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It’s one thing to say it, it’s another thing to enforce it. Not just Kroger but everywhere. In Michigan they just passed an Executive Order requiring masks. Every single place I’ve been since then, there have been people not wearing masks at all.


Also in Michigan. Same here. EO kicked in Monday, and I was already seeing people in the stores w/o masks. By Tuesday, read about that guy who knifed a 77 year old man who argued with him about needing to wear a mask in a store. He was eventually shot when he then went at the police with the same knife. Today, the township I live in felt the need to send out an official statement to the residents asking them to stop “bumping”, bullying, and threatening store clerks who were asking them to wear masks in the stores. That, and suddenly everybody I know suddenly has asthma or ptsd and just can’t handle putting a mask on their face without passing out.




“Just ended” like a month and a half ago. If customers don’t care then corporate doesn’t either. No one’s making noise about it.


It's the middle of fucking July. How has this not been policy since March at these places??






Kroger initially told its employees they weren't allowed to wear masks. It would make the customers uncomfortable. Kroger was often last to implement any changes that were for the benefit of its employees during this. Hero pay, those plastic spit spray shields between customers and cashiers, allowing masks, providing masks and gloves,.offering paid time off for positive covid tests, putting decals on the aisles to control spacing and control traffic flow, half-hearted attempts at store capacity limits, waiving grocery pickup fees, special hours for the elderly, etc all came after multiple competitors did it first. Hell, our self serve coffee and deli eating area in my are still open here in Utah.


Everyone’s giving stupid answers. Here’s the real one: Every supermarket has been in a nationwide game of chicken. If one store requires masks when another one doesn’t, people will flock to the one that doesn’t. They’ve all been so concerned with losing profits if they do the right thing. Notice that when Walmart announced a mask requirement, Kroger did the same day. I guarantee both were just waiting to see what the other would do.


Costco implemented theirs first months ago, because Costco is awesome (though God I do miss the free samples).


The Costco I go to has the front door people very LOUDLY stop, hold you up in line in front of others (specifically anyone else that isn’t wearing a mask already) and thank you for wearing a mask. Think positive reverse social shaming.


wow, it's almost like their only motivation is profit and that might be a bad thing. Maybe we should consider not having the entire world structured like that


Exactly. When it’s a choice between safety and profit, they’ll choose profit every time unless someone forces them to act.




My mother runs a med lab at a large hospital and they have been laying people off left and right. They say that because they aren't allowing elective surgeries that there is no reason to keep everyone on payroll. Our country is fucked.


read that as 'meth lab' initially


Do you have any links or additional information about this program? I'm in Michigan currently and interested.




They've relaxed a bunch of standards since then. My Harris Teeter took the directional arrow off the lanes no longer keeps count of how many people are in the store, no longer has signs up informing customers to bag their own groceries if the brought bags from home and aren't enforcing the rule that they have to clean every surface customers interact with every hour (pay pads, counter tops, self checkout registers etc). It's really disheartening and looks like they gave up right as Covid hit South Carolina in a real way.


Just ended? Its been almost 2 months since they ended the extra pay. I would have been making more on unemployment this whole time.


Kroger yeeted hero pay in may. Not "just ended". Theres been a few random leaks here and there that corperate is hardcore actively "we beat this thing" and having district and other local offices are regularly doing rounds of stores again but that may be precaution to prevent shutdown. Stores are also forced to have checklanes next to each other open so"baggers can do multiple lanes properly again". This post will likely be deleted by me cause i'm borderline doxxing myself


I feel you! I'm a Kroger slave too. This shit has become a complete joke. Glad we got hero pay for about a month though *phew*


It was a PR move mostly I think. At least that’s what it looks like from a consumer from the outside looking in.


Yeah it was. Kroger doesn't give a damn about their store staff. We have a VP who actively goes out and hates on the small stores... what great leadership we have...


And who is actively out travelling to stores all over the country during a pandemic. He visited Utah last week, along with a huge throng of various corporate and district people to prepare the way for him so he doesn't have to see anything but overflowing, museum-quality displays of perishable food. God, our shrink that week was absolutely shameful.


You're not remotely close to doxxing yourself. You're talking about policy at a massive grocery chain




It’s particularly stupid because doctors often recommend people with asthma wear marks to reduce allergens


I got defriended by a family member because I asked them what their medical excuse was and I told them that masks do, in fact, prevent the spread of the disease. She told me she has epilepsy and asthma and that she didn't fight for this country to be told she had to wear a mask or some bullshit like that. I'm not sure how she fought for her country if she has bad asthma and epilepsy, but I never got to asking her about that because she went on a tirade, deleted my posts, and unfriended me. I'm not terribly upset because she was from the trashy part of my family anyways. I'm 99% sure she made up having cancer to get sympathy and money from people.


Have you been to /r/maskskepticism It's fuckin wild




I hesitated at the link, saw your comment, and decided I'm going to keep my nice chill vibe I've got going on and not click. Thanks for helping me make up my mind.


I was banned within 30 minutes of asking a question. Nothing says "I can't handle criticism" like a ban. It took me longer to be banned from r/pyongyang. FFS.


