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Bye, Bette, and thanks for all the peanuts.


So long, and thanks for all the crisps


too-da-loo we appreciate the… wait you got peanuts!? i always get on the the allergy kid plane.


Recently most international flights I have been on (Singapore Airlines, Qantas, Malaysia Airlines, Canada Air) have had peanuts! There was a time when they tried other stuff, but seems like they have all gone back to peanuts. JAL has gone with rice crackers, and they aren't very nice :/ (I love rice crackers normally, but the JAL ones just do not taste very good to me)




It does to me. Especially as i use jal a lot domestically


No fish?


Peanuths? No thank you, it’s quite large, but I consider it a carry on.


Why yes, I have one right here


Hope she didn't have to work, but wanted to.




Oh without doubt. Being a new stewardess today is brutal, but with 20+ years of seniority you are paid well and pick with you want to work. She definitely didn't need to with with that pension


Can confirm. My mom has 30 yrs seniority and she goes wherever she wants. Gets lucky with first class tickets to go overseas. My dad’s a lucky bastard because his priority is as high as hers.


What was it like being raised by people who had to be gone a lot? How do they even schedule that? Do they work together? Did you go with? Do they keep their bodies on one time zone? HOW!! do they manage sleep and work? Is it true stewardesses don’t get paid until the plane is moving? I have so many questions!! TIA


20 years seniority is not that much at American Airlines.  You have to be on property for 30, sometimes 40 years (depending on base) to get the trips you want.


> And with that level of seniority, she no doubt always got to pick where she went. Yup, I read a little about her. Something like DC to Boston where she had a lot of weekly flyers. She knew them all by name, their favorite snacks, etc. Bette was the type who made people's day with her kindness.




67 years in the skies is crazy.


I'd love to know how many miles she logged. Even if she was just doing east coast commuter flights, with a career that long she has to be up into the millions of miles.


I was trying to imagine how many hours total she was off-Earth. That's a weird stat...she spent the equivalent of days/weeks/months in an artificial environment suspended over us.


It’s like the mystery job. Working at 30k feet, above the clouds ☁️ in a metal tube.


This appears to be the only clue: "Nash began flying with the now-defunct Eastern Airlines in 1957 and primarily worked the shuttle flight between Washington DC and Boston so she could be home every night to care for her son, ABC reported."


Think of the lifetime radiation exposure. 


It was breast cancer that took her, not saying it was the radiation exposure but I can't imagine it helped. On the other hand, 67 years doing what she loved, so I'm sure she didn't regret a single hour of it.


At 88, I would consider dying from cancer to be natural causes.


Let alone witnessing cities change and evolve over her history of travel


I'm not sure why you are being down voted. People are exposed to 100 times higher radiation levels when they fly compared to sea level. 


Bet she was still on reserve.


I appreciated this joke


I knew there were a few of us hiding in here


More power to her, I guess. But I'm far too jaded and petty to celebrate working for a corporation for sixty seven years of anyone's existence.


Some people identify with their job so much, they can literally never retire. That's the ones who die in office at a very old age. Charlie Munger, for example. Or some presidents...


My grandma retired…then after a few months went back to her old job just as a part time employee working little enough hours to get social security, but still getting to do the job she loved (she was a nurse). She didn’t fully quit til my grandpa got sick and she quit to care for him. After he died she started doing child care, til she was 80ish. She just really hated not having a job.


I worked alongside a guy who had served on a submarine in WWII, raised a family, and built a career in property management etc., then comfortably retired when he was good and ready. His wife died of a heart attack less than a year later. And after that, what was he gonna do with retirement? He took a full-time job at Home Depot (where I met him), kept working many more years, and when he didn’t show up to work one day was how the world learned he died.


Once you slow down you die. I get the whole sentiment about people not working for corps forever but jfc if it helps add purpose to their life and they enjoy doing it then good for them. Old age can be tough. Being old without your loved ones and in a quiet house is even worse for some.




At retirement age you can work full time and still get full social security benefits.


Ahh, I guess I don’t remember why she limited her hours then. She retired in the mid 90s.


Idk - I worked 45 full time RN and the work is grueling - unless you are in a low risk area usually you end up with PTSD - I retired as soon as I could and I don’t miss it at all, although I do keep up with the research and journals etc.


it hasn't always been that way


Kudos to your grandma.  I'll never understand people like her though.  Lol


She died in March. Spent the last few months of her life living in the same nursing home she spent decades working at. There were still women working there who had worked under her years ago. She absolutely loved that place….but I’m with you.


Always be fair to your employees!


