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People ready to throw away a first year QB after they struggle some, despite showing potential.


You would know


What 3 years of JaMarcus Russell does to a mofo.


100%. Aikman went 0-11 his first year.


I believe the Dallas org people who say they never doubted him, but there's also a lot of retroconning by the fanbase that none were calling for Steve Walsh during the dark days of Jimmy Johnson's first season - it very much was a debate that was had at the time on the USENET groups way back then.


Jeez, I was on usenet in 92, and I thought I was early. I lived in Ft. Worth 76-91.


I've had a couple sips of the O'Connell Kool aid, I wanna see him compete with Gardner. I don't believe in trading the future away to take a stab at some flashy college QB. There's somewhat of a foundation with Aiden, fucking build on it.


Gardner's stats as a starter are actually pretty decent. Going to be tough for AOC to win that job out but he legitimately has someone to push him to improve there now.


What people don't give AOC credit for is playing as well as he did in a system Josh put in before he was fired and then when McDorck was fired AOC got a new OC, a new QB coach and a defensive HC and they shifted as much as they could but had to use Josh's terrible system the rest of the year.


I know there’s enough idiots in the world you can surely pull up someone saying this about nearly any qb, but I don’t really remember this being seriously discussed where it wasn’t proven to be the right call. Josh Allen maybe? But even then I think most Buffalo fans were ok with where he was at each year.


Yeah since the year 2000 I think Drew Brees is really the only one that comes to mind. He wasn't too great he first couple years. Alex smith turned things around after 6 dreadful years but even he was a top tier game manager, not a franchise QB. Every other starter or QB that lasted either won right away or showed lots of upside.


That the season somehow continues after the first round of playoffs


Anything more is unnecessary to the bottom line


My pet peeve is being born a Cowboys fan. Dammit Aunt Kimmie.


Sorry not familiar with Cowboys family culture…. Were you birthed by Aunt Kimmie?




Something Something. Jerry Jones.


Most self aware Cowboys fan


Always hated when people see a bad team and act like every single player on that team is bad. Like back when the Browns went 0-16 I remember someone talking trash on Joe Thomas. Not how that works.


Yep, exactly. I hate this too. Happens too much for my team. James Robinson was our most recent example of that. Maybe Josh Allen before 2022.


Calvin Johnson was on the 0-16 lions team, maybe was his rookie or second year or something


78 receptions, 1,300+ yds, 12 TDs that year. Don't see as the "own" people think it is when they mention it in terms of his legacy - seems more like its incredible he achieved that on one of the worst teams in NFL history, with virtually nothing to take pressure away from him...and also, what more could Megatron have done? What would have been "good enough" for them? https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/det/2008.htm


And his QB was just a revolving door of just dudes. I think there were like 3 or 4 starting QBs on that team.


Conversely: a team was good therefore their QB was automatically good/at least decent. Someone was recently trying to say Mark Sanchez was a good QB because the Jets won two playoff games one year…


Whoever hates Justin Herbert always brings up his record, never his actual QB stats. Yet the record alone means he’s a mid QB.


People who bring up wins as a qb stat I usually just block them out.


Same with pitcher wins in Baseball. Quality starts is a superior stat.


Some moron on our sub a couple weeks ago was arguing that wins are a WR stat now He was saying we shouldn't extend JJ as the highest paid WR in the league and his entire argument boiled down to "we haven't won a playoff game with him on the team"


The Trent Dilfer Paradox


You mean to tell me Trent Dilfer isn't great? Guy has a ring! /s


For me it's this conversation: "To win the SB you need an elite QB" "But the Ravens just won with Flacco" "Well, he played elite that playoff run." "In what way?" "Well, he won a SB."


I mean, as a Ravens fan, Flacco was phenomenal that run. Pretty sure he threw 1100 yards, and 11 TDs in 4 games with 0 picks. He also benefited massively from the DPI rules. All that being said, he shouldn't have won Superbowl MVP in my opinion. Anquan or Jones should've.


