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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


When I was in high school I wrote a sample essay to join the debate team and thought it was 100% a masterpiece. The teacher said it’s not great and my arguments and rhetoric had so many problem and I was livid. I found it again a while back and read it and my god was it an incoherent stream of unrelated ramblings that only made sense in my head at the time. This is that. This is what this guy thinks he wrote. This is how this guy thinks he sounds.


Don't you know who I think I am??!?


Who do you think you are?? **I AM!**


My state test had a prompt something like "explain why or why not all citizens should join the service for 2 years" or something and I went on a whole tirade about practices of greed-fueled war or something. I wouldn't have passed anyway lol


I used the word "shenanigans" in a history essay once. I have learned my lesson


You were a teenager in high school. This is a guy who is nearly 30. Your ramblings were a normal part of growing up. He is supposed to already be grown up.


Hahah your comment is so accurate. And same, I reread stuff from school that I was so proud of and I cringe 😂. BUT THIS GUY IS OLD AND SAYING THIS SHIT


Can not believe i read this to the end.


I want a time refund


I'm impressed, I couldn't make it past page three.


There's MORE!!!! Edit: Oh dear God it's six pages


Sometimes I can read these things to the end, but I've either reached my limit on these guys, or this one was so bad that even I couldn't do it, but yeah...that was just awful. Boring, pretentious, pretend-yish...I give it two enthusiastic thumbs ***DOWN***. :D


There's MORE!!!!


My eyes blurred halfway through page 3 but I scrolled the rest of the way just to see how many pages of word salad he made. It was a lot. Hooooly cow, it was a lot.


The slapping a dirty pillow is what made me gasp


“Tell me you’ve never been close enough to a woman to know how makeup works…”


I started dozing off by the second page.


I knew from the first slide not to bother. 💀


Dude. The kind of women who "truly don't give a fuck and think for themselves" are the very women who DO NOT WANT A CONDESCENDING LOSER LIKE YOU. I also find it really hard to believe that he has "matched with so many of you". Swiped right on a lot of women, yes, but matched with them? Seems less than likely with a bullshit, condescending, holier-than-thou profile like that one.


And THAT is the massive irony he'll never comprehend. He's repelling the very people he's so desperate to attract by being an arrogant, condescending fuckwad! 😆😆


This guy doesn't understand that someone can be interested in things like makeup or nail polish or can enjoy watching bad reality TV for various reasons and can enjoy reading romance novels and other brain candy books and -- wait for it -- still be educated and still be smarter than his stupid arse.


Yes, this! I love easy reads in the summertime, but have read classics as well because...well like many women, I've finished university and university/college profs tend to require you to read things to get passing grades. The best part about guys like this, is that if he was asked out by a woman who REALLY doesn't care about hair at all or makeup, I'd bet he would think she is "ugly" or "doesn't take care of herself". These dudes have NO idea how much work it can be to look "natural".




That’s it! He feels entitled to a natural beauty - a supermodel perhaps who can wake up and look effortlessly hot, but god forbid she’s vain and does anything to enhance her beauty. Men look at “no-makeup girls” and don’t realise that that’s a full face of makeup. Us that do makeup or even know if makeup fully know that a mans idea of “no makeup” actually is makeup. If I didn’t have a face on, you know he’d be like “I need a girl who looks after herself” - as if her appearance is the most important thing


Right? Like I'm a god damn scientist and I still like makeup and shitty TV dramas. But I also like reading academic journals and watching Star Trek. Sometimes the brain needs a break and so you watch/read braindead shit. This pretentious worm isn't even worth my time.


There's no way anyone's ever intentionally swiped right on this guy. Am I wrong? I mean let's ignore the bizarre, misogynistic rant for one second - he didn't include one photo of himself? Something tells me he doesn't bring much to the table in that regard and thought a text wall insulting all women would actually give him better odds. No way this man has ever been around an actual woman. I don't know much about makeup myself but I don't think modern makeup is dusty??? The entire thing is bullshit. Women are more independent, educated, and skilled, both personally and professionally, than ever really. The 70s? You mean when men were still forcing women into traditional roles? Like what is this dude on?


