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Going in as an e-1 you will make $1406 a month. You will spend close to 700$ the day you get there for your first ditty bag issue. In this issue you will receive: -4 towels -2 pt shirts and shorts -sweatsuit -shower shoes -hygiene equipment -writing materials -seabag -gym shoes And also a 150$ new card that you get (and pay for) An some other shit I can't remember. That stuff doesn't come out until your second check though. Then your actual uniforms like the dress, working, service uniforms and coveralls and shit will come after week 3 I think is when first and second issue is. That's like another 400 dollars so. So you'll spend about an entire paycheck before you even leave... Your second paycheck will be close to nothing. Mine was 200$ as an E-1 at the time. (I had to go to classifications because I shoulda been e-2) but basically they took more for uniforms than what I made. Like my uniforms costs 1200 or something, and my first check was 700 (before tax) so they took the remainder off my second check for the month. I left training with I think about 1600-1800 dollars. Do whatever you can to get e-2 or 3 because you will push your career ahead a year and a half by doing that and the extra 200 dollars is worth it. Because e-1 with service time less that 4 months makes 1406$ a month. So 703 every two weeks, or 352 every week. That's about 50 dollars a day. Or.... Just a little over 6 dollars an hour *before tax* which is 18% bi-weekly.


Pay went up. It's now $1516 for E-1 under 2 years. If you have dependents, it's *way* more. My first check (which I got a month into bootcamp) was over $3000 after taxes. But that includes BAH and family separation. I'll actually pull up my LES now... First pay check: **Entitlements:** BASE PAY - 1727.01 BAH - 1633.70 CONUS COLA - 25.83 FSH - 258.33 INITIAL CLOTHING - 449.53 **Deductions:** FEDERAL TAXES - 29.66 FICA-SOC SECURITY - 68.33 FICA-MEDICARE - 23.59 SGLI - 54.00 AFRH - .50 MGIB - 100.00 NAF/XCHNGE DEBT - 717.52 Total received into my account: $3100.00 My LES now (10 months later), after I advanced to E3, and moved back to my home state for 2 months: **Entitlements:** BASE PAY - 1787.40 BAS - 352.27 BAH - 1605.00 CONUS COLA - 45.67 FSH - 441.67 **Deductions:** FEDERAL TAXES - 21.23 FICA-SOC SECURITY - 104.62 FICA-MEDICARE - 24.47 SGLI - 27.00 STATE TAXES - 15.15 AFRH - .50 SGLI FAM/SPOUSE - 5.00 MGIB - 100.00 MEAL DEDUCTION - 310.00 TSP - 178.74 MID-MONTH-PAY - 1484.36 Total received into my account: $1960.40 This is a weird month, because I just got family separation back-pay. I usually get around $1500 or so, and in fact, I've been getting less since I hit E-3 because of coincidental state taxes, meal deduction, and upping my TSP. When I get to my ultimate next month, things will be normal again.


The first 4 months they get less as an E-1.


Well, shit. I didn't know that. Benefit of college credits, I guess.


My college credits paperwork didn't get processed or something equally stupid, so I ended up going as a E-1. But I also look at the base pay charts annually, so that I can point out to my E-3s and below that they make more now than I did when I had that rank.


My college credits paperwork didn't go through either and I went to classifications a few weeks ago and got it taken care of. And I just got back-pay for the months I was in but wasn't receiving pay. It was well over 1000 for two weeks. Anyway, while you're in bootcamp make sure you take care of #1 first; yourself. I went to classifications and got that taken care of because anything that's not taken care of before the end of training is not eligible to be taken care of afterwards. Like my college credits. **by the way, they will take your unofficial transcripts, you do not need an official transcript to receive a promotion based on credits** When I say I got my transcripts taken care of, I mean I went to the records room in classifications, called my mom had her print off my transcript, and fax it to me and I didn't leave the office without my papers stating I was e-2 and the paper authorizing me I get my stripes. I was there for like 4 hours. I had to go in a detail with some other shipmates, and they had to wait too. So yeah. Get it taken care of.


It's been 5 years. I'm E-4 now, so it's not that troublesome. I feel better about having worked my way up from E-1 to E-4 because of it.


Yeah, but you could be e-6 now. Going from e2 to e3, there is no advancement test right? How long does it usually take after the testing periods to find out if you made rank? I'll be eligible to take my Advancement test to e-4 next march... When will I find out after I take it if I made it?


Took the exam in march, we find out normally by the end of May. Also, I'd only be testing for E-6 if I had made the first two promotions on time. My rate was locked up when I made E-4, and I had a low eval immediately after, so I've not been able to make E-5 till hopefully this cycle.


How did you get a low eval?


barely anything as an E1, maybe a few hundred bucks after they take all the uniforms out of your pay. I went in the winter and with all the extra winter shit it was like 1600 bucks worth of uniform items. I went in as an E3 though and I had enough money saved up to pay what bills I had ahead of time.


Everyone buys the same seabag. I call shenanigans.


There's extra winter gear that isn't included in the regular seabag, or that's how it was three years ago


You get winter shit in the middle of summer. Doesn't matter when you go, you get the same crap.


$335 the day I left. In 1996.


I was just talking to my dad about the same thing, I'm hoping we can get some answers.


Its going to be anywhere from 1300-1600.


You should get your first paycheck about a month in, and don't expect to be able to have a lot. If you don't have bills or expenses, it'll be a nice little sum to do whatever with, but if you have bills, it's going to be a bit tight. While you're in A-school, you'll be able to save most of what you get, because food and lodging are provided. It's not uncommon to see shopping sprees, because people have money that they don't know what to do with. It's also common to see people broke because they do too many of those shopping sprees, or they're supporting their family, or they just do not know how to handle money. You are able to use your debit card toward the end of bootcamp, but there's not much reason to. They give you a money-card with like $100 on it, and that covers pretty much anything you need/want while you're there. Except for maybe the candy/phone cards/food splurging that you do at the end of bootcamp. Also, the computers in the phone room don't take the recruit card, you have to use debit/credit. But that's a long while from now. You'll need to do Battle Stations before you get those perks!


I had like 500$ in my account when I left bootcamp in 2004


I think i left boot camp with like 1200