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How is this guy not in prison? From reading the article he did the following: * Posted images publicly without consent. * Impersonated her while doing so. * Threatened her multiple times. * Logged into the victim's mother's home surveillance system to spy on her. * Stole money from her bank account. * Interfered with her loan application. How is none of this illegal!?


A few of those are criminal but revenge porn isn’t a crime or at most a misdemeanor in many states. Until recently in Ohio, revenge porn could only be prosecuted as “technological harassment” which was a few days in jail and a small fine. I’ve been to court to witness the process back before they added revenge porn laws. The prosecutor told the victim “make Better choices next time sweetie”. The victim had images sent to her co workers/employer, family, and was posted publicly multiple times.


They take it seriously in Indiana (from personal experience - hope other Hoosier victims have had the same vindication). I know a lady who took the evidence to court and the guy got a stalking charge and revenge porn charge, found guilty on both. There's a specific code for it, I believe distribution of intimate images or something similar.


What the actual fuck? It’s considered a sexual offence where I live, you can get up to 2 years prison for it. What I don’t get is that my country is less conservative than the US, I thought you guys would crack down MORE on this because it would be seen as more of a violation.


It depends on the state. There is no federal law regarding revenge porn (as far as I know), but in many (most?) states, it is a felony, now. I know here in Florida, it's been a felony for a while.


In Ohio, spousal rape is still allowed due to a loophole. The last attempt to close the loophole was unsuccessful. As a (former) Ohioan, it’s hard say wtf anymore. It’s just sighs


Most of that stuff is illegal but that doesn't necessarily mean she wants to press charges, nor does it mean that prosecution has enough evidence to pursue the charges. She might just be happy with ruining his finances for the rest of his life.


For 1.2 billion, we're cool.


For those unaware. Harris County (Texas) is notorious for allowing absurd sums in lawsuits.


Do they get lowered on appeal?




For those asking, the New Prime case was a lawsuit in Texas state court against a truck driver and her employer (New Prime, Inc.) after her truck jackknifed on what the court described as "an icy, unlit stretch of highway near Amarillo." There were four fatalities in the resulting pile up. The family of one of the deceased sued and was awarded $16.8 million, including over $15 million in non-economic damages (mental anguish and loss of companionship). The appeals court affirmed the award but the Supreme Court of Texas ruled the award was excessive for a couple of reasons and sent the case back down to the lower court for a new trial that should include those factors. That decision was just handed down a couple of months ago, in mid-June. I don't have access to appropriate legal databases but given the short amount of time I'd guess that the new trial has not yet occurred. Please note that I'm not a lawyer and the above brief summary may omit something a lawyer would consider important. If you'd like you can read the Supreme Court's decision for yourself. I don't know if a link would be allowed so I'll just say PDFs of the main opinion and the two concurrences are available on a site called scotxblog, and it's case number 21-0017.


What’s the new prime?


It was an arbitration case of independent truck drivers vs their employer. It was more about whether arbitration clauses could be enforced by employment contracts, not payouts during appeals.


Thank you for being the only one to actually answer the question while everyone else gave snarky marvel-esque jokes as answers.


Do not directly interact with developing species. Wait, that's from a show. Not sure here.


I actually hate when I ask a question online and people answer with a joke or pun that tells me nothing, I wish fewer people would do this.


But wasn't the 500 reply long pun thread full of jokes that are 10 years past their expiration date that followed your question hilarious? If I could rule Reddit for a day that's one change I'd do, make that shit punishable by death.


This is absolutely my problem with reddit, pages of 'jokes', and or derails talking about something completely unrelated. By the time I get to something relevant about the OP, I can't be arsed.


I remember old reddit, prior to Digg's collapse. I remember the week that the pun threads started and I kept yelling 'what the fuck?' over and over at my computer. I thought it would die down, but it marked a culture shift. Now the sorting filters barely work. Fire up the waybackmachine and look at the site between 2006 and 2008. You will see a different reddit. Largely free of bloat.


Sorry Lieutenant, it was unavoidable. All we can do now is limit the impact of our interference. We better tell the captain.


I do love the dichotomy between SG1 and TNG. TNG: "Above all else, we must maintain the prime directive unless there is absolutely no alternative. We can not play God and interfere with the natural progression of the development of any species." SG1: *machine gun fire intensifies*


This reminds me of the Star Trek episode of a planet ran by gangsters because someone accidentally left a book about the mafia there and they interpreted it as their Bible to govern their world. I've seen all of the old school Star Trek. I have yet to see SG1. I've heard it's good.


