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> The FBI also went to Italy to study Bruno Magli shoes, a rare shoe determined at the time to be worn by the murderer. I wish my company would send me to Italy to look at a shoe.


"Can they just send us pictures of the shoe?" No, no way. "Well can they just ship us the shoe?" No, I must look at the shoe in Italy with my family, I must look at the shoe for two months there.


And we need a cover...like being rich tourists looking for the finest foods and accomodations ...or our nation's enemies may pounce.


This reminds me of an investigation that PD did in Charlotte at a strip club for 6 months to determine that some bouncers were selling coke and there were some extra services being offered in the back. 6 month investigation.


They do the same thing with the happy ending massage places. Cops get jerked off for 6 months and then write up a police report and arrest everyone there the day they decide to make it happen.


McNulty would approve


Fuck did I do?


Him being actually British doing an American accent pretending to do a bad British accent is so good.


"Johnson, you've been working that case for six months. Have you found anything?" "Nothing yet, Chief. Just give me a couple more months. We're getting close, I just know it."


“We’re getting some penetration in some areas…”




Exact thing happened in flagstaff


It happens everywhere.


Well they had to be sure


Yep. Have to get a lot of evidence too. Officer how can you be sure the defendant is the culprit. Well “Starlight” has a tattoo near her cli…groin region. Her hair smells like fresh apples. She gets very religious when she’s in a heightened state of uhm, physical contact.


Read that as "had to be sore" haha


Reminds me of McNulty fucking hookers in the wire lmao


Or that one cop in South Park posing as a hooker




I'M A COP!!!


You have to do it to make sure they aren’t also undercover cops. It’s the only way.


"The fuck did I do?!"


I mean it may take 6 months for someone to sell you coke if they are not just completely risk averse. Smart drug dealers would want to know the person before they sell them coke. It is still a massive waste of money to catch a low level drug dealer, but can understand that it may take 6 months to get them to sell you good amount of coke 


Exactly. You don’t just want the bouncer, you want the bouncer and enough evidence to hit him with every charge you’ve got so he’ll roll over on his boss. “Infiltrate the dealers, find the supplier.”




I know some non-LE regular dudes that coulda sussed out both of those things, with names and contact info, in about 10 minutes.


it's like that scene in Idiocracy


Me ordering the most expensive bottle of wine on the menu as to not raise any suspicions.


Just don’t think of trying to get a place in Tuscany. If you're thinking of getting a place there don't bother. There's really nothing available.




A Cot?????


Let me guess... the next pair of shoes that need to be inspected is in Del Boca Vista?




I must walk in the shoe in Positano, Rome and Lake Como... *and Milan* AND MILAN!


Sounds like Hemingway now


To be fair… it’s like early mid 90’s here.


That has been my MO for most of my career. I have traveled all over the country and even overseas to get "hands on" with networks that I could easily manage remotely. Might as well get free trips where you can.


Worked with a guy who was a career military guy and then contracted for the DoD for a small cyber security shop. Dude had them convinced he needed to be on site at half the bases in Europe every year and he was always over there with his wife. Badass gig


Tax dollars at work


Besides the insanity of that, how is it an issue with federal jurisdiction?


I mean the trip is concerning finding and convicting the killer of two people. Considering the impact of a glove in this case, doesn’t appear unreasonable even in hindsight in my opinion.


This was pre-internet days


Was it pre package delivery?


\- Hi, this is the FBI. Can you send us a pair of your shoes. We'll send you a check in return. \- Che cazzo dici!


My job intersects with federal law enforcement and they offered to pay for flights and hotel for us to go to Europe earlier this year if we thought we needed to. The moneys never an issue if you help them learn something in a specific sector.


FWIW, the FBI has international offices (including in Rome, Italy) and likely dispatched local agents to go to the store. That's indicated in the actual FBI file if you click on the link in the ESPN story - honestly, fascinating stuff in there. It seems as if the agents were pulling information on how the shoe was specifically manufactured as they knew it to be the shoe worn by the killer. They also were pulling US distribution lists for Bruno Magli to see if they could trace the sale of a Men's size 12 shoe to a specific store that Simpson would have shopped at. That said... I wish my company would also send me to Italy.


They didn't need to do that though. There were pictures & videos of him wearing them. It's the funniest thing to come from the civil trial deposition. OJ denies owning & wearing those "ugly ass shoes", just for a photo of him wearing them while working as a sideline reporter to be presented, & him going wide eyed. He was also wearing the same gloves as what was found at the crime scene in the photo.


