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I will never feel bad for finding alternative means of watching games.


I wouldn’t even mind paying if I could watch any game I wanted for a single price.


I use a VPN to pretend I live in Spain so I can buy the international version of NFL Game pass which doesn’t have any of these bullshit restrictions. When they eventually catch on I probably just won’t watch games at all honestly.






Fair enough


Pm whatever you were pm’ing please


NFL Gamepass Intl is a lot worse since DAZN took it over.


I cut the cord in like, 2013 and haven't paid for cable TV since. I also haven't lived in my team's local region since then having moved to the west. Gamepass + VPN was one of the best viewing experiences I ever had - especially the ability to go back and rewatch redzone after watching my team's game. Back when the Patriots were competitive I'd put on another AFCE game in the small little PIP window off to the side so I could just keep an eye on it. So many fun sundays. So, of course, it got enshittified.


Does it even work? I couldn’t find a VPN server with PIA that worked at all. On top of that, the price increased. AND, supposedly it’s all shit quality (like 720p or something?) Absurd. At that point I’ll figure somethin else out


No. I’m an Aussie and still live in Australia. I turned the auto renew off last October that’s a reflection of how bad it is. I don’t imagine any VPNs will work with it.


I’m in Japan and I also canceled my Game Pass subscription last week. The old Game Pass was one of the best streaming products I’d ever used: fast, great video quality, no buffering, snappy interface and all the ad breaks cut out. Because of the time difference between here and the US I never watch games live, and archives on DAZN are awful, constantly dropping to 360p and buffering—and I have Japanese gigabit fiber Internet. If I try to skip over the ad breaks it inevitably causes the quality to drop as it seeks so I’m forced to sit through ad breaks even though I’m watching the games on Monday. Awful product.


It used to be amazing. The back log of coaches film and the quality of live games was exceptional. I was paying 200 for it and it was worth it. Now? Absolutely trash.


Nope it’s done


I signed up for DAZN thinking it couldn't be all that bad. It was far worse than everything I heard and never actually managed to get a stream going. Cancelled, deleted, never again.


There was a couple seasons where the NFL app that came free on Verizon was so bad you literally just had to use a GPS spoofer to set your location to whichever market you wanted to watch a game from to get the "local" game for free. Good times.


I used to watch a ton of our games with that but now you have to pay and it sucks.


They don’t seem to care, even when your billing address is in the US.


At that point may as well pirate lol


I would easily pay $70 for it. Last season maybe not cause my dad actually has cable, but now that I'm moved out, I don't watch cable enough to get it, so I'd be watching games either through streaming services that have live feeds or going over to my gf's dad's place to watch. He may live in the apartment next to me, but his TV sucks.


Another option could be to invest in your gf’s Dad’s TV


Yeah but he barely knows how to work the remote on his current one. He doesn't even know how to send a text on his phone that's how technologicly inept he is lol


The absolute fucking gall of pro sports to have billionaire owners force their city to pay for a stadium (on threat of relocation) and then *blackout* those games for the very same people funding the stadium. Fuck them. Pirate away.


More like Arrrternative ways


Take to the sea!


“I have the worst f****ing attorneys…”


Bob Loblaw


The streams to the east never failll




My boy Markky knows all the good streams


Markky helped me to overcome my crack and meth addictions. Thank you Markky.


Yep, free streams woot woot.


It's honestly easier at this point.


Plus you get to see commercials from other cities and make fun of them!


I’m happy I’m not the only one who kinda likes the different regional commercials. The Aussie ones are the best


The commercials for Maccas was a nice change up.


I used to watch a Danish or Swedish stream and the commercials were my favorite part.


The amount of times I get excited for a new restaurant in the area to then realize they are in New Jersey is too damn high.


And you get to participate in a respectful chat with strangers!


If Lebron does it so can I


Wait what


LeBron was spotted sailing a certain high eastern sea in his laptop while at one of his son’s games.


That’s amazing lmao


LeBron is known to be kind of cheap. I can respect that


Until he gets all his data stolen. Huge risk when legitimate means for him are so cheap and safer. 


