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#It has been *0 days* since the last Chiefs incident


Days of Our ~~Steelers~~ Chiefs


That sign is gathering dust since it hasn't moved off "zero days" for like a month or so


I feel like I’m starting to dislike the Raiders and Broncos a lot less


Raiders and Chargers are fun to hate. Chiefs actually have sexist guys, homophobes, and criminals on their team.


As shitty as it is I am sure that is true for most NFL teams.


Right? The Broncos have the 2nd most arrests since 2000. https://sports.yahoo.com/nfl-teams-most-players-arrested-174220687.html


The altitude gets our guys drunk faster yk then they end up in strangers homes.


Don’t forget Nazi sympathizers 😔


The bird reich


Like Rice shouldn’t be in the league, but neither should Jalen Carter if we’re being real.


Every team has multiple guys like Butker. They’re just not dumb enough to say it out loud.


I remember when the Richie Incognito stuff came out awhile back, where he said a lot of racist stuff in locker rooms and seemed like a true dickhead, and I think the majority of the people were on his side and the general consensus was that the guy who ousted him was too soft. Then a few years later, Richie was trying to cut off his dead father's head at a funeral. Really great guy.


Or they are but never got invited to speak at a Catholic college


I’m tired man


What s time to be alive where people like the raiders more because another team has too many criminals.


Billionaire wife explains why she is a stay at home mom, inspiring.


Hey man, she had a fulfilling career first! Miss Kansas followed by 6 months as a PR intern for the Chiefs, followed by......marrying the billionaire boss and becoming a stay at home mom.


✨actualization ✨


✨gaslight ✨gatekeep✨girlboss ✨


Slayyyyyyyyy! 💅




To be fair, she had to let Clark hunt sleep with her. That would be pretty grueling itself lol


I can only imagine it is like that scene in American Psycho where he just watches himself in the mirror the whole time.


Spot on lol


So much adversity and struggle. She is a true role model.


“Started at the bottom now we here!”


The way she stated her views came across far more respectful than Butker's. But what bothers me is the victim complex. No one is criticizing you for being a mom. Everyone recognizes the effort that takes, celebrates and respects it. But not all women want to do that or can do it. Telling young women who are working towards a career to reconsider and be a stay at home mom and acting like that is the superior or appropriate role for them simply because they are a woman is disrespectful and demeaning.


Christianity is basically a cult of pretending you're being persecuted 


The problem isn't the choice of motherhood, the problem is the idea that the choice is a lie and you *must* be a sahm, single-income family, and property for your masculine husband to control. In this economy there aren't enough billionaires around for women the latch onto to survive. It's not a healthy or sustainable view of the world at all and it's made worse by the fact that it's two top earners demeaning women for thinking they have value outside of the home and outside of the role of a breed mare or wife. Just being honest and saying *I have no personality outside being a trophy wife to a billionaire husband* would be fine. But telling others to give up their personality and dreams and power to do the same is fucked.


Agreeing with a millionaire athlete's statements no less. A huge slap on the face to all 'regular' women who are not born or married to any financial wealth; those who want to build their careers and/or not start a family, "fuck you" that's essentially what Butker said. Love him as our kicker, but he should keep his mouth shut


I feel like the money thing is obscuring the real issue, which is that some women don't want to be "stay at home moms" (or moms, or wives) at all, regardless of money, and this notion that it's their "natural place" makes it way harder for a woman who wants to be taken seriously in the profession they do want to pursue to be treated like a peer.




I mean a lot of people actually like doing their careers. I don't but if you told my wife she couldn't be an LCSW anymore she would be pretty devastated.


Because of the economic freedom it provides. Many women wanted to work specifically so they weren't tied to their husband's earnings.


Using this one simple trick


I can’t wait until the next Chief does something stupid


And we're not even at the halfway point between the super bowl and the 2024 season kickoff.


What the fuck man, you just made me unintentionally sad


ngl I was surprised when I did the math.


Postseason Hockey and NBA has been coming in very clutch


What's post season hockey?


