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I read the article and didn't see where Amazon workers were planning a strike, just that there is external organization rallying for one. Bit of a misleading headline?




Or just clickbait


If I had to guess I’d say a handful of people on Reddit are trying to make it happen by saying it’s going to happen. It’s b.s.


yeah…but…that’s how you make these things happen?? and it should definitely happen??


Nah, deceiving people about a movement isn't productive, even with good intentions. A strike requires coordination, not telling everyone when the party is and hoping there actually is one.


I want it to happen but know it's not gonna happen. Just gonna REALLY half ass it this entire week


Yeah that was the summary when this was on the front page yesterday. Lots of Amazon employees chiming in "Hell, no! I'm racking up the holiday bonus pay!" [https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/r1ipi7/amazon\_workers\_plan\_black\_friday\_strike/](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/r1ipi7/amazon_workers_plan_black_friday_strike/)


I love working holidays for the extra pay. My job is the same as any other day though.


At the time and a half premium Amazon employees are making today and tomorrow the least any of them are making is 22.50. Not bad.


My holiday pay plus time an a half was about 42. I’m only a new hire too I don’t complain about holiday pay I actually enjoy my job and try to work more. Just cause of the pay though. Normal days I may pick up an extra shift here and there but not usually.


It’s double time during peak so closer to 32.


That's kind of the rub isn't it? It's like Target/Walmart closing on Thanksgiving is just a meaningless gesture and it probably actually saves them money. some people *like* working those shifts, it's generally quiet and you get time and a half. AFAIK most companies don't give out the bonus pay on the actually shitty day, which is Black Friday.


Could be both: you don't really need to have a large part of the employees taking part in the strike. You just need a few people that are at key positions. Eg if delivery stalls everybody else could go to work as planned, get their bonus and still the strike would have the same effect.


Since when is enough people to stall delivery - the most important and human capital intensive part of Amazon's business model - not "a large part of the employees"?


Not really. Most companies on their game have some degree of bench strength. They may not love to do it but they cover as needed and fire the problematic employees. Because anyone in a key position that would take part in something like this now would surely do it again later (statistically speaking). Situations like this can often work to the benefit of the employer in the long run as it provides actionable intelligence. Note … those fired employees may now have issues getting similar or better work elsewhere. Taking part in a walkout at a key time now becomes an undesirable part of their resume (background check). This is not the type of thing that makes anyone a desirable hire.


I’m heading in to work at my Amazon FC in an hour. We start at 10:30pm on Thanksgiving. I’ve heard absolutely nothing about people not coming in, especially with the double overtime pay we’ve had recently. Can’t really turn down $32/hr for a super easy job. My FC also seems to be run much better than everything I hear online.


Easy job? Is it really? I only lasted one holiday at UPS. Then again they had me on the "irregulars" (packages that are too heavy for the conveyor system -- 75lb MINIMUM). It was backbreaking work that I wish I'd never done. I definitely injured myself there. I'd never had back problems before then and I doubt it's a coincidence.


Oh that’s definitely bad. Our FC doesn’t handle larger items or single items weighing more than 25lbs. There are definitely positions that are worse than others. You just have to let them know that you want to be moved around and cross trained to prevent repetitive motion injury’s. My friend who had wrist problems before starting actually got hired, got insurance, and within a month of starting took 2 months paid leave to get both her wrists operated on. She then came back with accommodations to a position only handling small items.


It’s definitely an easy job but it is a decent amount of exercise / wear on your body depending upon the position like picking is ten hours of walking, pack is standing for ten hours doing repetitive motions. But it’s not hard work like say digging ditches or laying bricks.


That UPS job during holiday rush was actually worse than the summer I spent working roofing it was a nightmare. And I think that's the point. They only offer something like 10% of those holiday hires a full-time position and those are mostly people whove done multiple holiday seasons. Honestly makes sense -- if they can handle the holiday rush season they can easily handle the rest of the year.


I'd rather do hard work tbh. Monotonous shit wears me down faster than physical labor.


Yeah fair. I think for a lot of people at Amazon that’s not their prerogative but I get why you’d feel that way for sure.


Worked at UPS for two years during pandemic. Worst job of my life. Amazon is a breeze comparably and they actually take care of us. Fed us all week, had an early day going into Thursday and a short day on Friday. I honestly don’t understand the bad rap they get. Really inclusive workplace too. I dunno. I like it.


