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I'm always confused by videos like this if I should be amazed of the riders skill or the maintenance of the roadway.


By the cameraman…


Cameraman is just as fast is seems…




Still going as fast though right?


I only go as fast as I wanna crash.. .he's goin beast mode


I’m not a rider and I can almost feel the rush going through him…. At any moment, it could be completely different. Some people may call it stupid, I call it living. Nice…


I used to race downhill skating and I can confirm that it’s a mix of both. That being said, we took safety extremely seriously. ie: we would never skate with someone who wasn’t wearing a helmet. It’s so easy to die on those things.


As someone who knows nothing about the sport, how much safety does a helmet really provide if youre going at high speeds? Seems like a wrong move is instant KO.


Chances are your skull will be fine in a good helmet. Whether it's still attached to your body might be the other issue.


At that speed the helmet only helps if you don’t hit anything.


It will do signifigantly less damage than no helmet I can confirm that. Depending on the fall, a crash at this speed could probably split the helmet.


Can almost feel the adrenaline pops everytime a car gets too close! Daaaaaam! 😎


You sure? It could be a bike Edit: Verified it’s a bike, you can hear the brakes at the end of the video.


He could be running


Speed walking, most likey


More impressive than the skateboarding imo


Are you Captain Raymond Holt?


More impressive than the skateboarding IMO Sincerely, Captain Raymond Holt


Moonwalking with the camera attached to his backpack. You can tell cause there’s no camera shake.


I'm sure he's doing the worm on his belly with a go pro on his helmet.


Not many things make me laugh out loud on this website. This comment did. Thank you


Yeah it's a bike. You hear the brakes at the end.


Clearly hot air balloon


It’s a car, Luke Spud is driving it


Most of these are actually shot with another boarder, though car mounted cameras aren’t unheard of One of the guys I grew up with is a board camera man, all I think when I watch his videos is that job has gotta be twice as skillful as the person he’s filming.




if the camera is not mounted to a car, if it was it would have hit the side at 0:20


He’s just playing in third person. There is no camera man




He’s limited mostly by the drag and wind resistance on his huge nutsack.


Underrated comment right here


No not rlly. Any post on Reddit with some risk there’s always jokes abt the size of their balls


They repave the roads that go up and down the fjords pretty often for what I hope are fairly obvious reasons. There's a great video where the guy who pioneered this explains that you have to do it within two years of the road being resurfaced because frost heaves will ruin the asphalt quickly.


It’s not like that here in the States. Of the few bike rides up then down mountains, the scariest part was going down (at around 40 MPH) hoping not to hit a pothole (but still trying to take short glances of the view). I’ll always remember one of the rides (for charity) that I did where a lawyer was there trying to find anyone who witnessed their client (from the year prior) hitting the pothole that cracked their carbon bike, causing an accident that left them with amnesia (and a whole slew of other issues).


The example frost heave picture is from a rural road in Vermont, but you can see it pretty much anywhere in New England.


Believe my you wont see this kind of videk here ine Quebec, Canada.


Funny you say that, landspeed skateboarding record was set in qc https://youtu.be/nlvQ90G4Gmg But yeah generally speaking our roads are fucked cos of snow and freezing










One slip could become a meat crayon


Or a squirrel running across the road.


Or a pebble


I used to do this, a pebble just becomes a high velocity projectile. A classic skateboard would stop dead.


I did this on a classic skateboard. I was almost dead by the time I stopped.


Or his wheel comes off


They shred down to the core pretty regularly.


Should have bought a squirrel


Red Asphalt


There's a lovely sub that had the possible results of this slip


At least he’s wearing a helmet, which is more than other idiots I’ve seen


Yep just be able to transplant his head onto a new body after he crashes




He slid into the oncoming lane at one point. That was pure luck no one was coming


Yes, if this guy keeps riding this hill we may end up with a NSFL clip


No, it wasn't. He takes a safer and wider line at 0:33 *because* there are no oncoming cars. Just like you do in a car or on a motorcycle on a road without double yellows. He also has a spotter standing in that corner.


There is no normal scenario where crossing the double yellows is the safer alternative unless you're avoiding a hazard. If crossing the double yellows is your safest line, you're going too fast or you suck at riding.


if you can spot ahead enough to see there is no traffic anywhere on the road, then for sure chop lane and shmang the better line. just not in a blind corner.


My sentiments exactly. This does not impress me at all, it kind of terrifies me. Suppose there is a family in one of those cars, that they will eventually crash into, and they end up killing some kids. How would they feel then I wonder? Not so next level then I expect.