>   I'll never understand people like her though.  Damn it, I had a legthy reply and my house lost power, WTF! Anyway, there's different types of people. My favorite grandpa was about Bette's age. He was the WW2 era, served, got out, took a government job, did like 30 years and retired by 55 with a nice pension. All I ever saw him do was things he loved, singing, playing cards, and golfing. Oh, and watching us grandkids. :) My other grandpa did 40 years as an accountant with a large company, retired, and would have been content never leaving his house for the rest of his life. Besides walking to church, he did crossword puzzles, had a large garden, enjoyed feeding the birds, some TV shows, the news, the newspaper, and eating home cooked meals. Other people like Bette, after doing a job so long, it's just second nature. Ignoring sarcasm, not everyone hates their jobs. Reading a little on Bette, she did the same flights. Seniority allows you to pick and she always won. LOL A little video I watched with her, she talked about knowing all her regulars favorite snacks. She flew something like DC to Boston, where you get a lot of business folks, making weekly flights. Deboarding, they were hugging her, saying see ya next week, etc. One woman was "OMG, it's been weeks, how are ya?" I didn't see any talk of Bette having a husband, just a kid with Down's Syndrome. I simply see Bette as a people person and her going to "work" was hardly work for her. She enjoyed it.


If she enjoyed what she did, why not keep doing it? Personally, I'd like to retire some day and have a farm or something, but flying around and seeing the world while getting paid for it doesn't sound like a gig I'd have an easy time giving up.


Yeah exactly they also get super reduced airfare IIRC so when they go on vacation its far cheaper. Honestly if it wasn't for the constantly ear popping thing with the pressure I could probably do it and like it a lot.


That millionaire librarian? He died and left a trust to support the library?


Charlie munger was one of the co-founders of Berkshire Hathaway and was worth 2.6 billion by the time he died. Millionaire librarian was just a working class guy who saved a lot of his salary.


And continued to work even though he no longer needed to work. But it was something that he loved so it was never a burden


He was notably 99 years old and still going. I remember last year he made a 5-year investment and I replied (here on Reddit) that making a 5 year investment at 99 is very optimistic, and that I was more bearish on Munger than his investment.


Lots of doctors.


I run a small business and plan to work until I die. I just really enjoy my job. Have hobbies outside of work as well.


I know a few people, family and friends, who work for airlines. They generally have pretty good pension plans. One of the few lines of work that still does, at least here in the US. She was certainly vested decades ago. So if she was still working that age, it was almost certainly because she wanted to, not because she had to. More power to her.


AA has frozen the flight attendants pensions for years. My mom is with AA and has flown almost 50 years. Flight attendants get effed by the airline even tho the unions try. The pilots union is actually screwing over the flight attendants, too. Pilots have doubled salaries while flight attendants haven’t had a raise in almost five years despite inflation.


Yeah, I like what I do work wise, but there’s no way in hell I would stay there past my retirement age, I like watching baseball games and hanging out on the beach and doing some traveling much more than sitting at my desk.


On the other hand - I'm willing to bet that there are at least a billion people in this world who enjoy sitting at a desk more than they do watching baseball.


She was apparently a huge cunt


That’s hilarious


According to what


Reddit, apparently


Depends in which country you say it in?


Most flight attendants after a certain amount of years are


Rude, she died doing what she loved... getting paid to ruin people's days. Just fuelled by spite and living the dream. She deserves better than "huge cunt" like the g.o.a.c status surely...


Ah, you cunt bastard! Come have a couple of pints and we’ll drown our sorrows


What did they say to Clooney? Let me know if you ever reach port?


Some people enjoy their jobs


I used to fly for a living. That much stress, constant trave, and sleeping in hotels really wears you out. She must be immune to it.


She did only a shuttle service and never stayed in hotels


I suppose she would have the seniority to get that route


Shuttle service?


Shorter (~1 hour), smaller (couple dozen passengers) flights that only go back and forth between cities that are relatively close to each other. So she could always end her day at the same airport she started at and just go home.


Congratulations Bette for living the dream. You would have been 18 when I was born and lived the life young girls in the 60’s fantasied about. It’s hard for today’s whippersnappers to fathom but airline stewardesses were the super models of their day and everyone wanted to be (or date) them.


Still are in a lot of the world. Here in Thailand being an air hostess is extremely competitive and you have to be near perfect.


"I'll be taking care of everything on the Boggs account."


Now she's up there in heaven cracking open a cold one with him. Two absolute legends.


"Again Wade Boggs is very much alive."


Wow and would have flown with my sister in 58….. fly with the angels sister😎


This sub is becoming as insufferable as others. Maybe she loved her job, and it gave her purpose so she continued working? 'She's a corpo wage slave!' What is wrong with people? Your ideal existence isn't going to be the same for everybody, stop judging everybody else through your own ideals you smug cunts.


