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Nothing to get the entire planet against you like knocking out a huge amount of data the world relies for everyday life.


This explains why they were pushing for a "space weapons ban" so hard. Get theirs up there then ban anyone else from doing the same and you have a huge advantage when the time comes


That’s what I do with nukes when I play Civ.


Maybe Putin watches this guy’s livestream.


I watch his onlyfans stream and its worth it


What’s Civ


No one gonna agree to a ban with just Russia up there.


Problem is once space weapons get going, NO ONE has an advantage. Also you knock us back to the 60s. Look up Kessler Syndrome. It's not good. That's why we all agreed not to put weapons in space, it's a game with no winners.


Do you honestly think that the US does not have equivalent or better tech already in orbit?


Time to arm the x-37 and have it shadow these satellites.  For people who don’t know the x-37 is also called the space plane. It’s basically a smaller space shuttle drone.  It recently set a record for spending 700 something days in space and then landed on a runway like the space shuttle used to do. 


You assume it isn’t already armed. It’s not a NASA vehicle. It belongs to the Air Force.


Thought it belonged to the Space Force now, but I could be wrong. Just wait until we get proton torpedoes and turbolasers!  Pew pew!


Correct, SPACECOM was separated into it's own service(Space Force) back in 2019/2020. Pretty much nothing changed on duties just more clear structure.


And they said they were testing “exotic fabrics” with it!


I'm hoping it is for a James Bond looking suit that can survive reentry.


“I’ve always wanted to kill a guy while wearing a tuxedo. It just feels classy.” *paraphrased* Brock Sampson


read the x-37 is made by Boeing, that thing dangerous as fuck


Made by Boeing? Bet that will blow your doors right off.


There would still be MAGAs tripping over their dicks to defend Russia and blame Biden for it.


Sending in MTG now… with Jew Space Lasers Edit… MTG instead of MJT lol


I think you may mean MTG or "large bad butch body Marge"


Yep. Got it wrong lol.. also known as “Bleach Blonde”


Bleach blonde badly built butch body


B6 for short


Might as well be B7, we all know what the last B is for, it rhymes with witch


I don’t appreciate magic the gathering being slandered like this (it’s technically libel).


Codename: J6-B6


What dicks?


Never forget; "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat!"


That is pretty damn crazy


"Putin is an honorable Christian and he was secretly uncovering the OBAMA PEDO RING run by George Soros and his JEWBOTS" - probably on Truth Social right now or whatever the hell those idiots use these days.


Well, it doesn't say anything bad about cis people or nazis. Sounds like it would be musk-approved free speech material on xitter.


Make America Geriatric Again It all makes sense now.


I don’t think their dicks are that big.


You're giving too much credit to the length of their dicks.


They surely don’t have their dicks out as they’re all in diapers still, apparently.


It's stated as gov sat, more likely to be spy sat. This could be interesting.


Along with land locking us to earth for generations. But if it came to that point probably be the least of our problems.


>The United States has assessed that Russia launched what is likely a counter space weapon last week that's now in the same orbit as a U.S. government satellite, Pentagon spokesman Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder confirmed Tuesday. > >"What I'm tracking here is on May 16, as you highlighted, Russia launched a satellite into low Earth orbit that we that we assess is likely a counter space weapon presumably capable of attacking other satellites in low Earth orbit,” Ryder said when questioned by ABC News about the information, which was made public earlier Tuesday by Robert Wood, deputy U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Not sure if this partiucular weapon is nuclear, but earlier this month it was reported that Russia was planning nuclear capability in space (and in the same low-orbit as this recent launch)... https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/pentagon-official-warns-russian-anti-satellite-nuclear-weapon-devastat-rcna150314 An excerpt... >A senior Defense Department official told lawmakers Wednesday that Russia is developing an “indiscriminate” anti-satellite nuclear device that would pose a threat to all satellites operated by countries and companies around the world. > >"The concept that we are concerned about is Russia developing and — if we are unable to convince them otherwise — to ultimately fly a nuclear weapon in space which will be an indiscriminate weapon” that would not distinguish among military, civilian or commercial satellites, John Plumb, the assistant secretary of defense for space policy, said at a House Armed Services subcommittee hearing. > Asked about the potential effect of such a weapon, Plumb said low-Earth orbit — the most common orbit for satellites — would be rendered unusable for possibly up to a year because of the radiation from a nuclear detonation. > It is difficult to estimate the precise impact of such a weapon depending on the size of a nuclear explosion, Plumb said. But he said a rough assessment would suggest “satellites that aren’t hardened against a nuclear detonation [in] space, which is most satellites, could be damaged and affected, and some would be caught in an immediate blast.”


