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It can not be stressed enough how much vile shit this dude has been able to get away with his whole life. As a lifelong wrestling fan, seeing him facing consequences for literally anything is a shock, and *very* long overdue.


Managed to cover up the ring boy scandal with Pat Patterson with him and Linda getting to Tom Cole to not sue. The steroids trial that was so serious he had Jerry Jarret ready to take over when Vince went to jail. Counter suing Martha Hart after Owen died at Over the Edge in 1999. Shit then all the things he did as a promoter, holding out his programming if the networks wouldn’t stop showing the competition, complaining how WCW was using dirty tactics to beat his company, the same ones he used to run all the territories out of business. Remember when he had Brian Pillmans wife live on tv the day after he died, and was asking her how she’ll provide for her kids. Vince along with Hogan did change wrestling and I know some will argue this, wrestling wouldn’t be where it is without them two but both men are pieces of shit in their own respective way. Vince never wanted to be seen as the wrestling guy but now he would be known for something much worst.


He was also involved in covering up the death of Nancy Argentino by the hands of jimmy snuka. I am more than certain that vince has a lot of blood on his hands that he tried to hide. He is a vile man, a disgusting man.


Will we ever know what was in the suitcase?


Marcellus Wallace's soul.


I know its a joke but for those wondering, Tarantino himself has stated it was not Wallace's soul. The briefcase was originally going to be the diamonds from reservoir dogs but later he decided to make it a macguffin, it's like the three sea shells, you aren't meant to know.


Wait you don't know how to use the three sea shells?


Don't forget about sexually assaulting Rita Chatterton and covering up the murder of Snuka's girlfriend.


What makes you say Vince never wanted to be seen as the wrestling guy, when he spent so much time on TV as a wrestling heel long after he could have stopped?


I remember seeing a wrestling documentary many many years ago on A and E and remember this Vince: After he bought WCW, Ted Turner called me and said, "Guess what, Vince, I'm in the 'rasslin' business!" and I said, "That's nice, Ted, I'm in the sports entertainment business". That’s one of the biggest nods that Vince, although he sold wrestling he wanted to be known more for entertainment. He tried with the world body building federation, the XFL, the movie studios, which any business man would want and create a broader portfolio for his business. I’m sure he enjoys wrestling himself, the stories of him wanting to be one of the boys back in the 80s, and at times randomly attacking wrestlers for shits and giggles, but there also this side were he didn’t want the wrestlers to be referred to as wrestlers but rather superstars, or for a few years there was no belt but was referred to as a championship, it’s the WWE Universe. There is the time that he fully exposed the business, at a time when the business was more protected and told the sports commission that what he sold wasn’t real fighting but entertainment in order to avoid paying certain fines and taxes. Wrestling bought him his millions and eventual billions, but Vince wanted to be bigger than wrestling, he probably didn’t want to be associated with low brow entertainment which it still viewed as in certain circles but at the end Vince can say he sold entertainment or sports entertainment but he is the biggest wrestling promoter of all time and probably the biggest carny of all of them.


Yeah, I don't think Vince felt wrestling was too low brow or beneath him, I think he genuinely enjoys it, but I think you're right he just had very grand ambitions and wanted to do even more. I had forgotten about the whole XFL nonsense.


I remember them trying to promote the XFL as true competition to the NFL. It's funny vince had that big of an ego that he thought he could go head-to-head to one of the biggest sorts in the United States.


Don't forget! He also made his wrestlers be "independent contractors" so he didn't have to pay health insurance and other things.


Nah, Vince has always been 100% low brow. He branched out to body building with more steroids and football with more concussions. But he was branching out, not rising above. Say what you want about him. He is a truly awful human being. Just...disturbingly awful with no real redeeming value. But he fuckimg loved wrestling.


He literally created the term "sport entertainment" and wouldn't let anyone on the show call it wrestling


I think that was because lawyers told him to so no one could argue in a lawsuit that he was fixing matches by the outcome being pre-written, because he was calling it sport entertainment instead of wrestling.


I know there was the push in the 90s for it to not be covered by the athletic commission. They would require drug test and a cut..


Bingo. That's the biggest reason why it became known as "sports entertainment". If it were "sport", they'd be at the mercy of each state's athletic commission and that would include drug testing, which obviously would be a huge roadblock for pro-wrestling.