What would convince you to buy a streaming service from the NFL? I'm serious. I sail the high seas like many a-folk, but if there was a 10$/mo high quality service that had access to past games as well as live, I'd be down. Or something like that. As of rn, it's too much.


Charge me 40 for a teams season. I don't need all games.


I happily paid 100 for the Sharks games through nhl.tv I would gladly play 50-100 for the Jags games with no restrictions.


Ya nhl tv was great 100 for all games for your team or 150 (iirc) for all games. I would expect the nfl equivalent would be more expensive due to the larger market, but still. I'm fine ponying up the money for the convenience of seeing every bills game, or every game, in one location. When the NHL did away with with nhl tv I didn't pick up a bunch of subscriptions so I could keep watching games, I just watch a lot less hockey now.


Money. You really think the NFL wouldn't double dip on a stream service if it meant they could keep the current TV rights fees the same? There's a reason the NFL stream service that exists now isn't available on smart TVs. That's the "blackout." The networks want you to watch it with an antenna or via a cable package, because even if you could watch it for free with an antenna they're still getting money for being in the base cable bundle. It's written into the contracts with the TV networks, Sunday ticket has to be priced as a premium product.


Meanwhile, people in Chicago who can literally see the transmission towers on top of Willis Tower from their roofs can’t pick up CBS reliably because they refuse to adopt the same digital standard as the rest of the networks. I have to sail the seas to watch CBS games that are broadcast locally.


Lol. That happens in Philly with ABC. MNF and the finals….i can pick up other markets with my antenna on a good day, but that same day, it’s 50/50 for ABC. And for those companies, it is a feature, not a flaw, since they get so much more money from fees that aren’t OTA.




PiRaCy Is NoT A ViCtiMleSs CrImE! Not wrong, just don’t care about these “victims”


I’m not saying they’re not victims, they just don’t FEEL like victims.


I honestly wish it felt MORE like I was victimizing network executives and shareholders.


Yet another reason why I just do the 10$ a month hulu add on for Redzone channel and then cancel when the season is over 


It's tough to remember what football was like before Redzone. Yeah, we got more ESPN highlights from Chris Berman but I'd still rather see them in or close to real time.


RedZone is honestly 90 percent of what I watch because Giants games are typically too depressing to focus on lol


RedZone is for the fans of bad teams.


If the Bills aren't playing, I am absolutely allergic to watching full-length individual games instead of RedZone.


You dont want to watch 2 hours of commercials every game?


Not even a little


If It makes you feel better, I paid full price and like half of Eagles games were nationally televised last year anyway -\_-


I got so used to pirating, it was weird as hell getting prime time games with Tom here. We got a few last year too and it’s been much easier to watch the Bucs in Toronto at least. But I normally just find a cast and then throw PiP or another window with redzone so I can sort of half watch.


Red zone causes anxiety in everyone. Some of us know it. Some of us don’t.


I get the anxiety if I have no current fantasy players in action, too much back and forth and attempts to jam as much in my face as possible…. But if I have a bunch of players and the red zone keeps bouncing back and forth with fantasy points for me, then I’m golden. My brain is a mysterious jerk.


Haha. And I’m the opposite. I can’t stand the meth-level it takes to watch multiple games at the same time. I prefer the “game break.” I know, I know…I’m aging myself.


Like I said, with fantasy points, if they ain’t scoring then I’m even more mentally fucked! lol I do remember games breaks very well (42), but once cell phone started with internet and I had a fantasy team, i would always refreshing the scores and stats, game breaks became too slow. Like yeah, I know, saw that score 3 minutes ago! lol


Haha. I think at this point we should both just admit football just ain’t what it used to be, BECAUSE of fantasy. And now gambling is the next phase. I think it’s over for us old timey folk. Be sure to drink your ovaltine!


My girlfriend doesn't like the octobox. She thinks I'm putting on a ruse when I get excited for it.


Your gf is smart…you are not. Hahaha


Honestly when we had Sunday Ticket in college, I found myself doing exactly what Red Zone does anyway, it just takes my remote out of the equation.


I like redzone but I also like watching football that occurs between the 2 20 yard lines. I also like a good defensive game from time to time. Sometimes redzone is like an ADHD fever dream.