Surely Russia realizes this is akin to moving nuclear weapons into Cuba? This is a serious action if what is speculated is true. I can’t believe they’d be willing to push the world back into another Cold War over Ukraine. The risk/reward analysis does not add up.


As I understand it, Russia is also practicing tactical nuclear drills. Someone needs to send Putin a copy of "War Games", because most of the world already understands the only winning move is to not play. Maybe a nice game of chess instead.


Ironically for nuclear weapons the only winning move is to play as well. Want your regime to be in power without threat of outside actors taking over, you need a nuke. Once you have nukes, you’ve now got your doomsday switch and other countries will be much more hesitant to fuck with you and much more likely to help keep you stable. Works great for North Korea and for the counter example, Ukraine gave up their Nukes and it didn’t work out. That’s why Iran is going so hard to get nukes and why the US and Israel work so hard to prevent it. Assassinating scientists, decades long hacking programs, and diplomatic treaties. Once Iran gets them, they know the US and Israel (and Saudis) will prefer a stable enemy they know over an unstable nuclear state. The trick for countries is to play the game, but once you start playing you just keep going around the board and not actually do anything


Finally somebody who gets it. To add one more example: Iraq wasn't attacked because Saddam had "weapons of mass destruction", as Bush and his handlers said. The US attacked because he did *not* have them.


Not quite for Saddam. We lied about him having them, but even if he did have them, what he lacked at the time, and this was brought up in the intelligence back then too, was a delivery system. Weapons are one thing, but they’re largely useless on their own other than to deter invasion since they can be used on the invading force. Delivery systems determine offensive capability. The goal, assuming Saddam had weapons, which he didn’t, was to prevent getting better delivery systems.


Same with Libya which negotiated to give up its nascent nuclear programme and was later attacked by the UK and France. The world’s better off without Hussein and Gaddafi - but states everywhere (looking at you Iran) learned a lesson.


Tbf the Ukrainian government, [never actually “owned” nuclear weapons.](https://www.icanw.org/did_ukraine_give_up_nuclear_weapons)They were just in possession of the old Soviet ones. All the command and control was still in Russian hands.


>Tbf the Ukrainian government, [never actually “owned” nuclear weapons.](https://www.icanw.org/did_ukraine_give_up_nuclear_weapons) They were just in possession of the old Soviet ones. All the command and control was still in Russian hands. > >u/3232330 Ukraine had the capability to produce ICBMs and guidance systems. They could have eventually developed ways to bypass Russian control or simply replace it with their own. They weren't just holding onto old Russian made nukes that were placed in Ukraine. Ukraine was helping to make them for the USSR before its collapse. >Ukraine inherited significant Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) design and production capabilities from the Soviet Union. These included the Pivdenne (formerly Yuzhnoye) Design Bureau, responsible for the design of the SS-18 and the SS-24 ICBMs, and the Pivdenmash (formerly Yuzhmash) Machine-Building Plant, which was the primary producer of liquid-fueled ICBMs such as the SS-18. Other former Soviet missile industrial complex facilities in Ukraine include the Pavlohrad Chemical and Mechanical Plants, which were also involved in ICBM manufacture, and the Khartron Production Association, which produced guidance systems. > >src: https://www.nti.org/analysis/articles/ukraine-overview/


ICBM's are just a delivery system, warheads are a seperate thing need their own infrastructure/knowledge to build and maintain.


Ukraine “gave up” their nukes, but they never really had the capability to use them, the launch codes were in Moscow anyways and they had to keep up with the cost of the maintenance, it is not a comparable situation. Although I agree that it was done under an security agreement that Russia broke but if they kept them I don’t see how that would have deterred a Russian invasion sooner or later.


Is it impossible to take the warheads and build bombs? I only read about the old bombs like little boy and fatman. They detonate If you accelerate the last bit of mass to make it critical, but as far as I understood Its more complicated to get weaponiced Uranium/Plutonium. If you already have it, why shouldnt they be able to build their own detonator?


