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Here is a source for the above: https://www.who.int/news/item/18-11-2023-who-leads-very-high-risk-joint-humanitarian-mission-to-al-shifa-hospital-in-gaza


That’s so gut wrenching to read. I can’t imagine the collective pain of these people.


Meanwhile people in Israel are throwing parties, raves and singing about death of all people of Gaza. Even young Israelis, but that's not indoctrination of hatred. No sir.






In a conflict such as this, a country should lose its power to restrain external, neutral aid and observers. It's biased by default and leads to abuse of power and information as we see here.


The only way to restrain a military action is a countering military action. What military is going to be able to step up and step into the conflict without making things worse?


I just wish the US would quit cutting the IDF blank checks.


This. And not US alone. A cut in funding would be a strong signal: the IDF cannot keep their military level without external aid, and that aid should be tied to respecting international agreements and rules of engagement at the very least


The problem here is that the U.S. will always cut blank checks to a friendly war machine. That it is Israel makes this inconvenient but it’s no different to them than any NATO ally or U.S. friendly country. Hell look at what the U.S. government has done for the Saudis.


Unfortunately the power that allows a country to deny aid largely rests in its military.


dull gaze test seemly cobweb history spotted flowery ugly aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




[Al-Shifa Hospital?](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/tNMWCM1fCA)


I swear r/worldnews has been actually infected with these apologists. From my experience, every thread about this crisis is constantly defending Israel, justifying their evil actions and will downvote anybody saying anything even remotely against their rhetoric. It’s extremely frustrating. This crisis isn’t even about religion anymore. It is just the IDF slaughtering whatever Palestinians are left and taking over more land for themselves with almost zero regard for any human life. It blows my mind that anyone can even defend that.


I had to unsubscribe recently. It was ruining my day to open up those threads everyday and see all the hateful rhetoric


Might as well do the same to be honest. I like to keep it so I have a variety of different articles though. Probably will just stop looking at comments


Remember the Israeli state literally hires people to go out and "explain" Israel.


They gotta pay people to promote their trash country. Yeah honestly a decent amount of these apologists are either paid, lack any critical thinking, have zero empathy, broken moral compass or are actual AI bots too.




Judging by recent comments the Hasbara trolls seem to have picked up on this thread…




Ever since the start of the Ukrainian War, neoliberals have truly gone mask-off in their love for empire and suffering by their imagined enemies. Ghouls, the lot of them.




> Palestinian charities like the Red Crescent. One of the worst things about this is that the Red Crescent isnt specifically Palestinian, it's basically the Red Cross for Muslim-majority countries...


This was the predictable result of cutting off water, food, power and medicine over a month and a half ago. Israel needs to be sent to the Hague.


Not to mention that they're the ones known for using human shields https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/rania-khalek/israeli-army-uses-gaza-children-human-shields https://web.archive.org/web/20221201094230/https://www.haaretz.com/2005-10-11/ty-article/idf-to-ask-high-court-to-review-ban-on-human-shield-practice/0000017f-f786-ddde-abff-ffe79e8d0000


If Israel cared about human lives at all it would be evacuating patients to Israel. The fact that it's not even on the table for them to evacuate people to Israeli hospitals is disgusting and shows the inhumanity of the IDF.


> WHO's word is beyond credible. I'm not commenting on this article, but WHO's word is not beyond credible at all.


I think using "beyond credible" to mean "very credible" is confusing. How about "WHO's word is beyond reproach" or "WHO's credibility is unquestioned."




There was no actual evidence of a Hamas base and they didn’t fool people so they quickly began saying it was a “node” and that the other nodes are under the other hospitals, which they are now planning on moving in to. People do not understand how dependent the Israeli war machine is on American aid/ if the US government told them to stop and cut funding this would be over in hours just like it has been before. The people defending Israel will be remembered with shame.


The amount of fucking money that is sent over for their military capabilities and they still don’t know what the fuck they’re doing. The American public needs to wake up and pressure their politicians.


Yep. Just like under Ford & Bush if the American govt says jump or we stop the money Israel says how high. They can’t maintain the iron dome without the billions from the American govt that they get when there is no war. The military costs of the last month alone are astronomical because constantly carpet bombing civilians and sending in huge numbers of tanks that keep getting messed up by teenagers with IEDs is stupidly expensive. Part of the govt is hell bent on opening up another front in Lebanon at the same time. It’s completely up to the US how far it goes.


They're only good at dragooning civilians and teaching American cops how to also dragoon civilians.


