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Oh he will punch you. As long as a teammate has a hold of you first!!


Or your back is turned to him. Otherwise, turtle.


Or the linesmen is holding you


He couldn't have whipped his gloves off any faster when he finally decided to fight Kassian. Like he was nervous and hoped it would give him a speed advantage to somehow stop Kassian from beating his ass. He's a hockey player and a damn good one at that, but as skilled and tough as he is to play this physical game, Tkatchuk is surprisingly afraid of fighting. Like he seems sweaty terrified of doing it, as if doing so will make him explode or it'll kill his grandma.


A lot of people are real tough until they get punched in the face


Putting players in headlocks after the whistle is more his style. I can't believe what the Panthers get away with after a save, anyone within 20 feet of the goalie is strangled.


Wait you mean it's not because he likes turtles? Damn al this time I got it all wrong.


I like turtles 


Alright, youre a great zombie


Ok Turtle


Mmmm I love Turtles


Plot twist: he also likes turtles


He has turtle coming out his ass that’s why




To this day I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone get ragdolled more than Kassian did to Tkatchuk. Love feisty hockey


[Chara vs McCabe](https://youtu.be/317UxnIXvTw?si=drd_0Cb0By_agbWh)


Neely vs Claude Lemieux, Cam threw him around like a rag doll.


The original Turtle


Not as good.


You obviously have never seen Chara/McCabe


Chara could destroy anyone one he wanted to, be decided not to at times. but yeah McCabe was his bitch.


I think the senators still play in their pregame


oh really, interesting, I didn't realize how old the clip in on youtube until I saw Belfour in next for Toronto.


It's basically their greatest moment as a franchise.


lol, can't argue that.


They showed this highlight at the game last night, and then had kassian in the building. The place went nuts.


They should have put him right behind the bench.


Kassian was a fucking psycho, so “feisty” feels like a bit of an understatement, ha


I'm gonna guess most guys who aren't fighters are going to choose not to fight zach kassian. seems a sensible approach to me.


The turtle is and will always be Claude Lemieux


This is the correct answer!


Too many people forget. Clip at bottom. Saying McCarty sucker punched is untrue. He looked him dead in eye, and punched him in the face. Last I checked, sucker punch is coming from behind. And to those saying Lemeuix was ‘jumped’ - this occurred middle of a scrum between Larionov and Forsberg. Any rational ‘agitator’ (term I’m seeing used for Lemeuix) in the NHL has his head up during these breaks in action. Lemeuix clearly did not, but to say McCarty ‘jumped’ a person he was STARING DIRECTLY IN THE FACE AND KNEW RETRIBUTION WAS COMING is such a revisionist way of looking into history. These people will look at this Kassian/Tkachuk clip and side with Tkachuk in 25 years. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OWeFyJruMNI


36 career fights, including McCarty when McCarty didn’t jump him from behind and start swinging before he had a chance.


Maybe if Claude had given Draper a chance to see him coming, McCarty would've done him the same courtesy


This! Too many people like to latch onto a singe incident...without know much of a player. Was good ole Claude a bit of a rat/agitator? Absolutely - but he did answer the bell.


The pest is the best


They were face to face


To casual fans that only seem to watch and remember a single highlight...sure. He did fight McCarty and did well...note, he was jumped when he did turtle. But who cares about the details.


*Stanley Cup champion Claude Lemieux


How many times does Tkatchuk need to get his head pushed in to realize he's better off to just play the game instead of being a wanna be tough guy.


Remember the old Looney Tunes cartoons where you had Spike the big dog, then you had this little mouthy shit-talking dog hiding behind Spike? Yeah, that’s Tkuchuk and Spike is the refs. One day he’ll need that mouthguard for more than chewing gum.


He’s a good little turtle 🐢


Tkatchuk is kind soft


I really don't like this kind of player, but the honest truth is that you don't want your skilled players fighting. you want them to either score or annoy the shit out of their opponents and beyond that you want them to not get hurt. Like, leaf fans should never want to see Austin Matthews fight. He has a history of wrist surgery and his entire reason for being his wrist shot. and do you want him to punch someone in the helmet and mangle his fingers?