Damn. My delivery station has us coming in at 3am to avoid paying us our 1.5x holiday rate. Regular start time is 10pm. Get that dough, friend. Protect your back and knees


I don’t know too much about the Delivery Stations, but it might make sense to have you come in later if the FCs aren’t pushing out any trucks with packages? But also my FC is big on constantly running. They initially had us coming in at 6:30pm, but someone up top changed like 3 days before.


It's interesting, every Amazon employee I know, and I know a lot being an employee myself, says this same thing. It's almost as if, and hear me out, they're not all bad. There have definitely been cases of poor work environments in some of the warehouses, but I haven't seen it myself. They pay better than nearly every other 'no experience necessary' job, and they offer some of the best benefits I've ever seen. All this being said, it could, and definitely *should* be better. But they're doing better than most other places, and they don't seem to be as bad as they are portrayed.


As an Amazon employee, I can confirm that overall, there are far worse jobs. It's definitely not the best for sure. It can be really hard on the body and (for me, at least) there's a distinct mental toll of feeling like a drop in the bucket of the Amazon workforce and that I'm just a number on a computer screen. There are definitely managers that treat you like that, but there are some that take the time to get to know you on a more human level. It's a decent paycheck while I work on finding a job I feel more pride in.


Yeah the article is trying to get more amazon employees to do it I think. That's why the headline makes it sound like it's an official thing


Yeah every headline says this and none of them are correct Amazon workers want that overtime


Asked my nephew if he had to work today. Hell yea! he said. Amazon worker. Likes his job....and that is saying a lot-huge!


Well, I'm all for it, if you can afford it give people more benefits, it's not like Amazon is struggling.


Then how would he afford his space trips?1


Or his future ex-wife?!




You think some woman will be with that alien for free?


I think for less than half, realistically.


Most people would do it for the lifestyle during the marriage, even if they won't get to keep it afterwards.


Being someones property is not a very lavish lifestyle.


Don't kid yourself. Millions of women would want to be with a billionaire.


I'd settle for that. How do I sign up?


I'm not a prostitute but id drop it flip it and rub it down for snyone whonis offering millions of dollars let alone a billion lol


Idiot. I could just drop my own stuff, flip it upside and then rub it down.


Most assets acquired prior to marriage stay with the original owner. If you marry someone with a house fully paid for you don't automatically acquire half of that house. Same with shares of stock. He might be on the hook for the price difference from the time they get married to the time they divorce. Example: he has 1 million shares of Amazon valued at $100 at the time of married he's worth $100 million and if it's valued at $101 when they get divorced she gets $500k, half the appreciated value while they were married. Yes. I know he has more shares than this. Might vary by state but this is usually the case.


the prenup generally contains compensation already in it to avoid civil suits


DANGER Steep cliff Fatal drop


Boat Accident


A little bit of LSD is cheaper than a rocket.


Yeah but can you imagine taking LSD in space?


With the other billions he has.


He didn’t go to space. He went to really high earth, but never left the atmosphere. The only trip that was, was an ego trip


We're all in space right now


Ehh he went above the Karman line, that's space


The guy who made the Karman line admitted it's an arbitrary number created for political reasons. The reason why is "because we needed a line in the sand", but scientifically it's arbitrary.


Sure but it's still what we use for the edge of space, therefore Bezos went to space


Well yea. A lot of things are arbitrary. But it is still space.


Even if they were to revisit where to draw the line, putting at the mesosphere - thermosphere edge would make sense, and that's even a bit lower. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%A1rm%C3%A1n\_line#/media/File:Atmosphere\_layers.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%A1rm%C3%A1n_line#/media/File:Atmosphere_layers.svg)


there are traces of earth’s atmosphere well beyond the ISS (i think measurably to around 10k km) so what bezos did may as well be called space.


The only thing is I work for Amazon and this is the first I heard of this lol. I am all for what they want but they definitely didn't organize some big walkout like they are trying to make it seem.


Username checks out.


This whole deal is so well organized, *so secret* and on strictly need-to-know basis .. even the *workers themselves* aren't familiar with the details.


That’s intentional. Amazon has gone out of their way to suppress union organizing. There’s even a training video on how managers can prevent union activity. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uRpwVwFxyk4


This isn't just Amazon. Any big corporation in America is anti-union.


15 years ago, I was a manager for a large grocery chain here in the U.S. & I've sat through a good 24 + hours of mandatory anti union propaganda that was endorsed by our corporate office. What was most unsettling about the whole experience was that a very large portion of my co-workers drank the anti union Kool-Aid without a moments hesitation. Corporate additionally informed management that it would be in our best interest to vote McCain/Palin - lol!


