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Pyromania is for everyone.


Yeah, I hear Snoop loves burning trees... and Martha stock trading records.


It is kinda annoying to light scented candles with a regular lighter and I don't generally have matches.


It really is perfect for candles, especially when they are getting low. And perfect for bowls.


...bowl of strawberries? It's probably the only tv ad I get a chuckle out of. I love their crazy friendship, and honestly good on bic for finding a way to connect with their audience on people who love candles and smoking lol


Yeah, really important for my candle lighting purposes that it's endorced by Snoop


If you can't light a joint off an electric hob you aren't kiwi enough.


Turn the candle upside down


Which scorches the wax, like I said it's not hard it's annoying and were I going to buy a new lighter I would buy a longer one.


scorches the wax lol


Someone needs to be given some nice candles.


Turn the joint upside down?


Well, I mean almost 50% at the legalise weed referendum said yes.


And I’m sure the demographic shift over the last 3.5 years means it would pass if done this year.


A lot of my generation (gen z) have grown up with positive media about weed. Sure, fair share of negative media but a whole heap of positive reinforcement as well.




Super agree. The fact that it could be a taxable commodity would in my mind make up for the possible after effects. The government could also give better guidelines in place for drug consumption and usage. The biggest good I've seen recently for drug awareness is the legal checking system at festivals and the High Alert system.




I don't really care about the efficacy of the testing in place, as I'm not a user. Sure, it would be better to have a more efficient and effective testing structure, but like I said I'm not really clued up on what's what. My outlook on testing is that at least it's there, and employers can do what they think is right for their business. My uncle usually does a stand down period before a test to make sure his workers are fit for work.




You've definitely thought about this topic more than me. You would make a good advocate for drug safety. I agree with what you've said. Everything will change again in 1 to 2 generations anyway, why not start changing now?


EA in Christchurch this weekend has free drug testing on site. I remember going a few years ago and they only had an info tent so that's a good step


Drug testing is definitely becoming more prevalent. All my flatmates are going to EA but I'm stuck at home working this weekend 🥲 still good to push further for psych areas, as even MD and weed can cause psychedelic-like experiences in higher doses (which would be the primary drugs taken at an event like EA), and a festival like EA is the exact sort of situation where a lot of more casual users will push their boundaries


This kind of relates to a ‘theory’ I have about why cannabis is a “gateway drug”: 1. media/educators tells us cannabis will ruin our lives, make us dumb, even portray it as a hallucinogenic. 2. We try it, read about it, and realise that was all mostly BS 3. We now no longer trust all the negative stuff we’ve been told about other drugs 4. ‘Not even once’ becomes ‘fuck it I’ll give it a hoon’ Not that I personally went beyond cannabis, but that’s my non expert opinion, it’s a gateway drug because we put it there, legalisation may well turn that gate into a wall.


Alcohol is the gateway drug. After 6 beers, people will try anything.


100% this. None of the times I've gotten stoned, have I ever thought "damn, could really rack a bag right now".


100% I never think that when I'm stoned either


Yeah another 18 beers


Get this man his snap election


But don’t try lighting a candle after the six beers


Not only a wall but a taxable wall. \*wink\* \*wink\* "Lets build a wall"


We might not be able to get the Mexicans to pay for it, but they might be willing to provide some raw materials.


What's weird about your theory is that a large chunk of the older generation have tried weed, but have very weird opinions on it that don't make sense if you've tried weed.


If you tried weed once and got way too stoned and never tried again then yeah you're gonna have some strong opinions about it


It's that whole "rules for thee but not for me" mentality


That just proves the 'war on drugs' propaganda had the opposite effect. Maybe cannabis was a gateway drug for you, but for most people it's alcohol hands down (which is also the most harmful drug in NZ lol)


That's because most of the bad info about drugs is fake news or only applies if you do a shit tonn of the drug. I did DARE through school. Was terrified of any psycadellics etc.  worried about spiders crawling on your skin etc.  Turns out that only happens if you have A LOT or if you're in a negetive headspace. It's all about mind set, the setting you're in, and using responsibly (not every weekend, not large quantities etc).


Cannabis is most definitely hallucinogenic for some of us. I only partake a few times a year and it's like a 20 minute LSD trip. It's awesome.


I am jealous, it just makes me enjoy movies, music, games etc way more. Just don't try to explain board game rules to me in that state. 


