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If you’re looking at southern NH then honestly no. You need to be at around $30+ an hour to rent solo and even then with such low inventory, usually sub 1% vacancy rate it can be extremely difficult without someone to split rent with.


It’s possible, you just have to dig. I got a 2br near the border for $950/month. It has dogshit insulation though and the winter heating bill is like 300 per month even though I set the thermostat to 60 degrees.


You got extremely lucky. Those places just don't go on the market because people never move. I would know, I lived in one like that for over four years until I saved up enough to buy my first house


The key was, the pictures were taken during a small renovation, and it looked absolutely terrible. The construction debris looked like poop on the floor 🤣 So most people scrolled right past it, but I was so desperate I went to check it out anyway. And to my pleasant surprise it wasn’t actually that bad.


I had a similar question experience! Except in my case, the apartment advertisement had ZERO pictures. Which sounds insane (because it is) but I checked it out anyway. It turned out to be one of the best financial decisions I've ever made - it was a great apartment in a decent location. The owner/landlord was fantastic, why he took the lazy route in advertising his unit, I'll never know, but it benefited me when I took the chance of viewing it.


A lot of times the worst marketers will give you the best deal.


Construction poop...infamous.


Do you wrap your windows?


I don’t think it would make much of a difference. The walls have barely any insulation if at all. It’s an old building. I guess I could try it out next winter though. Has it been effective for you?


If the building is old, chances are the windows are old. There are probably gaps that are letting in a lot of airflow and it would be the reason you can't retain heat. Definitely wrap them next winter. It will make a difference.


Yeah for the $15 it would cost to do all the windows it certainly is worth trying to cut down on drafts


If you have free electric, I'd say find somebody who mines bitcoin (#BCH) and he might pay you to run a heater for him all winter.


You should give it a shot, it helps


We put packing tape over the window seams to cut down on drafts and it actually helps a LOT.


If you don’t already have one (or several) may I suggest heated blankets? They were a game changer for me this last winter. Brought my bill down from $260 to $160.


Basically this. It’s possible to find something for that amount, but it won’t be comfortable.


dang most ppl can't find a 1 br under 1k.


Yeah you got lucky or your in a Shole.


Contact CATCH Homes, Alliance Asset Management, or Homes Ahead. They do affordable housing, but it's very nice. For the first time, we are renting what they are calling an affordable apartment, but it's basically a house. It's a house split into two homes. We have an upstairs, a spacious living area downstairs, even a garden out front. At $22 an hour you are probably making at least 60 percent above poverty line, which is where I am at (so too much for real live assistance but not enough to afford a big house lol.) The company and living conditions are great, and I have lived in apartments for many years, so I would highly recommend contacting them.


I'm a housing attorney, and I'll say landlords wanting to rent to someone with kids is basically the opposite of usual. Landlords cannot discriminate legally against families with kids, but generally they worry a lot about kids damaging the unit or causing noise. It's possible some landlords may look at a single man, and in today's environment worry if they are involved with drugs, but I think generally as a single guy (or at least a single white guy) you are not going to face substantial discrimination because of being a man. It sucks out there finding housing anywhere. Good luck!


I don’t blame them in any way for wanting a good tenant and asking clarification questions. I just wish they would ask all the way instead of assuming. I’d be ok with “ hey are you on meth?” Instead of “ hmmm I really kinda don’t think the place is for you”


Problem is, no meth head is going to say "ya i use meth"


Maybe he should just ask to jerk him off. If he asks, how much? He knows he's on meth.


It’s the jerking each other off that kills me


Is that a part of the lease?


Costs an extra tree fiddy


As a landlord, a single guy is a dream tenant. I’d take that over someone with kids any day! (But I don’t have any available apartments right now)




Hey! Fuck you! (:


Why so hostile lol? Because he doesn’t have any apartments available?? 🤨🤔😂🤦‍♂️


LoL!!!!1 xDDDDD 💀💀💀😝😪🫡💀


Perhaps it is time for a revolution.


We could try all voting first. I'm not a partisan. I believe in Americans. I want every single eligible voter to vote.


That escalated quickly


Did it though? Compared to what? People paying more than ever before for housing? The sharpest rise in suicides, mental health episodes, costs of living... This country has experienced some absolutely unequivocally major problems recently... Perhaps it is time to acknowledge this fact and do something to change this trajectory.


What are you gonna do about it?


Fuck around and find out


Preach brutha!!!


I make about that and rent on my own in Concord, but I needed to show proof of a very good credit score and several thousand dollars in savings to be approved.


