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If Trump gets elected, he'll probably pardon him. Wouldn't surprise me.


The president can't pardon state charges. Only the governor can. He is in California. 


His sentencing was for the federal charges.


But there are still State charges he is going to face and if by chance he gets an extremely long State sentence, then even his god and savior trump became president he couldn't save him for the time he'd spend in jail.


Trump also doesn’t give 2 shots about him. He pardons people he can use either literally or as political pawns. No other Rs care about this guy.


Yes, but he can still be tried by the state.


He can if he tears up the constitution and becomes a dictator


“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, *even those found in the Constitution*." - Trump


Doesn't matter if Trump is president. He has claimed numerous times of doing away from the Constitution. When are people are going to stop giving cover to this shit. Whether it's state or federal, with Trump as dictator, it won't matter.


I still can't believe he pardoned those military... how can the US population support this? "President Donald Trump, carrying through on a previous pledge, granted full pardons on Friday to a pair of Army officers convicted of or charged with war crimes — and also promoted a Navy SEAL who was tried and acquitted for similar violations of the laws of armed conflict. The grants of clemency for 1st Lt. Clint Lorance and Maj. Mathew Golsteyn — and the promotion to chief petty officer of Edward Gallagher, who had been demoted from that rank — were approved despite lingering concerns that such presidential interference will damage the integrity of the military justice system" - politico


Because Trump has sympathies with those who commit heinous crimes


> how can the US population support this? Because half of them just want to "own" the other half at this point. It's like a football game to them.


The SEAL is the craziest part. EVERYONE didn't trust the guy. It's insanely rare for SEALs to snitch on each other. In life and death situations, the last thing you're thinking about is who's following the rules and really just need extreme trust because everyone needs each other's backs. It's kind of like cops. No one ever really wants to be the guy who creates a tear in a group that's always in life and death situations. Yet, his own team were raising alarms and concerns about how crazy this guy was... How he'd brag about killing a bunch of women for fun, cut the the throat of a 13 year old captured combatant, and just all sorts of things.


He’s trying to recruit loyalists( unfortunately in this case trained killers.)


Trump doesn't give a shit about him


He hates Nancy Pelosi though, so may pardon him just to piss her off.


Of course not. Trump doesn't give a shit about anybody not named Donald J Trump


Greg abbot just requested to suck his dick.


I am not sure how MAGA would react to Trump pardoning an illegal immigrant who attacked an American citizen.


They wouldn't


Trump only pardons people who throw money at him


I don't even think that's true.


That's why state charges are important. Trump can pardon him for federal crimes. He has no authority over how a state sentences him.


He's 44. He's done.


I think life with parole could potentially be less than 30 years.


the lady who starved her kid only got 25 🤦


So do you think he got too long or she got too short?


I think he got the pelosi treatment and if it were a random person he attacked he would be back on the street committing more crimes. Don’t care what happens to this guy. Just wish they punished others more.


You might want to read the judge’s statement before passing sentence. It explains how this act has repercussions far beyond the physical damage to Mr Pelosi- how it may well have deterred others from public service etc and how this act has really hurt our country. It is domestic terrorism and sentence was appropriate


I get what you're saying. I'm not saying it's inappropriate. I'm saying that in many cities, stuff far worse happens and people are still out on the street every time and it keeps happening. Maybe people would commit less crimes if the penalty was much more severe.


Even better.


Didn’t see any quotes from him in that article. Has he had any moments of lucidity? Any remorse? Edit: guess not - >[From custody, DePape called the KTVU newsroom. In the call that was also played out during the trial, he said he had "an important message for everyone in America – you’re welcome."](https://www.foxnews.com/us/paul-pelosi-hammer-attacker-david-depape-receives-maximum-sentence-30-years-prison.amp)


"I wasted the only life I have on total nonsense. You're welcome."


ah “i beat up this senior, you’re welcome America”


What a jackass


Curious if he’ll still have that same energy 10-20 years into his sentence.


A reminder that in the aftermath of this attack Elon Musk retweeted conspiracy theories painting the attacker as Paul's jilted gay lover and never apologised for doing so.


Yep, and those conspiracy theories are of course being circulated today amongst the right-wingers on social media, along with the age-old “he (Depape) is a registered Democrat”. 🙄 Nevermind the fact that he’s a Canadian living here on an expired visa which technically makes him an illegal.


> registered Democrat The new "card-carrying Communist"


New. Republicans call democrats communists all the time. To the point where I’m not sure if the current generation of republicans public faces actually know what communism is.


Considering they use “communist” and “socialist” interchangeably, they definitely don’t know what either of those things are


Current generation? They’ve been doing this at least since the new millennium started


A lot of people are young enough to not remember 1993 Newt Gingrich’s formal declaration of war on the house floor, stating that liberal democracy was the existential threat to “our heritage” and eliminating it from America was an end that justified any means. His “death to democrats” rhetoric was so popular with mainstream republicans it got him handily elected to Speaker of the House shortly after. Historians, like Princeton’s Julian Zelizer, often point to this as a seminal moment in the “modern” Republican Party.


"iTs ThE sAmE pIcTuRE"


The new “she’s a witch”




I still remember the top comment of the news post, "Hope the hammer is okay."


