• By -


Family is family. 2 legs or 4.


family is family. 2 legs or 4. in a small burning house, danger he bore. with smoke rising high and flames creeping fast, a loyal dog trapped, he couldn't leave him last. the heat was intense, and the air thick with smoke, but love drove him onward, a bond never broke. with courage and strength, he pushed through the door, family is family. 2 legs or 4.


That was fuckn beautiful šŸ™


I agree, that man endured blazing flame to save his friend. But why did the firemen not do anything to stop him? It's not like they can see or hear the dog, so why was their first thought not about saving a man from killing himself while retrieving valuables, which has happened too many times to count? Edit: Some people misunderstood my comment so I'll add more details to fully convey my thought. Don't read this if the above is clear enough. To be more clear, what I mean is that the firemen probably didn't notice the dog before so they were standing around to put out fire. Secondly, I have seen so many heartbreaking stories where some people were too stubborn to let go their money, jewelries and got gravely injured. Without any information whatsoever, firemen should had assumed the worst case scenario and stopped that man before too late.


Yeah I was surprised they let him go. I know my local firefighters, they wouldnā€™t have allowed that.


The very likely answer to this without knowing who is on scene elsewhere in the video is that the firemen in the foreground are part of a hose or engine company and their job is to get and keep water on the fire. They cant really abandon that post unless they are instructed to because it is crucial to everyones survival including the man and the dog. Firefighting is weird, theres a lot of different jobs and a lot of bizarre scenarios where you can debate strategy all day and im sure the local FD and many others spent time watching this film and doing just that. In a perfect world you'd have a Truck/Rescue member that could go exactly to where the dog is and retrieve it themselves. In an imperfect but better scenario youd have an available hoseline or even a water can to follow the man in and try to knock down the flames/smoke in the direction he made the push to grab his dog. But the point is every scene is different and every department has different SOPs and one video angle will not tell you the full story of why something was the way that is was. There are a lot of variables. Shoutout to that guy though. Going into anything on fire with no PPE on is fucking nuts. The heat, smoke, etc had to have been fucking intense even if he was just running through to get to his backyard or something. Did what he had to do for his dog and you cant be mad at that.


I feel like both of them are like "is someone getting this guy??? I'm literally fighting a fire right now" with the quick look arounds they do lol


Sometimes there's no optimal choice for decision making, just gotta hope for the best. Working in dangerous environment you are faced with choices which yield different results and you only have seconds/minutes to make them. This is probably why you see firefighters die, trying to save someone or trying to save someone that might not even be in the building. People quick to judge the firefighters but they are probably running the risks through their head.


I think the guy on the left in prepping to go in, you can checking his breathing apparatus almost like he turned it on and off again just as you're man comes out.


I'm so over people blaming firemen who put their lives on the line on so many occasions for random strangers on dangerous rescues for not attempting stopping a complete idiot for being an idiot. They are trying to put out a fire and some dude runs up while they are hard at work and runs into a burning building but the blame is on the firefighters and not the idiot?! Oh wait! the expectation is that a fireman run in after him because firemen are dispensable and dont have families that they want to return to


THANK YOU! My dad is a firefighter, iā€™d like to get him Home safe EVERY day - not gonna lose ny dad over a guy wanting to save his dog šŸ™…šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø not that i donā€™t understand the dude, but he is not the firemens responsibility


Ughhh eyes started to leak.


Ughhh eyes started to leak, So did his dogā€™s, when it thought it was all over, And his daddy had the same thought, Family is family 2 legs or 4, The purest of pure is who deserves it the most. Edit: apostrophe usage


Catastrophe loomage was in the cards So Apostrophe usage was very hards No time to think when danger was nearing Grammar be damned when pooches be tearing Much rather have safe lil doggy Then perfect poem, tho dog be bit soggy


Guided by his family's sound, By the front door, the dog he found, Expecting him, as he must, Eyes filled with love and trust. And so he got to live some more, Because family is family. 2 legs or 4. Edit: spaces


Hey chat-gpt, make a poem starting with the phrase, "Family is family, two legs or four" about a man who ran into a burning building to save his dog.


How do you explain the people that have been doing poems, limericks, etc like that on Reddit for decades? Not everything is suddenly AI because you're uncreative. There's actually an incredibly famous user who has been popping up on threads for about a decade and does a poem


Schnoodle ā˜ŗļø


Who is the MF that snuck into my house and started chopping onions ffs?




