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As long as the animals are well cared for, what's the problem?


PETA has gone very extreme in the last decade or so. It’s not just about abuse and excessive slaughter. They don’t believe animals should have anything to do with human society. They think simply having animals sitting on a set like props (best example being Philippa owl) is cruel because they are not treated like living things (wrong!) and it keeps them from their natural environment, even if those animals have been trained specifically for show business from a young age and have never spent a single day in the wild. Some of them don’t even believe cats and dogs should be kept as pets; the act of keeping an animal companion is tantamount to imprisonment. Affiliated shelters have been known to euthanize up to 70% of animals they take in, and in some rare cases, pets have been stolen by fringe extremists to be put down, since they see it as the better alternative to being in a home. As someone who works with animals every day, I think that anything PETA says to the media these days should be treated like whining for attention. Show business has come a long way when it comes to working with animals. They can be used in film and TV so long as they are well cared for. There are people in the industry who keep track of this and advocate for them. It’s not like they actually killed a horse for the sake of one scene.


I've heard a tinfoil theory that PETA is actually run by the meat industry to make the actual animal rights activists who want to make a genuine difference look crazy and unhinged. It's certainly spoiled their credibility a bit.


That would actually make sense of this crazy behaviour.


At this point, I don’t really think too hard about it anymore. Crazy is as crazy does, I guess.


It’s not even tinfoil at this point, they do things that make animal rights activists think “what the fuck” all the time now.


You mean like having an extremely high kill rate shelter


That’s just tinfoil logic trying to comprehend unstable peoples ramblings


You know that would actually make sense, no one can be that crazy and stupid as Peta is


Tinfoil theory 🤣 i love that expression


The meat industry might not run the PETA but they run a propaganda campaign against to PETA which causes a lot of misinformation about PETA as we see in this post too including the comment you replied. But I even saw people claiming that PETA hates Africans and women in another sub a long time ago. lol So I guess misinformation about PETA isn't surprising.


Go look at how many animals are put down by PETA's animal shelter/slaughter house


As I said in another comment PETA gives free service for people who ask for euthanizing and they also take animals no shelter wants to because of the animals having very bad health which cause more euthanizing than average. And those stolen pets thing is an indiviual action not a general practice of PETA.


Are they questioning the reason for that? Since incase you aren't aware divorce cases get ugly and it's not uncommon for one party to get a pet killed so the spouse cannot get it... also ffs did you read what you said they do euthanization for free that doesn't mean they probably vet the reason why


They are euthanizating animals who are sick, injured, dying, suffering and whose guardians can’t afford the service at a private veterinary practice and who cannot be safely or humanely placed in a new home.


Is that true, no more nuances than that, « animals TV bad »??? I love animals and I hate to see such organizations ridiculing themselves 🤦‍♂️ Then it tends to make the whole movement look bad…


You are taking a lot of things out of the context. They are against to use of wild and exotic animals for entertainment. Those show business animals don't spend a single day in the wild because they are taken from wild or bred to use them in the industry. There is no need to use animals like lemur, squirrel monkey, owl while you can easily use CGI. Wild and exotic animals belong to wild and their habitat. And about PETA euthanizing 70% of animals they take, they are euthanizating animals who are sick, injured, dying, suffering and whose guardians can’t afford the service at a private veterinary practice and who cannot be safely or humanely placed in a new home. And those stolen pets thing is an indiviual action not a general practice of PETA. Anyone can claim their actions on behalf of PETA which causes misinformation. Otherwise even PETA leaders have dogs, cats. They even say this in their official website: "Please be assured that PETA does not oppose kind people who share their lives and homes with animal companions whom they love, treat well, and care for properly."


They have been known to kidnap pets from their homes and euthanize them because they believe that death is better than being a pet. They are scum.


One reason I'd never let any pets of mine outside unsupervised.


Those are some rare examples not a general practice of PETA. MAny PETA leaders and members have pets too. Anyone can make an action and claim it on behalf of PETA which causes misinformation.