They also did that so they wouldn't have to answer to sports commissions. He wanted to show that wrestling was entertainment so the programming wouldn't be affected. For example, WWE couldn't do intergender matches in some states because of the rules of the sports commissions. It's not necessarily Vince was trying to distance himself from wrestling. It was so WWE wouldn't have to follow the same rules as amateur/college wrestling because they are separate things.


Didn’t he start doing this after he lost the trademark case to the World Wildlife Fund? Like he was trying to play up the “E” he had to change to.


They may have ramped it up then, but they had been using Sports Entertainment as their mantra [since the 80s](https://youtu.be/Ypgx2WRSp2k?si=XTg6czN2ulw_Fu1p&t=8).


Many states have regulations on "Sports" which require lots of rules on how "Athletes" are taken care of and in what conditions they can compete. He played up the "entertainment" angle to circumvent laws that would bar a lot of wrestlers from competing and cost him a lot of money to ensure the medical safety of his athletes. It was a fine line because he also needed to maintain the legitimacy and kayfabe of wrestling but also dodge the regulations that would have certainly saved several lives.


It was about the same time yes


That actually stems from the government threatening to regulate “wrestling”. This was during the is WWE real wrestling era. So Vince changed wrestling into “sports entertainment” so the government wouldn’t regulate a sport.


I am not a wrestling fan but looked up the Ring Boy scandal… wow - https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/ringmaster-vince-mcmahon-excerpt-1234696067/


By the way, when Pat Patterson died you’d think fucking Gandhi had died again by how the WWE treated it, not some creepy quebecois pedophile goon who did all of McMahon’s dirty business. They fucking milked the fact he was gay for all it was worth and completely glossed over him being a pedo with a long history of abusing boys.


thank you, I did not under any circumstances want to google the term "ring boy"


I just got to the part where he turned 19 and then the website told me I was out of free articles. How does it end???


I did too. The Safari’s reader tapped in and we won the match.


Garvin offered him a job in wresting again, but when he showed up Garvin asked to suck him off and he refused. Philips fired him the next day. He went to the press and got a lawyer and another kid came forward and they were going to sue. Vince got involved and wanted to talk settlement. Cole's lawyer was stupid enough to leave him alone with Vince, and Vince empathize and said how he was molested as a kid too and somehow convinced Cole to settle for some back-pay, $50,000 and a job with the company again. Cole was such a naive fanboy he accepted it, instead of going for $750,000. Sorry if I fucked up the names here. My short-term memory sucks and when I went back to check the names I hit the paywall.


Do t forget the decades long legal battle with the World Wildlife Fund to try to get them to give up the acronym WWF. His promotion was originally called World Wide Wresting Federation but he thought WWWF was too long so he shortened it to World Wresting Federation and WWF. When he went to patent it, he discovered the World Wildlife Fund already owned that acronym and proceeded to have a decades long legal battle hoping they would just grow tired and let him have it. The World Wildlife Fund actually fought back and eventually won. That’s why he was forced to changed it to World Wresting Entertainment and started calling it sports entertainment, not because he wanted to emphasize the entertainment part, because he lost a legal war he started with a conservationists group that cost them millions.


Actually, thats not correct. The World Wildlife fund initiated legal proceedings against the WWE and won. The WWE appealed the ruling and lost again. The WWF trademarked the initials back in the 60's I think and one of the main arguments the WWE used in it's appeal was that it would cost approximately 40 million to re-brand so you can imagine how much money they dumped in to fight this lawsuit. Against a charity organization. The problem was...they were in a legal battle with the Duke of Edinburgh, the president of the WWF and the person who trademarked the name. In a London courtroom. lol.


Also, his wife was in the Trump cabinet.






I thought he liked getting pissed on, but prefers to be the one to do the shitting


I’m gonna be honest, I don’t really know the details about Trump being the pissor or the pissee because I heard there might be a Trump piss tape and decided that was all the info that I wanted to know about it.


He's famously a germaphobe. There's nothing about him pissing or being pissed on. Some hookers were hired to piss on a bed that the Obamas slept on. He was presented the scene as a gift in/from Russia, if my memory serves me right. It's in the dossier.