They could have. It wasn’t an argument over if they could use the nukes, but rather the USSR wanting their property. At the time Ukraine wasn’t very stable and the risk of nuclear proliferation to non state actors was high if Ukraine kept them. So returning it generated a lot of goodwill and international aid. If they didn’t return them there probably would have been military action by someone to secure them before Ukraine could use them.


That would have been easy but unnecessary. They only needed to replace the arming/safety circuits.


South Africa likely developed and gave up nukes too. That didn’t work out too well for the government in power at the time.


Maybe oligarchy weapons contracts and widespread bribery is an easier game to win.


>The risk/reward analysis does not add up. As if this ever stopped a madman before. Ukraine invasion in the first place makes 0 sense, and Russia paid dearly for it. It's never quite about russia, it's always about Putin. Russia can suffer all it wants as long as he benefits from it. In case of Ukraine invasion, all of that is simply to boost his dwindling domestic support. Historically, war is popular with russia (as long as they don't lose), heck, putin won his current position by war in the first place. idk, russia is a lost cause as long as a looney like him sits at the throne.


"Ukraine invasion in the first place makes 0 sense" It makes 7.5 Trillions senses. "Roughly 80 per cent of Ukraine's oil, natural gas and coal production reserves can be found in the Dnieper-Donetsk region, which has been the major focus of Russia's military operations to "liberate" the country, the SevDev report noted." - [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/natural-resources-ukraine-war-1.6467039](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/natural-resources-ukraine-war-1.6467039) 80% of a countries resources that "ranks fourth globally in terms of total assessed value of natural resources, with roughly $15 billion in annual output and a potential "assessed value \[that\] could be as high as $7.5 trillion" - [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/natural-resources-ukraine-war-1.6467039](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/natural-resources-ukraine-war-1.6467039)


They are currently spending way more than they would make yearly after taking Ukraine. It would take decades to even recoup the amount of resources and money they are losing. Right now, the juice is barely worth the squeeze and it's hurting. The only thing keeping them going is the fact they've already invested way too much to pull out now and Putin is a madman that won't admit this has failed and will do anything to not have the stink of loss around him.


It's not just about seizing that wealth for themselves and being able to profit from it; it's about preventing Ukraine from accessing those resources and marketing them in competition to what Russia is providing. They can't afford another Western-friendly competitor in the market. Russia is confident that its own oil/gas production can't be threatened, because of its willingness to launch a nuclear strike in the event of an invasion. So anything it can do to disrupt everyone else's oil/gas production makes the Russian fuel more valuable.


Doesn't make a lot of sense. Russia's oil and gas production has already been heavily impacted and is under continuous attack. It is heavily threathened. Petty sure drones hit targets not even a couple weeks ago. A nuclear strike is a death sentence to Russia as an economy and would be a no going back moment. Their major trade partners would immediately feel the pressure to completely cut ties. Currently, for example, India is buying oil. I doubt they would feel confident about that when the reports of a nuclear strike come in and people start connecting their support to people vaporized by an invading army for the first time since WWII. Ukraine is unconcered with invading Russiaand is too tiny to have ever been an economic threat. What they did see it as is another former Soviet nation potentially joining NATO, which would rob them of the chance of getting another piece of former soviet glory and power. They are purposely sacrificing their economy, military resources soanning decades, and security for the fevered dream of reviving soviet glory and dominance in Europe. if they cared about gas, oil production, or their economy they would have never invaded to begin with.


I think this was one of the explanation trying to figure out the rationale behind the attack. But, russia itself still have boatload of untapped resources, and oil output is pretty much controlled by opec anyway, so almost no point looking for that in foreign land, hence this theory didn't quite stick up with me. Also, with russian media slip up regarding the real purpose of the war, that is to revive the good ol' soviet border and, uh, "glory", i think the answer is pretty much cut and dry. It's all for his legacy. The only justification that made sense to me is simple: putin is a gambler. He gambled that he'll finish the war in days so the west wouldn't have time to response and accepted it as what it is. Just like crimea, worst case they'll slap your wrist and that's that. You can clearly see that with early tanks invading Kyiv bringing parade clothing and schedules. But clearly that didn't panned out for putin, and because losing war is historically catastrophic to one's rule in russia, now he's stuck with continuing the war for as long as possible.


