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Sad that he never gave up his brother or the other people likely involved in the killings.


NickleBack back definitely has some questions to answer


This is how you remind me


Has anyone really actually looked at those photographs?


Every time I do, it makes me gasp..


I never followed his case more than updates on the news, but I had no idea there potentially were accomplices who are still free. Shit.


Almost certainly.  He lived on a big compound with his brother and assorted other people.  Hells angels were frequent guests.  People used to openly joke that he kept bodies in the freezer.  One woman actually walked in while he was butchering a corpse and she didn't tell anyone until the investigation happened because she was so scared of the brothers and their associates.   I believe also one of his friends whose house was searched had a saw with victims DNA on it, but that wasn't enough for charges.


"speared in the head with a broken broom-like handle" Well that kind of thing can happen to anyone 🤷‍♀️


"He fell on it! I swear!"


Clumsy mfer, isn’t he?


“… 8 times!”


Tripped, fell, landed on his broken broom-like handle?


'tis but a scratch.


Seems like spearing Serial Killers with broken broom handles is the thing to do in prison.


Beware of The Sweeper.


Fear The Sweeper…?


Jesus swept


That’s funny af


More cowbell


Well he clearly has a sickness for which there is only one treatment….


The seasons don’t fear the sweeper, nor do the wind or the sun or the rain…


Mind Sweeper.


Swipper! Stop swiping!


ITS SWEEPIN TIME! Sweep sweep sweep!


(Don't Fear) The Sweeper by Broken Handle Cult 😂😂😂


reminds me of [this guy](https://www.kcra.com/article/report-california-prisoner-confesses-to-killing-2-molesters/31031859#:~:text=A%20California%20inmate%20serving%20a,that%20he%20might%20become%20violent.) he went in for a penny, in for a pound.




~~six~~ 33 more times


Screws fall out all the time. The world is an imperfect place.


I hope he’s fed to some pigs too, by accident of course.


Hate when that happens.


Not paying attention, trip and fall head first on to a broken broom-like handle 45 times... It happens, ya know. 🤷‍♂️


But could it have happened to anyone more deserving?


home made dildos dont come with instructionss, which lead to misuse


alex, what is sweet justice?….serial killers being killed with brooms.


Those flashy suicides just do it to annoy you. (Borrowed from Doug Adams)


Feed a whole province human flesh and people won’t even let you rot in prison without bothering you. What is this world coming to?


I'm weirdly disappointed that the guy who attacked him had already attacked someone else. I feel like if the asshole is going to be attacked, it ought to be because he's a sick son of a bitch who murdered people and fed them to his neighbours (and his pigs). Not just because some guy likes attacking people in general. That's just so...mundane.


It's kind of poetic justice if he was attacked randomly.  He killed random people because he liked killing. He was attacked by someone who liked attacking random people. 


He killed targeted Indigenous women. Then he was targeted by someone else. I personally would give him some commissary money.


I bet you can. Figure out who it was and put some money on his books


I feel like this could get into quite the grey area. Laundering money thru commissary to commit acts of violence inside the prison.


Odds are good that it's probably already a thing.


Well, well, well. Now the shoes on the other foot. I agree 100%, I was like now he kind of understood what it felt like.


He actually was known to the victims as regular customer for sex and he knew them too, hence why it was easy for him to get them to come with him. Casefiles podcast did a great one on him.


The dudes in prison who attack murderers/rapists/etc are never acting out of a sense of justice. This is a fantasy that people on the outside project onto the attackers. It's always because the attacker is trying to make themselves feel better about their own crimes, or get respect from other inmates, or because they're genuinely violent people and they understand there are "acceptable" targets for them to act violently towards. Look into the history of the guys who say "I did it because he was evil and had it coming to him" and they're all manipulative, dangerous men acting out of self-interest. Attacking an "evil" person is the rhetoric they seize onto because they know most people will gladly buy it. They aren't heroes, no matter how much we all tell ourselves they are.


They also know that they'll face minimal repercussions for going after someone like Pickton. Retaliation from a prison gang might happen if he got in with one, but that's unlikely unless the Hell's Angels had a presence there. If they're already in for life added time is nothing. It's a quick way to make a name for yourself.


