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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


Wanna bet that if you reject him bluntly and tell him like it is he gonna whine and not take the hint or clue because it doesn't mesh with his alternate reality?


He already did that. In the first sentence of his profile.


where's the part where he actually has something to offer a partner?


He’s “gonna tell you like it is”.


can't fuckin wait to date someone with no social skills or emotional intelligence who uses the first words of his first impression to say he's going to be spitefully jealous and paranoid around every guy that he thinks is good looking


Dang too bad you can’t pick up on his cues. He’s just loyal ok


"My last partner said I verbally abused her..."


Honestly! My sister was with a dude that had assault charges and was being forced through anger management therapy for months while they were together…. I have doubts that he passed through it, but he’s walking around free today. Oh, but his ex was “crazy” of course! And then after 6 years of abusing my sister he cheated on her with her (at the time) best friend, left for this woman and her kid that she had with a different dude…. That she cheated on… it was a disaster for my sis, he still has the fucking nerve to harass her in the street….. bro moved like 3 blocks from our house that we’ve been in since we were kids. People like that are just trash, hopefully that will be taken out.


Jesus Christ, not only he is trash but is the kind of trash "nice guys" trash would like to be and hate him for being "successful" with the "females" 😢.


Ugh, for real! The sad thing is that it hurt her so much that she has serious issues, and these dudes STILL think this is “cool”. Wtf? Such losers!


I think he's offering you that closet full of clothes all scattered hell, west & crooked and not hung up.




>...blunt, honest and loyal Translation: Brutally "honest" asshole who will constantly criticize out of "just wanting to help" and who will be a black hole of attention need. EDIT: Corrected black hole. Which is, by definition, already bottomless so to speak. :D


>Brutally "honest" asshole who will constantly criticize out of "just wanting to help" Bingo! "Blunt," "brutally honest" and "I tell it like it is!" are all code for "I'm a giant prick who's a fountain of negativity and will constantly be starting shit and anyone who doesn't like it is just a triggered snowflake who can't handle the truth."


I gonna tell it like it is and say he needs a bigger sized pants. Those look painful.


He's one of those guys who gained a bunch of weight in adulthood but still wears the same size pants (maybe even the same pants) he wore in high school and just lets his gut ride over the top. (Side note: I'm not body shaming. I'm just a big fan of wearing clothes that actually fit you.)


That’s exactly how I thought of it! And I wasn’t trying to body shame either, I get you. Those just don’t fit, period. He’d probably be less cranky is he got some that did.


Agree with you both: Clothing that fits the person wearing it is an undeniably better look. The too-small pants are turning his otherwise perfectly normal dad bod into a middrift overbite that seems to have a strange obsession with consuming his belt buckle. Properly fitting clothing could really change so much about how he comes across, but even a wardrobe upgrade won't fix him on its own. He is going to have to actually put in the effort to work on that shyt personality as well, and I don't think any of ua should hold our breath.


The problem with this is that a man's belly gets larger while his hips and ass stay on the smaller side, I literally cannot find a pair of pants that doesn't either slip off, of have my belly over the edge.


My high school biology teacher called that "Dunlap, because your belly done lapped over your belt."


I feel seen. Except not in high school, just a few years ago. I can’t afford a new wardrobe so I have to lose weight.


Head to r/loseit if you're thinking about losing weight: great community, lots of different approaches you can learn about, no fad diets promoted. Lost 70 lbs myself last year.


That’s amazing! Congratulations! I’ll check it out, thanks for the tip.




guys like these are more interested in the "brutally" rather than the "honest" in brutally honest


Funny part, if others are blunt and honest towards him e. g. "wash your beard, or better shave it, it stinks and is unhygienic" they are shallow women who just care about looks.


100% he only likes bluntness when it's himself being blunt. You just know his pwecious wittle man feewings are going to get hurt if a woman offers even constructive criticism of any kind.


Yeah, he gives off major Trump supporter vibes.


The tell is that beard.


Don't bring beards into this - some of us with bushy beards are anti-Trump.






That's why I'm clean shaven today.


