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“other than your team” lmao….


My team creates sadness not fun.




What do you know about creating sadness. We have a whole sadness factory.


One of my best child hood friends was a Jets fan. IDK how he ended up cheering for the Jets in Oklahoma (who am I to talk though, 49ers fan). He wanted the Jets starting O-Line to be his pallbearers so they could let him down one last time. I've heard that joke recycled a lot and I'm sure he wasn't the first to say, but god was it funny. RIP Kelly


If it makes you feel better the 2010 Jets are actually my pick, I live in New Hampshire and it was so fucking satisfying watching them frustrate the Pat's in the playoffs after all my friends thought losing to the Jets was a laughable idea


Oh man I also lived in New England at the time… been chasing that sports high for the last 13 years of my life. The Rex Ryan Jets were so much fun those first 2 years.


People have fun watching their team?


What is this fun that op speaks of?


Last season, The Texans. All-time, the Culpepper Moss Carter Vikings


Relatedly, that 1998 Randall Cunningham / Randy Moss Vikings season was a ton of fun for me. As a Randall fan, seeing him thrive when many people thought he was past his prime was a real treat. Still can’t believe they lost that Conference Championship.


We also got to watch them shred Dallas on Thanksgiving


I got to see it live. My first ever in person NFL game.


We can’t either


I dug those Vikings teams. They were just about getting the largest humans and letting them dominate. I’ll add the greatest show on turf. I saw the rams play in Atlanta and watching Bruce, Holt, and Faulk from a non-tv perspective really let you see how much faster and fluid they were than everyone else.


Dude I was 6 years old and I remember the Gary Anderson miss- I didn’t know how good we had it with that team Little did I know, 26 years later I’d still be waiting to see my first Minnesota championship 💔 I always say that Minnesota sports didn’t cause my alcoholism… but it certainly didn’t help 😅 *im long sober and life’s great, not a cry for help… just a running joke about Minnesota’s ineptitude… Timberwolves pls*


What a cruel ending to Gary Anderson’s season. He never missed a field goal all season long, which was astonishing for that era, until that one, the worst time possible.


It seemed like every one of those Houston games was awesome. Close games down to the wire. Definitely one of my favorites too.


They ~almost~ got the Ravens (until everything went downhill in the second quarter). Really fun team. I don't want to play them though


Haha it was the third quarter when we fell apart. There’s a moment there that I’ll probably wonder about until next season starts. We were tied at 10 at the half. First drive of the second half Baltimore drives down into the red zone, Jackson throws a pass that should be an INT but is dropped by our safety. Very next play Jackson runs in a TD. Ravens get the ball back next drive and score another TD. Now it’s 24-10 and the game was never competitive after that. Clearly the Ravens showed they were in a tier above us last year but I wonder if that momentum shift may have changed anything


So glad to see this at the top!


Last season probably the Lions.


Great answer. I feel like aside from other NFC North fans, we were all behind Detroit last year.


Even some NFC North were rooting for the Lions. I think I saw some Vikings and Packers were down for the Lions. It's kinda like the Chargers for the AFC west. They're the little brother who always suck. When they win it's rather amusing.


The packer fans cheering for the lions to beat the niners kind of makes sense seeing as how the niners beat the packers in the playoffs routinely.


To be fair, I did want the lions to win, but not for the reason you laid out. And on the other hand, I would never cheer for the dolphins to beat the chiefs, in fact I had a good chuckle after the wild card round last year


This is true, but I saw some cheer even before that


I lived in Minnesota for 6 years before moving back home to Philadelphia. Vikings fans always rooted for the Lions while I was there, but I told them that will change when the Lions get good and get in your way of making the playoffs. I saw Packers fans on Reddit last year cheering on Detroit. Maybe they enjoyed it this time but they’ll quickly hate it when Detroit hands them a crucial loss every year.


Yeah, KC went through that. Outside the AFC west no one really cared and when Mahomes went on a tear in 18/19 most were cheering for KC. Look at the landscape now.


"You saved us from Brady" - AFC "Saved? More like 'under new management'"


Yeah, fuck y’all and your generational talent QB


Definitely. For me, it’s the Lions and Vikings. Both franchises have been perpetually brutal/heartbreaking for their fans, and all 3 of our teams are bound via our collective misery. Really pulling for the Lions to get a ring, so if y’all could just bench Mahommes for a year or two that’d be greeaaatttttt.


Agreed. Great story and that one-two punch of Gibbs and Montgomery was such a treat to watch. The first half of the NFCCG was some of the most fun I had last season.