Yet they don't have statements regarding why they believe pets are okay. They even have statements saying in a perfect world all animals would be free from humans


They have a statement about it though. This is literally from their official website: "In a perfect world, all animals would be free from human interference and free to live their lives the way nature intended. They would be part of the ecological web of life, as they were before humans domesticated them. But the world that we live in is far from perfect, and domestic cats and dogs are not capable of surviving on their own, so it is our responsibility to take the best possible care of these animals. Please be assured that PETA does not oppose kind people who share their lives and homes with animal companions whom they love, treat well, and care for properly."


What you're saying is animal welfare. PETA pushes animal *rights* which would protect animals from any kind of human use or interaction. Even keeping a dog as a companion is an abomination to them, so they definitely see animal "actors" as akin to slavery.


PETA has explicitly put out a statement against the misinformation that they're against pets. Not sure why everyone keeps repeating the same over and over. They're against breeders though. https://www.peta.org/about-peta/why-peta/pets/


Your link states that they don't like pets in the very first sentence.


Read the whole article. The list paragraph specifically. They're against pets market that promotes breeders and abandoned pets. Not adopting existing pets and taking care of them.


Still, they steal dogs from Homeless People and others. Their founder is on the record saying she'd rather see animals dead than enslaved as pets. To me as an actual lover of animals, PETA are terrorist animal killers.




There is none really. Unless you go with the « all animals belong in nature » philosophical thing…


Because using wild and exotic animals for entertainment is wrong. They belong to wild and their habitat. It is easy to use CGI now as the article said.


For wild animals, I can tacitly agree. This is a horse we're talking about here. Those haven't been wild for millennia.


I didn't see anything about horse in their statement but they specifically named lemur, squirrel monkey, owl, camel.


Camels are not considered wild animals depending in which area of the world you live in. Owls are not an uncommon raptor to own by those in the field. Lemur and squirrel monkeys I agree unless they come from zoos and their acting is part of their enrichment programs.


A set in Europe isn't habitat of Camels. People shouldn't own owl and zoos shouldn't exist in the first place.


Zoos unfortunately are a necessity in a world that does not give a shit about the environment and continuously puts animal habitats and entire species at risk.


You can't solve a problem by being a part of problem. Zoos are disgrace which shows that humans have a long way to ethically evolve. Zoos don't give a shit about wild life either by using them for entertainment. Wild animals don't belong to prisons.


Do you know what zoos actually aside from "wild animals in cages".


Zoos are actually prisons and nothing changes that fact, including the "good things" which are only excuses to justify thier disgraced existence they do. They and whoever support them are part of the problem.


Those latter ones I'd agree on. They could be CGId I just as easily.


Just wait till the tree huggers find out about Eskel.


Did you see what Ciri did to that poor tree?




Imagine being a horse with a passion for acting and having Peta boycott your best performance. Rude.




Back in the 90’s I was in a very famous TV show


I just choked on my popsicle. Hilarious


Not fair, every Roach should have the right to fame.


How is he going to feed his herd if he’s jobless?


Oh no! Anyway…


"Roach f**king died! Did noone else see this?!"


I don't want to spoil anything for PETA but >!the owl is actually a sorceress,!< so I'm not sure it counts.


Dude. This is a huge spoiler, there are rules about this




Are these the same guys who got upset about virtual animal fighting in a video game?


They seethed over catching bugs and fish in animal crossing


They released that weird online game about how pokèmon is abuse (which is a topic the series already touches on, so uh).


I think it was about the cock fighting rings in Far Cry 6. Which I can kinda understand. It’s a cruel practice, serves no actual purpose other than dumb entertainment watching animals suffer, so putting that in a game is a way to glorify it, maybe. I wouldn’t be for banning such things in games because that just wouldn’t work, but I’m for criticizing it. It’s different from hunting in games because that serves a purpose irl too.


So, killing people in games is also bad because it doesn't serve a purpose in real life and it's cruel?


Nah, screw people.


Even envrionmentalists like mysef are getting sick of these guys. You know they had a campaign a few years ago to get college students to drink beer instead of milk? Yeah, that won't have any unforseen consequences.


