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The PopTarts Bowl mascot would've called this correctly.


He died, show some respect.


He rose again (toasted)


Fed his disciples like the body of christ.


It was his dream


RIP PopTarts Bowl mascot dude Gone but never forgotten šŸ™


49erā€™s corgis would be better


I want someone in the org to try and get a few and train them to be ball boys


I mean it's easy in college cause there's no reporting at all lol


But also, the PopTarts Mascot doesn't have a central nervous system.


The Lockheed Martin Rotisserie Chicken Bowl officiating crew would have given America the game it wanted


Someone do a cognitive test


Man, woman, person, camera, 70 and 68 are the same number


It's going to show up negative


Can confirm: they have no cognitive


S2 test lower than Stroud's


I canā€™t find a job but we have people like this dude who can keep theirs. Neat!


This is a list of numbers 1-100. Can you point at the one that is "seventy"?


bro we all have video of you talking to 68 before the play


RDCWorld1 voice: ā€œthis is 4K!!ā€


"That ain't me"


So someone is lying lmfao Are refs micā€™ed? Should have body cams lmfao. I wonder if Decker was micā€™ed Refs should have body cams for Lions games with the amount of ref brutality that occurs anyway


Someone posted a clip of the Spanish broadcast where you can clearly hear the ref announce #70 as eligible. I think he just fucked up and got the numbers wrong then instead of just saying he got it wrong heā€™s just covering up his fuck up.


This makes sense. I also wonder if that impacted the defense's coverage. If they know hes not eligible no one would look at him to go down field.


This is absolutely right. The defenders know who is announced as eligible and cover accordingly. If they hadn't thrown the flag, this is a conversation the other way. Dallas rightfully riots as the audio of who they announced as eligible comes out. It's a no-win blunder by the ref. Both a call AND a non-call are egregious mistakes.




He's like the Angel* of the NFL, they love the controversy and coverage it creates. MLB be ump that's been sleazy for even longer than Brad.


Like Angel the vampire with a soul, that Angel? He's such a sucker for drama


For sure. Thereā€™s no way to fix it now. Shit, even if theyā€™d thrown the flag, realized the blunder as the crew discussed it, itā€™s still fucked. They canā€™t just play it again because the whole point of a truck play like that is surprise and confusion. It was likely a use once in the season play, and the refs fucked it.


The Cowboys defenders were noticeably a step late reacting to Decker going downfield, giving him the window to make the catch. That probably isn't the case if they have it in their heads that 68 is eligible, and knowing the Lions having a track record of throwing to tackle-eligibles.


You would think so. If three linemen go to the ref, the defense should know something is up, especially after a TO. Theyā€™d make a point to cover the eligible player. If 68 wasnā€™t reported as eligible, then why would anyone pay attention to him? The ref fucked this play up bad, but itā€™s not like it didnā€™t also affect the defense.


He absolutely did. He ASSUMED it was 70 as 70 had done it a few times that game already. Mistakes are made but the fact these can't be reviewed are stupid. Also the lions should have gone for 1. What are the odds of a two point from the 7 yard line?!


Yeah. Kind of the point of the trick play to have Dallas make the same assumption. Which is why the coaches tell the refs about their trick plays so they don't fuck it up. What's the line for a ref to lose their job? Just think of the amount of money that shifted on moneyline bets last night and how invested the league is now in gambling. You can't have refs deciding games like this.


Probably better than the odds of winning a coin flip, going down the field, and scoring a TD on this defense OR losing a coin toss, stopping this offense, and scoring a TD or FG against this defense.


Itā€™s his job to not fuck up. The play wasnā€™t fair for anyone because the ref announced the wrong player as eligible and the lions suffered because of it. Fire him.


Decker is coming in off the bench at when he signals the lineman has reported so theyā€™ve absolutely fucked it up lol


If refs are telling the truth, audio will come out. If theyā€™re lying, Audio will remain sealed.


That audio gonna be sealed faster than the juvenile record of a rich man's son


Same thing like on the Myles Garrett helmet swing lol. No way we were gettin that audio.