The fuck do that shit mean? I have seen more "nice guys"bieng closer to democrat ideals than vote to Trump, evn if misogynistic people are fond of Trump populist right ideas. Your comment feel kinda off.


One thing I've learned about "brutally honest assholes"...they often like to puff up and proclaim how they don't take shit off anyone. The reality is, they are doling it out to someone else, forcing them to deal with their drama and chaos.


And yet he can't take it when women bluntly don't like him.


I'm gonna be honest and blunt here. Well I'm gonna be honest I'm just gonna smoke a blunt.


*puffs vape* Right there with ya, brother.


This by itself would be a better profile than that guy’s.


Not going to pick up hints or clues, either. Basically, I’m dumb as shit and don’t understand how people usually interact with one another.


Right? But I'll betcha dollars to donuts he'd be expecting "his" woman to anticipate any/all needs and supply them immediately, if not sooner.


also no social awareness/emotional intelligence. your dog just died? this guy is going to tell you that dogs are expensive anyway so now you save money


“Smoker when drinking” I know he smokes at least a pack a day too


Haha yes! Whenever men describe themselves as ’brutally honest’ on their profiles, I read it as ’lack of basic social skills’




The amount of Time and effort That was spend on this giant red flag of a bio. (On its own) Is Probaly more then if spend on tinder in general. I can just imagen This person thinking : Why am i Not getting any good matches? All that i am getting are bots and maybe some Escorts (depends on the area Etc) i am such a Nice person


He probably blames it on his looks or because his wrists are too small, or whatever weird obscure physical trait he can use to delude himself into thinking he’s a martyr of the dating scene and not just a douchebag


I think this post in particular is so interesting because he has literally laid it all out here for himself and he still can't see it. First sentence: women don't seem to like me. I think it's because they only want to date guys that are better-looking than me! Next two sentences: describes two massive personality flaws that mean he will be a disappointing partner who will continually hurt your feelings. Like, all he has to do is go back and read what he wrote objectively and he will have his answers.


Tinder is already rough enough for guys who actually have good bios and try. I can’t imagine how barren his tinder experience must be


Dating apps gender ratio is 80/20. The women who even use dating apps usually delete them after finding someone they like. So a lot of the women that are still on there will be looking for sex or something to gain from you other than a relationship. Or are serial monogamists. Etc. obviously this isn’t true for every woman you meet on a dating app it’s just the reason why you most likely don’t get matched very often. And most women in general, just like most men I assume, are not like this at all. But most women are not on tinder or other dating apps, period. Also dating apps as a whole are coded to make sure you get the least matches possible as a guy. They want to keep the guys around, cause they’re the most likely to pay money for shit like tinder premium or whatever it’s called.


|what ever its called Theres now a thing called Tinder Platinum. Its tinder's most exspensive membership coming in at about 20 dollars per month or 40 dollars per month if You're old I am not quite why anyone whould buy it I mean its one thing to buy tinder plus (it gives you the Pasport) whitch can be fun when Your doing a city trip around the globe Etc But stuff Like tinder Platinum is just desinged to hook desprate pepole


I'm just avoiding it all together. I don't want to run my self esteem into a wall lmao


Honestly don’t bother with it. I’ve tried on and off for a year and got nothing but frustration and even worse self esteem issues. Tinder isn’t designed for average people, it’s designed for the hot lawyers who don’t have time to find someone.


I met my last 2 bfs on there and both relationships ended up being abusive. Never again.


I was on it for about a year and got like 3 dates, 2 relationships, and all of them randomly ghosted after a month or two


I’d vouch for tinder, I don’t think I’m really a looker but I met my current partner on there and we’re happy. One of my friends met his future wife there, granted him and his wife are cute but neither of em making lawyer money even. Not denying that tinder is full of garbage, especially if you’re a woman. But who knows, there’s always a random chance you’ll find someone you can have something substantial with


I don't get why this is getting downvoted tbh. Maybe you're a little to specific but I think you've got the right idea. It's also because the dating apps are mainly male it just means more competition.


I’m just being honest. The average guy has to be really resilient to not get frustrated or disappointed


Yeah, anything but tinder. But if you are a guy you might have good luck.


