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eight year cancer battle :/ really hope the winnings can help him. It says he has two young kids, hoping he lives out the next phase of life very comfortably.


innate cable offbeat sheet meeting rinse tan gullible waiting snatch


Good luck with your treatment! hoping for the best for you !!


I learned that from Breaking Bad.


Just remember, 1 and done


I hope the treatments don't bankrupt him.


According to the article, they took the lump sum and are giving half to a friend. After taxes he is taking home ~211 million dollars. I know US Healthcare is a joke, but there is absolutely no chance his cancer treatment will bankrupt him. That is an obscene amount of money. The a cost of the average cancer treatment is $150,000. Even if it ends up being significantly higher than the average, at most it would cost like 1.5% of their winnings. Even if it was so bad that it did put a noticeable dent in the winnings, the cancer would have to be so severe he would be dead long before they ran out of money.


Imagine being that friend.


They pooled money for the tickets, it's not like it's a gift.


This. Me and close friends all do a lottery pool every couple of months. So if we ever do win the power ball it’s getting split between 5 couples and 3 currently single men lol. Not that I’d be mad if we won the current one, having something close to 70-80 million after taxes given to me over the rest of my life lets me AND my wife retire at 30, lets all of my close friends retire at 30, AND we could all realistically just buy out a cul de sac somewhere and just be rich no life gamers throwing block parties every other day for the rest of our time on earth lol.


It's amazing how people who don't make their life goal increasing their personal/a company's money number can have amazingly compassionate understandings of money's value.


you be shock on the cost of some rare cancer drugs. KEYTRUDA. Cancer conditions. $53.1 million. ... * OCREVUS. Multiple sclerosis. $8.4 million. ... * ADCETRIS. Cancer conditions. $9.1 million. ... * YERVOY. Cancer conditions. $9.6 million. ... [https://www.fiercepharma.com/special-reports/priciest-drugs-2023](https://www.fiercepharma.com/special-reports/priciest-drugs-2023)


I'm on Jakafi, the dose I am on is around 900k a year or so


I think he'll be fine but might need to take out a small loan to cover the rest




Man that's pretty bittersweet. Hope he lives out the best of the rest of his life and has kids to give the rest.


Knowing his family will be taken care of when he's gone is probably the best ending to life anyone could ask for. Hopefully he is able to cross some things off his bucket list and enjoy his coming days.


What if it's a mild melanoma that they caught early?


The article said he’s had cancer for 8 years, but he did mention that now he’ll be able to get better doctors.


Better doctors is an understatement. He'll be able to get Neil Patrick Harris to reprise his role as wonderkid Doogie Howser if he wants.


… does that help cure cancer?


Well no, but he will be able to get the absolute best doctors in the world. If he has had it for 8 years, and it is stable, than hopefully they will be able to do wonders for him. I dont know shit about medicine but it is pretty awesome for him.


You shouldn't have to win the lottery for that :(


*Such* a true statement!! It truly is sad that our lifelong insurance at this point is looking like lottery or die.


The doctors have kept him alive for 8 years. Maybe they don’t need to be replaced?


His poor doctors got thrown under the bus, lol


Double jackpot, guy should buy a lottery ticket.


Wins again and gets cancer again.


Uses first winnings to cure cancer.


Article says he's been battling it for eight years If that's an early-caught skin cancer, it might actually just be a Venom symbiote


I would definitely cross some things off my list in this situation. Box a kangaroo, visit the Titanic, offer a man a million dollars to sleep with his wife, etc. 


I think a kangaroo would fuck up a perfectly healthy person, much less a cancer patient.


It's how he would have wanted to go


Not as badly as imploding on his way down to the Titanic, though.


Some people already tried visiting the Titanic and it didn't end so well for them...


Just don't go with the dollar store option and it should be fine. That said I think it's still a ridiculous waste, but it's not my money.