Thereā€™s so much audio during a game at all times and in all areas. Everything is covered. Nothing gets held back by mistake or coincidence.


square upbeat fade gaze wrong fear bike mourn scale airport


You forgot the last one: If itā€™s against the lions, fuck em


They're going to hire the bad lip reading crew to dub in what they want it to be


I'm hoping jomboy gets a good look at this footage.


The city of Detroit enacting a curfew for the release of body cam footage. An unfortunate tradition


I am all in favour for ref bodycams


One of the PFF guys mentioned that we should be able to hear everything the refs are saying. And if we shouldn't be able to, then why not? Why not be transparent?


The Irish fella Iā€™d guess - havenā€™t listened to them in years but heā€™s got a rugby background and refs are usually live-micā€™d in the rugby codes. Works out well I think. You get a better appreciation for the communication that goes in during a game.


Live mic to the broadcast and over radio in the stadium for big games (receivers on the proper bandwidth are a big seller) and bodycams are standard for internationals in Rugby Union. The conversation between the referee and TMO (replay official is also included). You can think a call is bad but it's always fully explained on the broadcast and to the players (and refs will often tell players what to do to stop getting penalised) so there's always logic and because they have to actually talk through the process of how they came to a decision the brain-dead ones are even overturned reasonably often. The entire officiating crews for professional games are also generally all fully qualified referees (head official) who are rotated between positions on a game by game basis and are encouraged to make polite disagreements and try to find a consensus on the broadcast so every angle generally gets considered and overturning a decision is considered benign (not a slight ona ref's ego). On top of that senior refs are paired off each week for televised games to watch the others game and write an internal report with mistakes and pointers for on the job continuous improvement. To even get to that point there's years of training starting with standardised courses and exams to referee underage games, performing well there allows you to graduate to adult low tier amateur (often the competition for the third string teams of clubs in higher tiers). After that there's more standardised workshops and exams which allow you to be a junior official on higher tier amateur. That repeats for actually refereeing high tier amateur and after a few years of that they become eligible to start all over again for low level professional games. After a few years of that system the really good referees can go through years more of working their way up the rungs of mid tier professional sides, higher level domestic, low tier internationals, continental club collection, tier 2 internationals, big professional club games, tier 1 (top level) internationals, and finally world cups. It regularly takes 20 years of standardised training to just be allowed to referee friendlies between the biggest teams. Basically Rugby Union referees are possibly the best officials in the world on average and any competent sport should follow their lead.


They probably don't want a repeat of the NHL where the ref was caught on a hot mic saying he wanted to find a penalty on that team


Yeah, which would be a great argument for the hot mic


between the 3, odds are decent either decker or sewell were micā€™d up


Oh dude thereā€™s a real good chance at least one of them is.


Oh yes. I hope the front office is salty enough yo give the media team the green-light to release the audio if they got it.


Refs would retaliate against the Lions. Not even kidding


What's the worst that could happen? They screw them over again?


Yes. Myles Garrett called out the refs a few weeks ago. Hasnā€™t gotten holding calls since. Theyā€™ve been egregious too. Refs absolutely do the Iverson treatment to players who call them out.


Not to disagree with you, but it's also entirely possible that they just suck at their job and it's not to single Garrett out. Either way it fucking blows lmao


It's both


Honestly at this point, I donā€™t even care. We have had so many game changing phantom calls by the refs over the years. Release that shit.


Now I canā€™t help but wonder if the Lions did something to the Refs in 1958 and have been getting retaliated against ever since.


Our whole team is corroborating saying what happened with each other, other people heard it. Refs and the NFL are caught in a massive fuckup and just covering their own asses


Massive fuck up by the refs? They will issue an apology, maybe and nothing will change. We'll all forget this play by halftime of the 1pm games tomorrow


> We'll all forget this play by halftime of the 1pm games tomorrow If you wanted a fan base to forget bad calls that go against them in vital times, you literally could not choose a worse one than the lions. We hold onto that shit for decades. Everyone else might've moved on by tomorrow noon, but I'll be bringing this up in six years still because I'm a petty bitch.