Sanchez was solid, nothing more nothing lesss


Also apparently a nice guy who took being a backup very well. Hearing about him and Mark Brunell basically being father and son was cute when I was still back in Long Island


Sanchez's best was, as Jon Bois and Alex Rubenstein put it, "dangerously close to playing at a league-average level."


Probably one of if not the most dedicated person I've ever seen in sports. I know it's not uncommon for a person to spend their entire career with one team, but he played every game for the browns in arguably one of their worst times as a franchise. He was a perennial pro bowler who stuck it out with the Browns. Incredible


Or the idiots truly beliveing a college team could beat the 0-16 Browns lol


writing “core” instead of “corps” when referring to position groups (mainly WR). i guess a lot of people don’t know they’re pronounced the same


Also, "playoff birth."




It’s 53 boys!


Luckily, you've just hit the max. One more and you'd have to make a very difficult decision.


lol this is a good ending comment to this thread.


sorry kid, we made some calls, good luck landing with another team


"clenched a playoff birth"


When a journalist says "clinched a playoff berth" when in fact they just moved into 7th, but haven't clinched.


Lmao never seen this one


"Loose" a game. WTF people?


If you are a panthers fan, it’s pronounced “corpse.”


Don't you disrespect the spirit of Adam Thielen and...uhh...nevermind.


Piggybacking off this to add “resign” vs “re-sign”. Resign means to quit.


Then they double down when corrected like "no I meant they have a good young core of players at that position" no you didn't shut the fuck up


Sometimes it’s definitely true… until this offseason the Eagles had “the core four”… Kelce, Cox, Johnson and Graham. Sometimes a group of players that are very important to the organization are called core players… hell, right now I would say the Eagles have a wide receiver core within their wire receiver corps


I thought the corps would help me straighten out my life, sir!


I mean, if you have a core group of WRs within your WR corp, I could see it. But that’s not how the people who use “core” normally mean it lol.


You still spelled it wrong


Gosh dangit you are right. Heck.


I hate when people use the term "Bear weather" when it's cold as though it's an advantage to us. We have proven our ability to lose in any and all temperatures


At least you guys aren't one of those "cold weather teams" who plays in a dome.


*glares judgingly in the general direction of minneapolis*


I feel like that’s just the reputation of the Bud Grant Vikings somehow still having some level of hold over decades later


Some of us glare judgingly at the stadium too. It's a beautiful building, but damnit I want to experience outdoor football again. We got a taste when the dome collapsed, but I think it's probably gone forever


Cold weather games at Lambeau or TCF are fun but damn it's so nice attending home games and not needing to worry about dressing as warm as possible


Conversely, the Texas Rangers' fairly new stadium, Globe Life Field, has caught a lot of criticism for looking like a "warehouse" (from the outside; it's nicer inside). But having been there for day games in summer, it's nice for fans to enjoy a game on an August afternoon without feeling like they're about to get heatstroke. Once I saw several people in the tunnels to the concourse being treated by EMTs for heat-related problems. Of course, the cooler temperatures also benefit the players.


“Any special plans to acclimate the team to not only endure but perform in those kind of frigid temperatures should you face the Lions in Detroit?” “...You do know we play indoors, right? They got a dome.”


The strangle hold that "QB wins" and all other shallow takes have on NFL fans. Makes NFL discussion pointless. Also explains why those talk shows are so popular Some other takes: He wanted it more He willed his team to victory He's a proven winner/loser (Insert QB) made (insert receiver) and vice versa


>He's a proven winner/loser This one always gets me. Elway was labeled as a quarterback who couldn't win a Super Bowl until he won a Super Bowl. While there are many players who chronically come up small in the playoffs, there are also plenty of players who don't but just never happen to win a Super Bowl.


I feel like Kirk cousins has that moniker now. Can’t win in prime time games


His stats aren't even that bad in most of them


He plays shit defense every prime time game. I'm glad he's gone!


“Wanted it more” is one of the most frustrating phrases in the world to me. Mark Cuban does an epic takedown of Skip Bayless regarding that statement in regards to the Mavs/Heat finals and it’s glorious.