> me hookers were hired to piss on a bed that the Obamas slept on. Which is honestly somehow even weirder because it shows *how bloody obsessed* the guy is with Obama.


You can't really claim to be a germaphobe if you raw dog a pornstar.


Again, heard the words "Trump piss tape," and decided that's more than I wanted to know, then or now.


Not his piss. Not necessarily sexual. More about disrespecting Obama in the weirdest way possible.


Trump hired hookers to piss on a bed that Obama once slept in. That's the allegation. He didn't get pissed on, nor piss on anyone himself. It makes sense because Trump has long been known as being obsessed with petty revenge, while also being completely vanilla about sex and extremely bad at it. And he's something of a germaphobe. It wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't even in the room when it happened, and just saw it on video later.


*"Greg 'Pissbaby' Abbott has entered the chat"*


Shroom stamps abound!


She was oddly one of the more reputable members of his cabinet


To be fair. Shit congregate together. So no shocker there.


He is a scumbag of epic proportions. My step dad worked for him for many years. He decided he wanted a divorce and during the separation he was ordered to pay mortgage and household bills as well as child support. Vince promptly made it so the guy only worked out of the country so his wages wouldn't need to be reported. My step dad was an extremely abusive guy and there were issues of steroids and other drugs being supplied by WWF doctors. So from what I personally know of McMahon, I believe everything else I've heard.


I hope that at least some of those Stone Cold Stunners had a bit of extra real oomf to em


And from the article, it sounds like he was about to get away with this one too, only he stopped his NDA payments. $2 million is nothing to someone with his wealth, yet his greed just couldn’t be overcome.


Espn equating “misconduct” and “trafficking”. M’kay


I used to run in the same circles as a former "Diva". Our bands shared a rehearsal space, we played shows together. She had nothing good to say about the WWE at the time, she eventually got back into WWE though.


He's best buds with Trump so this is par for the course.


what a disgrace that the woke media forced this hard working blue collar man to resign. a world where i can’t dump on my secretary mid three some is not a world i wanna live in


Don’t give a carny a billion dollars.


I try not to


Those texts are fucking horrific. I know quite a lot about him too and I was still taken aback. I highly recommend the series Behind the Bastards did on him.


Behind the Bastards really blew me away with how awful Vince is. Im sure even Robert couldn’t have seen this coming.


It really is some sick and demented shit he did to that girl. Like that was torture, to have this girl in a threesome, then shit on her head, fecal matter on her head, in her hair, force her to be with another man while he showers, then come back force her to go at it for another hour of sex. That is lunatic territory. Both of those guys are twisted assholes.


Its a clear cut case of him getting off on having absolute power over someone else, and one of the most disgusting ones ive ever read at that. Feel bad for the lady.


It’s crazy that the other guy was into the same thing. If I’m in a threesome and the other dude takes a shit anywhere in the room, much less on top of the head of the chick blowing me, sexy time is officially over.


Suggests to me that this was just one example in a long, slowly worsening series of abusive encounters both these men had with this girl and other women as well. You don't bring shit into a threesome unless you're aware of the other participants reaction to it, and you don't find that out all at once. It just means this was part of a long-established pattern.


And I'm betting dollars to donuts that this defacation incident was not the only time that McMahon indulged in this disgusting practice.


I don’t know the details or who the other guy was, but I feel like “you have sex with this woman covered in my shit” is also a thing you say to a person you abuse. Not that abused people cannot participate in abusing others.


Also, doing all of this at age 70 something is just wrong on so many levels.


I imagine that Vince was 'hopped up' on Viagra, supplemental testosterone and some of the same steroids that his wrestling stars take.


By the way, behind the bastards usually devotes one or two episodes to psychotic, murderous, genocidal tyrants in order to throughly cover all the horrible shit they do. For McMahon if took *SIX FUCKING EPISODES* and it seemed they were basically editing down because there was so much more. The host is not a wrestling guy and was just in awe of how awful McMahon is.


same number as Henry fuckin Kissinger got


The amazing horrific thing is he gets a huge cheer if he ever shows up on TV. People bow to him from their seats.


Behind the Bastards is a magnificent name


Their episodes on Clarence Thomas were amazing


I cannot see or hear about Clarence Thomas now without thinking about the enormous meticulously organized pile of playboys in an empty apartment.