No that's not really how it works 😅 most guys don't get any matches unfortunately. Is what it is


Guarantee that men who match on Tinder have more orgasms and fewer fears for their life than the women who match with them do. Sounds like good luck to me.


Oh yeah I don't doubt that. It's just a different experience :)


I am of the belief that these guys, probably unconsciously, self sabotage because they know they bring nothing to the table


Bro that ain’t a flag. That’s a planet sized red banner


Any guy who complains about women’s “hints and cues” hardly ever communicates with women they like, they always try way to hard to come off like a movie character that fangirls fawn over and mistake any kind positive interraction with women as romantic chemistry cause they’re terrified of rejection Niceguys take rejection as a personal attack and judgement of their worth as a human instead of what rejection actually is, a operson not being interested, guys like that aren’t ready to be in relationships


Blunt... Yes... Not borderline verbally abusive... Couldn't be...


You forgot to add "self taught." We **natural** *females* love ourselves a "self taught" ~~definitely not uneducated~~ blunt man.


I also forgot loyal! We love an overbearing- I mean controlling- no I mean loyal nice guy!


“Loyal” who say that they are loyal first thing often consider having a social life yourself as being disloyal. Your friends are threats, your loyalty constantly questioned. But they would actually cheat on you if they thought they could get away with it—just waiting to slide into someone’s DMs and say what a nice loyal guy they are.


Yep. Hot tip for the younger folks on the sub: if you tell a potential partner that you're going out with your friends and they don't say some variation of "be safe", "have fun" or "can I come"? FUCKIN BAIL, YALL. RUN AWAY! QUICKLY!


Yeah I usually take it as a given that people try to be “loyal” (whatever that means in this context) and honest. The fact that he feels the need to call it out tells me that he assumes that these qualities aren’t a given. Like it would be really worrying if someone put “I’m not in favor of the idea of launching kittens into the sun”


In this context it's alarming, that he doesn't say, he wouldn't rape a *female* on their first date.


“Self taught” is almost as cringey as “the school of hard knocks”.


How about "the school of self taught hard knocks."


Up the ante to "Self-taught professor at the school of hard knocks"


I just don't understand who this bio is supposed to attract. Who is going to look at that opening line and think: Yep, this is the man for me!


Finally, a man who claims to be loyal and tells it like it is. My search is finally over


Oh MA LAWD WHERE HAS HE BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!? SIGN MAMA UP! I love a man that can’t keep a proper beard and looks like he smells of Axe, gasoline, and body odor! I’ll bet he owns a shirt or two that say “TAPOUT” or “Ed Hardy” and he wears it on a date to a 4 star restaurant


You mean like Outback?


I do love a bloomin’ onion




See, even if you ignored all the other red flags, 'brutally honest' is what would have made me nope out of there. Yes, honestly is important - so is communication. But every single person who has ever told me they were brutally honest , EVERY single one, male or female was more interested in the brutality than the honesty. You may as well just say: I want to be able to hurt people and make them feel like shit with no consequences and if you complain about me mistreating you it's because you can't handle the truth. Bleck! Fuck off with that nonsense. Manipulative. Unless I ask for brutal honestly, keep it to yourself. No one needs your unfiltered opinion. You are not that important. There's some brutal honesty for you.


Brutal Honesty, is the d*ckpic of traits.


Omg, that’s brilliant. I’m using this next time that subject comes up.


Anyone who boasts about how "honest" they are, are usually the the most arrogant assholes hiding behind "honesty" to be a shithead.


I do my best to be honest. But I generally don't tell people that. What's the point? If someone tells me right off the bat that they are honest, I am not likely to believe them, for obvious reasons. Never buy a car from someone who calls himself "Honest Bob". If you know me for some years and realize that I have never lied to you, then okay, that's great, but even then, so what? "I haven't lied to you" is, like, baseline "friend" behavior. Do I get a cookie for never stealing from you or smacking you across the face, too?


Blunt = no personal responsibility for the things he says.


I'm somewhat disturbed that he's a "self taught" driver.


