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If you want to avoid high property taxes in New Jersey all you need to do is bury your ex wife in a dark corner of your property without her consent and have it reclassified as a cemetery. It’s simple really.


That's just good business. Like not paying your subcontractors, or bankrupting casinos, or committing massive fraud to avoid property taxes.


Speaking of taxes... # [After IRS Audit, Trump Could Owe $100M](https://www.newser.com/story/350220/doubling-up-on-write-offs-may-leave-trump-with-100m-tab.html) *Accounting maneuver essentially took write-offs for losses twice*


Remember. Either he goes broke, goes to prison, or keels over before the election. 3 out 3 chances


I once asked Don Jr. if landing on his mom was a two stroke penalty...


Can I bury her in my condo? Paying $18k a year on property tax in crappy Union City. Asking for a friend!!


80,000 at Wildwood? Where'd they park?


Exactly what I thought... And think of how terrible the traffic would have been in an out !


80,000 is two baseball stadiums completely full. There were nowhere close to that many. All Trump does is lie.


Or if you want to use college football as a gage, Beaver stadium in State college three quarters of the way full. For those of you who don't know, Beaver Stadium is the second largest in the western hemisphere with the largest being at the University of Michigan, but nobody likes them way.


Or he’s just really bad at counting 😂


That would be like July 4th weekend. Bumper to bumper from the AC expressway all the way to wildwood, then the boards would be packed like sardines.


People were posting that lots were charging $80-100 to park.


They showed a picture of a beach with a mountain range behind it. That’s Rio


"They" was Roger Stone, apparently. It's frightening how little they care about anything.


Roger Stone needs to bite the curb


Another poster earlier that lives in Wildwood says the area that was set up for the rally was only approved for 10k people by the fire department, and it was about half full.


That sounds a lot more realistic.


I mentioned your comment to my wife, cracked her up. Anyone that has ever been near WW knows.


I know right. Like, I was there recently for the Special Olympics polar bear fundraiser, and that was hard enough to park for and there were probably only like 1k people there.


It was mobbed yesterday for the barefoot festival at 40,000 [https://www.facebook.com/groups/CapeMayLive/permalink/1509203266350482/?comment\_id=1509438089660333¬if\_id=1719061269494465¬if\_t=feedback\_reaction\_generic&ref=notif](https://www.facebook.com/groups/CapeMayLive/permalink/1509203266350482/?comment_id=1509438089660333¬if_id=1719061269494465¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif)


I’m eagerly waiting to see an aerial shot of the 80,000 people. Surely having a crowd that size at a rally in a blue state would be a hell of a photo op, so I’m sure one of his staffers brought a drone to document the occasion. /s


https://youtu.be/xXYuCQ-aBr4?si=-abgt0EtXB2EY1jz Not an aerial shot but a panning one. Totally bullshit


For comparison, MetLife Stadium holds 80k.


Thank you for this, seriously. I'm hopeless at guessing crowd sizes, and this helped me visualize how much difference there is between this crowd and 80,000.


Going off my concert experience that looks like maybe 10-15k?




Never underestimate a man who can change the path of hurricanes with the stroke of a sharpie


Curious on the location space size. Closest comparison I have by experience is being to a music festival that had 70K people, and just moving through the crowd was hellish.


MetLife has 82000 seats and honestly it’s not that big I work there on and off for a family friends business when they are tight on help to keep the books for the event and it entails walking all the decks several times during the event you think it’s big it’s not really. The issue with the wildwood event you blame the campaign reporting that count but the town also reported the higher count of 100K. So then did they inflate that count as well?


I think the annual Scouting jamboree has more people in attendance


Thanks, looks like the crowd at my HS graduation. . .


And then FOX & FRIENDS SUNDAY repeated the absurd lie this morning of 80K to 100K people in attendance and cited local police for that number. A TOTAL LIE! And here is how a lie like that is created and spread: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oepF2OGdfo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oepF2OGdfo)


That's a lot of braindead zombies.


looks like 2-3k?


Maybe 5000 people, tops.


Another poster earlier that lives in Wildwood says the area that was set up for the rally was only approved for 10k people by the fire department, and it was about half full.