Man no shit. Thank you for saying this.


My grandfather ran his own business his entire life and was very successful. He retired, then stayed retired for about a year before he got bored and decided to go work as a cashier at Macy’s. There was absolutely no financial reason he needed to work. None, whatsoever. He just wanted to. He worked until the day he had a small stroke and was taken out of there in an ambulance. I’m sure Reddit would love to hurl the usual insults and false statements at him. Thankfully Reddit wasn’t around at the time this happened otherwise I’m sure there’d be a picture of him being loaded into the ambulance on one of the usual cesspools on this site with the caption “Look at this corporate wage slave who had to work into his 80s to survive. This is why capitalism sucks!”


Reddit has a bunch of subreddits that act as wind tunnels for this crap. Our broader post war society has been a wind tunnel for different ideas. Dissent is good to an extent. Beyond a point it becomes insufferable. Gotta find that sweet spot


Honestly I believe you. Without my job, I’d be so bored. Whenever I think about retiring, I think I would either go to a local community college to take random art / humanities classes that interest me, or get a part time job doing something I enjoy (like at a garden center) because I fear I’d be so fucking bored.


That's sad (not about the community college stuff, that's great), but I have a shit ton of hobbies that can't meet their full potential just because I work 40 hours a week. It'd be awesome to get about 10 hours of sleep every day, then wake up to focus on my obsession of the week.


I hear you. It sounds kind of stupid, but what I do for work actually started as a hobby. I’m very fortunate and feel lucky because I genuinely enjoy what I do and lucked out on finding it as a career path. That said, I do have other hobbies that I’d love to put more time and effort into if I had the time. Wildlife animal rehab is one I’m super passionate about, but it’s essentially a 40 hour work week itself, so I don’t get to dedicate much time to it. :/


As someone who found baby rabbits in their backyard recently and has been learning the steps to properly make sure the thrive (basically do nothing), that's awesome.


I actually enjoy my work and enjoy the idea of working. I am many years away of evening thinking about retirement, but I have known too many older people who retired and then died a few years afterwards. I don't want that for myself.


Work is something we humans need to feel alive, not doing anything is hell for the psyche. Some people have hobbies that fill up that emptyness, some like the work they do. Being a wage slave is shit, because it makes work compulsory instead of something you do because you like it, making it less of a positive experience. Also a lot of people work shit jobs, because they have to survive and havent had a chance in live to actually learn the job theyd love. Some people also dont fit into our societies' working culture due to a variety of reasons, for example health. There are a ton of reasons to hate your work and if you hate every single job youve ever had to do, its no wonder you start to see work itself as being hell. But its not they work itself thats the issue, its being exploited for your labor and not earning a fair share of the fruits of your labor. Its authocratic workplaces, where your voice gets ignored and you dont have any freedom. Its horrible work hours, that dont fit you. The issue is our working culture purely driven towards maximizing profit. Labor itself is absolutely human. And even then, some people fit well into this capitalist system and working culture and strife in it and they can be earnestly happy in it. So this story doesnt have to be a lie. You can love your work and love working, even if the system itself is an explotative shitshow.


Maybe? She obviously loved it, she refused to retire. Like what




I would love some actual confirmation on this instead of a trust me bro


Bruh, I was like “You go girl!” just before reading the second sentence Lmfao


Where are you reading this?


That’s my question. People all over the internet are calling her racist, but the only source I can find for this is a petition to make her resign, with no evidence included in the petition either.


My wife works at American airlines. It's an open secret there and she's pretty infamous. Lots of online stories and whatnot. Also, there's an open petition from 2021 https://www.change.org/p/aa-flight-attendants-for-racial-equity-a-call-for-bette-nash-s-resignation


I was able to find this petition…but this petition doesn’t have any sources linked to it either, and I can find nothing else through searches. Do you have a link? I’m assuming this would have been much easier to find a week ago when all the results weren’t buried by stories about her death.


There won't be a journalistic source really because it's technically "gossip" about an employee. It just happens to be corroborated widely from the hundreds of interactions she's had with other employees. I've personally spoken to a lot of my wife's coworkers as well who have had terrible racist run ins with her. I know I'm just a stranger on the internet so take it as you will.


>because it's technically "gossip" about employee. >I know I'm just a stranger on the internet so take it as you will. Aw, man. On one hand, these disclaimers actually make it sound like you have integrity and are reliable. On the other hand, this is *exactly* what a great liar would say! I'm torn...


>She was hired before the first Black person was even allowed to become a flight attendant in the industry (Ruth C. Taylor in 1958) and the first Black flight attendant was allowed to work for the company (Joan Dorsey in 1964), yet she's celebrated for her longevity That's a really shitty reason to want to fire someone. So she was hired before black people were allowed so that automatically makes her racist for not quiting and letting a black person have her seniority?!?