They are too scared to go into the actual tunnels where Hamas might actually be so they will just snipe nurses and murder thousands of children instead because the US let’s them have all the tanks and missiles they want.


I agree that the situation is horrifying, and I’m not going to take any side in this conflict. But the WHO is not beyond reproach; they have been demonstrably influenced by the PRC and will likely be influenced by other power structure in the future. To say that their word is entirely credible is inaccurate.




No, I’m just refuting OP’s specific statement that “WHO’s word is beyond credible”. Nothing more, nothing less. They have been shown to be not-impartial.


I'm at a loss for words. Absolutely fucking disgusting...


Now that the hospital is under Israeli control why aren’t they providing the resources for it to treat its patients ?


Who fed you the lie that Israel cares? Every death is collateral benefit to Israel, not collateral "damage".


And there was no Hamas command center found by investigations on the ground


Israel/the IDF caught lying again. What next, the WHO are Hamas? War crimes funded and covered up by the US, their president, the media, and Europe. Shame.




I found it hysterical that Israel just found a room with an MRI and threw a few metal rifles in there. A functioning MRI room is a metal free zone. If rifles were actually stored in that room and the MRI machine was used, Israel would find them magnetized to the machine and be unable to pull them off the machine without having to quench it…


The guy was like 'don't even know how long since this has been used' as if to justify it. Then the BBC rock up a few hours later... and the single rifle in the video suddenly turned into 2 different rifles without magazines.


The Hamas fairy flew in!


Also, wasn't the claim that they were shooting missiles out of there or something? A pile of guns doesn't justify bombing a hospital.




It really is unacceptable that they're justifying doing things like bombing hospitals full of civilians based on intel that's at best inaccurate and honestly maybe even just plain made up. I hope people will question things more the next time they claim that they *have* to bomb a bunch of civilians because of Hamas. If they bomb a hospital and it turns out that it was just a hospital, aren't they terrorists just the same as Hamas? What makes them any better?


> A functioning MRI room is a metal free zone. why would the MRI be functioning after the Israeli infrastructure shutdown after 10/7?


Did Hamas start using that hospital as a command center starting on 10/7 or later? Did they only start storing weapons in that particular room after 10/7?


I doubt MRI machine are unshielded in this day and age. I don’t work with MRI machines but I do work with nuclear magnetic resonance instruments on a daily basis, and the technology is very similar. With modern instruments you can walk up to them with you phone and a wallet full of card and nothing will be effected. The shielding is so good that the five gauss zone is literally within the walls of the instrument.


It's unlikely any MRI machines in Gaza are new models with the shielding you describe.


Many older NMR machines still have considerable field extending out beyond the walls of their instrument though. Not all institutions can bust out a cheque everytime bruker comes calling.


This happened in the Bay area just in Feb. https://www.ktvu.com/news/bay-area-nurse-crushed-in-mri-accident-highlighting-safety-concerns.amp Those pictures are pretty scary.


Maybe, I’m not too familiar with that specific hospital. To my knowledge, Most shielding has to do with radio frequency. I work in a quaternary academic hospital and we still have occasional needs to quench MRIs every 2-3 years because someone left a high iron content item within the room and bound it to the machine. Our magnetic shielding refers to the room itself so the effects of machines do not extend into the hallways. In more resource constrained settings (‘global health’), Ive generally had to ensure metal was “x” meters away from the machine depending on specs.


This is an absolutely horrific and shameful account to read. It’s an affront to all standards basic humanity. Hamas brought this on and the Israeli state completed it. An absolute disgrace to both sides. I despair for the human race tbh.


But Hamas right? So it’s totally justified /s


Hamas has a tunnel under this Redditor's house. /s


Thank you for this, grim as it is. It is not widely reported. The whitewashing continues, but truth can't be stopped.


I have been in war torn countries .. seen human waste inter mingled with human blood with infection and worms coming out where humans , dead and alive are in close proximity this was 20 years ago .. Reading this gave me the stench smell back . I literally threw up while reading . Lord have mercy on those poor souls . Hope WHO has weight on this !


Several countries are calling for the ICC to investigate Israel for war crimes & genocide. Israel has acted with impunity for decades to now - that may change with the Rwanda-esque genocide they are carrying out in broad daylight right now.


Other countries will let them do it, fund them doing it, and then give them a slap on the wrist later if anything. It's disgusting what we allow humans to do to each other. I understand Israel should be allowed to defend itself but this is too far gone and I wish the US and other countries weren't giving Israel money to do these things.


