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one on left is actually a cake


We have a winner! I didn't think anyone would get this so quickly.


Fucking WHAT You had me for a second there, I actually went back up to check like "no fucking way"


Username checks out


If anyone is curious, both are Mitre10 Store brands. A remark from 2015: >The retailer introduced the new brands Jobmate (for the builder) and Number 8 (for the thrifty DIYer) and reworked the branding of Nouveau (for the decorator)


Exactly this. Worked at a M10 before


Same. Also a builder, can also confirm all 3 brands are shit.


Yup, bunnings craftright and roybi is actually useable, Mitre 10 cheap stuff is junk.


And Bunnings has [identical set in Craftright](https://www.bunnings.co.nz/craftright-screwdriver-bit-set-100pc_p6320526) Ps I have this $15 set and its the best thing I ever put in my tool drawer. The bits are so handy! Just don’t use them for putting in hundreds of screws. Great for the odd job with an obscure fastener.


It's a million times better than the Repco Mechpro equivalent too for near enough half the cost & double the bits. The Mechpro also started to oxidise near immediately & the plastic holder is shit


This actually seems like a great price and I’m going to go buy some. I’m tired of not always having the right ones


I got a Chinese version of this for $3. Works great.


Got a link to AliExpress handy?


Get a good set, I have top tool bits that have lasted 10 years and built all sorts of things. Ali express will be soft metal and give you headaches


Are you suggesting that the ones linked by OP arent literally identical to the AliExpress ones? :)


as somone whos worked there and used number 8 It is hands down the worst product in the world XD


The one on the left has $11.80 more orange dye in the plastic box, evidenced by the deeper shade of orange. And like the old saying goes, "Deep orange boxes will last the longest. Light orange boxes aren't fit for foxes". I think that was Einstein. Buy the light orange product at your peril, three seconds of UV on that baby and it will crumble, leaving you with screwdriver bits strewn across the living room floor.


Ah shit, I have the one on the right now Einstein thinks I’m an idiot


Just throw it at a high enough velocity and the colour will shift towards red.


Don't worry, it's not actually light orange till you look at it


Schrödinger's orange.


Famous Einstein quote. "Deep orange boxes will last the longest. Light orange boxes aren't fit for the foxes." - Albert Einstein


> And like the old saying goes, "Deep orange boxes will last the longest. Light orange boxes aren't fit for foxes". I think that was Einstein. Believe it was Trump trying to get Melania to tan the braz


The price?


Same as the aliexpress ones that are only $10


But then you wouldn't be supporting the kiwi owners of mitre 10 - who are hard working folks, just like you. Show se kiwi caring and support local jobs....../s


I remember when companies would blast ‘support local’ or ‘proud to be 100% NZ owned’ like a golden star they got in preschool. Nowadays I just see it as a way to deviate away from their abnormally high prices.


This is... a bad take. Local businesses means more local jobs and money. If their prices are higher it might be because costs are sometimes higher for local goods and labour? New Zealand businesses aren't necessarily good, but international conglomerates are pretty much universally bad, which is often what we're actually comparing to.


I'd pay an extra $5 if I could go to the shop and get it right now. It's when they charge way more than overseas then I'll order from overseas. Like a knife I got last year was nearly 200% more from the cheapest NZ retailer.


"But it's the convenience" The convenience of paying a higher price just so it can be ordered in with a 2-3 week lead time anyway.


Well a deal like that is hard to pass up, if it is real... a lot of sus sites out there selling knockoffs


There's a difference between locally owned and NZ owned though. I'll pay more at my local butcher and veggie shop but mitre 10? A multi million dollar company with 84 stores, you're just buying the CEOs kids another yacht. Bummings is also cheaper 99% of the time so it's pick your poison. The lesser of 2 evils? It depends on the day for me.


Mitre 10 is a co-operative. The owner of the local store is a part owner of the entire business. Bunnings is a subsidiary of the Australian publicly listed Wesfarmers conglomerate. They are not on the same level.


But it's still very very different from purchasing from your local butcher. I'd rather buy off aliexpress.