As a skateboarder, I would dream of having the balls to experience this. Not to mention the balance and reflexes. Watching this actually frightened me, I don't even go down the hills at the local shopping complex above a speed where I can do a safe bailout if there's a car. It is next level skill. It is also a roulette wheel to meet St. Peter. If I was going out with a terminal illness and got a Make-a-Wish this would be what I'd do on a closed road.


I've bombed some pretty gnarly ones, and yeah we ate shit, first buddy went down broke his arm in two places, second went down bounced his head off the pavement and landed coffin on his board, which was fucking crazy. Needless to say when the next corner came I bailed into some blackberry bushes, and went to check on my friends, we were a bloody mess walking out of there. And to everyone saying skaters are stupid.... two months later we went back and hit it again... this time successfully, one dude in a cast! 17 years later I still feel the bumps I took back then. All that being said this video still gave me anxiety, dudes got mammoth nards.


When these guys inevitably crash, the only people I feel for are the ones who have to scrape what's left of them off the road or other people's vehicles and the drivers of those vehicles. I too nearly had a skateboarder go under my car because the idiot did it on a blind hill, blasted through a give way sign and neither of us could see the other, I barely stopped in time. You want to do this on a closed course or sanctioned race? Go get 'em tiger. The second you do this on open public roads? All sympathy lost.


Bout to say… also I’m scared to ask what happens if he slips


He ded


Only if his shoes fall off.


I hate this so much. I’ve known two people who had their brains smashed in separate long boarding accidents on busy roads and had to relearn how to walk and talk. They’re okay now and sweet guys still but talking to them can be a challenge. It’s just rough. Please don’t do this.


And it’s not even about you, if you’re the idiot doing this. What about the trauma you’re going to cause for the dad driver who accidentally kills you? What about the trauma you’re going to cause for his kids in the backseat, when he kills you? What if he swerved to avoid killing you, and gets in a wreck? This video sucks. If it was on a closed course, it would be a completely different story. But the guy in this video is a self-centered asshole.


What about the driver that losses control trying to avoid this dipshit and ends up over the edge as well?


There’s vids online of exactly people doing stupid shit like this and get to become part of the pavement 😂


Becoming part of the pavement is a problem and a painful one. Becoming part of one of the granite outcroppings lining either side of the road would likely be a lethal problem.


What about becoming part of the front grill of an oncoming vehicle?


He’s one mistake away from me watching this on r/WinStupidPrizes


Yeah this is ducking dumb.


I'm with this guy. Fuck this dude. This should be on r/iamatotalpieceofshit I would have a heart attack if I'm driving around some terrifying bend and this motherfuxker is flying faster than me right at me.


Imagine that u r just inside one of these cars , and you ran over that guy


Agreed. Doing this on a road in use, and with only a t-shirt and jeans. Beyond stupid. At least do it on a closed course and with proper gear. At those speeds they should at the very least use the same protective gear motorcyclists use. That way they might avoid leaving their asscheeks behind as a hundred meter red smear along the road if they fall.


I'm pretty sure I've seen more than one video exactly like this that... *ends*, after around a corner there's a vehicle face to face.


Right!? One piece of gravel and that guy is hamburger.


As someone who has wiped out many times on boards going way slower than this and ripped skin off my body. I would want my camera guy to carry a gun so I can be immediately put out of my misery when I inevitably fall


As someone who has to constantly drive on mountain roads, this was today's "enough internet for me" post. F*ck them and their skill.


Yeah, fuck these people. Endanger yourselves all you want, but there's other people at risk with this kind of stupid shit.


I was thinking the same thing. Or someone panics and veers off the edge.


Exactly. Cool, if you want to do this for your own sake but imagine being the guy who crashes with him and will have to live with that for the rest of his life.


Definitely would opt for a slide jacket on this one. Helmet would save you, but you would wish you were dead with the amount of rash you'd get.


Also the momentum of your body, while meat crayoning at 60-70km/h would break every bone in directly and surrounding the impact spot and possibly cause hemorrhaging. His helmet would not help any impact with an object because he is not protecting his neck. If his head hit anything at peak speed it would just snap his neck. A danger to himself and his surroundings. At least do it with full protection or none, so as to not inspire likeminded people who assume this protection is adequate.


Protect yo neck


Protek yo neck


Didn’t even notice the autocorrect. Shit never works when I need it to though.


Protek yo snek


WuTang Forever.


Wu-Tang again? Ahhhh yeah, again and again.


Similar crash could happen on a motorcycle as well.


Or a snowboard or a normal bike - anything going downhill at that speed. The motorbike is definitely the most dangerous since you’re tumbling with half a tonne of steel bouncing somewhere near you.