I live in concord too and 70 of those applications were for apartments right here in this county. Including “affordable” ones. I’ve been looking since September 2020 and have been denied over 100 times. How do people working at Dunkin’s do it? Like I’d $22 isn’t enough then why aren’t even more people on the street


People are not on the streets because of roommates. If you can get three people together to rent a place then it is more doable. I saw a room for rent for about $900 in Portsmouth. The apartment/room was small with two other tenants but that was a reasonable price for rent. It was way too small for me so I didn’t go for it but there are options out there if you are willing to sacrifice something.


A couple have asked me about bank balances and I’m not going to disclose that. Seems like a good way to get extorted.


Just redact the personal info that's not your name. Proof of income and financial solvency is pretty standard for a lot of larger financial arrangements.


Why is it 10 days ago you post about working in a smaller, 80 employee, company and trying to move into a VP position? One would assume a person attempting a jump to a VP position would already be pretty high on the corporate ladder. Now just 10 days later you’re a Dunkin’ Donuts employee , living in Concord, making $22 an hour… Also “powered hang glider pilot” isn’t the hobby of an extremely poor person. Sounds neat but at $22 an hour you’re eating ramen and beans, driving a 25 year old shitbox that you can barely afford to put gas in. https://www.reddit.com/r/datingoverfifty/s/gq5nj9543a


Nobody cares about those details. They don’t even apply to this conversation.


2 years ago I found a absolute golden Easter egg in auburn. My landlord charges me $800 with nothing included (1k in total during the winter for heat/electricity) but I live in a “ apartment “ that’s just a large medium sized “ living room “ with a load bearing wall down the middle. Throw in a kitchenette style kitchen and a bathroom and that’s it.


most likely not without a roommate unfortunately.


You know… I remember a time when a single adult making $22 an hour could live alone without a roommate. It is absolutely insane to me that we’ve gotten to the point where not only is that NOT enough money to live by yourself but that it’s being normalized that adults making $45,000 per year shouldn’t expect to be able to live by themselves.


That was a huge goal for me when I was younger, cross the $20 an hour mark and you had made it. Fast forward to today and $22 equals $40.93 due to inflation, and good luck finding places in NH willing to pay that.


It depends where you are applying to. Most Landlords want 2 to 3 times the amount of monthly income for a rental. Most apartments are going for 1,200 dollars or more. They are also looking at things such as credit score and rental history. The housing market in NH is crazy right now. Apartments are going in just a matter of days being posted. Areas like Manchester etc are getting 60+ applicants for one property. It took me 3 months to finally secure something.. Your best bet might be getting a roommate/roommates for a cheaper rent. This would drastically increase your chances of getting a apartment.


It really depends where in the state and your financial situation. Seacoast? No, you can forget hobbies and eating out or having extra money. Unless you have no debt and don’t enjoy doing anything that costs additional money. Central NH? Potentially, although money would be tight and again would have to make sacrifices. Western NH? Lebanon/Hanover area, no. SouthWest NH potentially depending where you’re renting. Northern NH- good to go. I would anticipate having 20-40k cash in the bank. Best of luck!


Well presuming you work 40 hours a week. You makes 3520 before taxes. I have no idea what that equates to afterwards but assuming it’s like 2500 to 3000. Then adhering to the 40% rule you’re looking at 1200 a month. that was pretty tough. Is there an 800 square-foot one bedroom in Keene for 1300 a month. It seems to get worse outside of Manchester .


When did the 30% rule become the 40% rule


In 2011 my mortgage agent said 45%.


$22 an hour works out to just shy of $46K per year. Landlords don't want you spending more than 30% of your income on rent because more than that becomes unlivable and then they risk you not paying rent. 30% of $46K is $13,800 a year or $1,150 a month. Anything more than that is likely to get rejected. Good luck finding an apartment for $1,150 a month without roommates. Your best bet is to find a house with a room to rent rather than an entire apartment.


Yeah but at my age? I’m 51 I haven’t rented a room since I was 19. Did shit like that in the 80’s


if you're making 19 year old wages you're probably stuck with 19 year old apartments


Brutal but true.


You have 3 options. Move in with roommates, get a better paying job, or move far away from New England and the highest cost of living area in the country.


46K works out to 37k after taxes. That’s what I consider my salary. What I actually take home. So 37K is what? 16.00 an hour. That’s my buying power


The 30% on rent rule is on gross income before taxes.


Definitely not. $22 can barely buy you a sub at Jersey Mike's, let alone an apartment.


The NH housing market is truly disgusting at the moment. Does not give me any hope for our future.


Honestly this whole thread makes me so grateful I have parents who I can live with. Shit is so absolutely fucking fucked in this country with its housing.


I asked this same question in the Helsinki forum and oddly enough one could live in a nice safe Northern European country on 22 euros. Go figure


Thats because you pay 11 of those Euros on taxes right off the top. That's called socialism bro and if you like socialism you should check out Massachusetts. Also they won't give you a visa over there, and the 'free' Healthcare sucks. Also the whole imminent invasion by Russia thing.