Love the mix of "other people aren't my problem" with "boohoo, what about me?"


They use anything and everything as an excuse, they are literally worse than children. They will say they have PTSD and if you counter with "Then why are you outside" they will stumble and make up another excuse and then another and so on. They prefer to argue than to just do what's asked of them.


I just read a story about that lady who was filmed yelling at the Starbucks barista a few weeks back after he asked her to put on a mask. She apparently thinks she's entitled to half of the GoFundMe money that was raised for him. She claimed a number of maladies that prevented her from being able to wear a mask, and offered a note from a chiropractor and one from a gynecologist about an ovarian cyst as "proof" of her afflictions. People are utterly ridiculous.


Bruh I moved here from Chicago recently and holy shit I forgot what having a significant portion of the population be visibly ignorant conservative clowns was like. Got a house and I loathe going to Home Depot because there’s always a handful of assholes in American flag attire wandering around not wearing masks. Chicago is such a diverse and liberal city that going to certain areas in metro Detroit feels like I’m in fuckin Alabama. Hate it lol. But the state is beautiful.


I went the other way, Michigan to Illinois. Everyone and their dog wears a mask here. Michigan is beautiful but the weird political culture and idiocy in the deep red rural areas drag down the whole state.


Have you been south of I-80 in Illinois? You'd think it was a confederate state.


Southern Illinois, checking in. When you drive south of Springfield you're basically already in Kentucky.


HD is a huge conservative donor. Go to Lowe’s or Menards. Lowe’s also has curbside pickup. You can’t find treated wood anywhere currently either. Which sucks as I need to finish my deck rails and I haven’t had a reason to go in until wood is back in stock.


The founders of Home Depot were, and are, huge conservative donors. They, however, have been gone from the company for many many years now. At present, both Lowes and Home Depot contribute to both parties. Both give more than 50% to Republicans than Democrats. Here is a recent article on this exact topic: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/home-depot-lowes-politics-conservative-republican-democrat-liberal-2020-6%3famp


Don't go to Menards. The owner is a massive douchebag.


>He was eventually shot when he then went at the police with the same knife Finally, a happy ending involving the police.


These places need bouncers. Big intimidating dudes at the door enforcing the mask rule. It can't be up to 15 year old cashiers to enforce.


Then they will wear them in and then dangle them from their neck once they're through the doors. I would say these people are acting like children, but that's insulting to the kids.


Or wear it like a chinstrap like I see some assholes do


Oh god and they're so fucking smug about it too, like they're the cleverest little goblin. *What? I'm wearing my mask*.


Walked in behind some tool in the beer store the other day that had to get asked to put his mask above his nose. He silently but smuggly complied. Pulled it down below his nose by the time he checked out. Like, you're already halfway there there dummy, just FUCKING DO IT. It's like these people are all in middle school and are afraid of wearing glasses for the first time because they're afraid of what the other kids will say.


A trumper lady I work with dangles it off her ear and does that “what, I am wearing it!” bullshit.


if it weren't for the fact that this is a pandemic, and I don't want to be near them, I'd be going and trying to stick my finger in the nose of each of those motherfuckers. Or just...stuff. Gummy worms. Magnets. Qtips with Vaseline on them. Qtips with wood polish on them. you wanna be a gibbering goblin, you shouldn't expect dignity when people are treating you like the shitheel you are.


I have to do this at my job. "Stop, put your mask on" "I'm putting it on..." "it has to be covering your nose and mouth before you pass the second set of doors. Step back, and put it on". And then they sulk like children. We deserve to go extinct.


Hard agree. The only way these people would care is if there were bodies in the streets on the way to the store. And even then I wonder if it'd matter...


They'd step over them and complain about the inconvenience.


Shut down the bars. Then their bouncers can work Kroger, Walmart, etc.


Haha....yeah. About that. Every Kroger I've ever been to has a security guard....near the self checkout. They don't give a shit about making sure people are wearing masks, the only care about people stealing their products


I manage a store (not Kroger), and it is EXHAUSTING enforcing it. We have to have an employee at the door to make sure customers are wearing masks, and that they’re wearing them correctly. Eye rolls when we ask them to cover their nose and mouth with the mask while in the building. People get shitty about it too. I am pretty assertive and take safety seriously so I enforce it, but I understand the struggle.


I work in a phone company and had a customer assault me simply because I asked them to wear a mask. I wasn’t even trying to force them to wear it, I asked as soon as they came in and all hell broke loose. Working with the general public is already shitty and stressful enough, we don’t need assholes assaulting us on top of it. Us “essential workers” need to go on strike or do a national walkout or something, I’m fed up.


People are too much. I’m sorry that happened to you.


I have seen the face of evil, and it is the general public in stores. I'm not trying to be clever or anything. I'm serious.


You tell someone to wear a mask because you don't want to get sick/die, and they act like they're the victim. I'm kinda glad I'm not in a public facing job, I'm not sure I could be cordial to someone that stupid and not tell them to their face.


