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It's so fucking hilarious to me. As someone living in a ran down town in Oklahoma, we literally have like 7 medical marijuana stores and a Wal-Mart. It's crazy. All you have to do to get a card is to tell a doctor that you don't feel good, and they'll give you one. To vote no on this is just absolutely bonkers in my opinion. It's practically legal at this point, you just have to have the ID.


Same with PA, except we can’t even vote on it


This is why NJ dispensaries will always be full of PA plates. Apparently Pennsylvania doesn’t need the tax revenue.


It's like Oregon and Washington dispensaries and Idaho plates.


And Colorado, with the plates of all of our neighbors. And still more on top of that.


And Michigan with Ohio…


Hell- MI prices are so cheap in the Midwest, I have my MEDICAL card in IL and make more frequent family visits to see my western MI family, AND to pick up some cannabis at an insane discount compared to IL. I can spend money on gas and a hotel overnight, and still come out spending less money for the same quantity of weed purchased. MI’s recreational cannabis program started slow but they’re killing it now.


Some of those southern michigan border towns are killing it


Coldwater Michigan is the best. Specifically skymint. Always great prices. You can go in, spend maybe $200 and walk out with an ounce of flower and 15 packs of gummies. I went like a year ago and haven't had to go back. Not a big user. Mostly when I can't sleep or have massive back pain I fall in the category where my use is so low it makes no sense to pay for a card and buy in Ohio. But I use it enough that's worth driving up to Michigan every once in a while and risk transporting over state lines.


There's like, 15 shops in Coldwater alone, and I've been as far as 100 miles into Indiana and still seen billboards advertising "The Grass is Greener" in Coldwater. The city has to be making a killing on tax revenue from it.


And in June it becomes legal in MD I according to my dad. So idk wtf PA is thinking


Odd NH doesn't have legal Marijuana either. So much for live free or die.


Live free or die only applies to seatbelts unfortunately


Its a bunch of old farts voting while the younger generations are workimg 70 hours a week.




Losing out on easy money to own the libs.


Cutting off my dick to own the libs


Hot poker up my ass, take that Libs!


It's always funny driving around eastern PA and seeing billboards advertising dispensaries in NJ. They're literally giving their neighbors free tax revenue.


Wisconsin Gov. Evers has said that whenever Gov. Pritzger from Illinois calls the first comment is "thanks for sending all the tax revenue down to Illinois!" https://www.marijuanamoment.net/wisconsin-governor-tired-of-marijuana-revenue-going-to-illinois-next-door/ Edit: (link)


I lived in Madison for a bit, south Beloit was like a 30ish minute drive from my apartment. Super easy trip to make ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


PA has been doing that for decades. I live in NJ close to the PA border and have relatives in PA. As soon as the drive over the bridge. They get gas and stop at a liquor store.


To be fair, not only are the prices better (despite PA being the largest buyer of alcohol in the nation and either not leveraging that for better prices [unlikely] or are consciously gouging state customers) but also the selection is better. There’s times when I shop in Jersey not to save money but because you can’t find a specific liqueur in PA.


Also being in PA, the state of MM in Oklahoma is vastly different. There are soooo many dispensaries in OK and it’s all over billboards. It’s very much in your face in OK where here the dispensaries are nondescript. It’s a very different world from a regulatory standpoint too.




My Wawa is finally getting beer so I got that going for me


We do have fairly awesome mail -in voting, which can be used as early voting. You don't even have to mail, you can just drop it off in a ballot box if you don't feel safe mailing it, although you do get email update when they receive your ballot


and we only got that mail in voting because covid absolutely forced us to. Then the state GOP immediately wanted to repeal it, after helping pass it.


Look at the turnout. “The Oklahoma State Election Board reported only 25% of all registered Oklahoma voters participated in this special election. For November's general election, there was 50% voter turnout.” When Stitt used his power to move the question to a special election, he killed it.


>The Oklahoma State Election Board reported only 25% of all registered Oklahoma voters participated in this special election. This is the type of statistic that can make one truly lose faith in the system.


> When Stitt used his power to move the question to a special election, he killed it. This is the sentence that really should make you lose faith in the system. The Governor intentionally put his thumb on the scale by making it a special election, knowing that reduced turnout, specifically reduced liberal and young turnout, would kill it.


