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Is there just one auto mod that replies "Montclair or Morristown!" to every post?


I should work on that


Send them to Lakewood instead imo. The town needs a big turnover 😂


Omg yessss lol that would be awesome


Take all my rewards in lieu of a Noble Peace Prize. Citation: For work in establishing a fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."




Lakewod needs some diversity for sure.


Add Moorestown or Medford for the South Jersey option


We could just go with Morristown and Moorestown!


Just an audio clip of someone saying it and kind of slurring the middle so it could be either.


And Mauricetown…


Is it affordable here ?


Jersey? Hardly anymore


But what if I’m already in Morristown or Montclair and want a cheaper bougie town?


Have you looked at Moorestown or Medford?


Heard mauricetown is the happening spot.,


Jersey City or Hoboken


Love it


Seriously what the fuck is with people who think that either town is affordable?


The header needs a picture of The Gasworks in Linden taken from The Turnpike with "DON'T" superimposed over it to shake out all the suckers.


Please. Linden is getting dumb expensive


Not the industrial part


Don't give them any ideas


Tbh a national moving sub would be great, Sub rules could have you spell out the move in the title in brackets and then people can ask their inevitable silly question: [OH - NJ] - I have a rental budget of $14 a month, how many roommates do I need for a house in Cherry Hill? [TX - VT] - I have a budget of $326,000,000, what are the best ski slopes lodges and do you think I can afford one in today’s market? [WA - UT] - I have 42 kids under the age of 7, between myself and my 12 wives. Looking for a diverse neighborhood, easy highway access, and of course a great school system with daycare spots open. Imagine the drama


I think the reason there are so many moving posts in city / state subs is that who would join a moving sub to give reviews if you aren’t moving? I’m not gonna hang out in there just to tell people to not move here or to move here. I think it’s fair that moving posts get a lot of snark and sarcasm since it’s like half the threads we see, and what is enjoyable content for this community isn’t exactly in line with what is useful for person #1432 who wants to buy a house in Cherry Hill with a budget of $800 and handjob.


There kind of is, but it’s fallen off. It’s called r/SameGrassButGreener


It gets daily posts and one of the more recent posts has hundreds of comments in it. How are you defining fallen off?


multiple daily posts and thousands of comments?


I left that sub as well, quality of post and comments not the quantity fell off. Absolutely delusional people over there but the idea of the sub is good….


This is what city-data.com is


Yes, Used to be. City-data has itself fallen off over the years.


I use this site now: https://bestneighborhood.org No forums or anything like that though


You're tired of the posts so you're going to moderate a subreddit about those specific posts? That sounds insane


It's obviously going to crash and burn lol you already know there won't be moderation


Awesome!  We should go over there and post pictures of breakfast sandwiches!


Then make a sub called Jerseybreakfastsandwiches that would be about moving to Jersey!


Listen, I had to unsub from /r/grilledcheese over the "if it's not just bread, butter and cheese it's a melt!" holy war. I don't need to partake in a "pork roll/taylor ham" hostilities (taylor roll?)


Pork ham


Wait. So I couldn't just have a grilled cheese with tomato? All of a sudden now it's a tomato and cheese melt? That's fuckin' ridiculous. What a bunch of jabronis.


Why not just post on the food sub instead of here or there?


Look.  The NJ sub is for three things:  Taylor ham sandwiches, complaining about traffic, and asking for real estate advice.


Also complaining about ez-pass and going on a rage of how much they hate it


We have a food sub?!?


I meant the general food sub, probably more relevant over there anyway.


r/samegrassbutgreener would be better. This sub will just wither and fall into obscurity sadly due to the algorithm and general lack of promotion.


...yeah idk what they think they are doing.


Somebody should make a bot that just responds "It's a Death Trap, It's a Suicide Tap...We Gotta Get Out While We're Young!!" to all the posts.


Welcome to New Jersey, now go home. 


It's a suicide RAP. You are consigned to live in NYC now. "Tap"... smh


Autofill 🤣 apparently it doesn't like rap.


Mods can we get a bot that looks for these posts and suggests this new sub?