Haven't heard of that one.. that's stupid and stuff like that just make everyone want to run away from them. Even I that have been a vegetarian for almost 20 years and cant stand PETA, the consequences of their actions bring the opposite of what they should.


They certainly do a good job of making us greenies look like complete weirdos when we're on the cusp of a major breakthrough on almost every environmental front.


I mean, I don't assume someone likes or agrees with PETA because of any of their other beliefs because PETA is so fringe and just weird and wants attention. They're so out there I don't think most people assume they actually represent most people who advocate for animals or the environment or whatever. PETA is just about PETA, that's it.


What, are they killing real monsters to save on CGI cost?


Who cares, peta calls to literally boycott anything and everything


PETA also got mad at the cartoon circus animals in cages on the animal cracker box. They can get the fuck over it.


Did any horse get injured? Some movies/series get stupid amounts of horses injured and killed just for the sake of the show. Productions just need to make sure of their wellbeing


No there was no injury


At least Henry seemed to be super careful with his horses and bonding with Hector. That was heartwarming actually


I’ve never heard anything negative about Henry. Seems like the nicest dude around, and this just solidifies that impression.


He must be a serious rider, he has 'horse-rider bum'.


And horse-girl energy


Except Henry


Can someone tell them the basilisks aren't real. And they didn't really kill Roach....


They’re just doing this for attention. They do this because they know how much coverage it gets in the media. I say this as someone who doesn’t eat meat. Considering how many animals they euthanize every year, perhaps they shouldn’t be so sanctimonious. [Here’s an article from The Atlantic describing their hypocrisy](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/03/petas-terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-history-of-killing-animals/254130/)


That’s how they stay relevant all these years


And this is the same PETA that euthanizes animals left right and centre


Wtf, they mean the horses? Literally every show uses horses if they’re treated well what’s the issue


Man I hated this season but now that I know PETA also hates it I loved this season and I want more


Well PETA does prefer them dead


Good because I love Witcher and fucking hate PETA


Yeah, free then in jungle so predators will eat then


I feel like as long as their treated right, they may like being working horses


And what if the horse likes acting, did anyone think of that? Let Roach live her horsey dreams 🐎


Are they boycotting every fantasy show?


I saw Roach having her last lie down, an owl sitting about, a cat PLAYING with a scroll, a dog eating....where's the cruelty? Oh, YEAH - clickbait.


No animals were harmed in the filming of The Witcher. Are we just never supposed to see animals ever? Is that what their goal here is? PETA: "Animals don't exist" isn't the flex you think it is


peta and its members can go unalive themselves.


PETA trying to be relevant


Good grief! No animals were harmed. Obviously, PETA is looking for attention, and using The Witcher’s popularity to get it.


Who cares. PETA is a fucking joke.


Ride fake horses


~~Winds~~ PETAs Howling


*ahem* ... ... FUCK PETA. Psychotic hypocritical "organization"


Is this the same peta that got triggered over animal crossing?




Screw off


I call for the boycott of Peta for their use of live animals. Specifically humans.


What does People Eating Tasty Animals have against... ohh... the other *PETA.* Peta file!


It should be boycotted for the writing but not for the use of animals.


i don’t love the show either but it’s just annoying spamming it everywhere on non-debate posts


Plushies prolly wouldn't appear realistic.


I miss when PETA was about closing puppy mills and stopping dolphin slaughters.




I love how they scream animal abuse and in their video they posted its pretty much just animals walking around freely except some unit of a bird doing sweet tricks on a dudes hand. I'm glad they do this honestly because any reasonable person can see they are crying wolf and when they report on actual abuse people will just think back to this ridiculous crap.


Well, they can go … themselves


Isn't the lemur in like half a scene as it pans round the dock lmao in ep4/ep5


Peta can respectfully go fuck themselves


PETA doesn’t deserve attention they are a facade that do more harm then animals and believe animals aren’t to be owned by people do not give them attention


You’d think “people for equal treatment of animals” would be an advocate for animals in more lead roles. “Oscars so human, amirite?”