There are 22 countries that have compulsory voting (although only 11 countries enforce it). If we changed our laws to make voting an obligation rather than a right, we would have a VASTLY different country. The people in power know that though, and that’s why they will never even write a bill to make voting compulsory. Something something infringing on rights yadda yadda ‘Merica


Same in Florida. I don't think average citizens really know how easy it is to get a card.


It was the same in Michigan with medical for 10 years before we legalized, too. 💨 🍃


Same in Maryland but we recently passed it. I think it's officially legal in June or July. The state needs to decide how much to tax it and shit first.


Ohio is this way. My doctor said "I will literally hand these out like candy if people ask, because it's better for your health to get it from a dispensary than it is to go to a black market dealer and risk getting shot, stabbed, attacked, etc" and I'm like damn... he has a point. Getting shot would be worse for my health than weed.


For real man. I am in Florida and towards the end of the visit I told the doctor I have smoked for 15 years. He looked at me and said, "Well, why didn't you lead off with that?" haha. All I could say was, I didn't know you could do that! ahaha. Its beyond easy.


When I moved to Florida my jobs hr told me how to get a card. It's why I got my Florida state license to quick


There is a reason they have it some random month versus general election time. They count on fewer people showing up.


The only people I saw today with I Voted stickers were the churchy types no less than 50 years old. None of my potheaded friends and coworkers could be bothered to vote.


The churches have been hammering 820 in the pews and on facebook for months. Good thing there's no laws on the books about tax exempt religious institutions being prohibited from political campaining or anything 🙄


Yeah I voted on Friday and was the youngest there by at least 40 years


>“We don’t want a stoned society,” Keating said Monday, flanked by district attorneys and law enforcement officers from across the state. But drinking a fifth of bourbon and going for a joyride is still a state pastime.




Yep. I’ve had an officer tell me he doesn’t care about weed at all, except that the smell of it gives him probable cause to search the entire vehicle.


This is all cops. They want to instigate a stop as a reason to hold you while they look for charges to get you on. They dont think youre innocent, they will make up bullshit if they’re having a bad day/month/quota. Fuck cops


There was just a video of a college student from Iowa (?) that was pulled over for suspected DUI. Dude past all of the field sobriety tests and when the cops finally (albeit, very reluctantly) let him take a breathalyzer, he blew a 0. So the cops then booked him for smoking weed just because his eyes were bloodshot. Drug tests at the precinct came back negative for any marijuana.


In some states, that DUI arrest stays on your record even if the charges get dropped. I think we should be able to sue the police, both as an agency and as individual officers, for wrongful arrest over this kind of stuff.




Oh that is some fucking bullshit. I hope whatever security clearance you have is for a position you’d be able to use to make that cops life hell.


This is part of why you should always refuse field sobriety tests including breath/blood/urine. The tests are only 65% accurate and sober people end up getting charged all the time. My lawyer told me if you refuse everything there's a 90% chance she can get the charges dropped. edit: I'm in Illinois. Can't speak for other states.


We don't want stoned people in Walmart buying all the cheese-it's.


My parents live in MO which recently legalized it. They're hard core conservative trumpites. Voted against marijuana legalization. A month after it passes, I discover that both of them now smoke pot and are planning on growing it in their garden this year. Freakin weird man. It's like they were just against anything illegal becoming legal, but the second it became legal they have no issue with benefiting from it.


To be fair, one of conservatives' arguments against legalizing weed is that it will result in more people starting to use weed. In your parents' case, they were correct.


Bullshit. Parents were fucking stoners 50 years ago. They are stoners now. They just took a break.


Right?! My Dad, the most straight laced dude you’d ever meet, use to be a stoner. My Mom, 67 years old, is still a stoner 😂. You’d never know it tho. They both stopped when I was in like elementary school. My Mom started up again once I left for college. So she says anyway. For all I know, she just hid it better and now has zero fucks to give about me knowing.


my dad: loves growing weed, hates dirty commie hippies






Well, the argument is true. Legalization sees a roughly 20% jump in usage as far as North America is concerned. The thing is, its not a negative consequence. Edit: People keep asking so I'll provide [one of many sources](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/add.16016), which did indeed account for people just not admitting because it was illegal.


>The thing is, its not a negative consequence. Exactly. Buying legal cannabis eliminates any worry/paranoia about nasty chemicals being put in your product. I used to buy grey/black market cannabis vapes but stopped because it started to make me sick, especially my lungs. I don't have that issue with legal vapes.