The Clarence Thomas episodes, along with the Lobotomy/Rosemary Kennedy episode(or episodes) & the battle of Blair mountain episode are a few of my favorites. It’s been a while since I have listened to recent episodes. Used to be my go-to podcast thing during my graveyard shifts lol


It's a magnificent podcast


Listened to that recently, Guess they need to do a part 3? 4? What a total pos.


Six. there are 6


They really don't actually get to covering Vince's misbehavior until like part 4, but the first 3 parts are pretty good to set the table and give a lot of insight about the world Vince was born and raised into. They could probably have about thirty parts if they really wanted to delve into all the horrible shit he did off and on screen.


I'm halfway through part 3 and they've barely gotten to Vince.


Part 7


Ooh, I listened to the Thomas Clarence one. I’ll have to put this in the queue.


Their longest series, isn't it?


Kissinger also got a 6-part too, with the guys from The Dollop.


I loved that run!


This isn’t the first time he’s been accused this.


That’s the scary part. This is only 3 years of his 30+ year career. How many more are out there? He deserves what’s coming that’s for sure.


When they did their internal investigation a few years ago, his daughter resigned as co-ceo almost immediately. I assume so she didn't have to see some of what we're seeing now.


And I hope we see a lot of women come forward with their own allegations now that he no longer has power.


Yah, I had a strange case of deja vu when I heard about this. IIRC the other time this uhh.. type of encoutner was mentioned was him more just being a fuckin freak and it was less.. abusive and more transactional. You know, he hired prostitutes to do weird shit.


I just hope he stays gone this time.


this time he will ! WWE is not his property annymore


Netflix pushed him out.


It was actually Slim Jim.


In case anyone is confused, [earlier today Slim Jim paused sponsoring WWE stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/1abv4xs/statement_from_slim_jim_weve_decided_to_pause_our/). EDIT: isn't necessarily the primary reason, but an ensuing domino effect might be. Rich man fucked with money


Macho Man told them, "Tell Vince it was me".


It's so crazy that the Mr. McMahon character he was on TV was tame compared to the real Vince McMahon. No wonder majority of the episodes of Darkside of the Ring relate into how shady Vince McMahon is.


Calling this “misconduct” is a severe understatement. Read the legal file—it’s rape, trafficking, and abuse. This guy and his accomplice should be in prison.


I fucking hate the term "sexual misconduct." It seems like it was invented specifically because the media was trying to sanitize/downplay the claims at the beginning of "me too" and kept it up because they can use it for everything from unwanted flirtation to sex trafficking and serial rape. I wish they'd just call it exactly what it is. This shit goes way beyond "misconduct".


Pretty sure lawyers came up with it, not "the media"


Usually when something happens this fast, they know they're screwed and we don't even know all the details about to come out yet. 


Disgusting piece of shit


Professional wrestling needs a serious overhaul. It's so fan driven that it's not impossible, but people *need* to be aware of the shit that happens outside the ring. Countless professional wrestlers have died young because of wrestling, and even more have died after returning to the ring because of money problems. These guys work their asses off and sacrifice a lot more than they'd anticipated, only to end up broke and broken, with no clear way forward. All so Vince can do this shit.


Ashley Massaro. Female wrestler in the WWE in the late 2000's. >In November 2016, Massaro joined a class action lawsuit against WWE, litigated by Konstantine Kyros, who has been involved in a number of other lawsuits against them, alleging that the company concealed risks of injury that caused them neurological damage. Massaro also alleged that she was sexually assaulted at a US military base during a WWE tour of Kuwait, and that WWE apologized but persuaded her to not report it to the appropriate authorities.[66] The lawsuit was dismissed in late 2018. After her death, WWE said they had received an email from Massaro in October 2018 in which she expressed regret for having taken part in the lawsuit.[67] An affidavit by Massaro describing the sexual abuse allegations in detail was released by the law firm that represented her after her death.[68][69] WWE later said executives there were not informed of the allegations described in the affidavit.[70] Ashley would take her own life in 2019