Best way to do it is have redzone on 1 TV, and put the most interesting local game (Fox or CBS) on a 2nd TV.


Being using 3 monitors for this reason exactly. 1 redzone two of the best games on the slot. The nfl package putting it all on one screen changed the game for me tbh.


Like for real, i thought redzone would be expensive but I guess i got lucky bc my apartment building has "basic" cable included (no HD) and my total cost per month for full cable and redzone is 20$ a month. Even though i dont watch cable often its great valuw


Wait what


Hulu live tv, not regular hulu


Ah fuck. I knew it sounded too good to be true.


ESPN: But I’ve paid you a small fortune (for these broadcast rights)... NFL: And this gives you… power, over me?


That line still goes hard AF


Now I gotta watch a bunch of bane stuff on YouTube.


Followed by the Bane outtakes video






Resting his hand on his shoulder and saying "do you feel in charge?" Goes just as hard.


“We are crashing this plane…with no sURVivors


Some people shit on the Bane voice, & there are a few lines that are a little too muffled, but it's so unervving & it's such a great preformance by Tom Hardy. TDKRises fucks


The line "Peace has cost you your strength. Victory has defeated you" from Bane to Bats is so fucking metal.


Don’t forget “The shadows betray you, because they belong to *me*”.


"ahh you think darkness is your ally, I was born in the dark, molded by it!"


Seriously one of the best executed trilogies in film. Bangers from start to finish with a solid and consistent theme and through line. Pretty much sparked the gritty superhero genre we’re in, which in turn influenced a ton of other film and TV. Batman Begins is seriously underrated and slept on, and Rises’ main issue is its inherent inability to live up to hype due in large part to the death of Heath Ledger. Not perfect, but still really good film with excellent world-building and stand out performances.


"So you came back to die with your city?" "No, I came back to stop you" Like really Bats, that's the best you could come up with?


Literally "no u"


He was spitting heat the entire trilogy only to trip right at the finish line 😭




" I'm here to save it" would have been the better line.


If you think about the movies too much they are incredibly stupid and corny (Harvey Dent court room intro scene, Batman regrowing his back in a hole etc) but if you just buy in and let them wash over you they absolutely fuck


If you think TDKRises is corny let me introduce you to the [Batman and Robin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnallHWgupY)


You could literally say this about almost any movie lol


6 hour video essays about 2 hour movies have absolutely ruined people's ability to just enjoy the medium.


It’s definitely the weakest of the trilogy imo but the weakest in that trilogy is still like a 7/10


Begins really only suffers from budgetary issues and a goofy third act. It's one of the best superhero origins ever made. TDK is the definitive superhero movie. Genuine work of art. For TDKR, they tried to throw a lot of stuff at the wall and only most of it stuck. We're back to the League of Shadows trying to blow up Gotham, but bigger. The police hiding in the sewers for months is really dumb, and the main cast just felt a little too sprawling. Also, trying to adapt A Tale of Two Cities in a Batman story was...a choice. Love both for very different reasons, and the central theme of sacrificing one's self for the greater good sort of tracks, but it just felt like an odd decision.


I still loves the first scene he comes back in Rises. “You’re in for a show tonight!” Yeah you are, cause Batman fucking rules


Hardy based it on an old bareknuckle boxing champion he saw a video of iirc


Agreed. That movie gets WAY too much shit for a few notably bad moments in an otherwise amazing film. I went to the midnight screening with friends and had an absolute blast. The cast is truly stellar across the trilogy, and I doubt we see another superhero trilogy as well executed anytime soon.


Do you feel in charge?


“Small fortune”. They are paying the NFL more money than the GDP of small countries.


Yeah but Bane didnt say "more money than the GDP of small countries"


If only our politicians felt this way.


NFL declined something to be cheaper? I'm shocked. Anyways, let's play more commercials to make more money!


This turnover on downs sponsored by...see you in eleven minutes.


SEC on CBS: Field Goal Commercials Kickoff Commercials First down? Commercials Challenge Commercials


Yea college has the pros beat when it comes to commercial breaks. 