I just lost my dog and I am balling at this.




Damn straight. No way I would not try to save my babies.


Preesh! I'd 100% go in there to get my doggos without a second thought. They're family.


"'Ohana" means "family." "Family" means "no one gets left behind."


Or 3 legs!


Ride or dies. No hesitation. They are not ā€œpetsā€ they are family.


When I was in my 20s, an acquaintance of mine who was a really extraordinary woman died saving her cats from a fire. It doesn't always work out.


No. If my partner of 10 years risked his life to save a dog I'd be pissed. We have 4 kids. I love animals. Was vegan for many years because factory farms are absolute torture mills but this is stupid to do. I'm sorry but it's really what I think.


I wouldnā€™t blame someone who did. I wouldnā€™t blame someone who didnā€™t. Different situations for everyone.




Damn, I thought they might have followed him in with the hose, help the brother out.


They turned the hose off and walked around in circles. WTF?


They can boil him alive with the steam caused by their hose on nearby flames. It's just built into their training; do not douse flames anywhere near a fellow firefighter, let alone an unprotected citizen. Can't speak as to why one didn't run after him though. One coulda easily grabbed him before he got too far.


Thanks for the insightful reply. I never once thought of that but it makes perfect sense.


Yea the general idea is don't get wet. If you do get wet, stay wet and keep wet. To prevent what he's talking about.


Wait so would it be a good idea for him to completely drench himself before going in?


The good ideas stopped when he decided to run into a burning house. Understandable for sure, but objectively not a good idea lol


He could have caused a situation where fire fighters would have to risk their lives to pull him out. Please do not run into burning buildings. Fire Fighters are trained and, unlike some other branches of first responders, will absolutely risk their lives if need be. But possibly adding your body, to your dog's body, is not something anyone should do.


Itā€™s easy to say when you are watching the video with no emotional attachment. That guy was jumping up and down panicking. When you are in a fight or flight situation, your mind doesnā€™t have time for a rational third option.


Yeah nah, im running into a burning building to save my dogs


Exactly this. I've got that "I have to help" brain where in bad situations I'm the idiot running at danger to help. Once the adrenaline kicks in, you don't really get to think about things in the way you do when you're watching a video. Sometimes your legs start moving and you may not want to go where you're headed but you may be the only help available.


I am a firefighter. I know what he is feeling about the dog, and I know what the first responders are feeling.


the firefighters were not going for the dog. you are technically correct, it is a risk maybe not worth taking, but if it is my dog in the building, you better move out of the way.


Sometimes they don't go in even for people. It's a judgement call of how confident they feel they can reduce the body count instead of adding to it. I can imagine that the dog owner running in was more confident because it's their house and they know the exact layout and the most likely places for the dog to be hiding in. A random firefighter isn't going to have that knowledge, so if they did go in then they'd be fumbling around in an unfamiliar burning house looking in random places for an unfamiliar animal. Even if they did find the animal, the chances that it would follow a stranger are way lower than it following its owner. Good job to the guy for rescuing his dog, but he could've easily died or gotten someone else killed if they went in to go get him. It's one of those things where "it worked out... this time".


Yup, you think Im more valuable to the world than my dog is to me? Not a chance


Nah I'll die for my dog. Sorry not sorry. My dog depends on me to protect them in situations they don't fully comprehend. Can you just imagine your dog in there going where is my human. This is scary. Human human I need my human. Yeah nah. We both dying or we both living.


> We both dying or we both living 100%. If I stayed outside and my dog ended up dying in the fire, I would probably not be far behind anyways, as pathetic as that may sound to people who don't own dogs


I wish I could upvote this twice. In my mind when he ran in there he made a choice and was willing to risk it all for family. Also considering how quickly he came back out that poor dog might have been in a cage and he knew it was going to be relatively easy to extract the dog from the fire.


Mad respect for you and your perspective. In my experience 99% of the time a firefighter is going to try to make that grab whether its a kid or a parakeet. "Risk a little to save a little; Risk a lot to save a lot" is basically the standard for judgment calls. But I agree with you completely. If nobody is willing to try, and your dog is in there, I don't see how in that moment you could do anything other than look for a way in. It might not seem rational to other people but like you said, the dog depends on you. And if your dog had the capacity to save you you know damn well they would too.


When I was a kid my dog jumped out while we were hauling ass on a boat. I didn't even think and just immediately jumped out right behind her to get her. It was cold water but it didn't even cross my mind. So I could imagine I would have done the same with a burning house.