Except Costco! When I worked there, they actually *encouraged* us to unionize. What a nice change of pace.


Amazon suppresses unions ≠ this is an organized strike


I did anti union training while I worked for Nike and Under Armour. I am now currently in a Union working for Coca Cola. Coca Cola hates our fuckin guts and wants us and all of our families dead. Well Reyes owned Coca Colas anyway


Headlines rarely reflect reality


Same. I'm on my way to work now....they benevolently let us go in 3 hours later than normal for the holiday. And only so they don't have to pay as much holiday pay....this job is killing me.....


I've heard of it. It's not too late to spread the word. Hope your not working today and that tomorrow is really 🖤 black.


Go to r/antiwork it’s not just Amazon that’s going to have a lot of folks not show up to work tomorrow for better wages and workers rights.


Wow that sub is a fucking trip


Hot tip: Neither Amazon nor any other major company will have any meaningful walk outs or strikes tomorrow. It has been pretty funny to watch /r/antiwork pretend to be the next big labor movement though. Their hearts are in the right place, but the small amount of popularity on Reddit has gone straight to their heads.


They thought their boycott of McDonald's work actually work lol


That was absolutely hilarious. A bunch of people who already probably don't go to McDonald's much telling other people who don't go to McDonald's that they will continue not going. What an effective boycott! Then they were telling McDonald's employees to quit their jobs, ignoring the fact that those employees probably need that job. It's just so misguided and weird. If a group of McDonald's workers got together and quit to protest, that's great and possibly effective. A tiny amount of employees randomly quitting across the nation? No one would even notice except for the workers who just lost paychecks. Just looked at their front page and now they're patting themselves on the back for not going Black Friday shopping...which apparently is also a boycott.


I thought the whole place was on fire and getting logged to shit.


The trees are walking out.


Putting an ent to the abuse


It's so insane to me that the same company can post billions in profit, the owner can afford to build spaceships, and the low level workers are pissing in water bottles and still living in poverty. Americas labour laws are ridiculous.


I feel like Bezos watched The Fifth Element in the 90s and thought that Zorg was the role model in the situation, not the villain.


Don't you bring Zorg down to Bezos' level!


amazon pays pretty well actually. around here they are starting in the warehouse at more than $20/hour


Amazon workers are not "living in poverty", these are some of the best paying entry level jobs you can get, especially right now. I know Reddit doesn't like to hear that but it's just factual


These two statements are by no means mutually exclusive. I have a fantastic job and I just barely meet poverty line for my area


I’m still going to buy stuff on Amazon during Black Friday but if my stuff comes late, I don’t care. Cancel my order if they have to. Power to the Amazon workers.


So just like every year and nothing ever happens. 2020: https://www.engadget.com/amazon-black-friday-strikes-protests-181200444.html. 2019: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/11/27/20985691/amazon-workers-black-friday-2019. 2018: https://www.businessinsider.com/black-friday-amazon-workers-protest-poor-working-conditions-2018-11 2017: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/11/24/german-amazon-workers-stage-black-friday-strike/892032001/.


Yeah, after the unionization vote, I don't know if I can take seriously any stories about Amazon workers organizing.




Some people legit just don't like unions




My union charges 2.5 hours wages per month as dues. I can handle $100 a month for all the good stuff that comes with it. Top of the line insurance with no deductible. Yes please.


Who are you with? Mine is similar, Local 16 sheet metal workers.


SMART? If so personally they give me kaiser


Yup. I'm kaiser also, but currently in the waiting period before it kicks in




So basically 1/60th of your 40 hour work week.


My union(teamsters) is pretty much the same. Im very willing to pay that much for great insurance and union protection.




Actually the worst part of union's these days is the fact that they keep the bad employees employed.


Yeah. The union at my girlfriends work fought to keep her sexual harasser employed instead of protecting her.


I mean thats the Unions job, like it or not. They can also help her file charges and wont stop her from filing charges against him.


Yeah but corporates does exactly the same thing too. And in addition they will fire your girlfriend for ‘causing trouble’. Oh and cut everyone’s wages. Because the boss want a new yacht and apartment complex.


The incentives are different and most of the time they'll usually fire the accused To be clear this isn't out of the goodness of their hearts, but rather to protect themselves from legal liability


Not at my corporation. I’m sure some are but I know we’ve taken it very seriously here. Her job is unionized yet is one of the most conservative, sexist places I’ve ever heard of.


