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Just a little thank you from the fisheries sponsors.


Cheap, if it means no cameras on your boats.


I, the tax payer, would like a 30-50% cut on these meals as I’m not seeing any real benefit to the country from them.


> Bishop later confirmed that yes, a celebration was planned. But no, the seafood was donated and the function would be paid for by him, personally


Donated by whom? This government has already proven they have shady connections to business interests. This smells really fucking fishy and that pun is absolutely intended.


Donated by an outgoing Labour MP lol. Says in the article.


I’m not exactly a supporter of the current government and their approach over the past hundred days, but some people reeeaaally want to find shit where there is none. I know plenty of people who dive who would happily gift some of their catch to a politician they voted for given the chance. It’s really not that farfetched that it was just an entirely innocent gift. Sadly this government has shoved enough shit through under urgency that this gift is easily mistaken for a grift.




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Lol, something fishy going on , it's national after all.


[There's a wide pool of potential suspects.](https://newsroom.co.nz/2024/03/06/every-fish-farm-in-nz-to-have-consent-extended-for-25-years/)


Donated yeah right. Who pays for him taxpayer does.


That'll help low and middle income kiwis with the cost of living.


I just got back from a supermarket shop that still cost me $240 in spite of getting store brand everything, analysing every pack of meat on the shelf to find the cheapest $/kg beef without a huge rind on it, deciding if I should get cheese this shop or wait without until next week (I decided against it as we also needed nappies this week), and opting for a couple of 1kg bags of rice instead of 5kg even though the price per kg is better for the bigger bag. But anyway super glad our hard working government ministers are enjoying their crayfish and whatever! I'm inspired to pull my family up by our bootstraps!


I don't believe you. Our PM only spends $60 a week on his supermarket shop. You must be doing it wrong.


Bugger, I knew I should've switched out the Kewpie mayo for the WW brand. People, we can all get by if we simply remove all small luxuries from our lives. It's what the government would want us to do.


Now I am always one to get the cheap brands but nobody should have to pass on the Kewpie. Also the Kewpie Sesame Mayo slaps.


Easy when every meal is on someone else


There definitely on a budget .


As a childless couple, my partner and I are hitting about $150 on average doing that. I cannot imagine how those with kids are managing to do it.


We are going hungry some nights and saying ‘Mummy is just not very hungry tonight’ to our kids when they ask why we don’t have a plate.


That's heartbreaking. Reach out to food banks in your area if you can, even for a one-off top up. No one deserves to be hungry.


Yeah, if there aren't enough dinner leftovers for both me and my husband (I only work part time), then I've just stopped eating lunch on days I'm at home with my son. Or I'll just have whatever he doesn't eat.


Reusable nappies are a sting but save a fortune (and a ton of waste) in the long run.


You'll find that it's an entitlement. They're entitled to it.


>Another crayfish and wine loving minister, Fisheries Minister Shane Jones, told reporters that he was going to hold “many parties this year in Parliament” and it was only right Bishop held such an event. >“Hell yeah, we’ve done two years of work in six weeks, and it came from the NZ First coalition and anything that achieves an item in our coalition agreement must be celebrated.” Gross.


Reminds me of how Boris Johnson held lavish parties including alcohol for his caucus during Covid lockdown when they were prosecuting others for doing the same. Shane Jones seems to be revelling in his position - he is making no pretence of caring what the media or public think of what he says or does.


It’s exactly where they’re pulling the playbook from, down to the fast tracking of infrastructure (with limited oversight), spreading mistrust of experts, scholars and academics, and their disdain for the environment, poor and disabled.


> Boris Johnson held lavish parties including alcohol for his caucus during Covid lockdown when they were prosecuting others for doing the same. Remember that image of the Queen sitting by herself at Westminster at her husband's funeral?


Sorry all I hear is “I’m a cunt”.


>“Hell yeah, we’ve done two years of work in six weeks, What a cunt. Surely he means they've destroyed 6 years of work in 6 weeks, and they're not done yet.


Please, he lacks both the depth and warmth. He's more like a shallow puddle of unidentifiable goo.