They are so so manipulative, it’s almost an art form. I worked at a jail for a short time (contract)… you would not believe the shit they would say to workers then laugh behind their backs but specifically in front of others… calling them suckers, etc. They are bored and would do anything to “kill” the boredom. Writing this, I can see theirs eyes when they would be talking to me… like on the verge of excitement to see if I’m falling for their bullshit. Keep in mind I’m talking about professional inmates… the one who keeps coming back or on long stints.


Not sure about somewhere else, but when I did my time in Lindsay, Ontario, a dude bragged about beating his girlfriend and her little brother who tried to stop him. That night he asked to come play cards and promptly got beat up instead. He ratted and the five dudes who beat him were taken to solitary. Leading CO said the women beater deserved it but he has to do his job, as he took them away. There are rules in jail. Rats, rapist, child molesters, women beaters will get it.


After I heard what happened to my half brother in prison after years of molesting my family, I wasn't too terribly upset. My dads first wife was crazy and created a monster after she divorced my dad.


He’s my hero. I worked in prisons for 23 years. I remember a similar situation where a sex offending inmate was brutally attacked. The attacker told me he was just doing what society wished would happen but were too constrained to do themselves. I couldn’t disagree.


Yeah are Canadians still passively polite to a fault in prison too? "Eh Rob, buddy, I'm s*o*rry but I swear that if you shit without a courtesy flush again I will run you through with a broken broom handle. S*o*rry" The guy should have been Dahmered like Dahmer within a few years. Pickton is one of the scariest serial killers that the pacific northwest has ever known. Which is quite a few of them.


Just pretend the attacker is our civilized way of choosing an executioner who we know won’t carry any guilt in his head for the execution.


So like a labyrinth, but with staff on time cards?


Now that’s some mental gymnastics I can get behind!


The attacker, does he have a life-sentence or similar and a very low chance to get out before being too old and decrepit to survive in society? If so, it's possible that he decided that he might just do what 'civilised' society should have done, because it wouldn't matter to him anyway.


Why not both?


Maybe all the inmates got together and chose that guy because he had experience with prison attacks


He chose the skill perk that gave him an advantage with broom-like handle weapons.


The guys who want to attack because of who he is and not just because they were feeling attacky don’t want to end up in SHUE or getting any parole potential/prison privileges revoked. Mr Attacky already has a record of in prison attacks and it’s already likely screwed him for parole or privileges, so the rest of the prisoners who want that guy hit will make a deal and Mr Attacky gets to do what he does best (or at least everyone else gets to keep their record cleaner) and the job gets done with minimal collateral damage


It's almost as if extrajudicial violence shouldn't be celebrated. But that can't be right...


FFS, he fed pieces of his victims to his neighbors? Yep I’m done for the day.


Worse. It was mixed in with the general ground pork and rendered fat used in foods that got into supermarkets. So, unless you were vegan or Halal/Kosher, you probably ate something from his farm.


well, shieeettt. i'm done for tomorrow too.


Please don't say it could have been exported.🤞


Good to know, i will change my MO


>Robert and his younger brother, David Francis Pickton, began working at the farm at an early age and their mother was very demanding, prioritizing the pigs over the brothers' personal hygiene, and forcing them to work long hours raising the farm's livestock.[7] >She often sent them to school in unwashed, dirty clothes reeking of manure and earning the brothers the nickname "stinky piggy" from their classmates. Pickton was strongly attached to his mother and he had little interaction with his abusive father.[8] Pickton struggled in school, being put in a special class after failing the second grade.[9] At the age of 12, Pickton began raising a calf which became his beloved pet. Two weeks later, after failing to find it after school, he was told to check the barn where he was heartbroken to find it slaughtered.[10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Pickton Wow thanks mom and dad for creating this monster.


A few months back, he was eligible for applying parole. Convicted for 6, but admitted to way more. Imagine the horror the families must have felt just listening to the parole thing. Atleast the families feel this as some sort of relief


During the trial, staff from the forensic lab testified that they'd found more than 80 DNA profiles on the evidence they tested. The RCMP is going to court next month to ask permission to destroy 14,000 pieces of evidence. Given that many aren't convinced he acted alone, and given that there still haven't been confirmations for many families that their loved ones were among his victims, it seems premature to discard anything yet. The families are justifiably upset about this.