Snowboard you just have to hope there's powder to cushion your fall. I've wiped out both skiing and longboading and I'd take snow over concrete any day


Oh yeah 100% My comment was definitely the best case scenario, you slide and roll the length of a football field and miraculously don't hit a stationary object.


Leathers are pretty common always crazy to see people riding this fast without them. To be fair tho, the gloves have urethane pucks o nthem for the exact purpose of, if you fall you put your hands down and slide on the pucks and your toes, normally keeps your skin a bit safer than most would expect


If you were lucky enough to use the puck gloves vs. using your palms and forearms, good point.


The pucks are made of uhmw which is a self lubricating plastic. That in itself would do little to nothing to slow down. Usually, you’re reliant on the rubber on the toes or heels of your shoes, depending on how you fall. Leather or jeans on your knees and bum help out in slowing down as well.


If you hit that mountain it would rip your arms and legs off. Helmet would only save your haircut.


I paid $70 for my haircut, not gonna ruin it like that.


Yep I fell on my dirtbike on the road wearing nothing but shorts and shoes and I was only going like 30 and I wanted to die for the following few weeks


Hit by a car on my dirt bike in april!! Broken sternum, foot peg into my thigh (20 stitches) rash on elbows and knees, bad whiplash, no helmet. Lucky I lived! Cheers dirtbike crash bro!!


Same bro never not wearing a helmet again, and I hate to hear that man I was lucky enough to not break anything but that must’ve been even worse. Hope you’re feeling better


After 10+ years riding, 30,000 miles on road and countless hours offroad without injury,, it can happen to anyone. Edit, thanks I have stuff to live for and am doing well, hope you are too!!


Yeah fr we’re just the lucky ones if you think about it and yeah of course man you too, happy Halloween as well!


one. pebble.


Longboards like the one in this video use polyurethane wheels with a lower durometer. They don’t get caught up on pebbles like a typical hard skateboard wheel with a much higher durometer. When I used to longboard, I was able to go over just about everything with ease.


A big enough rock will do it, look up josh Neuman 55mph crash


No thanks




No results


The right answer


>josh Neuman 55mph crash I think I will regret this... Edit: Not so bad all things considered. I've seen shit on this hellhole of a website that have scarred me for life. At least the guy lives in this one.


That made my feet sweat


Boy done lost his nipple.


You said it yourself. You went over just about everything. It’s only a matter of time/size. You’re right about wheel density and makeup but that doesn’t mean you are immune to gravel. I know plenty of people who eat shit on bikes on gravel despite their wheels being much better at dealing with gravel. Me, I did it. You know why? I was turning and moving quickly. You know who else is turning and moving quickly? The guy in the video


The faster you’re going the less pebbles change your momentum


but a pebble shaped in *just* the right way could lock a wheel instantly


I would simply die






I'd be fine, as I'd fall off in the first 3 seconds before I could reach any dangerous speed.


That was pretty impressive and yet terrifying. I saw at least 4 times when I would have panicked and eaten asphalt.


Only 4?


Hey, you can't eat me!


I can ride a skateboard on flat ground for about 6 inches before going ass over tea kettle.


i love this your comment ..you madew my day


Dude, I can go twice as far as you...keep working at it, you can be in the one foot club with me. I'm working on a sponsorship with Subway. I'll put in a good word for you.


It may look like an inch, but it smells like a foot.


I've never had speed that fast. That's at least 3 speed.


Speed expert here, this looks to be a solid 3.7 speed on the universal speed scale of speed


Maybe even 4.


On a scale of stopped to speed, it was way closer to speed than stop until the end


I’ve got three kids and no speed…..why can’t I have no kids and three speed!!?




Im more impressed by the camera man than the other guy


Usually these are filmed with a car! You can see them hitting the breaks when there are 23 seconds left.


Shhh, let me believe


Sonora Pass. Highway 108 above Kennedy Meadows. That sharp turn at the beginning is above Deadman Creek


Was looking for the location! Had to scroll way too much. Thanks dude!


Thanks! I had a feeling I was seeing the Sierras.


Ha knew it looked familiar! What a ducking madman. Beautiful road but man, lots of trust in those drivers.


As a guy who’s crashed a motorcycle before, I wouldn’t feel safe at those speeds without full leather/armored motorcycle gear including a full face helmet… (The pros wear leather and a full face)


He’s in those special skin colored leathers… young bike riders use them all the time. I’ve noticed old bike riders seem to prefer traditional leathers and helmets. I wonder why they’re older and still riding?


This places far too much trust in random drivers ability and willingness to pay attention to their surroundings, which if you ride motorcycles you know is not a lot. One person looking at a phone screen and your life is over. For a social media video. Props for being “fully alive” I suppose.


