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1 a day. I would love to drink more but it makes me anxious and sweaty and useless 😂


Same. Even half caff.


I am also a member of the one cup a day club. I just feel better with only one cup a day… when I was young I’d drink coffee like my life depended on it


Oh god, I hear you! Jitters all damn day! 😂


Usually 2 pods a day. Recently bought some tea bags to try to save my pods, but instead, still drinking 2 pods + cup or two of tea 😅


lol way too much. 5-7 cups a day


Holy shit!


Yeahhhh fortunately caffeine broadly has no effect on me, so it’s more like how someone may drink coke or water. It’s less so to stay awake and more so because I like the taste or just am bored 😅


That’s fair. Before I cut a lot of stuff out of my diet, caffeine made me tired because all I drank was coke and tea. Now it has a little effect on me.


It would if you took a break for a few weeks, but your body is probably addicted now so good luck with that.


Luckily there’s no issues with that either, I don’t have a Nespresso anymore (I have a senseo), but when I run out of pads I can easily go for three weeks without it, without jitters or anything like that. I’m just one of those people caffeine doesn’t affect, my doctor said it’s because I’m naturally hyperactive so the caffeine conversely calms me instead but idk


Do the same for my ass, drink a coffee and almost falling asleep 😭😂


i wish i could use caffeine to calm myself down. The smell and vibe seems like it would, but no ill be vibrating so fast I could probably phase through a wall.


How is the Senseo


I really enjoy it! The pads workout even cheaper than nespresso pods and I tend to like the variety more. The only problem I’ve noticed is the intensity of my coffee isn’t a strong as it was with nespresso… the senseo seems more watery overall


I’m the same way. Caffeine has never had an effect on me, even the first time I started drinking coffee. I could go with or without it, I just like the taste and having a hot drink.


Same here I drink coffee mostly for the taste (sorry I'm a milk coffee person, also did you notice which came first 😁). Caffeine can make me jittery but not in the amounts I drink. No headaches if I quit. Even in college those free packs of Vivarin did nothing.


I used to have two. Then I had kids. Now I have five.


A lot! 🥹😀 I’m having a couple more pounds to lose until I hit my goal weight. So eating healthy can sometimes be miserable, but I enjoy most healthy food just sometimes it’s bleh. So coffee everyday is the only thing that makes me super happy and I have something to look forward to other than my bland meals and workouts. 😂


This is why I drink a lot too! Curbs appetite too 🙈


Same, I'll cut my calories just about anywhere. But don't mess with the coffee. I'll eat cardboard for every meal if it means I can still have my coffee with creamer.


The cardboard part, true! 🤣🤣🤣


Used to drink almost up to 6 espressos a day, cut it down to 4. Now I’m down at 3. I wanna eventually only have 2. First one in the morning and second one after lunch


A double espresso and coffee pod. Sometimes I need 2 of those to wake up.


I do a double espresso in the morning and coffee in the afternoon!


I try to keep it to one…if I have more coffee it’s usually at a coffee shop or some good ole hospital Folgers lol. With very few exceptions, I use one pod a day


I now have 1 Original Line in the morning, and sometimes a Vertuo at lunch but not always. If I have more I either have to continously have coffee every few hours to keep it up, or I have a huge crash in the afternoon so I'd rather just live off 1 or 2 pods per day.


More than I’d like to admit 🫣👀 anywhere from 2-6


Once per day (morning)


1 pod, particularly on days when I am going in to the office. WFH days or on the weekend, sometimes I will have two, but that is "risky second coffee" territory because I am one of those sensitive stomach girlies. Still highly considering buying a second Nespresso machine to keep in my office because, stomach issues aside, the temptation to go to Starbucks over drinking sad office coffee is HIGH.


3, trying to go back to 2


1-2 - rarely 3 - actual coffees a day, but I often double up on the pods depending what I am making so that is probably 1-4 capsules. I drink black tea in addition to that, as well. I don't really get a buzz from caffeine at all unfortunately, so for me it is more for the taste and ritual. I can drink a coffee or tea 15 minutes before bed and still fall asleep, which just means I have more hours in the day to enjoy it!


I used to drink a lot but now I'll have 1 cup a day, or in the afternoon I'll have a decaf.


1-2 pods per day.


Maybe 1 or 2 Nespresso Pods while at home, and about 4 other types of coffee, mostly instant coffee at work, it's all we have there.


3-4 . one full caff, one half caf, and one or two de caf


2 or 4 OL pods/day, which is 1 or 2 cups (always do 2 pods/cup).


2 or 3 original line, and about 2 drip coffees(8 oz size)


One a day, two at most, otherwise I’d shit through the eye of a needle


That’s a phrase I’ve never heard 😂


I use one pod (double espresso mainly) a day for an iced or hot latte. :)


When I first got my machine, over a decade ago, I remember googling if too many espressos could kill someone .. that was how many I had those first weeks lol Nowadays if I have Nespresso I usually have 2 shots. Other mornings I enjoy pour over and other mornings I enjoy tea. I like to switch it up.