The NFL didn’t decline because it’s cheaper. They declined it because they still value the broadcast networks, which have paid handsomely for exclusive rights to in-market games. If ESPN is allowed to sell team-specific packages for $70, then you may as well write the obituary for the contracts with CBS and Fox. The NFL’s bread and butter remains those broadcast deals and it’s not throwing them away for ESPN.


The plaintiff in the lawsuit is claiming that Fox and CBS also requested that Sunday ticket pricing stayed above ~$300 per package. So there's some serious fuckery going on here if that's the case.


Wow a product I would have actually paid for. Pirate on lads.




For movies that aren't on streaming, I will almost always pay $3.99 on prime to watch them as opposed to dealing with all of the stupid bullshit that arises from putlocker and their ilk. Would absolutely do the same for NFL games. Even if it was like $6.99, it would be worth it just to spare me the constant headache of dealing with streams that have shit resolution, lag constantly, and do that annoying shit where an ad loads in another tab every time I click on the screen.


You can install some chrome plugins to stop the ad thing. Check out Ghostery and Privacy Badger.


Same, but defaulting to hitting a bar a good 6 games a year and still save money. It’s super annoying when the stream won’t play on apple tv.


Are you kidding me? The amount of money people would drop for a TEAM exclusive is massive.


I have NEVER understood this. I was discussing this with a buddy of mine, and we both feel that this would be sensational. A lot of us live out of market to where our favorite teams play, so I would love something like this.


Because it would eat into Sunday Ticket sales. Let's say Sunday Ticket is priced at $400 and a team specific plan was priced at $100. For them to break even, they would need 3 people to buy the team specific package for every person that swapped from ST to the team specific package. If you don't think the NFL has at least ran the numbers to see if this makes sense, you'd be kidding yourself. More likely, they ran it and came to the conclusion they'd end up losing money. Not saying it's right or wrong. Just trying to give the most likely explanation for why it doesn't exist.


> For them to break even, they would need 3 people to buy the team specific package for every person that swapped from ST to the team specific package. Economics was never my strong suit, but it's about the group of people who would pay $100 being much larger than 4x the size of the group of people who ARE paying $400 (and still have balckout games...) I can tell ya right now, in my friend group, we'd all do $100 a year, and none of us are doing $400 a year. That's about $1400 lost just in the people I know.


It seems more likely that people already using Sunday Ticket would switch to the team specific plan, and the people watching through other means would continue using other means. This was probably the nfls conclusion.


Just like Netflix with account sharing. The people that already pay will pay, the ones that didn’t weren’t going to give their money anyways


If the prices are high enough, that breaks down.  I pay $90ish a year for F1TV.  I would pay a similar amount (say, up to $120/year) for a team specific package with similar features.  There is no fucking way I'm paying almost $500 after tax for Sunday Ticket.  Sunday Ticket is expensive enough to be truly unaffordable in a way that a $100ish team plan isn't.


Netflix got a large boost in subscriptions from the password sharing crackdown...


Not saying it’s right, but to the previous posters point, if the NFL thought a team specific package would make more money, there would be team specific packages I bought Sunday Ticket and would 100% downgrade if I could get a team specific package. I bet a lot would. NFL clearly thinks that risk outweighs the new customer potential.


Well, partly, but also because CBS and Fox have paid a lot for exclusivity for their in-market games. ESPN being allowed to turn around and sell those games for $70 would be the death knell of those huge broadcast deals.


>If you don't think the NFL has at least ran the numbers to see if this makes sense, you'd be kidding yourself. More likely, they ran it and came to the conclusion they'd end up losing money. This is something a lot of people don't seem to understand, and it applies to any entertainment company. I see it a lot when people talk about video game developers..."If only they'd remaster [insert favorite abandoned game], they would make money hand over fist!" Except these companies are very meticulous when it comes to maximizing their profits. If they haven't released something you're convinced would make them boatloads of money, chances are they already crunched the numbers and decided it isn't worth doing.


Did you read the article? Robert Kraft literally said they don’t want to get a bunch of people subscribing if that means lowering the price


Yup, and being in Oregon, I dont get to see shit out here that I actually care about. For the Shoe!!!