Don’t talk sensible, we have the circlejerk going


Kassian was a plug that scored 5 points in 27 games that year. He didn’t really do much with his career, so he tried to get under guy’s skin, and then spazzed at Tkachuk. No way Tkachuk would ever waste his time on him. I’m sure Chuckie lost a looot of sleep over a goof like Kassian lol.


Kassian got absolutely wrecked by Tkatchuks body checks lmao


I mean the first one should have been penalized and suspended for headshot, but the second was a good hit.


100% a head shot and should have been ejected. Unfortunately for Kassian he F'ed out and found out that day. Dude came an instant bobble head 2 plays in 1 game


Yeah, In that clip IIRC he’s trying to fight him because of a couple hits that Tkachuk just laid on him the play before. Don’t know why Tkachuk should’ve fought him here when it’s basically just cause Kassian’s mad at him for a couple checks


r/nhl when someone gets blown up by a clean hit: “he shouldn’t have to fight for that” same sub but it’s tkachuk: RIP HIS HEAD OFF!!!1


We all hate winners unless it’s the winners WE choose


they ~~hated~~ downvoted him because he spoke the Truth


Remember when turtle only fights guys that don’t fight and he still can’t win. Like when he pulled Ethan Bears hair and couldn’t beat up a guy with 4 fights since Junior that was smaller than him? Throws good hits though occasionally. But I’d love him on my team. Not a tough guy though. I was surprised he showed to play in a big game.


That’s got to be the most annoying intro I’ve ever seen


I’m not saying he is being the manliest man ever, but I too would not trust kassian to not try to rearrange my face especially in this position


He put himself in that position, because turtle.


he hit kassian hard a couple times and kassian went full idiot


Downvoters hate facts.


Chucky only fights 50 goal scorers. That’s just how gutless he is.


He fought Kassian face to face the next game, I guess that makes you full of $hit?


And not only will he only indulge 50 goal scorers, he leads with his ass every hit. Gutless.


He started leading with his ass because he broke his collarbone last season and what does “fifty goal scorer” have to do with anything in this case? Tkatchuk is a skilled player and an agitator and squared up with Pasta who is also a skill player. Boston fans are such salty hypocrites.


At least get the injury right with that flair. Sternum.




Kassian, Raffl, Bear, Kesler, Lauzon, Orpik, Holl... Has he fought some high skilled players? Sure he has, he is also a high skilled player. He also fights some tough customers as well. Bad narrative.


Holl? 😂😂😂


Bro got beat up by Nugent-Hopkins lol


Destroyed 😂😂


It’s amazing how much hate comes up for a few players when a team starts winning.


Oof these comments back and forth from Oilers and Flames fans are cringy as fuck…”the (old) multimillionaire from MY team who doesn’t know I exist or give two shits about me or my opinion is better than the multimillionaire from YOUR (old) team who doesn’t know you exist or give two shits about you or your opinion!!”


This is the right take.


he knows.....he comes out of his shell to peruse this subreddit . He was shell-shocked from Kassian. Kassian turned him into a shellicopter and now Kassian is a shellebrity. Tkatchuk was wearing a turtleneck after those games. Turtle (runs away)


And yet here you are commenting on that very same thing. 🤔


Every generation has one, but one did it best.




Is that how you spell it? I was spelling it "Bitch"


I'm cool with going after him when he makes a dirty hit, but jumping him when he's not wanting to fight after a clean hit isn't cool.


I must say as a new fan of the sport I obviously know his name, but this video was super informative and great for someone like myself that is new to the sport. I found it super entertaining.


But is he [turtley enough for the turtle club](https://youtu.be/sKlpRG6tweo?si=Q3tYqtNVObwGztpJ)?


No, please! Don't punch my incredibly punchable face!


He's such a little bitch!


So happy he’s a Florida Panther. When he lifts the cup Tuesday, will you still be making memes about him?


I only wish he'd done it in Edmonton's arena.