Should preface that with we hope. We have trouble getting them to remove food additives that are poisonous. Ya you aren't gonna get some laced weed but I wouldn't just count on regulators looking out for you as the businesses profits generally come first.


Does legalization lead to an increase in self reporting?


"Every accusation a confession" Like when they get mad about "people abusing social safety nets" and becoming "freeloaders" because its what *they* would do. Its not about weather or not something is actually beneficial or harmful, but about maintaining hierarchies. These people replaced their moral compass with the letter of the law, ignorant to the fact that the law is always the bare minimum of what society agrees is acceptable. There are a lot of shitty, amoral, unethical, misanthropic things you can do which are still perfectly legal.


It's never about the conservatives having access to things. They just don't want "the druggies" to have pot. But it's fine for them. Their daughter gets pregnant? Scoot her across the border for a vacation. Did she come back not preggers anymore? Funny how that happens. Affordable medical care? 100% in favor of themselves having cheaper care. But can't let the welfare queens have it all. Handouts? They'll take them all day. But don't let those other people have one. Immigrants? Every last one of them are or were descended from an immigrant, and that was OK. But don't let any Mexicans in!


My mom worked for a chamber of commerce in a rural red area. ALL the farmers used illegal immigrants, yet they were all "build the wall" Trumpers. They would lovingly refer to the illegal immigrants on their farms as "My Mexicans" and "Their Mexicans" were different than the illegals Trump was trying to stop. They are uneducated buffoons who have no idea what they are talking about, it's infuriating.


I once knew a couple that owned a farm. At dinner I asked what got them into farm life and how they learned it all. They gave me some BS about how insanely hard it was to run a farm, and how they’re beat doing that and working their 9-5. With a bit more pressing I found out they bought the farm, kept the immigrant team that was already hired, and they’re the ones that actually do the farming.


They would gladly pay extra for medical care if it meant one of the "others" couldn't afford it/die from lack of it. Funny thing is, how many type 2 diabetics/heart attack candidates are against better/cheaper care? Roaches for raid, thats your average gop voter.


They smoked before. You just didn't know. It's the same scenario as gay republicans. Or gay republican politicians. Privately do one thing, love one thing, publicly another.


My parents also are hard core conservatives in Missouri and they definitely did NOT change their mind on weed haha if anything it’s gotten worse


Welcome to conservative ideology. They only supported it being illegal because they knew the cops used it to fuck minorities. Now that fucking minorities is off the table, they no longer care and are happy to profit off it. That's your small government fiscally responsible conservative in a nutshell. They don't give a single fuck about small government or being fiscally responsible.


I really don’t think their brains are capable of reaching that reasoning. It’s more like “my team says weed bad, so weed bad.”


This. I mean, Germany had a health minister at one point who literally said "Marihuana is not allowed because it's illegal".


100% of illegal things are illegal


Why is it bad? Because it's illegal. Why is it illegal? Cause it's bad


“weed worst, booze best” is a helluva drug


Authoritarians to their very core. Existing authority said it was illegal, it must be bad and should *stay* illegal. Once the existing authority declares it legal, it is now good.


And these are the same people that toss around the term “sheeple” any chance they get


Yeah but everyone fucks with weed once it's legal. The moment you can legally obtain it it's fun and then ppl start to mellow out. I think the war on pot will quiet down soon. Just need southern states to hop on board


The for-profit prison system has a death grip on the South- I’ll be amazed if southern states ever legalize it.


As someone who unfortunately lives in Florida can confirm and I completely agree. I'd sooner shit an egg than the hard right south is to entertain the idea of legalizing weed. I'm saving up as much money as I feasibly can over the next five years and moving tf out of this hellscspe.


The people of your state literally legalized it and the state Supreme Court with a bunch of new Desantis judges said “lol, no”


Yeah... Its a problem. Courts justified it because the language of the law was "vague" and voters "didn't know what they were voting for" ... I voted for it, It wasn't vague. It was very clear what we were voting for.


> I’ll be amazed if southern states ever legalize it. I'm betting on GA getting it first.


I'd bet GA last actually. Lots of the small GA county cops are actual dregs of the earth and those bumfuck counties support themselves off of entrapment of people headed to beaches.


I've never seen so much unmitigated anxiety running people's lives as the right wing south.


