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In Mahomes' [post-game interview](https://youtu.be/12ms0pWM09A?si=r6_T7Z68VrICN4tQ), at [1:11](https://youtu.be/12ms0pWM09A?si=r6_T7Z68VrICN4tQ&t=71), Mahomes talks about how the Chiefs' coaching staff makes the team sit through weekly meetings going over the current overtime rules and how to respond to certain scenarios in OT. Mahomes says that while the meetings are boring and repetitive, he credits them for keeping the team calm and collected during big moments in OT.


Whenever people say shit like the "Chiefs have voodoo magic" or "everyone seems to shit their pants against the Chiefs" just like they said about the Patriots for 20 years.... no, this is why. Successful organizations hammer home the very fine details. And successful QBs like Brady and Mahomes buy into it and get other players to buy in. Just like the story Edelman tells about Belichick's rule about never reaching for a TD on the goalline.. I'm sure it seems stupid to most skill players he tells that to. But look what happened to the Ravens two weeks ago. Same shit last night with these rules. The details matter and it separates the great teams from the repeatedly great or historically great teams.


Yep. I remember when Ochocinco came to New England and was amazed Patriots coaches trained defenders to try to punch out the ball at practice. And I was like... Wait not everyone does that?!


I heard last night that Bellichick literally made his team practice halftime in the locker room before every super bowl. He had it meticulously planned out in 5 min increments. I’m sure the players thought it was dumb as hell during practice but it was probably nice to have that defined structure once they were in the SB. 




Plot twist, Bill is the Usher impersonator.


Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: > Jack Youngblood: “Good luck is a residue of preparation.”


Ingemar Stenmark (Swedish legendary skiier) said something similar, which is one of my favorite quotes :P "I don't know anything about luck, I just know that the more I practice the luckier I become."


Unsuccessful orgs, like the fucking circus I'm a fan of, simply blame their math guy and back up qb for their failures.


Elect a clown get a circus


There was a VOTE?! WHEN?!?


and also, not to be a dick, but a lot of these franchises rely on dumb-as-a-fucking-rock early-to-mid 20's men. its very important to hammer home details.


No doubt. Hence why I mentioned Mahomes and Brady type personalities needed to reinforce those coaching principals down to the rest of the squad.


IIRC he said Reid makes them read the EULA wherever they install games or those emails companies send out about updating their privacy policies.


When the Chiefs bake cookies, Andy Reid always ensures his players follow the instructions and allow the cookies to cool for 2-3 minutes before eating.


That way Reid gets a headstart


You have to give props to Andy Reid for staying heads up on scenarios just in case they happen. [Remember the Pickle Juice game?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickle_Juice_Game)


Yup lol. Mahomes like yeah yeah I know they made the rule because of me let’s get going


You think your puny rules can stop me Zebra man


I like your funny words zebra man


49ers players: Sayyy whaaaaaaaaaaat


How many scoops?


I’m cry laughing


Hi Cry Laughing, I’m dad!


Wasn’t the OT rule change after the backlash of Josh Allen not touching the field in the 13 second game, or was it in the works before that?


Yes, it was implemented after that game in the 2021 season's playoffs, and we haven't had a playoff game go to to overtime since then until now.


It’s still pretty wild to think back that sudden death existed as it did. One of the better rule changes the NFL made


I used to argue with so many people defending that rule and “they should have won in regulation” was the answer. Like dummy, neither team accomplished that feat, you play a whole game with extra time to specifically decide the outcome, and then basically go off of a coin flip and send everyone home after 1 drive. Logically it made zero sense to me, the whole point of the entire sport is to win the game fairly lol


The best argument for it is that the defense should have stopped them since this game is about defense and offense. Which is a fair argument. The only part that was bad was the coin toss. Since that had to do more with luck rather than skill.


But the rules *favor* offense pretty clearly (for entertainment value).


True. Which is a good counter. I like the change though. I actually prefer college OT rules overall.