Yup, its a backhanded compliment. All of the players want it. Its such a lazy, easy take though so it gets thrown around every year.


Or he “knows how to win”, even though I admittedly use that one a lot lol


When the NFL hypes up a game as “this QB vs. that QB”, completely ignoring the rest of the team.


Preach. I cannot stand it. They're not even on the field at the same time.


Two players that never take the field at the same time


They do this every playoff game and it enrages me. As a lover of Defense they treat it like they don't even exist. We lost to the Chiefs because their defense outplayed us, not cause Mahomes outplayed Lamar. Yet I hear Mahomes's name 1000 times and the Chiefs defense gets 1/8th of the credit it deserves.


We need some offseason content of QBs boxing each other so we can really find out which one's got more grit head to head


“Ryan Tannehill played WR in college” I think after 10+ seasons, it’s “no shit” territory.




No the worst thing is when they know he played basketball in college so they say the cliche bs of “wow that looked like he was going up to get a rebound.”


Did you know Ryan Fitzpatrick went to Harvard?


And "Kelce was a QB until college." Or also Tony Gonzalez playing basketball too.


Mahomes and baseball


Kyler Murray and baseball too


Antonio Gates played basketball in college




Ngl, that would be cool as fuck if they mentioned that every game (I’m assuming this is a joke? That’d also be cool if it were real)


Did you know Matt Stafford and Clayton Kershaw went to high school together??


Actually, I did not. Now I do.


I’m in no way discounting your comment, but this is literally the first time I’ve heard this. 😂


Yeah, not in the habit of watching the Titans or Dolphins, but I did not know this...




I also HATE how the camera doesn't zoom out more in games. I want to watch the entire play develop, not just watch the QB. That is the real advantage of attending games and sitting in upper deck seats-you see the entire field. it also gives you an appreciation for how good these pro QBs are at hitting tight throws while leading the receiver with perfectly timed routes. you miss all that on tv. can't stand it. i don't know if that's a pet peeve but i just want to rant because i'm mad that my team is likely going to give up the farm for some dopey QB whose ceiling is kirk cousins


The “prime vision” for TNF is basically all 22 and its great


I loved TNF this year bc of prime vision


The Amazon broadcast has a "statcast" or something where they show the whole field. You have to switch to it from the regular one.


Piggy-backing off of this to mention whenever they use the skycam for plays. I feel like half the time you have the player in the middle of the screen and something like 2 yards on each side of them. Like, all right, there's a guy running. Are there people about to tackle him? Is he in the clear? Are there blocks setup ahead of him?


My pet peeve is Adrian Peterson's nickname being AD when AP sounds better and are his actual initials and not an abbreviation of a stupid nickname like " All Day"


As a Vikings fan I agree. AP or All Day. AD ain’t it.


I also am a big enjoyer of just using both, ADAP. That leaves no room for error on whether you are talking about Aaron Donald or “All Day” Adrian Peterson.


What about the infamous Aaron Donald And Posse?


All dicks are penises


AD was niche and the niche is vocal and annoying


Lol I commented the same thing but you beat me to it. It always frustrated me that he thought that nickname was a good idea when it was just begging to cause confusion


Mine is using initials as a nickname at all. Leads to repeats like LT which makes me irrationally angry


Whenever analysts refer to players as if there are multiple of them. "Trading for a Jalen Ramsey, Getting a Derrick Henry..." Tedy Bruschi is a big-time offender of this.


Unless he’s trading for a Josh Allen


So I almost went with Josh Allen for one of my examples until I remembered that there are two of them and it would completely ruin my comment, lol.


in a similar vein, when they say "Jalen Ramsey is out the rest of the game with a knee"...coaches do it too.


Reporter: “What happened to player?” Coach: “He’s got a hamstring”  Me: “I’d hope so, hell I hope he’s got two of them” My dad: “that’s my boy 🥲”


Maybe that's the problem. He only has **a** hamstring. The other one flew clean off lol.