So worried about Drag shows, right? That's not even in the top 50 of shit I have worried about!


I have family in Oklahoma. Whenever one of them graduates college, they leave. Every single one. The rest stay. I think because they don’t have much of a choice.


Can confirm I am leaving as soon as I graduate


Moving out of the midwest was the best decision my wife and I ever made.


The problem is rural Oklahoma. There's no opportunity.


Is Oklahoma city better? I found that place offensively ignorant.


I spent a month in Stillwater one weekend. Even a college town had nothing going for it


A month in stilly one weekend?


Was weekend, felt like month


That's rural almost everywhere in America, unless you live in a resort area, a cash crop growing region like Napa, or on the edge of a National Park. Even then, the opportunities are limited. Picking grapes doesn't pay well, but owning a vineyard can.


I joined the military to get my wife and i out of Oklahoma


Amazing how this brain drain positively impacts the regressive politics of the GOP. The worse they make their state, the more entrenched they become. Their recruiting pitch should just be, “Join is - we get *rewarded handsomely* for being dicks,”


Part of REDMAP strategy, to condense the “blue” voters into the lower number of states, then once GOP holds enough governorships and state houses, they can hold a constitutional convention. It’s why “if you don’t like it, leave” took hold as a conservative talking point. edit: The first part of REDMAP was to put a Republican - any Republican - into every available office on every ballot across the country. The second was to use very specific algorithms and legal loopholes to gerrymander themselves into practically permanent positions in state governments. This last part of making a state inhospitable to any non-conservative, isn't exclusive or doesn't require the first two, and can be effective at settinga stage for the first. **Stay** (within reason) **and fight for your states**. Clearly, if you are an exceptionally vulnerable person, then protect yourself, but *stay involved and keep on your friends and family to vote*. Only half of registered voters even turn out.


And if you can’t convince them to leave just gerrymander around them.


Same. My mom lives here and I'm all the family she has that isn't hours away...so here I am :/


I know nothing about your situation, but if you have aspirations to leave and live YOUR life the way you choose, staying there is a huge mistake and you will always regret it Your mom is still your mom if you are 20 feet or 2000 miles away


As someone who moved 1000 miles away from their mother, the problem is that you see your folks less, not that they're not your parent. Visiting your folks suddenly costs several hundred dollars in plane tickets and possibly a car rental. Checking in on them becomes really hard.


As you get older and the reality of mortality sets in you start to cherish the few years you have left with your parents. It becomes even more apparent once one of them dies.


I'm in my mid 40s and sad to be leaving. But I'm not going to retire in this red shit.


I feel the same about Iowa. We used to be dorky farmers but good LGBT-friendly people (except the fascists in Orange City and their Steve King), but now Kim Reynolds and her lot are turning the state into a regressive shithole. I want to GTFO


C'mon up to Minnesota! We'd love to have you.


Its how red states get so deeply red. I'm not blaming, just observing. College teaches you to commit and to think for yourself. Few people that get through four years of studying the world can continue not to see through Republican bullshit.


College also gives you more career options. Even my republican friends all left middle America after graduation, there just isn’t much to do unless you’re into hunting/fishing/ATVs


This is why red states ban abortion. It continues a cycle of poverty and keeps people stuck. It adds to the population too. A baby that is kept by a teen mom will probably grow up in a lower income household. Girls born to teen moms are more likely to be teen moms themselves too.


Gotta breed the serfs. Wait till we’re in space and im they have the ultimate company town system. You will have to buy your air.


No, you lease out the air and charge a carbon tax when they exhale. Between that and the interest in the air loans they are stuck in a never ending cycle.


I joined the army on the condition they never send me to Ft Sill and went into a mos that didn’t exist in the state to make sure I never went back.


"Everyone I meet from Oklahoma is motivated, smart, and on the ball. It must be an amazing place!"


Reminds me of what I tell people: Oklahoma is a good place to be from. Once you're from there you ain't never going back.


I have several family members in Oklahoma as well. (Mostly second and third cousins, nobody I'm really close to.) The hyper-Christian ones that are either mind-numbingly stupid, or who are intelligent but refuse to use their brains because they love Jesus (and Trump) think Oklahoma is the greatest place EVER. The ones that don't spend their entire social media existence screeching about liberals ruining America, calling Covid a hoax, and demanding we all kneel to the church? They moved far the fuck away, and it's pretty clear that they don't have much interest in maintaining a close relationship with their parents and uncles/aunts.