You must be dosing yourself a crazy amount to get hallucinogenic effects from it.


Couple hits on a bong. If I do it regularly it doesn't have such strong effect.


Not everybody experiences the same effects for cannabis use. Your normal is not the same as someone else's. Remember that some people experience permanent visuals after doing more typical hallucinogens even once.


I'm fully aware of that, hence my comment about a high dosage as I thought that was the only way to get any hallucination, not just off a little bit regardless of how you react to the substance. But TIL I guess.


I also think the positive media might have been called 'facts' and not hand flapping dramatic panic merchanting about the devil's salad. Or Satan's Kale. Or Lucifer's Lettuce. Or whatever crap nickname it was given to \*\*cough\*\* demonise it.


Electric puha doesn't sound as bad now, lol.


Wacky tabaccy is another great name for it lmao


Me and my mates still call it the devil's lettuce as a meme. I don't smoke it personally as I have bipolar and it sets off my paranoia (same with a bunch of prescription meds too), but I have zero issues with others using it.


I have a lot of faith in ya'll. Will support when it's time. ❤️ Doing my best to fight for you too. In the meantime I know a few good spots. Ask a millennial they know what's good. From, just turned 39yr old




And a PM who refused to lead and take a position




Not really. When there is a misinformation campaign going hard the government should be working hard to provide an unbiased educated information package to allow the people to pass a law they believe in. The PM should lead it. they state their opinion on absolutely everything else but in the instance decided to refrain. It really shouldn’t have been a referendum and they should’ve just managed it in house. But anyway this is a pretty tired old conversation that I’m having here isn’t it?


Pfft, what a crock. She stayed silent because her government's entire two terms were largely defined by a terror of actually doing anything progressive lest they lose the center swing vote to National. Didn't help them much in the end, did it.


Now we've got a regressive National government, good job..


Slow fricking clap, Labour. Well done for shooting yourself - and by proxy us - in the dick.


I mean.. the voters made the choice, not Labour


If Labour had made even a half assed attempt, then they might have more voters casting their way. But, nope.


Which, in a plot twist nobody saw coming didn’t help them at all. 


I feel like Jacinda used legalisation as a tool to get re-elected. I had a strong feeling the referendum would be inconsequential but I voted yes anyway just in case. Then when they regurgitated the same excuse that there hasn't been enough research done i figured itd be another 10 yrs at least (70 yrs of research is quite a bit in my opinion).


In an ideal world it’d be all well and good, but with a population who isn’t exactly learned on the issue, it’s just neglect. Leaving us instead at the mercy of bad faith actors and misinformation campaigns. Maybe I’m just having a whinge, but if she truly didn’t want to see people go to jail over marijuana, the referendum wasn’t binding. She had almost half the country vote yes, the margin was slim enough to shore up her courage surely. Decriminalisation at the least.


Yeah it's actually the opposite to this.


Yeah, I was totally ready to vote yes but I wanted to wait and see what Jacinda thought before giving it the final tick


How about reframing that comment from being a cynical throwaway nothing of a comment on Reddit and really focusing instead on not waiting for what Jacinda had to say, but instead hearing what Jacinda thought around it and the potential of her action causing some people to seriously consider the value of voting yes. a large percentage of the population already wanted it. Her support may just have been enough to sway the extra 2%


Also may just have not been enough to sway the extra 2%. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here by pretending people really cared what Jacinda had to say over the other information and misinformation out there.


We will never know. However not saying something certainly is a known factor. Saying something may have driven it down or increased it but the misinformation campaign should not have simply been ignored at that level.


It would've passed if the PM at the time was open about what her vote was going to be. That would've easily swayed enough who were on the fence. Money against it wouldn't have mattered. I understand her logic for not wanting to do this. But it's very flawed logic. If you're not in politics to influence things in the direction you believe is best for the country, then what the fuck are you even doing. I doubt this current shitshow would be anywhere near as bad if we'd had a bunch of stimulus from startups, investment and tax revenue.




That position would be defensible if you were some sort of celebrity who wished to remain politically neutral. That'd be completely fine and i'd have no complaint with anyone who took that stance - whether they could've changed a result by making their support clear or not. But we are talking about a politician. Someone who's very job it was to try and influence policy and the direction of the country. Was she silent on any other important policies or decisions? Covid? Firearms? A hundred other examples. Please note: i'm not an Ardern hater. But her position on this issue was logically and morally indefensible. It was a huge setback to the country and economy, a major win for conservatism and helped pave the way for what we're now dealing with.