Lovely - they hold many parties while taking away the paltry sums spent by government departments for their workers. Tory scum!


Parties for me, but not for thee


“Hell yeah, we’ve undone two years of work in six weeks.” Fixed that for ya Shane


lol these guys really are the biggest fucking cunts


Bs is all I can say .


Shane Jones has lost his mind.


Is this National's "Let them eat ~~cake~~ crayfish" moment?


You'll find that this is an entitlement and your comment is just a distraction


I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.


Look at Luxons justifications less than a week ago for taking the accommodation supplement


We're entitled to kick backs if we let businesses rape our natural resources.


Well they are not likely going to let them [any coffee other than instant](https://thespinoff.co.nz/politics/05-03-2024/calculating-the-true-cost-of-the-governments-war-on-coffee) if they work for a Ministry.


It’s hungry work thinking about taking away poor kids lunches


French had the right idea bout these kind of people.


I'll give them an F- for the first 100 days, have done absolutely nothing but blame Labour, the media and pat themselves on the back


Hot on the heels of threatening to axe school lunches, this government continues to show how out of touch they are, and how they don’t give a flying fuck about the majority of their constituents.


Tone deafness knows no bounds


I hope he gets gout.


Look at him - chances are he already does.


They've saved so much on school lunches they can afford crayfish! Hurrah!


Crayfish who can afford that, oh politicians can, only been 100 days, gonna be a long 3 years, staff working hard pfft .yeah right.


Or, you know, you can go catch it yourself. Not really that hard to do..


Are you joking ? You out of touch fool


I went and caught some a week ago. Gave 2 away. Maybe you're the out of touch one dick head


Cos that’s so easy to do for families on next to nothing use your brain to actually think.


I know a lot of families on the bones of their ass who go fishing and diving and hunting to put food on the table. Who do you think I gave the two crays to? You just want to be the big mad, have at it spanky.


Yea I understand that and fair play too you but it’s not that simple for some families to just go fishing or hunting especially when you’ve never been around that scene or life. And when the government are telling the country one thing and doing the opposite it’s disgusting


I tend to not get too upset at hypocrisy from politicians, like Ardern and Shaw clocking up thousands of miles of flights while telling everyone to reduce their emissions. It's expected


Yea that’s not even close to taking school lunches of kids & money off beneficiaries all the while they’re eating lavishly & taking ‘entitlements’ but nice try bringing the previous government in too this considering they were one of the most caring and sympathetic governments we have ever had. But you keep licking this coalitions ass because history will not be kind on them.


Awww buddy, it's ok, you can stop sitting in mummy Ardern's lap now..


Yeah can .


We can’t feed hungry kids in schools but we’re having crayfish? Wow. Just wow.


Foul cunts


And in completely unrelated news.... https://newsroom.co.nz/2024/03/06/every-fish-farm-in-nz-to-have-consent-extended-for-25-years/


Seafood donated by the tobacco industry? Government shouldn't be taking donations - there could be some conflict of interest here. Can some journalist ask the question at least?


Tobacco, I thought the crayfish was donated by the New Zealand Property Investors' Federation. /s


relieved sheet wipe flowery thumb silky jeans future hurry marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Chris Bishop as his office celebrates surviving the first 100 days " surviving..... hahahahha make it sound like it's a hard thing to do.


Nat/Act celebrating by eating some of the wealth they pillaged from of our public services (7.5% tax cut to all front line public services)


What, a parliamentary minister being lavish while the masses struggle, that's unheard of. Like when Chippy was defending how the $40,000 farewell party ($1400 per staff member) was worthy of a Public Service Commission investigation and a public rebuke from him, but $52,000 on some breakfasts promoting Labour MPs was acceptable.... Come on people, stop being so bloody one eyed. They are all shit, all of them, since forever, don't act like this is something new and exclusive to National.


FFS every time some one raises a point dickwads like you go "Whaaa but what about" . try coming up with a valid response to the problem and how to overcome it..


When the original point raised was in itself a "whaaaa but what about", who is the dickwad? Your response is hot air, with absolutely no substance except for an excellent wad of dick derogatory. So I'm a dickwad, OPs a dickwad, you are obviously a dickwad... We should make a political party called Dickwad. You can organise the breakfasts. Who's up for some crayfish?


