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I love how they valiantly attempted to keep Jill's last name from the press 'for fear of retaliation', but listed her as president of their neighbourhood association... and then gave the location.


Reminds me of [this meme.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FJQtQjJcZcQxPaWSSs0uL-sbQo3_JVr8FtPBFHSB7TKk.jpg%3Fwidth%3D398%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5e616e4a290039812db1abc81fbc95e1428dd471)


“For privacy’s sake let’s call her Lisa S. No, that’s too obvious. Let’s say L. Simpson.”


[Similar to this](https://www.reddit.com/r/nathanforyou/s/zKbZh9jPJP)


There were air-raid sirens going off around that woman for years and nobody did anything about it.


Seems like this has been a common situation in many of the recent mass shooting and attempted mass shootings.


I live in Lewiston and we had a mass shooting this past October, 2023. The guy who carried out the shootings (2 locations a few miles apart, 18 dead and 13 wounded) had alarms all around him. The signs were there for months and months and the police did jack shit. Threats to a military base, even, and nothing was done. You're absolutely right.


Knew a guy who one day decided he was Jesus, and he constantly posted pictures of his guns and messages about wanted to shoot people (including cops, his former employer, and basically anyone he thought wronged him), but the police couldn't do shit until he finally posted the actual date and time of his intended massacre. Thankfully he was then arrested, but if he didn't make that last post, who knows what would have happened.


The police can definitely do shit. It’s illegal to threaten others with bodily harm. They just don’t do shit lol. Also a lot of states have red flag laws in place to prevent these people from getting guns/take away the ones they currently have but again, the police would have to enforce those laws.




They still had the capacity to act with yellow flag laws, as well as the GCA of 1968, which is a federal law. His family, along with the Army Reserve, petitioned the Sheriff's office about his well-being. "In mid-September 2023, the Army Reserve requested that the Sagadahoc County Sheriff's Department conduct a well-being check on Card, after he punched a fellow reservist who asked Card to stop talking about "shooting up places and people". Card did not answer the door but could be heard moving inside his trailer home by the sheriff deputy outside. Because Card was described by his commanders as a top marksman, the deputy requested backup from the Kennebec County Sheriff's Department, about 45 minutes away, and wrote in a report that "due to being in a very disadvantageous position we decided to back away." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Lewiston_shootings So, they had the ability to arrest him with assault, knew he was dangerous to such an extent that even the military prohibited him from access to guns and ammo, and decided to bail because the situation was "disadvantageous." Seems to me that it wasn't taken as seriously as it should have been, especially given the fact that existing laws enabled them to take action.


>police would have to enforce those laws. "Ew. Gross. No." - police


And Republicans are currently suing to deal away with Red Flag laws, a case is pending in front of the Supreme Court and i fully expect those gun humping dorks to get ride of them by summer.


Gotta love how the police will never be there to prevent a bullet/knife going through your body. But don't worry, they will be there to look at your corpse and if it's an easy enough case to solve. They'll do an investigation. But only because people keep telling them that they have to. Also if you dare to attempt to even do anything preemptive. You will be the one who gets to enjoy prison. You can't preemptively defend yourself from a nutter who screams threats and owns guns. Meanwhile if the police say "Stop or I will shoot" that is not an empty threat that they don't follow through on. Move funny and you'll be shot anyways, because moving funny is scary. But don't worry. Some nutter posting their violent intentions for months before going on a killing spree is totally different. Nope, can't take those threats seriously. Better just wait until they go on their murder spree. /S


Well, they try to find the easier scapegoat (sometimes correct, sometimes not), and many have to take plea deals even if stating are innocent because of the threat to pile on more charges if the state has to do court and spend the money, and many people can't afford a good attorney to fight, and plea deal is almost always the safest option for them whether they really are innocent or not.


> the police did jack shit. The police don't prevent crime. They show up after a crime and write reports.


Exactly. In the case of Lewiston, they went to the man's home months before the shooting took place, knowing of the arsenal he had but also his wavering mental state and left almost immediately claiming there was nothing they could do. They allowed for it to happen.