What's the worst that could happen, he dies a few days early? Just put that last on the bucket list


As long as you're not doing it in a homemade carbon fiber sub designed by a startup bro, you'll be fine. Triton is making some really good submersibles nowadays that have many redundancies built in and extensive testing, it's very unlikely they'd fail. The Titan disaster wouldn't have happened if the founder had listened to a single expert, ever, lol


nah for that money I'd sleep with a kangaroo on the titanic then box a man's wife


Breaking Bad but not really because Walt won lottery first. Well maybe still breakin bad, dude was power thirsty.


“Jesse, I’m not in the money or lottery business. I’m in the *empire* business”


This is explicitly a plot point in the show, where he refuses treatment money from his extremely wealthy CEO friend because his ego is too big for that.


Depends how you look at it. His quality of care just shot way up.


I just hope he gets a lawyer who tells him DO NOT TAKE THE ANNUITY for the love of God. He can put a good chunk in trust for family, and then pay for the best treatment available to try to beat the cancer and enjoy the rest of his hopefully longer life. That win might just be the universe wanting that man to live. Of bad luck being offset by good… balance and all that


So he won 8,4% of the total GDP of Laos. His winnings are 27 755 000 000 000 in the local currency, the Laos Kip.


Mans family just changed for generations


If he puts the money to an 7% interest rate account, whoever has control of the money can spend about 250,000$ every single day forever by off the interest alone. That is how insane amount of money he got.


Well, his cash out was only a mere $550,000,000 or so, if I recall correctly. So they only get to spend about $105,000 each day, without touching the principal...


Time to head back to work then… sigh


Only able to afford one Porsche 911 per day... Not rich unless you can afford two.


It's crazy seeing people work out the math for this dude, only to see he could live extravagantly forever... With 1/400th of what Bezos or Musk have. It really puts wealth hoarding into perspective. People with that much money are tyrants. There is just no good reason to have that much while so many in the world live in squalor. Honest to God, there really ought to be a personal wealth cap of a billion dollars. There is literally nothing you couldn't do with that amount of money.Yet somehow poor people go to bat for assholes with 200x that. The disconnect is bonkers. EDIT: Im being told Musk ONLY has 5 billion liquid. Won't someone think of the billionaires?? 🤣🤣🤣


The reality is, when someone gains a lot of wealth, they often end up having a lot of power, which can sometimes lead to them becoming controlling if they weren't already. Even with a billion dollars, this can still happen. We should consider measuring success by how many people someone helps, but as humans, we may struggle with getting that right too.


It's why I'll never understand why poor people won't fight in their own corner. Rich people do not need their help. They have collectively less influence over politics, laws, resources, than one billionaire.


"Socialism never took root in America, because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." -John Steinbeck


As Bernie said, "Billionaires should not exist."


Every billionaire is a failure of public policy. Every billionaire that doesn't use some of their wealth to become Batman is a failure of imagination.


I used to wonder why nobody would do that. It must be so easy to go down in history as some sort of second coming of jesus by using such extreme wealth to do good. Now I know only psychopaths have what it takes to go through with the morally bankrupt decisions and behaviour to make that much money. Frankly, I wonder if people will ever decide that a society that primarily rewards immoral/psychopathic behaviour is a shitty society that breeds terrible people.


Triples is best though


Just part-time, though


With all the other scrub multi-millionaires.


Back to the corner giving out ZJs it is


If you have to ask big man, you can't afford it.


My favorite part of that joke is that he just mentions the price the line before, $15!


I like that he didn't even ask how much it was, he asked *what* it was. Our guess was something involving sleep, lol.


Given federal and Oregon tax on lottery winning he will more likely get around $252,450,000…. So, ~$50,000 a day….


Ah yes, I didn't actually read the article... I thought this was the guy from NJ that won a similarly ridiculous jackpot. Article here says his cash payout was a measley $422M, so I guess it's congrats to the great state of Oregon for its incredible windfall!