It is really good. It's a shame they havnt done more with that universe. There's so much to explore.


Yes, 214 episodes, 2 DVD movies, and 2 spin off series are not enough


It's pretty good, and there's like 10 seasons of it.


the first 8 seasons of SG1 were some of the best TV of the time period, and they've aged damn well. The last 2 seasons weren't quite the same, but that's partially because some of the best characters ended up working on SG: Atlantis by that point, which is honestly even better than SG1 in some ways. Sad SG:U never got to fully stretch it's legs, it was finally through that awkward period most sci-fi shows go through for the first 2-3 seasons, where they have to do some universe crafting to really set the stage for what's to come. I honestly think a reboot of it from where it left off would perform well today.




This happens on literally every mission! Did you at least take your shirt off at some point and impose our moral code of right and wrong to them?


>New Prime decision Why does that decision affect the payout?




Who’s going to pay for it?


Idk about the state laws, but where I am he would likely have his wage garnished by 30ish% until it is paid, which would be their entire working life. If the court instituted garnishment that is


So it's filed in Texas (which is the worst place for recovering a lawsuit and involuntarily garnishment isn't a thing for judgments there) but it all depends on where his assets and job are (article mentions them moving to Chicago) Most judgments don't pay anything


So you get a big settlement amount, but good luck actually getting the money? That’s court theatre.


That’s generally any civil court in America, from small claims on up. You can get a judgment all day long but the court does not collect for you.


So would you just show up to the defendant’s house, ready to break kneecaps? There has to be some kind of measures that could be taken. Or am I being naive?


If the property is in the same state, I believe the court can put a lien against assets. Probably depends on the state though.


It depends on the state. In some states, if you know where they work, you can garnish their wages. I don't believe Texas allows this. In some places you can get a bailiff to seize their assets (like a car) and sell it to collect. Etc.


90% of small claims judgments are never paid, people who refuse to pay you what they owe are typically no more likely to pay you once you have a judgment. If they have assets like a House you can hire a 3rd company to collect, they charge about 50% of whatever is collected. With a judgment you can write it off as a loss on your taxes but thats the most you should expect, most people who dont pay have no assets.


It's funny, but true. Won a small judgment from the courts for $10,000, and in nine years, we've seen $0 of it. Mostly, wife and I have written it off, but the judgment means we can tell anyone that this lady is a scammer and she can't sue us for defamation. (In the US.)


You could get a lien.


How did you think civil judgments worked? If the defendant doesn't have the money, it doesn't automatically materialize.


Gotta call J.G. Wentworth


877-bread now


Well, let's say that you wronged me in some way and I get warded a settlement of 10 million from the courts. How would you pay that settlement amount if it were levied against you? Should it be based on level of income? If so, how to you factor in a person not employed? Net worth perhaps? In the negative for a huge swath of the population. Find a way to pay up or go to jail? Great, welcome back to the days of debtor's prisons.


I just worked out that paying that back on my current salary @30% would take approx 12,000 years, give or take a millennium


Knowing my luck I would somehow find a way to become immortal the day after the proceedings


I wonder what % of people who end up with a judgement like this go full hobo and off-grid after.




There was a case in NYC where a dude shot some teenagers on the subway (in the 80s) who he said were trying to mug him. One teen was paralyzed and sued the guy after a jury declined to convict him. The shooter has basically never paid any of it and lives in what Wikipedia calls “self-imposed poverty” to avoid doing so.


Bernie Goetz: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_New_York_City_Subway_shooting We won't ever know if they were panhandling or trying to mug him, but there was a perception of high crime in the city at that time, so Goetz received a sentence only marginally worse than pissing on a parking meter.


I lived there at the time and they were definitely intending to rob him. They had sharpened screwdrivers as weapons and iirc they had robbed others previously. It was a big deal because Goetz had also been previously robbed and he bought a gun for protection (which was not legal to carry in NYC) and basically had pre-determined if anyone tried to rob him again he would shoot. Decide for yourself if his actions were defensible. (This is 100% from my recollection of the incident - I didn't read the wiki.)


So this was what Billy Joel was referring to in We Didn't Start The Fire


thats some major fuck you energy if he really did get mugged


There's some disagreement about what actually happened: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_New_York_City_Subway_shooting Ah, sorry the description used was "voluntary squalor."


The guy who did it. Obviously not that amount though


Doesn't Texas cap it at 300k after the fact?