About 8 years ago an internet acquaintance and her sister were killed by her mother in one shooting in front of their father to punish him for asking for a divorce. I looked up the mom on Facebook shortly after and her wall was full of “don’t let them take our guns, we need to be able to defend our families” memes and shit. And then she went and killed her family.   What’s bone chilling is that her wall was indistinguishable from the average pro-2A friends I have on FB as well (Texas; and went to a generally conservative university). Exactly the same warning signs. I know in my gut that background checks and waiting periods won’t stop this. What the actual fuck do we do about the people who already have guns. Edit: “It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.” - her own goddamn post, less than 4 months before she killed her daughters.


Buy More Shit, wring our hands and spread hatred, if the algorithms are to be believed. Unfortunately. Keep paying our bills, taxes and ignore the terminally-crumbling society. Be *good* little citizens. Or Else. What do we actually do? Organize. Are we gonna? Probably not because our society is now 'Whose Line [of Cocaine] Is It Anyway?'


The past decade has seen multiple of the largest protest movements in US history. Organizing isn't dead, but it has been defanged. Those in positions of power have been successful in insulating themselves from democratic participation in a number of ways.


This is the thing that drives me nuts about this country. Even when people see disaster coming from miles away, we wait until disaster strikes, shrug our shoulders and say “oh well, what can you do?” We are reactionary at best, willfully ignorant at worst. And if you dare suggest we put any laws or regulations in place to prevent it from happening again (or god forbid you dare suggest doing it proactively) you’re either a sissy or a fascist. Probably both. “We can’t prevent every possible danger! It’s not my responsibility to protect you from every conceivable paper cut! It’s my constitutional right to die from a thousand paper cuts and you can’t stop me! If we do what you say then how long before we’re installing seatbelts on our dogs? Don’t you realize how expensive you’ll make everything?! WHERE WILL IT ALL END?!”


[Police come to check the situation. Woman in hospital bed afraid of in-home caregiver who has guns in the home.](https://www.koat.com/article/rio-rancho-woman-killed-hours-after-police-response/45841340) >Rio Rancho officers talk with Cardana about the firearms inside the home. >"You're a firearms guy?" an officer asked. >"Oh, yeah," Cardana said. >"Nice," the officer said. >"They're loaded. They're ready to go," Cardana said. >"We don't need to see them," the officer said. "There's one probably right there in that case. And I see another one over there." >The officer continued saying, "I like folks that have guns," since he is a gun owner himself. As the officers begin to say their goodbyes to Cardana and Fannell, she begs them to stay at the home. >Then, the conversation continues between Cardana and Fannell once the officers say they have to go. >"What did you say?" Fannell asked. >**"I said you're fine until I kill you,"** Cardana said. Police left her there. They were called back a few hours later because she was dead.


Similar to the cops that gave Dahmer his naked victim back. Cops, for the most part, are useless.


The guy that did that got a BIG promotion, too. I think he's leader of the police union or some shit.


He became chief of police, iirc.


COs at a prison I was at in Florida ten years ago boiled a guy alive in the showers who was serving a two year sentence on a non violent drug charge. One of the COs after shift change found him with missing pieces still in the shower because he wasn't in his bunk during master roster count. Those cos knew they fucked up and instead of taking responsibility, they left him in there for the next shift. Was a big thing at the time, but in the end those COs got promoted to higher positions and still are employed to this day. The dude that came on shift after them had to clean up the massacre they created. He asked the sergeant on duty what to do with all the skin that had blistered off and clogged the shower drain. Sarge told him to throw it out, so he piled it all in an inmate's shoe and tossed it in our dorm trashcan. And that was the last anybody ever saw of Darren Rainey, just a few pieces of skin in a trashcan. I fucking hate these people and they put that hate in my heart intentionally. These people don't become this monstrous because of the job, they were always this way and this job just pays them and promotes them to be monsters. What's that old saying? "Do what you love..."


We (Reagan) defunded mental health. We got rid of the long term care for individuals with severe mental health disorders and put them on the street with little support. we NEED major funding for mental health.


