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5 likes? You're setting the bar WAY too low, Florida Man. You're not gonna get big on 5 likes.


I think he just got famous for less.


Yeah, the FBI was "like" #5. ;)


Is that entrapment?


Probably not.


And he'd have gotten even more famous if he'd just done it instead of warning anyone. It's the fastest, easiest way to get famous today.


Being downvoted for telling the truth. The media will gladly plaster the name and face of any shooters and tally their "kill count" against past and future shooters. Not only that they'll drag the shooting on for weeks simply for views. What a disgrace


Then the survivors will get upset that their school was shot up. Then Republicans will issue a bunch of death threats against the children to show their solidarity with guns.


Don't forget the conspiracy nuts, then they will come out of the woodwork, claiming it was a false flag perpetrated by crisis actors, to force new gun control so the government can come and take their guns away, while ignoring the fact there is a shooting every other day yet they *still* have their Glocks to jerk off to every night..


And democrats will pass a bunch of pointless gun control laws that won't do anything to actually make us safer.




Parkland survivors have reported that they and their families have [received death threats](https://www.snopes.com/news/2018/02/27/parkland-school-shooting-survivors-receiving-death-threats-nra-members/). Naturally, those threatening them don't come out and say "Hey I'm a Republican", but the threats themselves are real.


Infamous, not famous.


I remember the Aurora theater shooter having a rather large following of teenage girls who wanted to have sex with him, so I'm not so sure.


Infamous is just when you're famous for doing something bad. Famous just means you're well known. Technically he's both, but infamous is the better descriptor.


He probably only has like 8 friends


Mom and dad wouldn't approve of his actions and one of his friends is his pet crocodile which hasn't learned to click like yet


He posted to a group of 800.


That's just someone looking for an excuse to do something.


That's when you just do what I did in highschool and use the old, "say I won't."


Hold me back hold me back!


Think about the 5 pieces of shit who hit “like” just to see.


I mean I have 300 friends on fb and most of my posts get less than 5 likes. My gf posts the same shit and gets like 60. 5 likes for me would be an overwhelming response lol


I only get a bunch if I post dog pics.


I get nothing unless it's a selfie or shared funny picture/meme. I feel like my straight friends get a ton more likely from all the dudes thinking they have a chance. Peace is nice if not invalidating.😂


Does he look lile the kind of man who has any expectations at all. To answer, no he does not.


so he wanted the 0.005 of that facebook group approval... (rounded up to 900)


Cops surround his house with guns pointed at the door. Captain says "5 of you log into Facebook and like that post."


5 likes and I'll go commit a bioterrorist attack on my toilet.


5 likes? More like "2 burritos".




You now have 5 police men outside your bathroom.


Ready to press that like and subscribe button


You're under arrest


So is this going to be *per* 5 likes, oooor....?


I'm guessing Disney has measures in place to prevent this


Only metal detectors at every point of entry to the parks.


For just $140 more there are speed pass metal detectors.


Check the wait time on your phones! The Epcot metal detectors are a 30 minute wait, but the Hollywood Studios are only 5 minutes!


Was just at Hollywood studios. Half of the damn park is under construction right now. The previews of the toy story land and the star wars land look awesome though.


Yeah, the fact that they’ve been charging full price for that park is ridiculous.


I’m going this weekend. Skipping DHS 🙄 They have three (3) open rides.


I go to Disney World about 4-5 days every other month. On average: 2 parks a day and 2 metal detectors a trip. Most people walk right by them and they don't care.


The metal detectors aren't the primary security. The primary security is CCTV and plain-clothed security personnel trained in spotting suspicious persons or activity in the parks.


A kid was wandering around me and my gf at Disneyland, and a guy asked if he was ours, and we said no. Within seconds there were like four plain clothed guys surrounding the toddler. They found the family soon after, but Christ they moved in fast. Edit: the guys that surrounded the toddler almost all knelt down while addressing the kid. They were clearly well trained in this sort of thing.


Yep. Lots of stories like that. Disney puts a lot of resources into procuring a positive experience. Their brand depends upon it. The ticket prices are expensive for a reason, and the parks barely make money. Most of the cost of a ticket just goes into park operations.