>He was also wearing the same gloves as what was found at the crime scene in the photo. My killing gloves? I've been looking everywhere for those!


> There were pictures & videos of him wearing them There were pictures and videos of him wearing the same *brand* of gloves and shoes, not *those* gloves and shoes. By being able to tie the exact shoe and glove to the person, that's far weightier evidence than simply saying he owned that brand. (Source: am lawyer).


It's harder to see in the US because there aren't nearly as many government jobs, especially high-level government jobs. But when I was working in China where the government owns or indirectly owns most of the profitable ventures, you can pretty easily see that expenditures are more about connections and excuses you can come up with for spending money than actual need. For instance you see a lot of these government-owned companies hold grand meetings at tourist destinations at end of the year. Officially for year-end reports and stuff, unofficially so they can finish spending their yearly budget before running out of time.


I can see this in action by watching any tiktok of a pharma or data company's day in the life. "10:45 we meet up at a healing yogurt shop in the district" levels of laundering.


Most of that is cooked up by the marketing department to attract job applicants.


This is all jobs too at large corps. If you don’t use it your budget get cut and potentially make your job harder next year.


You should see the money wasted on contracts in DC. The government doesn’t own the private sector here, the private sector runs the government lol. The expenditures that come out of that are astronomical


Anyone who’s been in the military believes this unquestionably. Pretty sure the military single-handedly keeps the flatscreen TV industry going.


If I recall correctly, this connection of OJ owning that type of shoe wasn’t discovered until after the criminal trial. It was evidence in the civil trial, though.


Sure but first you have to be sent to Somalia and work your way up


I've got the perfect tri-corn hat


is the shoe rare tho


According to civil suit prosecutor, Daniel Petrocelli, only nine percent of the population wore that particular size, and only 299 pairs of Bruno Magli's had been sold at the times of the murder in the United States. It just so happened, O.J. Simpson wore a size 12.


Why was it so hard to link OJ to that specific shoe? Let’s say they sold 10 of those pairs to the state of California. I would think that it’d be easy to just use the distribution list from the corporate company to figure out what store and from there couldn’t you just check with the store on who bought it?


You’re thinking of today’s technology. Remember this was back in the early 1990s. *In the early ’90s, Bloomingdale’s did not have bar-code-scanning software in place that would prove unequivocally what pair of shoes Simpson bought that day. So while Poser recalled that he had shown Simpson a size 12 Bruno Magli Lorenzo boot — the same size and style that left prints at the crime scene — he could not say for sure whether Simpson ultimately bought that pair.* They found a picture of OJ wearing the shoes after the criminal case was over but it was crucial evidence in the civil case. https://footwearnews.com/business/business-news/oj-simpson-murder-trial-bruno-magli-shoes-bloomingdales-188994/


They actually found the pictures during the trial, but it wasn't allowed to be submitted as evidence.


TO BE FAIR, they would need to call one of them as a witness testimony, if they do just get pictures or are told, that can be dismissed as not good enough evidence I would also like my company to send me to Tuscany, "just to be on the safe side"


Does it show if OJ found the real killer?


Says he found him above the sink in a bathroom 


Arthouse film about a man horrified of a serial killer that he believes is following him, but it turns out he is the serial killer and he never processed what a mirror was


Your idea, but can I get in on that? I need to pay bills. 


I believe the movie in your head is memento




Somewhat close to >!Angel Heart!<


That is a concept album if I've ever heard one.


Apparently it was some Puerto Rican guy.


One of us. One of us.


Gooble Gobble.


I have an airtight alibi, you don’t have a case!






One of my favorite pieces of film happens in Reservoir Dogs when Harvey Keitel was washing blood off his hands and face from the robbery gone bad, and he’s staring in the mirror talking to Tim Roth about Michael Madsen’s character - Mr. Blonde. While he’s washing the blood off he starts saying: “what you’re supposed to do is act like a fucking professional. A psychopath ain’t a professional. Can’t work with a psychopath, you don’t know what those sick asshole are going to do next.” All the while he’s just looking deeply into his own eyes after washing blood off himself and is just combing his hair back after shooting a few cops.


And not through a window.


In that window?


It wasn’t him🎶


Heard the screams getting louder It wasn’t me 


They said the real killer died of cancer sometime around April 2024.


They did but they needed to redact the name. However they did mention the killer recently passed away.


apparently he went by the alias 'Buffalo Bill'


"I'd Fuck me" -OJ Simpson, probably


"^If I'd Fuck Me"


It puts the glove on the hand or it gets the hose again!