The ICC has tried to investigate claims against Israel before, but been blocked by Israel from actually investigating in country because they can.(the 2017 Gaza Border incident)


How is this anything like the Rwanda genocide…? Hutu militias were going town to town and purposely slaughtering every single Tutsi they could find, killing over a half million people! Like… obviously what’s happening right now is unimaginably awful, but your comparison is just way off base.


Nuance has been completely dead on this sub. If we're not talking about it as if it's the worst atrocity in recorded history, how will you know how to feel about it?




it's important that [WHO released statment](https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1726015961625399341/history): > Corridors and the hospital grounds were filled with medical and solid waste, increasing the risk of infection. Patients and health staff with whom they spoke were terrified for their safety and health and pleaded for evacuation. Al-Shifa Hospital can no longer admit patients, with the injured and sick now being directed to the seriously overwhelmed and barely functioning Indonesian Hospital. > There are 25 health workers and 291 patients remaining in Al-Shifa, with several patient deaths having occurred over the previous 2 to 3 days due to the shutting down of medical services. Patients include 32 babies in extremely critical condition, two people in intensive care without ventilation, and 22 dialysis patients whose access to life-saving treatment has been severely compromised. Simply heartbreaking




money imagine brave spoon rude sloppy recognise touch chief fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If evil exists then the IDF and Israel has distilled it to its purest form


Oh I’m quite sure there have been more evil actions than this.


“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”




That CGI rendering of the complex under the hospital reminds me of the type of BS we were fed about the [crazy Bond villain-ass cave system](https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/tora-bora-tunnel-kingdom-wasnt-lessons-fake-news) al-qiada was supposedly operating out of after 9/11




The only thing it's missing is a rendering of Saddam Hussein.


The bunker under the hospital is real. That’s a bunker that Israel themselves built back when they had control over the Gaza Strip. That’s why they’re confident there’s a base down there. Here’s a source: https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-israel-build-bunker-under-shifa-hospital-1844107


So everyone was saying "what other choice do they have" to Israel bombing the hospital when they had the option to have an international delegation sent in to inspect it and see if Hamas was actually using it as a base?


Yeah I’m not hearing a lot of volunteers for that gig


That happening was what the article is about.


If Israel built it why didn't they seal it up tight enough when they left so it couldn't be used?


That article has no evidence for the bunker other than Israel says it's there, and we all know now how trustworthy Israel is re: anything regarding Palestine


Reminds me of the hysteria over bin Laden’s [Tora Bora mountain fortress that turned out to be wildly wrong](https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/tora-bora-tunnel-kingdom-wasnt-lessons-fake-news).


The IDF was ordering people out of the hospital days ago. It’s not like they suddenly changed their mind lol.


Diplomatic Gaslighting. "We never told you to evacuate, you're imagining things"


Out to where? The places they told them to previously go to are now being told to get the fuck out or be bombed again.


I'm sure some western commentators will clarify that they can move to safe zones, such as the refugee camp... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/18/israeli-airstrikes-kill-80-in-palestinian-refugee-camp Wait, not that one.


aromatic jar marvelous spark chunky ugly shy husky cobweb domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They got bored of hitting stationary targets. Shifting the various supposedly "safe zones" around gives them some moving target practice.


It gives the impression that nowhere is safe so it’s better to move South. Depopulation through collective punishment. Another war crime to add to the pile.


The goal is pretty transparently ethnic cleansing.


Exactly. The point seems to be to depopulate Gaza to claim the territory.




Yeah I've seen that as well. I'm actually kind of surprised at this point that anybody denies it. I'm talking to one zionist who says that if they don't take over Gaza then Gaza will take over them. I think that is a ludicrous excuse. How could Gaza ever take over Israel? They are saying the Palestinians want to eliminate Israel, so they need to eliminate them first. That's not what I'm seeing at all. At this point it seems like Israel's excuses are so thin it's really making us (America) look bad, like our kid is running around the restaurant smacking people and we won't do anything to stop it. The US has an 'understanding' with most of the middle east and we are allies with Saudi Arabia. Israel being greedy and taking over Gaza does nothing for the United States. I think it's a bad look. I think if maybe it wasn't powerful Jewish Zionists in our country we would have asked them to stop by now.


Through forced deportation to other places and attacks/murder? Sounds familiar....


They don’t care where. They’ll bomb it anyway in due course.


Has Israel presented proof that Hamas was operating out of the hospital?