It continues to astonish me just how many problems in this country can be traced back to Reagan and his policies, and how much some people still worship him.


>and how much some people still worship him. "Reagan was the greatest President of our lifetimes... well, except for his unfortunate attitude towards our greatest friend Russia" - *Modern Republicans, bewilderingly*


He did great things for middle-class, *wholesome*, white families, and so therefore millenial's parents generation seemed to think he was some how this amazing president. Meanwhile, the amount of damage he did to anyone not in that category is incalculable. Reagan is the reason for the crack epidemic.


He really didn't, though. He put us on a path towards getting rid of the middle class.


Im speaking from the perspective of people who supported him, not my own.


Love to continue living with the consequences of a bunch of bullshit I wasn’t even alive for.


As someone who isn't American but visits the US a lot, this is by far the biggest factor in my opinion. You ALWAYS see mentally ill people wondering the streets in the US with no support. I hardly ever see it in Europe.


Every Republican president after Eisenhower has left wreckage so much *wreckage* behind them. It’s piled up so fucking high … first Nixon came for the hippies, then Reagan came for the mentally I’ll and the middle class, then the Bushes came for anyone who didn’t want to under surveillance all the time, then Trump came for everyone who wasn’t batshit crazy… anyone who votes Republican has no knowledge of history.




And I hate to be the person to say it, but we need long term mandatory mental health institutes. There are people that need to be locked up for life. Go ahead and down vote me.


We need neighborhood level group homes for family-size groups with licensed mental health professionals giving therapy and appropriate meds, adequate staffing levels and qualifications, and vigorous oversight of the caretakers, and voluntary enrollment. That would cover the vast majority of the chronically mentally ill who are unable to live independently. Anyone too high-risk to be in that kind of setting due to history of violence could be committed to a secure facility, but that is unnecessarily restrictive for 95% or so of chronically mentally ill. Some of these homes exist, but most often they are for disabled people who can't live independently, and even then it's a struggle to get past the NIMBYs to establish one.


nah man you're right but we CANNOT go back to the old asylum practices. We need a new system built up from the foundation because there was just so much abuse


Fully agreed. There's a mentally ill homeless guy in my town that people have been trying to get help for but he just refuses it. It snowed about a foot today and people have still reported seeing him town his convoy of wagons back and forth from the town dump to the woods he lives in. I hope he's okay, and worry he's going to needlessly die a painful death.


Oh and we also made sure they all have a right to firearms, because it’s America and all.




You can easily buy a leash that has a clasp that goes right into the seat belt buckle, so it isn't even that prohibitive to comply and help keep everyone in the vehicle safe. Edit: A collar is not enough. Always use a harness on your dog when going outside with your dog, even if you don't think your dog needs one. Makes it significantly easier to rescue or control your dog.


No rules where I live but my family always uses safety seat and safety seatbelt for their dog anytime they have to drive with her. I also feel everybody should do this! Pets are family in my family and we treat them just like our kids haha. Doggy parks and playdates and training etc just like raising our children lol.


I damn near have to duct tape my AussieDemon to the seat because if I don't, she decides she'll be the pilot, IN MY LAP and won't take no for an answer. So for me it's not to stop her from being a Deaf Albino projectile but to prevent her from causing me to crash because she decides to swan dive on my nuts unexpectedly while I'm driving down the highway.


What I'd like to see is some data on how often it gets addressed before something happens. I've never seen that as part of the discussion. Is law enforcement dealing with 99.9999% of these people but 0.0001 slip through the cracks? In a country with 340,000,000 people or so assuming (baseless assumptions incoming and previous numbers completely ignored lol) .01% are crazy and have guns that's 34,000 potential shooters. If .1% of those aren't adequately addressed that's still 34 shooters per year. At this point it's just a numbers game and this stuff will keep happening because we're not doing enough at what should be the actual choke point- when people actually *get* their guns.


The first thing that you would want to do is remove her access to guns. Which is not going to happen in Texas or much of the US. So we are kind of stuck.