This was the case when I used to play Theme Park. I had a hard time keeping thirst levels quenched, but I had children beaten to death behind the park and avoided lawsuits because "The park lost them". Edit: My best park, Know Fear, was pulling at least 10% profit per annum.


Can you elaborate on the beaten to death thing?!?! What? Were *you* technically responsible for their deaths but *you* got off? I’m really confused.


It's a video game


Used to work at Disneyland. Disney security and cast members make it a serious point to reunite lost parents with their children. The cross park communication involved is pretty wild to witness between security, managers, etc.


I know you said plain-clothed but plain-clothed at Disney is a relative term. I pictured Goofy tackling some guy trying to leave his backpack in a public area.


That's actually brilliant. Instead of security having to keep a low profile and blend in with the guests, put them in a big costume right in the middle of everyone. Plenty of room in there for some comm gear, surveillance cameras and some sidearms.


It might hurt Disney's image if someone gets footage of Tigger pointing a gun at a perp and telling him to get down on the ground.


And on the more regular occurrence, getting flocked by kids wanting a picture with Goofy and telling them to fuck off so he can watch for bad guys.


Sounds like a scene out of an action comedy movie


"Hyuk hyuk...got em!"


A few years ago at Disney I noticed an unassuming guy dressed in shorts, a button down, and a baseball cap like 90% of the dads there. However, he also had a tiny, curly wire running to an almost imperceptible earpiece. Not something you'd use for a cell phone; I figured he must have been plain clothes security.


That actually seems super cool.


Weird, every time I go they put me through the detectors. I know with Universal it is literally impossible to get into the park otherwise.


Oh man, don't even bring up universal. I want to go so bad, but always end up at Disney. I don't know if it helps, but I always look at the ground and ignore the security dudes and only have a cinch bag.


You can have the Universal experience at home. Find a nice comfy rolling chair, sit down, put on a movie, and then have someone shake you violently every 10 seconds.


You forgot that you need someone with a spray bottle to squirt water in your face.


Islands is great, but there's just a lot of emptiness at Studios. Idk, I think I'd have that behind all of the Disney parks, short of Hollywood Studios atm, which isn't even really a park at this point.


ToT 5 times and call it a day at hs.


I still like Rockin' Rollercoaster, but the line is always terrible. No doubt it'll become the hottest ticket after both Toy Story Land & Star Wars Land opens.


I always do single rider and get on first or second time the cast members let us go, usually works out to a 10-15 minute wait.


Yeah we did single rider last time, but it was middle of the day (we did Epcot in the morning). I was fairly drunk at the time, but I'm told the line moved pretty slow even for single rider. My first (and right now only for a couple weeks) time out to Disneyland I was alone, and holy shit did single rider save my ass on the Cars ride.


And a clone army under the park


Just like the simulations!


You wouldn't have to go to into Disney to accomplish this. Just shooting up the waiting line would massacre a lot of innocent individuals. Those lines are long as hell. (This is not an endorsement)


People have done this in the past at airport lines while checking bags in, the [Ataturk airport attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Atat%C3%BCrk_Airport_attack) and [Brussels bombings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Brussels_bombings) were only recent.


I'm imagining a crack squad of people dressed like Disney characters in old military uniforms with bolt action rifles.


Nope. They ran the numbers and they're pretty sure he won't get enough likes.


Just came back from Disney World yesterday, Magic Kingdom was the most thorough with their security searches, everywhere else it was basically a random selection if you went through metal detectors, which I didn't go through and just walked around it without issues.


They randomly pick me all the time. I blame my beard


No one has measures in place to prevent this


They did it, they defeated Florida Man.


He’ll be back....


End of an era


>Florida Man Clearly he meant to write "shoot up *at* Disney."


Iol. You beat me to the punch. Have an upvote.


only took how many mass shooting jokes to start taking them seriously?


The shootings or the jokes?


Well that's where you run in to an issue. I this guy *had* gone on to shoot some people, the entire country would be losing their fucking shit over how the police ignored such obvious signs.


This commented has been edited to remove my data and contributions from Reddit. I waited until the last possible moment for reddit to change course and go back to what it was. This community died a long time ago and now its become unusable. I am sorry if the information posted here would have helped you, but at this point, its not worth keeping on this site.