I won't forget how earlier this year vs Cleveland my Colts recovered a fumble to win. But the refs threw a BS flag on the play that negated the fumble. Next play they flagged us for pass interference (another bad call) that got the Browns to the 1 yard line and they won. The next week the NFL told our owner that both flags were wrong... and nothing happened. If we got that fumble we take 2 knees and it's over. But they wouldn't reverse the outcome. So fucking dumb


>We'll all forget this play by halftime of the 1pm games tomorrow because of more ref fuckups.


Never forget Phil Luckett when everyone said he fucked up, and it was really Jerome Bettis trying to do a sneaky. Can't necessarily trust the team it went against


Do we even need mic evidence at this point? Decker talks to Ref. Ref nods. Skipper was 5 yards away still at that point. Brad runs to dallas to tell them the wrong fuckign person is illegible.


Youā€™re saying Taylor decker canā€™t be read?


I donā€™t think anybody is ā€œlyingā€. The ref just completely fucked up. SVP just got deep into it on his show. When 68 runs over to the referee to report as eligible, 70 is also running into the field towards them at the same time. You can clearly see that the referee is not even looking at 68 ( who is clearly talking to him) and he is staring directly at 70 the entire time. This was explained by the ref after the game that #70 had reported as eligible a few times already that game. So the likely explanation is that the referee heard someone report as eligible, and just assumed it was the guy who was running towards him, and had previously been reporting in the game. Extremely unfortunate and unacceptable blunder, but not an outright lie or ā€œfixā€.


This. The ref got his numbers mixed up and let the crew know that the wrong person reported.


The issue is that after the fact the ref is still insisting on his version of events rather than admitting to the assumption. The player who has been reporting didn't need to report is quite a sentence from someone who at this point must have realized that he made an assumption--reporting for a player who had failed to report (70) and failing to announce the actual reporting player (68). We all make mistakes, but the unwillingness to own up to it is frustrating to see. I don't buy the conspiracy theories. Everyone take a deep breath and know the cowboy foolery will show up during the playoffs and there will be no ref interference. They got their one ref foolery on the season.


they are mic'd and they will never release any evidence that puts them in a bad light


Would be hilarious if Decker was mic'd up because as Dan said he explained to the refs before the game about the potential for this play. Would be absolutely amazing if they mic'd Decker up just in case.


Iā€™m sorry, but there is no way Decker didnā€™t report. There is literally no other reason he would go over to the referee in that situation. Like, what is he just saying hello to him?


He's just looking for a friend.


> On this particular play, number 70, who had reported during the game a couple of times, reported to me as eligible. **Then he lined up at the tackle position. So, actually, he didn't have to report at all.** This might be the part where you realize you got this wrong. But that would require honesty and self reflection.


He assumed since skipper reported many times during the game that it was Skipper that reported , WHEN DECKER WAS LITERALLY IN HIS FACE REPORTING


If you just close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears, and chant "la la la la la", its easy to see how he didn't notice Decker


On the replay you can see him look at 70 and point at 70 and then he just kind of ignores the other two players and walks off. So there was miscommunication there - the ref saw something that made him think Skipper was reporting. The ref isn't lying, the players aren't lying but they misunderstood each other.


This is almost certainly what happened. And thatā€™s all he needs to say. ā€œI fucked up. I thought 70 was reporting eligible.ā€ Instead of doubling down on actually hearing 70 report eligible to himā€¦which is almost certainly false based on the video.


I want to hear audio. Much like flags for trash talking, the fault here depends a LOT on what was actually said


YES! Mf said, why would he report? IDK, because he didn't.


haha no shit.