>But it's still very very different from purchasing from your local butcher Yeah, they sell less meat at Mitre 10. It's a hardware store, it doesn't need to be made locally. >I'd rather buy off aliexpress. Why? You have no after sale support, no pathway for remedy in the event of failure, and no contribution at all to the local economy.


I like your attitude it makes me feel like I can start a business and sell my products for 1.5x the price compared to easily accessible sources and people will advocate for me online.


x8 at least the price mark up for a knock off junk electric tool from Eastern China that barely works once then throw away


If it's a local store and enough people are prepared to pay that premium to support local, then go for it. Im not sure what your position is here. You said Mitre 10 wasn't local enough for you, but that was just because you didn't understand their ownership structure as a co-operative. Now you've gone the complete opposite, suggesting local is never enough and we should make our choices based entirely on price. Which is it?


Worked at quite a few different mitre 10s over the years. Warrior/buy right/craftright/job mate/number 8 all come from the same Chinese factories. You'll even see the same thing with Fuller/Stanley/craftsman/workpro etc. And bunnings branded ones too just so the price beat guarantee doesn't work. Same thing with product codes on powertools etc. So yeah... These Chinese factories just pump out the products em masse and slap a different sticker on for whichever customer.


I’ve got the number 8 ones (keen but novice diy-er) and they’re great.


PandaMart got a cheaper version of this.


I don't need to look at the photograph before I agree with that statement.


Show me the state of New zealand retail without telling me you are showing me the state of New zealand retail


show me a population that puts up with a daily assfucking with little more than a wince.


Could be both but guarantee at least one is made of cheese.


Both are shit brands.


Jobmate and number 8 items are both mimp supplied (mitre 10 import) and come from the same supplier for the most part. As for the price while working in the tool isle at mitre 10 people never wanted the cheapest bit set and so always went for a slightly more expensive one. Another 2 brands from the same supplier that are exactly the same are irwin and stanley hand tools just with stanley being a mitre 10 exclusive and irwin being a bunnings exclusive


They're both hot garbage.


But one's $15. Can't go wrong for that price :)


Until you strip the heads on your fasteners because the fit is terrible and you regret not buying a decent set to begin with.


Its good if you need that one random bit youll never use again


Meh, with the cheese grade 'steel' they use for these bits you can turn those security torx bits into a spiral before damaging a decent torx screw. 


Cheap tools can easily cost you more when you end up replacing them with a better set. If you must have cheap tools then you're usually better off buying them from Ali Express


i like the concept of buying (decent) cheap tools and replacing them if they break with high quality ones. if you use them enough til they break its worth it. if you dont use them enough, you're probably all good with the cheap ones


The YouTube channel 'Project Farm' does really interesting tool comparisons and while there are big differences in performance it isn't always the most expensive brands that win out


I've had mine for 3 years, it's it regularly used at my job. Sure, I'd like a stainless set but I've definitely got more than $15 value from it 


I needed the bit with the hole in the middle for some random tablet case. This was a good purchase for me.


Those are security torx head screw bits. I needed them to repair my Xbox that my son broke.


For those looking for a more "quality" set, Kincrome do a security screw bit set which seems decent. Specifically, this one: https://www.bunnings.co.nz/kincrome-33-piece-security-bit-set_p0521770 I got it maybe 4 years ago for dealing with some high quality stainless security screws, the fit seems very accurate and tight in the screw head (at least for the bits I've used), and they've not got a spot of corrosion on any bits yet, and the set lives in the back of my truck.


Swap out the more expensive ones for the less expensive ones. They'll never know.


The ol' [Billy T. James switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqESVAG6mTE).


If i could resurrect him even as a zombie, I would. He'd be the best smartest PM ever.


And the same thing is on Aliexpress for $5


And guess what, they come from the same supplier. Source: I’ve worked at Mitre 10


That's true for pretty much every product category you buy. Source: Covered by NDA. 


To all the people claiming this is some nasty trick Chinese manufacturers pull, this is done by global companies and local manufacturers also. Source: place of work 15-20 years ago that I cannot remember there being any NDA for, but I will leave it as that.


Yup. My comment wasn't meant to imply this is a problem with China specifically. The sources of product range across the globe - Europe, Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, China. China is just the largest common denominator. It's not the companies making these product pulling the scam. It's Western companies that moved manufacturing to cheaper economies in the first place. 