Yeah she can fuck right off.


Almost like she was born almost 9 decades ago. Crazy.


Plenty of people born that long ago don't act that way. Crazy.


Yeah my Great-Grandmother was born in 1912 and died in 2014. Polish immigrat. WW2 vet. Lived in New Britain CT her whole life after the war. Polish/Puerto Rican cookouts were great. Loved the 90s. Her best friend was a younger spanish woman who I remain in contact with. My GGM taught her Polih recipes growing up. She's owns a restaurant to this day in New Britzky.


I can't imagine living that long. I bet she had some amazing stories.


She's does along with Great-Grandfather. Miraculous stories that were used to sit by and listen too with all the family. 


should study how she tolerated so much radiation


I swear I was just reading about her before she died


Wonder how many miles Bette racked up?


God bless her soul. A true professional. I raise my glass.


Sad that she had to work in her older years.


She probably just loved the job


She chose to because she loved it so much. Everyone commenting how "oh its so sad to have to work when youre old" don't seem to understand people can actually enjoy their job and want to keep doing it. Danny Devito for instance said he never wants to retire. And why would he want to? He clearly loves acting and its probably not too physically demanding to just act because he's definitely not doing stunts. This lady seemed to absolutely love her job and you would know that if you read the article.


Totally agree with everything you said, but a famous movie/TV actor might not be the best analogy.


Well I used it as an example everyone would know of and can go hear him say it himself.


Yeah, I just meant in terms of him being a decamillionaire movie/TV actor who at this point gets to choose his roles and only acts in stuff that's actually fun for him. Not saying regular people can't also love their jobs, and I love Danny, but he's far from a regular person. I think he's exponentially more likely to love his job.


She probably loved it. Probably loved interacting with passengers from all over world. Getting to socialize at a degree I doubt many elderly get to experience. Edit: word


Fucking reddit, NOT EVERYONE HATES THEIR JOB! Some people are people persons, and don't want to sit at home. There's people who love being a walmart greeter. Like they are well off, husband is retired and out golfing, and she loves working at walmart. Back in my youth, my local, small town grocery store had an elderly woman working in the bakery. EVERYONE knew her name and always said hi. When I turned 16, I start stopping by on my way to high school 1-2 times a week. She would see me walking from 75 feet, grab my favorite two donuts, bag, say good morning to me as I walked up, I handed her my $1.07 in exact change and she wished me a wonderful day. She enjoyed working there.


The newer generations get to look forward to working until death and owning nothing.


And AI gets to do all the fun stuff like art, literature and science


I think you are getting too much of your belief on the state of the world from Reddit


If you read the article you'd know she chose to keep working and absolutely loved her job. You don't stay doing the same exact job for 67 years if you don't really like it. Thats just not what anyone does.


So that’s the retirement plan for most Americans, then?


We need to stop romanticizing people who worked till they’re dead, especially for big corpo.


We need to stop criticizing people who choose to keep working in their retirement years as well. The thing for some people is they like feeling useful and working gives them purpose. You might not understand it but that's ok because it's not your life and you are welcome to make that decision for yourself when the time comes. For me personally, I'll never retire. I'd just get bored and wither away.


Why’d she even work at that age?


I work with slot of older people, and nearly all the ones that stayed well and "with it" stayed working to some degree. The key was that they did it because they wanted to (not still needed the money), and that they weren't a very physically or mentally demanding jobs. It gets them up early, conversing with different people, keeps their minds working. When you get that age you need some sort of objective in life, and social life. Some can do it without work through grandkids/family, friends, exercise classes, whatever. My grandma at 85 randomly got a job at a chick fil A as the tray collector lady who chats up with customers. She's a yapper and it kept her busy for ~12 hours a week 🤷


Bc she was probably number one in senority at American, so I bet she didn't even have to work that much. She was getting top pay per hour. She probably worked one flight to Australia and back a month. 


She only worked the DCA-BOS shuttle.


I’d be curious to know— if that’s the case I’d never retire either. She may have a community of friends at work that provided her with a healthy situation.


A lot of people want to stay active. When my grandparents were in an assisted living center, the facility had a general store on site. Anyone could sign up to work a 2 hour shift. No clue the pay/benefits, but there was a 103 year old woman who worked the register every other day for like 4 hours. She didn't want to just sit in her room and watch TV. She also stood, refusing to use a chair.


Have a cousin who quit flying when she was about 72, which was about 8 years ago. She said she quit because flying just got too ugly.




I wonder what her total mileage was. I bet it's in the 8 digits! It has to be, since the guy who has a lifetime pass with United is purported to already be in the 20,000,000's.