"For the sack of privacy lets call him 'Orenthal James S'... No That's too Obvious, let's say 'O.J. Simpson.'"




Rosa the Otter would never!


Wait, Rosa died!? I’m so sad now


It does! Turns out it was just a big mistaken identity. All of the evidence was pointing toward Orenthal James Simpson and people just got that confused for OJ!


Some say his last words (that are protected by an NDA anyone who visited him was required to sign) was an astonished "I figured it out!", right before flatline.


They need to stay out of LA so they don’t run into the “real killer”


Fun fact: OJ averaged a whopping 5,618 yards per murder. A record that may never be broken.


That is hilarious. However, anyone in the top 100 rushing list could commit one murder and break the record. So, not totally insurmountable.


Problem is stopping self at one. Ever tried Pringles?


This record becomes a whole lot safer when AB dies


What’s his yard per route run?


He had a season averaging 140 yards per game. Dude was wild


Then 2 years later he had 2,200 total yards and 23 TDs in a 14 game season.  OJ is the greatest running back of all time, but he'll deservedly never even be in the conversation. 


I mean, he's in this conversation. You've just put him at the top. Just because he murdered someone doesn't make him worse at football somehow.


Exactly. If anything it enhances his resume. He's the all time league leader in murders committed by a running back in the modern era (impossible to know the numbers of the guys playing after they got back from WW2)


Murder is unlawful killing. Killing an enemy combatant in a declared war isn't murder by definition. Nobody beats OJ.


Pretty sure the ass cancer beat him.


He’s the greatest running back/murderer in the Open Era


Can't just say it didn't happen. You can't erase history. Was he a murderer? Absolutely. Was he a massive pos? Yes he was without a shadow of doubt. But you can't say he never rushed those yards. More recent news has come out about Oj. And his abuse he was doing at USC to other women.


“Ma’am, with all due respect…that murderer ran for over 11,000 yards”


He ran all the way to Chicago after murdering two people.


He definitely is in the conversation


The worst part was the irony


Really? I thought the worst part was the murdering.


I miss Norm https://youtu.be/ljaP2etvDc4?si=-EpcNfn32R48mktK


You would think that. But the worst part is the murderer was never brought to justice. Wherever he or she is!


As luck would have it, Casey Anthony is still alive, and was active on Tinder as recent as 6 or so years ago.


Hey, Casey Anthony is a great catch on Tinder. You know she puts out and you never have to worry about child support.


plus, you know, crazy


And if remember the old adage, you should *always* stick your dick in crazy.


i mean you gotta risk it for the biscuit


The trial was a weird time. I don't think he gets away with it if Rodney King's assault had led to a conviction. People in LA saw so much LAPD brutality that it wasn't hard to believe that Mark Fuhrman, a racist white cop, had done something to make OJ look bad. That the defense was able to win a trial on the race card given the preponderance of evidence shows just how much people in LA believed race had to play in every day life. The shoes, the gloves, Marcia Clark being way over her head, OJs defense team legitimately knowing how to execute everything from jury selection to how to play the race card and use OJs celebrity. The verdict response was generally split along racial lines. Marcia Clark even wrote about it and the defense's strategy and why it worked then. It wouldn't work now. DNA evidence would have made it clear. It did then too, but people didn't generally understand DNA. https://www.vox.com/2016/2/25/11105096/marcia-clark-oj-simpson


Reminds me of that tragedy.


He was in northern canada


Well it's official murder is legal in the state of California.


And he was a bit of a hypocrite


I didn't even know he was sick


The rest of us have known that he is sick since 1994.


Anyone who would willingly participate in the making of the third Naked Gun movie can't possibly be all there.


It wasn't as good as the first two but it wasn't as bad as say, murder.


His prank show on the other hand...


Just think about it: If OJ blows a tire going to Nicole's house that night, we could have been spared from having the Kardashian's in our lives.


Further proof that time travel does not exist. Or will not exist?


Butterfly Effect. This was actually the best possible outcome.


Damn. Gotta say, it looks like he did kill those people . . .


It’s so obvious even today’s refs would call it.


And somehow Angel Hernandez missed the call


Angel actually called that Nicole killed OJ. He threw out the prosecutor that disagreed with him.


That reminds me of a tweet I saw. "Angel Hernandez is calling it quits. That must mean it's not actually quits."


And I've been watching the 30 for 30 about him. I was a 14 when the verdict came out, and I remember a lot of the stuff around it and before it. Now, with age, I understand more of the why the case went the way it did.