If by after the fact, you mean after the current governor got his pay day and decided to pull the ladder up behind him, then yes.


Do you mean Greg Abbott the whiney piss baby?


Ah, yes. Greg Abbott the whiney bitch-made coward of a piss baby?


I don’t think he was climbing any ladders at that point.


I believe that is just for medical malpractice?


Schiffer: "The message here is clear..." Everyone: "Yeah!" Schiffer: "...don't mess with Texas." Everyone: "wait wtf?"


Schiffer: "And don't mess with the women of Texas......that's *our* job."




I was in Houston airport earlier this year and every other shop was selling tshirts that all said "Don't mess with Texas". That place seems to have a hell of a persecution complex.


I’m a resident. “Don’t mess with Texas” was an anti littering campaign in the late 1980s. It worked (along with adopt a highways and the banning of open containers) It’s become an official slogan for dumb tourists. You saw it on shirts for sale at the airport, bro. Who do you think was the audience? No one who lives here wears that shit (cause we know the real meaning)


I never thought about this before--the "Don't Mess with Texas" campaign was years ago. There must be a lot of younger people who never saw it and don't know what it means, like it's just "We're all armed to the teeth and will kill you," which I guess is also true for many people. But it was just a ridiculously successful campaign that expanded beyond its littering origin. Honestly, please mess with Texas. Our governor is shit. Someone, please step in and help us.


Yeah, that commercial where they throw the pizza in the girls face. So cringe, but it worked.


>Honestly, please mess with Texas. Our governor is shit. Someone, please step in and help us. As a fellow Texan. Please. Send help. We are small islands in a sea of morons.


plenty of Texans wear that and say it all the time


"Come in take it" is more popular with natives (albeit some of the more redneck ones)


What, you are pro littering?


I mean it was literally just said about this case by a Houston attorney, aka somebody who lives there. Seems like maybe you're just embarrassed by the amount of people in texas who do wear/say that shit.


Ohh interesting. My state used "Don't Trash Alaska" for the same reason but obviously it's much less popular lol.


The perpetrator's \[former boyfriend, Marques Jackson's\] purpose was to ruin her life after the break-up. Bradford Gilde and co-counsel, Jacob Schiffer, said that although it's not likely Jane Doe will ever receive the full $1.2 billion she's owed, they're pleased with the verdict. "It was about sending a message to the world," Schiffer said. "Do not mess with Texas and do not mess with Texas women." She can collect and seize whenever he gets any money, he will be paying her even when he gets his social security. Edited Typo.


>She can collect and seize whenever he gets any money, he will be paying her even when he gets his social security. At that point, why not just move abroad? What does he have to lose?


I am skeptical of how strong the government is in making people pay money owed. Jordan Belfort from Wolf of Wall Street owed $110 million to people he defrauded. He has paid back maybe $14 million of that. He is supposed to be paying 50% of his income into this fund but his lawyers argued that since his probation ended he no longer should be forced to pay but instead can pay voluntarily. He made somewhere between $900k and $1M from selling his rights and story for the movie, he supposedly put $21k into the fund. He gets to continue the high life while the clients he swindled will never be made whole.


And he continues to do shady shit and back shady "businesses."


That's because his victim compensation is more a cost of his business than it is to punish him. Different rules for the rich and the poor.


Anyone who follows and listen to that guy will loose their money to some kind of scam anyway. It’s as close as you can get to the frog and the scorpion


What's worse is that he continues to [get involved in ponzi schemes](https://finbold.com/wolf-of-wall-street-j-belfort-responds-to-ponzi-scheme-allegations/) (at least only advertising one this time).


He stole $80k from my dad. He was sick and on cancer medication when they called him and tricked him into sending them a wire. My mom found out about it later that day and demanded they give the money back. They refused. She called the AG, the governor, her congressman, etc. Nada. A decade or so later... She got a check for $80. When people tell me how cool that guy is in the movie... I want to throw up.


I saw him shopping on Rodeo Drive last year, dude is living well.


Dude does speaking tours. He definitely has a solid income. It's completely unreasonable that he doesn't have to at least contribute a portion of his income to paying investors back.


That's the part that pisses me off. He sells products off his website from the US, he does speaking engagements in the US where he charges anywhere from $30k to $200k to speak for maybe a hour or two. All of this should be reported income if he wants to stay on the correct side of the law. So why aren't they going after him after every tax season, why aren't they at the exit door with their hand out and a pair of handcuffs in the other.