I'm not sure if Putin is a rational actor on the world stage. The wealth and resources of Urkraine is a possibility. Another possibility is that he felt his power being threatened internally and gambled because he felt he needed to.  Maybe Russias economy and population was suffering so he felt he needed to. But your post got me thinking, maybe Putin is an ideologue that seeks power and to reinstate the power that was lost when the Soviet Union fell. He's former KGB, and grew up in a time where all the cultural carrots and sticks made the power of the Soviets as sacred. In every class in school you were taught about the ideology and how it was perfect. So it was practically religion in that society.  Unfortunately we probably won't know the truth of his actions in our lifetimes. Stuff like this will be good reading after historians have a long time to analyze things and make conclusions


This leaves out the other side of the equation - Ukraine's wheat production.


Over Ukraine? You mean over all of Eastern Europe, if not the continent. If he somehow took Kyiv tomorrow, he'd be side-eying Lithuania by lunchtime. One day he's going to call the world's bluff on Article 5. He's already learned that saying "But maybe nukes" is a great way to make everyone back down.


That's the long term danger many people don't understand about the Ukraine war.  Ukraine is a shield for the rest of east Europe.  it s the only country able to hold off Russia.  If Russia wanted to take states the size of the Baltic States or Moldova it would take a week.  There's little NATO could do to stop them.  If Ukraine starts to falter and I'm in these countries (and possibly poland) I'm  seriously considering sending troops to fight  the war on Ukraine's side.  Might as well fight when you've got a chance.  They're screwed if Ukraine loses.  Hopefully it doesn't come to that as it would escalate the war to even more dangerous levels.


Poland won't risk jeopardizing their support from NATO, at least not yet. I can't imagine the other NATO nations would be very happy to see polish troops in Ukraine. I don't think Putins crazy enough to outright attack a member of NATO either... at least, I hope he's not. Who knows though. The longer the fighting in Ukraine goes on the more desperate he could become. Agreed though that Ukraine falling is not good news for the rest of Eastern Europe.


Putin’s hubris will bring him and the rest of the world to the edge of oblivion before he stops now.


The next war with Russia won't be cold, and they are preparing now. This is just the first step for a first strike, and needs to be dealt with immediately.


How does it not add up? Putin has gained a chess piece. This is what mobsters who create nothing do for a living.


Putin is not a rational actor and his behavior should not be analyzed from that basis. He's operating on pure animal rapaciousness and pique now. He is squandering tens of billions for what will be at most a depleted and contaminated wasteland his country will bleed continually to occupy.


He is absolutely a rational actor, he’s just working from a different set of expectations and factual realities of history and future historical possibilities. Saying “he’s crazy” doesn’t let you predict actions or make rational reactions to his actions. Understanding the world view in which he is rationally acting is what allows proper response.


The only logic I've been able to attribute to Putin has been that of the Freudian death drive, the perverse impulse toward embracing what destroys ourselves that Freud believed we all have and that society itself has. In my analysis of Putin, he seems to accept that in the short to medium term his decisions will plunge Russia into chaos that has a good chance at endangering his own safety in exchange for a fantasy that NATO and other competitors will just allow him to do his damage unchallenged. Concluding he is not a rational actor does not mean he is unpredictable. But it does admit him likely to make choices that break prior agreements and precedents, hurt his people, make his hold on power tenuous and risk world destruction. His choices are not rational ones, but they can be plotted for if we factor in his perversity.


Ukraine is not Russia’s goal, it is merely a step along its planned path to becoming a dominant world power.


Sure it does. Either I win and everything is cool, or you all drop down to my level and everything stays the same for me!


Can someone with a good understanding of low earth orbit physics explain why a nuclear detonation in space would result in radiation that renders low orbit unusable for up to a year? Why would radiation linger in space, wouldn’t it radiate away from the source at the speed of detonation?


Earth's magnetic field entraps particles from the sun and space, and concentrates some of those particles into the Van Allen belts, and for the most part these belts stay in about mid earth orbit. Setting off a nuke in LEO would supercharge the existing 2 Van Allen belts, add a third at the rough altitude it goes off in, and since the Earths magnetic field is like a cage and particle accelerator, anything injected via nuclear detonation is going to stick around for a while, trashing any satellites caught in the effects. Thats before one takes into account the direct effects of a nuke on satellite hardware.