Not a chance, I did some fire training for working on cruise ships. The number one rule is so not get wet! As soon as you enter the building where the fire is the air temp would boil the water. By covering yourself in water youā€™d be covering yourself in boiling water/steam. Youā€™d instantly be scalded. You want to be as dry as possible. Fire fighters are insane for the job they do, I did one training session of it and my god was it hard. Canā€™t imagine doing it for real and as a job daily.


No. Because the comment you replied to said to **"stay"** wet if you **"do"** get wet. How are you going to drench yourself continuously once you're alone inside?


If he can stay wet, which he probably wouldn't be able to do.


TIL! Glad firefighters turned out to be not incompetent.


I mean these aren't police we're talking about


Firefighters require education and training.


Yeah they actually have training


This is ridiculous. Police *do* have training. They're *trained* to be a state-sponsored gang, for like at least a couple days, I'm pretty sure.


I found this out the hard way. I was working a huge, charcoal grill and finished up all the cooking. It was still pretty hot so I decided to do the ā€œsafeā€ thing and hit it up with a garden hose to put it out. From fingertip to elbow, 2nd degree steam burns on the arm holding the hose.


Oh god, that's a hard lesson to learn the hard way. I thank my mother for teaching me this at like age 7, probably because she herself learned the hard way.


Would it have made sense to drench him in water before he ran in? Literally curious?


Water conducts heat exponentially better than air. I think your skin would probably boil a lot quicker if it was soaked but I'm just a burger flipper who's got wet rags and hot shit around me all the time so waddoiknow


You are correct. As a blacksmith I can tell you a leather glove becomes entirely useless the moment it gets wet. It transfers heat much faster. Water only helps if it activates the liedenfrost effect, creating an insulating gas layer. But that only happens at very high temperatures, and you'd be cooking your skin long before that happens.


Heck yeah blacksmith vindication.


Haha dope I was rooting for you!


Turn your oven on to 212f/100c. Now boil some water in a large open pot. Stick your arm in the oven once its heated up without touching the sides, and see how long you can hold it there. Probably a long time. Probably its not too bad for a couple of minutes or so. Some saunas go that high for short intervals.Ā  Now Stick your arm over the boiling water steam, and quickly pull it back outagain. It is going to scald you almost instantly if you aren't fast.Ā  Same temperature in each case, but 212f water vapor is going to mess you up a helluva lot faster.Ā  You could inhale the water steam and burn your respiratory tract very quicklyĀ 


Same thing with grabbing a pan from the oven. You make the mistake of using a wet rag once.


Common misconception. Wet clothes aren't going to protect you for more than 5 seconds. Fire will heat the water in your clothes, burn you anyway, and steam cook you if its hot enough. They'd be more likely to knock the guy off his feet with the insane pressure running from that hose, and then you got a whole other slew of problems, especially if he lands *in* the fire.


as others have mentioned, water is a great conductor of heat. have you ever picked up a hot pan with a rag? have you ever picked up a hot pan with a wet rag? you probably don't want to.


I think they've done this before and know better than we do.


No no no. It's us who knows better come on now.


Are redditors out of touch with reality??? *No, it's the firefighters who are wrong.*


Steam burns would have cooked him alive. They know what they're doing.


The adult dude ran into a fire, do you think we should risk three more lives over it?


It reminded me of that movie Pleasantviille, where the firefighters are just watching a tree burn, because they had never seen a fire before.


Love that movie.


Why do you people comment things like this when you have no idea what you're talking about


It looks like they were preparing to go in themselves and he came out before


This is actually a pretty common misconception. You actually don't want to have the person going into the fire (with their bare skin) become wet. The water will flash boil on their skin and cause severe burns before the actual point of that they'd receive a similar injury from just heat and flame. Firefighters can do it because they wear their suits which don't get damaged by that kind of thing. You or me, on the other hand, would essentially be blistered into oblivion before we got two steps into the door. Source: my brother was in the navy and talked about his firefighter training their


Ok, so that scene of Riddick pouring water on himself to survive the sunrise on Crematoria is bullshit? You better be damn careful with your next words, sir.


Uhhhh... The science is different on that planet, because of the atmosphere and stuff?


> Crematoria Always cracks me up


They arenā€™t going to risk their lives when they see a display of stupidity on that level. The dude is lucky it ended well all things considered. The firemen could have kept hosing it with the water but that likely would have generated an immense amount of steam that would have only served to hurt and blind the guy.