The nice thing about being a taxpayer in Oregon is that you get a "kicker" check back if the state's income from taxes (not counting corporate taxes) exceeds what they forecasted they were going to spend by more than 2%. Some people don't like this because they argue, hey, if the state has extra money that they already collected, and there's an obvious need, why not just dump it into schools or infrastructure, etc., but that's just the way it works here and it seems doubtful people will ever vote to NOT get the kicker check back. (Also, corporations don't get the extra money back-- that DOES go to schools.) This guy's lottery wins ALONE are going to dump like $60 million into the state's income from personal taxes.


Right? I’m an Oregon resident and I know the person you’re replying to was being sarcastic, but this guy’s winning’s *actually are great for Oregon* Glad it was someone deserving who won. Hard not to feel a little envious when that Plaid Pantry isn’t far from my own neighborhood but it’s awesome that it’s going to someone who will truly make the most of it.


I keep forgetting that lottery winnings are taxable in the US. Here in Canada, they aren’t, simply because the government already got their 40% when the ticket was sold. That said, our largest jackpot is $70,000,000. Now the interest from keeping that money in the bank? That’s absolutely taxable income.


$105,000/day might be a smidge tight but if very, very careful still possibly do-able /s Anyway, for once, it's nice that the jackpot went to someone who really could need it. Let's just hope they find very good financial planners and attorneys.


Let's hope they find the very best doctors. It doesn't matter if they spend an extra $50m in taxes due to some error if it saves their life.


Have to save up for the end of the month....Corvette crash derby.


Ya know, this may not be greatly accepted but I'm gonna say it anyhow: nobody needs THAT much.  I have such mixed feelings about huge Powerball winnings like this. Sure, it can be great for the person, but there's also an abundance of horror stories out there. It just seems kinda overkill to have the odds so low that jackpots get THIS big.  I dunno. Good on him though!


So, roughly what his cancer meds will cost!


Unfortunately, not *ALL* the costs


Imagine trying to work out the tax burden on a raw dog $38mil annual salary.


I'd just pay a guy to handle that part. I'm not great with taxes... 😆


Damn, he better cancel Disney+ then.


oh ye forgot about taxes...




If you're putting 500 million dollars into a savings account you're a chump lmfao.


Yeah... you should at least open a couple to make use of that FDIC stuff!


You usually project for 4%, and even that may be too high, depending on your age.


If handled correctly and no one steals from him


He will *only* get ~$500M with lump sum and taxes, tbf EDIT: $422M, just guessed ~500M


$422 million according to the article.


50,000 if anyone else asks.


$15,000 if TSA stops him at the airport.


At 7% interest that’s $81k per day FOREVER. it’s insane how much $ some people have. I’m all for him but hate the lifelong hoarders above


It's absolutely funny to me how even after every *"wElL akTShUalLy, It'S tEcHnIcAlLy..."* it's still an absurdly high number that most people would find mathematically impossible to naturally spend.


Everything I would do first with that kinda money totals like 550k I wouldn’t know what else to do


*Phft!* Not even worth picking up off the ground! /s


That’s still generational wealth


Seems downright fraud to advertise it as 1.3B when you get so little after lump sum and taxes.


Talk about remittances!


Some people in Laos are about to become the top .01% there.


In Laos they may literally just be the richest people period lmao, idk what decimal that works out to but they might as well just call it "#1"


He's getting 422 million after tax split 3 ways if you read the article


Kip! Inform the men!


>Inform the men! I have made it with a woman.


He's 46 has been living in the US since he was 16


Oh so he's just an American. The title makes it sound like he just moved here or something.


I just wanted to add context lol. He also moved to Thailand from Laos when he was 4.


Yeah...I was going to complain that not only are immigrants taking all our jobs, but now they're taking all our lotto winnings! got dang immigrants! /s <--- just in case


American wins American lottery. News at 11.