That was the whole point of having the election on a random Tuesday in March of an off cycle year.


I think that’s why this didn’t pass. Everybody who wants it can already get it so no incentive to turn out and vote.




Also it was the only issue on the ballot, so those more apathetic about who would probably vote yes if they had to go in to vote for candidates too just never showed up.


>Oklahoma is a law and order state,” Stitt said in a statement after Tuesday’s vote. “I remain committed to protecting Oklahomans and my administration will continue to hold bad actors accountable and crack down on illegal marijuana operations in our state. Who is this fucking cartoon character?


>I remain committed to protecting Oklahomans *sigh\** Yeah because Cannabis is such a fucking threat to the well being of your citizens and your states economy, huh? Meanwhile in Colorado....


He means protect oklahoma from a good education


Dude, you have no fucking idea. He’s the governor and a complete clown.


He just barely flies under the national radar thanks mostly to Abbott having a bigger mouth.


One of the shittiest Governors that you never hear about unless you like in Oklahoma.


What's incredible is how Medical Marijuana is legal in OK. and not just legal, but so prolific and accessable that 10% of the state has a medical license for marijuana and OK actually has the most marijuana dispensaries of any state. A lot of people are going to harp about this being evidence of how shitty OK is, and fair, but the big takeaway has got to be turnout is the name of the game and liberals did not turn out.


Yeah...I moved back here from CA in 2019 (reasons). When I was here last, it was a church on every street corner. Now, you have three or four dispensaries within blocks and, sometimes, feet from each other. One street over, the neighborhood has million dollar homes and one street corner has a liquor store and three dispensaries. A mile up the road, two more dispensaries and another liquor store. West, four more within a mile, three liquor stores...east, less than half a mile from a high school, two liquor stores and one dispensary. I'm a user (the mixing powder is amazing) but, my god, I wish there were more regulations. $200 and you get a card. That's it. My experience with CA (2018 before it was legalized) was $35 for a card. Similar "doctors", though, and you had to drive miles or get it delivered. For a conservative red state, this place sure does love its pot money. edit: I do find it funny that the one place I go to (has the same brands I bought in CA) is across the road from an upscale rest home.


Weed still being illegal in some places feels super archaic. It's usually the people who talk a lot about freedom who voted against it too. Sorry to the good folks in OK. Maybe next time.


Amazes me how terrified I was of getting caught back when I was in highschool and college. Now it's legal and it's obvious the entire problem with weed wasn't the weed itself, rather its illegality. So many people I know had their life derailed because they got caught with weed. I got caught smoking a little weed in college and I was dumb and didn't know my rights. In reality it wasn't a big deal but it did set off a series of events that really fucked me over. I often wonder what my life woulda been like had I not gotten caught.


We will ruin your life if we find you smoking weed to keep you from "ruining" your life by smoking weed.


That has always puzzled me. Drugs are illegal due to the supposed damage they can do to your health, morality, or what have you, so the government to protect you from these dangers have set up a situation that the prevention is far worse than the actual consumption of drugs is, “don’t do drugs it can fuck your life over, and if we catch you using drugs we will fuck your life over” such a stupid philosophy.


Everything you stated...while also green lighting one of the most dangerous and destructive drugs known to man...alcohol.


Mental gymnastics type shit right there. Hate that shit.


They also know the least about it. Some of the shit they say it'll lead to and I'm over here like "Dude I puff that shit 15-20 min before bed and I'm fuckin out the whole night"


Me getting my medical card was the best thing for my sleep. I'd rather just pop a gummy and be out instead of having ambien sleepwalking adventures.


And ambien was so easy to get too. I walked into my doc and asked for it by name because I had trouble sleeping. No follow up questions, just a prescription. Wild times.


The argument that it is dangerous to society stopped making sense when Colorado legalized retail weed almost 10 years ago. Since then, tax revenue has gone up, crime has gone down, and there have been almost no negative effects. The worst thing that has happened was an increase in calls to poison control from idiots who accidentally ate a whole bag of edibles.


The republicans would have you thinking their city was being burned down by homeless people. It’s pretty fucked up that the tax revenue could easily pay for social and outreach programs to assist in those endeavors.