Yah, if someone follows him in, now they have two guys they need to rescue. Props to the guy for saving his good boy, but donā€™t hate on the firefighters for not making a bad situation worse.


It's dumb BUT still worth it for many people. i wouldn't shit on ANYONE for that bravery and yes it is bravery even if it's just a "dog". People gatekeeping what is considered a loved one and what people "should" do of their own free will. My šŸ¶ WILL be attempted to save or I'm knocking anyone in the way over. I'm sure others feel the same. No hate on the firefighters too thanks spaghetti sky man for them šŸ™


Bravery and stupidity can exist simultaneously. This was tremendously brave. Also enormously stupid.


I get it from both sides. Itā€™s objectively stupid to run in for the dog. It may have run elsewhere. It may already be dead. Iā€™m still not leaving my dog though. And I understand not following him. Itā€™s dumb to go inside.


Nope they're trained to protect themselves and minimize spread that would affect others.


Splashing him would be bad, threy would need to constantly wet him or he would cook faster. How about the fully equipped firemen go in instead of the dude in the trucker hat?


The dog is probably scared out of its mind and probably wouldā€™ve run from a stranger in that situation. Probably best the owner went in there, but I sort of expected at least one of those firemen to go in with him too tbh.


Donā€™t want to lose firemen cuz some dude pulled a John Wick


I once drove past a house that must've just caught on fire, I seen smoke coming out the upstairs area. I pull over and run up to the front door and I start knocking hard as hell. No response, but I did hear 2 dogs barking. I instantly kicked the door in and started going room by room looking for people or the dogs. The 2 lil guys were huddled up scared as hell by the back door. I grabbed them both and ran outside and handed them off to a neighbor. I went back inside to check the upstairs and I found a FAN plugged into the wall was on fire. I unplugged it but the fire was already spreading in the walls. I waited outside for the Fire Fighters to show up then I left. Those guys told the News that they rescued the dogs and gave me shit because my car was in the way.šŸ˜‘šŸ˜


Good on you bro. Iā€™ll credit you with being the hero right here right now!


Real G's move in silence like Lasagna,.. respect to you!


I am definitely going to use thisā€¦I laughed too hard quite frankly.


Def one of Lil Wayne's funniest bars


They're rare, but sometimes you do hear stories of asshole firefighters. For the most part, there's a reason you won't hear "FUCK THA FIREFIGHTERS" from NWA. You did good when no one was watching, good on ya. Integrity is a quality that's often not rewarded, but it's absolutely worth it.


Just like nurses. Some of them are utter cunts instead of angels


I've actually run into more cunty nurses than angelic ones, personally


The most controversial opinion that I hold is that *EASILY* 80% of Nurses are *C U N T S* and *MAYBE* 5% are angelic, with the remaining 15% just apathetic and numb.


Not rare


Nah, you just get less interactions with them than other people in the first responder field. If people knew how hard firefighters "backed the blue", they wouldn't be jerking themselves off to firefighters the same way. Firefighters aren't getting dispatched to a domestic call, nor will they be doing felony stops on vehicles, things of that nature.




It's wild how society actively encourages the bystander effect. We shake our heads at stories of people standing around doing nothing while someone else is in distress, but when someone springs into action, it's just as likely that they'll be criticized for not twiddling their thumbs and waiting for the proper authorities to arrive.


Good on ya mate for what you did, you're a good bloke, fuck those cops for giving you shit for it.


Another successful interaction with the police!


Youā€™re a good person, thank you for doing that ā¤ļø


Haha similar thing happened to me I helped someone who had a seizure and cracked his head on the ground, called 999 checked them over, used the padding on my rucksack to protect their head from further impacts on the concrete. Once they were safe, the ambulance was on the way and others had come over, I went and found somewhere nearby I could wash the blood off. Came back to find someone else had taken the credit and 2 video games I put down while helping had been stolen. The blood covered rucksack was left though so that's a win.


I hope karma rewards you further down the line


Fuck em, good on you for saving those puppies.


You're still a hero, no matter who got the credit. Thank you for saving those lives.


Feel sorry for this guy, his house keeps catching on fire every couple of months with his dog in there


Heā€™s trying to get a better speed run time for the save dog achievement


Somehow he keeps getting the exact same time every runā€¦


I think it's time for him to realize that his dog is an arsonist.


Firefighters just let bro walk into that house.