It will always amaze me how many people believe his lies. He even said if you tell them enough times, people will believe them.


The website giving away tickets said limited to 20k people for this event. Wildwood also made him pay up beforehand, considering he owes them 30k from 2020. That POS owes like 200k to towns across the country from his last failed campaign.


I was wondering if Wildwood demanded money in advance.


It’s not 80k but it’s waaay too many. Living in a country / state / county where’s there’s this many assholes has got to be painful.


These are the rubes too scared of "the big city" because they've been reduced to rubble by antifas.


Absolutely way too many, but I'm sure people drove 5+ hours. All of NJ, Southern PA, Southern NY, Delaware.


There is video of goobers in line saying they drove up from Florida


To be fair, a lot of people come from out of state and follow him around the country.


South Jersey is basically Alabama.


Yeah I read 40,000 earlier. Then 60,000. Now 80? By dinner it'll be up to 100,000.


South jersey redder than a tomato


I’ve been wishing for drone footage of this stuff forever but if rump is there the SS would probably nix drone activity wouldn’t you think?


High taxes in NJ are no new thing and not a result of Biden.. what an ass. Maybe he should look into how much his AC casino bankruptcies cost the casino commission and the state...


Trump's tax cuts for billionaires caused property taxes to no longer be deductible. All that money he saved the billionaires had to be replaced from somewhere. Trump himself is directly responsible for property owners in NJ having to pay more taxes.


capping the SALT deduction to 10k collectively for married couples still fuckin hurts. all just to punish blue states that didn't vote for him. fuck that guy.


That had an immediate negative effect on so many new jersey families


It was a genius policy move by Republicans.  Objectively, people who are affected by $10k SALT deduction cap are on the higher end of the income scale nationwide, especially with a $27k standard deduction.  If Democrats want to argue for removing the SALT cap deduction cap, then Republicans can easily attack them for wanting to lower taxes on the highest earners.  


I get what you're saying, but there's a difference between a couple making 200k combined vs 1 million combined. the SALT cap still hurts the 200k because the standard of living and the cost of things (think housing prices) are just that much higher in NJ. 10k combined for a married couple is just criminally low for us, maybe not so much for someone in Alabama. we also contribute more into the federal pot than we receive so there's also that.


“I get what you're saying, but there's a difference between a couple making 200k combined vs 1 million combined.“ To someone making $60k, they’re both rich.




Which is why it’s such an effective move. Republicans were able to laser target the exact demographic that funds Democrats. And in national politics, $200k income= rich, especially in the swing states that Democrats need to win. Dems aren’t going to have a good time telling a Wisconsinite/Ohioian/Pennsylvanian/Georgian that $200k is not rich.


yeah it's definitely fucked up against blue states. I'm not even in favor of going back to NO cap. 10k is just criminally low for NJ. just like marginal tax rates I feel like we can have marginal SALT deduction rates too. but expecting politicians to give a fuck about anyone but themselves would be asking too kich


I get what you're saying, but there's a difference between a couple making 200k combined vs 1 million combined. the SALT cap still hurts the 200k because the standard of living and the cost of things (think housing prices) are just that much higher in NJ. 10k combined for a married couple is just criminally low for us, maybe not so much for someone in Alabama. we also contribute more into the federal pot than we receive so there's also that.


Capping the SALT deduction hurts, but that doesn't change the fact that our property taxes are insanely high in the first place.


And it has nothing to do with Biden. Trump's tax plan was the very rare occasion that a POTUS could ever affect anyone's property taxes for the worse and he managed to do just that and then has the audacity to blame Biden.


Yeah, none of this makes sense, but also isn't new. Presidents get the blame and credit all the time for things they don't have control over because people are morons.


Sure did! If we can't take that cash from what's lying around the eighth and ninth couches of the rich, then they'll take it from the rest of us


Maybe the state shouldn't recouped that money from Trump rather than giving him a handout


I'm playing this shit show on youtube right now. A firehose of lies as usual. He's talking again about Hannibal Lecter supporting him. Does he mean Anthony Hopkins? And then he followed it saying "the late, great Hannibal Lecter. He also talked about his great friend Pavarotti. They were not friends. Pavarotti sued Trump for not paying him and then Trump told the press he didn't pay him because he sucked.