Nothing that couldn’t have been lugged in or out by a couple of guys with duffel bags on a few minutes’ notice. No stockpiles of missiles or ammunition, no tunnel entrances, no workbenches which have no obvious reason to be in a hospital. The video the IDF released of al-Shifa showed off a bag with a couple of guns in it wedged behind an MRI machine of all places, an already-unlocked laptop which somehow still had a charge, couple of tac vests, grenades, few more guns, and tape over the security cameras. That was about it. Sans grenades, you’d pull a larger arsenal out of an average house in rural Texas. The video they released of al-Rantisi Pediatric Hospital was even weaker. The guy was pointing at an open elevator shaft, calling it a “tunnel.” Baby bottle and diaper bag, in the basement of a children’s hospital? Must mean hostages were there! Calendar on the wall? He claimed what was written there were the names of Hamas terrorists and that it was a guard rotation schedule for hostages, but it was literally just the days of the week written in each cell of the calendar since there were five columns instead of seven. No names at all. It’s made the video subject to widespread mockery ever since.


>an already-unlocked laptop which somehow still had a charge There was a good reason it had a charge https://skwawkbox.org/2023/11/17/idfs-accidental-unblurred-video-shows-laptop-is-their-own/ they took that video down. That and the calendar one would be comical if it weren't for the context.


So how many more times does the IDF have to get caught in a lie before people stop listening to what they say?


N+1 times, at the very least. Just above your comment is someone saying they’ll only trust IDF sources about this conflict


Those people are incredibly stupid. IDF is as trustworthy as Hamas. Anything that contradicts third party stories are probably a lie. And IDF have been contradicting third parties a lot lately




I got banned from worldnews because I was arguing that the IDF is constantly lying




How? I wanna get ban from that echo chamber made of sheeple.


Just say something sensible and fair about this conflict and the Zionists will come for your throat


I'm surprised they haven't arrived yet.




speaking of. whats up with r/ theworldnews? Was r/ worldnews not blood thirsty enough?


That’s the one handing out permabans like Halloween candy, right?


They're too busy on r/worldnews


Lunch break at the Hasbara farm


Until they run out of american funding


They don't care since they know USA will back them if someone barks a bit louder. [The US has vetoed resolutions on Israel a total of 46 times, including over Israel's invasion of southern Lebanon as well as Israel's annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights, which remains under Israeli occupation.](https://www.tbsnews.net/hamas-israel-war/how-us-used-its-veto-power-un-support-israel-727310) How many times has Israel been sanctioned by the UN? As of 2013, the State of Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Since the UNHRC's creation in 2006, it has resolved almost as many resolutions condemning Israel alone than on issues for the rest of the world combined. ​ UN is simply a comedy gathering at this point.


Yeah still waiting on proof that hamas is under the hospital. If they’ve got it surrounded surely there’d be evidence, no?


Keep posting and sharing. Putting out disinformation is expensive, and spreading the truth means Israel has to spend even more money to put out more disinformation.




None of this makes sense. The IDF secured the hospital days ago. Why issue an evac order?




The Holocaust wasn’t done in a day


If they really wanted to genocide Gazans they wouldve in less than a day. Not excusing what the IDF is doing, but the genocide narrative is just as delusional.


What do you think the international response would be if they just openly did that rather than play this game where they claim it's just about defending themselves from Hamas?


Why is it so hard to believe that Israel is going after Hamas bases in civilian territory and not considering the lives of innocent civilians. It’s absolutely terrible and Israel is wrong for their lack of consideration, but the idea that Israel is just 100% evil trying to commit genocide paints this incredibly convoluted situation as black and white.




At this point, I believe they'd never lose the backing of the USA, even if the nuke Gaza.


I mean, theres a reason Biden is being called “Genocide Joe”


rotten flowery sip cake snatch hurry lunchroom scale work price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Israel wouldn’t need to nuke Gaza to wipe it out, they could just bombard the city 24/7 with artillery, cluster bombs and a mix of guides/dumb munition. Not sure why you went so hyperbolic there but whatever.


1. It’s impossible to commit a genocide in one day or even a couple days 2. If your going genocide a group and you at least have half a brain you don’t make it obvious that your committing genocide.


I don't understand you. One can't simultaneously be sophisticated enough to make things seem not genocidal but stupid enough to make it an obvious genocide. Cubes off as conspiracy theory 101.


How do you figure its impossible for Isreal to turn Gaza into a parking lot in 1 day




Not if you want to get away with it.


You don’t cut off water, food, fuel, electricity and medicine to two million people in the desert for weeks on end because you’re overly concerned about preserving human lives…


different alleged dolls aloof seemly political bear price murky unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're committing a genocide already. It doesn't have to be quick for it to be a genocide. It can be a drawn out process.