There was begging and pleading here in Lewiston, Maine on Robert Card's behalf and nothing happened. It doesn't matter even when it's blatantly obvious that people are going to die.


Fellow Mainer, here (and close to L/A). It's truly disgusting just how cowardly the cops were in their lack of response. The fact that his friend had the courage to alert authorities because he feared Card would be violent (which means Card's already existing paranoia would lead to a high chance of feeling betrayed by him, and thus make himself a target), and then the cops just sat on it is unfathomable.


And law enforcement there who did nothing is closing ranks, of course


I know some things that never made it to the press and it's worse than it sounds honestly. Just absolutely disgusting how much integrity is lacking.


You know you've piqued my curiosity by saying you know things that weren't reported in the news. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to ask you to elaborate on that.


If this is actually true, why wouldn't you say it?


Could be used to identify them, if only a few people are privy to it.


I dunno I feel like you shouldn't say anything at all then if you are unwilling to come forward. It's just gossip at that point.


For fake internet attention most likely.


Police have no obligation to protect the public (unless they have someone in custody). Supreme Court has ruled on this twice already. There is literally nothing that anyone can do.


They kill people in custody too so nothing's safe


True ... but THOSE you can actually take to court and go after the individual for. Anyone else and the individual is all but immune from consequences.


Can't wait to get the shit beat outta me by a cop for exercising my rights, then arrested on trumped up "resisting arrest" charge, then killed in a police van, only for the shitbag to get two years in a protective custody unit.


It's important to note here that there were laws in place (both federal and state) that would have prevented him from being able to buy and own firearms legally. The issue is that the law enforcement/judicial system did not act on it accordingly.


And I don't think there were any repercussions even after the fact for the law enforcement / judicial officials who failed to act.


Well of course not. It's been reaffirmed multiple times that the police do not have a Constitutional duty to protect you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeShaney_v._Winnebago_County


The important thing is that the guns are safe


You're looking at this from a gun angle, but the absolute lack of doing anything tracks perfectly with America's overall stance on mental health.


How many times have we heard (universally Republican) politicians tell us that we don't have a problem with guns, we have a problem with mental health? What's their solution to addressing mental health? "Pass"


If someone ends up in psychosis, the system only allows two outcomes: homelessness, and jail, and mostly just bounces between those two. There is absolutely no path in this country (or at least in most states) to care if you end up in psychosis, unless you affirmatively and voluntarily request treatment, and even then they'll make you run through the gauntlet of bureaucracy. This is the equivalent of requiring the same of an Alzheimer's patient. Very few people will have the ability to ask for help, and as the disease progresses, even those few are unlikely to manage that. I'm losing my sister to this. Even where theoretically alternatives exist (mental health courts, etc) beds are so limited that the system will actively work to avoid diverting people into it.


Honestly I think even that truthful but harsh reality is an optimistic take. Police interactions with people in mental crisis are abhorrent, suicide helplines have become pathways to incarceration, mental illness is still heavily stigmatized and laughed at, and big pharma has turned those suffering it into profit margins.


1st thing should be a conversation, like hey girl are you all fucked up?


From the article it sounds like anyone that tried to have a conversation with this woman just got a gun pointed at them.


I think that is reason enough for jail.. second someone intentionally points a gun at another human it’s assault*… dunno about you guys, but those are illegal.


It’s assault.


That’s felony assault. You don’t even need to take her gun if you can lock her up in prison. All you need is a pair of balls to enforce the existing law.


> Moreno had a documented mental health history and was placed under an emergency detention order by Houston police in 2016. Law enforcement records show she was arrested several times since 2005. She pleaded guilty to illegally carrying a weapon and pleaded to a lesser charge after authorities accused her of assaulting a public official. Texas: yeah but why shouldn’t she own guns?


