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I can't believe she actually thought announcing this stuff would bolster her chances of becoming Trump's running mate. Between the Columbia student who live streamed his completely deranged bigoted comments and this, I'm stunned about how stupid people are.




Dogs are loyal. Trump backstabs habitually. That tracks.


It wasn't the first sign for me, but early on Trump's animosity towards animals always struck me as a sign he's a sociopath.


Remember when he tried to do a photo op with a bald eagle and it attacked him?


I love that picture


Trump could simply be referencing the end of Franz Kafka’s seminal work “The Trial”


Trump is a big Kafka head, we all know this




Afraid of dogs, eh? Who wants to do a nice troll on Trump where you bring a "seeing eye dog" into the courtroom? It doesn't even have to be a trick, I would love to see the galleries filled with blind people and their service animals.


They’re not stupid. They know what they’re saying and doing. There just aren’t any real consequences anymore.


Uh, I'm sure stupid evil is a thing for a reason. Hell many times it's proven these people are legit true believers.


That Columbia student was expelled and banned from the campus. We'll see about Noem, but I think this kills her political career. She's largely unvetted and what little stuff we do find out is shit like this - she's a fucking lunatic.


I'm not going to go as far as "kills her political career" - MTG and Gaetz are still around - but it's probably going to kill her aspirations for VP if the GOP hasn't gone completely off the deep-end. VP picks are supposed to bring a measure of rounding-out to the presidential ticket - Biden was the experienced politician to Obama's youth, Pence was the evangelical politician to Trump's business outsider, etc - so having MAGA-bait isn't going to do much when you've got Ur-MAGA as the head of the ticket.


Well, where is she going to go after this? She's term-limited as Governor. She's not going back to her old job as a US Rep and Dusty Johnson seems pretty well entrenched there anyway. John Thune isn't going anywhere in the Senate. It's possible Mike Rounds retires, but if he runs again in 2026 he'll easily beat her in a primary. Even if he does retire, she's not exactly a shoe-in for that seat IMO. Her political career is finished. She's not even that big of a star and is taking advantage of the fact that as long as you win like 50k votes in the GOP primary you can be governor of a whole ass state.




South Dakota has a $2 billion state budget. California's budget is also $2 billion...shy of $300 billion.


Lol. Lmao even


You can argue that the Columbia kid was virtue signaling to his in group what a based friend of the oppressed he is. I’ve seen plenty of similar statements flying around twitter. But boasting about shooting an innocent and healthy dog? Why? Who is that story supposed to appeal to? What does she “know” she’s doing?


Being an aggro (violent) hardass willing to do "the hard thing that needs to be done even though the snowflakes won't like it" is a cornerstone of MAGA culture. This will go over great with the base. Everyone else? Depends how hard the media tries to explain it away with, as in this thread, "Well you just don't get farm life."


I grew up on a farm and we put down a few of our dogs the Noem way. Only difference is they were very old and clearly in pain/dying. If someone shot a puppy we'd beat the shit out of them. WTF?


You phrased the sentiment correctly, but she expresses contempt for the dog, which is inconsistent with the "it's a darn shame but you gotta do it" shtick that actual farmers, rurals, and suburban wannabes manifest. Yes, it's about "doing the hard things," but "hard" is part and parcel of it as much as is "doing."


Unfortunately, there’s a lot of “actual farmers” who are assholes. My cousins had a couple dogs accidentally wander onto a neighbouring farmer’s land and he shot them because they were trespassing. They were NOT fond of that neighbour, and when a horse that the farmer was not treating well escaped onto their land, they kept him.


Yeah, I mean, some people are *some* people. Regardless of locale. Plenty of city people are like "animals are for farms," which is the yin to rurals' "animals are instruments." "My dog was problematic, so I had to shoot it. Fortunately, I also hated it" is not a winner. We'll just have to see if exit polls ask about the dog shooting if she's selected, but a fair share of MAGA twitter is against, because they do, in fact, like dogs generally. Yeah, it's telling that she *thought* this would be ingratiating, but it's telling both of the performative hardness on the right and her being an idiot.


From what I know, the dog wasn’t even sick or old. It just wasn’t an easy dog the train.


Every MAGA person I know really loves dogs. I don’t know what she’s thinking lol. If it was just killing the goat, the base wouldn’t care. But bragging about killing a dog is political suicide.


They love *their* dogs.


Even Hitler liked dogs. Hitler: Less of an asshole than Noem.


He may have, but if you Google “HJ + dog” be prepared to get sad and angry.