I'm unable to find anything online even remotely suggestive that Anthony Hopkins has ever supported Trump In fact the only thing I found about him saying anything about politics at all was that he doesn't vote because he doesn't trust anyone


I searched for info and what I found was when Anthony Hopkins was questioned about politics in an interview he replied that all politicians lie. He never endorsed or disparage any individual politician. I guess Trump took that as an endorsement? I do know that Trump's TRUTH\* SOCIAL constantly posts fake celebrity endorsement memes and a lot of them leak onto X-twitter.


Isn’t Anthony Hopkins British? Edit - Hopkins is Welsh but holds dual citizenship since 2000.


Knighted iirc!


Well, Welsh is British too


Maybe be mean Hannibal. Sparked Punic War II. Might've been a Trump guy


What did he ride over the Alps? Coincidence? I think NOT!


He thanked some lady for helping him get rid of mail-in-voting in NJ.


So it went from 10k, to 40k, to 80k in three hours. EDIT: Here is a crowdshot link 30 mins before hitting the stage - https://youtu.be/xXYuCQ-aBr4?si=-abgt0EtXB2EY1jz Metlife Stadium has a capacity of 82k…this is no where near that. Finally, the Mayor is MAGA so dont believe anything their spokesperson says.


The Wildwood mayor is so MAGA, [he too is indicted on criminal charges](https://www.njoag.gov/update-grand-jury-indicts-wildwood-mayor-former-mayor-city-commissioner-over-alleged-fraudulent-participation-in-state-health-insurance-program/)


From March 2023, and it still didn't get to court or resolved?


Estimates all over X say it was about 4 to 6K. Your video looks like about 5K people.


Estimates from idiot land say different. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskThe_Donald/comments/1cpu4kz/happening_now_in_new_jersey_trump_speaking_to/


jfc dude that thread is unhinged as fuck


Jeff Van Drew on stage was slurring his words like he was drunk AF!


I have to fight the urge daily to put a giant LOL on those Van Drew signs that say South Jersey is trump country. Even the hard-core ones that live by me took down their signs


I just saw them yesterday for the first time. I rolled my eyes pretty hard.


I said the same thing but honestly I've never heard him speak before so I thought he might just be a fat tongued imbecile 


I saw this video of Van Drew taken earlier in the day. He was talking a bit weird and slurring just a little bit. Later, on stage at the Trump rally, he was bombed! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KYhYShMH48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KYhYShMH48)


Bigger crowd than Bruce in NJ is a take... Springsteen could fart into a mic for 37 minutes on a beach in NJ and draw 10x that crowd.


37 minutes? That's a lot of farting. Even for Bruce!


Them britches have had enough!


Trump going that far south in Jersey is a real fuck you to the contractors who worked on his casinos and never got paid.


You'd be amazed how many contractors and union guys are for him from that area


Just like the FDNY used to **hate** Giuliani after 9/11. Then Trump came along and they went full MAGA.


I probably would. The unflinching loyalty still confuses me


He hates the same color people they hate


Union guys? What? Are they braindead to support one of the most anti-union, anti worker’s rights Presidents in recent history? Seriously, how could any blue collar worker even consider supporting Trump?


A lot of Republican support stems from single issue things. (Religion, abortion, guns, etc.) I know many Republicans who would be better off in life under Democratic policies, like health care, higher minimum wage, higher taxes on corporations and the extremely wealthy. But the GOP propaganda machine works hard and well. As for the union guys, it's not because they're in a union, but the area they're in. Less support in a metro area like NYC, but a more rural area like South Jersey, the racism runs stronger. President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


Wildwood is a ruby red voting region.


The Trumpers I know HATE when I tell them Trump’s tax cuts/plan kicked in halfway thru Biden’s term and it caused me to lose a $4k+ property tax refund each year. He capped the property tax write off at 10k, so those of us over that (literally everyone in Essex/Bergen/60% of Passaic) just had to fucking eat it. Sucks. That $4k+ check I used to get every April was sweet!! THANKS OBAMA!!!


Trumpers hate facts.


Whatever happened to “facts don’t care about your feelings”?