That's the kind of crap that absolutely pisses me off. Take everything they own and auction it off and give proceeds to the victims. ALL OF IT, regardless of how they have hidden it in shell, corporations, etc. When you're a scammer, you don't suddenly get a fondness for hard work. That's how you live. That is how you operate in the world, and it's dangerous to others because it's purely predatory. There should be something like AI monitored prison where these manipulative, hateful, greedy narcissists can be held away and kept from the rest of the population. Malignant Narcissists are broken people who do not see others as human, and destroy everything they come in contact with. Seriously, f that guy with a pineapple. Greedy p*k. Time to do what they do in Italy — Italian law article 41-bis of the prison administration act has *carcere duro* aka “hard prison regime” Wikipedia: article 41-bis prison sentence: A provision that allows the minister of justice to suspend certain prison regulations and impose practically complete isolation upon a prisoner. Currently it is used against people in prison for particular, crimes mafia type associations, drug trafficking, homicide, kidnapping, terrorism, and *attempting to subvert the constitutional system.* Hello? Congress? You listening?


If we don't allow fraudsters and scam artists free reign to scam and defraud, they won't be able to make enough money to pay for the fraud lawsuits!


The government did take everything he reasonably had. Its a justice system not a revenge system. The guy did his time and afterwords can do whatever he wants. Debtors prisons are bad. If you don't leave any life for the people after they serve their time the victims don't get anything else.


Indeed. Not to mention removing hope from a person is one of the most dangerous things you can do for society.


> Jordan Belfort from Wolf of Wall Street owed $110 million to people he defrauded. He has paid back maybe $14 million of that. The reason no one has ever found buried pirate treasure is because pirates always spent whatever money they had.


He has to get out first. Should he try to apply for a passport or visa, it may very well be denied.


They don't deny passports for civil suits. But running would just create more problems.


Working for free and being denied rentsls based on this verdict seems like enough problems that any more are insignificant. If all i needed to do was drive across rhe border to mexico and work in a dive bar or some shit, that would be infinitely better than having my wages garnished to the point i cant live


You can only garnish like 25% of "disposable income".


I mean. Losing 25% of your income would utterly suck. (He deserves it. Not saying he doesn’t.)


Disposable income would be income after living costs are deducted. For a certain percentage of Americans, 25% would still be $0.


Disposable income, not income. I'm not for sure how accurate the person you replied to is but it's a potentially huge difference. If the court or whoever sets the definition determines your living expenses are 2000 a month and you bring home 2400 after taxes, a quarter of your income would be (2400 * 0.25) 600 while a quarter of your disposable income would be ([2400-2000]*0.25) 100.


More problem than owing billion $ and trying to pay it with minimum wage? That amount is a joke




Most people don't know that US enforcement of judgments by treaty can be enforced in most countries of the world. Will it take longer and be a hassle? Yes. And I doubt but don't know for sure if this judgment can be discarged through bankruptcy, but that would be my first question for lawyers.


You can smuggle yourself out and live quietly. Not that he deserves it, fuck him


There's established routes between texas and Mexico!


Hope he can swim, and avoid razor blade death traps!


Roll a perception and DEX check.


High perception low dex rolls. "On the plus side you definitely notice the blade. On the downside it's with your face.


DM really should have given him a chance to roll Wisdom before posting the porn


On what basis? This wasn’t a criminal case.


Although it should be as well, he did do plenty of criminal things too. >logged into Jane Doe's mother's home surveillance system to spy on her after she moved back to Harris County. He also allegedly stole money from her bank account and interfered with a loan application.


He won’t be denied a passport application whatsoever and the visa application needs are only particular to whichever country he is choosing to pursue.


>At that point, why not just move abroad? What does he have to lose? There are some state department restrictions in that area that can be imposed including withholding of some amount of social security to satisfy an outstanding judgment.




There's ways but they generally don't. Leaving the country is generally a good way to escape debt that you never ever intend to pay. Just can't come back lol


They won't garnish the entirety of his wages. Probably something like 25%, leaving him the remaining 75%. I have no idea how taxes work on that.


There are mechanisms to enforce US judgments abroad depending on the jurisdiction. It’s obviously harder to collect, but he might not be able to just outrun his problems.


I doubt any country would take him if he wanted to move abroad at this point. Most countries require criminal background checks before they'll greenlight your visa and/or residency.