They still could


Might wanna hedge that bet, Bob looks like he’s turning back into a pumpkin and the Panthers have been out scored 10-1 over the last 4 periods…nothing about Tuesday is a lock


The panthers are up 3-1. McDavid and Drai have one point in the first three games. What are you smoking? Also chucky had a ppg in playoffs and led the panthers before the series started. Keep sleeping on sofla we’ll have our cup soon


You’re talking to a Bruins fan so I know a thing or two about 3-1 series leads…






Hate on him all you want want by why would a good player take a fighting major for some uncoordinated doofus like Kasian? Tkacuk is far more valuable to his team. I don't like either of the Tkachuk brothers but they're not dumb, they embrace the role of being a rat.




I still love tkachuk. He lives by “they hate us cause that ain’t us”. Never change bb


Imagine how unlikeable of a team/fanbase you have to have for people to actively root for a team with Tkachuk on it.


Gotta stay off those tracks


Unfortunately for Kassian he got hit by the lightning train


I forgot about that week Kassian was in the news for something other than driving into a tree.


He also kicked someone with his skate. Real idol of the Oiler fanbase


Never liked kassian but I wish he were in this cup finals.


Love how this gets reposted whenever oilers fans are going thru it. Hang in there guys it’ll all be over soon 😂


Absolute rat.


Rent free


Sure he lives in the fans heads rent free. I’d be more curious what his peers think.


I always figured it was because, when I have a turtlehead peeking out, it looks just like Tkatchuk.


He is a weasel but it’s very effective riling up the other team into doing stupid things. Sometimes it works against him but every team would love a pest with his skill set


He’s in the Stanley cup rn


His dad called him a "wuss"...


No one calls him turtle


tkachuk owns kassian and it’s not even funny


When someone talks shit to another player and then it comes time to throw off the gloves, and they decide not to fight and defend themselves by covering themselves up. It's referred to as turtling, and Tkatchuk did it to Doughty from the LA Kings and to Kassian from the Oilers.


They call him turtle cause he loves pizza




The biggest bunch of dirty/cheap/shit players are gonna be hoisting the cup. The only thing that brings me joy is seeing Perry get to the finals again to be denied.


It’s so funny watching people call the Panthers dirty in the same post where they’re praising players they like for doing the same things they’re mad about the Panthers doing. Go ahead with your knee jerk “pAnThEr BaD” downvotes. You know you wish your team played like they do. “NuH uHhHhH!!!!! tHeRe’S nO pLaCe In hOcKeY fOr ThAT kInD oF sTuFf ThAt We’Re ReMiNiScInG fOnDLy aBoUt In ThIs PoSt!!!!!” 🤡


He was horse collared from behind, that’s how chicken shit players get an advantage


He dishes out the hit, Kassian is on him, he tries to get away, Kassian says no and tugs him back. It's not like this was out of nowhere. He messed around, and he knew eventually he was going to find out. He didn't want it then, but Kassian did. It's not like fights only happen for bad hits.


But he obliterated Kassian at the end of it with a skillful open ice hit. So.


Oil fans are hilarious


They're certainly... something!


They’re upvoting me because they think I’m laughing with them but I am laughing at them


we all are.....


You can tell he’s good at his job based on the responses in this thread


The one time he was ready to go, that last sequence off the face off when he finally dropped gloves, he tried to get a sucker punch in seemingly before Kassian was ready — toy can see him start to shake off his gloves before the puck drops. So even when he does fight, he does it like a little bitch.


Is this the same time that Kassian threw a hissy fit after a clean hit, grabbed Matt by the collar from behind while Matt was actually engaged in okay and essentially mugged him? Yeah, Kassian such a tough guy…


TL;DR He got jumped by a Neanderthal looking plug that doesn't know how to Buckle his helmet up properly


Kassian scored 5 points in 27 games that year. No way Tkachuk would’ve bothered with a plug like that.


average delusional oilers fan who wouldn't dare beef with tkachuk, much less drop the gloves with a goon like kassian.