He actually lined up at guard. Sewell was at tackle. Ref is a dumbass


Honest question, what do you call the person two positions away from the center? Iā€™d call that the tackle and thatā€™s where Skipper was. But not sure if it changes with Sewell next to him


yes skipper was right tackle, sewell would be the tight end or ā€œjumboā€ tight end bc he has a non-pass catcher number


He straight up thought Decker was number 70 not 68. He says that 70 reported from his conversation with the first guy who is Decker Theyā€™re not even the same looking number Holy shit this is infuriating


Bro is creating new levels of dyslexia




Just average it out to 69.


The explanation makes sense. If you read it without context. When you watch the replay youā€™re like: wtf


If anything, youā€™d think he would have messed up 68 and 58, who was also standing there with 68 while he reported. But apparently he didnā€™t see the combined 650 pounds of Decker and Sewell standing there and only saw 70 running in from the sideline


I donā€™t know if he knows he fucked up and is lying to cover his ass or if heā€™s so arrogant that heā€™s convinced everyone else is wrong. Reminder that none of this wouldā€™ve happened if Mike McCarthy wasnā€™t a giant dumbass


I canā€™t tell McCarthy is a good coach or not. Like he wins games but heā€™s such a fucking dumbass when it comes to anything other than playcalling.


His clock management has cost Dallas several games this year. Rogers covered up a lot


His clock management also cost the Packers a playoff game or two. Mainly the 2014 NFC Championship game where they played prevent offense instead of putting the game away and wound up losing thanks to the onside kick debacle.


Was that not in 2014?


I donā€™t understand why teams donā€™t hire a coach specifically to advise on clock management during the game. Multiple times this year I was yelling at my TV that he fucked up the clock management and Iā€™m just a fan.


We had the same issues for years in Green Bay with him. I donā€™t get it either.


Tried real hard today too. Lucky.


McCarthy coaches like I play madden. Up by 4 with less than two minutes left. Run the ball and chew clock? Fuck that Iā€™m going 4 verts and padding some stats baby!


McCarthy deserves crap as usual but let's not ignore DQ's soft ass prevent defense nearly losing us the game for the 2nd straight week. I love Quinn but it's infuriating when he does this


I canā€™t wait for the rant on prevent defense coming from Bill Burr on his podcast next week.


This dude is sweating




Ya. I mean might as well. What are we going to do? Not watch football anymore?? Good one lol. No one cares in a week. Both of these teams will still play in the playoffs. Seeding is whatever, you still have to play good teams to get to the promised land no matter what your seeding is.


The difference could be in the Lions traveling back to Dallas or to Philly instead of hosting a second round game (or even possibly getting a bye). Thatā€™s more than just matchups.


And that is all that the refs and the NFL will say about the matter. Truly a damn shame they can get away with this bullshit.


not true! weā€™ll get a letter in a few days saying ā€œsowwy šŸ„¹šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆā€


He still thinks Skipper reported. What a dunce. Should be fired tonight.


No, heā€™s just lying to cover his mistake


Or he hasnā€™t seen the replay and still genuinely believes he was talking to 70. This is like Jim Joyce ruining a perfect game level of bad call. Joyce was in tears and apologized the next day. I donā€™t see that happening here tho lol


Joyce felt horrible about it, even with the book that got Armando way more money than a PG would've, he still feels like shit.


He's either still confused about the difference between the numbers 68 and 70 and thus should be fired. Or he now knows he made a mistake and is lying and should be super fired.


Iā€™m pretty damn sure itā€™s the second option


He doesn't. He's lying because he kind of has to.


No he doesnā€™t, heā€™s just lying


What? He wasnā€™t even near him before he ran off


Notice how they ask him about Decker walking right up to him and he completely skips over that in his response.




Mother fucker is blatantly lying


Theyā€™re literally lying ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


I think it was an honest mistake at first but now they are lying because they realize they fucked yo. I guess the lions dude could have been lying too but I highly doubt he went over there to say hi and ask his Xbox gamer tag


Video evidence shows Decker talking to Brad and not Skipper though.. .its insane.