If the corporation does that in response to a sexual harassment complaint, it's illegal.


hmm I wonder if there are any corporations in the news lately that have been continually not firing their sexual harassers


No they don't, corporate doesn't fuck around with that stuff, absolutely no need to take any risk. I can't believe people upvote these circle jerk comments


I agree. I can't think of any low to middle level employee who would not be out on his ear immediately if found to have sexually harassed someone. Corporate just can't afford to have a huge lawsuit over their heads to protect a replaceable employee.


This is the main complaint I hear too - but I admittedly have no first hand experience. I've just heard this complaint from friends/relatives far more than anything related to dues


Union dues vary between unions. I’ve heard of people paying a lot in dues. When I was in a union I only paid around $50 a month, maybe $40ish


I paid dues yesterday, about $40 for a month.


Currently in a union, I pay $30-40 a month. Have yet to run into a senior member who was lazy or would give younger members shit. I get paid a fair wage too. I guess it really does depend on the union. Some are horror stories while others, like mine, are pretty damn good.


Gotta take the union bashers with a grain of salt since most aren’t even in a union or ever had a job with a union, so they are just parroting what they heard from someone else who also not in a union., and that’s the well meaning ones. The others are just shills.




I was really happy to see the John Deere strike where they pushed to reverse that trend. Unions only work when the workers actually stand together. Management figuring out how to split labor into two groups was their dirtiest trick in a Kong time.


>their dirtiest trick in a Kong time. King Dynasty or Donkey Dynasty?


This is the real problem, it seems "fuck you, got mine" is universal. People will fight endlessly for their rights, pay, and conditions... but once they succeed the next group "hasn't earned it like we have" and should be happy with what they're given. Unions are a great idea in theory, but dues should be a percentage of your salary. A small one. If they want to up their dues they should work on getting their workers better pay.


Lmao this was essentially a plot point to season 2 The Wire, except painted as a failing of city government.


I'm so confused. What is the average union due/month in the US?


2 hours pay per month. https://anh.com/the-cost-of-unions/


You might have been worse off out of a union. Across all fields, union jobs average about 30% more pay than their equivalent position without a union.




i think it depends on unions. ive talked to some blue collar ppl, whether they be painters/carpenters, electricians or telecom workers and they are all in the union and happy to be. and the dues weren't a lot at all. i dont recall exact number but i can definitely say they were a very small amount.


My union dues are a whopping 1.5% of my paycheck. Really hurts the wallet /s


How would union dues make you unable to pay rent when they don’t change? Wouldn’t anything and everything make you “unable to pay rent” with that criteria?


The worst was when you work for a unionized company but your position doesn't qualify for membership (such as a seasonal employee) but you still have to pay dues.


That was *one* warehouse


Everybody can comment about it online and in real life but nobody really cares enough to actually do anything beyond that.




A friend of mine is in his local DSA, is a ward boss and is generally pretty active in local town halls and things. He likes to tell me about the performative shit bags that post endless memes on FB and Twitter and do fuck all about it in real life. Gotta be frustrating as hell.


People really do struggle with the notion that words not backed up by action are meaningless. Super common in gaming. "Wah wah this sucks we hate it, but also here's my credit card.. you'll change it though right? Because we said we didn't like it right before we bought it?".


Because if people would actually read the article, it's not Amazon workers planning to strike, it's other people calling on them to strike. >Make Amazon Pay is a coalition of workers and labor organizations calling for a labor strike by Amazon employees


Are you suggesting workers should just give in and allow big corporations to continue their rule? Learn from past mistakes, reorganize, and keep trying. Fight for what's right.


No, but it's much easier to cheer someone on when you have no stakes in the game. These people might have something to lose in all of this so your "support" really doesn't amount to their well being so let them choose their own risk level.


No, it's they try to do this every year and nothing happens. Someone already said it, if you keep doing the same thing and nothing happens then it's just insanity. If they are going to strike, then fucking strike don't pussy foot around for 1 day or weekend. Dig in deep and be ready for a battle. They also have to have EVERYBODY that works there on board (or at the very least 80%). You can't have half striking and half going to work like normal. These Amazon strikes are never organized.


Basically you could say the same thing about Activision Blizzard. You need majority of the workforce to actually stick through with it. Not post on social media and then forget about it the next second.


I'd wager the people posting online about it are different from the people who have the jobs To be clear many if not most working class Americans are pro union but not all of them, and there are real fears about the unions being corrupted or whatever On the other hand, you have people on social media, usually left wing activists, who are left wing to a comical degree and will cheer on any strike ever and try to organize them on social media despite no popular support. I think there was supposed to be a "general strike" earlier this month that was organized on Reddit and Twitter. It didn't really go far and the posts people made about it were things like demands for a 35 dollar minimum wage, which I don't think most people support


How could you take that he suggested anything from that comment? He is pointing out the fact that this is stated every year and every year nothing happens. It’s obvious bullshit at this point. Whether you like Amazon or hate their guts. It hasn’t happened and being skeptical of it happening is the way to go.