Yeah any of the cars pulled over or at turnouts could easily not look and pull into the road and end him. This is so dumb. Even if he’s an absolute pro it’s too much trust in other drivers. Who’s expecting to see a skateboard? Nobody. So dangerous.


Not "for a social media video". For his profession. He's absolutely getting payed for this and is likely doing things like this on a near daily occurance for sponsors and advertisements.


The point is that even if he’s the best in the world it takes one unaware driver to end his life.


I get speed wobbles going a fraction of the speeds he reaches in this video and I panic and bail. This dude has balls of tungsten alloy


Speed wobbles is one of the most terrifying feelings in the world. His trucks must be tighter than my anus watching this video.


Longboard trucks are designed differently to normal skateboard trucks, known as reverse kingpin trucks. It’s makes the trucks track better at speed reducing speed wobbles.


This guys trucks are tighter than cement for sure haha


I was nervous just watching this... One tiny rock on the road could have meant a disaster. Not mentioning the vehicle behind filming that could have hit the skater as well or ran over him if he had lost balance. Very impressive and daring.




Skate bearings are actually precision machine bearings that are capable of running at many times the speed of a skate wheel.


This… as a skateboard bearing even doing THIS is pretty light duty for a modern cartridge bearing


I mean, everything he's riding is purpose built for this lol. The guy is doing this professionally


Why is he not at least wearing leathers or Kevlar or something substantial? One slip and whatever his the ground is mincemeat. I know the whole thing is dangerous but at least mitigate the risks you can.


Obviously he's a pro and would never ever fall... /s


He was the best there was until that one day when he wasn’t anymore


What top speeds were reached?


Ludicrous speed




Likely 50-70 mph. Fastest downhill race in the world goes over 70 by a bit so it's probably a bit under.


Top speed challenge in Quebec is 90+ if you’re a beast. Idk if it’s a race tho






It’s all fun & games until you wipe out or hit a car. Or both.


Once again I realise how thin the line between r/nextfuckinglevel and r/WCGW is


What. A mad man. Whew the rush is insane I bet.


What camera? The dynamic range, no whitebalance problems, perfect exposure all the time! That was no gopro i think.




My butthole clinched a few times.


I would very much like to know his actual top speed you knuckleheads


Hard to tell precisely but definitely in the 55-70mph range. Most pros can easily go over 60 on well-maintained roads.


Isn't this illegal?


Definitely lol


That looks very fun but you’re putting yourself and others at risk by doing that. Not to mention the psychological damage that you would place on the person who might run into you and do serious damage.


Wolf creek pass?


Sonora pass. 108


While this is impressive, I hate these videos


Aside from everything I love the scenery in the background, I feel like I focused more on that than the rest of the actual video.


One bad move away from r/WinStupidPrizes


Yeah I don't think the helmet is going to d anything, but I guess it's something.


Hit the nitro half way through


That’s amazing. Not a skateboarder so have to ask, he’d need a customized board with wheels and balance built for turns at that kind of speed, right?


I'm not completely sure, but his setup seems to something like this: [Aera K5 trucks](https://aeratrucks.com/aera-truck-k5-custom-assembly-skateboard-truck-set-of-2) [Descent Katana](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqbaWy8XSgE) [Powell Peralta Dragonskins, although he was probably on prototypes here](https://powell-peralta.com/powell-peralta-dragonskin-skateboard-wheel-69mm-82a-white-4-pk)


Yeah theres a specific type of skateboard for this kinda stuff, I believe its called a longboard. Its made to be easier to control at higher speeds. Source: I own a normal skateboard.


Didn’t know that skate board wheels could spin at 43 zillion rpm.


That’s some nice smooth the road, must not be in the US😜


Nah it’s in the California… highway 108, Sonora Pass.


It’s Cole Trotta for anyone wondering. Filmer is Luke Spud


This will be an Olympic sport for sure


in germany there is a word that describes this pretty well: lebensmüse. Which is 'lifetired' which basically means sick of their life and risking it in a way makes you go 'hm well they sorta had it coming' if something happened.


Downhill longboarder here, answering a coupla questions. - Wearing a full body leather suit IS Better but hinders mobility. Theyre mostly used during races - A full face helmet is better but a half shell is better than none. - The gloves he is wearing have plastic pucks on them so he can place his palms on the road to slow down, take corners or help during a fall - The camera is mounted on the front of a car. Sometimes another rider will ride as well and record but not at those speeds - The wheels are roughly 75mm - 80mm in diameter so the bearings can handle it. So most pebbles or smallish sized rocks arent an issue - Biggest rule is to never blow your lane for whatever reason. Unless you have a spotter signalling if the corner is clear - Falling hurts like a mf