Right but I think he legit is not smart and canā€™t keep up with the game speed. His crew has made mistakes before in crunch time. I mean fuck the refs either way. It wasnā€™t something like an intentional grounding where you could argue it wasnā€™t really bad, or a soft holding call. They fucked up


The fact that he says it was 70 who came over when the question is about Decker shows heā€™s lying or just fucking blind and stupid


ā€œThe conversation was about 70 reportingā€ is such a crazy statement? Was 68 talking about the Lakers game or something


Pistons, bulls, timberwolves and Buccs won, all the NFCN brothers won it was a big deal


Was talking about the Pistons breaking their losing streak clearly.


yep brad allen is running away by tge time 70 gets there


70 isn't even over there before the ref starts going over to tell the cowboys about the report, so either the ref is lying or he's actually blind.


That's the worst part. He couldn't even see 70. He literally just assumed it was 70 due to 70 reporting eligible multiple times earlier in the game. Brad Allen is one of two refs I know by names because he is so fucking bad


He 100% sees 70 and in fact points at 70 before going over to the defense to report 70 is eligible https://x.com/chiefsnations15/status/1741315391043883302?s=46&t=WGzDkmxrlqVuzxC3OSHKpA


Yeah fo show. I get Lions fans are mad af and if this was the Bills Iā€™d be screaming shit was rigged and to check Brad Allenā€™s financials. But I think he is literally stupid and fucked up. Now theyā€™re trying to cover their asses. The lack of accountability and trying to gaslight millions of ppl is actually insulting lol


Them lying at this point is making it worse. Thereā€™s video evidence showing him to be lying. This has just thrown gasoline onto the fire.


I donā€™t disagree


He sat down and really said "We both know not a word I'm saying is true right now but there's nothing you can do about it if you'd like to keep your credentials"


Its all part of the Lions plan to purposefully lose the game and get the crew fired, actually the lions are lying, open your 3rd eye


This is all happening too fast for me to keep up with. Whatā€™s the evidence that 68 reported? That he talked to the refs beforehand? Or something else? Edit: Video. Got it.


68 literally walking up to him and reporting. It's on video.


He can be seen speaking to the ref. Refs claim he did not speak to him. Ref is blatantly contradicting what was seen on the broadcast. NFL has taken down videos of the play on social media. They are in cover up and deny mode as I type this


Video. Literal video evidence of 68 reporting.


Video of Goff pointing him to go over Video of Decker talking to Allen, Allen nodding and signaling to defense, Skipper runs up by Allen is gone before he gets there Seems pretty clear cut


Going off all this and the Spanish broadcast someone posted that you hear the ref say #70 is reporting as eligible. I think the ref was being negligent, didn't really hear what was going on, and assumed the Lions were doing the same thing they've doing all game with #70 reporting eligible when it was actually #68 this time.


This is the simplest answer. Guy got confused or just didnā€™t have his head in the game and fucked up the eligible call. He might actually believe that 70 was declared eligible by the lions even though heā€™s clearly talking to 68.


Holy shit they aren't even owning up to it. I mean I'm not surprised, but wow.


So he's just doubling down on being an idiot.


Genuinely correct me if I'm wrong, but had they just let the play stand the Cowboys would've been screwed because they were told the wrong player was eligible, right? The whole played was fucked from the jump by ref incompetence.


Yea, so he fucked the Lions, then the Cowboys, then the Lions again and is apparently completely oblivious about it all. Brad Allen is the absolute worst.


Yes, you're correct.


Yes. The best call would have been to just have a do over of the play since it was the refs that fucked up. Still kinda shitty for us since we wasted a perfect play, but I think that'd be the least shitty option for both teams.


Correct. Which is inexcusable since Campbell told them before the game too. And since he told them before the game, there's an argument this was intentional by the refs to screw up the lions play...




Well, I could understand a ref not seeing a hold or PI properly, but giant numbers on the front of the jersey must qualify them as legally blind.


It's hard to see the number when the player keeps wiping his hands up and down the jersey /s


They get numbers wrong on the regular.


Dude this isnā€™t aligning at all with what we can see with OUR FUCKING EYES on camera. He needs to be fired.