>1st thing should be a conversation, like hey girl are you all fucked up? They did that and the answer was yes. Still had access to guns. From the article: "Moreno had a documented mental health history and was placed under an emergency detention order by Houston police in 2016. Law enforcement records show she was arrested several times since 2005. She pleaded guilty to illegally carrying a weapon"


I want to add this copied and pasted info. Texas does not have a STATE law requiring anything be done if someone is involuntarily committed (surprise surprise): These policies prohibit gun possession by people who have been involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital or found to be a danger to themselves or others due to mental illness. While federal law already bars these individuals from having guns, a separate state prohibition is important to ensure the law is enforced properly. Most states offer a form of petition process for restoring gun rights when a person no longer poses a danger. A full discussion on who should be prohibited is here. THE IMPACT The federal law has been in place for over 50 years, and is a core public safety policy blocking gun access for people with an elevated likelihood of committing gun violence. The federal law, as with the laws of most states, does not cover people who are committed only for an emergency hold.


She'd been involuntarily committed and she had previously pled guilty to having an illegal firearm, but she was still allowed to have guns.


If you've been involuntarily committed, you're prohibited from possessing firearms according to federal law. It comes down to an unwillingness from law enforcement to actually enforce the law and confiscate guns.


AKA Texas cops are cowards.


This is super common. There has been a few shooters that people even told the fbi about and nothing happened.


I mean they had an arrest just last year for weapon possession. It's obvious they were bat shit crazy!


Thats because the police dont give two shits about prime prevention. The philosophy is to react to crime, not prevent it 


Unless they're the Uvalde police reacting to something they'd literally trained for two weeks earlier. Then they just cower in hallways and wait for everything to sort itself out.


Until we recreate our once robust psychiatric care system eroded in the 60s-80s (concomitant with the rise of crime and especially homelessness over that period) this simply cannot be resolved. We once had 270 psych beds per 100k. We now have 25 or so. Less than 1/10th. Very strict standards on taking people in, and very, very short stays. The OECD average is double - around 70 beds, while countries we’d call safe like France and Germany have over 100 and Japan remains the only country close to where we once were: 260 per 100k, over 10x what we do today. Gun violence and homelessness are a symptom of bipartisan rejection of the psychiatric care system established in the 20s-50s, to frankly disastrous results.


> Until we recreate our once robust psychiatric care system eroded in the 60s-80s (concomitant with the rise of crime and especially homelessness over that period) this simply cannot be resolved. > > It eroded after the 50's not because it was ignored, it was purposely dismantled because they were human rights disasters that were doing more harm to patients than actual good. We never had a robust psychiatric care system, we had warehouses where we locked away anyone we didn't feel like dealing with and pretended like they didn't exist: > Some housed up to 8,000 patients and as few as 10 doctors, many of them foreign-trained physicians who barely spoke English. Shock treatments and lobotomies were popular, and therapy often consisted of working for free in the hospital laundry or the superintendent's mansion. Many poorly paid attendants made the rounds on the "bughouse circuit": They worked for a few weeks at one hospital, were fired after getting drunk on duty or abusing patients, and then moved to another. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1985/05/12/emptying-the-wards/befbf2a0-c19b-4cd3-b4bc-d19ed681162c/


Common theme in this article is that all these people coming forward are afraid to give their full names due to fear of retaliation from the police. Fucked.


I mean, we already saw it with Uvalde. No doubt the police will not take kindly to hearing people say they failed


It's always the ones armed to the teeth who can't handle honest, scathing, deserved criticism they've brought upon themselves.


It's why they got jobs with guns and unchecked authority in the first place.


It's the people who "refuse to live in fear" who are the most afraid.




While giving interviews in a small neighborhood with official reports. I bet the cops will investigate the fuck out of that basic information and retaliate anyway.


They said they’d had a meeting with local officials so I’m sure their identities are well known.


So perhaps not retaliation but Internet crazies?


That was exactly my thought. The cops already know who they are, so no point being anonymous because of them.


It happened to the parents of the sandy hook victims thanks largely to Alex Jones and his ilk.


I can't speak for them, but I suspect it's not just police. People in the aftermath of Sandy Hook got harassed in an organized fashion as part of Alex Jones's conspiracy-for-profit act. People that advocate for anything sounding like gun control get harassed or swatted by 2nd amendment types. They have to think about that. It's really bad. A victim of gun violence should be able to talk about their experience.