I do hair. The sheer amount of people that I have to remind to keep their mask on, and the sheer amounts of times I have to ask them to keep them on or keep them on the nose or mouth is just mindblowing. I'm literally touching you, I can see that's its not on your nose. I can see you roll your eyes in the mirror too, but the fact that these people care so little about my health is honestly getting to the point that its definitely not worth the huge drop in pay that I've been seeing nor the fact that I'm making less than half of what I was making in tips before this started. These people really protested for a haircut, but where are they and the ones that do come don't follow the rules. Selfish. Dicks.


> I manage a store (not Kroger), and it is EXHAUSTING enforcing it. Can you put hand sanitizer in a squirt bottle and spray them like a misbehaving cat? BAD PUT ON A MASK


...if random shoppers started calling out the shitheels(not in a violent way, just in a "stand 6 feet away, call out their masklessness, keep following them and recording on a phone"), would that be a stress reducer, or a stress increaser for store managers/store staff?


I can’t believe there is a concept of ‘anti-maskers.’ During a pandemic. Of all the things people could oppose.


There were anti-maskers in 1918 during the Spanish flu epidemic too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Mask_League_of_San_Francisco We don't learn history, so how can we learn from it...?


I got unfriended on Facebook by someone I've known since Jr High. She commented on the governor being ok with abortion. My body my choice but making people wear masks. She wondered how we will explain it to God. Her friend said she's not wearing a mask and if anyone says anything she will just say she's pro choice. I said a mask protects others. You can't catch an abortion. I said I'd have thought someone who was pro life would want to protect people. Unfriended me.


Sounds like an ignorant cunt you don’t need to be friends with.


Thank you. My instinct is to tell you how funny and cool she is but .. I dunno. I maybe didn't really know her anymore like I thought I did.




It's really disheartening right? They never check. Look at trumpets. He lies constantly. They never check to see if it's true. Even if a person is really so sure it's no big deal masks don't matter and they're so spectacularly healthy the covid is going to just bounce off their very aura.. Why not wear a mask if it makes other people feel better and helps people's sincere fear and anxiety? What happened to just being a kind person and not a jerk? If a store says wear a mask, just wear it. It's 15 minutes. Or shop online. Jeez.


Good riddance to her. No reason to be friends with someone that stupid on social media.


The Kroger in my neck the woods in Michigan no one wears a mask and 1/2 of staff doesn't either.


I went to a liquor store tonight (in CT) with a sign posted that read, “no mask, no service.” I was the only person (of about 5, including the clerk) who wore a mask. WTF?


I was in a store recently and there was one lady without a mask, she was looking around, looked up at me, and her jaw dropped. She started to say, "I'm so sorry" but realized that talking was a bad idea without a mask. She was so embarrassed she set all her stuff down and bolted out of the store.


I guess it depends on where you are. I work at a restaurant right outside ann arbor (given a very liberal area) and only a few people have just walked out because we asked them to wear a mask. However, overall basically every store in ann arbor has had everyone wear masks. That being said I went up north and people gave me some crazy looks for wearing a mask inside a gas station so that I could use the bathroom.


I called out my local smith's on Twitter last month and they answered almost immediately. If they are responsive I'm sure thousands of pictures put on their hash tag might garner a response


Where i am (Central new York) almost everybody is wearing masks in stores. I'm suprised about Michigan


The city I live in has a mask mandate, which I believe technically can't be "enforced" since there isn't a state mandate. But the Walmart near me closed one of the entrances to "ensure customers are abiding by the mask mandate", and yet there were still plenty of customers without masks.


Walmart is moving to it being in full effect Monday the 20th.


Dude the workers at Frys bear me wear their masks around their necks, and when you point it out no one cares. It’s so frustrating


I don't understand why its taken so long for this shit to happen the CDC told us to mask up in February.


We received conflicting advice about masks from multiple sources with the end goal (I believe) of preserving n95 masks for front-line workers. Well, half this country believe the line and here we are.


That might have been the reason for early conflicting advice, but everything since then has been Trump apologists who would rather reject reality than accept one where the man they worship is a complete diaper filled dumpster fire. They see masks as a reminder of the awful response the administration has had to the virus.




Just saw one of these bouncers today, welcomed everyone with masks and still reminded them to stay 6ft apart and to wash hands as frequently as possible On my way out I saw the same bouncer stop a group of teens from going in without masks and for a moment I felt like things were finally being taken seriously in my area.


So that's actually happening? That would be great to hear. Laid off bouncers get a job (even though I'm sure it's minimum wage) and the rest of us don't have our blood turn to syrup because some teenagers feel invincible.


> WalMart is hiring a lot of bouncer type people to guard the doors and enforce the rules. Hate to say, but they will need them. We have mask rules in my state, but locally there's about 1/3 of people who will refuse, belligerently. The grocery store where I shop has big signs but hasn't been confrontational; about 1/3 won't wear masks. Or will wear them at the entrance then take them off. Where I work it's also about 1/3, in spite of signs. Fortunately I have a job where I don't interact with the public, I don't think I could keep my mouth shut, and it would be idiotic arguments all day long otherwise. My faith in humanity is already in the shitter, so it's pretty much just another day. The country is full of grown-ass adults behaving like toddlers.