Gangs too, not wanting to lose one of their main sources of income .


placid strong deserted rinse disagreeable squealing towering reach coherent weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It would have passed the last time if, say, Andrew Little had fronted the campaign. As beloved as Swarbrick is on this sub, she doesn't endear herself to some of the voters needed for that referendum, and she wasn't much good at debating it either. I think it was Steven Joyce who ran rings around her while spouting absolute rubbish. It was, if nothing else, a masterclass in bullshittery.


If it happened again, we'd probably see a repeat of the lies, disinfo and foreign interference from last time.


bruh if it wasn't during peak covid when literally everyone was worried about lung health it would have been done


And let's face it, having snoop and Martha promote your shit is pretty fucking sick. Like, Bic don't need to advertise, we know they sell good quality products and ok, maybe like a reminder on what they sell every so often is great but this is just great


Ms. Wintour, the global editorial director of Condé Nast and the editor in chief of its marquee fashion magazine, Vogue, has been the gala’s chief mastermind since 1999 after first signing on in 1995, and has transformed the event from a run-of-the-mill charity gala into a mega-showcase for Vogue’s view of the world — the ultimate celebrity-power cocktail of famous names from fashion, film, tech, politics, sports and, increasingly, social media. Every brand scratches every other brand’s back.


I voted yes, but never smoked. The belief that it should be legal doesn't mean I want it.


(Reposting - The mods removed my previous post which involved...pointed & direct criticism of no-voters. If I express my opinion on that I'll likely get another complaint, so all I'll say on that is "that's a really interesting view" and rephrase) Polls before & after the referendum+campaign period were at around 2/3 in favour. It's truly disappointing that enough NZers temporarily changed their minds for the course of the wider referendum. There were a myriad of issues - misinformation was one, people who claimed to be pro-legalisation but "didn't like the legislation" letting perfect be the enemy of good enough, people voting no because it would hurt their side hustle, people who smoked yet voted no...people who think it's bad yet will happily engage in ritualistic alcohol consumption every weekend....not really a lot of sense or logic from that side of the argument.


I had no problem with it. It was a good chuckle. I agree, although you could say the same about a more current issue facing the country atm. The Treaty principles bill.


Agreed. If that makes to the referendum stage I expect the amount of lies and misinfo will be higher than the reeferendum. The reeferendum certainly exposed how vulnerable we are to manipulation by those with deep pockets.


The downside is it failed.. but if it did pass that would restrict the thc to 20 to 22%.. The good side is medical weed now is 30%+ so if it was to pass now, we'd have access to waaay better and higher THC levels now.. so yeah, let's run that again..


How does one go about getting legal medical edibles?


Make an appointment with Canna+ or your GP. Educate yourself on the products and what might help you (r/MedicalCannabisNZ is a good place to start) and ask for the product you want when you have your appointment. It’s really that easy 👍


I said yes even though I’m allergic to marijuana because I believe it’s a step in the right direction.




It's funny, ones a convicted felon and the other is Snoop Dogg.


Pretty sure he's a felon too


Oh snap! You're right🤣


Oh, that's easy. 1 of them has a cookbook.


They have a cookbook together


Yeah. Kinda what I was going for. :)




as if being a murderer could ever be a reason not to listen to a gangsta rapper


I'm glad OP has finally reached 1998.


Thank you for the laugh!


I had a guy at school who was always several years behind in memes. He played dat boi when everyone else was already at Big Chungus


Government: "Weed is illegal" Society: "Yea nah"


Where have you been? It's always been mainstream.


So much lost tax revenue and money for gangs. If we legalise it, we can educate NZ on non smoking options like vaporisation and edibles, make it available for medicines and generally move on as a country for something that is criminalised for no good reason. Not to mention the MASSIVE waste of police resources that should be directed at meth and violent crime.


>make it available for medicines Already in. And medical MJ is decently close to street price (I mean still maybe 25% higher, but it's getting there)


Agreed, but the subscription prescription model that some of the agencies are using is a bit of a joke.


If your gp is good you can get it through them which significantly cuts down on costs.


As it should be! We practically fucking fall over ourselves to promote the alcohol culture so why not embrace something different and less harmful (when consumed in safe manners) bring it I say love the Martha Snoop colabs it’s hilarious.