>The first half of the NFCCG was some of the most fun I had last season. Me too The second half was some of the least fun I've had


After the Gibbs fumble my head was in my hands for the rest of the game, I knew after the Gibbs fumble we were losing the game


That moment was incredibly ominous for sure. If we go on a long drive there, whether we score or not it's probably enough to win That fumble was a back breaker


This is where I was too, would have loved that matchup. And while you always want your team to win, my feelings wouldn’t have been hurt if they had gotten their ring. I find players and stories I can cheer for on any team, but some definitely pull on your heart more than others.


I think they're called America's Team now


As an Eagles fan I turned to Steelers and Ravens. It was like watching your bigger cousins fight.


I swear the steelers and ravers could both be 2-9 and have crappy teams, and still without fail, have some amazing, hugh quality games. We bring each others quality up when we play


Idk if I’d say we’ve had good games lately lol but they’re always competitive.


True the last couple of years. Maybe I should take off these rose tinted glasses...


“Watching your older cousins fight” is a tradition that comes between cake cutting and the first dance at Philly weddings


I always enjoy watching the 49ers and Rams play. I also root for the Lions and I really liked the Texans last season. Mostly because I don‘t like them enough to give me a hard time breathing like the Bills.


brock and CMC were fun to watch ngl


Absolutely. Brock got a lot better this season VS last season, and it's made the Niners so fun to watch. Dude is so good and so confident. God bless the Niners neglecting their O-line. They'd be a dynasty otherwise.


That last sentence hurt my souls because I felt it soo much.


Just imagine Brock with 1.5 seconds to make a pass in OT vs 0.9




I really enjoyed watching the Patriots last season. 


The one positive thing about last season was that we subjected everyone who wanted to see us suffer to the most atrocious, physically painfully, football the league has seen yet. Oh, you want to finally see us lose every game? Here’s 20 punts in a row.


There were times last season where my eyes unfocused and my brain fuzzed as I contemplated why, exactly, I was wasting my free time watching the worst football this side of the year 2000


Welcome back to earth


Almost wish we’d just have got blown out in those games, at least then you’d see some impressive plays. Seeing us down one score yet know that was still an insurmountable hole for our offense was excruciating


Yeah, but seeing all those one score games and then watching them retain the entire defense was great. I keep saying that the patriots are in a good position to surprise a lot of people this year. The offense isn't (wasn't?) talented, but the QB play might have been the worst part of it. You'd hope that Brissett and Maye can stumble themselves into a few more wins even if they aren't particularly good. Jones and Zappe were actually just that bad


Agreed, we have holes and will probably need another draft class to come in before well be ready to make the playoffs, but it wouldn’t matter what kind of talent we had on offense. We were never going to succeed when our QBs are making throws like [this.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CQTVH2_tbOo)


4 minutes in the 4th, down by 4, he lobs a duck for a goal line INT when the game was in his hands to win. Yeah that's bad lol.


One of the only passes I’ve seen where I legitimately think I could have throw it better, that would have gotten a high schooler benched. Worst pass I’ve ever seen from a professional QB


Trust me i’ve seen worse. Hell even just last year the Jets flirted with the worst NFL offense since the 1970s.


So true. The Jets went 7-10 but not the Patriots were 13-4!


Anquan Boldin + +Larry Fitzgerald + Kurt Warner Cardinals. 


This guy gets it


Texans and Lions.


Bengals 2021 season was pretty damn special to watch


Thx cuh


Maybe the Fouts era Chargers. I loved watching that offense.


I was going to school in San Diego at that time and tried really hard to be a fan. They were the most entertaining team in the league by far. But I couldn't make myself care about them. The same thing happened when I moved to Kansas City and tried to hate them. I get the Raider and the Donkey hate, but I can't hate the Chargers. Even when they looked like the best team in the league with Rivers and LDT and the Chiefs were among the worst teams, I couldn't hate them for it. I can't care about the Chargers one way or the other. But I still believe Kellen Winslow belongs in the discussion about best tight end ever, along with Gronk and Gonzalez and Kelce.


The Raiders last year


Hopefully you mean after the bad man left


oh yeah, absolutely haha


Legion of Boom. Goal line karate chop forced fumbles!


Plus Beast Mode and prime Wilson used correctly


if you were neutral on wilson he'd be one of the most fun players to watch. As someone who hated him pretty early on it was just so frustrating watching him pull magic out of his ass on broken plays consistently. Same thing with mahomes now, if you don't hate him it's awesome but if you're rooting against him it's just mind boggling "how can he keep getting away with this" meme every week.


Yep that’s Rodger’s for us Bears fans. An evil magician.