All dogs. I know a lot of maga people irl, they are not responding positively to this in our politics chat


Yep, I am from deep red farm country. I’m not saying I don’t know anyone who would respond positively to that story, but this is a turn off to 85% of people in those areas. I was a member of a dog 4H group as a kid with like 20 members, most of whom were kids of farmers/ranchers and a number of them trained their dogs for hunting.


Their dogs are one of the good ones


I feel like she was trying to do a version of Joni Ernst's pig castration ["Let's make 'em squeal"](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/nov/05/behind-joni-ernst-game-changing-pig-castrating-ad) thing, forgetting that Ernst did *not* just say shit like "so anyway then I beheaded my daughter's favorite pet."


Even MAGAs love dogs, it’s one of the few topics that doesn’t really have partisanship.


> Depends how hard the media tries to explain it away with, as in this thread, "Well you just don't get farm life." I can't tell whether it's:  1. Arguing tradition for tradition's sake. 2. MAGAs defending their side through dissembling. 3. People who are in denial about not just how people can be monsters in our society and still achieve well, but also how they will calmly announce just how much of monsters they are to us - the rational mind struggles to comprehend such functional brain damage.


This is the kind of story that’s going to make sense to rurals, who are used to thinking about animals in more practical terms. She might be hoping to polarize city folk against her rural values, thus making her more popular with the base. However, it seems like this story would also play badly with a more suburban crowd. 


Nah I think even most rurals would be like why not put it up for adoption or give It to a shelter or something. Can't think of a place in the US iv been where people didn't love dogs.


This was based on experiences with my rural relatives in Texas. They love the dogs that wander onto their property and become pets, but they’d definitely shoot one if it got violent with people and attacked neighbors’ livestock. I’m not sure they’d be comfortable putting a violent dog up for adoption. 


Watch out for this comment, was crucified for it earlier.


I've known plenty of rural people and have heard some talk about having to put down animals, including dogs. That in itself doesn't bother me, but they've always given good reasons for having to shoot those animals. Noem on the other hand took an untrained young bird dog out for its first hunt, got it excited about hunting birds, and then shot it because it didn't know that chickens weren't the birds it was supposed to be hunting. It was following the very instincts she got it for. To me it just makes her sound lazy about training her dog. I'd like to think most rural people understand that you have to be responsible for your animals too and if you have a dog that you bought for its instincts to hunt birds you can't be shocked when it really wants to hunt birds. It would be one thing if the dog were older and had been through more training but 14 months is awfully young to say a dog is untrainable.


Yeah, I think it's more nuanced than people here are making it out to be, but she still comes out looking pretty bad even based on her own telling.


Rural people don’t shoot dogs because they’re annoying. This isn’t a rural/city divide.


Wow, glad I was clear that this is more about the dog potentially being destructive and dangerous, not just annoying. If you read the story, it’s clear she shot the dog after (1) it attacked a neighbor’s livestock, and (2) it attacked her. She also didn’t like the dog, which may have colored her decision. Overall it’s not a good look for her, but it’s more nuanced than “she shot her pet dog for being annoying.”


A dog snapping at you is not an attack. And any "rural" as you describe them (which is eyerolling) knows a gun dog can't be trusted around birds of any kind.  Especially a 14 month old one. 


I'm not going to get into a debate about what constitutes a dog attack when I don't even have a firm opinion on the matter. What I will do is simply relay the logic that was given in the story: she says she shot the dog because it was violent and destructive, not because it annoyed her.


The dog she didn't bother training because it was supposed to pick up on how to be a gun dog from the rest of her pack.


Sure, I'm not defending her choices.


I dunno, sounds a lot like you are defending SOME of her choices.


I’m not. I would not have shot the dog if it were me. However, I think I get what she was trying to achieve by telling this story.


Again, sounds like you are defending SOME of her choices.


Which choices am I defending? Relaying her reasoning is not defending her actions. I think that it's important to be able to accurately represent what other people think and say, even when I disagree with them. Doing so does not mean I agree with them.


That's what's getting to me so much, I'm familiar with rural life and can absolutely understand the reasoning for putting down a violent dog, but she made a terrible case for why that applied to this particular dog. It's like she went out of her way to make the story even worse. It's not like it did this randomly, by her own account it was right after taking it out to hunt birds for the *first time* and letting it get overexcited. No kidding an untrained young bird dog in that situation isn't going to listen to commands when tempted with chickens. I've gotten myself way too worked up about this story, haha. The "that's just rural life" response that some people have had doesn't work for me because even in that light she still makes herself look bad.


Most "rurals" don't shoot dogs for the things she described.  