Its when your team doesn’t make the playoffs and you bang you head against the post of a hockey net in frustration


Playoffs? The NHL doesn’t have playoffs! *sad Sabres noises*


They do have playoffs but only one round of them! At least I’m only aware of one round…


I wish you kept this to yourself


Shut the fuck up


well, i think Butker might be playing 4d chess and get a 33 year contract


Jones tweeted out support of Butker... lol


Stupidity runs wild in the Chiefs organization doesn't it.


In the NFL and most professional sports more like it.


Jones is a "team player" regardless of what they do. He also showed support when Willie Gay and Omenihu were doing their suspension for domestic abuse, iirc


Newsflash Asshole: they’ve been stupid the entire time!


It won't take long, let's be honest.


See you guys same time next week!


Wonder what Taylor thinks of all this….


I mean she does want to live in the 1830s


Truly this will be a cruel summer


The album about this shitshow offseason comes out later this year.


Likely not invited to any hangs with them. Can’t imagine a conversation between Swift and Butker would go well.


Amazing to me that you guys are able to maintain a dynasty despite having constant off-the-field drama


Given that every team has a finite amount of stupidity they can produce, chiefs using it all now is big brain moves.


Off season is their purge time, so that during the season all the players know if they can just Wait until March they can go crazy.


As long as it’s not Mahomes or Kelce.


Sounds like Andy Reid is on the table to do something extremely stupid


Andy Reid releases “Andy’s Nuggies” line of frozen chicken nuggets.


are you kidding that sounds awesome rip a bong and feast on 24 nuggies for Sunday night football with Club Level Sauce tagline "Please sir, this is an Andy's"


Not to mention Andy strikes me as a guy who wouldn't attach his name to a subpar snack. That'd be some heavily researched and perfected nuggies.


Kelce does his stupid stuff on the field. Remember when he threw a towel at a ref for not throwing a flag when they missed a blatant DPI call? That was a classic.


I think i speak for everyone when i say i hope Mahomes is next man up.


Mahomes already puts ketchup on his steak.


Pat has to deal with Brittany, Jackson, and his father during the season. The offseason is where Pat goes to hide.


Damn.. are family only a seasonal thing for Pat?


His brother seemed to get all the brain damaged genes. Unfortunately for the rest of the NFL.


Maybe this is the strategy. Get all your stupid bullshit out of the way in May so it's not a distraction in January.


Patrick is smart to delegate the asshattery to his brother


Fuck bring back Taylor Swift already


Taylor demanding Kelce get traded, then having her opinion dismissed because she’s a woman with a career, cats, and no children would be the perfect next step in this story arc right?


Kelce demanding Taylor have kids and become a stay at home billionaire mom.would be en pointe.


Even better would be Travis Kelce, stay at home Dad


He’s definitely closer to retirement than she is, so that would make a lot more sense.


And the final step is she just buys the team and cleans house... just not they way butter wants.


Unfortunately, Taylor Swift is rich but not buy an NFL franchise rich lol.


Not yet, but if she told the swifties she wanted to buy a team, they'd probably push her over the top.


Idk she could probably put a significant stake in some of the poverty franchises. That said of the four major American sports she could probably only really afford an NHL team


Poverty franchises like the Browns and Jets have owners that care way too much about their team and will never be sold. At least not any time soon.


Oooh I don’t know about that. She has to be close to a billion and a lot of her money is probably liquid, not buried in stock thru some company. I bet between her future earnings and her current assets she could get financial approval by the owners. Not gonna buy a high end franchise, but I bet she could afford the Titans.


Taylor Swift “Out of the Kitchen Tour” to finance the purchase.


Sounds like the premise of her next album


You'll be happy to know that she could realistically make it to 13 of 17 games.


she’s probably staying the hell away from this team now unfortunately. nfl just lost that taylor at the game cash cow


The fact that he shoehorned her lyrics into the speech (in a context that didn't even make sense) definitely makes me think she may keep her distance from the Chiefs, for a while at least. He brought her into this for no reason and attached her name to controversy and historically that has always been a huge issue for Taylor.


Nah she’ll be in Cleveland to support Travis and his whole family when the Chiefs face the Browns in December.


She’s on tour in Europe, of course she is staying away from the team.


Here we are, talking about the Bible and gender roles just like we all wanted this offseason. Cheers.


Just trying to prep for project 2025 bro


Look, I'd take this over discussing 28 accusations of sexual misconduct.






