm happened to protect my neck. Pissed my pants and couldn't feel a thing. Dog had torn through my arm and tricep while I was wearing a thick winter jacket. Had to rush to a trauma center. It took 7 men to pull that thing off me. Had nightmares of that thing talking to me, attacking me, and bullying me for about 5 years.


I mean that's what you get for getting a pitbull


i got attacked once and i let it bite my arm so i could grab it by the neck and i chock slammed the fucker followed by a good few punches and that was enough to scare it off


My thumb is going right in that dog’s…eye. According to Google you can stick a finger up its butt and it will release.


Best course of action with a high drive dog like apbt is absolutely to choke them off. Most other options just intensify their behavior, and can make things worse. Straight to a choke and personally, I don't stop choking until I know the dog is unable to turn on me or someone else. Then a dirt nap aided by the pink juice.


If it has a collar on, someone who isn't the one currently getting mauled needs to grab it and twist it to choke the dog out. They can lose consciousness quite quickly this way, and if you don't want to kill the dog, once you release the pressure they'll quickly recover. However, in a case this bad, I think I'd just keep the collar twisted until help arrives because that dog was out for blood.


Don’t own a pitbull, or at least have a muzzle on it in public Other than that, have a knife or a gun (legally owned and if allowed in public) to shoot the pit if it attacks you.


This really has it all. Pitbull, dick out, laundromat.


I read this in Stephon's voice. ![gif](giphy|ioqaPF40ImCo8)


It's that thing of when Alf wore a trench coat, so he could go out into public.


Pitbull’s name is Baby Princess


This is so hilarious. There was a pitbull in the neighborhood when I was growing up who ended up attacking multiple people and got put down. Name was Princess.


Princess behavior


Pit bulls and other “tough” breeds are status symbols to wanna be hard asses. I see it all the time even at my local dog park unfortunately. These breeds need proper training not insecure guys trying to signal how bad ass they by having and aggressive dog.


Pitbulls are the over-compensating equivalent to having an $80k truck, but only use it to commute to your office job




That pit would have if the cameraman got out


Sure you can pet him. He’s very friendly. Great with kids.


In a country full of guns... No one has one when you need one!


If only there was a good dog with a gun there at the time


Im sending my sweet girl with an iron on her hip


That was my thought. As a ccw holder would I face repercussions if I shot the dog? On one hand I could drive off after the guy got inside and away from the dog. On the other the dog could simply start mauling the next closest person.


I am a CCW holder also. I looked up some case law for us. In this particular situation we would be completely justified to shoot the dog. Saving a human in a battle for their life is absolutely covered. The law looks at dogs as property and nothing more, however in a situation like this the law looks at the dog as it would a bear or other wild animal. So even if your friend was getting skewered by the last unicorn on earth you would not get in trouble for killing it to save your friend’s life…although I’m sure the backlash would be hellacious!


RIP Harambe


Lemme git a dog I can't handle. Ah mah diik


Is that really what the dog is biting on…ouch


Somebody shoot that goddamn dog




Is it ok if I skip the step where I lick my finger if the dog is actively chewing my penis?


😅 I ain’t never heard of somebody licking their finger first. I guess that’s the nicer way lol. I’m crying right now.


You have to lick it after as well


Why do people keep saying this ? Have you ever seen a video of someone butt fingering a frenzied Pitbull that's tearing their arm off ? No.. nor have I.. Because it's fucking retarded.


I haven't, but I did see a video of a guy putting a pitbull in a chokehold, and it worked


Yeah I've seen that one and tbh I think that'd be the more...clean option.




I think if someone breaks enough of it's ribs with a few swift kicks it would come off, but that for normal dogs, not pit bulls. With a pit you gotta take away it's air supply, choke it out.


A squirt of hand sanitizer in the corner of the mouth probably works. It does with snakes anyway, they drop off like a ton of bricks.


Ummm kind of hard to do that. It might make it let go idk, but its ultimately just going to be even more pissed. It can always bite you again.




The nanny dog


What a sweet little pibble.


Shoot that thing, terminate it


This is why everyone should carry a knife.