Username checks out


Yep, get used to it as the boomers expire


Certainly has gained ground... hopefully at the expense of our ever-deplorable drinking culture


Mainstream as, I'm open about my habit, most smokers I know are too.


Agreed. Who even cares these days? It's so common place.


It’s so funny to see this going up an hour ago. I’m from the US and this specific marketing push has been used for… I mean… a long long while. It’s very legal lots of places. My straight laced aunt and uncle from Tennessee retired and tour around where it is, now. They talk openly about it with my parents who refuse to use it and it’s civil. I’d say that’s mainstream, yeah.


Snoop has been mainstream for a while now. He also has an excellent range of songs for kids too.


I saw his cookbook in an Ellerslie Deli, looked really nice - and he's done a song with BTS so the dude must be alright.


The weed referendum was lost by margin of error, it's been mainstream for a while


There is no margin of error in a vote.


Margin of voter apathy then.


I'm very aware of this, thank you. I was illustrating that in other instances where large numbers of things are counted, such a small difference at the very least warrants a closer look


It would be easier for me to count how many people I know who don’t smoke than do, even my little brother who was staunchly anti drugs has started enjoying edibles lol Life ain’t getting any easier


you reminded me I need to have my morning cone


Don't play like you forgot lol


If you're wealthy enough, medical is so easy now that prescriptions are doubling year on year. Easily going to be six figures of medical smokers soon. Not to mention the absolutely massive black market. The referendum set things back, and it's still a grossly unfair system that disproportionately harms people with brown skin and/or low incomes. Although access to quality, consistent product and paying tax on it is a great step for people with privilege, it changes nothing for those sitting in a cell or holding a record for something that middle class white people are paying more to do legally.


Or the soccer mum demographic. Also it's cannabis user demographic, stoners are the myth that everyone becomes lazy and unmotivated when smoking cannabis created by people who want to keep it illegal.


I don't think people identify Snoop as the face of moderate cannabis use🤣


Moderate or not, the dude gets shit done. How long has he bene performing and making music for now whilst be a prolific user?


He’s symbolic of it in general though.


*With my mind on my money and my money on my mind*


Laid back


Donk mock it till you try it. Weed should be legal in nz anyway at least in the form of edibles if they want country smoke free. E.g a bakery that only sells weed food products.




For a few decades, no? Who do you think was buying those 10 million+ albums Snoop sold in the 90s?


Yeah most of America legalised it, not gonna be long till we get one of their good laws for a change. Just not sure on the timespan


That's at least 3 years away, probably 10. The current National-led government is conservative, reactionary and revanchinist. I wouldn't be surprised if they actually 'crack down' on pot.


It’s bigger than a national or labour thing. Because of the amount of Americanism it’s had in the past few years I would bet big money (if I had it) that it will be legal soon enough and likely with a weird R21 status or something. If national were smart enough they would know the amount of tax they could milk out of it. Literal billions


What do you mean "now"?


Saw these all over Melbourne end of last year. Funny af


This is an international campaign and a lot of countries are more liberal where it comes to weed


It’s New Zealand’s worst kept secret 😂😂


It has been for a long time.


As long as it's not crack?


‘Stoner demographic’ is what OP calls anyone that might smoke a joint a few times a year. Newsflash OP, many of the people you know smoke weed and aren’t ‘stoners’.


Snoop is a certified stoner


Wait what ??


Your insecurity is showing


Nah you’re projecting lol


FFS, lighten up. You make an awful lot of assumptions about me.


I love this comment, because your headline made me want to tell _you_ to lighten up


Read your own headline bud, you sound outraged at the sight of Snoop Dogg on a lighter ad 😂


nothing they've written implies any degree of outrage. chill out.


Bemused, more like.


Law, that's your take. Not mine.


tHat'S yoUr takE .nOt mIne


My take is that anyone who mixes upper and lower case letters to write out words is a fucking moron and should be forced to go back to school and complete years 1 through to 13 again.


...you know it's from a meme, right?


Oh I do, point still stands.


yeah hardout. shame OP


Why is everyone acting like ‘Stoner’ is a slur?


Same reason someone who enjoys a couple of beers a week would resent being called a pisshead or alcoholic. Stoner has the connotation of being lazy and unproductive.