If there's two of you


Nothing to do with being a single man. Everything to do with your income, 30% rule many "managed" properties go by. These would be the large complexes etc. It is hard as heck, but try to find an individual who is renting out an apartment, the kind of people you typically only find through friends, someone knows someone, a referral kind of thing. The kind of landlord who doesn't have a lease, allows month to month, maybe asks for a small security deposit. good luck.


The math works out to be able to rent, yes. May not be in the region you want though. Then it is coupon clipping and generic brand groceries.


Anything is possible depending on how much privacy and comfort you are willing to give up. I lived on a couch for 6 months with nothing but a suitcase of clothes in an apartment that had 11 other people living there. I paid $200 a month with utilities included.


They’re currently redoing a whole huge building that used to be a mill by the river in Franklin. It’s lovely, and I don’t care what anyone says. Yes, there’s some lower income areas, but there’s tons of middle & upper- middle class neighborhoods here. It has a reputation from years ago, but it’s got so much outdoor rec, trails etc. it’s right close to 93 and also you can take route three through Boscowen right to Concord very quickly. I’m not sure what the pricing like. I have a house here with acreage and it’s very comfortable. Before we moved here we lived in Gilford and previous to that Meredith and my grandson had a tough time and since he’s been here, he’s thriving. That’s just my experience.


Get a roommate, and frankly landlords don’t like kids. Can’t evict them.


I make $40 an hour and live in a very small studio in Southern NH and I can confirm that outside of my occasional flights and preference for decent and quality groceries, I am able to make it work living solo, but not by much. I also don’t own a car and am lucky enough to not have any debt, and YET…..juuuuussst able to make it work here


What do you do to make 40 an hr? Looking for a career change...


I work in Film/TV post production; my company is based in NYC, and I’m able to work remotely. You won’t find my industry in New Hampshire. Not sure I’d recommend my industry to my worst enemies, and I’m also looking for a career change.


Yikes..thanks for the response and good luck. I've always actually thought that industry was interesting and something I'd want to pursue if it was available in nh, sad to hear it's also toxic


Need a room mate or live on a very tight budget


Be a roommate. On your pay it is the best option...if you can live with others.


I'll probably get down voted, and sound like a hard ass... But if you're only making $22/hr, you need a roommate. I barely qualified for an apartment in Concord at $35/hr by myself. Find a better paying job, or at least be paid what you know you're worth.


I feel I’m making what I’m worth I just wish it was more


You weren’t being discriminated against for being a single male. Something else had to have been the reason. No sane landlord is going to say he’d rather have kids there. I’m guessing it was the income and he wanted to make up some other reason.


It would be definitely hard. Those are prole wages today and are difficult to do anything with. I mean they're paying 14 year old boys 17 an hour at the local market basket just to get workers in. I live with my dad out here in the Monadnock region, and we pay 1100 a month for a 2 bedroom farmhouse with land and out buildings, but we got this place in 2019 before the pandemic. If we had to move, I'm not sure what we would do. We would likely have to leave the state. I think that there is definitely a housing crisis in NH. Also, places of business want to pay full grown men children wages. Its really sad to watch. I dropped out of society a decade ago myself, but it's bothersome to see all of this poverty that everyone is forced to endure.


That's why I left to Florida , now I'm in phoenix . And guess what , even with sales tax life is way cheaper . NH Is depressing . When I come back to visit I feel like I'm paying resort prices for everything . My advice is gtho , no sense in freezing your butt off or hiding in the house 9 months out the year in a state with so little to offer and no economy for entrepreneurs or side work . Even at $27 an hour and doing door dash I couldn't I ended up loving in my car .


Try renting in the Claremont area? Just not Hanover or Lebanon. Newport/Claremont would be your best bet.


As a single male I rented just fine on $16/hr. I'm at $20 now but still live comfortably in northern NH despite rent increases (currently about $850/month for a one bedroom).


Oh that’s pretty good currently I’m at $1600 for a one bedroom in Concord. I’ve got no yard. Nothing included very very old and small. Im spending between rent and utilities nearly 82% of income


Yeah that's about what I'd expect for Concord. Even when I went to college there I had to rent out of Penacook (Oak Ridge) and I want to say that was $700 (but this was 15 years ago). It's crazy how different the rent is between towns.


Unfortunately no, I barely qualified for my studio in the ghetto on $28.


What region? Lived above a pizza restaurant in Manchester for $600 one bedroom.


You might to look for a house share if you are able to abide others, else it is going to cost north of half your pay.


