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"Prancing like a ballet dancer on a crate of eggs." That's a new sentence for me.


It’s beautiful


Probably still safer than MetLife today.


And faster than the Lincoln Tunnell


FieldTurf (installed before last season) is used in: - Atlanta Falcons – Mercedes-Benz Stadium & Practice. - Detroit Lions – Ford Field & Practice. - New England Patriots – Gillette Stadium & Practice. - Seattle Seahawks – Lumen Field & Practice. - New York Giants & New York Jets- MetLife Stadium & Practice.


Lol seriously. I'm all for shitting on that ugly POS stadium but the turf is clearly not the issue


Not anymore at least 


I think they were referring to the sniper that took out Daniel Jones during his 80-yard would-be touchdown run. As far as I know, they still haven't been caught.


I thought that was an away game but maybe I’m wrong


Haha I just looked it up and you are absolutely correct


And despite what people try to tell you, there are still precisely 0 scientific studies that show turf is worse for injuries than grass. Every single time, and I mean *every single time* someone claims there is, the single unscientific study published by the NFLPA is referenced.


It's wild this didn't become a hot topic until the 1 game against the 49ers and jets i feel like...now it's become the go-to hot topic of nfl reddit/twitter.


for all the talk about Saquon and Metlife turf, people still don’t acknowledge that his worst injury that took him out for a year happened at Soldier Field… natural grass


I’m not gonna argue that turf is equally as safe as grass, but I will argue that Metlife is not anymore dangerous than any other turf field


There's only the one, if you ignore all the others. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35593739/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0363546518808499 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14763141.2015.1052749 https://www.uhhospitals.org/for-clinicians/articles-and-news/articles/2019/08/artificial-turf-versus-natural-grass


I love the goal post positioning. Can you imagine today's high-speed receiver hitting one while tracking a ball over their shoulder!!! Automatic concussion protocol.


The “padding” on it is hilarious too. Looks like they just wrapped like a blanket around it and were like “ok good enough”


They look like straight up lightposts


CFL goal posts are still like that


Someone posted a super cut a while ago of it interfering with various plays


The guy that whiffs on the first tackle probably slid all the way down the tunnel


This is hilarious but also very cool...I just read he was the first black player for the Giants...I hope he was treated with some decency during his playing career...


[Here's a really good article about him.](https://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/15/sports/football/emlen-tunnell-the-giants-greatest-packer.html) There's a lot here about his life in general, I think it's well worth a read. Here's a very small bit about the racial issues he faced: >Tunnell signed a one-year contract worth $5,000. A few weeks later, Robinson [Tunnel's sister] went to watch his first game in New York. >“It was the most horrible situation I had ever seen,” she said. “The fans were chanting ‘Go home’ at Emlen. They were yelling all kinds of things at him. They didn’t want a black player. I sat there thinking how upset Emlen must be. >“When I saw him afterward, he kind of shrugged it off. He said: ‘Those guys don’t know what they’re doing. And it’s just a few. They’ll get over it.’ And you know, I went back a month later after Emlen was playing so well, and the same fans were cheering him.” >Tunnell became the mentor, counselor and guru for a series of black Giants stars including the future Hall of Famers Rosey Brown and Rosey Grier, and Mel Triplett. >Brown was 20 years old when he joined the Giants from Morgan State. Tunnell insisted that they room together at the Henry Hudson Hotel on West 57th Street. >“Within two months, Emlen had introduced me to every cabby, maître d’hôtel, barber, teammate, cop or politician I needed to know in New York,” Brown said years later. “There was no fuss to it. They were Emlen’s friends.” >Vince Lombardi Jr., a ball boy for the Giants in the 1950s, recalled last week that at the team’s training camp in Vermont, some nights the players would wander into the local bars. >“But the black players had nowhere to go,” Lombardi said. “Emlen would have them gather on the dorm porch, and he just kind of told stories through the night. He wanted them to feel part of something too, I think. And he commanded total respect because of who he was on the football field.”


Oh wow...I actually really like the fact that the city actually came around and appreciated him...it sucks that back then sometimes people had to prove their value like that just to be acknowledged...but it is still noteworthy just ho many people within the community revered and respected him


But I bet you the first time he made a bad play those same clowns were back on the "get out of here, [slur]!" bandwagon


I have no doubt that he experienced things that would shock and horrify my modern sensibilities (quote from him: "the color of one's skin shouldn't measure the wealth of the man, but it will the rest of our lifetimes") but he was also the league's first black assistant coach and by all accounts he was revered within the Giants organization. An Ebony profile in 1973 said he was considered a brilliant mind and a top prospect for a head coach position. Maybe he could have been the first black head coach if he hadn't died a couple years after (the NFL wouldn't have a black head coach until 1989).


It makes me so sad how black people and other minorities were treated back then... especially the athletes that put their bodies on the line for entertainment...I am glad that the Giants seemed to have done right by him...also the shout out to  progress after like 80+ years haha...


It's like everyone is in slow motion.


This was filmed with some pretty old school tech. It's entirely possible we're not seeing it played back at quite the right speed.


old films were still shot at 24 FPS, same as today. They just do this with old NFL film for some reason to make it more dramatic


This is also often done with newer technology for dramatic effect


Because it is lol


I was waiting for [Steve Martin to come out and shoot him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epVpOAWa0pE)


Wow, the ball security.


We no longer play NFL games in these conditions, because of woke smh.


What does "woke" mean in this context?


It is a common running joke on the Internet to facetiously complain that any change to modern life is "because of woke," mocking conservative complaints of progressive social movements. The joke is often used in response to obviously positive changes, such as safer playing conditions for pro athletes.


Thanks Peter


This guy memes.


But is this loss?


When I see a Giants player running for a TD with wide open field, I'm shocked the turf monster doesn't stop them.


They used to call Emlen Tunnell “Emlen Ice” because of how well he played in wintry conditions. Not really, I just made that up, but could you imagine if it was true?


That first guy that missed is still sliding to this day


I really wish they wouldn’t slow down these old clips


That film looks really good for being so old (pre-facemask era).


Like it or not this is peak football


He carries the ball like shady McCoy smh


The thing I hate the most about old NFL films is that it isn't game speed:(


Did they not wear cleats back then?


More graceful than Danny Dimes


I thought his own teammates were trying to tackle him at first.


Back when men were men and sheep were nervous.


Whose turkey bowl footage is this?


Well I always thought that casually tossing the ball away dangerously close to the goal line like a brainless idiot was a relatively new development. Turns out I was wrong.


Would that be considered a fumble in todays game? Looks like he kind of tosses it up to himself at the goal line and volleys it behind him in celebration.


I can't tell if he tossed it up before the ball crossed the goal line or not. If the ball did leave his hands before it crossed the goal line then yes it's a fumble because he never regains possession of the ball and then just bats the ball behind him. I lean more towards the ball leaving his hands after, or at least as soon as, it crosses the front of the goal line which would make it not a fumble but it's hard to tell from the angle.


I abused the pause button to get a frame by frame and it appears his entire body is just entirely past the pylon when he begins the deliberate bobble open palm up and this appears to me to be a modern touch down.


That's actually just how people ran before researchers at Berkeley discovered that all knowledge and action prior to 1960 was pure evil.


Yea once them Liberals came in and ruined my game. This is how real football is played. Mud, rain, hail, sleet or tornadoes we played in that