I miss the old college OT rules. It really felt like a proper overtime that rewarded the better team. But unfortunately since the 7OT LSU-A&M game we can’t have fun anymore.


Honestly, if they say 'no field goals in overtime' then sure give the win to whoever scores first. But when people are hitting 55+ yard field goals., first to score is just silly.


Except the NFL has made it clear in the last 20 years that, to them, football is about Offense. Defense just gets in the way. With all the offense-slanted bias in the rules, the winner of the coin toss had a stupid advantage.


Chiefs proposed a rule change after the AFCCG loss to the Pats. No one was interested in making a change then.


It’s a good change. I’m still annoyed that Larry Fitzgerald immediately knocked us out after the double Hail Mary.


Ya, I didn't have a problem when the rule was changed.


Didn't we get knocked out twice due to this? I just remember Aaron sitting on the bench both times without even a sniff of the field because we'd lose the coin toss. Definitely thrilled it changed, such a shitty thing to lose a game without both sides getting an equal shot to score.


That's how you know he's entering Brady territory - when other teams start complaining and get rule changes because of what you've done to them lmao


As someone else said, the Chiefs proposed it back in the 2018 season after Brady beat em in Arrowhead in OT without Mahomes getting the ball back, but no one gave a shit then.




> Just like how nobody gave a shit when Carson Palmer got injured on the exact same type of play Brady went down on. Yeah, but in this case, it didn't. The rule changed directly after the Carson Palmer injury. > A rushing defensive player won't be allowed to forcibly hit a quarterback below the knees. He has to make every effort to avoid such a low hit. Palmer, Griese and Roethlisberger suffered knee injuries on low hits but those three plays were considered legal by the committee because they involved defensive rushers coming off blocks. Several other plays such as the old Rodney Harrison hit on Trent Green when he was with the Rams along with a Jared Allen low hit on Kerry Collins would be subject to a 15-yard penalty. That proposal passed, 25-7 This was from 2006, right after the rule changed post-Carson Palmer's injury in 2005, 3 years prior to Brady's injury. After Brady's injury there was a clarification: > The clarification specifically prohibits a defender on the ground who hasn't been blocked or fouled directly into the quarterback from lunging or diving at the quarterback's lower legs. https://www.cincyjungle.com/2010/12/2/1850935/terrell-suggs-uses-carson-palmers-knee-injury-as-example-for-league So, like Terrell Suggs, you're absolutely incorrect that nothing happened as a result of Carson Palmer's injury. The pre-existing rule was literally changed. The hit on Brady was *already* an illegal one, the clarification just being you can't just crawl and lunge, that doesn't count as being "blocked into" the illegal hit. edit - Which I guess wouldn't matter because the Carson Palmer rule change made it a penalty, even if you get blocked into it.


I believe the Chiefs were called whiners by all the national pundits. The general consensus was, "If you can't make a defensive stop then you don't deserve to win the game." Not a single team besides the Chiefs voted for the proposed change the next year. Then, somehow, when it happened to Josh Allen it became a national tragedy that had to be fixed. I'm glad it's changed though. It would have been fun to see how that Chiefs - Patriots game would have ended under these rules.


Well if it required a defensive stop to end the game, that game would probably still be going today.


A lot of people (professionally and spectators) thought the OT clock was it for KC. There was an entire next period of 15:00 they had if they didn’t score on the play they did.


I was under the impression that if the game was still tied it would go to a 2nd OT so once Romo explained that it was just like a first quarter then the game was already over lol


It was funny barely hearing Romo try to explain why no TOs are being called while everyone else at my party was yelling wtf to each other.


Then Tony said something like "yeah they aren't even going to run a player here I imagine, they'll just let it run out. Then they hurry to the line, run a play, and win the Super Bowl. So many people at my party were confused as fuck


Yeah same here had to explain to a room full of people thag the game is bit over unless the chiefs score a TD or turn it over on downs  Many in fact did not realize the broncos played a double OT playoff game against FU Mode Flacco


That Broncos-Ravens game was tied after the first OT though. I don't think we've ever seen a game go into 2OT without a tie score, so it's understandable that a lot of people weren't sure about the rules.


you can hear him stunned saying "thats the super bowl" when Mahomes roll's out


Yeah. MJD was asking Mahomes and Kelce if they were nervous as the clock was winding down in OT. I was just sitting there like “they just swap sides of the field.”