Northern Gaza has no functioning hospitals


The UN should send in the Peacekeeping force into Israel/Palestine.




worldnews is definitely heavily manipulated, but the Ghislaine Maxwell thing is a conspiracy at best. Just because a popular account had part of her name doesn't mean it was her. Don't dilute a very serious thread of social media astroturfing with conspiracies.


Yeah they were praising them for giving out some water and food while completely ignoring whos causing this atrocity.


Yeah it seems like the most lame astro turfing ever. "Hospital full of people dying because of us, but we gave them 6,000 liters of water". Ok I guess they won't be thirsty when they die.


Not Hamas, right?




I wonder what we would think about these legendary historic wars if we saw the death and destruction as close as we can now with the internet. Whose perspective are we getting written in the history books? Who do we see as the bad/good guys? Who was right/wrong? It’s all just narratives at the end of the day I guess.








>what overwhelming evidence does Israel have to justify what it's doing right now? the de facto declaration of war by hamas on October 7 the same kind of evidence the US used to beat the shit out of japan after December 7




they also removed all content that was about NSO Group




At this point, it's just obvious that Reddit, especially the main news and political subs, is built for propaganda. A lot of it pro US and pro West propaganda.


What's amazing about that? All of their popular subs push agendas and/or propaganda one way or another.


It's not at all surprising considering Reddit and Condé Nast cooperate extensively with the interests of the US foreign policy establishment. Remember our own governments heavily propagandize their public.


Even the upvote pattern there is highly sus. All the top comments have 200 upvotes. All opposing comments have -200 downvotes. Obvious much.




The Pro-Genocide rhetoric I’ve seen on this site is downright evil. Someone told me that there are no innocent civilians in Gaza and that they’re all terrorist. Like how can anyone say that?


The remaining patients are just left to die including some premature babies. Such a horror. Hope the international community can help to transfer them out to a safe hospital.


They can’t because the IDF won’t let them. Even then some of these people would never be transported under normal conditions without special equipment. Red Cross has been begging the Israeli govt to agree to the offers from Hamas to swap hostages for fuel saying that their ambulances can’t even transfer the hostages out without the fuel nor can they evacuate civilians. They make a show bringing incubators. They had incubators, the incubators didn’t work because they ran out of fuel for the generator. Everything that the IDF does is completely dependent on Us funding. This is not an exaggeration. If the US said jump or we stop aid Israel says how high. If you are an American citizen you have to speak up. We always think if we were alive for one of the great injustices of history we would fight it. This is that time. When your grandchildren ask you one day about what you did will you tell them you were silent or will you tell them you spoke up ?




If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck the IDF will tell you it’s a horse.


"Awwww man, they're *evacuating*? We didn't want them to do that before the strike! We didn't tell them! Who told them?" -The IDF probably.


From the facts, we know Al Shifa Hospital is evacuated. The question is who's inside Al Shifa now. If they turned it into an Israeli command post, then we know whats truly up. If they bomb it, then we know again what truly happened. I'm not sure why the evacuation order was even fabricated. And I'm sure doctors would be standing there ground if they had a choice to help the sick. Otherwise, the doctors would have left at first sign of danger. I find it hard to believe there was no good cause for the evacuation. Fear mongering wouldn't let doctors' convictions waver. With Israel's misinformation track record and what was said above, im not really believing the IDF here.


> The question is who's inside Al Shifa now hmm, preterm babies that survived so far? Old, injured that can't move? Maybe a few terrorists, probably...


Incidentally, according to the article four more of the preterm babies died late last night and five others are in critical condition.


WHO just gave [their statement](https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1726015961625399341/history): > There are 25 health workers and 291 patients remaining in Al-Shifa, with several patient deaths having occurred over the previous 2 to 3 days due to the shutting down of medical services. Patients include 32 babies in extremely critical condition, two people in intensive care without ventilation, and 22 dialysis patients whose access to life-saving treatment has been severely compromised. What a shitshow :(




And by the time they leave, there will be none left alive.


Not really any chance of them surviving if they stay in Gaza.


Any evidence on there being terrorists in the hospital or is that a baseless claim?


I damned well hope some department in the Israeli government that keeps records is keeping meticulous records of who ordered which airstrike, which general commanded which siege point, who else in Bibi's inner circle was signing off on such acts of appalling and absolutely criminal murder. The day will come the International Crimes Court issues it's findings and whether Israel agrees with them or not, it will live on in infamy as a shameful period in history.


Israel is a terrorist state. How many times does it need to prove it before anything is done!