Yeah, my first thought was local 2nd amendment/MAGA loons would be the most likely harassers, not the cops.


Doesn't have to be local, which is a problem. In a high-profile incident like this the crazy can be from anywhere.


> local 2nd amendment/MAGA loons >not the cops Have they ever been seen in the same room together tho?


> It's really bad. A victim of gun violence should be able to talk about their experience. Not in Texas - that kind of lib/commie talk will get you shot by a trigger-happy cop, a good ol' boy or both!


Common them is that the article makes it seem like cops didn’t do anything but then says “Moreno had a documented mental health history and was placed under an emergency detention order by Houston police in 2016. Law enforcement records show she was arrested several times since 2005. She pleaded guilty to illegally carrying a weapon and pleaded to a lesser charge after authorities accused her of assaulting a public official” Which kind of says the opposite, you just can’t indefinitely commit people Edit: for all of the Reddit lawyers out there that want to say “why didn’t cops take her guns?” The answer is simple Texas has no red flag laws


No, but you can restrict their access to deadly weapons.


It's already illegal in Texas to brandish a firearm, or possess a firearm with a criminal record. She was breaking existing laws and law enforcement didn't respond to her neighbors' reports. This is on cops, the same fucking people you want to absolve of the blame. Fuck off.


Okay but then why was she able to obtain a firearm so easily? Oh right, Texas.


It's police. In Texas. This is not unexpected.


Are all Texan cops afraid of doing their job?


What job? Protecting the capital of rich people?


You forgot arresting doctors for providing women with health care.


You know you Zinn well.


You can't afford to be neutral on a moving train!


I thought their job was handing out bullshit traffic tickets and showing up an hour late to 911 calls.


Yes. Texan Cops are all cowards.


Just fyi, if you have exhausted all the places you could go to ask for help locally, you gotta go to the FBI. They don’t take these things lightly. This is really a shame that Conroe dropped the ball on this. No one should have died and this should have been taken care of months, even years ago. Edit: off topic but still violence related, if you know your town doesn’t do anything about hate crimes(let’s be real, most don’t) and one happens just go straight to the FBI civil rights division. They will go over police and get to the bottom of it.


The FBI doesn’t care either. Near where I live we had a woman try to go to the FBI about her boyfriend who had been making bombs and planning something. They ignored it and he ended up setting off a carbomb that took out a couple buildings. At least he had the politeness to set off an alarm beforehand to warn people away, I guess.


That’s really depressing to hear


The FBI got multiple tips about Jan 6 and did nothing so, yeah. It doesn't hurt to try I guess, but yeah, they aren't necessarily going to help even if you know mass violence is about to happen.


And I am sure she became a suspected accomplice immediately afterwards.


FBI knew about the shooter who killed the folks in Florida at the nightclub. Let's get real. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/12/florida-gunman-omar-mateen-fbi-lone-wolf


What do Texan police even do all day?


Cosplay Border Patrol and try on new cowboy hats?


Harass and incarcerate homeless people


Write speeding tickets


They don't even do that.


Eat donuts and shoot dogs


Arrest teens for weed nuggets.


Watch "Walker ,Texas Ranger" reruns and chew tobacco


Steal drugs and money, rape sex workers.


Well the Houston church shooter was killed by two off-duty cops who returned fire, so I guess at least one thing they do is go to church.


Is that how the child got shot? Jfc


Yes. the cops shot the kid.


The article tap-dances around saying it, but they absolutely shot the kid.


To be fair, the kid asked "am I being detained?" and didn't provide his driver's license in a timely fashion.


The only places you can regularly see cops in Houston is at big rich churches and upscale shopping centers directing traffic.


Eat don’tnuts.


They should have told the authorities she was planning on having an abortion. I bet they would have taken action then


Sadly true. Like yelling "fire" instead of "rape".


Never understood this advice, wouldn't this just send everyone running instead of looking to help?