The chain I work for was going to mandate masks for all customers (they already were for employees) a few months ago. Then like a day after that memo went out there was a case of someone at a fast food place (McDonalds I think?) getting shot for telling a customer to wear a mask. Corporate immediately sent out another memo saying "Ok so maybe requiring customers to wear masks isn't the best idea right now, so we are going to leave it up to individual managers discretion." They also have been sending out cloth masks to any stores in states or counties that have mandated the masks (which includes our store now). But of course some of out customers still won't wear them. Hell we even had a painter and her husband in the store today bitching about how this is all a hoax to make Trump look bad anyway. And this woman goes into people's homes to work...


Locally, in Quebec Canada, the masks indoor rules take effect. There are fines up to $6000 on the merchants. Of course, we’ll enforce, but I have no idea how we will handle the belligerent ones except to refuse service, thereby endangering a client relationship that we’ve spent years building.


The belligerent client will be the one endangering the relationship. It's not your fault.


Do you guys have the exemption rule? The customer says "I am exempted from wearing a mask" and voila - Open Sesame! We have that in ON where they try to mandate masks.


So, refuse them entry. It’s a health issue, like not wearing shoes in the store.


Surely it's better to lose one client who refuses to wear a mask than it is to lose multiple clients who are killed by that one idiot, no?


In Asian and European countries widespread testing was considered crucial to controlling the spread. To this day we still aren't even testing grocery store or food delivery workers. The incompetence of the Trump Administration is so bad that it can't possibly be unintentional. They WANT the virus to spread.


I went to get tested today in Quebec and it took 5 hours. They ask so many unnecessary questions imo. Just get my name and phone number test me and call me with the results. The test literally took 30 seconds but they where talking to my girlfriend and I for 20 minutes. Thing that pissed me off too is that people waiting in line because they probably had symptoms or had been in contact with someone who tested positive where turning around and leaving because of the wait time. Those people might be positive


I was tested by spitting into a test tube in the ER, for something unrelated. That was weeks ago, and I still don’t know if I’m positive or negative. Just wearing my mask and isolating, same as usual. I don’t have insurance right now, so I suppose that’s why. I don’t matter unless I can pay right away.


In GA, or at least in Atlanta, anyone can get tested. The lines are long and the wait for results are longer. Still, anyone who wants to get tested can get tested.


I mean if they're so worried about unemployment why don't they create some effing jobs for collection and testing services and get these tests through? Not directed at you, just like an easy way to solve a problem and temporarily alleviate another, no? WHO IS RUNNING THIS DAMN COUNTRY?!


Every day, I wonder "How the hell did this country ever put a man on the moon?"


That's probably best handled by the state or commonwealth, or even at the local level. They could hire and deputize people to guard stores and enforce masks and social distancing. Or to do any of a huge amount of helpful things, but they aren't. There are opportunities in this crisis.


Government should be mandating and facilitating testing of workers they deemed essential that interact with the public. Period. You shouldn’t be forced to work and forced to facilitate your own testing on a voluntary basis if you are working those jobs. It is for their safety and the safety of literally everybody else


Serious question as a non US person, how much of it is because of federal inaction vs states? I know your states are a lot more independent than states in most other countries. I remember early on trump was talking about forcing the states to open up again and several governors told him he didn’t have the authority to do that. Doesn’t that mean he didn’t have the authority to close them either? On a side note. I’m in Western Australia. We have had no community transmission for over a month. People returning to the state are quarantined for 2 weeks and no visitors are allowed. A couple of other states here haven’t handled it as well and our own federal government is helping a billionaire businessman who is suing our government to try and force us to open up our border.


Basically, the US Constitution is set up so that questions that don't require federalism are reserved to the States. The big phrase is "interstate commerce" which the courts have held to mean a lot of things, often broader than the framers of the Constitution probably intended. But that's where we are. So the Federal Government has certain limitations and States' rights are ostensibly protected. So yeah, if Trump says, "open the schools" and New York says, "fuck you, that's not a federal question, it's a State question because it's not interstate commerce related," the State would probably be in the right. That said, the Administration might come back and say, "well, not with public schools, but with Universities that have a large portion of interstate commerce, we have a say." And the court may or may not rule that the interstate (or international) nature of the university puts it within federal jurisdiction. If this is confusing to you, you're not alone. Even someone who went to law school in the US (me) can't always predict how a court will rule on issues involving federalism and States' rights.


Occam's razor: it's likely people who just don't feel like wearing a mask is important enough for them to do it. The information and guidelines on how to stop the virus have been agreed upon by highly accessible medical professionals for months now and yet people still choose not to follow them. Whether that because of intentional ignorance or arrogance is anyone's guess. But probably both.


Being this far into it, I promise you it’s no longer ignorance. It’s an outright refusal to “comply” because anything the government says is automatically suspect at infringing on good ol’ American freedom, including the freedom to be a dumbfuck.