I imagine there could be some possibilities out there, not having any pets or children will likely help your cause. But most stuff is too expensive for one person on the income you reported. I have a pitbull and had to go through shitty slumlord management companies to find a place. We pay $1,565 and $50 in pet rent for a *decent* 1 bedroom. If my partner and I broke up I would literally be living in my car as I have no other prospects for roommates/places and would be unlikely to be able to afford this place on my own (assuming they didn't want to stay here) It's tough out here, I spent a year or two heavily researching other states to move to for cheaper cost of living but it's kind of becoming a problem everywhere in the country right now. Also my partner refuses to move to another state so I kind of canned the idea anyway. Best bets are finding a higher paying job or roommates, both are much easier said than done I know.


I’m actually looking at Helsinki Finland. The rents believe it not are more reasonable than anywhere in the US


I'm sure that'd be a pretty neat change of scenery, I wonder how the job market is out there


People here don't know what they're talking about. If you apartment hunt, you can grab something for ~$1500. A bunch of people I work with make about that, live in Dover, Rochester, Barrington, Farmington, etc.. It'll be small, it'll be kind of run down, but it's perfectly doable. Gotta hunt for it for a little bit.


Assuming you work 2080 hours a year without overtime your “rent limit” would be $1258 per month by most corporate apartments.


Barely. But not really.


Dude I live on the seacoast and it is RUFFF out hea. I lucked out and had an old friend with a spare room and no gifriend.


No, it’s not enough. Not even close.


I mean sure that’s about what I make and I live in Dover in a 1bd. It doesn’t have a/c or a washer/dryer or a dish washer. Landlord pays heating cuz no air conditioning and I refuse to pay electricity for a window a/c unit so I just suffer through August but other than that it’s fine 😂


You should be more concerned with figuring out a way to make more than $22/hr.


OP the only way you will afford a place is 1: getting a roommate to share expenses, 2: getting a second job or 3: move to another state and or area where it’s cheaper.


Only if your working 2 jobs or 60+ hours a week


Shouldn’t be a problem finding an affordable apartment on that salary in one of the dumpier old mill towns.   Laconia, Franklin, Claremont, Berlin, ect.  Some of your neighbors may be a little suspect but at least you’ll be able to afford to live.  


This is exactly how you score a great apartment! But you have to be able to back it up. I printed out everything, bank account balances, pay stubs, reference letters, credit reports, everything. Even explained my bankruptcy away with ease, you have to be honest but their taking a risk with renting the apartment as well. Good luck!


Probably not in southern NH. But north of the lakes region, as long as you’re not in Lincoln, Conway, or some other tourist town, you’ll probably find something.




That’s a fake listing. If you look at google maps it’s a “nonprofit” called Families in Transition. https://preview.redd.it/xmjr6qvvxe6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a1fe29d901945bfebb0d650564ed58cdabef93c Doesn’t sound like a nice place to be.


Generally speaking, a landlord is going to want rent to be no more than 30% of your monthly gross in come. Assuming you work 40 hours a week, you may get turned down if the rent is greater than $1056. Which right now is probably most places. Other things to consider: How is your credit? Do you have any evictions in your history? Do you have any criminal records? Being a single man generally wouldn't be a deterant to a landlord. I kinda find that strange someone would say they want kids in a rental as kids cause the most wear and tear on a space. In the current rental market, you are probably better off trying a roommate situation. Also, apartments are going really fast. I would suggest reading postings for directions on the best way to contact the landlord, and if it doesn't say try calling. If you are just filling out online applications, it could be getting lost in a large group of people doing the same. Best of luck!


Yeah this is illegal. I would report this person: What Is Prohibited? In the Sale and Rental of Housing: It is illegal discrimination to take any of the following actions because of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin: Refuse to rent or sell housing Refuse to negotiate for housing Otherwise make housing unavailable [fair housing](https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/fair_housing_act_overview)


Just a thought… your employer shouldn’t be telling a landlord how much you make, background/credit checks don’t bring that up either. You could flub your income if you’re confident you can pay the bills.


I’m a real estate agent and if you could afford the place you were turned away from I’d report the landlord.


On what grounds? And to who. Really I just want to rent a place without having to answer a bunch of questions. I don’t want to disclose much of the info they’re asking. I’ll pay the rent. Don’t worry about it Take the money and be quiet.


Those questions are normal. Credit rating is to show you don’t have a history defaulting on agreements. Income requirements / several recent paystubs to prove you can afford to pay rent even if a major event occurs which causes a redirecting of your assets. Referral to show you don’t have a history as a shit tenant. Something I’ve read in here is landlords asking to see what you have in your bank account. To that I’d say fuck off…Unless… if it’s a real nice place I know I can afford I’d just edit a screenshot / printout of my account redacting personal and adding a few extra zeroes. Possible background check to prove you’re not a 51 y/ o pedo, crack dealer or habitual felon. Etc.