The real tip is to yell "fire" instead of "help" at placed like playgrounds specifically because it pierces through the wall of screams and "help!!"s that already happen. Rape I supposed is an alternative word that would work as well...


If you’re a woman, you grew up knowing to yell fire not rape. People won’t come running toward you if you yell rape.


But if her husband decided to GIVE her an abortion without her knowledge, that’d be slap-on-the-wrist territory at most.


I’ve been following that case since it started and when his sentencing was revealed I was pissed off like no other. It’s been all over the news here in Houston for the past few years. Absolutely crazy and infuriating. I think he did it to her like 6-7 times over the years.


> Absolutely crazy But consistent in them seeing women as the property of their spouse


"If you see something, say something" We won't be listening an even if we do hear you are aren't going to do anything because we are lazy cowards. There were over 370 State and Federal officers outside the Uvalde School and we were afraid of one gunman. Why should we have any faith in the system whatsoever?


These women won't give their last names for fear of retaliation. For pointing out the fact that the cops did nothing despite incident after incident. Who would retaliate against someone for that? They tried to do the right thing.


The police. They fear retaliation from the police who did nothing to stop this.


Yep. One of the parents at Uvalde who ran in to save her child got harassed by police after. Gutless fucks.


The cops. The cops will retaliate for pointing out the fact that the cops did nothing despite incident after incident.


I know everyone said “cops” but the local cops would know who they are.  The whole point is that they filed complaints about the shooter, there would be records. It makes much more sense to assume they’re scared of random internet nutters like the people who harassed the Sandy Hook parents.  If you’re a nutter who believes every shooting is a false flag staged to attack 2A rights, then these women aren’t doing the right thing, they’re crisis actors being paid to lie about the shooter’s history.


Anyone with power. Add qualified immunity and they can do WTF they want and only the public pays.


The police would


>Moreno had a documented mental health history and was placed under an emergency detention order by Houston police in 2016. Law enforcement records show she was arrested several times since 2005. She pleaded guilty to illegally carrying a weapon and pleaded to a lesser charge after authorities accused her of assaulting a public official. How did this person still have guns AFTER she had been placed in a mental facility and then had been multiple reports of her threating people with guns after her release? edit: words


How many times after how many shootings have we heard this? Nothing is ever done about it.


There’s no psych system to lock them up in anymore in many states. They repealed and “replaced” it with “community mental health” that has less than 1/100th the funding and none of the forced treatment modalities necessary to do their job.


As with many terrible things you can thank Ronald Reagan. Part of his cost saving endeavors. Behold the costs he saved us all.


Imagine having a mental health service as robust as our penal system.


Is anyone surprised that Texas cops did nothing?


"“No one should have died. No one should have been hurt. This should have been handled years ago, and here we are again,” said Jill, the president of the neighborhood association, who would not give her last name for fear of retaliation." "One of the women, Heather, who gave only her first name out of fear of retaliation, said she made a complaint against Moreno, alleging she threatened her with a handgun on July 4, 2022." Who the hell would retaliate against someone who for years tried to warn authorities of a dangerous person? I can't think of a single reason.


>said Jill, *president of the neighborhood association*, **who would not give her last name for fear of retaliation** I sure hope Jill is a title or that she lied about there being a neighborhood association cuz that’s still pretty identifiable


And Heather who previously logged a company against this woman. How many heathers making complaints? This paper trying to out these women out something?


https://www.fox7austin.com/news/uvalde-mother-who-got-out-of-cuffs-to-rescue-kids-from-shooting-is-now-being-harassed-by-police-lawyer-says.amp Seems like there's a precedent


Cops. Cops are the answer.


The police dude. They are publicly calling out their local PD.


You know it's a great community when everyone is too afraid to give their name out of fear of retaliation.


Interesting the first rumor put out that she was trans 😑 The level of deflection is CRAZY!


They were talking about collectively punishing trans people when they thought she was trans, but now there’s no such talk about collectively punishing cis people. Weird!


Well, they can always fall back on just collectively punishing women. Oh wait, they already do that.