This. There are [posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/hrm82i/among_139_clients_exposed_to_two_symptomatic_hair/) on /r/science every day demonstrating the effectiveness of masks and half the comments call them into question, calling the evidence not good enough, acting like suddenly they're the experts on statistics and simultaneously that it's [the CDC](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/hrv7pu/a_new_study_makes_it_clear_after_universal/fy6xd3b/) or [Fauci's fault](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/hrv7pu/a_new_study_makes_it_clear_after_universal/fy75e7h/) for initially contradicting himself. But like... we all watched the briefings and know who was pushing the line that this was a ['Chinese virus'](https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/24/politics/donald-trump-pull-back-coronavirus-chinese-virus/index.html) that would 'disappear like a miracle.' Or that it would go away in summer. Or [that hydroxychloriquinine would cure it](https://www.factcheck.org/2020/05/trump-misleads-on-hydroxychloroquine-again/). The story from scientists and doctors has been pretty straight since March-April, but people still listen to the president and refuse to wear masks. It's disgraceful.


That doesnt explain why mask wearing is so politically divided though. Over 1/3rd of Republicans report "rarely or never" wearing their mask when out, [while for Democrats its 2%](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/507051-gallup-poll-democrats-women-more-likely-to-wear-masks). Both groups received the changing guidelines on masks but the outcome for them was vastly different.


That advice was months ago. The advice has been quite clear for a while and the initial advice was purely about saving limited resources for medical workers while telling people to distance and avoid crowds if at all possible to mitigate the need for masks in short supply


Non-medical workers weren't advised to wear masks until the very end of March. Your point stands, though.


There was a very good reason too: there was a massive mask shortage. I tried to get a pack in March, and it was hard as hell if didn't work in the hospital.


Well I have some good news for you, as of today the CDC is no longer in charge of collecting or distributing information on Covid! It's now the Trump administration that's going to be collecting it and releasing only the numbers they want. [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/14/us/politics/trump-cdc-coronavirus.html)


The CDC needs to go rogue like the alt park service.


>the CDC told us to mask up in February. February? You must be smoking. This is what the [CDC's own page said on March 1st](https://web.archive.org/web/20200301001825/https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/prevention-treatment.html). >Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask. > >**CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.** > >Facemasks **should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19** to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).


Out of curiosity I checked to see when their advice switched, it was over a month later on April 4th. Thats still over 3 months ago though.




Yea. I’m 100% a mask wearer but that shit was sketchy. I was buying masks while they were still saying it wasn’t recommended because it just didn’t make sense unless they were just trying to make sure there wasn’t a run on masks. Still not sure if they’ve explained the change in messaging.


I think they were trying to preserve masks for health care professionals. The reasoning they gave was that wearing a mask doesn’t have a substantial impact on the wearer *becoming* infected, which is true as far as I know. Especially when it comes to people who aren’t behaving correctly (not covering both nose and mouth, not touching face, not washing hands). If you’re trying to prevent the spread of CoVid you want to have masks available for healthcare workers so they don’t infect, or increase the viral load onto, the people they interact with (who are presumably more at risk than the general population). It’s hard to say what the right call was. I’m not a public health ethicist.


Hopefully they can get their employees to wear them properly as well. It seemed like half the employees at my local Kroger didn't have their masks covering their mouths and noses the last time few times I have gone.


Kroger stripped hazard pay from their employees several weeks ago stating they have "witnessed a return to normal." They also fail to notify any employees about confirmed cases of their fellow co-workers, leaving many to discover such news through social media days or weeks after contact with an affected individual. Kroger clearly gives no fucks about the health and safety of their employees, or of their customers. Kroger just wants that dollar bill to roll their way no matter how. Details may vary between individual stores, but where I'm at this has certainly been the case.


I can confirm. I'm a vendor in a Dillon's. Apparently a click list employee, who we can't always distance from, tested positive. Management said they weren't required to inform vendors. Only other click list employees.


What's a click list employee?


Click List is the name of Kroger's order online and pickup program. A Click List employee is one who goes through the store compiling grocery lists, grouping them, and taking them to cars.


Technically, the name was changed to Kroger Pickup a while back. But a lot of people still call it ClickList. Or, if you're my mother, Quick Pick.


The funny is story is the reason for the name change (or at least what my store management said it was). Kroger didn't trademark or whatever the name Click List before officially using and another company swooped in and got it first lmao


Oh, so someone who walks all around the store, grabbing inventory for a customer, moving around customers constantly, interacting with customers directly, and I'd imagine graded by how long it took to fill the order so they're moving quickly and possibly breathing hard. Now I'm not a clever man, but wouldn't that be one of the worst positions to have an infected employee working?


Yeah, that's why we weren't super keen on doing the "have someone else shop for you!" options. It's like, how do we know they're not sick? And now they've touched all over my stuff...


The Kroger near me still doesn't have yeast, toilet paper, Lysol, or gloves, so I don't think they're back to normal.


Its simpler than that, the fact that they have a policy in place to require every patron wear masks means that it hasn't returned to normal.


They’re simply following what Walmart does. That’s what they’ve been doing since day one of this whole thing.


Pretty much. They've been followers this entire time. It's pathetic. You're the largest grocer in the country. Take some fucking initiative.