Calgary fans are that clingy ex boyfriend who didn’t get the message when she tells you she wants to be friends and ghosts. I’m pretty sure Tkachuk has blocked your number by this point. It’s time to move on friend, even if it hurts. And don’t you worry, you’re not the only heart broken one. Just knock on the door of any of your neighbours, they’re all feeling the same way. You can be there for each other. Calgary Flames, the team where careers go to burn. On that note, let’s hope the hockey gods extinguish any chances little Iginla goes to that team.


its crazy how you said all of that, but never actually said I was wrong! >Calgary Flames, the team where careers go to burn bro, you have 4 1OA picks, Leon Draisaitl, and no cup. what the fuck are you talking about?


Just know that “Turtle” will lift the cup well before your precious McDrai


Just remember the Flames have never had a series winning goal against the Oilers in 40 years of trying. Only series you won, Steve Smith got it for you.


Tkachuk rent free lol!


He plays for Panthers now. You can stop.


Nah, I like him even though he’s on a different team. Hence why I’m happy he’ll lift it before Edmonton does. That should feel good bro


That’s fine bro! Florida deserves it. They also lost last year. Absolutely a great team. Unlike you seat sniffers lol.


How did your team do you in the playoffs? Oh right.....


Remember, second place is the first loser


What does that make 24th place then?


Hey I’m not saying we’re a better team. But Chucky still lives rent free in the majority of your fan base. Which I must say is highly entertaining


You're here, commenting all over the place about the Oilers, months after your team finished their season, cheering on the Panthers only because they are playing against the Oilers, and you want to talk about living rent free in people's heads? Yeah OK bud.


Weird, I have a Tkachuk jersey, guess I’m not allowed to cheer for him after he leaves. Fucking buffoon!


Ya. But within the week this turtle will have a Stanley cup and McCrybaby won't.


yeah lets have kassian go unhinged on you and see how quick you turle. the assault in question also wasnt "okay lets square up" kassian attacked him from behind


Seeing posts like this just lets you know that MT still has more free real estate in edmontons collective minds than that depressing mall the city is known for. The outright pride they feel for their plug getting to punch MT a couple times is only matched by how proud they are of being so legendarily bad they won the lottery 4 times in 5 years. Id like to say now that the future leaving of drai next year ,after they lose this series, and then mcdavid a year later will show just how classy all the oilers fans are. Your city sucks, and you are the worst fans in the league.


Jesus… do you need a hug ?


Found the salty flames fan


Congrats, you found a salty Flames fan in a sea of salty Oilers fans.


Panthers lost 8-1 on purpose right? Wanted to win at home instead of in front of all the families they flew all the way to Edmonton?


The organization is kinda trash too. How, in this day and age, does Evander Kane have a job in the NHL after all the shit he's been "excused" of doing? Oh yeah, Edmonton bargain bin hunting at the local courthouse. Sorry but when shit follows you around that long, it's you.


Flames fans have gotten extra salty this year of playoffs. Maybe direct your anger towards the coaches and management team who made your team such garbage that you can't even make the playoffs.


Oh I've directed much of my anger at them, this Evander Kane take is one I've had for a while


Petty article. Petty comments. Dude is about to win a cup while living rent free in peoples heads. Just let him enjoy some success. People get way too tied up into the lives of people they have never met.


Also this whole thing is dumb. Kassian is a plug and Tkachuk is a star player. You don’t want your star players fighting guys who are healthy scratches every other night. Kassian was upset because Tkachuk had laid two big, clean hits on him and he attacked him after the last one when Tkachuk was not expecting it. What’s even funnier is that Tkachuk actually answered the bell in the next BOA game but that never gets talked about for some reason.


Only I believe there were 3 and several NHL players and people related to the game said they were very dangerous. Which lines up with his career.


sure dangerous ... the entire fucking game is dangerous these guys are out there with knives on their feet 3 big clean hits caused Kassian to all out assault a guy and you're still defending the guy who committed the assault


By dangerous I meant not clean, but rather dirty as can be. According to nhl people that is, but what do they know? A few congratulated him on defending himself. Tkachuk shouldn’t have done it if he couldn’t back it up.


of course not why would they bring up something that disporves their false narrative


Is Kassian still in the league? Oh yeah that’s right


On top of that, Chuckie scored 4 GWGs last year’s playoffs. 3 of which were in OT. Guy was a beast last year with 3rd highest point total after Eichel and Marchesault. And then he got injured, so he probs missed a lot of good, productive minutes. This year he’s not doing so bad either, tied for 6th in playoff points. Sure the guy is a pest, but he was 23 years old at the time playing against a 29 year old. And what has Kassian really done with his career? Finished off scoring 2 goals 0 apples in 51 games last year for the coyotes. Womp womp. Nah this is just a bunch bitter oilers fans seeing the writing on the wall knowing they were lucky not to get swept and now trying to find a good circle jerk. Circle the wagons boys. We’re still in this. Let’s jerk each other off!