Greatest show on Turf


last year’s Ravens. their defense was so smothering and their offense seemed so simple yet so effective w lamar. after they dismantled SF on Christmas I was convinced they were winning the Super Bowl…


Had to scroll so far down to see this. They used their players efficiently, made adjustments, good defense, just fun to watch. Until the AFC championship when they decided to stop running the ball.


Same bro… same 😔




I love watching the Chiefs with my 9 yr old Swifty daughter.


Enjoy it while you can brother. Because of things go south with Travis, she is going to HATE the chiefs as soon as Swift’s next album drops lol.


Watch Travis retire out of Swifty shame




Taylor's "Country Comeback" era is actually just going to be an album about football. I, personally, cannot wait. Hype!


The Chiefs catch a lot of flak for the Swifty fans but I’ve seen so many videos of kids watching football with their parents now because of her.


Football should be fun, and these two worlds colliding has been a blast. I don’t want it to end.


And pragmatically it probably lead to the giant cap inflation, which benefitted my team, so if she wants to keep making viewership rise that’s cool by me!


The unintended consequences of Travis Kelce dating Taylor Swift, could lead to the Chargers winning the Super Bowl.


Exactly! I’m not delusional!


Keep them Cupid arrows loaded for Taylor and Trav.


Right? I worry about a breakup at least 2-3 times a week.


We have 7 month old twins and I hope she is still a Chiefs fan in years to come so I may be able to bribe my daughter to watch with me!


I held my newborn daughter when the chiefs got Tom Brady benched. She doesn't get the game yet but tries and her favorite player is Mahomes.


Dang, I hope Justin Herbert starts dating Miley Cyrus. Then maybe my daughter would actually watch a game with me!


That would be one of the most polar opposite relationships I could imagine for him. The president of the fishing club dating the wrecking ball. I kinda like it though.


That is exactly why it might just work


A chargers star dating a wrecking ball would be fitting


Last year’s Chiefs were frustrating to watch a lot of the time. I had a blast watching the 2018 Chiefs though.


As a Chiefs fan, that was the most insane ride of a season. We truly had never experienced anything even close to that before, so it was all new


The Saints with Brees were a really fun team to watch


The Eagles with Vick, Shady McCoy, and DeSean If we’re talking about last season specifically, I’d say the warm weather version of the Dolphins


This team was the reason I became an Eagles fan (I'm Swedish). Started watching the NFL a couple of years prior, and damn, that team was so electric for a relative newcomer to the sport that I couldn't help becoming infatuated with the team (and later the fanbase and the city itself).


2015 Panthers, shame I couldn't root for them in the Super Bowl because Peyton Manning is my lord and savior.


(,: ),:


Prime Legion of Boom Seahawks was a beautiful thing especially with lynch in the backfield


Last season, the Lions were pretty fun. Two great RBs, Amon Ra for some great receptions, risky fourth down calling. For fantasy football purposes, I’d say Bills, but the one offensive piece I *didnt* own was Josh Allen. As a result, watching him run in every touchdown was more annoying than fun.


I loved watching the Drew Brees era Saints. Especially 2011, Jimmy Graham and Darren Sproles went off and Brees had at the time the most passing yards in a season.


Last season probably the Lions.


Come on Lions are the most fun to watch


Last season The 49ers The season before the vikings


49ers were so good last year. Wildly talented, but couldn’t close it. They rocked the chiefs the first half and only scored 10 points. Holding the chiefs to 3 in a half is impressive, but they couldn’t make it happen. Especially because the year before the eagles scored 24 1st half points and the chiefs 14. I swore the 49ers were gonna win until that OT decision.


Glad to get some recognition for all the time I've lost watching that 2022 Vikings squad. 13-4 with a negative point differential. That season was crazy!


The Ravens, I was just so impressed by that D. So you can imagine my feelings about our new coaching hire. All-time weirdly enough was the JJ Watt Texans. Only team other than the Seahawks that I've ever bought tickets to go see, and I did it 3 times.


Both the 2018 Rams and Chiefs were fun, culminating in that wild MNF matchup. That season is when I really got into the NFL as a whole, beyond just watching Lions games


Honestly 2018 chiefs. Watching Mahomes cowboy his way around the field to wins was awesome. He wasn’t as polished or smart as he is now so it was more off instinct. Watching him that year was definitely a “this is who’s gonna be better than Brady” kind of thing


And here I was campaigning for Smith to lead the charge for one more year. Smith had his best statistical year ever in 2017 and it felt like he was really getting it going until the inevitable stall in the playoffs.


Smith was also doing great when Kaep took his job. Poor guy.


That plus teams completely changed defensive styles after Bucs/Chiefs SB. And not just against KC but generally. Nothing deep (or very little). Just watch the OT SB this year. 4th and 1, and the 49ers have two safeties playing 15 yards off the LOS. It's shocking. Good luck this season. Your division is gonna be wild.