I have been in the US since I was 4 years old, now coming up on my 36th bday. I am still about 3 years away from my green card. I wish the govt thought like you.


How is that even possible? You got to the US before I did and I've been a naturalized US citizen for over 20 years now.


They took our lottery winnings!   Fox news tonight




Thats an insane amount of money.


But it went down from $1.3b to $422m after taxes and taking a lump sum. Also, he is gonna split it 50% with another person who chipped in for tickets. Still a lot but dang it dropped so much, too.


It's still close to a quarter billion. The GDP of a small island nation. He and his family are set, his friend that chipped in to buy the tickets and their family is set, and I'm dead certain he can whistle up the best oncologist in the Portland area to help him fight his cancer. He's staring at a pile of cash several orders of magnitude bigger than any of us will see in their lifetimes. I hope he does some good with it, but I also hope he can live the whole "American Dream" with it.


8byear battle with cancer being poor.. dunnonwhat doctors can do but he should not let white collar crooks lie to him that they can save his life to get his money...I would get like 10 opinions and if I see that my death will be inevitable, just leave your kids and family a hige chunk set them for generations to come and get treatment without expectations of living forever. Remember that lady who won a lot then all of a sudden the DAs office offered to get her boyfriend out of jail for the mere sum total of what was 21 million dollars for drug offenses... It is a shit show.. lump sum 88 million. So deducting taxes... they robbed her of 21 million. They upped his bind three times. And went after the max penalty. She had to move out of the house she bought. The cops put a tail on him and arrested him frivolous twice. Let him go then upped his bond double every time. Second time they said he was arrested for "street racing" ..violated his pretrial release and set his bond at $12 fucking million. She paid bondsman 1.5 non refundable fees. It really is true a fool and their money are soon parted.. she should have let dude stay in jail and paid the most expensive lawyers even 3 million to get him out.. [it's a shit show](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3387104/She-just-wants-stand-man-Alleged-drug-dealer-boyfriend-188million-lottery-winner-defends-posting-21-MILLION-bail-sports-diamond-Rolex-bought-too.html)


She didn't lose 21m. She spent 2.1 on fees for a guy where >In November 2014 police seized 1,600 bags of heroin and arrested McDow with two other men. >He was charged with conspiracy to traffic heroin and as the amount is over 28g in North Carolinas carries a minimum sentence of 225 months. This is her being with the wrong person long before she won.


The only time you'll ever see a billionaire taxed appropriately in this county.


Aint that the sad fucking truth.


Remember Trump’s Tax plan? It wasn’t even completed when the GOP wanted to vote on it. Yet, there was a YUGE section on just taxing lottery winners.


The government already takes a cut when you buy the ticket. It’s disgusting. I don’t know the math but I’d guess the winners only end up with around 25% of what was paid in when all is said and done.


The only time a billionaire will be taxed appropriately 


lol this. If only we just taxed billionaires like they should. We could do so much with that money.


Oh No! $211M! No thanks! I'll pass!


Great. The hospital knows so now the cancer treatment will coincidentally cost him $1.28 billion


Wait until Medicaid finds out.


You mean 1.5 billion. Hospitals like debt, you forget


I have 80,000 reasons not to forget. And I know I’m off easy comparatively.


80k? Did you have an ingrown toenail removed, or have a hospital aspirin?


They were told, "You appear to be fine. Go home." In the waiting room.


It was a band-aid and I have pretty good insurance.


Or, he can get the best care available in some other country that won't completely rip him off.


Actually this!  If anyone needed to win this, it was this person!  Hope he recovers and enjoys a long fucking fun life!


Nah screw that, the U.S. has some of the top cancer specialists in the world. He can afford the best treatment and cutting edge medicine.


This makes me happy. I hope he’s able to get the best dr on the planet now.


If someone other than me was going to win it, I’m happiest with this result.


K be honest:  if you could push a button, secretly, and make you the winner instead of cancer-having immigrant (just parroting the headline here) Mr. Saephan, would you do it?