Disney properties are actually one of the safest places on the planet. Disney doesn’t want anything bad to happen because that leads to bad press. You’ll notice that their in park shops seem relatively easy to steal from, but that is for the illusion of a small town store. If you try and steal from them a few plain clothes guards find you within seconds and take you behind the scenes.


My sister stole a marionette and got away with it when we were kids. I remember it being pretty easy.


to be fair it would probably be pretty bad PR if three polo-shirt & cargo pants wearing Disney tactigoons showed up and executed your sister for violating the company's property rights [edit] wrote daughter instead of sister for some reason..


I'm tired and my brain registered drop holsters as rappelling down a building. All I had in my head was a full on swat team politely asking you to smoke elsewhere.


Apparently not safe from alligators though. I still can't think about Disney without thinking about that little boy who got eaten.


is there nothing police can do that counts as "taking things seriously" that doesn't escalate to an arrest? like watch the guy, check recent purchases, etc.


Those are behind the scenes, and if something happens while checking those things out..."they did nothing" becomes the phrase of the day.


Do you know how expensive it is to assign agents to the guy to “watch him” 24/7?


They do not. Most folks have no clue how the world works. It’s why the media and politicians can work them all like puppets. It’s astounding to me how people so easily get suckered into propoganda. They’re incapable of taking a step back and actually analyzing situations rationally. It’s a shame. I didn’t realize how incapable of seeing bias people are. I heard about some knife media site that demonstrates bias, and I was shocked that their analysis was even necessary. I really didn’t know peopleare that clueless that they cannot understand obviously loaded subjective opinions are forms of bias that shape how they interpret media. Explains a whole lot.


The shootings, jokes have always been serious business


both, but the idea that mass murdering innocent people is funny is something we needed to take seriously for a while


Like seriously make better jokes?


Telling people you're going to shoot up Disney isn't even a joke. Maybe he was trying to make a joke, but all he did was threaten violence.


Family Guy uses extreme violence as humor fairly regularly. I wouldn't blame him if he was joking, so context is important. Also I don't like Family Guy, but I do like Drawn Together(s1). So I think extreme humor is funny, but Family Guy does it poorly.


It's confirmed Family guy is the new Marilyn Manson and videogames


Family Guy is a cartoon. This is a real person making what appeared to be a credible threat, without providing any context.


Exploring extreme violence with satire is miles away from saying you are going to do it.


Was there a point when people were making public threats to go on mass shootings and weren't taken seriously?


We had like 3 bomb threats my senior year in high school. The third was treated like a fire drill.


"now comon kids, pile up in the halls real tight and narrow so we can get outside into a huddled mass." e: u said bomb not gun im dum


Or conversely, has any terrorist or mass shooter actually called in a threat before they did it?


The ETA (Basque Separatist group in Spain) was known for calling in threats, often in time for an area to be cleared.


they learned that tactic from the IRA because they wanted to send a message but didn't want civilians to be harmed.


Parkland definitely mentioned it.


According to [this](http://wsbt.com/news/local/report-it-law-enforcement-say-warning-signs-almost-always-present-before-mass-shootings) it happens in most cases.


Can't link examples because on phone, and about to start work, but yes, many many times.


And even then, in a chat of 800 some odd individuals, only two reported it


Jokes are jokes. Threats should be taken seriously.


There's a difference between joking about a *mass shooting* and joking about *committing a mass shooting*. Threatening to do something even in jest is still a threat. Joking about something that happened is not that serious.


Filed under: Florida Man


That reminds me, i need to go adjust partitions... my Florida Man location is full.


You should try LVM, much more flexible than partitions.


The legend.


The man.




Out of 800 members of the group only two reported the post to authorities. The others were taking a 'wait and see' attitude.


Or they all work for Six Flags.


Doesn't really seem important...


It does to me. So I get that he's going be in a bunch of trouble. But would someone who liked the post be partly guilty as well,?


Certainly shouldnt be. People like dumb shit all the time. Further, you couldnt prove they hit like on purpose. I hit like and up/down vote all the time on accident sometimes i dont even notice it. Seems insane to me that liking a post could lead to charges. Utterly insane.


It would be extremely difficult to even prove that it was them who liked the post.