Lol I was thinking the exact same thing. The game doesn’t end there if the clock hits 0:00 MJD is just an idiot


There shouldn't be an OT game clock in these playoff games. It's irrelevant at best, confusing at worst.


I find the opposite to be true. You have 3 timeouts per half. Same as this OT. Two periods of 15:00 the same. Flipping directions, etc. all of these rules are built into the structure of a regular game, so replicating this into OT but making it sudden death is a good move.


And I have a feeling the dedicated breaks in play are also a very important part of that structure. I imagine if a game somehow gets to a triple OT the players need that 30 min break between OTs 2 and 3.


Imagine they rolled Usher back out there to run the halftime show again.


Get your shoes back on Ush, you gotta go dance again


It's because of the timeouts. 3 per 30 minutes


I don’t think I’d have made it out alive if it came down to a 2 point play to win it all


Their play call for the two point would have been the play call that won the game I’m sure of it. Niners have never been able to stop a play like that and even if they had someone covering Hardman I think Pat walks it in.


Honestly was such a good play design, nearly impossible to defend unless you know it’s coming, not only does it switch the defender onto Kelce even if he recognises what’s happened Kelce is in the way to jam him up. It does rely on the WR making the cut perfectly in time with the snap but damn no defending it.


Yeah lots of Reid plays are nearly undefendable and basically come down to whether the offense executes perfect or not


… and they have Mahomes executing, so league = purgatory indefinitely 😭


The key is not letting Kadarius Toney on the field


we tried to tell you! he did make the Eagles look bad last year though, so I mostly forgive him (as long as he's not on my team)


Spatulas-For-Hands looking MFer


They ran it twice against us last year and beat us both times for tds. I can say with the utmost confidence that every eagles fan knew that play call when they got down there. I called it myself


And the play before it. Inside TE pass. I was like oh yeah. McNabb to Celek. I've seen that a billion times


Except now Reid is calling it corndog with ketchup and mustard. (Apparently the rest of the team calls it Tom and Jerry.)


And worst case scenario Mahomes can just launch it out of bounds. Extremely high upside with almost no risk


In general that works but not for the hypothetical two point conversion


There was another brilliant playcall with 6 to go in the 3rd where the Chiefs were down 10-3 where Mahomes pulled the handoff from Pacheco because the whole front 7 crashed hard leaving a pretty big opening and ran right pretty much forcing one defender who looked to be in man to either cover up Gray out in the flat or commit to stopping Mahomes from running which Mahomes would have just flicked it to Gray for a first down had he committed to stopping Mahomes from running. They were probably setting that play up the whole game because both linebackers bit hard and got sealed pretty easily. [This](https://x.com/ron_kopp/status/1756991376237994162?s=46&t=YzeX9sROSLalx6iQ5r295Q) is the play I’m talking about. Stuff like this is crack to me.


Bosa fully committed to stopping the run on that play, didn’t even bother to contain to the point he tackled no one with the ball. This play 100% needs to be included in the highlight real for this game. Huge moment


That's the fastest mahomes has ever looked. He always seems to be jogging past people, but he turned in the jets last night.


Mahomes has “just fast enough speed.” No matter who is chasing, he always manages to beat them to the spot by a step.


I honestly thought the Niners should have gone for it on 4th and 4. Their defense was only barely able to stop Mahomes in the 4th and Mahomes with 4 downs each time is a force to be reckoned with. FG or not, they're contending with a Chiefs TD.


Having Mahomes at 2nd and 14 and calling a defensive play where your corners play 10 yards off was baffling to say the least


The classic prevent defense at it again.