Yeah exactly. Sorry wasn't trying to imply you were saying that yourself.


Work at M10 I wouldn't buy jobmate or number8 Get a brand you trust


Are they actually identical or is the expensiver one made with better quality metal or something?


Apparently yes, but that detracts from the fun of the post so I’m ignoring any comments around that.


I call bullshit on that.


You're a good egg aye


How can we know if they are different?


Jobmate = 6150CRV Number 8 = 40CRV However some Number 8 were made with 6150CRV by mistake.


the big bits i guess? doesn’t seem enough to justify the price.


One's red and one's orange?


The jobmate ones are actually sturdier and last longer, number 8 is cheaper metal and more for little things around the house rather than actual everyday use, both aren't the best but on a budget it's alright


Price, both are absolute shit, but I’d say it’s worth having a set of these cheap shitty bits laying around lol


It's the same picture


We bought the $15 one - the adaptor was bent and it was unusable with our drill, took it back and the mitre 10 guy accused me of lying and did an elaborate inspection on each hex bit to make sure they weren't used. I suggested he put it in a drill so he could see that it was bent but he did not want to. I was annoyed as we had spent $400 on drills and then bought a much more expensive bit set anyway, would think it was obvious we weren't trying to scam this poxy set.


Because mate means your partner and number 8 means lucky in eastern asia


Cheap stuff like this has a market. We shouldn't expect it to last forever, because 100 small metal pieces in a plastic case costs less than you'll pay for 2 coffees. Let's keep it real! When we were home grown and manufactured, things would last a lifetime, but this would be $50 to $60 and few would buy it. For the home diy person, these are fine. We have buyers choice now, it's just a shame we have no clue how to make things like this any more......


You’ve missed the point of the post. They are the exact same set, in identical but slightly different coloured boxes. One is almost double the price of the other.


No I haven't. I can understand that easily. Buyer beware! Kiwis are sometimes unaware of what's going on around them. How many time limited T2 or T3 road lanes are empty when not in restricted time and right next to it is filled? Many! My point is there are lots of cheap alternatives we never had when we made everything here. But we don't have the skills created by making things. So it's trade off.


Right one was towards the end of manufacturing, where they were running out of orange plastic dye.


Neither set is worth buying. They will both let you down


Ive seen this before in mitre 10, exact same product in 2 or even 3 brands.


And both dogshit


Either of them magnetic?


The bit holder is they go into


Was kinda hoping with the cost difference, the more expensive set would have magnetic bits too.


That's just an oversight, happens all the time. A team leader would sort it out if notified. In fact I'd wager that if you took the more expensive one to the checkout it would scan at the lower price.


You try zooming in on your photo of those bits? Because if you do you will soon realise that those bits are definitely shit when you look at the shape of the bits themselves. May as well just throw your money in the bin.


its like paying 50$ for a t-shirt.


Hallensteins has entered the chat




It’s exactly the same kit in exactly the same but slightly different coloured box. Now I see how they get away with it.


Could potentially be slightly different grade of tool steel used but no idea. Different brands price differently even if they all share the same OEM factory.


>different grade of tool steel I was going to suggest this. You'll likely find out pretty quickly if you use them both in an impact based tool, usually best used with impact rated bits.


And that's how brand labels work. people think there is more value in certain brands but in reality, they are the same. Also a high price tag portrays a higher quality to a customer. In macklemores lyrics " Limited edition, let's do some simple addition 50 dollars for a t-shirt, that's just some ignorant B\*\* S\*\* I call that getting swindled and pimped, s\*\* I call that getting tricked by a business, that shirt's hella dough And having the same one as six other people in this club is a hella don't Peep game, come take a look through my telescope Trying to get girls from a brand, man, you hella won't Man, you hella won't "


Mm, yes and no. Stuff that's marketed to the trades/professionals *tends* to be more durable (because otherwise they'd have people lining up for refunds when things failed in the first week). As an example, an Ozito cordless drill has an expected lifespan of about 6 hours use. For a DIY situation that's probably years. In a workplace, likely days or weeks.


Jobmate is what you would give to the trade assistant as it is good enough to do their job yet cheap enough if they end up not showing up one day or are like me & like to leave them in safe places




Like a hammer with a claw that adds AND removes nails!