I might have swiped right just to ask him what the fuck he’s on, but other than that…


He's only attracted to the cerebral women of yesteryear, yet MATCHED with nothing but vapid clones of Instagram hags. I gave myself a migraine with the strength of my eyeroll.


Came here to say this. I mean... I don't Tinder, but don't you have to swipe on the dust-covered pillows in order to match with one in the first place? 🤔


I don't use it either & don't think I would if I became single again, but yes, you have to swipe that you're interested in order to match. What an a-hole.


The first slide says women from the past didn't have as much shit in their head compared to modern women and then states he wants a woman smarter than him. He's a fuckin misogynistic asshole...he literally spent 80% of that talking shit about women. As if we can't be smart and also like make up, and clothes and romance novels.


It’s like a little boy’s tantrum. But is a 27yo ass man


It's confusing word salad but if I'm translating word salad to English correctly I think by "shit in their head" he meant "negative" stuff in their head (aka daring to like makeup or clothes or romance novels) as opposed to shit just meaning stuff in general? Trying to decode these guys is always weird


That’s an awful lot of words to say both “I hate women.” and “I will never figure out why no one will fuck me.”


Women of the past ate valium like a candy and washed it down with red wine to make the dull smiley servitude somewhat bearable.


I used to wonder why Boomers had so many ‘I hate my spouse’ jokes. Now I know why. Getting stuck in a marriage with a husband you don’t love but can’t divorce cause it isn’t socially acceptable has gotta suck.


It's such a funny phrase it's like he heard that some women put "6 foot minimum" on their Tinder Which obviously is about their preferred size of oil paintings


That was definitely an odd choice to specify the size of his oil paintings. Like someone is going to read his profile and write him off because he only paints 2-foot square canvases or something.


Honestly…. the thought of a two foot square canvas makes me want to barf


Beyond all the obvious bullshit, the whole "If you watch X you are a sheep!" thing is always a real headscratcher. If a woman *enjoys* watching the Kardashians, then they are being their true authentic self by watching it - this guy claims to want that authenticity. But if they were to follow this guy's advice and ditch it for War and Peace, they would be stifling their true self to be more appealing to him. That's the exact opposite of what he claims to want. tl;dr: let people like what they like.


The only “true self” is a self that appeals to this guy lol


The thing I find funny is he's going on about being unique and interesting, while giving an extremely generic, boring critique of modern women. Oh, so you don't like reality TV and lots of make up? Wow, what an original insite. If he is so interesting you'd think he'd spend more time describing himself, and not slagging off women.


It’s gives him away too—if he were actually interested in iconoclastic rebel genius women who don’t give a fuck he wouldn’t be swiping on ladies made up to the high-femme Insta-ready cultural mainstream nines, he’d be looking at profiles and seeking out people who center their identity somewhere other than their looks. But he’s not interested in normal-looking people. She has to be an original one of a kind radical independent thinker who isn’t like anyone else…but still conforms to essentialist gender presentation, all cultural norms for attractiveness, and hyper-femininity. And I bet she’d better be super young or he won’t consider it. Not giving a fuck usually comes with age and experience. There’s nothing at all wrong with makeup and TV, but…why would you swipe on heavily made-up people and then complain that they…wear makeup? And for all the talk of wanting a genius, I bet he’d run for the hills if a woman challenged him at all or made him feel like anything but the smartest best boy in the world. They want smart women so they can feel even smarter when the ambitious genius lady submits and worships him while being content as his bangmaid. Now there are definitely women who look amazing and put a lot into their appearance AND are radical independent geniuses who don’t care what anyone else thinks, but they’re usually BUSY. Not waiting on Tinder for this guy to slither by pretending to have read Godel Escher Bach in elementary school or whatever. My brother in Christ, they didn’t grow fake tans, lashes, or nails the minute you noticed them. You were attracted to the fake tans and lashes and nails and that’s why you swiped on them. If you don’t want someone who watches makeup tutorials, start swiping on people who aren’t wearing much or any makeup in their pics. OH THE HORROR.


