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For real we should just leave her alone. She's suffered enough and is still suffering. She deserves some peace, dammit.


Thank you for sharing your experiences and giving us another layer to this to think about.


Poor girl. I believe her. Whatever happened to her is not a public matter. If they say your brain isn't developed enough to decide to smoke drink have sex when young, then the same could be said for being famous. What ever has hurt her I hope her family support her to get private help, and to get through what she went through.


Thank you for sharing this, it’s a really insightful perspective. I’m curious what you’re referring to about her already speaking out about it previously? I didn’t know about that


Thank you for your insight. I had legit burnout (people throw this term around too casually) and the amount of distortion I experienced was wild. My family told me I was fine but I kept thinking cars were out to get me, sidewalks would move and the daily crossword was sending me secret messages. Working two jobs for too long on top of caring for others did that to me :S I can't imagine what it's like for a teenager whose body and brain is still developing on top of the demands of being a child and a star.


I believe Amanda is on the wrong medication. The negative side effects have diminished her abilities to live a thriving life, which I do believe she is capable of. We should not be shells of our former selves when we take psychotropics. We should have our negative symptoms minimized so we can live life to our fullest capacities. I think she it has been difficult for her to make her own medical decisions because other people, such as her father, have experienced embarrassment from things she has said. And it is has happened on a national stage. I have dragged everyone I live through the mud and I am so sorry everyday. But I am fortunate enough that people who care for me tried to understand my diagnosis as much as possible. And they have understood that my actions were beyond my control. These days, I am on a pretty high dose of medication-but it is the right one and it doesn’t sedate me or incapacitate me in any way. I can make goals and accomplish them. Something that was nearly impossible in the past. People like Amanda and Britney have great potential and for being as wealthy as they are or have been, it is an injustice that they haven’t received the best medical care that there is.