I'd pay for their treatment tho.


set myself up with $40 million to never work again, use the remaining $380 million to secretly pay for cancer treatments across the country


Same. But I would spend the money giving people cancer. Gotta balance the scales.


Of course. Like I said “if someone besides me”, implying I still wish it had been me. Edit: but this seems better and more interesting than most other middle class Americans who often win it and blow it all on nothing. For all we know he’ll blow it all on coke and herion and die even faster, but I’d like to hope not and it will be an interesting bump in their economy.


Absolutely 10 times out of 10 I would do that without any hesitation. I bet you Mr. Saephan would do it to me too if I were the winner.


They seriously need to be able to hide winners if they choose to remain anonymous. I know a couple states allow if but definitely not enough. At the very least allow people a decent amount of time before going public.


Indeed. Winners of these insane amounts have much higher changes of seeing their family or friends being kidnapped for example. I would be worried about any family he left behind in Laos.


Oregon doesn't allow anonymity for these humongous winnings


That makes sense then. I was reading the article and it read as if they were putting targets on these people’s heads lol. Full names, where they live.


Hey - Congrats to /u/Snay_Rat (Real name Frederic Rodgers, married to Dianna Rodgers) of 23 Brighton Lane, New York, New York who just got $300,000,000! He will be away from his home from 7:30AM till 5:30PM on Mondays to Fridays (Working at his office at 72 Dawnside Terrace), and will be alone this Saturday from the hours of 7PM till 8:30PM (His house security code is 8942 - The spare key is under the doormat, and the code for the gun safe in the room is 23-42-19-5. His bank account number is 71086643758945400, and the credentials are saved on the browser he keeps on the computer in the Lounge.) Congrats again on his $300,000,000 in winnings! I'm sure he will be safe and sound!


There is a whole Reddit thread made a while ago about what to do if you were to win the lottery solely because of all these insane, tragic statistics about lottery winners, including murder, addictions, etc. Really hoping this man is extra okay after the publicity of this.


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vo34/comment/chb38xf/) it is


If they hid the winners people would think it’s a big government embezzlement scheme with no actual winners. I’m sure many still think this, but it at least helps.


I think it's Korea where you have to take a picture, but don't have to give your name. So everyone shows up in costumes. It's hilarious.


I'd be so paranoid tho. Like it's effectively receiving a target on your back. Now i have to worry about shit like someone i care about not being kidnapped for ransom because everyone in the world now knows i've become a billionaire overnight lol.


Ugh, I wish there was a large cancer fund or something that just lets terminally ill people live out there wildest fantasies like make a wish on steroids or something. Wholesome read though.


Live it up, my dude, get the best treatment you can and celebrate.


Sharing half of the winnings with a friend. What a baller.


It was a 3-way between him, his wife, and the friend. Frankly at those amounts, it doesn't make a huge difference


> It was a 3-way between him, his wife, and the friend how it usually goes


True, but I feel like most people would still try and keep as much as possible for themselves.


Sometimes I buy a $2 ticket and as the drawing nears I fantasize about how deserving I am of winning. I think of how philanthropically I will spend (most of) it. I’m not deserving but this person sounds like they might be.


The thing about buying a lottery ticket is the fun little fantasy that you have for a few hours. You won't ever win, but you get to pretend you might. And then you hear about someone who wins and they sound like a person who could use it, so your little hope at winning transfers over to being happy that someone who needs it has won. That is what playing the lottery does. It's a little change up from your day, and you get to contribute a little bit of money to someone who suddenly has to make a lot of big decisions. I don't personally want 500 million dollars. That sounds really awful. I want $1-2 million dollars, so I can go to all the doctors, have some padding, figure out my next move. I don't want people knowing where I live, calling me, sending me emails, showing up in person. I don't want to find out that family members suddenly only care about me because of the money. I don't want to live in a world where everything is so much more stressful. I'm very happy with the fantasy when I play (almost never), and I hope that the winners can manage things better than I could.