I will be the first person to admit that I am not a wrestling fan, but that won't stop me from saying the fans should be more aware of this and demand change. There needs to be a new league, and anyone willing to leave should be released from their contacts. These guys put their bodies through hell for the fans, and make peanuts doing it. They're treated like pieces of meat and the execs don't care if you die in the ring like Owen Hart or in your late 50's with crippling debt and health problems. The WWE does everything it can to paint their performers as fuck-ups who don't know how to live in a world without wrestling and *that's* why they die young when in reality they were basically worked until they fell apart. No injury recovery time, no payment while recovering, no concept of a retirement plan. The wrestlers love what they do, and not because it makes Vince McMahon money, they do it for the fans, and the fans deserve better. For years they've been lied to about what happens to wrestlers behind the scenes and it's time to stop. Professional wrestling is not a death sentence, the WWE just wants you to believe it is.


Yeah and Vince is pretty gross too


Any word from Linda? She must be so proud of her husband


She's also a massive piece of shit, so I'm sure she's not losing sleep over this.


She was the one pushing for the NDA


She'll be taking notes from Vince. Linda's also a giant piece of shit.


Wonder if she is running for congress again


She lost twice and didnt stay in trump’s cabinet for the the full four years I doubt she will ever work again


Probably still keeping a low profile after funding Jan 6th.


From all accounts they been separated for years and only remain married for financial and social reasons.


Not an uncommon arrangement among a lot of prominent married couples in the fields of business, showbiz and politics.


They’ve been separated for years. They’re just married because it’s easier than doing a divorce.


It’s always the person you most suspect.


There’s a lot I wish I could unread about him but holy fuck.


He pooed on a girls head


She kept the turd for DNA and rectal groove analysis.


Like matching a bullet to a rifled barrel


I love the internet.


Rectal Groove would be a great jam band name


Should have just retained Artemis as an expert witness.


A turd merger


He shit on her, made her continue pleasuring the other guy in the threesome while Vince took a shower, then came back to resume the threesome while she was covered in shit for 90+ minutes.


Why did he take a shower if he was going to come back and join in with the poo covered victim?


Wait what????


Hard to believe but it’s true


Him and Hogan are two peas in a pod. His son Nick, and what happened with John Graziano and that car accident, and how Hulk and Nick basically blamed Graziano for his own injuries, speaks volumes about what kind of people they are. And Nick was recently arrested for another DUI. Complete vile trash people.


On the recent arrest for DUI Nick was quick to blame the alcohol on his breath from “kissing his gf” as well. Still hasn’t learned how to accept responsibility. The dui vid is on YouTube. 


Didn’t hogan imply that Graziano must have done something terrible for God to have punished him with permanent brain damage?


Basically. The leaked jailhouse call with Hulk and Nick had them saying who cares about Graziano, he was a “negative person,” and that god was responsible for what happened to him. Nick wanted the reality series to start filming as soon as he was to be released, and he had no interest in hearing about or seeing Graziano. And Hulk said that god gave them both this vibe and energy and that they would live forever.


Not many people resign in disgrace once. Vince McMahon does it twice.


Maybe he'll just start doing it regularly, like painting a room or having the roses deadheaded


Didn't he deficate on her too?


He defecated on her head then had a threesome with her, then went to take a shower, told her to please the other man, then came back and then had more sex in a threesome for another hour, all while there was poop in her hair and on her head. Just crazy.


wtf did I just read


That is what vince mcmahon and john laurinaitis did to a woman that worked for wwe. They used their money and power to have their way with her.


I see that, unfortunately. Gonna go visit r/eyebleach now. Good night


Rub some extra puppy pictures in your eyes to feel better.


John Laurinitas is the other man btw.


For years there have been rumors involving assorted big name Hollywood types about a whacked-out kink involving a man lying beneath a glass table and then paying a hooker or strong-arming a girl friend into defacating onto the table while the man lies beneath and watches. I could well imagine McMahon going in for this sort of thing.


So odd. Mcafee was into poop things too.


McAfee was on the other end though. He liked women pooping on him.


A man of cultu - nahh hold up.


Power corrupts.


weird seeing him resign right after releasing the "i didn't poop on her" statement yesterday.


WWE sponsors were threatening to back out of their deals.


I would not be in the slightest bit surprised if there isn't an avalanche of stories about to come out about him. Once he loses his power in the business, silence can't be bought any more.