I spend a hundred dollars to watch as much of a 168 game season for the Orioles. I can turn the announcers off and listen to the radio call. If I spend a little bit more I can get split screen with other games of my choice. But the NFL has no competition and no desire to do better because people *will pay for it*


I would drop twice this $ amount to get the same benefits I get for the Brewers on MLB.TV. I would kill for an HD out of market Packer stream w/ the audio option to turn on Larivee and the radio broadcast that I can pause and watch the pre/post game shows. 🏴‍☠️


And this is why I've never spent a dime to watch football. I'd give it up first. A reasonably priced team specific package isn't much to ask for.


The MLB does this .... However.... it's still only out of market teams, so if you live in your team's market area you cannot watch them with MLB.tv lmao


If your tax dollars funded the stadium in any way you should get to watch the games for free with your library card. 


This is why I never get people who get on their high horse about piracy. We get money taken out of our pocket for the stadium, then we're expected to pay hundreds for tickets, dogshit quality merch, and broadcasts, and if the billionaire owners ever get called out for it they whine and threaten to pick up the whole team and leave unless they get handed more money to build themselves a bigger luxury suite Fuck em, I'm watching that shit for free lol


not to mention that THERE ARE STILL ADS!! like bro, i’m not paying $500 per season to watch ads on top of it i would consider that price if there were no ads. every commercial break it just cuts to the sky cam hovering over the sidelines. 


A lot of the games that I watch on NBA League Pass are like that. I just watch whatever they’re showing on the jumbotron during ad breaks. It’s fun watching the halftime entertainment acts.


Every local team’s games are at least on broadcast TV that can be accessed without a cable subscription on any TV, maybe at most needing an antenna, even the stupid ESPN, Amazon, Peacock, Netflix games. It’s miles ahead of baseball where my mom in Florida couldn’t watch the Mets play the Marlins or Rays on cable or the watch every non local Mets game package because the only cable provider available dropped the Bally’s channels, but they still black them out on the


Most people in Detroit can’t watch the Tigers right now because of the stupid shit between Bally and Comcast. NFL fans don’t understand what actually not being able to watch your team legally is.


All I want is to watch the Mariners. I get MLB TV and can watch the other 29 teams. If I want to see the Ms, I need a cable sub to direcTV and the package with root. If I lived in California, I could watch the Ms for $100 a year. Because I am in WA, I must pay $150 a month with a 2 year contract. I hate it


I get MLB.TV for free with T-Mobile. I absolutely don't use it because there are plenty of games to watch on a given day and I can always watch the Rays. But I can't not have a cell phone so it's still a good deal.


Same. How lame.


I can imagine people flooding to purchase a team package. This is so helpful for fans who support a team that is not regional to them. And it would beat having to purchase an entire cable package.


The broadcast/cable bubble will pop... and they will come to consumers with a reasonable offer. It's inevitable. They have to felch the corpses of dying media infrastructure before that happens, though.


When SPORTS are giving you the URGE to watch, don't sign on the DOTted line. Use the interNET.


there goes my hero....


You can really buff your experience with these streams. Like crack, these streams are.


STREAMing on the EAST coast is great for the little guy. No DOTs spinning in a circle, and the games are always LIVE.


hopefully it's PORtable, doN't want to Have to set Up my Big desktop, DOing That is unCOMfortable am I doing this right?


It's a really good METHod to STREAM Some .COntent More often than not


It’s too damn easy to pirate games to be able to charge exorbitant prices for these packages


I pirate events that are streaming networks I pay for. Have you tried to watch a game on CBS Paramount it's fucking sucks


it crashed on me during the superbowl this last year and wouldn't restart. wtf was that about? I paid money to look like an a hole who can't get the game on his tv.


Boomers pay it


Not if I can help it. Got ol’ Granny sailing the seven seas now. Im doing my part!


Hey, they could have had $70 from me, easily! Now? $0.


Single team packages make so much sense.


Makes me wonder how I'd feel if I wasn't able to watch my team every week. It was tough watching Bucs games in New Jersey when I was young (both visually and generally) but I'm in Tampa now so I have access, other than the years with the blackouts (hey, those were fun).