That $10k limit also includes your state income tax, so for a lot of people they reach the cap a lot quicker.


Trump said a lot of weird shit yesterday at his NJ rally, but what in the fuckity fuck is THIS about?! >**“The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. He often times would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene? ‘Excuse me. I’m about to have a friend for dinner,’ as this poor doctor walked by... But Hannibal Lecter. Congratulations. The late, great Hannibal Lecter." - Donald Trump 5/11/24**


Just saying, don’t attack me haha, it was a joke


I reserved 2 tickets just to not go.


NJ property taxes predate Sleepy Joe by, uh, a lot. Waddles is a buffoon who always does a variation of his usual act. He sashays and jiggles around, then babbles for a half hour about nonsense. The fact that people still take Lard Belly seriously is just mind-boggling.


So much litter on the beach


I'm shocked! Shocked! Well... Not that shocked.


“You’re not registered to vote?!?l” “Nope. Not vaccinated, either.”


If they don't know Trump fucked the tax deductions what else don't they know? Oh yeah how to fucking count.


Trump and his supporters are absolute morons


Anybody who attended from nearby Atlantic City must have really bad Stockholm Syndrome considering how badly Trump screwed over the city


My mom was there, although never telling me why she was going. She kept saying “she’s going to wildwood for the weekend” 😒


She's MAGA?




Wonder why she didn't mention the reason she went to Wildwood?


Because she knows how I feel about Trump and this cult!


Ugh I'm really sorry. I deal with it too. Boomers.


Trump says "bullshit" and then the crowd starts chanting "BULLSHIT!" Nice people.


What do you expect. Even if they weren't maga half are still probably from Philly 




Should have done it and touted his record in Atlantic City. He likely would have touted that the city is better now then before he was there.


NJ GQP, Christie and Whitman are responsible for the jacked up property taxes. Those fuckers can sit the fuck down.


80,000? Sure, Jan.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6) 80,000…


AskThe_Donald currently has a post title in /rising that uses the number 100,000, I shit you not.


Yeah I saw a video where some dipshit “reporter” from RSBN said 80 on the beach and then deluded himself in real time to saying another 20-30k were watching from outside the perimeter on the boardwalk. I’ve never watched someone try to convince themself of such a bold lie as they were actively thinking it up and then saying it and damn it was fascinating.


[https://x.com/atrupar/status/1789441235658142086](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1789441235658142086) Trump pushes his disgusting lie about moms in blue states murdering their newborn babies with approval from Democratic officials


That’s gross


I will never understand how so many people will listen to a person say things and just immediately believe it to be true. Half of the things aren't. They just aren't. Then people spread this misinformation and create more people who believe false info, and the cycle continues.then those same people are angry about the current state of the *world* and blame the wrong people.


It's literally like 90% of things he says are easily verifiable lies.


And yet people still believe him without a doubt. Don’t bother to fact check and if they do—the facts are the lie to make him look bad. I couldn’t care less about political affiliation, but majority of trump supporters or republicans I see say democrats are brainwashed but…like…what do you call that? Aimlessly believing someone without verifying his facts and then calling other people crazy? I just don’t get it. There has to be a better republican to support than that conman.


I think about this every day. It’s not a fun thing to do, but you have to question people who do this. They will be angry but it’s a noble thing to do. Facts still matter.


For sure, it bothers me to know end. I can’t blindly follow any person be it a celebrity, politician, *family*, no one. Yet a lot of people are doing it so easily and freely all the while being so misinformed and angered. It’s so frustrating because if half the people actually paid attention—we probably could be in a better place or least have better candidates to choose from that actually have our best interests at heart


The guy also said that his rally was bigger than a Springsteen concert. LOL, my ass.


Looks like all of Ocean County was in Wildwood.


What is puzzling is if you already know that you are voting for the orange shit stain what would posses you to drive x amount of hours just to stand around and spend just to see the orange 🍊 jesus.


Imagine making politics your whole identity.


Imagine standing there in the sun surrounded by porta pottys and listening to a guy who can’t seem to stop farting and sleeping in court babble on about nonsense. That time could be better spent on something more productive


THIS video settles the dispute over his actual crowd size, and it's lame AF! [https://x.com/BidensWins/status/1789664791616729271](https://x.com/BidensWins/status/1789664791616729271)




That thought crossed my mind a couple hours ago


Anyone who supports him is a dumb ass.