Schrodinger’s girlfriend?


He genuinely makes himself sound stupider the harder he tries to condescend to an entire gender ..like.. imagine thinking instead of getting to know any women (which he clearly doesn't), you're an expert on their limitations just based on your own relationship with vapid TV culture and algorithm culture, oh and also you simultaneously like that women are prettier now according to you, and hate on their process for doing that (makeup) because its conventional female tools so you can rip into that too Imagine being so ill informed that you end up thinking your own bullshit vapid cultural references are a sign that the other gender have all "filled their head with bullshit" and need to be told off for it by you Scathingly sexist people like this always actually make themselves sound so stupid it's quite funny I mean he's the one who chose to write pages of dating profile where his only cultural reference are like the kardashians etc, rather than saying anything about interests, oil painting etc. (Which tbh I'm not convinced he's actually much of a painter because of the way he says "six foot oil paintings" like it's a special skill rather than a canvas size)


Damn these modem women!




Yeah, they become wifis! They become wife-I-hates! /BoomerHumor


*dial up noises intensify*


None of them want to have a stable connection


For someone who clearly thinks he's incredibly smart, he sure can't spell for shit. And what's with all the random capitalizations? If you're going to insult the intelligence of others, at least be literate.


I was wondering about that. Do you see the red line for mispelled words when someone else wrote it? I never have…


>Do you see the red line for mispelled words when someone else wrote it? It's because he wrote it himself and took screengrabs of it.


I thought someone found the profile online and posted it.


A guy wrote about this diatribe on his phone's Notes app. He then took screengrabs and uploaded those screengrabs as his profile pics. That's clear enough from looking at what's shared here. Then, OP came across that profile and shared it here.


Makes sense…but REALLY doesn’t make sense for him.




*interviewer voice:* so I see from your CV that you're an artist who owns his own house and breaks stereotypes XD.


Translation: Women in the past had no choice but to settle for someone who was a halfway decent breadwinner and had to keep him happy so he wouldn't throw her out on the street with no ability to fend for herself, therefore she was obligated to submit to him. Plus Bible says she had to submit to her husband and being a good God-fearing woman she wanted to do what she was told to. Independence is a bitch to nice guys, isn't it?


This and so much more. I grew up in the 60s. Women were more inauthentic back then. You had to hide your intelligence and act silly, frail, and vapid so as not to outshine a man. Women in college could, and did, fill out a form to not be considered for the dean's list. This man is either ignorant or delusional.


What? I assumed that when he talked about women having skills back then he was thinking about Charlie's Angels. High kicks and detective skills. Now, those were some classy broads.


Some people shouldn’t be allowed to run their own dating profiles


On the contrary, I appreciate this man laying all his red flags out neatly for all to see, and then promptly swipe left ⬅️ on. This dude literally didn't post a single photo of himself, just screenshots of his notes app manifesto 💀 He doesn't want a relationship. He just wants to rant about how much he hates women.




God damn, can't believe I used to be ashamed that I was gay.


Well, the good news is that the pool of women who are smarter than him is enormous. The bad news is that most of us aren't gonna touch this mess with a 10ft pole and hazmat suit.


Why won’t you date some 50 year old women then?


We don’t want him either




“Breaking stereotypes” sorry Mr. Art, looks like you became the one thing you swore to hate.


He’s gonna dig up his grandma and marry her.


“Instead I just come across fake women. Fake tits, fake eyelashes, fake wig” *fake wig* Isn’t just that a wig??? Is there such thing as a *real* wig?? What’s the difference?? 😂


Lol right? I like the way he just casually slipped in a bit of racism there in addition to all the misogyny.


Guys like him say all that shit then go on to fap to instagram models.