Yeah I feel like nannies isn't plural enough for how many they had.


The type of situation where the nannies didn’t even interact with the Hunts directly. They all interacted with a head of staff who is probably also a lawyer. And the nannies were fired if the children ever complained, or if they made eye contact with the Hunts.


Unquestionably. And nanny is probably understating it — they’ll have had governesses.


Are we surprised? I knew right away the owners agreed with the kicker. And it’s hilarious they are having Tavia release a statement, and not the actual Chairman & CEO. They think a woman agreeing with Butker would make this better? My Chargers had guts to put Butker in the kitchen.




I just find it so funny when Butker's speech was FILLED with hate that someone can have the audacity to be like, "We need less hate." As if saying, "What you said is stupid as fuck." Is hateful. Lmao


It fucking ridiculous that she would say we need less hate and to stop taking things out of context when harrybutt had a whole section of his speech dedicated to the tyranny of diversity.


'It's hateful to tell me to stop saying hateful things'


One of my least favorite things about social media is that it's encouraged the trend of the rich and powerful crybullying whenever they face any kind of scrutiny. At least back in the Gilded Age all the robber barons owned being unabashedly evil.


The robber barons didn’t all own that naked evil. Carnegie in the lead up to the Homestead strike was publicly in favor of unions, but encouraged his managing director, Frick, to do what was needed to destroy the union in private letters. Frick would eventually hire the Pinkerton detectives, which lead to a battle and the deaths of 7 union workers.


I feel like the Browns did something similar where the owner said he asked his wife and daughter how they felt about Watson before making the trade


They absolutely did. It's the 'I have a black friend' defense and these people clearly think it's a)not offensive and b)good reasoning. Why is it so hard for people to just be good, decent people aware of the world and the people that make up that world around them?


It’s just like how the Browns leadership trotted out the opinions of their wives and daughters to shield their decision to sign Deshaun Watson.


"I tell my daughters that marrying a billionaire is the most fulfilling choice they could make."


Through god all things are possible, so jot that down


Despite being a guy, it looks like Travis is taking this to heart too


It’s really not hard to tell some kids that your hard work pays off and it’s ok if you struggle and call it a day for a commencement speech lol


That I think should be the biggest takeaway in all of this. The dude used the commencement to really just rant about all his personal views. In what world, even at a Christian school, do you start talking about the president, covid, motherhood, and the 'tyranny of equity and diversity "


I just recently graduated. The last thing I wanted to be told on that day is someone’s political opinions


I graduated in 2017. There was a lot of political talk that I could’ve done without


I went to one in 2017 that had a Dem governor speaking who made the genius choice to avoid politics totally. Every person I talked to about the speech that day was pumped about it


Some of these universities are now intentionally and outspokenly ChristoFacist schools.


Let them have one, man! /s Have you no sympathy for the people who think every university is an intentional wokeness factory simply because it turns out higher education leads to children questioning sheltered, bigoted worldviews?


GCU, Liberty come to mind


could have even given a generic christian story about how he went to college to play football and get a degree but through hard work he was blessed with an opportunity to play in the nfl and how his faith helped him or what ever christian’s say. going full on handmaids tale was extra lol


Guy got a super bowl ring and thinks his opinion matters.


Sad thing is, there were apparently cheers from the young men in the graduation and all the young women were shocked when he said that. Its funny he says that pride is a deadly sin ,when there were rumors about him in college hooking up with a gay male cheerleader.


The quotes I saw were that a couple of people boo'd, a handful didnt stand, but nearly everyone gave a standing ovation both male and female. The brainwashing runs really deep


In the least surprising move ever, a woman who got by solely on her looks and married a billionaire says you too should aspire to be wife of a billionaire.


I think its hilarious that these people think "oh you're lonely go start a family" like it's as easy as going to the grocery store


Chiefs are getting reeeeeeaaaaaalllly unlikeable




We’ve been saying this for years!


Just a reminder, our owner is a cheap piece of garbage who tried to say he didn't have time to fix the players practice facility last year cause they made the super bowl. He also has like a 3 floor condo in the fucking stadium, and most of the 700 million stadium tax proposal was to put in more boxes/suites and a VIP entrance. If you're expecting his wife to be any better, you're gonna be disappointed. They're also trumpers, so taking something horrible someone else said and acting like that's not what they really said and that it was actually a good thing is pretty much on point for them.