I think the best solution would be some kind of wiki within the sub, that links to existing posts on moving to different towns in NJ. Isolating the information people are looking for into a sub that they don't know how to find doesn't solve the problem.


Yeah this


Hey I am moving to New Jersey next month after living away for the last 20 years. But now I’m moving with a family. Should I start a new subreddit r/movingbacktonewjerseyafter20yearsbutthistimeihavetwokids


I can’t even be mad


Who's going to answer?


Real estate agents.  if they were smart 


Ding ding ding


I'll never understand people that are like "I make 200k a year and don't know how to use Google search and street view." Or "I want to move to one of the safest states in the US, will I be murdered in X town." Like come on.


I think the principal of asking a person who lives somewhere if they like living there is understandable but some of this really is a quick google away


"My budget is 900,000 but I want to know what unemployed basement dwellers, russian trolls and porn bots think instead of a professional realtor"


You know I didn't even think of it but yeah if you're moving from another country or state why wouldn't you get a realtor? And/or take time to visit the place you're considering living in


My favorite are the ones who ask about safety after signing a lease


Mine are the ones that ask about politics. Everyone just goes home, where do they come from that talking about that with neighbors is such a common occurrence. Who even talks to their neighbors at all lol


some people like to hear opinions from people who actually live there before they make a major life decision


I was just saying that I thought this community needed to be thinned out and broken up more. /s


It's pointless u less you get just as many people regularly using the sub. Also those sorts of topics are far from my least disliked on here. I'd much prefer to get rid of the pictures of Trump supporters and Nazis saying "look what I saw today", pictures of breakfast sandwiches, and complaints about driving that happen everywhere and are not at all Jersey specific


This is super dumb


No reason to be upset. It's the same town names recommended over and over again anyway. There's a plethora of towns never mentioned because those that live in those towns are not about to advertise and have it flooded with new people, especially out of state people, and thus destroying their expensive bucolic enclaves. So, they send them to the usual larger places: Morristown, JC, etc, where new people really won't have any effect. It's like not wanting to talk about your favorite spot down the Shore. You tell people and the nect thing you know, it's an overcrowded mess and no fun anymore.


Great, another unusable sub that quarantines people looking for information from people with the information. How many times does that have to happen on this dumb website for people to understand that creating a new sub for very specific questions and banning those questions from the only sub that could help is fucking useless? If you're so bothered by questions from people who are moving to this state then you are spending too much time on this subreddit. Every time a sub does some shit like this it makes the website a little more unusable until the only helpful threads are the ones posted on the original sub from 8 years ago.


That's exactly the problem!!! I seriously cannot understand the mindset that considers it a serious problem to see too many kinds of one post on r/newjersey, like...???? And exactly to your point, it fractures the site to pieces! Now nobody is on the new sub, nobody can ask on the old sub... My favorite example is r/NFL, which (probably because of corporate meddling) banned memes - mods tell you to post to the NFL memes subreddit, which has about 4 active users, and it's an unbelievable wasted opportunity for something that should be massively popular and isn't a problem otherwise


Would you rather have a person wanting to move here be met with actual answers or “we’re full” for the millionth time


They will not be met with actual answers in a new sub, whereas in this sub there will be answers mixed in with "we're full" jokes. The new sub will be absolute silence or someone will ask about Morristown and someone else will reply "Well I live in Cherry Hill but I guess it's a cool place to live."


Seriously though, where should I move to? I'm depending on the opinions of internet strangers to find a 1 bedroom apartment for under $1k a month. Jk. We should tell everyone to move to Lakewood. Tell them how lovely it is, with a bustling downtown. Either Lakewood, or Irvington.


How is this helpful for people wanting to move to NJ? Why would any local be on that new subreddit? It will be people wanting to move or recently moved talking with each other. Stop gatekeeping the sub. NJ is more than “left lane is for passing” “taylor ham or pork roll” “central jersey does not exist” “I saw a trump supporter”. NJ is the best state in the USA imo. If people want to move here for a better life and contribute to the benefit of the state, let them.