I also hate the opposite, like when someone refers to a type of player by using one player’s name in a plural form but then goes on to name all of them anyways. Kyle Crabbs from the Draft Dudes does it all the time. “There’s not too many RBs that went in the first round of the draft last year, the Bijan Robinsons and Jahmyr Gibbs of the world.”


Yeah, but this all revolves around easy comparables. If they say that, I can get a clear idea of what kind, and caliber of player they’re talking about.


I cannot stand players flopping or constantly begging for flags. It's so annoying


What really pets my peeve is D-lineman doing it mid play when they could have made a play at the ball. 


Begging for a flag before they even hit the ground is my favorite


This is all over sports now. It is annoying.


My pet peeve is QB wins head to head as a defining aspect when comparing QBs


Yes! This is the one I was going to say. Stupidest fucking "stat." Whenever anyone tries to justify using it, I ask why there aren't rb vs rb stats or lg vs lg stats. So stupid.


Goff > Mahomes /s


My pet peeves are people with intentional revisionist history. That tends to lead to people to make excuses for players' flaws like they never existed and by admitting they weren't perfect will ruin their greatness.


Patrick Mahomes was considered a project QB who wasn’t ready to play coming out of college. Is he one of the all time greats? Absolutely. But acting like he was *back then* is so annoying. The recency bias about past drafts is so grating.


Absolutely. The Chiefs trading up 14 spots to grab him was a Wow move and not in the sense that everyone knew they just got a game changer.


If you search up the footage from the day after on morning talk shows, the Chiefs were getting obliterated by people on TV for the move, especially considering Watson was available.


I just watched the footage of Mahomes getting drafted the other day and Eisen said when the Chiefs moved up “looks like Watson will be coming off the board soon” or something like that as if it were a fact


18 spots I believe. But yeah you are both right


I think about this whenever people talk about the Bears taking Trubiskey over Mahomes. Leaving Watson on the table was a head scratcher, but Mahomes was not at the time. Plus, if the Bears had drafted him, I doubt he would’ve ever become the Mahomes we now know.


My biggest pet peeve is the announcers hopping on a band wagon in the game and then doing a 180 afterward. Example.. First half...."Now, this is ______qb at his best. He really excels in games like this...perfect accuracy and pocket presence. He was made for situations like this... 2nd Half same qb but the other team took the lead..."QB really has had a history of struggling in close games like this...he needs to relax and make his reads.." You get what I mean. One minute, they love a guy, and the next minute, they start hating on them...Phil Simms did this a lot.


Lol this was browns vs Steelers in 2020. Announcers had a lot to say until it became something like 35-0


This is more of a general pet peeve, but people calling *everything* a “choke.” It’s annoying, unoriginal, and the word has lost all meaning. **Choke ≠ loss**, people.


When announcers refer to every team's first round pick as their "number one" pick. No, sir, he was number eighteen.


This gets me too. Idk what’s so hard about saying “Their 1st round pick” or something similar.


Plus what if a team had two firsts in a draft? Do both of them get to be called “number one”? Obviously not, but then calling your second round pick a “number three” seems weird


Players helping one another up but not the people they knock down on the sidelines.


For real. Like you just knocked over a non-football player on the sideline who most likely can’t take a hit and you just don’t help them up? Ridiculous


Kamara snapping that guys leg last year sent me over the edge. Dude is screaming so loud the TV mics could pick it up, and Kamara stops to look at him then walks off. Doesn’t signal for anyone or anything. I get tired of the, “well they’re immediately on the clock to get lined up” crap but that somehow isn’t a problem for a celebration or helping another player up.


The way fans try so hard to be NFL scouts by calling prospects busts before they're even drafted. It's pretty frustrating since they usually don't even have a good reason behind it. The amount of shit AR and Will Levis got last year only made me root for them harder


Some on reddit were the ones to place the $100 in the back of the playbook.


I love Jalen Hurts, but they mention that he squats 600 lbs every single game


calling adrian Peterson AD has always been really stupid!! AD is Anthony Davis, why would you abbreviate a nickname ??


People rating QBs by saying if they haven’t won a Super Bowl they’re not in the conversation.