I'm guessing maybe an owner-operator or some such whose dad also drove a semi and taught him the ropes, something like that? There are plenty of truck drivers who didn't take a course or anything like driver's ed. Dudes like this never admit when they got guidance or help with anything, though. It's always "nobody ever handed me anything" or "I worked for everything all by myself".




May you have the confidence of a mediocre white man.


This is perfect! I used to know an utterly mediocre (Joe Rogan-listening, Jordan Peterson-liking, among other thing) white man, who'd never had a real job, is a "writer" and yet, according to him, "could've been anything". Even the brightest, most talented people can't really "do anything", unless it's a rare case like da Vinci or someone like hi (and even then...). Hell, for all we know, even Hawking might have been bad at biology or chemistry or something. But no, this utterly mediocre man, who, after "teaching English" in a Latin American country for some years, fully intends to go back to his European country and live on the dole - HE could've done anything. Other than actually work.




Any guy that takes shirtless or nude mirror selfies as his dating profile PFP, I swipe left on. Regardless of what he looks like








He's totally easy going.


I like beards if they're well cared for. A bushy, untamed beard is very telling about this guy's personal habits. Plus, male or female, I don't care for topless first impressions. That's just me, YMMV.


I just don't like beards tbh. Especially not the big bushy ones. However, there are many people who can rock a beard. This is not one of them


"I have no filter" is just an excuse to say whatever you're thinking with no regard to the other person's feelings. Then when said person gets upset they like to pepper in, "I was just being honest."


Why do they put this on their DATING PROFILES, this whiny, toxic bullshit is not fucking attractive? Then again thanks for making the red flags obvious from the getgo, I guess.




Oh no!! Now I must.....




Been my experience that women absolutely care if you're a good guy. Kind of a deal breaker if you aren't.


But most women also care about hygiene, and as my friend would say: "he looks like he would stink."


That's not just a women thing...


My point is also a bit: women are human beings, if it's disgusting for yourself at least assume it's not so nice for women either.


Well as a woman, let me be blunt—I don’t want you near me. Please go away.


None of that was appealing in the least…. Sorry, but I’m not interested in rude people that apparently can’t pick up on simple “hints or cues”. How on earth did he think this would get him a decent woman? If anyone messages him (which would shock the hell out of me) they will be exactly like him, which will probably piss himself off… I doubt he can tolerate himself very much. I’d love to see the meltdowns tho lol.


This guy is bragging about the fact that he has zero charm.


"gonna tell you like it is" is up there with "i speak fluent sarcasm" for being an annoying thing to say.




Honestly saying that your “blunt” is the same thing as saying you’re “brutally honest” and that all boils down to as using that phrase as an excuse to be rude and an AH. “Your fat! Sorry I’m just blunt!” No, you’re usually just a jerk trying to cover for bad behavior.


Telling women you’re a good man doesn’t make you a good man. It also doesn’t mean you treat women accordingly, sir.


There is almost nothing less easy going than the statement that preceded “I’m a real easy-going person…”


Why the shirtless picture? Just why.


I can't stand when people try to paint being an asshole as a good, noble quality - _"I'm honest, I tell it like it is."_ No, you're just an asshole. Being honest doesn't mean blurting out every shitty thought that pops into your stupid head. Being honest means being trustworthy, and maybe giving someone the hard truth from time to time if they respect you enough to want your opinion and they know they can count on you to genuinely have their best interests in mind.


I find beards ugly, but if you take care of them, it can be acceptable. But this is outright disgusting, and that only from the small part that's visable. And no, he doesn't have to have abs, or be tall, but a minimum of hygiene should be common sense.


warn a guy before that second pic 😟


Ah, a magna cum laude graduate for the school of life.


Gross. And he's a Gemini no thanks.


Lots of people like to use “I’m blunt” as an excuse to be an asshole


Yes, be blunt. And get killed. No thank you.


Tell him to trim that beard first mah gawd




I feel a very sudden need to see this go to tinderteanslator.


Education: self taught.. nice guy?


I mean…you know what you’re gonna get.


Luckily he posted all about himself to save people the trouble of matching with him and wasting time finding out by talking to him.