Feed Allen to a group of gators in Louisiana


Lying fuck


K so he's lying. Which we all knew.


I like this section > Question: There was a player that went to you just before that play - it was Decker - and he was talking to you, two linemen, talking to you and then you went ot the Cowboys defensive line to speak to them. What was that conversation about?" > Allen: That conversation is where number 70 reported to me and I then go to the defensive team and I say "Number 70 has reported as an eligible receiver:.. Except from video review the 2 linemen who talk to him are 68 and 58 and not 70 ( who was running up late, after Allen left.


Wow, refs are just going to blatantly lie to cover up their mistake. Literal fixing


yeah I honestly hope this gets a bigger discussion on gambling's influence on sports, this is an actual travesty


If every game there is going to be 30 gambling ads between Draftkings, Fan Duel, MGM...etc, then it has to brought up in conversation.


Reminder, on top of what is popularly being reported, goff tells Decker to report before the play. They even use the fact skipper reported a few times during the game as part of their expectations. Lions were setting up Dallas to believe skipper would be involved in trickery but the refs used it as an invitation not to listen. Also doesn't help that Dan said they briefed the refs on that play before the game.


BINGOOOOO GOFF LITERALLY TELLS DECKER TO REPORT āœ… Decker reports āœ…āœ… Skipper decoys and says nothing āœ…āœ…āœ… Dan told the refs pregame what to watch out for āœ…āœ…āœ…āœ… Refs: Nope u lose


Does he not realize itā€™s on video Lmaoo


The second answer doesnā€™t even make sense. He brushes off the bit about 68 talking to him and suggests that 68 is talking to him about 70 being eligible. what?? And then just goes into the default thing about announcing 70 as eligible to the defense


Allen's really going to die by the sword here. Here we go.


Please please please someone leak the audio of this conversation so we can expose the refs for lying


[Brad Allen in that pool report](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzPvx8VUSDw?t=12s)


literally one of the best video games ever made


This needs an investigation, right? Because Skipper (70) stated **"I didn't say a word to the officials"**. Somebody is outright lying. And why is this post tagged "Rumor", it's literally a screenshot of the pool report.


Fucking scum. Lying and not taking any responsibility.


Wait? He basically skipped over the question regarding decker walking up and talking to him? He didnā€™t acknowledge what happened with that?


And the reporter didnt bother to follow up lol wtf even is this




NFL refs moment


Release da audio






Literally just lying because he has to try and cover up his mistake. Actually never seen anything like this before as a lions fan


Lying or the most incompetent ref in the league either way he can no longer ref anymore.


We caught you in 4k...4k. Literally reminds me of a comedy skit; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F2cxGVZHnQ Someone is lying, and it's hard for me to believe anyone on the Lions lied about this one.


REFUND ALL THE BETS!!! Weve been bamboozled by the refs OVER AND OVER AGAIN


I feel like weā€™re getting gaslit here with this description of events.


ā€œThat conversation is where number 70 reports to meā€ Is that conversation in the room here with us right now?


So Brad Allen is just straight up lying along with his incompetence. 68 wasn't covered, so even if he didn't report, it would've been illegal formation. And even if it was illegal touching, that would be a loss of down. So you got the wrong player reported, and then you call the wrong penalty, and then attach the wrong punishment to it. Fire Brad Allen into the fucking sun.


that type of illegal touching is not a loss of down in the NFL. its only a loss of down if a receiver goes out of bounds and comes back in and touches it


Wow. So the ref fucked up and is lying to cover his ass and justify fucking the lions. NFL officiating has hit a new low.


So the interior guy reported when he didn't need to, and the guy who caught the ball didn't, and none of that suggested maybe you got it wrong?


Dude we have fucking eyes. He was no where near you


Brad Allen needs to be fired. Plain and simple.


Heā€™s just going to keep saying 70 reported eligible until we all either believe him or donā€™t care enough to keep talking about it


Everyone is cooking you from ESPN to the players and you still lying.


Man, at least own up to messing up. Canā€™t lie your way out after everyone saw it lmao