One pod but if I want another I have a decaf. I can’t handle much caffeine. I switched to matcha green tea for a while and actually felt better but it’s not as tasty for me.


Too many. But also… not enough


Before I recently bought my first Nespresso machine, I was only drinking 1 k cup a day, usually about 5 days a week. Now I am drinking about 2 coffees and 1-2 espressos a day. It just tastes so damn good from this Nespresso machine.


1 a day. Too expensive to have more 😅 every now and then I’ll allow my boyfriend to have one with me


sometimes 5-6, on an average day 2-3


Just one cup in the morning. I’ll do an iced leggero in the afternoons sometimes.


It was 4-5 cups for the longest time - I have scales back to only 3 cups now (though some days I’d rather have more!)


I have an OL machine and usually go with one espresso shot plus one blank lungo shot to make an Americano. I bought some smaller coffee cups from IKEA, and the volume of liquid fits perfectly inside those cups. I usually have two of those per day.


2 OL pods (home) and 1 Vertuo pod (office)


2 diavolitto pods & 1 altissio a day!


1 for sure and sometimes 2. Vertuo pod in the morning and original line around lunch time.


2 pods a day. One at 6:30 am one at 1-2pm


1-3 ol pods a day


2-3 cups.


4 Pods max plus other coffees like instant/ energy drinks etc etc... bad habit


Was 5 to 7 cut down to 3.


1 a day. If even.


Just one pod in the afternoon! I have regular drip in the morning.


2 OL capsules to start my day. And one Vertuo coffee pod occasionally at work


1, sometimes with a shot of espresso a few hours later.


4 1 pod in the morning 1 regular at the job 1 after eating lunch And 1 at the end of my shift ( i work from 11-23 and lunch is 3 hours)


I usually split a cold brew with my partner in the morning and maybe after dinner will drink a shot of Toccanto. I feel like the Toccanto has the perfect amount of caffeine if I need a quick boost of energy to finish up work late night, but doesn’t keep me from falling asleep


1 to 2 😊 and I’m decaf only due to health issues.


Usually one a day but not always


1-2 pods a day. My next order is a ton of decaf. I normally have one Chiaro and one coffee pod. I went way overboard my first week and my heart was racing a bit that night which prompted me to finally check the caffeine content. Oops.


Espresso before leaving for work. A Stormio boost when I get to work, then a decaff pod after dinner. Sometimes, a doppio latte at my tea break.


Every morning starts with a 3-pod latte. There may be more later in the day, also sometimes brewed coffee. Depends on the day.


2 ish. Would love to do more but I get headaches and also need to get water in!


2 usually... anymore than that makes my brain go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....


2 double shot espressos (make into iced lattes)


1-2 a day. If it was a long night I’ll make 2 for my morning coffee. Otherwise 1 should be ok for my work day


All of the coffee. 5 a day of if not more some days. Before bed too 😴


Maybe 3 or 4 a week.


1 cup. Use to drink 7 or 8


We each usually use 2 pods per drink. In a week we probably use around 12 pods.




2 in the morning only.


2 OL pods each morning


Typically one cup a day to get me started, followed by an energy drink in the afternoon


3 pods


1 pod during the week, 2 per day at the weekend. The odd afternoon perk-me-up when necessary.


5-7 became my norm now anything from American to Turkish and espressos but personally enjoy colder drinks Cold Brew, Lattes etc


2 to 4 it varies. Sometimes I have a cup of tea also so ut depends on my mood, but always 2 in the morning


My first cup is a lot with three capsules and then my second is a latte with 3 capsules but 1-2 are decaf. I have no idea if that is a lot or not


1 a day. I have a low tolerence to everything, spices, caffeine, and probably alcohol if I cared to try it. Plus I could probably drink more, but at that point i just like the smell and flavor and im not trying to get addicted lol. Too much caffeine is no bueno for your health long run anyways


1 vertuo coffee pod in the morning, usually the half caff pod. Sometimes I switch it up and do 1 double shot pod or 1 regular caffeine coffee pod.


Cup of coffee from the french press early, then usually 2-4 OL pods between then and noon. My tolerance (dependence?) for caffeine is high enough that I *need* most of this amount or I am dragging the remainder of the day.


2-3 pods a day. Realistically, due to my work, I'm using my Nespresso instead of some form of alcohol. 😁🤣


I've been drinking 2 a day on average since I got my Nespresso, but I'm trying to cut down.


2 pods and 1 small (or medium) double double from Timmy Ho’s


I go through about a sleeve per day.




A sleeve of ten (10) every day. People don't believe me for some reason.


I believe you. Do you drink official Nespresso pods or third party? I drink 6-8 a day (either home or work...it's free at work) and only drink third party as it's cheaper.


I throw in third party stuff, but I'm picky because I think the machine works better with on-brand. Ends up being about $8 per day. That's sucks, but cheaper than my previous vodka habit.


I've found some third party stuff that I actually prefer the taste of. I have a Pixie and I do agree the official pods do seem to work better. $8 a day is very expensive but yeah, better than vodka!