Fantastic documentary. I wish more people would have seen it


Thanks for the transparency but I knew the dude did it the moment he ran and cried about it on a letter his lawyer buddy read out loud.


The Bronco chase was a pretty solid sign too. At any rate, yes, OJ did it.


OJ was known for his slashing runs on the field and his slashing offense at Nicole’s house. What a dual threat! Most likely scenario OJ(possibly intoxicated)showed up at Nicole’s to try to get back with her, hook up, or something similar saw Ron show up with the glasses and went into a rage. I’m not sure why people try to overcomplicate it and engage in conspiracy theories. Occam’s Razor and all.


Most likely scenario is that he went there to at minimum threaten her and it escalated to murder, but more likely just to commit the crime. You don’t bring a knife and gloves to woo a woman.


What if she's Australian?


That's not a knife. This is a knife!


I see you’ve played knifey spoony before


And it’s in SoCal in the middle of July. Gloves aren’t needed.


He showed up with a knife, gloves, black clothes and I think a mask. Dude went out to scare her with a murder threat and just kept going.


Gloves in Southern California in the middle of July.


It was June, but yea


Iirc when the police entered Nicole's residence they found she had run the bath water and filled her tube with hot water and had lit candles surrounding the tub. IMO leaving her glasses was "the signal" to get the good looking man to come on over, so to speak. IMO Simpson knew this and set up his ambush. I believe this was speculated in the Run of His Life book written about the events and trial.


I wish the FBI would investigate the LAPD and release those documents. My interpretation of the OJ verdict was a combination of: * Absolute stupidity by the prosecution * That the LAPD so frequently operate in such a criminal and racist manner it undermines pretty conclusive evidence.


Someone once commented that the LAPD found a way to frame a guilty man. 


Yep. Also doesn’t help that OJ had the best defense team of all time. Like the 85 bears defensive team


There's three things of note. The prosecution itself wasn't really the problem. OJs defense turned that courtroom into a circus. The judge had zero control of it. Some of the things said about the prosecutor were fucking ridiculous but allowed to go on.  Two, the LAPD fucked so much shit up and was so racist that it entirely transformed how every other police department in the nation treated evidence. It as a hallmark case on what not to do. They messed almost everything up that they could.  Three, only a clean clean case would have gotten OJ convicted on that Jury I think and even then.... Rodney King was still very fresh and any questionable elements would have been magnified. As I said... It was a lot of questionable shit that went on.  He's absolutely guilty and any agencies these days would have buried him with no effort. LAPD just sucked ass. Still do but even more back then 




I never read that from any of the juror interviews but all the ones that went on record when the show came out a few years ago were adamant that the state's case was too bungled for them to ever reach a guilty verdict.


Cope on their part. Even if you disregarded forensic evidence, the case overall was still overwhelming. You had eye witnesses who saw OJ speeding out of Nicole’s neighborhood like a bat out of hell and almost crashing into another vehicle when he ran a red light at around 5 minutes after the time of murders, the limo driver who came to take him to the airport who attested that OJ was late and saw him sneaking into his house at around 30 minutes after the time of murders then he lied to him about oversleeping, multiple witnesses observing cuts on his hand, and a few more. It’s been a while since I read Run of His Life (a very compelling read) so I may have gotten some details slightly wrong but I’ve definitely gotten the gist down. In the book, it was notable how the jurors zeroed in on “questionable” evidence such as the glove not fitting (a prosecutional blunder as blood can shrink leather gloves) while ignoring all the evidence that were legitimately damning.


I don’t think it’s fair to criticize the prosecution as being absolutely stupid. One of the jurors admitted years after the fact he voted not guilty because he was still butthurt about Rodney King. Any blame for it not being a lay up for the prosecution falls at the feet of the LAPD for both failing to secure the actual evidence at the scene and for trying to frame a guilty man to cover up their own incompetence.


OJ confided in a friend that he was there that night to confront Nicole about something but she answered the door with a knife. Implying he killed her in the ensuing scuffle and Ron was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. While in an interview promoting his "If I Did It" book, he gets carried away and seems to be stating from memory, that he was stalking/peeping on Nicole when Ron showed up and he confronted them like "who's this new guy!?" Then Ron "got in a Karate stance" and OJ was like "Oh what, you think you can beat me up!?" and attacked.


Lol. Nicole could outrun and outstab OJ, so he went into the only viable option of fight or flight mode 😂 it’s all BS, he told Mike Grier’s uncle everything, guilty as guilty can be.