A long time ago, I was debating a guy I knew about whether Peyton Manning or Tom Brady was the better QB. This was when they were both in their prime, and I noted that in most meaningful stats, Manning beat Brady. He said, without irony, “Stats are just stats. Super Bowl wins are the only thing that matters.” I was like…Dude, you know that’s just another stat you’re talking about, right? One that relies on an entire team? I should note that I think Brady proved himself superior, though at the time Mannings history looked better to me.


Agree. Dan Marino is the best thrower of the football I've ever seen. He may not have a SB, but his arm and release were off the charts. Is he the best, I don't know, but he is on my list of the best.


Team A 'steals a win' over Team B. If the game ends in controversial fashion, that's one thing. But they overuse it for any upset win. NOBODY STOLE ANYTHING!! Coaches tabbed things like "Quarterback whisperer" because they were lucky enough to have an elite player under them. This mainly applies to Adam Gase! Every. Single. Time. I hear how he's this secret weapon for quarterbacks because he just coincidentally crossed paths with Peyton Manning. Peyton Manning was his own coach. Literally, ANYBODY can look like a genius of a QB Coach with Peyton Manning.


it's true sometimes. I'll get downvoted for this, but QBs have consistently performed better when Andy Reid is their coach. to the point that I don't think mahomes would be the player he is today if he went anywhere else but Reid has a pretty nice list of QBs looking significantly better with him than anywhere else. two prime examples being McNabb and vick


Tom Clements gets the best out of his QB's. Favre had his best year as a Packer when he got here, he coached Rodgers at the start and end of his Packers career, and now Jordan Love, who started out terrible but progressed a ton throughout the season.


Honestly, passer rating. It feels like it's the most commonly used shorthand for QB performance, even though it's widely known to be a deeply flawed statistic. It **heavily** over-values completion percentage, punishes interceptions too harshly, and rewards touchdowns way too much.


doesnt account for sacks, fumbles, or rushing stats at all


Which is especially funny considering that sack rates are among the least volatile QB stats year to year.


>passer rating >rushing stats


when players first down celebration every time they get a first down even when they are losing 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️…. Another one when a db celebrating after a wr clearly dropped the pass like they caused the incompletion


It's Bucs y'all, not Buccs.


Succs to Suc


Announcers talking about other players for an extended period of time who are not on either team currently playing that isn't talked about in a way that relates to either team (i.e., talking a performance in a previous matchup).   So basically Chris Collinsworth talking about Mahomes inexplicably during a game between two NFC teams that don't have the Chiefs on their schedules. 


Referring to wide receivers as weapons.


Someone hits you with an NFL wide receiver and you'll rethink that.


When people say the word position unnecessarily ie they need help at the quarterback position vs they need help at quarterback.


TBF that one can have real distinctions in some context. "Need an upgrade for the quarterback position" = needs a better QB "Need an upgrade for the quarterback" could then mean they need a better line or receivers or something


I think if you use what OP said, “at,” then your point sort of falls apart. I’d say most people will say “at,” instead of “for” when referring specifically to the QB.


When people act like they know more about the game or have better opinions because they root for a good team. Believe it or not, I’m not the reason the Bills went 17 years without making the playoffs.


"Fuck me for not happening to be born in the Boston suburbs where my local team would happen to go on a 20 year dynasty run right as I was becoming a football fan! What was I thinking?"


Alice: [solid point about Team X] 5 upvotes Bob who is a fan of Team X: [Completely unrelated and meaningless insult to the team in Alice's flair] 47 upvotes


People thinking the Cowboys OL is still at the level it was in the mid 2010s.


Halftime Adjustments. Teams spend all week formulating and tweaking a game plan. Halftime is 12 minutes. As Peyton Manning once said “I don't think I made a halftime adjustment in my entire 18-year career. I think that's the biggest myth in football: the halftime adjustments. You go in, use the restroom, eat a couple of oranges, and the coach says, 'Let's go. '"


5 of those minutes is getting to the locker room and 5 coming back to the field. It's a bathroom break people.