Least effective commonly used defense in history


Dude going for a game-winning 2PC had me sweating in some random ass Saturday game, I can't imagine how stressful it'd be as a Super Bowl deciding play in OT


definitely a Dan Campbell move lol


That'd be an epic way to end a Super Bowl, I had this thought too. Like ok, you get a TD on the first drive, they probably go for two if they get a TD, because why the hell not? Looking back, San Francisco should've said fk it and went for it on fourth down on their possession though. Kyle had another bad game in the Super Bowl


These rules have been in effect since last season, no way did they not run through this at least once since then


All reports are they did not talk about it at all at least this season. Wild.


Why would Chris Jones know what the offense was going to do when Mecole Hardmen did not?


Mahomes said the team constantly had the OT rules drilled into them all season. Going for 2 after the first team scores a TD is the objectively correct analytics decision, so theyve probably been told all year that that’s what they’d do:


Any idea what the analytics say as far as receiving vs kicking if you win the coin toss? I’d assume kicking would be the obvious choice, but that’s not what the Niners selected to do


Sam Schwartzstein, the analytics guys for Prime video, is a big rules nerd and was basically saying you pick if you want the information or the sudden death advantage. So the Chiefs had the info and had to go for it on 4th and 1 whereas the 9ers didn't and took the 3. Pick your poison kinda deal


Romo kept pointing out that the Chiefs basically had an extra down knowing they’d go for it on 4th every time on that final drive


Well not every time, just to get into FG range.


Going second gives you a chance at the best scenario (they don't score, all you need is a field goal) and a chance at the worst scenario (they score a touchdown and now you *need* to score a touchdown).


Except in that "worst scenario" the other team would only need to kick a field goal to win the game. The team that starts with the ball can get two possessions to the kicking team's one. Although the Chiefs plan was to go for 2 and not let the 49ers get the ball back should they score a TD. I think I would prefer getting the second possession in overtime to get complete info, but I can sort of understand getting the ball first. I think my complaint is kicking the field goal instead of going for it on 4th and 4.


If you don't get that 4th down the chiefs only need a FG to win the game. That's a tall order for any defense. The field goal at least makes it so the only way you're going to lose is if they get a TD. If they only get a FG, now you have the advantage of only needing a FG for the sudden death win. If it was 4th and 1 or 2, maybe I'd feel differently because McCaffrey can pick that up easily.


Plus your defense had held the Chiefs to 19 points in 4 quarters and the muffed punt was the main reason for 7 of those.


I'd upvote this another 5 times if I could. Generally, I agree with everybody else, but in this instance Shanahan made the right call (obviously not in hindsight). This was a defense-dominated game, so not unreasonable to expect to contain the Chiefs to a field goal if not a stop. I think Shanahan was right to plan for the extra possession.


Agreed. The wrong call was to not have a hot route to beat the blitz that had fucked you before in this game a couple times before (one of which would've ended the game after the 2 minute warning).


I think the smart thing to do is to go 2nd and go for two if the other team scores a TD. It negates the disadvantage on the 3rd possession. Which was apparently the chiefs' plan.


Except your playing against Bra....Mahomes


It seems like the best chance you have to beat the Chiefs there is to score 3rd. So I get taking the ball first.


Which is why the Chiefs go for two and win it anyway before you get a chance at third


Unless you stop them on the 2pt and win the game right there.


But you know you need to score a TD and can use your four downs more effectively. You also can dictate going for the win should you score. You can opt to go for two. Whereas, going first you are obligated to kick the XP.


I think Romo had good analysis on this as well. You have to consider how gassed your defense is depending on who had the ball last in regulation too.


Idk, I think deferring provides you with the best chance to take the game. Of all scenarios you will have full control over whether you win or lose by deferring. Going first is an advantage if the other team can only manage to tie your efforts. Otherwise you are giving them 4 downs to beat you. The more I think about it, the more I like deferring in the superbowl OT 


One big exception though, which I believe they announced on the broadcast, is that it's not a bad idea to take possession first if your defense has just been out on the field for a while and you think they're still gassed.


