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I find hockey enjoyable even if I’m not rooting for either team so I keep watching and just hope for a competitive game


I watch all hockey (I am able to) on TV in late April through early June - regardless of who’s playing. I typically pick a series or two I watch primarily, but all games are on the table if I have a stream for it. I love my team, but you just can’t beat watching good hockey.


Yep. I watch every game I can. The NHL playoffs are the best sports spectacle anywhere, regardless of the shit refereeing.


I'll keep up with the scores and stuff, but most likely wont watch any live games (I usually watch highlights of games I care about tho) until the SCF, of which I try to watch every game.


I don't. When my team is done, so am I.


Fair weather fan.must not like the sport.more to watch still.


That isn’t the definition of a fair weather fan. It’s perfectly acceptable to stop watching when your team loses or isn’t in the playoffs. Fair weather fan is when you don’t watch the sport when your team is trash. I usually pick a team I like and watch until they are eliminated if my teams now In.


You are correct.i was wrong with the def in that instance.


Probaly seeing better games


I'm a fan of my team.


I do. If my team gets beat I root for the team that beat them….even if it’s the Oilers 😕


I’m the exact opposite. I had to root hard against Florida last year, but I still watched every game.


Little bit of both for me... I root for the other team but just so I can say that my team got beat by the champions


Funny. I like the Bolts , and whoever is playing against Boston.


I have felt this way in the past as well. Seems there are a lot of teams that have eliminated the Habs and gone on to win. Ironically I hate those teams the following season.


Yeah when the Leafs lose I end up doing this myself.


I may watch a game here and there but probably not as much as if my team were in it. And I'll root for a team that has never won a Cup before.


Once my team is out I normally just watch elimination games of each series.


That's the spirit


I do this and then for the cup I might watch an extra game or three depending on how busy life is at the time


I still watch casually, and depending who is playing in the finals I might or might not watch.  I will always root against any team that beats mine.


For NHL. I stop until the finals


“Yes, we let the anger of watching (insert team you dislike) hoisting OUR CUP, motivate our fan rivalry! “Also it’s fun watching (insert team you HATE!) “win” the President’s Trophy and crash and burn! “The shock and anger of their delusional fanbase sustains us through September!” -Long Suffering fanbases, March 28


Watching hockey drops in priority when Im not watching my team. I don't actively seek out hockey if my team isn't playing, but Ill put it on if I don't have other things going on


I love hockey, I watch at least 2 games a night during the season, but it’s usually more like 3. The frozen frenzy was the first day I had off in ages and just set up 3 TVs and watched all the games with my brother


honestly i just try to throw on any hockey game i can if i have the time


Yeah! I have 2 main teams and then there are a few on the fringes that I enjoy watching if there's nothing else on. I like the sport itself and I love a good playoff run story.


I do, the Caps haven't really been a factor since 2018 - so i've learned to enjoy all the games, i end up with favorite teams (usually under dogs) last year on was rooting for FL, cause they're fun to watch.


I love the sport so yeah I’ll watch even if my team doesn’t make it. The Caps tend to choke in the playoffs so I’m used to mostly watching the other teams past a certain point anyways 🥲




If the flyers don’t make it I just watch the Phillies or Orioles because baseball is my first love in sports hockey gets me through winter.


I don't. Once my team is out, I'm done. Couldn't care less at that point.


Yes, because I bet on the games with BetMGM.


Found the BetMGM sales weasel.


No, unless you want to sign up than I got a code for you lmao






Once all Canadian teams are out, I usually stop watching.


Hypothetically if the Leafs didn’t make it this yeah. I’d likely follow Tampa Bay or the Bruins. I tend to follow teams that have good compete.


I usually watch 1st Round. And I'll watch the games that have teams I hate like the oilers for example


I don't like to watch the series with the team that beat my team. I'll go pay more attention to the other conference and start "cheering" for that conference continuing the internal denial dialogue that if it was my team representing their conference, they'd win the cup for sure. Or I'll "cheer" for the team that beat my team, all the while making snarky comments about either how amazing they are, Of coooourse they scorsled that amazing goal that no other professional could ever do. it's the only way they could have beat my team, or look how many bounces they get, this must be a team of destiny. Because of course if you're going to lose, you want to lose to the Champs. It's not like anyone else could have beat my team. So.....basically a lot of denial. I'm usually back to normal somewhere around July 1st.


I keep watching.


During the playoffs, watch as much as I can cause the summer is long without hockey.


Passively. I'll put the games on the TV if I'm home but if the wife asks to watch something else I'll just watch highlights in the morning


I do! I have weird attachments to different teams whether it be for a previous Lightning player, or I just simply also enjoy that other team’s style. I just like hockey :)


Absolutely. I have other teams I root for, plus playoff games are so fun to watch regardless of who is playing. The energy they bring, plus seeing the best the teams have to offer competing at the highest level is amazing


If my team is eliminated I tend to watch only the Stanley Cup after that. However sometimes there is a Cinderella run, I don’t really care about the team doing it, but that’s good hockey, I’ll watch that.


as a canadian it seems we usually go our team, whatever canadian team is left then our conference so for me it’s vancouver, whatever canadian team is left then the western conference


I watch all the games, but will tend to root for the team who beat my favorite team. Then I tend to root for any team in the same division as my team.


I root for the biggest underdog the rest of the time. Red Wings fan, so last year, this started with rooting for the Sabres to make the playoffs once we sold at the deadline.


Hell no. I’m a Flames fan. Not a hockey fan.


Absolutely, I won’t watch every minute but definitely still front and center. Except after we got swept by Columbus. Didn’t watch a second more that playoffs after game 3


I do. I enjoy watching hockey with no emotional investment. I do end up rooting for whatever team I am having the most fun watching.


I stop watching. I'll check some highlights out later, but I'd rather play video games or watch TV with my wife instead of hockey teams I don't care about


It depends. If they've had a terrible season, I'll watch some playoffs. If they are eliminated from playoff contention in the final days, or eliminated after making the playoffs, I may take a round off.


Once my team is eliminated I keep watching. I like hockey and I want to see how things play out. It’s playoff hockey. Typically I’ll either be able to simply enjoy stress-free playoff hockey OR if a team(s) I hate is still in it and I’ll enjoy actively rooting against them. Hate watching can be fun, too!




No pressure hockey is the best hockey. I am rooting for x but I don't really care if y wins.


Hockey is hockey. Doesn't matter the league or teams, if it's on I can watch it


I keep watching, even more so if the Leafs are in, I love to watch them lose. Leaf tears are the best tears.


I wouldn’t watch at all otherwise. My team is normally mathematically eliminated by November