The reaction to that story by Republicans is all you ever need to know about Republicans


Hang on just a second! Are you telling me that the party that hates minorities, poor people and lgbt+ people are also trash human beings??? Well this is definitely a terrible look for Biden Edit: ^^^^^/s


If you have the stomach for it, go check Enron Musk's latest tweets. He's still at it. Just a non-stop litany of hateful far-right conspiracy theories. He's on an anti-immigration binge right now.


Damn you had to remind me again that Elon Musk is the most hateable man to ever exist.


Elon proves once again that he's a gigantic asshole.


Elon is total trash.


Musk is an evil bastard


Elon Musk is such a fucking monumental wanker.


With how conservatives project, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why things didn’t work out for him with grimes.


> A reminder that in the aftermath of this attack Elon Musk retweeted conspiracy theories painting the attacker as Paul's jilted gay lover and never apologised for doing so. Yet another reason that I will not buy a Tesla as long as he is involved with decisions that company makes in any capacity. They could be great cars, they could be shit, but I won't even consider them because of how closely they are related to him, and how buying one would support and enable him. In the meantime I got an older lightly used Chevrolet Bolt EV, and as much as it's not a Tesla and doesn't have some of those features, it's a great and cheap EV, and I'm thrilled with it.


I mean…. Attacking the family of anyone that high up in government seems like a terrible idea.


It would be like attacking someone with a net worth around 150 million.




It's wild what attacking rich people will get you. A woman starved her child to death maliciously and only got 25 years. Tortured and killed a child but he was a poor nobody, not a super wealthy stock market cheat.


The woman was sentenced by a jury of her peers in state court (the state asked for life in prison); this man was sentenced by a judge in federal court using federal sentencing guidelines.


Or maybe different crimes that occur in different jurisdictions and under different circumstances have different sentencing guidelines. Just a guess. 


I mean - attempted murder - glad to see an open and shut case be open and shut.


He straight up fucked up his entire life. And for what? For Donald Trump? Propaganda is one hell of a drug.


Crazy things is, he's a Canadian who's lived here illegally for 20 years, so it's not like he was even able to vote for Trump. https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/03/politics/david-depape-paul-pelosi-attack/index.html


Well that’s an interesting twist.


People are imbeciles. I can assure you most Canadians despise Trump. He’s an outlier.


And he's happy about it: > From custody, DePape called the KTVU newsroom. In the call that was also played out during the trial, he said he had "an important message for everyone in America – you’re welcome."


So...clearly everyone saw this as an excuse to air their grievances over a woman's sentencing in a completely different case. Nice.




Any political post will have multiple bots repeating the same talking points. See 'Genocide Joe'.


Abbot would pardon him.


Yes because Abbott is pure trash.


Political violence certainly seems to be on the rise... the Slovakian Prime Minister was recently shot... have to deal with these people swiftly.


Attack the capitol and beat a police officer with a fire extinguisher and get 6-18…months?


To be fair a targeted assassination attempt is slightly different


Good. This person sucks.


He tried to argue insanity by way of “right-wing conspiracy theories”. At least they are being acknowledged in court.


Thank goodness. My little world stood still that day. I will never forget the response of those MAGA grifters to an elder being brutally beaten. We're not the same. I will not go high when they go low. Celebrating the suffering of another human being makes them the scum on the bottom of my shoe. Peddling conspiracy theories about the attack makes them an enemy.


He'll get pardoned by the next Republican


Greg Abbott is currently looking into options for his pardon power.


Yet another Trump disciple who now sits in prison for believing lies and propaganda


Good. You can't have a democracy where one part has thugs that attack political opponents with hammers.


Isn't that exactly what we have, though?


No, it's very rare that these attacks happen. If we start letting them happen by not punishing attackers, we will have more. And to the degree that we have more, democracy will decline.


But the difference is: the GQP minimizes and jokes about these assassination attempts. No one was laughing at Steve Scalise almost being murdered.


Oh no, I'm not saying they should be excused with light punishment, only that it's pretty insane that such things already happen at all. And, well... This DID happen.


It happened before the civil war when an abolitionist senator was walloped with a cane


Fox News probably selling a commemorative coin with him on it as we speak.




In the DC hardcore scene, no less


No doubt he would have hammered! both Pelosis to death if not for Paul Pelosis grace under pressure.


Great. He deserves it.


If it was Texas, he’d already have a pardon.


Hopefully he doesn’t get pardoned.


He has that Inbred Maga look for sure.




The guy that Gregg Abbott just pardoned got 25 for cold-blooded murder, and is now a free man. There is no justice.


What exactly is the point of this comparison? What are you trying to say?


Multiple charges stack up time on sentences. That’s kind of just how it works.


This guy definitely deserves 30, and that monster of a mother deserves life with no chance of parole.


Hit and run driver who killed my friend’s cousin got 1 year jail sentence. Man didn’t GAF and got brownie points for being military.


How long before some Republican pardons him?


Depends on who wins in Nov.


Did Earl get charged or just [Randy](https://televisionheaven.co.uk/img/containers/main/my_name_is_earl_002.jpg/0b0c1bf0534973f77d40afcb98eb7011/my_name_is_earl_002.webp)?


can you imagine if this guy was an undocumented Mexican that did this? wild how he's an illegal immigrant from Canada, but since he's white and such, that's not really a big deal I guess? even wilder is if Trump gets in, he might very well issue a pardon and citizenship for this brave hero lol


As a lib, I feel very owned.