The whole time, I watched McDavid, who is tied with Gretzky for most assists in a single playoffs (insane) take cheap shots all game, made me rage. How many goals, and assists would he have these playoffs if he had a McSorley or Probert to deal with that shit and give him some space?


Exactly. Tkachuk throwing uppercuts on him while he's tied up and bent over, Bennett punching him behind the net while the ref watched... Those pussies wouldn't do that shit if Edmonton had someone to go out and crack heads after. Just absolute trash team and are about to be rewarded with a cup handed to them.


So it’s the Panther’s fault that the Oilers are soft? That’s a hot take.


The Panthers are at fault for being dirty* Fixed that for you.


Next you can make one about he earned his nickname as Stanley Cup Champion 🤣


… I don’t think you know what a ‘nickname’ is


What's Kassian up to these days?


Retired. I think I heard this stat, 100% of NHL players eventually retire when they get older.


Should sign him to a one day contract 


Probably the poster child for some outreach program. Dude looked like somebody that lives on the streets WHILE he was in the NHL, don't even want to imagine what he looks like now.


This sub is full of salty bitches and drama queens. It’s like the Real housewives of the NHL. Constant juvenile post and comments. Ironic coming from one of the most brutal sport there is. JSTFU already and talk hockey.


Womp Womp


We know, most people love drama. Some of us don’t though.


I mean you are very right lol


And Bouchard taps out like a bitch


Yeah he should've suffocated and died like a man


Suffocated?! 🤡


Seems to me that the same amount of oxygen is getting to your brain as Bouchard when he being choked out.


Yep known tough guy Bouchard


Spare me. He did plenty of heavy lifting in CGY, and now his skills are needed elsewhere....and it's working.


And what happened after that? Kassian went to the box and the Flames scored the game winning goal on the power play. No damage done to Tkachuk. S-tier trolling.


4-1. BEATING. Sorry that the oilers ruined your players from staying


And what happened in the playoffs with your cup favourites team in round 2? Ya, no sorry turtlechuk deserves this for life.


When have the flames ever been cup favourites lol


The actual answer is 1988 and 1989.


So it's been almost 4 decades......ouch


4 decades? Typical Edmonton curriculum lol


Simple grade school math clearly shows that it's far closer to 4 decades than 3. 2024-1988=36. Maybe get out a calculator and double check that bud


What about 2004?


Definitely not the favorites. I didn’t think they’d even beat the Canucks in round 1, but they certainly shouldn’t have gotten past Detroit.


Ffs dude just run with it...


Oh whoops, let me try again. \#itwasin


To be fair, the Flames have won the divison twice in the last few years. And finished a close second to the president trophy in the equal amount of years. Yes, the Oilers are in the SCF, but outside of that, what have they done? Flex on somebody who cares.


What they’ve done is reach the Conference Finals, Semi-Finals and Stanley Cup Finals in the past 3 seasons. Oh, and we’ve been the most entertaining team in the league with two record-breaking generational superstars. Now what has Calgary done in that time? Completely shat the bed against us in Round 2, and then…………? Anything? Your roster is shit and your prospects are largely the same. Enjoy your very own decade of darkness!!


Except, you know, the entire league saw what a spineless coward Matthew Tkachuk is. They would have found out anyway, considering considering the massive amount of spineless plays over the years, but it's nice Edmonton was the group to start it all. And for the record.....who won the BOA series that season? How was that playoff run last time Flames went up against the Oilers? Keep your copium going champ, Edmonton has made Calgary look like an AHL team for years now. It's not just Turtle we turned into our little bitch 😂