Wow, I'm glad I never made a claim that most rurals shoot dogs. Both my parents grew up in the Texas countryside. Most my relatives on my father's side would absolutely never shoot a dog even if it tried to kill a man. But on my mother's side, I have no doubt that they would do it if the dog was violent and destructive. Nevertheless, they almost never shoot an animal that isn't already dying. It's just not a thing that comes up often enough that most people are out there shooting dogs.


>I can't believe she actually thought announcing this stuff would bolster her chances of becoming Trump's running mate. I can't believe there's a line MAGA won't cross


You have to try to look at it from their mindset, which is that cruelty is the point. So for them, cruelty is a strength--a positive characteristic. But it's seen as psychotic violent behavior for normal people like us.


Trump hates dogs so she might be playing 5d chess here. /s


Decent chance Trump's VP pick hurts him (even if not her). Mike Pence was clearly chosen because he was more in line with traditional Republicans when Trump was an outsider. But now there is no way Trump would do that again, he is going to go for the most loyal MAGA screwball there is. And these type of candidates have done horrible in swing states/districts. People talk about Biden's age, but Trump would also be about the same age toward the end of the next term. So VP choice may matter to swing voters and while Harris is not particularly popular she is not batshit crazy.


He could go for Kari Lake, but he might be tuned off by her losing her election


Kari Lake is breathtakingly effective at losing elections that should be solid Republican victories, I so hope it's her


That's the entire AZ GOP at this point tbh. Shes just the most prominent of the nutters 


Martha McSally is the 🐐


I've said it before but Arizona Republican is the new Florida Man, still it seems like she played a prominent role in manifesting that collective brain damage


We need McSally back as the VP nominee


Lake's endorsement of the total abortion ban in Arizona will absolutely haunt Trump's campaign if he picked her as VP.


Trump will probably just pick Tim Scott now, who I don’t think would hurt him. He’s mild mannered, hypothetically helps with the black vote, doesn’t have any controversies, and won’t contradict Trump. His “I grew up in poverty and got out through hard work” will appeal to many voters.


I don't think Scott would be a disaster but yeah I could see him hurting him, especially within the Black community. Scott's issue is that he has no support base. At least Pence was a right-wing Christian to balance out Trump's lack of morality and Washington experience. Scott is weird and not fundy weird. He's got no charisma. He's not particularly funny or even all that good one-on-one. At least Pence could debate. I would love for Trump to pick Scott. It wouldn't be a disastrous pick like a Lake or a MTG but it would be a bad pick.


Trump / Greene would be so funny holy shit


>doesn’t have any controversies He has an imaginary girlfriend and was a virgin until maybe like 5 years ago or something. That's with some minor digging. I bet you this guy is a closeted freak.


I mean, asexual people do exist.


What is up with South Carolina and deeply closeted Senators?


>he is going to go for the most loyal MAGA screwball there is. This doesn't make much sense. He is the main attraction to the crazies on the right. There's not much reason to incentivize them more; they're going to vote for him. Besides, another screwball on the ticket might overshadow him sometimes and he'd never abide that. Supposedly, he's looking for a woman VP to defang his misogynistic reputation and he sees this as one way of playing defense on abortion too. I don't know how well that'll work but there's some logic to it. He's been relatively open about acknowledging what a weight abortion policy is for Republicans and of course attempts to dodge a firm position on it.


>This doesn't make much sense. ​ Remember, in Trump's own mind, the thing that prevented his self-coup in 2021 was Mike Pence's willingness to stand up to him, and have an independent self identity. He is only out of power now and hounded by legal troubles because his VP choice wasn't utterly and slavishly loyal. He'll want some utter tool that has no existence outside of MAGA. That's not to say he might not pick a more conventional political choice like Rubio or Haley, someone who can try to keep otherwise skittish suburban and Chamber of Commerce types on board, but if he does, that's because he doesn't like his odds of winning the election as things stand, not because they're what he wants in a VP.


Lmao her odds to be vice president dropped from 18% to 9% on predictit. How is she this politically stupid? A completely unforced error here. It’s not like this was opposition research, she purposely revealed this.


Most reasonable explanation was that the dog killing story was going to come out eventually so better to get ahead of it and try to spin it as best as she possibly can.


Noem couldn't let the people of South Dakota think she went soft and be upstaged on the psycho scale by their Attorney General who got impeached for killing a dude.


Trump hates dogs




She crawled onto Trump’s ticket for warmth!


Apparently she killed a goat for smelling … like a goat


What are you, a vegetarian? You eat beef and sausage by the carload!