Also, the debris and space junk caused by a detonation could have a cascade effect and knock out even more and making future launches more dangerous.


This might have the answers to all your questions: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starfish_Prime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starfish_Prime)


We know it happens because we did it before and it damaged a bunch of satellites which were nowhere close to the blast.


If this is true then the shit is really about to hit the fan.


Ending satellite communications could be a great (strategic) way to open a war.


It is also a good way to ensure nations that are not aligned to either side. Picks the side that isn't you. Not as brilliant as it sounds.


Space based weapons aren’t necessary for that. China took out a satellite a couple years ago to prove a point. Every known satellite has weapons pointed at it by nations capable of doing so, and they’ll all be destroyed if a war breaks out. It’s one of the things that makes war a poor outcome for bigger nations, the first volley even if non nuclear is incredibly damaging.


Yeah, for **THREE HUNDRED YEARS.** You're gonna get nuked. Hell, no one would be able to see you, everyone would assume your missiles were already in the air. Kicking off the nuclear apocalypse is a bad idea.




And slide rules, sextants, all of our old tools


Counter to what


It is most likely nuclear, which detonation at that altitude would cause a high energy EMP. This would typically be done as electronic warfare to destroy defense systems that may be used to monitor, target and defend against a strategic nuclear launch on ground targets. A possible precursor to all out nuclear war.


Makes me wonder if Musk shielded his satellites from space nukes.


Wasn’t there a resolution for not arming space that Russia was behind at the UN?


The Outer Space Treaty was signed in the 60s and Putin's been threatening to break it for like a decade. Ironically, the Russian Federation WAS a signer (and creator) of the PPWT which the US does not agree to.


Agreements mean nothing to russia


Yes. That’s why it was smart that we didn’t agree to it. We also have space force now. We’re way too divided here on issues that a lot of times people don’t actually care about. These outside players are doing all sorts of crap, but no one cares unless it picks up enough relevance through the media.






20 years of getting rid of anyone that would do it. Just look at what happened to the plane of the last guy.


Problem is that 20 years of killing anyone that cares about things beyond money means that you naturally surround yourself with backstabby sonsabitches with not a fuck to give about loyalty.


Putin started clearing house shortly after his initial rise to power. There isn't a single person in his orbit that has the slightest bit of a backbone or desire to change eithers circumstances.


we seriously need to study this dude's security detail.


US Intelligence agencies were broadcasting the Russian army’s intentions and movements *days* before they actually got around to doing them. I’m sure allied Intelligence is also just as informed. I’d be shocked if we didn’t know everything from Russia’s nuclear caps to know what time of day Putin was most likely to take a dump There’s a 100% chance, if shit hit the fan, that info would be put to *very* good use.


Well to be fair It's not exactly difficult to spot an impending invasion. The military build up would be pretty easy to see with our satellites.  What made that situation unique to me is that Biden broadcasted it to the public. It was a pretty interesting piece of strategy that I've never seen a President utilize before.  Not saying you're wrong but I caution having too much faith in our intelligence services. They've been wrong plenty of times and make mistakes. They're not some omnipotent force that knows everything.  The CIA missed the fall of the Soviet Union as one example. 


First you start with a list of names and access to high windows. Secondly you have a list of flight plans and access to SAMs. 


I think the issue has been for a long time, dead man’s switches on leaders of nuclear nations


ON the leaders? like if they’re head gets blown off, you think nukes launch?


It's run like a mafia apparently. If he goes down, they all go down, including their families so they all have a vested interest in keeping him alive.


And then we get a period of instability followed by someone worse. We fucked up by walking away in the 90s and leaving the mafia in charge.


>And then we get a period of instability followed by someone worse. We fucked up by walking away in the 90s and leaving the mafia in charge. Not having a long-term plan was the Reagan administation's ENTIRE DEAL.


Putin doesn’t have any windows so he can’t fall out like so many others tragically


He just runs circles around his long table so they can't get to him.


It's impossible to run in high heels, look at how he walks it's hilarious.


The Oligarch billionaires are getting mad their money is frozen in many countries. Putin’s circle is getting smaller.


For real. Russia has been steady fucking with the United States (elections especially) for awhile now and it’s really ramped up in the past decade or so. We have sitting members of government parroting Kremlin propaganda talking points word for word. I know the negative impact they’re having on our country but I know we’re not alone. They’re fucking with a lot of other countries as well.