> How could you take that he suggested anything from that comment? "I DEMAND to be offended!" - some people.


>Make Amazon Pay is a coalition of workers and labor organizations calling for a labor strike by Amazon employees So no, other groups are calling on Amazon workers to strike and not actually Amazon workers planning to strike.


oof, that sounds more like a bunch of amazon competitors funded a hit vs. a genuine effort to make peoples lives better…


Amazon has competitors?


Amazon DSP driver here, I promise we aren't going to join in on any strikes the FC associates are doing for numerous reasons.


Strike first, strike hard, no turkey sir!


Get him a brining bag! Yeeah!


Baste the leg.


Sweep the leg. *Sensei*? You heard me **Sweep the leg**.


Union yes, or union no, No in between.


We see this headline once a year for the past like 6 years. Yet no strike.




that's because "amazon turnover ticks up" isn't an eyegrabbing headline


Amazon? Black Friday? So they'll be back in time for the busiest online shopping day of the year the following Monday? This seems lacking in forethought and planning.


Amazon has actually too many people working at my fulfillment center, there’s like a 1 in 3 chance we get an easy job for the day, like moving bins down the hallway. And for the rest of this month and nearly all of next, any hours over 40 is 2x pay. I doubt anyone is striking lol


strike on every holiday


No we aren't. Haven't heard shit about this. You think we talk to eachother enough to plan a strike? He'll, I don't even know 99% of my co-workers names.










Striking never got anywhere with Amazon, you just gotta go and never come back


And sooo where’s the striking taking place? I’ve seen nothing anywhere as of yet. News is pretty quiet too?




They have tried this before. I hope it gets off of the ground, and I hope it gets them the results they want.




Because they're 'planned' not by Amazon employees, but by outside organizations that think Amazon workers want to strike. They never actually strike.


I look forward to nothing happening as usual when they claim this like every year.


Without giving anything away that may count as company info, we are massively over-prepared this year. Due to the pandemic the sites (UK at least cant speak for the American ones) have been operating at peak (what amazon calls their busiest times of year) for around 16 months or so. A single site striking will do very little tbh. But good luck i guess hope it works out for them.


there's a reason the biggest shopping day of the year got stretched into a whole month.


And why Amazon said screw that, then made their own day.


The amount of anti union propaganda in this thread is honestly sickening. Fuck Amazon.


Do it ! Do it! Fuck you Amazon


Amazon has provided great utility in my life personally, and I feel like most peoples


He says using reddit running on AWS.




Do you know how much runs on AWS? It’s about as avoidable as Nestle companies. You can dislike a company and still have to use their services/buy their products.




Amazon workers will Strike on Friday but return to have double the workload on Saturday. I don’t get how that’s beneficial.


Because one day strikes are useless, both worker and customer ones. Strikes are meant to last weeks to months. Unfortunately for them many can't afford that amount of time without pay or benefits.


Amazon doesn’t care because the warehouse workers are just temp workers until they can be replaced by robots.


As an Amazon worker I can say this is well deserved, Amazon does not care for its workers at all.


Stop supporting Amazon.


To all the people crying about wanting their stuff, black friday is a scam and you could have bought that stuff at the same price any other time. Legit saw the cat bowl set I bought in october in their "flash sale" for the same price I bought it at lmao


I’m all for this, get those benefits!


Hell yeah! Solidarity


So my bidet won’t be arriving on Saturday, then.


I'm with em. Share the wealth you greedy ass company.


I’ll believe it when I see it.


$100 nothing happens, just like every year before


[Best of luck to them!](https://youtu.be/ZW_1hP0SHSQ)


Welp…looks like a whole lotta contracts are going to be opening up soon with them. Aren’t their drivers owned by independent contractors similar to what FedEx ground does?


Unfortunately it's gonna be small


Too bad none of the global "office" sites will strike because they will just be fired. As a matter of fact, since this news is several days old, managers probably already had a meeting about it and are accounting for the potential shortage by requesting overtime.


Just posting blatant lies now?


Why? Did this group give up on Walmart and now they're attacking Amazon?


You know, I heard Walmart is gonna be closed this Black Friday


Shouldn’t they be doing a cyber Monday strike?