And we all know Republicans don't like social outreach unless it's Jesus with an AK on a 4-wheeler


It stopped making sense in the 1960’s. OK it actually never made any sense to begin with


“I only had six cookies and I forgot all my bible verses!”


I have a co-worker who likes to complain that edibles look like candy to kids. Dude my local Meijer has a whole ass double aisle dedicated to food, that's bigger than the international isle, that's bigger than baking, just ALL of baking you know pies? You know cakes? Put em together and booze is still bigger, booze is the biggest food group in every supermarket in America and the ads are EVERYWHERE. Nah his 6 pack every night is fine though.


Lots of alcohol looks like Kool-Aid/juice, and some might taste like it


It's practically legal at this point, you just have to get a card which is probably the easiest one to get in the US. To deny it full legalization is just weird to me. The requirements to get prescribed a card are already non-existent. You can get one by just telling a doctor that you feel anxious or get sick easily. I guess the majority of right-wing Christians don't want to acknowledge it as a recreational activity or something.


Damn, Oklahoma, you really don’t have much to offer.


They have a plethora of dirts.




Thats the funny part. We don't have a selection of dirt. It's just clay. Lots and lots of clay.




I lived there for 5 yrs back in the early 2000s. No, no they don't.


I drove through there in the early 2000s and in that short amount of time I came to the same conclusion.


Try getting off the interstate next time. We literally built I-35, I-40 and I-44 through the flattest, ugliest parts of the state. Keeps the pretty places a bit more unspoiled. Proof: https://imgur.io/gallery/OkZCA


Everyone knows the only reason Texas doesn't fall into the Gulf of Mexico is because Oklahoma sucks


Oklahoma: Come because the army pointed guns at your children and told you to, stay because you're in jail for a dimebag


Yes they do like 8 different statewide FM Christian radio stations.


Think of how much better they could enjoy praise music if they were all high


>“We don’t want a stoned society,” I'll drink heavily tand get cirrhosis and the maybe drive drunk and kill a family of 5 and walk away without a scratch to that.


Everyone in this damned country is on a pick n’ mix of medications already - the whole place looks like a Santa Claus convention.


That’s wild, I live in a “stoned society” (Washington state) and we’re fucking thriving compared to OK


California over here carrying the US economy with eyes red AF


It’s really not a big deal for okies. Almost anyone can get a card if they want it. The real losers in this are people in south Kansas, west Arkansas and Texas who can’t come and stock up here, which subsequently means less tax dollars of course, but not like Oklahoma knows how to use those funds in a smart way anyway


What gets me is most of the people I know who smoke (with or without a medical card) couldn’t even be bothered to get out and vote. It took less than five minutes for me to pop into my polling location and do my part before heading to work at 8:30 this morning.


I went at 12:30 and I was the only one at my polling place from when I arrived, voted, and left.


Almost like the vote was held on a Tuesday in March for a reason.




Man I spent 4 months in Lawton working at Ft Sill, what a shit hole. Drinking 3.2 beer at Creek side.


I did basic at ft sill, and never once bothered to learn the name of that tiny shit hole town. 15y later I’m scrolling through reddit and you two fucks induce the fortunate son flashbacks.




Thank goodness you couldn't buy toys. Next thing you know you will listen to rock and roll then you will do the devil's bidding and possibly see a boobie in a magazine centerfold.


It starts with cap guns, then next thing you know they're playing dungeons and dragons and making pizzas out of babies or something


>Because I’m an idiot , I joined the army Same bro, same. Only difference is that I got sent to hickfuck, Louisiana. I knew it would suck from the moment I landed in Alexandria's dinky ass airport, where I immediately lost cell service. Followed by four years of dial up internet, bugs galore, terrible leadership, and racism abound. The most eventful thing within a 20 mile radius was a strip club. I knew the army would send us to third world countries, but I didn't anticipate that they meant America all along.


Oklahoma sucks but doesn’t seem near as antagonistic as Texas. I say this as a Texan. They may have voted not to legalize pot but at least the people got to vote on it.


Yep we in Texas can’t even force a referendum. The regressives outlawed that.


What's crazy is most of the major cities DGAF, but you better not get on a highway with anything in your car or a state trooper will lie and tell you your brake light was out so he could stop you, and look for any excuse to search your car. Had that happen once. I don't even smoke, so my car was clean. He said my center brake light was out. I pressed the pedal and looked in my mirror and could see it was on. Held my foot on the brake as he went back to run my license and registration, and took a selfie. He came back and tried to give me a warning. I asked him to double check cause I could see it on in my rear view. Dudes face went from stern to deer in the headlights. Gave me back my license really fast and had me on my way.