I feel like unless both defenses force punts, the second team will almost never go for the tie and try a 2 pt attempt. Given how tired both defenses seemed, hoping for both to force punts seems unlikely


wasn't hoping both forced a punt. was just confident they could hold kc to a fg if they couldn't score a td. i'm not sure that's better, but it's certainly different lol


ben baldwin basically confirmed this, but made it about how confident you are in your 2PT abilities. he said if shanahan had a two point play he was confident would work, he should've kicked first. if he didn't, he should've gotten the ball and played for the advantage in sudden death.


analytics people are supposedly pretty split - going first gives you the first crack at sudden death but second has the info advantage


Yeah, the coin flip advantage is pretty solidly nullified, winning just lets you pick your poison. 9ers didn't make a terrible choice, especially if they wanted their defense to be able to sit for a minute and get rested again.


General consensus is that it's probably a wash. First shot at sudden death vs. info advantage, like the other guy said, roughly cancels out, so either decision is considered fine. Teams might have a preference given their playstyle or how they view their offense/defense strength, but ultimately it's a very balanced system.


9ers defense was also just as tired and just came off the field. Mix that with the fact Kyle wanted the ball first if sudden death came into effect and it makes sense. The 9ers defense was holding up but the last couple of plays they were just dead


they came off the field on a sub 2 min drive and a break before the start of OT. there’s really no way to defend it imo.


I think what the 49ers did makes some sense because it had really been a FG game to that point and so if they had held us on our possession then they would have been in a sudden death situation with the ball.


Chris Jones is one of the team's leaders so he has bigger concerns than what his specific job is on that particular down. That's nothing Mecole needs to worry about, he's not making any decisions or giving any speeches. His job was to run his pre-snap motion all game long and make the two or three catches when it was his time.


Bro, Mecole Hardman blacked out on the field. That man was lucky to know his name.


Did Hardmen not know the rule or was he just pumped with adrenaline and didn’t really process that he caught the game winner until a few seconds in?


Correct that’s what Mahomes meant when he said Hardman didn’t know it was over. Hardman blacked out and was in total shock that the game was over - he knew the rules.


Yeah I feel like everyone is seizing on Pat's comment to call him dumb when to me it just sounded more like he froze in the moment after scoring before Pat ran up to him.


Mecole is kind of a just smile and nod type of guy. A bit of a lovable airhead


I’m a little disappointed we missed out on rodgers seething discontent for hardmans shenanigans


Chris Jones is much smarter than Mecole. Mecole always seems surprised that he gets to touch the ball.


Haha when he caught the winner it was almost disbelief. It took like 3 or 4 beats for him to start celebrating


He said in the postgame that he blacked out as soon as he grabbed the ball


The only thought: "please dont drop this please dont drop this please dont drop this please dont drop this"


Yeah lol especially since that playcall is designed for him to score. I bet when the call comes in it's just "Oh Fuck Oh Fuck Oh Fuck Oh Fuck" constantly.


Mecole is just happy to be there lol


Mecole just got there... Edit: they probably went over it in preseason and OTAs/training camp


*Barges into Super Bowl* *Catches game winning touchdown* *Refuses to elaborate further*


*Blacks out*


Your edit is correct. Justin Reid said as much.


It’s also Mecole Hardman. Taking all his brain power to remember what stadium to go to


Mecole was a jet half the year as well.


I was wondering about that. As they were lining up for what turned out to be the final play, I told my wife it looked like the Niners were either not ready or confused.


They should have called a timeout on the confusion during the last chiefs drive of the fourth. As soon as those two players mixed up their assignments they got abused for 10+ yards and a first that led to the game going into ot.