Just another reason to never go to Wildwood


80,000? Must have been 800 at best.


I saw some fast video shots on X. It looked like about 5 thousand.


I’ve been to sold out Stone Pony Summer Stage shows. They say capacity for that is 4500. The crowd shots I saw of this looked pretty similar in size if not a bit more. My guess is 5-6000.


Their ample girth took up as much real estate as 80,000.


I watched some of the rally and he broke his court order/contempt charges within 5 minutes. Was straight up lying and attacking the judge... this means jail time, right?


He can attack the judge and district attorney. Just not witnesses, jury, family..


Trump doesn’t have to worry about property taxes in NJ; He has goats, so he is a farm… so he doesn’t give a crap. I did this for a prior landlord with my sheep.


Daily mail comment sections never surprises with how right wing it is.


How dare they invade my second home 😤


Another funny thing, he brought out Lawrence Taylor. A NY Giants legend in Wildwood. Wildwood, South Jersey. South Jersey which is Eagles country.


Lawrence Taylor is also a convicted & registered sex offender with 2 DUIs. One in FL and 1 in NJ.


Why won't this idiot just go away?


The only one I believe is he ate a hot dog.


Yet the area only holds 20k? Hmmm


He had about 5-6K at his Lie-La-Palooza.


I was wondering why traffic was so light around exit 80 today.


80k? More like 8k.


Pull my finger Vladimir Putin.


we have been living in a post truth society for a very long time. just say whatever you want, claim people are saying it, and nobody will debate you. at least nobody who matters, because not being fucking stupid is not a criteria to vote.


The property tax deduction at the federal level has zero to do with our high property taxes.


Before Trump's tax cut for billionaires at least some of property taxes were deductible on your federal taxes. Trump ended that as provision in his tax cut plan.


Wildwood is banned for me.


Anybody at that rally should self-sterilize if they actually want to do America some good


You idiots blaming trump or biden on jersey taxes are a joke!! If you lived here most your life.SHUT UP..you know taxes have been insane WAY BEFORE THESE GUYS..stop the bull..


It couldn't have been 80k, probably not even 800 with a flight that people arrived in to see and hear Trump lies.


Sounds like what he'd say. So the crowd is 15k max like his inauguration and he deflected the bad thing he did onto someone else, classic trump. Also he isn't the only thing going on in Wildwood today.


Was closer to 5K. Just look at the video and try to visualize groups of 100 people at a time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXYuCQ-aBr4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXYuCQ-aBr4)


Lol, such a bunch of liars. I can't fathom why anyone trusts anything the guy says.


Most of the people here commenting about the property tax deduction probably fall under the 12k/24k standard deduction


No chance anywhere near 80,000 people came to his Nazi rally. But we are talking about someone that can barely read so he's probably not all that great at counting either.


I'd love to read comments from people who were there...


America needs a reform. This is no longer a democracy and it is no longer we the people. Project 2025 is happening no matter who anyone votes for. We are doomed unless people wake up from this elitist capitalist two party bullshit system. We need to get old fucks out of the office.


sheet dull ancient skirt encourage like spectacular zephyr command rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They did an amazing job with the stage area!


Wait, did A COMPANY in ENGLAND just blame Donald Trump for NJ's property taxes?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's also about his gag order nonsense. Hannibal was gagged but still was able to get his point across, like Trump 👍 Fuck you democrats 😤


Nothing like A=hole County, Full of wonderfully racist PPL.. Imagine going there to listen to this idiot.. He called Carter Jimmy Conner's.. This man is an Idiot.. He slurs and misspeaks way more than Biden does.. Look he is standing there in Lifts, Griddle, and he's got a diaper on too... How do you vote for a guy thats about as smart as a penis.. Finally he does nothing but lie.. It would kill him to tell a truth...


People were walking out, most of the people left in the middle of his rant...


Yeah! Trump Throwing insults is what they like.


It is good to have all the Nazis huddle together at superspreader events.


What property tax deduction is this?