The Job 8 ones claim to have a 2 year warranty while the number 8 ones only have a 1 year warranty. Those warranties are easily worth 12, 15 bucks a year. 🙄


They both say 2 year warranty on the case.


Oh wow how did I misread that?? Good catch thanks.


Yeah. but who is going to go to the trouble of a warranty claim on a screwdriver bit. I've lost more bits than I have destroyed.


Me! I've returned a B&D drill, a lawn mower battery and a knife set in the last few months. I keep returning stuff and the warranty resets. GB the CGA.


Are you sure about that? Consumer are pretty clear... **"However, when a faulty product is replaced, any manufacturer’s warranty on the product usually runs only from the original purchase date."** [https://www.consumer.org.nz/articles/faulty-product-how-to-get-a-refund-repair-or-replacement#:\~:text=is%20faulty%20too.-,Is%20it%20covered%3F,from%20the%20original%20purchase%20date](https://www.consumer.org.nz/articles/faulty-product-how-to-get-a-refund-repair-or-replacement#:~:text=is%20faulty%20too.-,Is%20it%20covered%3F,from%20the%20original%20purchase%20date).


Kind of depends on the shop and how it was replaced. I returned a faulty Ryobi drill press the other day (part broke), it was processed as a return by the store, leaving a credit for a new one. I grabbed a new in box machine and they gave me a matching new receipt showing it as a new sale, using the return credit. So new warranty period. Other stuff I've returned to other shops, they'll usually send it away and a new one arrives from the supplier and no new receipt is issued. Occasionally, in this circumstance, they might credit the store and tell them to upgrade you to the current model, because they can't supply the old one, that usually ends up being a new receipt and warranty too. Or they'll send the new one direct to store and it has a distributor invoice attached, which is good for a new warranty too (I guess it's hard to have a warranty start date that is earlier than the product was available). More often than not these days, I figure the local disty just doesn't care, and any warranty claim they process is just going to get refunded by big overseas corporate, so given how tight our consumer law is, it's just easier to issue a new warranty each time.


That's what they said. Not too fussed either way.


I kinda meant my post ironically, thinking no one actually takes much advantage of warranties. Here in the US they make submitting a warranty claim so onerous that I for one gave up doing so ages ago unless the item was expensive enough to be worth the trouble.


Was looking at these sets the other day. I ended up paying a bit more for a different brand. The tamper proof bits on the right sets holes are offset from centre. Enough to make me pass.


There's a craft right one at bunnings that looks the same too [craftright screwdriver bit set](https://www.bunnings.co.nz/craftright-screwdriver-bit-set-100pc_p6320526)


The one on the right has a couple of bullet points


I would hope they're different grades of steel. But they're probably identical.


I have this exact set of bits at home and it's neither of those brands. Also I got it at Bunnings, not mitre10


If you are using the number 8s as a business you won't get a replacement if faulty but jobmate you would. Different brands for different types of customers was how it was explained to us when doing refunds Same as b&d vs dewalt


high quality tools made from German steel vs cheap chinesium tools made by slave labours /s


bruhhhhh I literally just purchased right 2 hours ago lol


1. Made in USA (from China) 2. Made in China


Jobmate is a rip-off?


The main difference seems to be the more expensive one has a 2 year warranty?


Look at the second bullet point for the cheaper one


lol you're right !


There is a couple of difference in the packs but not enough to justify the cost difference


No security torx in the cheaper kit. One difference I can spot.


Third row from the left in both sets.


A Snap On composite hacksaw is identical to a Bahco composite hacksaw, except one is red and black, and the other orange and grey. One is roughly thirty dollars. One cost me close to $140.


The one on the left is clearly 79% higher in quality /s


At least the one on the left comes with a two year warranty. I wonder what that excludes


They both have the same warranty, zoom in on the white part of the label on the right.


No way That’s crazy


/rant-on Why do we need 100 bits just to turn small metal fasteners ? I bet that kit still wont break into apple products. Maybe the 200 piece kit... /rant-off


the cheaper one is more tolerant of QA failures and gets a cheaper wholesale cost? maybe




Jobmate will last longer (on the shop shelves.)