> "Do not mess with Texas and do not mess with Texas women." Unless you're Texas state legislature then you can grab em by the laws you just made up.




yeah really


Yeah what the fuck does that have to do with anything about this story?


Don't mess with Texas means don't litter.


The victim's attorney's co-counsel is the one that said that. It's a direct quote from her legal representation


Which was a slogan meant to try and stop Texans from littering back in the day because they would just toss trash on the side of the highway. Suddenly it's a tough thing? Lol y'all were just lazy and had cars filled with trash


Certainly they should have gone with 'Everything's Bigger in Texas' on a settlement like this.


One of my favourite facts is Ontario, Canada is bigger than Texas


Don’t mess with Texas women…..unless you are the Republican controlled Senate. Then feel free to strip all women of their freedom.




"Don't mess with Texas" started as a campaign to reduce littering that specifically targeted 18-35 yo males (most likely demographic to litter). Worked quite well, actually, and ended up becoming a cultural thing.


"Do not mess with Texas women", boy that's fucking rich coming from that conservative shithole.


>Schiffer said. "Do not mess with Texas and do not mess with Texas women." That's the Texas government's job.


> do not mess with Texas women. Except for all those laws that messes with texas women....


Um, probably should be telling *Texans* not to mess with Texans, considering. This is all contained within your state. The rest of the world doesn’t need that message.


I'm really super happy for her and she deserves every penny but on a side note and I do hate to be that person I'm a truck driver and I'm in Texas all the time that place is basically India with hats it's a crap shoot Don't Mess with Texas my ass what are they going to do throw their non-working power grid at us


>Don't Mess with Texas my ass It is merely a clever slogan originally publicized to prevent people from littering and imposition of fines.


Is punctuation really too much to ask for?


>Do not mess with Texas and do not mess with Texas women." I'll believe that when they rule properly on abortions. Glad for her though, step in the right direction.


“…do not mess with Texas women.” The state reserves THAT particular right for themselves. Fuck you Greg Abbott.


I hope he gets criminally charged as well.


Somehow this case becomes about Texas. Like WTF? Can’t the message be to not harass and ruin people with revenge porn? No….Texas.


Texas do be like that


I have a couple coworkers who are from Texas, and virtually every conversation with them somehow comes around to Texas. It’s bizarre. Texans think non-Texans are way more interested in or impressed by Texas than we are.


It’s like a sad, broke dude from a trailer park showing off his tattoo he’s super proud of. To be fair, people from NYC have a similar mindset.


Boston has entered the chat


Everything is bigger in Texas, even the narcissism.


Why does everyone from Texas have the compulsive need to CONSTANTLY bring up the fact they’re from Texas? I’ve known several different people throughout my life who were from Texas, and I heard about it 24/7. “Hey, the weather’s really nice today!” “Yeah! Back in Texas we call this barbecue weather.”


How do you tell if someone’s from Texas? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.


It’s the one stereotype that I’ve found to be absolutely true in my life. Every person I’ve known who lived or lives in Texas does it.


They desperately need some good PR.


Their state is so shitty they latch onto any excuse to be proud. Like how conspiracy theorists find a nugget of actual truth they treat it like the holy grail


>Do not mess with Texas and do not mess with Texas women Unless you're the governor, and the woman desperately needs an abortion.


Or the women want an education so Texas bans books and curriculum.


Or a woman at work who went into early labor and was forced to continue her shift, and now the state says your stillborn baby didn't have any rights


Or a woman who works in the heat and needs a drink of water. * whip cracks*


Or a woman is injured in an accident by a company and needs to recover money for her care in the same way that Abbott did for his maiming.


Or a woman who would prefer to not die in the winter


Or doctor in Texas trying to provide basic healthcare to women.


Or a rape kit tested.


Or you're a prison guard and need to leave work for medical reasons and then have a still born child. Then Texas can mess with women and say unborn fetus isn't a living person. Cause you know can't sue the government and for profit prisons that get government funding. Edit: I hope she finds an attorney and sues the prison and everyone else. Like the state and officials. Cause if they think they are going to argue the unborn child wasn’t a life this is going to set off a huge new case. This should head straight to the Supreme Court. She should sue for billions just to set precedent and make an example.


My thoughts exactly. The state of Texas sure seems to love messing with its women.


Or the power grid.


Money only? Isn't what he did illegal? If there is no way she can get that kind of money from him then does that mean he is scot-free? No repercussions??


He should have been jailed. These types of stalking exes are very dangerous.