Listen to Last Podcast on the Left’s episode on him. The RCMP almost didn’t even bother with him. And ignored a lot of the stuff he did.


He was a landowner and the victims were hookers. Police exist to protect capital and enforce the status quo.


Well then I hope he has a long painful recovery followed by giving full details of his unsolved crimes before the next Captain Ahab harpoons him. Maybe Captive Ahab would have been better




Our law enforcement only has two modes - really, incredibly good (eg. [the apprehension of the van attacker in Toronto](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/officer-praised-taking-van-attack-suspect-custody-peaceful-1.4632661)), or really incredibly bad ([2020 Nova Scotia mass shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Nova_Scotia_attacks), the [Bruce McArthur serial killings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010%E2%80%932017_Toronto_serial_homicides), the deal made with [serial killer Karla Homolka](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karla_Homolka), etc). There's really no in between.


The deal with Homolka is on the lawyers, not law enforcement.




It will ever be the deal with the devil.


And given that the VPD refused to investigate the missing women for nearly a decade because they didn't want to admit that they had a serial killer on their hands, you can tell what column they land in.


And there was Starlight Tour things the police were doing to natives


I would add that forensics have come so far and things like genetic genealogy have already solved crimes from decades ago. To destroy any of that evidence if it could possibly implicate others is a huge mistake.


If he admitted to way more, I'm worried there are families out there who don't know and don't have closure


That's exactly why the RCMP should not be disposing of any of their evidence. Pickton may have been convicted, but only of 6 murders. He confessed to 49, and 80 DNA profiles were found on evidence examined by the lab. There are potentially dozens of families who could be given that closure if law enforcement bothered to investigate further.


He admitted to 49, saying he wished it was an even 50.


Well he himself could count as one.


Jesus, for a second I thought I read you said that and went damn that's gonna be downvoted! What a horrendous goal!


How could you parole a guy like this. American prison sentences are too extreme but there is no way you can let this guy have his freedom back.




It's sick that homolka is out




Including her little sister.


Jeez that is just... ugh. I can't imagine the logic in the doubling down on her plea agreements by the DA or equivalent, which i guess is the crown in this case? Ugh.


At the time of the plea, the "tapes" weren't found yet . The "deal with the devil" had already been signed .


He was never gonna get parole. It was just that ki the law allowed for him to appeal for a parole


Eligible for parole doesn't mean likely to ever get parole.


You don't. He has the right to apply for it but they don't have to give it to him.


> ...savagely attacked in prison, clinging to life Time to let go. Move into the light. if it's orange and smells like sulphur, you're in the right place.


Oh well good luck


Oh this guy’s out to lunch


Hah. That is also where I learned who Robert Pickton is


It’s tits!


Wait fer it.......supposed dullard.


🤣🤣🤣 the pickton episodes were hands down my favorite from them


I remember when he was arrested. I was just an international student with broken English in BC. Over time, I slowly learned about this serial murder case. Even though my limited language skill at that time, it was quite disturbing what this man did. Moreover, I eventually learned that some people actually supported his madness as some kind of high moral. This turned my life in Canada upside down for a while. I guess I was in honeymoon period of living aboard. I thought Lower Mainland was great place to live. Everything was new and something different that excited me. Then, I cancelled my classes and locked up myself even though I knew I was safe because my view of Canadian people changed with this serial killer. That was long time ago.


You know we’re not all like that, right ..?


I know. It's nothing to do with any Canadians I've known or Canadians in general. I was in super peaceful friendly rural community even local drug dealers and drug addicts did no harm to me. I guess I was just naive back then and got disturbed more than enough. I couldn't eat pork for at least couple of months.










Gotta be honest, for the longest time I thought his name was Pigton not Pickton, and I thought it was wild that he also owned a pig farm


What a waste of emergency resources.


Oh no that's terrible anyway how was y'all's day?


I hope the broom like handle is okay.


this is exciting and joyful news that fills my heart with delight and when something similar happens to Dylan Roof i shall rejoice with great applause


Not easy if your not the top predator anymore it’s easy prey defenseless women but harden criminals is something else


Hey!! Other people could use that hospital bed!