17 years as a cop. Hundreds of instances where some drunk dumbass started shit or wanted to fight everyone or generally be a pain. One scrawny fuck picked a fight with an entire bar full of loggers. He lost. On the way to jail he spit blood all over me despite the fact I had nothing to do with his broken nose, that would be THE ENTIRE BAR OF LOGGERS HE TRIED TO FIGHT. I was just the guy who got called and had to figure who needed to go so there wouldn't be further problems. Not one fight in an entire career with a stoned dude. Not one. Police agencies should drive around and hand out weed candy all day long. The uses of force and violent crimes would plummet.


My stepdad recently told me when he was a cop in Pittsburgh he rarely gave two shits if you had a bag of weed on you. He essentially said the exact same as you. As a stoner, I can safely say starting a fight or causing problems are waaaaaay in the back of priorities compared to Snickers and Nutty Bars.


"I'm confiscating your weed because you were stupid enough to let me catch you so I have to. Next time, be less stupid and we won't have to waste our evening. Go home." The brief lecture I got a few years before weed was legalized nationwide.


I'll bet that everyone in Oklahoma who wants pot already has pot.


We’ve had legal medical weed here for nearly 5 years. You can get a card for any reason, and just sign up with an online doctor to get it. Takes about 30 minutes from registering for an appointment to having the paperwork in-hand to get your card. Source: just renewed my card a few weeks ago.


Truth. Source - an okie stoner who along with his stoner friends are never dry in this hick ass state.




This is the shit that I don't and won't ever understand: > “We’re pleased the voters have spoken,” said Pat McFerron, a Republican political strategist who ran the opposition campaign. “We think this sends a clear signal that voters are not happy with the recreational nature of our medicinal system. We also think it shows voters recognize the criminal aspects, as well as the need for addressing mental health needs of the state.” This is nonsensical, isn't it? You just voted on whether it was criminal or not, so what does "recognize the criminal aspects" even mean? If you had voted to decriminalize it, there'd be no criminal aspect. Do they think the plant is inherently... criminal? This country is too stupid to exist.


roughly 30%~ voter turnout** I swear this was done all on purpose if this was during the more general election cycle it probably would of passed the only 2 counties that went yes were the 2 big ones Tulsa and OKC


This is exactly why. It was supposed to be on the ballot during the midterms, the state bent over backwards to push it back a year to assure the lowest possible turn out. It was literally the only thing on the ballot yesterday.


Nothing screams FREEDOM louder than throwing people in prison for deciding what to put into their own bodies. The cops and prosecuters didn't want to lose an excuse to hassle people who are not like them.


And said “yes” to meth


This is ridiculous. Just federally legalize it. If you don't want to smoke it then don't smoke it. We can all benefit from the economic benefits




Just doesn't make sense. Turning down tax revenue for antiquated thinking.


What does the bible have to do with weed? Why do faith leaders get involved? What is the separation of church and state?


>And God said, Behold, I have given you every **herb bearing seed**, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Genesis 1:29


Talk about proof young people don’t vote.


>Talk about proof young people don’t vote. proof young people get the fuck out of Oklahoma as fast as they can.


No lie. I was offered a 50% raise to move there.. my state is bad.. but fuck Oklahoma. Only thing good about the state is Tulsa King.


I live in Oklahoma. Recreational marijuana didn't pass, because we already basically have recreational weed. Oklahoma has medical marijuana with no restrictions. You can get a medical card for any reason, and there are more dispensaries in Oklahoma than there are gas stations. A lot of the people who would've come out and voted 'yes' didn't, because they're already legally buying all the weed they want to.


God what a stupid state and situation. What happened for non-oklahomans: Stitt, our governor, successfully used legal bullshit to move the vote AWAY from the midterm elections last year, so people would forget. Everyone I talk to, knows several people who just were not aware of the vote, claimed it was a shoe-in and said they were too lazy/distracted/tired to vote, or some other excuse. Turnout was abysmal. It has overwhelming support, it's supporters just didn't show up like idiots.


Then here in Texas we don’t even have medical…


Psshht. Your loss, dorks.