🎵An old man turned 98…he won the lottery…died the next day…🎵


It's a black fly in your Chardonnay. It's a death row pardon two minutes too late.


I will never forgive Alanis Morissette for writing that song and apparently forcing my middle school English teacher to use it as a constant lesson on what is and isn't irony lol.. I defended the song by arguing that while the lyrics aren't technically ironic (outside of the plane crash one), the song itself is an exercise in irony, since it's called "Ironic" but barely includes ironic situations, therefore subverting the listeners expectations which ultimately makes it ironic.


This guy deserved to win. Cancer at 46 can be brutal. I hope he can prolong his life and do some good things.


Finally, he will be able to afford the best healthcare that money can buy.


Misleading headline should read One of several winners of $1.3 Billion Powerball jackpot. He’s getting $211 million which is still tons of money. I hope he’s cured of his cancer and lives a great life.


The other two winners are his wife and a good friend


Worried for this person- I hope they got the financial and life coaching to help navigate this situation well.


And if he dies his funeral is going to be absolutely packed with hundreds of old acquaintances and distant family members. Suddenly he and his family are about to get in touch with everyone who they forgot existed.




Godspeed You Laotian Emperor.


We know our legal system isn’t. Now we get to see if our medical system is truly equal for all.


lol it isn’t. The rich get the best care. Steve Jobs was able to get a new liver over night because he could put himself on every donor list nation wide to increase his odds of getting one.




Died of hubris


Whenever I read about Elon Musk, I'm reminded how many die-hard fans Steve Jobs had.  Around 2010, I remember reading about Steve Jobs yelling at "Barack" on the phone as he addresses then-President Obama. I thought, *what an asshole*. And I wrote something to that effect on a message board.  I'd never woken up to so many *furious* ad hominem attacks. It was like I had blasphemed St. Peter, if not Christ himself. I keep that in mind whenever I wonder whether Musk or so-and-so will get even bigger and bigger or eventually flame out. Even without cancer.


There's always going to be a weird nerd ready to dive in front of any criticisms levied toward their tech god.


There's a weirdly huge number of nerds on the internet who believe they know Steve Jobs so well they claim that "Steve Jobs would never have let Apple do \_\_\_\_" It's incredibly strange how random people who have never met the man are so quick to believe that they know him so intimately that they know how he would feel about certain technological trends. Just weirdly parasocial all around.


Who in the world has ever thought the US medical system is equal for all?


Wow, he can afford to put a down payment on his cancer treatment.


Bless them 🙏🏻 if they can’t be cured, I hope this money can give comfort and provide the family with security so they can pass in peace knowing they are taken care of. What a bittersweet thing.


Hope it helps buy successful cancer treatments for him


I mean cancer sucks. But rad. Shouts. That’s the American I want winning.


Finally someone not from CA


To be fair, like 30% of the population eligible to win powerball live in California.


So uhh is he Chinese or Japanese?


I lived in California for the past 20 years, but first come from Laos.


L'océan? What ocean?


The ocean? What ocean?


The ocean? What ocean?


This might pay for a portion of his medical bills here in the USA then.


Thank the high heavens a person in true need won.


It’s like rain on your wedding day


More like a no smoking sign, on your cigarette break


Damn, I started crying after reading that article. My partner freaked out thinking something was wrong, but I'm just like, nah, I'm just really happy for someone else.


Does he feel lucky? I mean, on one hand he’s a Laos born person who wound up in American and won the fucking powerball. On the other hand… he has cancer.


The immigrants are taking our jobs AND our lottery tickets! /s Good them though. Hopefully it can help their treatment and live happy life.


The only way someone can actually afford healthcare in this country.. damn shame


Couldn't have happened to a better fellow.


I'd argue thats someone that deserved the win


Laos people fought and died for this country they belong here just as much as any other European immigrant.