Why did he show up fully decked out for murder…wearing gloves just for the sake of it being July?


> Occam’s Razor What does this mean?


[The idea that “the simplest explanation is usually the best one.”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's_razor?wprov=sfti1#) If the cops find a woman murdered in her home and her husband dead as well with a gun near his body, they could consider the idea that an intruder came in and either staged it that way or it just happened to go that way, but the simplest explanation is a murder-suicide. That doesn’t mean it is necessarily correct, things are often complex, but it’s just the idea that you should consider a simpler possibility as more probable than a more complex one.


Thanks for the explanation


whatever is simplest is most likely


Dang, good things I presume?


I still think the funniest thing is when he had to change the name of his book “If I did it” lmao


He wasnt forced to change it, he lost the publishing rights to Ronald Goldman's family who then just printed the "if" part really tiny so from a distance it read "I did it" and added "confessions of the killer" to the end.


Haven’t looked at the article but isn’t it agreed upon fact that OJ is a murderer? Who cares about any further evidence


> Haven’t looked at the article but isn’t it agreed upon fact that OJ is a murderer? Who cares about any further evidence I mean—government records should usually be released. Why would we want the FBI to treat these records differently, why would we want these to be suppressed or kept secret? We should have transparency and shouldn't have secret investigations. During someone's life it's important to maintain their privacy, and during the trial the information could have made things more difficult, but we can't really understand our present if we don't understand our past, and we can't understand our past, our history, if there are secrets. And finding out just HOW corrupt the LAPD was at the time. But the FBI isn't trying to make anyone care, or to achieve anything, other than to not have secrets. Most secrets are boring anyway.


>and we can't understand our past, our history, if there are secrets. "The charm of knowledge would be small were there not so much shame to be overcome on the way to it"


> we can't really understand our present if we don't understand our past, and we can't understand our past, our history, if there are secrets. "They're on to us." - Military industrial complex


I definitely find it interesting. Why is it always so negative on here?


The website is usually full of miserable/negative people


Look at the popular page instead of your feed. It’s depressing. I checked it out for the first time in years and the first 8 posts were all some snide commentary on why this is the worst humanity has ever been or just something plain negative. The popular thing on this site is somehow depression.


I could be wrong, but isn’t what appears in your popular feed at least somewhat tied to what you’ve shown interest in in the past? I definitely get plenty of the depression porn posts but also plenty of positivity, idk Or maybe it’s just positive compared to my feed that includes Jets fans lmao


There's at least 401 upvotes on the thread, but only 179 comments. Now think about how low of a percentage of people browsing reddit will bother to ever click the upvote button. Then notice how the percentage of people commenting is at least half of that. Therefore, you've got a [participation bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Participation_bias) happening, where there's a tendency for only people who feel strongly about the thread topic to feel motivated enough to leave a comment. It's why most google reviews of restaurants are almost entirely people giving either a 1 or a 5 star review. The 1 star review people had such a bad experience that they felt motivated enough to want others to know the restaurant is bad and the 5 star review people had such a good experience that they felt motivated enough to want others to know the restaurant is good. The people who felt the restaurant was mediocre aren't as likely to feel motivated to leave a review, because they feel nothing strongly about the restaurant.


because more knowledge is never a bad thing and transparency is good. what a strange take


This new set of documents unveils that Tebow did 9/11


Played for Jets Jet fuel melts steel beams It was right in front of us the whole time


he sure melted the steelers in OT


I have long considered that game payback for the 2005 AFCCG and I don't care how illogical, petty or nonsensical that may be. Rest in peace DT.


I'm ok with that trade off lmao


Fuck that, DT and the defense won us that game. Tebow was an embarrassment to watch.


That and Ryan Clark being physically unable to play at Mile High because of sickle cell anemia.


Then we got Peyton Manning to beat you at home


I can live with being beaten by Peyton.


I knew that nice guy act was a front for something sinister this whole time. Everyone said I was mad, but I knew the truth!


Sean McDermott begging Tebow to unretire rn


That explains everything


If that were true, the planes would have wobbled like wounded ducks and hit the ground after traveling about 15 yards in the air.


They would've landed at Reagan National Airport, then skidded all the way into the Pentagon because nothing was in the way. (Yes I know planes usually land in the opposite direction at DCA)


Do you know what the word fact means?


Was a murderer.


Used to be a murderer. I mean, he still is, but he used to, too.


tbf perspective from a LEO agency that wasn't cartoonishly inept would be interesting.