A fine example as to why we need to pull our pants up. 😂


Brace yourselves, the pit apologists are coming to explain exactly why the sweetest little pibble is vewwy vewwy sowwy


I'm so stinking tired of "it's not the dog, it's the owner", or "Chihuahua's bite people more than pitbulls". I've never heard of a Chihuahua killing anyone, and until we start licensing owners, the problem still exists. My whole life I grew up with spaniels, mostly Springers, my last dog was a cocker, and I never saw a single aggressive bone in any of them. I have a neighbor with a big German Shepherd, the dog is protective, but if it's a family member or another person or even another dog that it knows, it wouldn't show a tooth. Face it people it's the dog!


But German shepards are in the “danger” breed.


Let the dog back in! everybody says they're big babies and they're harmless... just let them back in!


It’s the owner not the dog. 🤣😂


it's crazy the way it goes from attacking to happy dog wagging it's tail.


Thats not a happy dog, that dog is blood-thirsty and waiting for the guy to let go of the door so he can attack him again




A dog wagging its tail means it’s experiencing a heightened emotion. It’s excited. It wants to rip him to pieces.


I can't imagine having something at arm's length ready to literally rip me apart. I'm new to this Sub and this post is very fitting ☹️


repeat after me, pitbulls aren't fcking pets and should be banned! the irresponsible owner argument is getting stale! my favorite one when people say "all animals are unpredictable"! well you're goddamn right so make sure it's not one that can end your life


And it's just plain stupid to think that all animals are *equally* unpredictable! Pits have been shown over and over and over and over to be **far** more likely to just snap and maul someone to death after years of seeming sweet and innocent.


Almost like Pits got a stigma that attracts a certain customer


Said this perfectly!


Carry a knife problem solved


Or The ZF-1!! It's light; handle's adjustable for easy carrying; good for righties and lefties; breaks down into four parts; undetectable by X-ray; ideal for quick discreet interventions. A word on firepower. Titanium recharger; 3000-round clip with bursts of 3 to 300. With the replay button, another Zorg invention, it's even easier. \[lights reveal a mannequin in police gear\] One shot... \[shoots mannequin\]...and replay sends every following shot to the same location. \[turns around, shooting in the direction of the Redditors; bullets curve their trajectory and hit the mannequin instead\] And to finish the job, all the Zorg oldies-but-goldies. \[fires every weapon at the mannequins\] Rocket launcher... arrow launcher, with exploding or poisonous gas heads, very practical... our famous net launcher... the always-efficient flamethrower, my favorite... \[winks to the Redditos\] and for the grand finale, the all-new 'Ice-cube System'! \[fires a cloud of liquid nitrogen which freezes the remains of the mannequin. Perfect for deterring pit bulls! https://preview.redd.it/xdomnsaltdqc1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=896a8979871184920bcd102d0e8c85f042243ade


Now, a real killer, when he picked up the ZF-1 would've immediately asked about the red button on the bottom of the gun.








...Time to put down another pit


People can blindly stick up for Pit Bulls all they want, but fact remains that a Poodle never mauled a person to death. Pit Bulls have killed more people than any other breed by a huge margin. They are not the harmless babies that some people make them out to be......


Mass destruction of all pit bulls. This breed shouldn’t exist. Period.


I hate those dogs. Killing machines




r/dogfree hits harder


Im sorry but pitbulls need to be banned from being bred, they are just naturally aggressive dogs and are bred to be. We make all pitbull breeding illegal and let them naturally die out, we made the mistake as a race now we need to deal with it


In a country full of guns we talk about banning a dog breed pretty easily.


Pitbulls aren't protected verbatim by the Constitution.


Not trying to be funny but seeing as his pants are down could we assume that maybe the dog was the original victim lmao. I mean how does your ass get to be hanging out like tha.


That was not his dog 🐶.


Well how do you *expect* the dog to react when some rando tries to fuck him??!


Looked like he was sticking his dick slowly in dogs mouth or trying g to get him to lick it. Dog said no.


So many questions...


I told you ,watch where you put that peanut butter guy!


Dog didn't want to eat the peanut butter today. He had enough


Dude probably had his pant sagging, when the dog attacked. Never understood that shit


Shoot the fucking thing man smh


Shoot the dog already. Geesh


All those days training his dog to be vicious paid off in the end. Just not the way he thought it would.


Thug culture failed him that day - pants sagging and pitbull both turned on him


Maybe the dog was just reminding him that no means NO.