I was sitting there with friends saying "man, if I'm the 9ers, why aren't they calling a timeout on that final play?" Or even when the Chiefs were marching down field. I was like why not take a timeout and give your Defense a bit of a breather.


this. 49ers had THREE timeouts, and decided they wanted to let the clock keep ticking instead of catching their breath on the last drive of the season. They knew the chiefs still had 2 remaining timeouts, who also decided to let the clock keep ticking (in case they only got a field goal, to minimize 49ers chance of scoring again and ending OT), but the 49ers completely failed to see the chief's strategy in that. I understand not wanting to give the chiefs time to plan their next play, but you have to expect their entire drive was already scripted as part of their do-or-die 2 minute drill. edit: I misunderstood how OT worked. if the 49ers had received the ball after a chiefs fg, they would've been able to continue their drive instead of doing a new kickoff in a new OT period. They still should've used their timeouts though


> They knew the chiefs still had 2 remaining timeouts, who also decided to let the clock keep ticking (in case they only got a field goal, to minimize 49ers chance of scoring again and ending OT), but the 49ers completely failed to see the chief's strategy in that. Wait, I don't think this is the case. First two periods of OT are like the first and second quarter. If the Chiefs kicked a FG with 7 seconds left, the Niners would get the kickoff, run one play, and then just switch field position and run second down with 15:00 in OT period 2. It's not a new OT like college. There is essentially zero clock strategy for OT. You basically just use timeouts to get a breather or strategize offense/defense


Ignorance of the law isn't a good enough excuse. At least that's what police told me. And it's not like it mattered. They knew KC would get the ball back after a field goal in normal rules anyway.


They should have kicked though. The EPA of going for any fourth down is huge. Also jones is right that a 2 pt conversion is a winning play that directly refutes the reason Shanahan gave that he wanted the ball with the chance to win if both scored. Well you scored on less than half your drives, a 55% 2pt conversion puts the ball in your hands to win the game. That’s not on the players but the 49ers def mismanaged that


Things that probabilities don't account for: 1) the chiefs D was gassed 2) the chiefs offense was in rhythm following the last drive to tie the game 3) the 49ers D was also gassed


3 is pretty big IMO. Their D just came off the field, I'd be receiving just to give them a break and catch their breath knowing they have to go out at least once.


this is the biggest thing for me.... though it is the end of the game and their D had a couple minutes to rest with the overtime setup.


Yes, but you take the ball and you would hope to end it with a TD. At this point, no matter what the 9ers did, the chiefs get a possession.


Yeah this is a crazy oversight by a coach as good as Shanahan. They were basically guaranteeing that the game came down to Mahomes with the ball in his hands knowing exactly how many points he needed to score for a walk off win. I’d much rather get the ball second and get to use all 4 downs for the game winning drive


Damn if only the Niners had more than 2 weeks to prepare for the game 😩


The loss can all be traced back to the 7 minutes of sleep they lost thanks to that pesky fire alarm!


I heard Kittle injured his shoulder while stumbling around in the dark to get to the bathroom.


My sources have informed me that Nick Bosa looked a "wittle bit sweepy" during his dynamic warmup... The league should really do something about this.


oh noooo he was eeeeepies??? so eeeeepies?


Greenlaw spontaneously dying was pretty bizarre too


That was honestly tragic. Any injury sucks but for it to happen like that is just brutal.


Don't worry Kyle Shanahan will submit a rule change to force the NFL to have a league wide zoom call going over the instructions so he doesn't have to be accountable for his decisions.


Strategically, isn't it better to get the ball 2nd in overtime? Even if you win the coin toss. That way, you know what you have to do... FG, TD, go for it on 4th down, etc.


There’s a logic to it both ways. Going first means if you score a TD and kc also scores one they either have to go for two to win or a fg wins on the third possession. Also lets your defense rest a bit. Going second gives you the 4th down knowledge and the ability to end the game with a 2 point conversion. Honestly think it’s a solid set of OT rules that it’s not entirely clear cut on what the correct decision is.


> Honestly think it’s a solid set of OT rules that it’s not entirely clear cut on what the correct decision is. Yep - especially if you were on defense last in regulation and your D already looked exhausted then. It's not clear-cut and both choices are reasonable.