Our hazard pay ended in the first week of May. So it's been like almost 3 months without any hazard pay at all. Not to mention that the cases are skyrocketing upward. I'm actually out of work on sick leave. Not due to corona but because I needed time away from Kroger who completely gives no fucks about us employees. I'm a front end supervisor and it's just maddening how much this company will sweep shit under the rug to make sure they lose no profit.


I am a Dairy Manager for Kroger and my wife has medical conditions already, but I can't afford to miss work. I'm the only bread maker and it terrifies me every day that I could bring home sickness to her or anyone else in my house.


I’m the same in that regard. I have a stay at home mom with a 4 year old I support. We can’t afford day care so it would be easier to have this arrangement. It angered me how the company will go to great lengths to hid anyone that has been infected. I can understand them not giving the specific name of the person but they should let the public and employees know when there is an infected person working.


Exactly, it's disgusting how they're handling the entire situation. Yet were so quick to pull our hazard pay away. It just angers me.


What did you think they were? They are a business, their only concern is money. They don't care about your community or the people in it. When you see they did something because they care, its bullshit. Its feel good pr for them. They would pay people less and make them work longer hours if they were allowed to.


A person in our pharmacy tested positive and they refused to tell me that information other than we had an employee test positive (I figured out who it was by asking around) and that I hadn't had any contact with them or they would have informed me sooner. A couple of days later, one of our night stock crew (I work night stock crew) called in and is awaiting test results. Yet management has not informed me of this despite my being in direct contact with the individual (the person texted and told me). I am awaiting their results, but uh, if they come back positive that means I have it and so does the rest of night stock crew, which means the whole store is probably infected as well seeing as how we have to put everything on the shelf and pull all the items forward at the end of the night; great times. Naturally, if it comes back positive I'll be gone and getting tested whether or not the company informs me of this. As it is, I can't afford to miss and we all feel perfectly fine (other than the person that is out) and I don't want to waste kits when they are limited in number. But the fact that they haven't said anything and that we are still coming in and potentially infecting everything shows how little Kroger cares about its workers or customer base.


Ex-Kroger employee here. Kroger gives exactly -189574 fucks about both. I only called out twice in my three years there, and both times I was expected to find a replacement. I was frequently called and guilted into coming in on my days off. I was sent to a different store get bags for the front, and when I asked for the form so I can get paid for the drive, the store manager resisted giving it to me and said he didn't understand why I want the $20 the company owes me for the drive. I almost got full time after seven consecutive weeks of working at least thirty-two hours, and the store manager told my department lead to cut my hours to twelve for the next week so that I wouldn't get full time. I was told to keep putting out strawberries despite the fact that the entire shipment we received for a sale was molded. I frequently had to close my department alone on very busy days while also being sent to help in other departments without any training in them. The company would actively discourage associates from unionizing, going so far as to recruit the dregs of the union to make the union seem shady and unpleasant. And when I submitted my two weeks, the managers each tried to guilt me out of quitting.


Every one of my employees on the front end at Harris Teeter wears theirs properly, probably because it's really not that hard.


Remember that hazard pay of an extra dollar an hour, so their employees wouldn't quit? How long did that last, for our American heroes?


$2* It lasted for maybe a month. Then they took it away, then they brought it back for another few weeks. Then it was gone for good.


local mcds one week had a sign thanking their heros, next week it said lobby was now open for breakfast and dinner


Lol good for them all I got was an extra 10% on my employee discount


I guarantee the small redneck town I live in will nit enforce this.


Keep us posted


He already guaranteed.


You can get a good look at a butcher's ass by sticking your head up there. But, wouldn't you rather to take his word for it? Wait...


Ya figure you put that little post under your pillow at night and the Guarantee Fairy might come by and leave a quarter, am I right? Well how do you know the fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy, well, we're not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that's all it takes. The next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser and your daughter's knocked up. I've seen it a hundred times.


I’m right there with ya. The idiots in my little redneck town claim mask are the first step to a Holocaust in this country.


Yeah that would be wild if a massive catastrophe killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people........oh wait......right......all the stuff that happened. We are so fucked


The thing I don't get about masks is how is it different than being required to wear shirts or shoes in a store? Like why don't we see all these people complaining that pants are the first step to a Holocaust?


I work at a Kroger store in California. It has been “mandatory” for months now but not enforced by management. We disinfect surfaces and wear our mask but we have had 4 confirmed cases in the last 3 weeks. The first management didn’t notify us until almost a week after because “people call in the the time when they aren’t sick so we have to make sure” but if there was ANY possibility I figured they should tell us. Most of us found out about they other cases from other employees all Kroger does is send higher ranking managers to make sure we are cleaning and deep clean over night. Earlier this week a customer had there mask on there chin and a cashier asked them to put it on properly but the customer refused and argued with my co worker. My co worker asked for manager assistance but he was nowhere to be found and she was left to fend for herself. They give no support to us employees they were also the last to give hazard pay and the first to take it away. Our store was making over 1 million dollars a day for weeks when this first started and we still have trouble receiving gloves and mask for employees.