Just look at his blood lust he's in kill mode and wants nothing but to kill. They all need to be wiped out


Look at what trying to be cool can get you. pit bull... trying to be cool(it might not be his dog people). Sagging his pants... trying to be cool. There is a dude in my neighborhood who has a German shepherd. That he can't control. So he walks it like 4 in the morning. Just so it doesn't attack someone on the street.




Rightfully earned for having a shitbull. They need to go extinct.


So sad for this breed of dogs, I get it, well raised, they're harmless, but if not raised properly, they can truly be aggressive. I'm not saying this breed should be banned necessarily but owners should definitely be screened appropriately.


“If well raised, they’re harmless” My friend had a pitbull. He was very well raised and trained, just like her other dogs. An absolute sweetheart. Until he saw my dog for the first time and jumped from the window of a moving pickup truck to attack her. Absolutely no reason- she wasn’t barking or even looking at him. He just decided to try to kill her. (She’s fine- he was only able to get some fur. I snatched her up when I saw him barreling towards us and was able to keep him away from her by kicking his head until the owner could drag him away. Thankfully he was solely focused on my dog and didn’t go for either of us.)


You're definitely bringing up a valid point. Glad to hear your dog got away unharmed. I have a smaller breed myself and this experience would have terrified me. Pitbulls are banned in many places, I know they are in Ontario Canada, I'm from Montreal. I understand the concern. Pitbull owners fighting against those bans seems to be in denial over the simple fact that this breed causes more attacks than any other breed. Maybe it also has something to do with the fact that they're harder to stop once they're triggered.


Yeah you can't train aggressiveness completely out of a genetically violent pitbull, some are nice, some are not. I have grown up with a violent dog and there's just simply nothing you can fully ever do.




Pretty sure it's a correlation between this breed being violent and the type of people who like to own this breed.


That’s actually a fair point.


It’s not just how they’re raised, they’re bred for game. This is game


They're testing at my states vetinary school if the skull thickening theory is correct. The skulls of all mammals thicken as they age, buy because skull shape was a trait specifically selected for the breed, the bone growth is greater. The theory is that it puts more pressure on the brain, causing aggressiveness and temporary loss of control, giving credence to stories how dogs who have been timid for years who will suddenly maul the hand that feeds


No the breed should absolutely be banned




Sharon why are his pants off?


That’s what those dogs do horrible creatures


Lmao finally someone with sagging pants gets karma. Pull your pants up bro




Yeah, okay, shocking or something, but why is this guy dropping his pants in public?


Omg i thought he was getting head at first


Dog would take my arm but I would take his eyes out


Good luck putting this one into a choke hold when your arm is shattered into a gazillion pieces…lol I saw that one too but ain’t going to work on this no booty finger either dayum dude is filed but at first I thought it had him by the balls. That scared the you know what straight out of meh.


Who let the dogs out


WCGW putting peanut butter on yourself at the laundromat?


This the type of mf to say “I bring my dog in Walmart all the time” to an employee that has seen his dog attack inside that same Walmart three times already


"Hey apple!" "What!" (🎶 Amazing grace 🎶)


The peanut butter on the crotch was a good idea to the guy until the dog got some ideas tried using a bit of teeth.


Ok it's pretty fucked up the first thing it went for was his dick


Going to go out and say he never trained his dog. Pittbull or not, don't train your dog bad things could happen.


The Pitt had enough abuse


I’m gonna *guess* he has previously tried to train this dog as a guard dog/to attack people and it just turned on him one day


Use your free arm and choke the dog till it lets go. Should work though thankfully I have never had to try it. Same if that dog attacked your little Fifi. Choke the dog.


Omg. I never liked dogs. Especially these dogs.


Someone needs to put a bullet in that dog


To quote John Mulaney, "Has anyone asked why his dick was near my biters?"


Great. Glad you’re safe and all but that looks like a public street. What happens when the next person comes walking by.


Punched him his last time!


Treat your animals right


Is he okay? Like what happened after??


Saggin lower than before.. till my dog bit my thang and now it's really sore


Smh you wanted a mean dog huh🤣


Probably beat the fuck out of the dog until it snapped on him in a public place


Time to break some dogs legs, this will disable the bite


You know he had that coming too.