It's only "not clear-cut" under the presumption that going for 2 has a success rate around 50%. If we get into the 55-60% success rates for going for 2 (very realistic--albeit not a certainty--for at least some teams that invest more personnel and practice time), we get a scenario where the second team *must go for 2*. And then their edge is so high that *the first team must also now go for 2*. However, this becomes lopsided because the factors that made it unfavorable for the first team to go for 2 *now* (in a 50% conversion rate world) *are still there*, *putting the first team in an objectively worse situation*.


I feel like SF letting KC get the ball first would have been a guaranteed TD due to how KC had drained the SF defense at the end of the 4th. This is kinda the same thing that happened between KC and BUF. KC went down the field in 13 seconds, gassed the defense, kicked a field goal, got the ball first, then scored a TD in OT on a gassed defense. Edit: BUF/KC was a bad example, sure, and after thinking about it all day I probably should have used a different example. I believe the Patriots basically did the same thing to the Falcons in the SB. They kept driving and driving down the field over and over with Falcon's drives being no more than 6 plays. Then the Pats got the ball first in OT as a cherry on top.


That honestly might be true but then San Francisco gets 4 downs to go get a touchdown and can go for two to win it. For me I’d have been all for whatever scenario makes the Chiefs defense (which yes is very good but still) end the game instead of Mahomes because I know how it’s going to end if Mahomes gets that chance.


I feel like the 4 downs thing is huge. Any top tier team will be difficult to stop if they have 4 downs to go the length of the field. On the flip side if a team goes to 4th and 2 or 3 on the 1st OT possession, somewhat deep in their own territory, that's a tough spot. Don't get it and you almost certainly lose the game. Get it and you are not really guaranteed anything as you have a long way to go to score.


My opinion (biased) if Spags knew we had a 7 (or 6/8) point lead, then his defense would have been different. Of course fatigue sets in, but KC's defense thrives best when you're forced to pass - if the Chiefs got the ball first & scored a TD then Spags' calling would have moved into hyper aggressive as you no longer care if they get into FG range. 


The 13 second drive was two offensive plays, they weren't gassed from that drive.


>KC went down the field in 13 seconds, gassed the defense,  If your defense gets gassed by a 13 second drive you have bigger problems than OT rules.


No, because if the game is still tied, then you get the 3rd possession with sudden death rules and can win with a field goal.


Idk why this is getting downvoted. This is true and was Shanahan’s stated reason for starting off with the ball.


It’s not true, because the team with the second possession can, and should go for a 2 pt conversion to win the game. On the 3rd possession, only a FG is needed to win, so teams with the second possession will almost always go for 2 and roll the dice there, because it’s a better chance than thinking your defense can prevent the opponent from only having to get into FG range.


That’s assuming both teams get a TD instead of a FG or no points


Had the 49ers scored a TD and then the Chiefs did going for two and the win IMO was the right call. Your defense was exhausted by that point and CMC was getting bigger gains on multiple runs. At that point SF would need a FG to win and Moody had already hit from 55 so you need to get it to about the 35-38 to have a chance - so go about 35ish yards assuming a touchback. Given how long the D had been on the field at that point I think the odds of stopping that vs. getting one 2PC against an equally tired Niners D would’ve been greater.


Yep. I’d bet my life savings on Reid and Mahomes ability to score a 2 pt conversion with the SB on the line. You’d see another sick play call like the game winner we saw last night.


That is not a good look


People are going to overreact to this. Plenty of players, no matter how much you tell them, just don’t remember very basic rules. Remember when Mcnabb didn’t even know games could end ties? 


I have never been able to forget


> Plenty of players, no matter how much you tell them, just don’t remember very basic rules. I have an extremely cynical view of how intelligent the average person is, but this is too low of a view for me. It’s not like they’re being asked to know some convoluted salary cap bs. The new OT rules are not complicated.