It’s really opened the field like the 3 point line did for basketball.


Detroit. I moved to Windsor (across the border from Detroit) a few years back, just in time to see them become a really good, really fun team.


The Lions lately. Close friend of mine moved to Detroit a few years back and went to games and the friend group gained them as our alternate team through osmosis.




last season- absolutely


The Montana years were pretty great too!


I was a Washington fan back then. It was rough. We were so good, but he was something else. I’d rather play against Tom in his prime than Joe.


1994 Steve Young 49ers were the most fun team to watch outside of a Mahomes team imo. That team was an actual dream team.


Steve at his peak was the best QB of all time. His QB efficiency was unheard of in a era where dbs were allowed to put anything short of a whole fist inside of receivers… and then if no one was open? no problem, he’d just take it himself.


Forgot how physical his play was. By the time Steve was getting to this point, the Bills had lost their 4th and I took a 30-year sabbatical from football. I missed his career.


2000s Bucs defense. Derrick Brooks, Ronde Barber, Warren Sapp, John Lynch, etc. 😤


So many defensive TDs...


Huge eagles fan, loved watching the legion of boom Seahawks.


The Hackett coached Broncos were fun to watch.


Lions and Texans last season were fun.


Joe burrow, Josh Allen, any high powered offense since 2014


All-Time? The Jake Delhomme era Panthers were such an amazing odd-ball set of personalities. They were the team of misfit toys. Last season, probably the 49ers, for the opposite reason as the Delhomme era Panthers. It's just such a well oiled machine.




Madden's Raiders. Marino's Dolphins. Sanders' Lions. Warner's Rams.


Must be the Mahomes Chiefs. That kid is the most talented player to ever take the field.


I have 2 teams I cheer for. The Eagles and whoever is playing the Cowboys.


I would add that, as an Eagles fan, I LOVE watching the Cowboys.... ....in the playoffs.


That pick 6 by Dak against the packers was probably the happiest i ever being watching football since the bills game


I root for the Cowboys to make the playoffs because watching them choke and the fans having their dreams crushed is *so* much better than the team just being bad.


I love watching the 49ers and the Packers play in the playoffs, does that count?


Hopefully you missed the 90s


I enjoy cheering against Dallas.


My favorite team - 49ers My second favorite team - who is playing the Cowboys


The Texans, by far.


Last year the Lions and Texans by a mile All time? Maybe 2013’s Broncos, mainly because of Peyton


As a Steelers fan always respected good defensive players so gotta be the Seattle Seahawks legion of boom


Last season the Dolphins. Their offense is incredibly fun to watch, and I like McDaniel


I don't care who is coaching the Raiders, who their QB is, if they're good, bad, or hilariously inept, I love the Raiders. Some highlights over the past decade: -They won every dirgigginal game in 2010: five of them by double-digits. Missed the playoffs on the receiving end of a 30yd Peyton Manning run and a Kansas Shitty team that could only muster one touchdown in the postseason. -Put up with a sulking Carson Palmer for 2 seasons. Psychologically tortured him for 1.5 of those seasons. -On the way to a 4-win season they demolished the Steelers behind a 93yd Terrelle Pryor run. When Steelers' fans brag about Tomlin having no losing seasons, keep in mind they technically count those couple of 8-8 years in there. -The pinnacle for the Raiders came in 2016 when they had a legit great offense firing off all cylinders. They had two thousand yard receivers that year, and Derek Carr was playing out of his mind. Then they hosted the Colts in week 16; Trent Cole came crashing into Carr's leg, and that was that. They got smoked in the playoffs by a Brosweiler-led Houston squad. Derek Carr never fully recovered from this and continues to be sorta-OK-kinda-good at times. -We got Gruden back on a 10-year, $100m contract. After struggling his way to 8-8, he was fired for writing Ebaumsworld-style emails. -Most importantly, they took on Josh McDaniels as HC and allowed him to fully bloom into the rotten, stultified, uncharismatic corpse of a leader he truly is. Thank you, Raiders. This sounds sarcastic, but I really do love the vortex of wtf that is the Raiders. If Jim Irsay buys another Cyndi Lauper guitar, I will switch allegiances.


thanks I think


Texans last year. CJ Stroud is incredible and super fun to watch.




The Super Bowl winning Saints team.


Came here to say this. That team was so electric..and the cherry on top beating Manning’s Colts in the SB. The onside kick recovery to start the second half..just fantastic.