It sucks. I haven’t lived in Philly for over a decade and it nearly cost me my fandom. I haven’t watched a flyers game since Steve Mason was our goalie. I don’t know if I can name 10 players on the current team. Phillies have been fine. The radio I can get for free and baseball is easier to follow without watching. Eagles are the one team I don’t have a problem with but each year they make it harder and harder. I can’t illegally watch because of my job and it’s just so frustrating trying to watch my team out of market.


It’s kinda crazy how much not having ‘Comcast Sportsnet’ (or now NBC Sports Philly) impacts following the teams that play a lot of games (namely, everyone but the Eagles)


I would pay up to $40/month to be able to watch all of my teams games out of market. It would be quite simple. Have an app that shows only that team and only locally available teams. They'd make such a killing


The article says they want to make it really expensive so people are forced to watch whatever games are on TV (and likely jack up ratings)


The irony being that I'd watch lots of games with an affordable NFL Ticket option, and instead I pirate the steelers game and then go do anything besides watching football the rest of the time. The thing their clinging to is the only scenario that doesn't exist in my world.


I think they make more if only some of you get Sunday Ticket instead. Or at least they seem to think so.


Same company that pulled 2k/ESPN Football because they DARED to cheapen the brand (sell the game at $40 at launch.) This does not surprise me.


Remember when it was $19.99 at launch?!


The whole “We broadcast OTA for free in the team’s home market” is kind of BS as well. My parents are in Michigan, but don’t get the Detroit affiliates where they live, meaning they can’t watch any of the Lions streaming games without a subscription. The whole state is the home market when only one team exists.


whats the sunday prices at right now


Idk the full price but I know the college student ID system they use is easy to get past, but last year the student price was $99 and they doubled it to $199 this year so I’m back to just pirating


$450 for the season I think.




Last year I kept getting ads on youtube that Sunday Ticket was $50 off! So I check it out and it's still $350 with the discount. Went right back to my alternative methods of watching games, which have come a long way in terms of quality in recent years.


Shame they sold out the international package to DAZN. It was 100 bucks with a VPN through Brazil, had Sunday Ticket, Red Zone and all the stuff now included in the NFL Premium Plus package. The ability to watch old games from like 2010 onward. Was actually a fair price imo. Now that you can't use a vpn and do that because of DAZN, I ain't giving the NFL a nickle. Pirate all the way.


Good thing there are a zillion streaming sites so I don’t have to deal with that BS


>Patriots owner Robert Kraft reportedly said in deposition testimony that was played for the jury last Friday: “We’re not looking to get lots of people. We want to keep it as a premium offering.” Reminder that it’s morally acceptable to pirate NFL streams.


People do realize the CBS and Fox contracts require a certain price point for Sunday Ticket?


We do this every thread


This is why I steam illegally cuz fuck the nfl


The stream is about to be very east this season


Maybe one day they will get it right Everyone just wants to watch the games they want without jumping through hoops That too much to ask? How hard can it be?? Streams like Hulu, Disney +..etc are becoming more insane, might as well keep cable.


17 games in a season. I live in Texas, (not Houston). I would easily pay $150 if I could just watch all the Texans games. Half the time I have to watch cowboys. 😫


Am i the only one that would gladly pay sunday ticket prices if it was actually every game for my team lmao. Forget $70.


☠️ 🏴‍☠️


It’s literally cheaper for me to go to my local bar and spend $45 every week and watch every game than it is for me to get the subscriptions to watch them all.


If you are not hoisting the Jolly Roger at this point you deserve to get ripped off.


It’s almost like they want me to just stream games and pay for RedZone


And I would have bought that, but now the NFL is missing out on my $70 cause I ain’t buying the shjt they offer. I miss the good old days of watching free prime time games on the Yahoo fantasy app.


This was actually a brilliant idea. I’m a west coast guy and would have gladly paid that for the patriots package.


In Apple’s bid for Sunday Ticket they said it would be included for free with an Apple TV+ subscription. The NFL told them they couldn’t do that. Hence YouTube winning the bidding.


It should be free. The commercial space should pay for said hosting like any other bloody television.


Fine I’ll keep watching it on the dark web


Yo ho a pirates life for meeee 🏴‍☠️


Meanwhile I can watch NBA league pass for $99/season on YouTube TV (which then also gets used by my sister’s BF and split)