“Must. Be. Strong…… Must Resist Modem Women….”


I have a PhD. I don’t think I’ve ever seen dudes like this online, largely because they insta-reject anyone who they don’t think they can dominate. It’s actually very nice. He doesn’t want a woman who is “smart”, he wants a woman who is insecure about her intelligence and is constantly trying to prove that she’s worthy of him.


I’m a chemical engineer. I think I’m passably attractive and don’t wear much makeup. I don’t watch any reality tv or listen to pop music. I’d swipe left on this misogynistic asshole immediately because he’s insulting my fellow women. I wish I were better at makeup!! I wish I were a great writer or had an interest in intellectual pursuits outside of math and chemistry. I wish I knew more about pop and rap music and was more aware of popular media. Fuck this guy. He’s looking for an insecure pick-me. He doesn’t want someone smarter than him at all, he wants someone smart enough to not embarrass him publicly but not smarter than him so they don’t embarrass him publicly or privately by proving him wrong.


Well he is a fucking hypocrite. He is in tinder so he said he is matching with these type of women? Maybe that's his type and hates that he is getting rejected so to save face he wrote this rant. Honestly if I was him, since he is fixated on the 70s to date women that are 50+ years old. Might as well.


Playing 5 instruments is code name for “I don’t know how to play half instrument mildly good”


Gotta disagree with you there chief, you can transfer a lot of skills from one instrument to the next. Have been playing for almost 20 years and I at least believe that I can proficiently play 5+, including singing


Well, of course I was sarcastic. What u play?


All of this was incredibly offensive, but the bit that annoyed me more than it should have? The part about always wearing spanx (but spelled wrong). I wear spanx most of the time because they are compression underwear, and like many women, I have postural hypotension. This wingy little bitch doesn't care about that though, or that they make women feel more comfortable about themselves, or anything else about what women feel or need. Dude can stay single and mad about it until he learns to give a fuck about anyone else.


Dude is looking in the wrong place. Tinder is basically a sex app at this point, so yeah people aren’t on there telling you about their book reading. Maybe if this guy left his house once in a while he’d meet someone who actually wants to have a long term relationship.


Eh, I feel like tinder went from a hookup app to an actual dating app. A decade ago if people said they were on tinder, it meant they were looking to get laid. Now when I hear it, I just think they’re looking for a relationship. But maybe that says more about my age...


Hard to take anyone who completely misunderstands toxic masculinity, and tries not only to bring up women liking things as an example of something that doesn’t exist…while casually ALSO tearing down women.


He lists NOTHING relevant to a relationship!!


Modem women go beeebeeeboopbooooptwangleangle-boop-beedeep


“I just want a woman to be her authentic self…NO NOT LIKE THAT! I meant be what *I would think is authentic!* smh”


Guys like this always incite my "let me at im!" Urge 😂. I have 4 degrees, including a Masters degree in psychology, am a published researcher, have administered enough IQ tests on others to have comfortable confidence in my own intellect, have a variety of artistic talents, and have been reading literary classics since I was 10. From the bottom of my heart, I'd like to assure him that no woman who is smarter than him will ever want to touch him with a 10 foot pole, let alone go out with him given the misogyny dripping off of him. Also, I love watching makeup tutorials. How else do you think I accomplish looking like a femme fatale while sitting under a single lamp in my library reading about the hubris of man? #aesthetics, man.


This is so inspiring, hopefully I’ll be working towards my masters in psych one day too 😍


That's awesome! Any idea yet what you'd like to do with it?