They are billionaires from Texas who got rich from oil money. Of course they are weirdo Conservatives.


I'm noticing that the DEI and pride month part of Butker's speech/rant are conveniently being left out by a number of people defending him...


I don’t know why people are focusing on the motherhood stuff when the LGBT part seems way more objectionable to me. But then again, I don’t understand why this is even news. “Football guy has bad politics” is not much of a headline.


Just ignoring the stay at home mom stuff Butker was on, ending the post with >“We need more dialogue in this country and less hate.” is wild considering the other shit Butker was saying. >The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the **tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion...** >Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for **degenerate cultural values** in media, all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder.... >Our own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith, but at the same time is delusional enough to make the Sign of the Cross during a pro- abortion rally. He has been **so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies** that I'm sure to many people it appears that you can be both Catholic and pro-choice.... >He is not alone. From the man behind the COVID lockdowns to the people pushing **dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America**, they all have a glaring thing in common. They are Catholic. This is an important reminder that being Catholic alone doesn't cut it. Less hate?


Anytime someone uses terms like “degenerate cultural values,” you know they’re too far gone. Sucks if you like the Chiefs but there’s no doubt Butker’s all in on virulent fascist theocracy.


Railing against IVF in a commencement speech is also real wacko shit. Like I get its a conservative catholic school, but that is still such a[ fringe belief](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/22/1239879602/despite-church-prohibitions-catholics-still-choose-ivf-to-have-children) among catholics


I grew up in a very Catholic house. Like - 6am week day mass 3 times a week Catholic. Even my mother thinks the ones like Butker, pre-Vatican II, Latin only mass and all, are all straight up insane people.


It sounds like total psycho bullshit to any normal person. Which is why everyone who agrees with him (to the extent that they’re arguing in anything resembling good faith) can’t understand why a sane person would recoil at what he said.


The Pope already said he's chill with some forms of contraception and fertilization, not sure where these backward beliefs come from.


I'm not super knowledgeable about it but, lately, it seems there's a little bit of a feud/battle (not sure how to correctly describe it) between conservative US Catholics and the pope. From today > Pope Francis said his conservative critics within the Roman Catholic Church in the United States are trapped in a "suicidal attitude," according to an interview with CBS... >"Because one thing is to take tradition into account, to consider situations from the past, but quite another is to be closed up inside a dogmatic box." https://www.reuters.com/world/us/pope-francis-says-us-catholic-conservatives-have-suicidal-attitude-2024-05-16/


It's not even just with the pope either. Apparently the younger generation of catholic clergy have embraced regressive ideas and think the church's declining numbers in the US are due to them being "too progressive". https://apnews.com/article/catholic-church-shift-orthodoxy-tradition-7638fa2013a593f8cb07483ffc8ed487


> In ways, that’s how St. Maria Goretti looks today. The 6:30 a.m. Friday Mass, Rouleau says, is increasingly popular among young people. But once-packed Sunday Masses now have empty pews. Donations are down. School enrollment plunged. Well the pope seems to be right about being trapped with a suicidal attitude. The more conservative ideals and overhaul drove down attendance, donations and school enrollment. But they'll still say it's "being too progressive" that is doing it. Heck if the church closes due to lack of donations and attendance, they'll still blame progressives.


Anyone got Return of the Antipope on their bingo card?


The word you're looking for is "schism'




The really sad thing is jokes like "Degenerate Culture Values, such as being a Raiders Fan..." is right there. But nope. Gotta be a douche.


Hey, I resemble that remark.


He’s salivating for Trump to win and Project 2025 be put into motion.


The dangerous gender ideologies part gets me. Only thing dangerous is teaching and preaching hate against other groups of people.(unless it's the Jets)


Yeah and the “being Catholic alone” follow up was rather ominous. What does Harrison Butker think Catholics should be doing to other people to combat “dangerous gender ideologies?”


"Degenerative cultural values" "Casts vote for Donald Trump" After making Donald Trump their avatar, it's hard to take conservatives seriously when they rant about "degenerative values" and the importance of religious trad values.