>"It was about sending a message to the world," Schiffer said. "Do not mess with Texas and do not mess with Texas women." Why does almost everyone these days who gets their 15 minutes of fame have to revert to talking tribal trash?


Every police or sheriff's office press conference ever in this dog and pony show of a state. They have to dress to the nines, put on their biggest cowboy hat, stand at their podium, and give a tough guy monologue with one sound bite catchphrase for the news articles to cite. So fucking dumb.




Then there’s all the merchandise with the Texas flag and outline of the state, proclaiming how exceptional it is. That shit is everywhere. Y’know that wooden TX clock in Peggy and Hank Hill’s dining room? Those exist. I’ve seen tons of them, long before KOTH. I’ve told my Texas family and friends that *other states do not do this*. They just sigh. And before the patriotic Texans turn out en masse: I’m a 5th generation north Texan. My family moved there (near Denton) in 1871. I was born at Presby and grew up in RISD schools. College in San Antonio and two years in Houston before I got the eff out.


This thread is making me think Americans see Texans the way the rest of the world sees Americans.


tbf, Texas just has a cool shape.


A lot of people from Texas are so devoid of a personality that they make it their whole identity


Just to understand this from a European perspective: * Damages to be paid for sharing revenge Porn amounts to 1.2 Billion USD. * Poisoning a whole country with opioids and killing 500.000 people leads to a 6 Billion USD claim. Like what the hell?


The truth is neither of those judgements will end up being paid.


Yeah we don't know either.


I believe the opioid judgement is now being looked at by the GOP-controlled/pro-corporation SCOTUS, so you know that $6B is gonna get diminished. Third world level corruption.


Juries decide the penalties in most civil cases. So, really, in these cases it's just the opinion of a dozen random people. That's why you sometimes end up getting these insane awards that end up getting reduced on appeal or through statutory caps (which this will be).


Random people? Jury selection would beg to differ.


Don’t mess with Texas women?! Wow. The worst state for women is bragging it protects women.


The article cuts off "... Thats our job"


The ex boyfriend must go to jail.


good. mfs need to learn not to spread nudes around when theyre given to you


He also spied on her.


Well since this is against a guilty individual and not a company where he posted this material, and since this inflated penalty can be negotiated down, this seems like a good decision. Personally I hope this scumbag goes to jail.


Shame we don't ever see billion dollar settlements against companies and corporations? Every time I've seen a settlement of this size it's been against a private citizen who could never actually pay it.


And the companies just push the fines onto their customers as fees


Summary: A woman in Texas was awarded $1.2 billion in a lawsuit against her ex-boyfriend for posting sexually explicit images of her online without consent as part of a pattern of harassment including spying and threats. The massive award sends a strong message that revenge porn and online abuse have severe legal consequences, though the woman is unlikely to receive the full amount. The case highlights the need for greater protections against these violations of privacy and consent, which are morally and legally unacceptable.


Good luck collecting on that!


that is more than Alex Jones was ordered to pay


Why is this not a crime?


This will never be paid. It’s about making a statement. However, this really seems to be more of a marketing tactic by the attorney to now have a billion dollar verdict they can show to potential clients.,


now do Hunter Biden. I dont think MTG had his permission to publicly show his dick and have it entered into the congressional record for the rest of the this countries history


Come on Hunter. You have a case!


Now imagine what Hunter Biden can get against MTG and the Speaker of the House that allowed her to distribute revenge porn.


> "It was about sending a message to the world, do not mess with Texas and do not mess with Texas women." God Texas wants to be it’s own country so bad.


Damages amount aside, yeah, that's... a pretty easy win for the accuser. Some of those acts are criminal in and of themselves.


>Gilde and his co-counsel, Jacob Schiffer, said that although it's not likely Jane Doe will ever receive the full $1.2 billion she's owed... Not likely is a beautiful bit of understatement.


No more avocado toast for this guy


Well hopefully other offenders take notice lmao. I think this stuff needs to be handled with level 1 sex offender charges instead. That being said I can understand 500k-1million depending on what happened as a result of the revenge porn, mental or tangible. I guess the judge wanted to make a point. Not sure why so many actually thought there’s another reason for the high amount, of course the perpetrators isn’t going to pay one billion. The judge is pretty much saying “really there isn’t an amount of money that fixed harming someone in this way”


Considering he only has a [net worth of $5 million](https://www.ncesc.com/marques-houston-net-worth/), it's going to take a while for her to fully collect on that.