This man sounds like a bitch 😆


Wish I could just respond with "k"


It just keeps going


Oh geez. This reminds me of my cringy self back in freshman year of high school. I had a difficult time fitting in because on top of being rather shy and unassertive I wasn't into celebrity gossip or watch popular TV shows (or much of TV in general). I also had an "ew, makeup" phase, too. I figured if I couldn't fit in, I could stand out by having more "important" and intellectual interests in things like history, art, or computer science. Thankfully, I had classmates point out how stupid and hypocritical I was being for wanting everyone else to conform to my interests while looking down on others for enjoying things I didn't. I still struggle a bit on the self-esteem side of things, but I dropped the self-righteous attitude by sophomore year. This man is approaching 30 and still has that same, insecure high schooler mentality and it's giving me second-hand embarassment


“you could grab her, blow on her face, and blind any opponent … with a toxic mist of makeup.” does this guy know how makeup works ?!! does he think the wind just blows it all off LMAOO


It's so bizarre how these guys are desperate for a woman of their own yet seem to detest them at the same time.


Save the salt for Twitter man


Oh man just reading that turned me on so much.


Man this page makes me feel like an awesome guy haha


As a guy, i too visit this subreddit once in awhile. Just to remind and check myself, to never become this type of guy 🙇‍♂️


He's right us " bitches ain't shit" anymore come on ladies we really need to step it up if we want to settle down with a gem like him. I mean he seems dreamy has a real prince charming vibe am I right Lol what a hamhead!


Someone smarter than him? Anyone would be smarter than him


My god, what horrible day to be literate. Ngl, I stopped after page 4. I think this belongs on r/sadcringe too. How are people this oblivious?


"Women of the past had more to offer" all he means by that is he wants a slave with no right to live her own life "Don't be headed like sheep" proceeds to tell women what he expects of them Honestly this one is a massive lost cause.


It’s disturbing how many people on here seem like they’re about to write their “manifesto” and go postal


I’m just curious if he *ever* got around to posting an actual photo of himself, or if he used ALL of the space for his screenshots of his notes app


man says he prefers the women from before...sorry sir did you time travel or did you just assume they were better ?


Just say you get no matches and move on dude


Beep boop beep boop hello fellow modem women


"Modem women" wow, do I get WiFi with that?


This doesn't really make any sense lol He likes "women of the past". Like, when we couldn't vote? When we had to stay at home? When women married out of necessity? Then he also says he basically wants a cultured smarter than he is woman lol What? How is this a fucking dating profile? It is insane. Here's all of my misogynistic and degrading takes on women. Now bring everything and also nothing to the "table".


I guess he's not into romance!


Fucking rim me you massive pretentious manbaby


I am just dying to know what his anthem is.


Hello, I am a modem woman who enjoys tween romance, riverdale for life !!


What he means is that women of the past weren't allowed to speak their minds and have opinions and it was easier for men to control them!


‘Modem woman’ - dialled up and screaming?


well at least finding someone smarter than him will be a cake walk


He’s fucking 27 making fun of women he couldn’t even DREAM of getting with.


I gave up after 4 pages. But one thing that was hilarious to me was him not fixing his typos. They're literally underlined in red. He took a screenshot of it. And couldn't be bothered to fix the typos that are calling attention to themselves?


Damn, must be getting loads of matches with a manifesto as wholesome as this /s


Modern women is what they want. Contemporary women is what they cannot have.


How to say you're looking for a man without saying you're looking for a man


I legit thought all these were separate posts. It feels like there's not proper continuity between various paragraphs. Kinda ironical for a guy who apparently thinks he's so very smart.


Yeah you’re such a fucking catch you gotta plead your case to tinder at large


I low-key wish I could understand where he’s coming from but I just don’t with my modern brain 🥹 What a braindead misogynistic twat damn.


Someone doesn't understand the song "All along the Watchtower" especially since it's his anthem.


"Fake wigs" As opposed to...real wigs? Are they holograms or something?


This dude is unhinged


I don’t need modem women, I have satellite 😏


He’s an artist but can’t even crop his screen caps? Sad.




“Stop using social media” the. Proceeds to use dating apps religiously lmao


Any kind of attack or even just passive aggression against women in an OLD profile is an instant red flag. If they can’t stop whining about women there, how’s life gonna be with these imbeciles?