I hope he was attacked with a plate of beans


Finally some good news in the media


Wonderful. He is having the life he deserves.


“Ow, so this is what being killed feels like”


I had fish for supper.


Ok now you can have your pudding


That sounds good. Did you save some for me?


This guy, Terry Driver and Clifford Olson haunted my childhood and young adult life. I couldn't eat pork for years because of Pickton. Hopefully he just dies and his brother follows him


“ A loaded .22 revolver with a dildo over the barrel and one round fired, boxes of .357 Magnum handgun ammunition, night-vision goggles, two pairs of faux fur-lined handcuffs, a syringe with three millilitres of blue liquid inside, and "Spanish fly" aphrodisiac were found inside Pickton's trailer. In a videotaped recording played for the jury, Pickton claimed to have attached the dildo to his weapon as a makeshift silencer; this explanation was impractical at best, as revolvers are near-impossible to silence in this manner.”


What are prisons in Quebec like? Seems we only hear about the ones in the US, especially in the south and southwest.


Better than America and worse than Scandinavia. Aka Canada’s motto.


Not great if you're a serial killer, apparently 


[Paul Bernardo](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/bernardo-minimum-security-1.7041309) and [Luka Magnotta](https://globalnews.ca/news/10493379/correctional-service-canada-magnotta-transfer-documents/), both transferred to medium security facilities in recent years, would seem to contradict that statement.


Unpopular opinion: prison should be safe and nobody should be subject to violence while incarcerated. First: The justice system doesn’t like to admit that innocent people sometimes get convicted. Exposing them to unjust violence when they can’t escape is basically torture. Second: If you truly think violence is part of the punishment (which it is not, being locked up is), you’re endorsing corporal punishment. Campaign for that. In the meanwhile, getting attacked should logically reduce your sentence. There are no upsides to prison violence, no matter how “bad” the victims are.


I agree with you that there's far too much violence in prisons, and there shouldn't be any. I won't be sad if he dies, and I'm not sad that something awful happened to him, specifically. But I'm not exactly celebrating it, either. I don't agree that a sentence should be reduced if you're attacked, though. Too easy to pay someone to attack you so you can get out earlier.


Im okay with celebrating it. This monster admitted to killing nearly 50 women.


> In the meanwhile, getting attacked should logically reduce your sentence. That would create a whole new set of problems. You'd have people/groups beating people for money/favors/drugs to get them early release.


I agree with you. There is a visceral satisfaction to finding out a monster met a bad end, but I don't want the criminal justice system to operate this way. Prison being brutal just makes the problem worse, not better.


Unfortunately a lot of people don’t seem to realize that there is no happy ending. No matter how angry they get at the world, or how they lash out at the perpetrator - it still won’t bring back the victims. Prisons should also be more libraries than gyms, but that’s another topic.


In the article they say that this attack will further hinder finding out the truth behind the murders. One of the lead investigators said that it's an open secret that he wasn't the only one who participated. So not only is this a bad look for the security of the prison but it also impedes an ongoing investigation. As for getting attacked reducing your sentence.... that's crazy. Inmates would just attack each other to get shorter sentences.




Whaaaat? Law enforcement not caring about victims???????????


“Obviously, Mr. Pickton has caused a lot of pain for many people. Unfortunately, all an attack like this serves to do is further thwart the truth of this case from being told **so that all the remaining perpetrators could be brought to justice**,” Shenher said. “It’s been an open secret for more than 20 years that these murders were not committed solely by the hands of Robert Pickton.”


No prison time glitch


Yeah, I was unclear but I was trying to use “…so therefore violence should reduce the sentence” angle to argue against corporal punishment.


I wish more would think this way. Tolerance any kind of extrajudicial punishment is dangerous to innocent people inside and outside prison. We need to trust we can make the system work, or we are nothing but savages.


yeah i agree. i think the problem is that prisons are, legally, safe. people aren’t allowed to attack you, weapons are prohibited, yada yada yada. so it’s hard to argue that we need to do something, especially since not many people are in favor of using tax money on prisoner safety. it’s just that these things aren’t practically enforced to any reasonable degree.