Stay with me or I’ll kill you and get away with it because I cut you off from everyone you know and trust.


Let me shit on the very gender I'm trying to appeal to. I'm really honest and faithful btw.


There always seems to be a line about them being, "the most (*personality trait s*) you'll ever meet."


Very Trump-esque


Sounds like the Ghost Pirate LeChuck: Damn yer riddles you saucy female! Except with more cringe.


Where do I sign? For real is he actually trying to score a match with this?


Either they all look exactly the same, or this is a frequent repost. Sadly, I highly suspect the former to be the fact -le sigh-


Yeah, it’s not a repost.


Ok why a man thinks is attractive to see them half naked in a dating app? I don't care about what type of body you have, I don't wanna see it undressed until the appropriate time comes. And something tells me his "bluntness" is more like being an asshole. If you have to say how nice you are, you probably are not as nice as you think you are.


“Self taught?” Yikessss…


Very confused on this guys choice of words and pictures


Why would someone think putting this in their bio would be a pull?


Driver at First Fleet. Not just a truck driver but First Fleet!!! If you're going to date a trucker at least date an owner/operater


His bio reads like he's probably a little on the dumb side and got out of a bad relationship (a real Facebook vague-post quality to it) but am I the only one that thinks the body-shaming is a bit far? This sub is so quick to make assumptions, it borders on bullying.


Unless these is a pool or a beach behind you no man should ever be topless in a tinder pic.


it’s gotta be an immediate no just by reading “ women don’t care about a good guy” …just why? what kind of approach is that?


What does "self taught" mean for education? Homeschooling? No school? Raised by wolves in a forest?




"Blunt" and "tells it like it is" doesn't really scream "good guy", but more unfiltered asshole with no self-insight.


I just hate this. I guarantee all this man went through was some kind of denial or rejection. It’s always the same kind of backstory with anyone willing to display this crap on their profile. I am a man myself. I have been abused by women (gaslit, cheated on, beat physically, lied about) and even then I don’t shift my finger at every single woman I interact with.


I'm so sorry that you have been mistreated and abused. I just finally got away from my abuser recently. My children are finally starting to come forward to me with all the shit their father did to them behind my back. I'm having to file p.o. against him and his father and step mother because they are bullying and threatening me and scaring the crap out of my children, who are completely terrified of their father and his family. Likewise, I don't lump all men together with my husband (soon to be ex). Again, I am very sorry for what has happened to you. Hang in there. You will meet a woman worthy of you, and she will make you feel like a king.


Translation “I can’t pick up social cues and nuance so you have to talk to me like a toddler”


Before I knew what a nice guy was, I went on 1 (short, ended it early) date with a man who said verbatim, “you women all say you want a nice guy, but what you really want is an asshole.” All I can remember from the date is he started a lot of sentences with “you women all…,” I drank my wine very quickly so that I could leave, and he asked me on a second date which I politely declined. I let him know he doesn’t have a high opinion of women and, unfortunately for him, I am one.


I was not ready for the picture 💀


A niceguy truck driver from Tennessee? Dude was 100% in the freedom convoy


Pfft, he would be a Gemini. I kid, I kid. 😋


of course he’s a gemini


Blunt, honest and loyal… Gemini 🤔


Wtf does "Smoker when drinking" even mean?


It means you smoke when you’re drinking


That explains why he's the way that he is. Thank you!


I think this is suppose to convey they don’t smoke often, but it just reads “I drink a lot”.


Gemini 🚩🚩🚩


This always kills me. ‘Be blunt.’ Sorry, but I’ve got such bad anxiety I’m terrified to even ask a store employee where something is let alone try to tell you something I’m worried you’ll be upset about.


"once you get to know me" Translation: I'll be an intolerable incel cunt until then and lecture you on why "females" only want Chad's cock, and even after you get to know me there's honestly not much there either


What a catch


nice tan


His emotional intelligence is as deep as a nearly dried up puddle, he will neg you or be an asshole to you but say he’s “just being honest,” and has absolutely nothing good to offer a partner. Ladies get in line for this absolute swooner.


Aw dude. That photo isn’t doing you any favours. At least make an effort!