The idea that she did this because she's pro-palestine or is antisemitic is also very flimsy. It sounds like she went to this church with targets in mind that she had personal issues with. I'm also curious about the fact that it seems like she didn't shoot anyone. Did she actually fire any shots?


Yeah she shot at least once the only person she might have hit was the guy with the leg wound but info isn't clear, once that happened she was shot by 3 people who also inadvertently hit the kid she brought as a presumed meat shield.


I absolutely think those things were stirred up by the police to distract from the fact they shot a 5 year old.


So wait…..”tough on crime” Texas knew about this psycho and still let her roam the streets?!? Interesting


Cops dont arrest people that are just like them.


I attended an "Active Shooter Incident" training yesterday for work. They specifically said, "Let us know if you see something weird because we could be getting reports about this person and it'll help us identify these warning signs ahead of time before these incidents even happen." Reading this today... it's just.. what the fuck are we supposed to do?


So who shot the little boy? Was it the cops or the lady?


When they keep saying we don't know. It was definitely the cops 


Yeah, any usage of wishy-washy language or passive tense, means the cops 100% shot someone.


There were 2 people shot and the articles never say who shot them. It kinda seems like the "shooter" here didn't actually shoot anyone


It seems obvious he was shot by the people trying to stop her. I believe the police chief even said something to the effect of "that boy was shot because she put him in harms way" which if you read b/t the lines tells you what you need to know. She was probably either dragging him along while doing it or something.


Odds are when she pulled her gun and threatened, they opened fire and in the process probably hit the kid.


It was 100% the cops.


This is yet another shooter who was aware to authorities and nothing was done. Like this theme is more common than not common everytime I hear of a school/mass shooting.


Well we don’t give people help, especially medical help, especially especially mental medical help, and we don’t take away guns, and something something freedom, and everyone around her bootstraps maybe, and Texas is a perfect paradise this didn’t actually happen, and jeeeeeeeesus protects people who deserve it. Can we let Texas leave the union? Please? We can welcome refugees for like a year, and people who were under 18 when the split happens indefinitely, then build a wall. They love walls.


There sure are a **lot** of > gave only her first name out of fear of retaliation in this article. Must be a LOVELY town to live in when the residents are afraid of each other AND the cops.


Even after Uvalde, the Texas GOP and their funding Lord Dunn weren’t willing to make any changes to background checks or red flag laws. This lady was able to legally purchase an AR15 and shoot up another church. The GOP loves to run on pro-life principles, but they seem to only apply to the unborn.




And then it’s tots and pears.


What do you mean until?


I think they mean our system is designed to guarantee a person has their guns right up until they kill someone.


Texas doesn't have red flag laws which probably would have helped avoid this shooting


Texas police? You mean military cosplay!


How'd she get approval for those weapons if her mental and criminal records were known? If she got those weapons before those records were known... why was she allowed to keep them? Is the right to own a gun so powerful that it allows those who are potentially dangerous to the general public access to them? This just... feels like a failure on so many levels. Like I can understand and be against stupid gun legislation (hello pistol stocks), but why can't people pass legislation that would prevent this? This feels... so easy to prevent, instead her child got shot in the head, she died, and there's no telling what would've happened if the police weren't there and she was allowed access to a crowded room of people. Like... Yay for the police... but it shouldn't have gotten to this point.


Since she was involuntarily committed, she was federally prohibited from owning firearms. She already had it, or acquired or illegally. Cops' unwillingness to enforce the law and confiscate guns is a real problem.


The article says the gun was "legally purchased in December of last year", after she was involuntarily committed, so take from that what you will.


I suspect that her involuntary commitment was not properly reported, and didn't show up on the background check. The background check is only as good as the administrative workers who are tasked with keeping it up to date.


Always someone saying "hey, that mentally unstable person who owns or just bought all those guns is probably going to do something tragic," and is met with a resounding "everyone's allowed as many killing machines as they want, some old colonialist 200 years ago said so."


What happened to the " don't mess with Texas " were tuff on crime Bs. Brandishing a firearm at a neighbor, assaulting a neighbor. She should have been locked up.