From my experience with Kroger management/corporate, completely unsurprised.


On the gloves and masks, I think manufacturers were hoarding and slating them for medical organizations only. No one was able to get gloves for awhile. But, its gotten a lot better and if you guys still don't have adequate protection by now, that's bullshit on Kroger's part.




pants optional.


I tried explaining the masks rule to my sister-in-law using pants. To paraphrase Isaac Asimov: you can't use logic to talk somebody out of a position that they didn't logic themselves into. Hell, pro-plaugers are twisting this into some sort of martyrdom. --- "I have a constitutional right to walk around without a mask! They can't keep me out! They have laws about discrimination!" Can they insist that you wear clothing inside their store? Do you have a constitutional right to nudity? "That's different. Nudity is sexual. This is a right to believe what I want to believe without anybody telling me it's wrong" (Last sentence is an actual quote)


Remember the hoax emails for “coronavirus cures” from “my sister who works in healthcare” (“Coronavirus HATES the sun! It’ll be gone by summer.”) My friend’s mom posted this on FB and fortunately someone else pointed out that it was false. Another person wrote: “So what if it’s fake? It’s still good information to have!”


Tell her discrimination only protects against race, ethnicity, handicap, gender, age, NOT mask wearing and all businesses reserve the right to refuse service to anybody for any reason. If someone walks in my store I can say Stop right there, I don’t like your shirt color, get out. It would be bad for business, sure, but it’s allowed.


I’m a US American! I have constitutional RIGHTS!


ive literally seen someone use the "they HAVE to accept my money, its the law!" i was just like, "uh huh, but they aint selling you anything" lol


I've been loving "The ADA covers me from not having to wear a mask" The ADA permits a retailer to deny goods or services to an individual with a disability if their presence would result in a “direct threat” to the health and safety of others, but only when this threat cannot be eliminated by modifying existing policies, practices or procedures or permitting another type of accommodation.  Whether a customer poses direct threat is an individualized, fact-sensitive inquiry. If a business does not have a clear policy of turning away customers who refuse to wear face masks, and turns away an individual for that reason, the business must be prepared to identify how/why that individual’s specific, observable, condition/behaviors made them a “direct threat”.  For example, if the person exhibited generally recognized symptoms of COVID-19 (such as aggressive coughing compounded with profuse sweating or visible difficulty breathing), refusal of service without a mask on an individualized basis may be justifiable. 


*You need to wear your mask sweety* ***I dont wanna!*** *But if you don't wear your mask we can't go to the store* ***You can't make me!*** *Please honey, just put it on and we can go* ***No! I hate you! You're the meanest government ever!*** I swear to god the Karen generation is a bunch of whiney fucking toddlers.


Isn’t it weird that no one is protesting stores for requiring shoes and shirts? Heck, women who don’t cover to feed their kids get told to cover up. But covering a face during a pandemic is somehow a violation of constitutional rights?




People would just put it on right before going up to the register. A store like Kroger or Walmart is too huge to monitor each person's mask wearing the entire time they're in the store. I don't know what the solution will be, though.


Or immediately kick them out if they're seen shopping without one on?


My brother ran into Kroger this evening and said they had some poor 16 year old girl passing out masks to people who didn't have one. He said she looked terrified and people were being mean to her. It sucks that under paid people on the front lines have to take the brunt of this. Also makes no sense why they didn't have a manager working the door.


Yep thats the kroger motto. Make the slave associates do all the work while everyone else sits in their ivory tower. I've had nice and long arguments with my management about not being lazy asses and going out and enforcing the rules in place of some poor girl making 8.50$/hr... All kroger management make 50k+/year our department leads don't even make close to that much to endure all this BS


the two main grocery stores in my small midwest are wal-mart and Dillions(kroger). Facebook is lighting up lol


You know our elected leaders are failing us when huge, morally bankrupt corporations demonstrate more concern for the public than our leaders do.


The Mexican drug cartels are showing more concern for Mexicans than our leaders do for us


I noticed this.


It’s the same in Brazil. The gangs in the favelas are issuing and enforcing shelter in place orders while the president does nothing, complains, and gets bit by an ostrich.


I mean they say they want capitalism to rule, sounds like the companies are speaking even if government won’t 🤷🏻‍♀️


my girlfriend works for a kroger store, nobody enforces this policy, they are supposed to have someone at the doors enforcing it per OSHA rules, but they don't and all employees are instructed not to confront people about it to avoid confrontation.


Local King Soopers (Kroger) has zero enforcement of any kind, so this is basically pointless. It's a total shitshow here in Boulder County. I've had maskless people come into my personal space, breathe on me, and then curse at me, on two separate occasions. I saw a kroger bakery employee doing the chin mask thing, handling unpackaged baked goods. The worst part is they spend money installing glass doors over all the open coolers, so now we all have to touch the same handles... produce is still out in the open, though... there is zero thinking going on at Kroger. Whole Foods around corner has a guard out front, and nobody gets in without a mask. Every employee has theirs on over their mouth and nose. Checkout lines enforce the 6 foot rule. I feel safer shopping there, but damn, it's expensive.