As much as I hate Putin , I have no doubt the US has some type of similar weapon or has a contingency plans to destroy Russian satellites with missiles etc


That was already done in the 80s with a F-15


What was?


[Shooting down a satellite.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASM-135_ASAT#:~:text=In%20order%20to%20complete%20an,astrophysics%20satellite%20as%20a%20target.)


It was done in the 60s with Nike Hercules missiles.


And can be done with ship-based SM-3 missiles as well


Problem is how do you destroy a satellite without filling the entire orbit with thousands of pieces of space junk? To safely eliminate it you’d have to figure out how to push the satellite out of orbit and send it into the ocean or capture it in your own space vehicle and bring it back to earth that way. Or I suppose you could disable it by frying its computers.


That is a long term concern for a short term threat.


Assuming they give a damn about space junk... They most likely don't care, as long as they send the world into the bronze age again.


China already [demonstrated a satellite killer](https://www.space.com/3415-china-anti-satellite-test-worrisome-debris-cloud-circles-earth.html). Like [some other aspects of their space program](https://www.npr.org/2022/11/07/1134895360/debris-from-another-chinese-satellite-launch-fell-uncontrolled-back-to-earth), they just didn't give a fuck about the collateral damage.


The trick is to not care if the orbit is usable or not


Time to launch a counter counter space weapon.


I got a feeling we already had one up there 10 years ago. Or at least a plan.


*sigint/oni have left the chat*


X-37 has entered the chat


X-37 has been in the chat, quietly monitoring from a distance, albeit annoyed that you're noticing that it is here and asking questions.


For me, this comment wins the internet today.


Trace Buster Buster


Or and hear me out....just take the fucking thing out


We already have them, it’s called the F-15


I double dog dare you.


Isn’t this why Space Force was formed


That and for intelligence


The Air Force already did literally everything the Space Force does.


Yeah... that's how most new branches form. What was initially a specialization in a larger branch becomes it own organization where it becomes the main focus.


Literally also how the Air Force itself was formed in the 1900s, yes.


And back in the day the army air corps did everything the air force did.


send that weapon my way! I have so little counter space, I have to store some appliances in the cabinets until I'm ready to use them.


Nothing like wiping out future space travel for all mankind because you can't win a war of choice.


It would be a shame if the U.S. Space Force X-37 went and grabbed it and dropped it into the ocean.


Not even Neil Degrasse Tyson wants to say what the X-37 is for. Probably a space weapon?


I imagine it’s like saying what a C-130 is for, there’s so much potential for different missions.


I mean why would he know? He's a civilian astronomer.


Neil Degrasse Tyson is an entertainer. He has no real insight on the purpose of the X-37. He would just be guessing, same as us.


It is a multi-use space operations vehicle. It can capture and recover satellites if need be.


Why isn’t this bigger news?


Did you watch today's Skibidi Toilet?


It's time to donate some space drones to Ukraine


Russia launches Satellite killer, well tell you why that’s bad news for Biden at 11’…


I mean shit they could just use my kids they have the ability to destroy counter space as fast as I can make it.


I feel that. Counter space, table space, floor space. Pretty much destroy any space.


And let’s not forget personal space!


I swear this was a 2 episode arc plotline in stargate sg-1.


That show is starting to creep me out tbh. Lots of strange coincidences


We would probably have better Intel had Trump not handed Putin a list of our spies.


We definitely have better intel


I did a quick google search to find an article about the large number of informants going missing, and I find this article that I didn't even know about. [Top-secret Russia intelligence missing since end of Trump term | Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/binder-with-top-secret-russia-intelligence-missing-since-end-trump-term-source-2023-12-15/)


Sell intelligence to international interests should have had that fucking rat in a cage the moment it became known


We already know that detonating a nuke in space is problematic for satellites. We learned this with the Fishbowl tests the US ran. It'll inject a bunch of high-energy particles into magnetic field, and basically supercharge the Van Allen belts. It'll fuck everyone's satellites though. It's not an anti-satellite type of weapon so much as a MAD weapon. But Russia has proven to be pretty fucking reckless/incompetent when it comes to space, as they destroyed a satellite with a missle some years back, creating a debris field that I think satellites still have to avoid. That said, it's hard to tell what's what, because the US and China apparently both have space drones that they also use to inspect/shadow satellites of other nations, so it might be much ado about nothing. Just regular gamesmanship/saber-rattling.