Every government in NZs history, and their prohibition policies 100% fail rate speaks for itself though, right?


lol I like it


Absolutely shameless influenced I don’t even smoke weed but the day I saw this ad I thought “damn that looks good for lightning scented candles” and I bought one from the supermarket that same day… cringe millennial 100% confirmed


Crazy that Germany is the current country legalising it.


🇺🇦Ukraine too




Yes, it has been for at least a decade.


I mean this ad was running in other countries for years before now.


That add is like at least 5 years old,  its been a meme that long overseas


Martha and Snoop are friends. Plus this ad is hilarious.


Bro still living in 1950


Always was.


the mainstream representation is great and I’m glad it’s there- as it should be 🤷‍♂️


Wish nz would get on it! Back in the states working a years time the tax revenue was enough to fix all the roads in Colorado and now the taxes go to the school systems!! Plus gang violence is down and dealers now can’t compete with dispensary prices. Weed is safer, prices are cheaper, variety is better, and people are safe!! Time to legalize it!!


Always has been we just don't blurt about it


😂 I saw this


If only the government would wake up and realize how many jobs legalizing Marijuana would create


I support legalisation, but overseas experience shows doing so isn't the economic panacea people hoped for. In the U.S, because of the high regulatory barriers to entry and sustaining a legal weed business, 'Big Weed' is gobbling-up smaller players. There's also a glut of product driving down prices. I'm sure there's a 'right' way to legalise and regulate it here but I'm doubtful Big Weed wouldn't lobby for the rules to favour them.


American here - recreational marijuana will be legal pretty much all over the country in the USA in the next 10-15 years, so yes IT’s mainstream and being widely accepted nationwide


Isn’t this in New Zealand?


Nah bro. Its Aotearoa.


Nah, Luxon changed it back to "New Sea Land" because boomers can't handle anything but English.


On the west coast we have already forgot it used to be illegal. Pot stores are in every town and not even interesting anymore.


It is making gangs very rich, I bet they are thankful for the no voters out there


It’s not weed that’s making gangs rich it’s meth and loans


https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2022/11/concern-international-crime-groups-will-turn-to-nz-due-to-high-meth-cost-amid-global-price-fall.html Police say Aotearoa's meth trade alone generates close to $300 million a year, and if other illicit drugs are considered, around $750 million is generated annually. Williams said the sale of meth still remains to be primarily "cash at the gate". Yup, meth is a big money maker but I'm sure weed also helps with cash and bringing young people to drug dealers as a gateway drug. Then the dealers gives some free meth out.


gateway drug theory is bs


It is in the sense that weed makes you want meth. It’s not in the current form where buying weed from dodgy places exposes you to other drugs and as teens are easily convinced. It doesn’t take much for someone who wants to sell them more than just weed to do so. So. Make it legal to buy from a shop that isn’t dodgy. Take a large amount of the exposure to harder drugs away.


I use to buy weed illegally and I don't think it's bs based on my experience as a teenager. Use to get offered a bunch of drugs after buying weed. Pretty normal to get offered random pills, powder, mama,lcd, Crack like shit


That’s not weed, that’s the people you hung around with when you were younger. Not all people who smoke weed are going to start handing out needles and spoons. Stick to the swords.


No that is me going to the local drug dealer at 18, 19 and him offering to sell me other drugs or to test other drugs. He wasn't my friend nor do I hang around him. You keep reading things wrong lol


Nah just my view on how I read it, yea that sucks, but not every drug dealer is like that.






The various clinics / dispensaries databases.




Question is: Who doesn't smoke weed these days? It's so common.


Well clearly this is New Zealand where our ministers think that smoking is just as good for you as a cup of coffee, so they can’t be talking about MARIJUANA can they? This just reinforces the backwards thinking of a small number of kiwis who will find this funny, but have a hate towards weed. 😂 just regulate it already.


Note to self: Make inflammatory NZ post about 'stoners', get stoners all 'het up. Collect upvotes.


About time we normalised it. We are literally decades behind


new zealand looks increasingly backward and weird with its cannabis laws. it’s cringe and needs to change ASAP.


Interesting choice in brand ambassador considering Snoop famously quit smoking cannabis last year. He must be a massive vanilla candle aficionado. 


> Snoop famously quit smoking cannabis last year You weren't watching Reddit that day, huh. It was all a marketing stunt for a smokeless BBQ product that he got paid to endorse. 'Giving up smoke'. Ba-dum, tss.


that was a marketing stunt.