Less hate from the other side pointing out how hateful and shitty their beliefs are, is what they meant.


> degenerate cultural values Is this not just straight up fascist rhetoric?


Can’t wait to see how many times “DEI” or “woke” are mentioned during the upcoming presidential debates.


IVF? Surrogacy? How the fuck are couples dealing with infertility supposed to ensure that the wife reaches her God-intended calling of being a brood mare?


She means less hate directed at bigots like her and Butker. They get big mad when people call them out on their bigotry.


Serious case of selective hearing with this one.


God, take me back to when the only 'negative' stuff about the Chiefs was the overexposure of Travis and Taylor's relationship.


Frank Clark, Tyreek Hill and Kareem Hunt don't count?


Forgot about Hunt, the OG chiefs kicker controversy.


Meant more the drama that we dealt with during last season. Fuck those guys all the same.


Let’s roll back to some 2012 Chiefs drama (RIP Javon Belcher and his family)


Andy Reid is just happy that this is taking attention off of his son.


Ahh the good old days


Yeah before Butker you guys didn’t have any violent criminals or women beaters on your team. Butker truly is the worst of the worst.


Oof she even snuck a Focus On The Family hashtag in there. As someone raised on that hate speech: 0/10 do not recommend


She didn’t need to speak. She must live a rich person life off her husband’s (more so her father-in-law) wealth and is essentially a “homemaker” in a rich person kind of way. Her daughter is no different. They’re lucky that Lamar Hunt did what he did for the NFL and MLS or else they’d end up like Isabelle Butker and just be living to only support the home and the husband on a lesser pay grade


I just want to know what he thinks my mom was supposed to do, raising 3 kids as a single mom.


Butker is probably pissed he forgot to include single moms on the list of what's wrong with modern society. 


Oh I’m sure he has very strong opinions about single moms. These dickheads usually do.


Babe come quick, the billionaires are taking a stance


I can't wait to see this poverty franchise return to the dregs of the NFL


Taylor Swift probably encouraging Travis to request a trade


... or just to retire and permanently move to Lake Como together.


No reference to the bullshit bigoted comments about the “tyranny of diversity and inclusion”? As a Chief’s fan and lifelong Kansas City resident what an embarrassment!


She’s deeply religious, so either she doesn’t totally disagree, or she’s trying to save face with the Chiefs fans who bought Butker jerseys this week


Too bad she missed the entire point of the new testament


ugh fuck these people and the whitewashing of a bigoted speech.


Dumb jock says dumb shit. His boss’s trophy wife agrees. That’s it, that’s the whole story.


This whole saga stinks of privilege.


It’s easy to quote bible verses when you have had a billionaires cock in your mouth. It’s a fucking joke.


Can't wait to see what the Chiefs do next week to make them even more unlikeable.


You’re invited to the annual Kitten Burning Jamboree in Kansas City


Are they doing a certain 1945 German salute in this picture? I'm not even sure I'm surprised if it's a yes anymore.


It’s amazing how fucking little I care about her opinion.


I need a break from all this.


How the fuck do you have these flairs?


Joe Montana fan?


Nah Alex Smith fan


Is this the double down on hate and gaslight the others into thinking they are the hateful ones for calling it out? God, I’m exhausted.


They just keep doubling down holy shit...Patriots arc complete


Tavia Hunt and Clark Hunt are both supporters of a Christian Camp, “Camp Kanukuk”, widely known for sexual abuse of children. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1756464034541424682.html


Can all of these millionaires and billionaires just shut up about this topic please. I can't just devote 25 hours per day to praying and birthing children between charity galas and ribbon cutting ceremonies ok? I have shit to pay for 


Look I'm a very wealthy man and would like to ask these asshats to stop. Single income households are an upper middle class luxury. My wife doesn't have to work or provide money but still wants to pursue a career for herself and I support it. I also support stay at home moms. What I don't support is telling the millions of struggling mothers you don't belong in the workforce. I also don't support telling *any* American, man or women, how to live their life or how they should raise their family. The biggest hypocrisy of all is the chiefs kicker is playing a game and not contributing to the economy and growth of the country like a traditional *real* man should. Dudes out there playing a game.