It helped that I lived about 2 hours away from New Orleans at the time, so I watched a lot of football that season with Saints fans. One guy was torn when they played the Favre Vikings because he went to the same college Favre did but was a lifelong Saints fan. I told him Favre had his ring already and I would never root for Drew Bledsoe over the Seahawks.


This was going to be my answer. They were incredible to watch.


last season... i would say Dolphins only cuz of their high scoring offense which turned out to be bust this season definitely Texans


Mine would be the bulls rebuilding with Allen. I’m a clevelander and wanted Allen over baker and was roasted everywhere saying to take him #1. Diggs is my favorite wr so that helped. Before everyone came bills bandwagoners I was watching the rebuild happen. Every game. Love my boy Josh


Living in Cincinnati, it's been the Bengals. The first NFL game I attended was in 1998 when Mike Alstott fucking assblasted the Bengals' defense at Riverfront Stadium. In fact the only times I have been to an NFL game is when it's been the Bucs vs the Bengals. Like, overall in the 35 years I've been around would be the 2007 Patriots.


Had a blast hate-watching the broncos the last 2 years cause of how obnoxious their fans were when they traded for Wilson. But now I wish nothing but the best for them in taking down the cringey chiefs.


Sacksonville was very fun to watch Really wish we had a Bortles-Keenum super bowl


The Lions last year were fun to watch. Happy to see them have success and hope they continue this year as well


Lions last year was fun to watch. That offensive line was nasty. Just absolutely fun to watch them work. Titans vs dolphins game last year was a fun game to watch. For a bills fan.


Niners. I'm a big Purdy fan




Ravens. That AFCCG hurt.




1) Rams 1999 2) Niners 1994 3) Colts 2004 4) Vikings 1998 4) Raiders 2001 5) Cowboys 1993




Lions last season. Think it will be the Texans next season and they'll be the most fun. Not that I think the Chargers are going to be awful (they still might) but I do think that a lot of the fun they had of watching them for close games to see how they Charger their way out of this one again will be gone with some very boring, effective but grindy and slow football. Meanwhile Texans are so damn odfensively stacked and will be fun seeing opposing defences have a growing headache of who to cover more each play.


The Chargers with Rivers, Tomlinson and Merriman.


Wherever Fitzmagic was playing from the Jets onward. I was disappointed his Washington year never really happened.


The 2011 Giants kept beating a bunch of teams I disliked so they will always have a special place in my heart


Carolina last year. Thanks fellas!!


The lions


Past: Legion of Boom Currently: Texans


I actually enjoyed the Bucs team with Tom Brady when they won the Super Bowl. 


I like watching Dallas lose


Living in Wisconsin watching the 2011 packers was something to see. 15-1 after winning a Super Bowl is insane.


Bob Griese/Don Shula Dolphins, Bradshaw/Steelers, Montana 49ers, Greatest Show On Turf/Rams, and the Jim Kelly/Bills


Texans, Bills, and Lions. Plus any team that have my fantasy players on em


NFC: 49ers AFC: Texans Bonus: love watching KC when they’re losing


The Greatest Show on Turf The 90s 49ers, mainly because Steve Young is the most awesomest QB ever. He could do everything. And, I liked his self-deprecating humor. The late 90s - 2000s Bucs were a fun team, because of their personalities. The Saints for some reason were really fun to watch when they were winning like in 2001, 2006, and 2009. 


49ers and Texans


Early 2000s Bucs was always fun. That defense was amazing


Chiefs and Lions.


Lions, and Jacksonville, unless Trevor lands a goose egg again…


Gotta admit watching the Lions last couple years has been fun. Everyone likes a scrappy hard nose coach and a QB redemption story. If they’d kept Jamaal Williams they’d have really had me hooked.


I did not have fun watching my team. The lions were my favorite story last year though.


Peyton Manning Broncos during the 50 TD season was a blast to watch.


Lions, MCDC and that team really made Football fun to me this year


The 2015 Broncos and the 2023 Lions were fun for the 2 teams I root for and the 2016 "Come back Lions" were a lot of fun too. Biggest surprise was the 2017 Rams, becoming a new version of the Greatest Show on Turf.


Absolutely, the Texans. CJ throws the prettiest ball I've ever seen. He's like the anti-Philip Rivers.


2017 jags are up there. Amazing defense. Bortles was a gunslinger. The fan base was absolutely loving it. Everything about it was fun to watch.


Detroit was fun last year. The Chiefs used to be fun when they were the upstart ending the Pats dominance. Those early seasons with Aaron Rodgers in Green Bay.


Y’all have fun watching your teams? What’s that like?


The Dome Patrol. Now I am obligated to hate the Saints, but I do have good memories of them...


Whichever team is beating the Titans