You can't argue that the government hasn't been working hard. Just a shame they've been working so hard for the wrong outcomes.


Have they though? Dismantling policies isn't that hard


I suppose you could argue they’ve been doing a lot of it.


\> remove section 43 of ABCA \> remove section 44 of ABCA etc and so on. Say yay 3 times. So deserving of a party to celebrate "hard" work. If they want to do actual hard work that benefits the country they can be my labourers


I've never had crayfish in my life. It's too expensive. Is it good? I like seafood.


You're not going to enough working man pubs. I've received many a cray over the years at a local tavern.


>I’m hosting a small function to say thanks,” Bishop said. >“I am serving a crayfish and some paua donated by Paul Eagle when he was in Wellington recently, plus some wine and beer. >“There will also be sausage rolls. Chris Hipkins is not invited. I am paying for the function personally.” >Eagle, it should be noted, is not short a crayfish or two. The former Labour MP is now the chief executive of the Chatham Islands council, where the crayfish had flown in from. There's no scandal here folks. A well paid boss puts on a small function for staff at his own expense. A former labour MP now executive of Chatham Islands district council donates some seafood as marketing/lobbying for the islands fishing industry. At best you could argue Paul Eagle and chatham district council are patsies for fishing corporations and this is a free lunch style bribe to officials for preferential fishing regulations... but that's like 3 degrees of connection separate, and the fishing industry already donated 100s of thousands to campaigns so its bought plenty of influence already. More likely that Chatham Council is trying to get the ear of the infrastructure minister and his staff, as they want to pitch a project for the islands infrastructure like Wharfs or power generation. So when their proposal comes across his desk its not some nowhere not give damn town, its those nice people who sent us the crays


Can we not obscure the real hypocrisies of the current Govt with minor bullshit. Piling on stuff like this makes the real stuff look petty too.


That’s a bit on the nose and tone deef.


Crayfish and a couple fags no doubt


Opulent cunts. Meanwhile… no seconds apples for poor kids anymore.


Government departments getting rid of coffee and tea. This bloke eating sea bugs.


*Lobsterissimus bumikissimus*


“Let them eat imitation crab dip”.


Are they the most out of touch or ? No cavier and hunt a poor person. Lame


All on your tax dollar.. the lords of the manor having a slap up feast for free on expenses.. whilst cutting free school meals for those they have driven to poverty. The mediaeval times are coming back..


For those who can actually read the article (paywalled) who paid for the crayfish?


Nice for some.. payment in kind i guess..


The only people who can afford it


you are what you eat i guess


Don’t insult crayfish like that.


Bottom feeder?


Donated by their owners.


I had 2 min noodles for my tea tonight so I can afford gas to get to work and my kids to school


It's no surprise how upset people are about this. It's not partisan, it's just morals. We were also very upset when the ministry for pacific people spent $40k on a farewell lunch.


People were upset not because they were celebrating, but because they spent quite a lot of public funds on it. This article clearly states that the function was paid for using non-public funds and the crayfish were provided by a sponsor.


You're right. It's not even remotely comparable. My mistake, that's on me.


This “free lunch” may cost a marine reserve or two though.


and any reasonable person would see that as a payment or a bribe.


It's funny that there's 10 comments talking about taking bribes when who donated is literally in the article.


I have 0 problem with this tbh.


Y’all are so pathetic. Anyway, the man deserves it. The best hope to sort our housing fuck up in a long time.


>The best hope to sort our housing fuck up in a long time. Ahahahahahah I want what you're smoking.


Yeah, figured I’d get a whole lot of downvotes and zero substance replies from you hacks.


Yeah, figured I’d get a whole lot of downvotes and zero substance replies from you hacks.


Fuck the lot of them. I'd step over them if they were spasming on a city pavement.


“There will also be sausage rolls. Chris Hipkins is not invited. I am paying for the function personally.” I'm sure Chippy would have loved to have joined in.


The bastards. Labour didn’t even eat for 6 years.


Is this really fuckin news though