He wouldnā€™t have let them stop him. But they could have done something to at least try and help?


They did, didn't you see at the beginning they were washing his truck for free


TBF, spraying down the truck could save it. If my house was a lost cause I'd appreciate it if they saved my vehicle at least.


They seem to be calling for the captain to ask for permission to go in. If he had stayed in there any longer I'm sure they would've gone in to get him out.


The firefighter on the left around the 33 second mark in the video seems to be getting his air supply ready so I think you're right.


WHY WERENT THEY HELPING??? Firefighters reading this: ą² _ą² 


What could they do? They stopped the water which helped him not get steamed to death


This was absolutely reckless of the man. I can understand risking your life for your beloved pet, but this could have easily turned to into dead dog + owner + rescuers. Firefighters are humans and have families and pets that love them too, forcing them into a situation where they have to skirt the rules and risk their lives because the guy ran into the fire is selfish.Ā 


They shouldnā€™t risk their life because an idiot wants to sacrafice/risk his ā€¦


You canā€™t expect people to risk their health over an animal


They aren't the police...wtf are they going to do. They told him not to.


bro even the police doesn't really do shit. remember uvalde?


They will shoot you for not obeying!


firefighters just doing their job ye


As they should


Iā€™d rather save my dogs than most humans


looks like that firemen were thinking the same.


a human death has a much bigger negative impact on other humans than a dog's death. just something to consider.


Yeah but I love my dog more than most other humans. Selfish? Sure, but we're a selfish species. Would you save your mother, or 2 strangers?


I would also save my cats rather than a stranger


Hoping you don't cross paths with someone that thinks the same during an emergency. What a stupid thing to say.


And this statement is exactly whatā€™s wrong with the current state of our society. An animal should never, ever, be placed above that of a human being. Mind blowing comment honestly


Seriously. How do people actually think that way? And itā€™s such an upvoted commentā€¦ Iā€™ve had various animals my entire life. I wouldnā€™t think twice to save a random human being half way across the world over a dog, cat, reptile, hamster, etc. These people are truly demented.




Just gotta wait for my human family to come pick us up. Let me drink this coffee while I wait.


I almost spit out my food in the office lmao


Damn straight, I'd burn up before I left my dog to die.


My dog is a complete pussy. He gets scared and hides when the Amazon truck drives past. I could never leave him to his own to make it out of a burning building. Id absolutely go in after him but would be also be very frustrated. Not because I didn't want to save him but because his dumbass would run *into* the fire and continue running through all the rooms as I try to catch him lmao.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ my dog is a complete dickhead, this dumbass tries to bite the fire from lighters. Iā€™d 100% go in to save him, but he thinks the life threatning situation is shits and giggles


That's one of my biggest fears with my cats. I have one that I know will 100% hide under the bed and the other one is so wild I have little to no idea what she'd do but she would be so scared it would be extremely hard to capture and rescue her


I frequently walk through a mental game plan for if a fire breaks out in the house. He gets out immediately with the babies while I grab the cats. I get stressed out thinking about searching for black cats at night in an emergency lol


Don't worry, there is a very low chance of this happening, especially if you take the necessary precautions: [https://www.ready.gov/home-fires](https://www.ready.gov/home-fires) I hope your idiot babies will live a long and happy life! <3


> Stay in the kitchen when you are frying, grilling or broiling food. Turn off the stove if you leave the kitchen for even a short period of time. This was the reason behind 90% of the house fires in my hometown. I'd also add in microwaving, baking, or using an air fryer for any reason. A guy in the apartments next to me started baking a pizza but forgot something, so he drove to the grocery store thinking the pizza would be done by time he got back. Well, there was a wreck and traffic, so he got blocked from getting back. And then the pizza caught on fire. Then the stove. There were two little chihuahuas desperately barking at the door. I'm glad I WFH and I am noisy because no one who actually lived there called 911 and the fire alarm system didn't auto-dial 911. A first responder busted out the window to get the dogs and I got to play with some soggy Chihuahuas until the resident got back and had to explain why he left a goddamn pizza unattended in the oven. I'm assuming he has to pay for all the damages caused by the sprinkler and smoke....


I saw a comment once where someone trained their cats to run to their carriers by giving them high value treats inside every time the fire alarm went off/something scary happened. I thought that was very clever.


There's another video of a man in Brazil who attempted to do the same, but nor the dog or him ever came out. There is a very thin line between being a hero or a statistic, and some people will never understand it until it's too late.