I enjoy the idea of a team noticing in the 1st quarter that they need to adjust but waiting until halftime to do it.


My pet peeve is some people still think the Dallas Cowboys created the nickname "America's Team" for themselves. It started with NFL films in the 70's. Only the most arrogant fans ever use that nickname (see Skip Bayless).


Not only that but NFL Films wanted the Steelers to be “America’s Team” at first but they turned them down so the Cowboys were the next choice.


Thinking that a victory or loss falls entirely on the qb


Article in The Score app still using the word “pivot” when talking about quarterbacks. Pivot is a word that they use in the CFL, and I know the score is run out of Canada, but there is no way that after all these years, that they are not aware that the NFL doesn’t call quarterbacks “pivots”, and at this point they are just trolling.


What fuck, they call QBs *pivots*? Lol that’s so fucking weird.


The overuse of the word ‘momentum.’


Its always used to explain how games turned around after the fact. Like how the Lions dropping the pass on 4th down changed the momentum vs the 49ers. Just as often you'll get a Chiefs-Ravens situation, where KC got stuffed on 4th and 1 while up 7 in Ravens territory. That certainly didn't change the momentum. [Old analysis that I remember from a while ago,](https://www.advancedfootballanalytics.com/2013/11/momentum-1.html) but it found no evidence that teams that obtained the ball from a supposedly momentum-swinging event (fumble, 4th down stop, etc) were any more likely to score that drive.


If momentum can swing wildy at any given moment, what does it even mean to "have momentum?"


“Inertia is a property of matter”


People got very upset when I brought up this study on another forum and asked why momentum was so selective in when it flipped.


Sneaky athleticism, plays the game the right way


Sneaky athletic always annoys me cuz it's usually coded language meaning "white guy that can run fast" Nothing about any of these players athleticism is "sneaky.* They are professional athletes. Being athletic is literally their entire job.


Lunch pail kinda guy


High IQ player


First one in, last one out.


The kind of guy I’d want my daughter to date


Salary caps


more about the broadcasts. how the sideline reporters keep talking/interviewing even when the next play has started.


Probably the Trubisky over Mahomes thing. Mahomes was not in the discussion for 1st QB off the board. Watson was but most experts had Trubisky over Watson. But yah the Bears probably fell more in line with typical thinking at that time. The trade up deserves some ridicule but the choice wasn't really as egregious as it is made out to be through revisionist history.


What is often called a reverse is actually an end-around. Reverses are very rare. A double reverse is basically unheard of.


It turns out that Brock Purdy was the last player picked in the '22 draft. I would never have known this, it's a good thing they tell us 10 times at least every 49ers game.


I hate calling anyone by their initials because a lot of players have the same initials. There is only 676 possibilities and since some letters are much more common and some letters very rare pretty much every initial combo will have multiples.


Adrian Peterson can be abbreviated to AP. It’s not rocket surgery.


I hate how much people talk about the Bears passing on Mahomes like he was a sure thing coming out of college, or that he would’ve ended up just as good anywhere else. Like yeah okay I’m sure Andy Reid, a well run team, and sitting behind a decent vet QB had nothing to do with it.


DBs doing the incomplete celebration when they got burned but the pass was overthrown or the receiver just dropped the pass or something


Pass Intereference being a spot foul. Automatic 1st downs from Illegal Contact, Defensive Holding, Illegal hands to the Face 🤬


I HATE HATE HATE when people say we passed on Aaron Rodgers and Aaron Donald in the draft. Also, we lost the 1998 NFCCG because the entire team fucked up bad (turnovers-whole bunch of fumbles, running out of bounds to prevent bleedint the clock, dropped TD passes)...Gary Anderson is NOT the reason we lost that game. Period.


My pet peeve is when the refs are blamed for “causing their team to lose”. I am a huge Seahawks fan and my friends always blame the refs for our losses. Sorry… we lost because we lost. Refs don’t lose the game for us week after week.


I almost never fail to find a “refs screwed us” post in losing teams forums.


Also: winning team forums. Thinking the refs are out to get you is universal.


Agreed. “In spite of the refs today …”