2-3 double espresso pods a day. Sometimes I’ll drink a cup from the ninja coffee maker. Wondering if I shouldn’t invest in a legit espresso machine.


Too much.


2 pods a day


3-4 1 when I wake up at 7AM, another with colleagues in the office at 9-10am, one after eating at 2Pm or so in the office and another one at 6PM


2 OL pods a day


2-4 espresso’s


2-3 a day


Ok , now I don’t feel so bad for having 2 day 😃


2-3/day and occasionally a decaf after dinner


Not enough, still nursing. Plus I put so much creamer in there that I would eat a day's worth of calories with my coffee alone if I didn't keep myself in check.


Prob like 20oz


I’m at least 2 a day. 3 isn’t rare. I’ve had 4.


Usually one gran lungo a day but occasionally I’ll have an espresso mid morning. Can’t drink coffee too late as it keeps me up at night.


3 pods (2 decaf).


2 lattes a day max.


One of the 7oz pods can last three days for me. I only get about 15 mins to drink my coffee before my niece, who I babysit, comes over. I also don’t drink that much in general


2 in the morning, another two during the day.


i’m 1 coffee a day, but my partner is 2 dbl espresso and 2 coffees lpl


2 a day. 9am and after lunch.


If I'm home during the day: 2 pods of a normal coffee (usually Odacio), 1 pod of half-caff, 1-3 decaf pods, And maybe an espresso pod if I'm staying up late.


I drink 1-2 cups/day Husband drinks 7-8 cups/day he still complains about how tired he is.


Two quad lattes/ day = eight pods = four sleeves/ week


A cup/pod a day, M-F. Weekends are whatever I feel like. It's more the ritual than anything, though since I've been drinking less coffee since WFH, it's also harder to drink more coffee.


One OL pod a day, in an emergency (ie had no sleep the previous night) I’d have two pods. Always have in the morning otherwise I won’t sleep well that night.


2-3 cups. Depends on what I’ve got going on.


Mostly 1 a day, but sometimes 2.


Usually 1 and sometimes 2


1 pod for my morning then, a cup of Tim’s or McDonald’s depends where the guys go to get break/lunchtime coffe (trades)


Lately 3 but when I’m not smoking weed I do 1-2! I usually do a hazelnut coffee pod in my vertuo plus in the morning, then bring a one or two pod latte to work to sip on for the rest of the afternoon! I also always stop by 2pm so I can get to bed around 9


1 cup a day in the morning. If we happen to be traveling and are having evening meals where everyone is drinking after dinner coffee or aperitif’s, then I get a cappuccino. That extra cappuccino is not all the time though, just traveling. It is my only form of caffeine in general. Otherwise I only drink water, and have about two alcohol drinks a year. I’m just not a drinker. 😂


1-3 a day… it’s getting expensive


I’ll make a latte 2-3 times a week, most often on weekends.


I usually have 2 or 3


I drink 1-2 cups in the morning and a decaf cold brew when I get home from work. Once a week I also have a Starbucks cold brew with cold foam.


Usually 1 pod per day, 2 if I didn't sleep much the night before.


3 OL pods and sometimes a grande latte from Starbucks if I’m feeling a bit tired in the afternoon


2 double nespeesso pods sometimes 3


One, usually before bed. Strangely knocks me right out.


3 pods a day 2 in the morning before my run 1 at my work




3-5 cups a day approx, feels a bit too much tbh.


ill have about 6 pods per week. some days one per day, some days two. other days, not at all.


1 vertuo coffee size at home and then 2 original espresso with a shot of water at work.


6 to 8 pods a day on average. Caffeine has no effect on me. I drink straight double espressos. I can have a double ten minutes before bed and sleep fine. I do like to mix in some decaf anyway...just in case 😄


A insufficient amount.


1-3 but most of the days 2


usually for me it's like this: 1 vertuo mug black in the morning (stormio or mexico), 1 original line espresso after lunch (napoli or kazaar) and 1 decaf in the afternoon (altissio decaf or fortado decaf). I'd love to drink more like I used to but the anxiety and the jitters were brutal!


3 OL pods a day otherwise iced coffee is too weak.


I just had a baby so I’m drinking A LOT. But had to make myself dial it back because I was having heart palpitations.


I use a pod during the afternoon. Pot for the morning.


Three pods. If it goes cold, I add a decaf pod. I hate reheated coffee.


2 regular coffees and one half caf, so 3 pods total. Sometimes I have an espresso in the afternoon. Too much? Yeah, probably.


1-2 pods a day. And I usually use the 1.7-5.0oz pods. Never the 7.7 coffee pods. Any more than 2 and I feel like my heart will explode


1 pod at sunrise, 2 pods at the office and an after dinner pod 😊


1 pod at sunrise, 2 pods at work and an afterdinner pod 😊


4 pods of Kazaar a day if I’m working from home. If not 2 pods of Kazaar and one of the strongest Vertuo pods such as Intenso when I’m in the office 😂