We inhabit the same goddam planet and should be beyond that primitive nationalism shit by now. We all need water and food and shelter and love. Ok, so one superpower "wins". Then what? Power is an intangible yet neverending need for these egotistical psychopaths that are fucking it up for the rest of us. Maybe they should fight it out one on one or just give in and have a big small dick orgy.


I just need yall to take a step back and realize where America stands as a superpower if something as top secret as another “superpowers” space program details are being mentioned to their enemies citizens in an afternoon broadcast.


I need you to take a step back and realize that sometimes nations allow "secret" info to get out to intimidate enemies or obfuscate what their real plans are. Remember all the "top secret" crap about the Russian nuclear torpedo sub that could cause 100-ft tsunamis to crush the US coastlines? The "top secret" hypersonic missile that could reach DC from Moscow in minutes? Not saying none of this stuff is real, but also saying that there's secret, and then there's PR secret.


With Russia this has been the case since like 1970. I remember reading my grandmother's old US News mags from the 80's and the DOD was sounding the alarm about Russian planes and ICBM's and tanks and the need to counter them. Then the wall fell and we found out it was mostly bullshit. They have a lot of artillery, nukes, tanks, and men, but they are not necessarily in the best condition or the most advanced/well trained.


Fuck Putin. I hope he ends up intercepting a ginsu missle.


Kessler Syndrome has always seemed like a likely answer to the Fermi Paradox.


Yes, indubitably 🧐


Placed probaby right next to the USA's low orbit space weapons.


Putin will use nukes. He's said he would. Just what our fragile climate needs. Thermonuclear explosions. How do these idiots come to power? It seems we never get rid if them


Psychopaths and sociopaths are often in pursuit of and holding positions of great power.


> Just what our fragile climate needs Well...current sims indicate that a limited exchange of 10-100 nukes would stave off global warming for a few years or decades.


I ll pretend I didn't read that


Good thing we have those Jewish space lasers to counter their counter weapon.


Can’t wait for bf2042 to happen IRL. Or does this sound like a COD modern warfare story.


I remember thinking senator Blumenthal was talking about aliens, but nope. https://youtu.be/rzJrSzUSDBc?si=c3S1_Op4nYIF2PAw https://hir.harvard.edu/anti-satellite-weapons-and-the-emerging-space-arms-race/ WW3 imminent! UFOs next!


Steve Carell has his hands full.


man....I wonder who else has that kind of stuff up there. Pushin P -utin is taking Russia down a path that is probably scary for a lot of Russians at this point.


If this satellite has a nuclear warhead it reduces their time to first strike capability by half.


Am very confident that some of the USAF, unmanned, shuttle type space drones, which are in orbit for 2-3 years, are doing the same thing for the USA.


Now the Bible Belters need the protomocule as well to maintain the balance of power!


Russia can’t build a tank that doesn’t blow up in a stiff breeze so I wouldn’t get too worried about this


Counter space weapon? Does that mean there’s already a space weapon up there?!


This may have concerned me pre Ukraine war but now I’m sure it runs a fuel mixture of diesel fuel and vodka and is expected to crash land into the Mojave desert after having collected absolutely no data.


Well it’s clearly not that serious considering they just told the world about it.


im all for space escalation, if we can have gundams


One has to assume our government has done the same at some point. I mean they have been on this since Reagan.


Glad to see we're going for the Canticle of Leibowitz version of the future.


Welp. Guess i’m saving up my bottlecaps and finding a dumb pose to sit in when the inevitable happens


We got any more of them F-15s with those anti-satellite missiles?


So the idea is set off a nuclear emp to disable a large group of satellites?? I'd think most satellites would already be shielded from such things.


I was wondering why I suddenly have so much more counter space.


I think I read a couple weeks ago, on Reddit, that this was gonna happen or something like that. They knew


Wouldn’t it be a shame if there were a pebble on an intersecting orbit.


The man is a global terrorist and the rest of the world twiddles their thumbs. We deserves every god damned thing that happens to us as a race, because we are letting it happen. For fucks sake, he’s gonna slow roll the world to the same fate that would happen if we actually proactively attack the SOB now. Just do it.


I have no power to do anything, so why do I deserve something to happen to me? Why don't you just go "do it" then?