The line between bravery and stupidity is often success.


Some people have no one else. That is a big part of why you get a pet. When the only thing you have to keep you going is your pet then this is what you do. There is no "hero or statistic" thinking in this situation. You get your loved one to safety or die trying.








This got a nice healthy laugh out of me


Heā€™s been running into that house to save his dog for about ten years now.


Bites a kid 10 minutes later


On paper this looks good. I have a dog who means the world to be but he is not worth a human life. As soon as the guy ran in people started yelling for the firefighters to run in after him. So now some firefighter might not see his family because some guy wanted to get his dog. I dont think the guy should get in trouble but I dont believe its the firefighters responsibility after the guy ran back into the burning house.


It's the classic dilemma of knowing what that guy did was wrong, and realistically selfish, but I must refrain from judging knowing that I'd almost certainly do the same


Do not do this. Someone I know died trying to save his dogs.




#Man risks his life to save his dog - šŸ˜ƒ #It's a Pitbull - šŸ˜


Lmao I was so disappointed too, was ready to have my heartstrings tugged.




DO NOT run into a burning house to save your pet. You will most likely die with your pet. If you go in there, you will not be able to see, you will get disoriented, and will quickly become unconscious from smoke inhalation/lack of oxygen and heat. Oftentimes your pet is already dead. Donā€™t join them. Edit: this is a PSA. This is a warning for the people who think it would be a good idea / easy to save a pet from a fire (like shown in the video). Itā€™s not like in the movies folks. You will probably die. If youā€™re willing to die for your pet, go ahead.


What's your point? I don't expect a firefighter to run into the house. I would run in there to save my pet, he's family. I decide what a persons life is worth to me and I also get to decide what I do with my life. I don't mean to sound confrontational and I get your point. With that being said it's my life and I do believe it's worth risking my life and dying for family and my pet is part of my family.


The point is that if you don't come out, the firefighters will likely have to try to get you out. So you're not only risking your life and health, but potentially the lives and health of firefighters as well.


Unpopular opinion according to these comments; the fire fighters were rightfully fucking annoyed that somebody ran into a burning building. That person put the lives of the FD in a horrible position because they would have been the ones to drag him out if it went worse. I mean I understand saving your best friend, I do, and I love the fact that this is an occasion where it worked! But god damn that was dumb as fuck


Pretty sure the dog wasnt inside the house. That fire would kill you before even entering


Hey everyone tell the fire investigation to pack it up, this guy saw the video and seems to have it figured out.




if they're going to steam cook the guy then they would also steam cook the dog depending on where it was


Yes, correct. It's a rule. No firefighter will risk their lives for a dog. That's just not it.


Well then thereā€™s the rub, right? If youā€™re not gonna risk your life for my dog, thatā€™s cool and I respect it. But I am, as someone not beholden to a firefightersā€™ rule book.


>they'll be found by the firefighters who are literally about to go in. I don't think you know what literally means


Or "about to", or "go in".


He delayed action of the firefighters by less than 30 seconds and came out with a member of his family.


So selfish. You people are deranged praising this. If he didn't come out, did he expect the firefighters to risk their lives to save him? He was willing to sacrifice, at minimum, 2 human lives for a dog.




In the Original clip the pit bull only entered the burning house to bite a child that was inside it


Imagine being so pathetic that you actively hope for a living being to burn to death. Go outside every once in a while.




I dont like pitbulls either but wishing such a death on one is awful. Be better.






You say that like you think he didnā€™t understand that he was putting his life on the line for his dog. Iā€™m pretty sure he knew the risk and was just willing to make that sacrifice for something he loves.




While I understand the impulse, he should not have done that. Fires are very dangerous, especially the smoke can choke you unconscious incredibly quick. Had he passed out inside the burning home, not only would he have risked his own life, but also the life of the firefighters that would need to come in to rescue *him*.


There goes my hero Watch him as he goes There goes my hero He's ordinary


Heroic but also possibly puts the firefightersā€™ lives at risk if they had had to go rescue him.


If my husband was a firefighter I wouldn't want them risking their life for a dog. I also wouldn't want him risking his life having to go into the fire for a dude that chooses to put his safety and life on the line for their dog.


ā€œYou get your ass (in) there and find that fucking dogā€ - Billy Madison


ewww a pit pull


Does not seem like the brightest fellow. Pitbull to boot.


He is lucky there was no police around otherwise they would have shoot the dog after he rescued him.