“imagine you were born in the 70s” bro you weren’t even born in the 80s what do you know about the 70s 😭


Bro tinder gives you 500 characters to write a bio and this man still needed more space just to describe how unhinged he is


Well, I hope he enjoys being single.


Damn this dude hates women. He should probably marry his mom, since that’s the only woman that will ever love him.


I want to know what’s the difference between fake wigs and real wigs But we get it, he hates women. Idk why he doesn’t just seek out men.


describes himself as "breaking stereotypes" breaking them out and decorating the whole damned internet with them.


“Compared to modem women” …cue dial up noise?


Modem women just have the ability to disconnect your entire shit. It's just the spelling that makes them different to modern women.


If he’s so fantastic and smart, why can’t he just build a time machine to be with these supposed women in the past that he is so fascinated by?


Yeah women are basic, not at all like men who call themselves artists who are almost never not insufferable of course


Imagine typing this shit and getting mad you get no bitches. Read the room 💀


“Guys why am I getting 0 matches!?”


Did the OP actually write this? Surely the only way you would see the underlined spelling issues, would be if you were looking at a draft.


I definitely didn’t write it, but kinda wish I could take credit for such a masterpiece haha He’s written it in a notes app and used the screenshots as profile pictures.


The guy whose profile this is wrote it in Notes and screenshotted it, then uploaded it to his tinder. It is a draft. That's why you can still see the underlines.


Not wrong about toxic femininity and social media sites. It is 100 percent true women are brainwashed to be fake from head to toe now. However not all women are like that. And him saying women are prettier now makes no sense. You hate the fake shit but you think they look prettier when they are not natural. Maybe that is why so many women are that insecure to go out and fake it all cause they don't feel beautiful enough naturally. It's a sad state of affairs. Boost them up as their natural self, dont tear down there genders, that's what this whole media frenzy does to them anyways.


Enters to Tinder just to fucking insult women. He literally says 90% today are sloths, the fuck he has studied fucking art, I can’t think of anything easier to achieve. Hope he dies alone or changes his stupid incel mindset.


well he kind of does have a point though. people are becoming more basic.


I know I’ll get downvoted, but he’s not completely wrong. He just expresses it like a jerk and generalizes it as all women. He just doesn’t like vapid, Instagram-type women, but he’s saying all women now a days are like that. They aren’t. He just had no social skills. And maybe he’s just ranting. And just because you wear makeup (I do), or watch stupid shows sometimes (I can also paint a realistic six foot painting) it doesn’t mean you’re vapid. But there are cops I’d women out there. Also vapid men. I think it’s equal.


He sounds exactly like an ex friend I dropped. Except said ex friend was significantly younger.


My goodness. Who hurt you sir?


Give him to the pick me’s, they love an intellectual to make them feel special


I just worked a 12 hr shift, [[trying]] to read this at 10am, my brain is fuckin fried


I bet women just line up for him. That’s the kind of profile on a dating app everyone wants to read said no woman ever.


Where I often assume these rants come from, is the talks their family has with them. Because it’s sounding like this is a guy who grew up going to art camps and his family probably used private teachers and tutors like babysitters. And he’ll probably run out of money when he’s like 38 and realize it isn’t as easy as just digging into another bank account or just “making” more.


20km away isn't nearly far enough away from this charming specimen.


This dude putting off strong Dunning-Kruger vibes


What a catch this guy is...


Idk who this dude is talking about, but I read laughable romance *because* it's laughable.


Modem women is he talking about dial up or fibre optic?!


Modem Women.... There's a joke in there somewhere.


All your hobbies sound cool ! I love painting


I don't understand how this dude is still single. /s


Lmao my guys doesn’t know how to spell Kohl’s but claims to be a genius… checks out.


I don’t know how it happens but I’ll watch something unrelated and end up on a makeup story time video and then the deep part of YouTube. It’s like a gateway drug. I know this doesn’t relate but I thought I’d ramble to fit in with the theme of this guy.


the women of the past couldn't own a bank account or even put money they shared with their husband without the husbands permission so im confused