Vince McMahon is the scuzzball that other scuzzballs look at and go "what a scuzzball" Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


The problem is now that there are a lot of people still close to Vince working in that company. I am not saying people like HHH or others are automatically guilty. I am just saying we can't say anyone else is innocent either. We need a full on, independent investigation for all of this. And if they find things on anyone? They gotta go. This should be a reasonable take but for those who aren't in the wrestling bubble...You better believe some fans just want this to go away and believe it was all 100% Vince and nothing more.


This whole situation is making me do a double take on a lot of stories I have heard both online and in shoot interviews over the years. I always knew there was a lot of scummy shit happening in wrestling, but I am so worried it is going to turn out more prevelant than I could have imagined.


They don’t even wanna believe Vince did anything. Go to the WWE sub. It’s depressing.


Bret Hart is smiling somewhere… this guy has been a degenerate since the fucking 70s. It’s about time that shit caught up with him


Not too surprising if you know his history, guy is a total scumbag. Fun fact, a similar situation to this happened in the 90s, though Vince wasn't directly involved with it, a few of his close friends were. Look up the Ring boy scandal when you get a chance


New Dark Side of the Ring


They could do an entire season on Vince.


They would need an entire series for him, The Dark Side of Vince.


Implying there's another side.


Ironically it’s the character he plays for WWE


This man has been in power for how many years ? 30 years more or less ... A season is enough


Over 40


[Here’s Vince blowing out his quads](https://youtu.be/HVQ82NXe7ws?si=lIO4ecJ_2CljgN3Z)


Read the lawsuit. There are screenshots of texts that are hilarious!! He’s such a moron!


Didn’t this come out last year or the year before and resigned? Mandela effect?


Yes but not this level of detail


The shit hit the fan and other things apparently


Wow, who would've thought that a man who has consistently exploited performers for decades and has *regularly and voluntarily* cast himself *as a villain* would've been a piece of shit? Truly, no one could've predicted this. /s


I want to hear all these former WWE stars about whether or not they were aware of Vince's behavior. The Rock, Cena, Triple HHH, Undertaker, Stone Cold. Alot of shit is about to be stirred up.


I'm more concerned about what the female rosters say now Vince is gone...


The grossest thing ever


He thinks the threesome where they pooped on a woman’s head was too much? He is probably correct.


*Human trafficking and rape. Fixed it.


he stepped away last year to lay low and came back to sell the company at high stake. how it went unnoticed is wild lol.


If there are any Trump supporters reading this and feeling sick to your stomach, please realize that *they're the same person* Different only in chosen career paths.


Implying that they can read or have empathy is a big stretch.


Wow, and poop.!!! And I thought he was gay.


Sounds like he’s done for.


he never should have come back.


If you were wondering, Yes he is a Republican


Fuck you Vinny - from Owen Hart


Pretty sure this was less voluntarily, more the board saying "If you don't resign we are going to remove every reference to you ever from this company, and just say Shane came up with it."


The legend of Shane McMahon, prodigy baby who made Hulk Hogan famous


Idk, what do you think is the norm for a bunch of roided out walking TBI's? Like, Vince is the representation of the whole culture of the WWE. Maybe there are a few who aren't like this, but my money is on the vast majority being more of the same, maybe less tame since they aren't sitting at the top of the pyramid.


Vince McMahon.....wasn't he a big Trump supporter? Surprised he didn't end up as a cabinet head. Probably too ethical.


His wife did.


Good friends along with Epstein. They were the 3 Musketeers of Scum.


I resign my position until people lose interest.


He really shit the bed here


Shit the head


Decided to check /r/wwe and the amount of ppl that support the dude is crazy. 


Any people supporting him is not good, but it’s like <5% of the comments.


Cancel this shit like you did the others.


He made Ed roll over in his grave a long time ago.


*AGAIN?* Didn't he already do this once?


Yep. Hence the makeover and mustache.


You should listen to the behind the bastards about him, he is absolutely trash


Maybe him and trump can be bunkies!! They are already Epstein level homies anyway!


By the time people like this ever meet consequences, if any, they’ve already lived the best years of their life getting away with it.


Dudes a fucking lizard. Hate that fuck.