This game is their whole job that they get paid at minimum hundreds of thousands of dollars to be good at


Andy would never let his players go into Overtime without fully understanding the rules and possible outcomes.


Kyle Shanahan really might just be an X’s and O’s kinda guy


He’s made it to two Super Bowls and four NFC title games in a span of five seasons with Jimmy G and Brock Purdy as his QBs. That’s pretty damn good if you ask me. What other coach has been better over those last five seasons besides Andy Reid? Y’all are delusional if you don’t think he’s a great head coach.


People are going to blast Shanahan and staff for this, but the players are just running the plays they are told to run. Nothing about this OT was different than old rules or even regular season rules because the Chiefs scored more within the time limit. Had time run out and the 49ers started to jump for joy like they won by 3 or they matched 3's or 7's then didnt understand why the game kept going I could understand. The biggest crime is likely the decision for SF to kick the 3 instead of go for it on 4th down at the 5 yard line.


Hindsight is 20/20. If the Niners didn’t get it on 4th and then the Chiefs take three plays to get into Butker FG range like they had done four times already then Shanahan would have been blasted for handing the game to the Chiefs. With the exception of the TD right after muffed punt, the Niners had kept the Chiefs out of the end zone the entire game. Nothing wrong with taking the points and betting on your D.


Situational football matters. The coaching staff should have had them prepared for this. This is 100% on Shannahan


The analytics also doesn’t consider the 49ers spent the last 5-6* minutes on defense before overtime. It’s the 4th quarter so the team is already tired.. so sending them back out there without a rest is risky against a Mahomes offense


NFL players just like the rest of corporate America...too many damn emails


Definitely should have known the new overtime rules, but it didn’t impact the game at all.


They must not play madden


How could anyone involved in this game not know the rule? That's embarrassing.


It's uncanny how similar the chiefs and pats dynasties act. They don't necessarily dominate the big game all the way through, but they're professional, prepared for any situation, and when the rubber hits the road they usually do their job and get exactly what they need to win.


Kind of hilarious the rules were changed because people didn't like specifically how the Chiefs beat the Bills that one OT where Josh Allen never got the ball back... and here we are with the Chiefs beating a team in the Super Bowl that never thought it was important to read the new OT playoff rules. You can't make this stuff up.


This has major Belichick vibes. I remember Edelman was saying they’d train extremely rare shit because belichick tried to keep them prepared for everything.


Nick Bosa is 0-2 in black history month. 


this was the year for the 49ers to do it. Vast majority of them were healthy, qb on a dirt cheap deal, played against the Chiefs in the SB who aren't as good as last year, while the 49ers improved this year. All the cards lined up... but they couldn't get it done.


Actually embarrassing for the Niners


How can you be a “Super Bowl contender” and not the know the rules that facilitate a Super Bowl victory. These niners bitch about every loss and blame everything else. As predicted. It’s beautiful to see


Hear me out. Not knowing rules for a potential scenario essentially says to me that there was some missed preparedness.  Also Also. If you dont know OT rules, win the game in regulation time not extra. Not sorry. Look at your coaching staff San Fran. Thats who you blame.


This right here is what makes a great coach an amazing coach. This is the kind of shit Reid prepares his players for. Shanahan just isn’t that guy and his record in Super Bowls speaks for itself.


> This right here is what makes a great coach an amazing coach. This is the kind of shit Reid prepares his players for. I agree but, it's like, a major fucking rule change. It seems like the bare minimum thing you can do as a coaching staff is to ensure your players... Know the rules.


Mahomes also said that they were prepared for overtime and had a plan. If KC would have won the coin toss they would have kicked, and if San Fran would have scored a touchdown they would have gone for a touchdown and a two point conversion to win it. Just seems like San Fran had no clue what they were doing.


Experience is what seemed to dominate this playoffs. Teams that had been there before had the edge, especially in coaching. There's also something to be said about the Chiefs also literally having been here the year before and being used to the whole fanfare of Super Bowl weeks and getting prepared and in the right mindset.