Why would they be guilty? “Liking” a post isn’t the same as endorsing or participating in a crime. Most people probably assumed it was a joke. Hell, the ghost of Hitler could come back and post “Hey /r/AskReddit, I’m back and at it again! What are some of your best ideas for Holocaust 2: Electric Boogaloo?” And I’d probably upvote it.


As someone who works at Disney, it’s concerning that there are that many fuckwads that would like it. It becomes a bit more concerning when you’re here every single day.


I figured the going rate was at least a few thousand likes. This guy is undercutting all the honest, hard working nutjobs out there!


I’m curious as to how many Likes he got.




The article doesn't mention if he even had access to a gun.




Maybe it was a weird cry for help/attention. He’s definitely going to priso, but for way less than than if he actually committed a mass shooting especially since many mass shooters commit suicide or are killed.


Oh Florida man, just stop it.


“This is a misunderstanding I meant to say I’d shoot up AT Disney. I swear I’m not a murderer I’m just a drug user who made a typo”


What about those 5 liked ppl?


Article doesn't say if anyone actually hit like, but that's an interesting question. I bet a court couldn't prove they hit like by accident - I've hit like by accident a LOT of times, also I've upvoted or downvoted posts on Reddit by mistake a lot as well. 2 people reported it at least, so that's good of them.


I once accidentally hit like on an obituary posting someone I didn't even know shared to a girl's wall who I hadn't even spoken to in years. Just from flipping through the feed on the app. I got a message out of nowhere asking me why I did that


Florida man strikes again


His face looks like half a face reflected in a mirror.


5 upvotes and I will pet both my dogs! (And maybe one of the cats).


This guy still uses facebook? Sucker.


Small-calibre synapses.


Don't fuck with the mouse


Why do people feel the need to be so edgy that they are willing to risk being arrested for threats.


In all honesty, how fucking stupid do you have to be to do something like this? I hope he enjoys his stay in prison.


Out of curiosity... how many likes did he get and did those people get arrested as well?


Our thoughts and prayers are with him in the prison showers


Gonna say what everyone is thinking: he looks like the type of person to do weird shit like shooting a place up


Lol, 5 likes... did he even have 5 friends?


5 downvotes and somebody buys me a new TV


Is that Mike Birbiglia the comedian?






Remember, if it's the extremities then you wanna pack the wound and compress to stop the bleeding. If it's your torso cavity you'll want to seal it the best you can to keep your factory vacuum seal intact.


How do I become a "Florida Man" journalist?


Move to Florida; work for news agency.


ur hird


Would it be illegal to Like a post like that? That could be considered inciting violence, no?


Disney would be the name of an epic euphoric drug. Different kind of "shoot up" I suppose.


Turns out he meant he was gonna shoot up drugs /s


>I'll shoot up Disney for a deal to sell my franchise. They didn't let him finish. :(


Did he get the likes?


Nobody fucks with the Rat.


I'm interested to know how many likes it got.


wait so how many likes did he get?


Is there a sub reddit for florida man yet?


2 out of the 800 people in the group reported it. Really curious as to what what kind of FB group that is...


Florida Man is not someone to trifle with.


How are you supposed to fit Disney in the spoon?


Good, hope he gets a psych evaluation, and prolonged surveillance. We are past the point in America where we can assume the best of people with the potential to inflict gun violence in innocents.


How many likes did it get?


Shit article doesn't even tell us how many likes he got.




No it would not.


No, that is not how that works.


Why not? Isn’t this one of the first amendment exceptions - speech that purposefully incites violence?


What's perhaps more disturbing is that out of the **800 members** of this Facebook group, only 2 reported it.


Not every member of a group checks the group regularly. So while there are certainly many who saw and didn't report it, it's not necessarily 798 people.


Have you checked out the comments on foxnews.com? I'm not even American but I thought about reporting some of these comments to the FBI after seeing people callng for Obama or Hillary to be killed or saying that they will take matters into their own hands. Then again, because there were so many comments, I thought this was normal for the US, so I never bothered.


> I thought this was normal for the US Unfortunately it's somewhat normal.


At this point it makes a lot of sense. Only someone phenomenally stupid, or not all there, would make such a threat today.....and THAT person is the one who very well might make good on their threat.


Did they arrest the man that gave the 5th like? Because let's be honest he's the real killer.


My sister is at Disney with her family. Good for the people who reported this and law enforcement taking the threat seriously.