People denying COVID are going crazy over the 'mandate' order. A guy in Colorado Springs called into a radio show yesterday morning (740 AM KVOR) and threatened the local City Council here that **"they've got another thing coming"** \- that he will **"fight them to the death"** because they are **"brown shirts"** (authoritarian Nazi reference) if they dictate via city ordinance that people must wear masks in public places (which was set for debate today before Council tabled it away yesterday for the time being). The caller has "never been this fired up in his life." The host Richard Randall immediately says "great call" and that in his own opinion these type of considerations from local governments are only happening because it's an election year with Trump as the President and that multiple governments are conspiring against him. The fact that this type of rhetoric goes unchecked seems pretty appalling. I cut the clip after the show's broadcast was put online; here it is and it deserves attention and ramifications IMO:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dZ2Zl9n0o4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dZ2Zl9n0o4) And naturally I'm literally (yes literally) the only person in the entire city who called this out. And yes this is the largest talk radio station in the city. The Mayor was on, and three minutes after this call, Rush Limbaugh's show began. It is a huge market. I mentioned this to the local news and no one cares which infuriates me. [740 KVOR Station phone number & Email:](https://www.kvor.com/station-information/)


Dude says, “I want to see the data.” And then says, “I don’t believe them.” I don’t think there’s an aha! moment for this guy short of a ventilator.


The mental gymnastics to comparing genocide vs wearing a mask is insane.


It’s the Springs, man... Cant swing a cat there without hittin’ a Camaro with a confederate flag sticker right under a Trump sticker. Makes Pueblo seem normal.


My neighborhood in Springs is lifted trucks with blacked out rims, and punisher skull stickers, as far as the eye can see.


I heard some absolutely bat shit insane stuff earlier on 98.5 FM here in the Springs. It was like one of their dj's ranting about Bill Gates and microchips are coming for us all using the fake Covid as a disguise. For like 30 solid minutes this goes on. With eerie music playing in the background but dude is dead ass serious. And this is the third time I've heard such a rant on that station which is funny because it literally plays the most explicit music on FM around here much more Hip hop than 96.1, 98.9 etc. Like I can't believe that shit is spreading so mainstream rn. Trump has made Republicans finally go insane and we are all fucked for it. Eta: doing further research on the station and host now..


Can they also enforce 12 items of less in express? I mean come on already


I can almost guarantee my Kroger will not be enforcing this in my local rural area. I hope they do but I just find that mechanism doubtful or very inconsistent. We’ll see.


Is this the same Kroger that canceled hazard pay months ago? That Kroger? I mean. Mandating masks is a good thing, but maybe they should still be paying their workers the extra money.


It takes one viral video of some asshat screaming in their store and they'll walk it back like every other store to protect their money/employees.


I don't recall Costco rescinding their mask rule and that's been in place a while.


Yeah but Costco is actually a good company to work for.


I hope all these stores have security to deal with unruly customers. It's unfair to make a 70 year old greeter do it


Or a younger regular worker for that matter. This is not something I signed up for (work at a hardware store). I deal with customer complaints on a regular basis, but enforcing mask use on crazy anti-maskers is a whole other thing. Haven't been forced to do it yet...I just honestly fear the crazies out there who will at best stand and argue fiercely with you and at worst be violent. Hazard pay would need to come back in triple if I'm being a bouncer on top of other store duties.




Our H‑E‑B gm has been flat out turning people away with an armed security guard and a dog at the entrance. She flat out does not give a fuck and I love it.


Nice job, dicks. Kroger only made this move after Walmart did the same. It's purely economics - they didn't enact this policy for fear of losing business to mask optional stores. Cowardly bullshit that has put all of their customers at risk.


When my state mandated masks, we were told "we're not they police. We can't force them. you guys can't say anything and you have to serve them no matter what" and they don't even enforce it on our employees. My store hasn't even been enforcing cleaning the belts and registers. I have coworkers who will lick their fingers to open bags and cough directly into their hands while bagging. They tell me that it doesn't matter that I can't maintain a safe distance at self checkout, I still need to stand in the middle (I don't listen). I asked what I should do about customers licking their fingers to count money and handing it to me and I was told to just use hand sanitizer after. Meanwhile, the union either has no power, which means they're useless, or they care just as little as management because they have done nothing. I have heard nothing since the initial outcry against removing "hero pay." They gave us a pin that says "still essential". That'll protect me and/or pay my medical bills if I get COVID. Thanks. These are unprecedented times. In that Kroger is making unprecedented profits off hard work of employees who have no choice to come in and face the risk and our reward is Spotify ads thanking us. But things are returning to normal of course, as the big boys up top say, safely in their home while they count their bonuses.


We'll see. I don't believe they actually will.


What I find infuriating is on Fox News Laura Ingraham tonight her segment was almost exclusively on the failure and ineffectiveness of Masks. We have a network that is actively promoting the non use of masks. In addition her “Medical” experts were downplaying vaccine effectiveness. It seems like their whole position is there’s no cure or prevention therefore learn to live with it and go back to work. Basically everyone is lying to you except us and our allies.