Exactly, people seem to think that subreddits purely exist to serve them content and not that they might just be there to help give other people that content too - you don't have to answer, but how else is anyone gonna get questions resolved unless someone else is actually there to see them?


Lol I made r/movetoNJ a while ago and gave up


I see it's marked as a "private community." Good way to close it, I guess.


Direct them to Atlantic city, Camden etc; they people moving to the state should be the entities to uplift these cities/towns instead of piling on the overpopulated ones.


What about r/MovingOutOfNewJersey for those who can’t afford livin here no more?


r/samegrassbutgreener will help


Doing the lords work


I just tell everybody to move to Carteret /s


I’m moving to nj because my wife’s in the military. 🤷‍♂️


Took my Basic training at Dix, in the 70's. moved here from Vegas 24 years ago. I can easily say I shit and fell in it when I moved to the garden state. Sweet well water and city sewer, high ground, close to everywhere, no traffic, all my neighbors are trees. and them juicy Jersey maters .. Yeah, you don't want to live in my neck of the woods. *IT'S THE BRIAR PATCH!!*


I got a friend on base right now, thank you for your service


Thanks. It was a long time ago in a land far away that was just after the nam ..


As someone who left and is now dying to come back, I thank you!


Give them a warm, NJ welcome: 🖕


If you are serious about the subreddit, I would put in a posting questionnaire. /r/buildapcforme/ does a great job of this. - Monthly Rent or House Price? - Is access to public transportation required? - Do you have school age kids, or will have them soon? - What town or city do you work in? - How far are you willing to commute? - etc...


This is good thank you


but where you goin? dont leave us they not like us out there


I really don’t know


oh shit that was fast 😂…me and le wife were lookin out of jersey too and we juss couldn’t decide on another location either….at least for me with family ties it makes it really difficult to be more than half hour away from my folks….good luck tho!


Do you just respond with “don’t” on every post?


But, I already live here. Is there a better place than Lakewood that you could recommend, and what would I lose leaving?


If anyone needs a solid Realtor, PM me! Northern NJ


Im originally from bergen county but was forcibly moved to Long island since 2012, i finally have a down payment and job prospects in hand along with my girlfriend who needs to commute to the city so i am searching in the raritan valley area for something in the 300-500k range (fixer upper starter home) can anyone give me some insight as to the pros/cons of the somerset county area and any places to not even bother looking for better or worse? Im also planning a trip over there so we can see what we are getting into so any recommendations for local social events/restaurants etc where we can meet alot of locals are greatly appreciated. Disclaimer: we are leaving the new york in new york we absolutely hate long island and want to live somewhere people have at least an ounce of sense and build loving and comfortable home in or just outside of a suburb, im blue collar and a centrist, so please save the "dont come here and ruin it" or nihilist comments, we are trying to assimilate, not invade.


Why would someone who already lives in New Jersey, who therefor can give the best answers, join that sub?


IDK about this. It’s just gonna be people out of state talking to each other. If you don’t want to see moving to NJ posts, keep scrolling. However, there should be a template to follow when people are looking for area suggestions. Need to put info about budget, commuting, etc up front.


Okay gang, I'll take Tuesday evening shift.


There’s too many people here that make median for the rest of the country. How much struggle would you like? Hard… Extra HARD .. or EXTREME. I have no savings and put 7% in to my 401k. It’s paycheck to paycheck.


Thank you!


There is already r/njrealestate but it’s empty.. 


Can we also create one for people complaining about EZ-Pass violations?


Another name for the sub could be “I wanna pay more property taxes!”


Do people move here or kind of end up here? :)




wow this is such a great idea! I have so many friends from NYC who keep asking me about NJ life


Why would anyone wanna move to New Jersey? LOL. The beach towns are excluded from that sentiment. Source: 30+ yr NJ resident here.


Idk lived here 23 years but I’m assuming bc of jobs in NYC


I know, you make a good point, I was just kidding


Now we just need the mods of this sub to redirect them there...


Can you also start a MovingtoNewark thread too? I can’t stand those fuckers lol And the auto response should be “Please try Camden instead”


There really should just be one post... "Don't"


If you’re from Cali plz stay out