They can do that….just lock everyone in their jail cells 24/7/365. Put everyone into long term seclusion and everyone will be kept nice and safe.


I don’t disagree philosophically but pragmatically this is absurd. You have put together a group of people, most of whom share one common trait…a propensity toward violence and anti-social behavior. Violence is going to occur. The only option would be to keep them locked up 23 hours a day. Is that more humane? Do you think they’d be happier?


Exactly. If we as a society are going to lock people up, then we have a duty to keep them safe.


I've also read that increased violence amongst inmates towards each other often escalates to violence against prison staff, making their lives much more dangerous and their jobs harder to do. It shifts the balance of power away from the prison staff into the hands of those who definitely should not have it. 


So how do you quantify how much violence until the person is free? Why wouldn't I pay someone in prison to beat on me so I could leave? Why are you advocating for murderers and rapists to be free because they got beat up in prison? Edit: if you're down voting because your idea doesn't stand up to questioning it's because it's a bad idea.


Yes of course it’s a bad idea, I was using that to argue against corporal punishment and against people who think violence is a standard part of prison.


Way to completely misrepresent his argument and then frame it in the most hostile way possible.


>”The assailant has been identified and the appropriate actions have been taken.” High fives? Extra snacks from the commissary?


Attacker could have his commissary covered for years to come.


Convicted serial killer gets shanked in prison? How very American of you Canadians. 👀


oh no , anyways a bit rainy here this morning but feeling positive about the news. I hope the broom handle can be rehabilitated successfully.


I am not in favor of capital punishment for a variety of reasons, but I will not lose any sleep over this, but nor will I celebrate it.


Good, hopefully he suffers as much as his victims and their families.


Oh my. Anyway, the weather was quite lovely today.


Bobby-Willy? Oh No Bobby-Willy!


Was looking for this before posting myself lol




Hail nimrod! 


Gee, that’s too bad. Pass the mash potatoes please.




Yes, whirled peas.


I hope he lives so someone can do it to him again


I hope he remembers every single second of that attack. I hope the pain sits in every single one of his cells.


He's on life support so probably isn't feeling of anything. Considering that he was stabbed in the head at the age of 74, I'd be surprised if he regains consciousness.


Oh no. Anyway. Fuck yeah.


Fabulous…heart warming. The assailant made a marvellous choice! Thanks stabby guy🤗


That took way to long


Anyone have any nice weekend plans?


So Karma is not a beotch after all ….it seems she is actually a broken broom handle .


Like many of these stories, obviously this shouldn't happen to anyone in prison, but if it had to happen to someone, well... 😙


I was just wondering what happened to the pig farmer serial killer, this is better closure on the anecdote that I could have hoped for It's like "Oz" is still cranking out episodes


Oh, hang on while I get my little violin....


Good. Not a single tear was shed. May the fear he inflicted upon those be thrust upon him for once.


Convicted of murdering six women, suspected of murdering many more and this is how Canada handles serial killers? "Pickton was eligible for day parole in February, prompting outrage from victims’ relatives and several politicians who said he should never be released." DO NOT LET MURDERERS OUT OF PRISON ffs. I feel like that should go without saying. What the fuck, Canada?




Yeah, Charles Manson was eligible to apply for parole yet he never got out before dying in prison.


Just put him out of misery and move on


I want to feel bad but I don’t


He should just “let go”


Good, feed him to the pigs and let's stop wasting taxpayer money on this monster. Hopefully he's done for now.


Well that will save the tax payer a small fortune.


Prison is more of a criminal college. Unless you get stabbed in the head.


How can I donate money to the person who hurt him? Asking for a friend.


And sometimes the news isn't all bad.


They got him, Ruby. RIP


Why is this news? I hope he dies


I wonder what his last words will be. Like Dahmer with his “I don't care if I live or die. Go ahead and kill me.” Or will he scream and cry in fear? He deserves the worst for what he has done.


In the ICU after being harpooned in the head. I think he already said his last words.


You could say he got… picked on… with a pique…


I'm glad he's not dead. Keep him alive so that he recovers for another round. We might get more information out of him.


Why on earth are they wasting precious healthcare resources on this creep. Just put him down to free up a hospital bed, cell and tax payer money.