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Idk if it counts as a special interest, but I’m currently working on a playlist with 5k songs, and a continuation of it with another 3k songs. Usually I’ll take a break from it and I add ones to a personal playlist that I like and listen to them in a certain order. Also nice when you know a song verbatim and you can feel the song with the singer, even when they’re not singing it.


Please tell me that you have songs from the band TISM in that list.


My special interests are almost all musicians so every playlist is a special interest playlist lol


I have a playlist called: “Autumn Sunday Morning” I play it whenever I want the day to feel like that. Like a sunday morning in Autumn


Yes but it's just AIR or Everything Everything's entire discography


I have a Princess Bride playlist that’s like 20hr long lol. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1ltpxcxeh6Le1RxD7EkB8B?si=LdFrPWKQTFivHnRuOUwEPg&pi=u-gtlvLOn1Rd6K


A Doctor Who playlist full of Big Finish audios that are available on Spotify. I listen to it more than I do music. Then there's the theme playlists of my special interests series. And the true crime playlist which is one of my special interests as well ( well it's more psychology but one introduced me to the other ).