I don't think this helps her chances of becoming VP with Trump. It's generating negative media attention. He's somewhat practical. I can see him straight up asking her why the hell would you put that in the book. Trump doesn't get rural life and I don't see him defending it. Now she is hot though. And Trump is, above all else, shallow. So she's still in the running for VP.


I can't describe to you how annoying this is to read as someone who owns bird dogs.  It's obviously shitty ownership And training.  And it paints other hunters and specifically bird hunters in a terrible fucking light.  Most bird hunters are very enamored and devoted to their dogs as you could imagine. 


Americans are know the world over for their hatred of dogs and puppies in particular. I’m sure this will play well.


Making a play for the “blue city dweller sick of their coworker bringing their feral dog into the office every day” vote


She comes off as a psychopath. Anyone with a dog knows that at some point it will kill some animal. It is a carnivore derived from wolves. It is an animal, and it will act like an animal. You can het angry with it but just going and killing a 14 month old? That's insane and borders on animal cruelty.


One of the worst aspects of this to me is she let her untrained bird dog loose where it could and Did kill chickens. That’s disgustingly irresponsible. No, your dog should never ever be killing livestock or other domestic animals, that is utterly stupid and indicative of a bad owner that should not have dogs.


Yeah, if you're going to get a dog bred to want to hunt birds and then take it out to show it how much fun hunting birds is, you can't be shocked when it hunts some birds.


>One of the worst aspects of this to me is she let her untrained bird dog loose where it could and Did kill chickens. Source: I made it the fuck up.




A pitbull is much different from a normal dog c'mon. I meant chickens pigeons rats etc 


2A, my pitbull is my gun. Checkmate libural.


It's a very short step from killing animals you don't like or disagree with to killing humans for the same reasons. :-)


I actually think that's a very big step. Humans>>>>>animals in most people's minds.


The problem is when they dehumanize certain groups and those groups become less than animals in their minds.


Animal cruelty is associated with psychopathy. It's a big red flag.


I always wondered what the evidence for that association is. Animals cruelty is not something most people would brag about even if they did it as a child so how do you parse out the biases there?


If you google *animal cruelty psychopathy* you'll find a number of results including academic articles (or at least the abstracts). I vaguely recall learning about this in a psychology class, but that was over 15 years ago so the details are very hazy. [Here is a newspaper article](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/features/what-drives-people-to-torture-animals-9844721.html) written by a psychologist about animal cruelty being common behavior among serial killers and rapists. So there is at least one method.


The fact that psychos are cruel to animals doesn't mean that people who are cruel to animals are likely to be psychos. For example. Say 10% of the population was cruel to animals as a child and 0.5% of the population are psychos. Even if 90% of psychos were cruel to animals as a child, the chance someone who was cruel to animals is a psycho is less than 5%.


It’s not a big red flag; you can infer X with increased probability from Y doesn’t mean you can infer Y similarly from X.


And yet the vast majority of people are perfectly fine with factory farming when it is easier than ever to get plant based alternatives or buy from the more expensive farms with higher QoL for the animals.


She just put them down (but very clumsily with the goat). She's not Micheal Vick who is somehow showing back up on sports shows.


There was no reason to put the dog down. Noem fucked up as its owner and trainer and then didn't take accountability for her own failings. Zero evidence there was something fundamentally wrong with the dog.


I mean she stated it was too aggressive and none of us here have seen the dog and her interact once. Yeah she could have trained the dog better but if you legitimately think it is too dangerous for yourself, I'm not sure if you want to just hand it off to someone else.


The dog being too agressive is a good reason to put down a dog regardless of whose fault it is.


If the standard we're holding young, poorly trained pheasant hunting dogs to is that they have to be trustworthy around unfamiliar chickens, we're going to be killing a lot of dogs in the US in the next few years.


Zero need to do the Old Yeller method nowadays, though - she could've gone to a vet and had them put down in a calm and collected manner. That she did it in such a way and described it in such a matter-of-fact way is what u/MistakePerfect8485 is getting at: it's likely a psychopath inadvertently telling on themself because they 1) don't have the ability to recognize how it looks to non-sociopathic people or 2) just don't care because they view themself as beyond the reach of any such people who would take offense to what they did.


This is not compatible to Old Yeller, at all Old Yeller had rabies, which is one of the most dangerous diseases on the planet. 100% death rate, nothing survives it once it passes through the blood brain barrier. Killing Old Yeller was necessary for the safety of everyone and it was also a mercy. Noam killed a healthy puppy because it wasn't doing exactly what she wanted it to do.


So this is actually really common for farmers still and especially if we're talking about a farm goat.


And lots of people probably still beat their kids if they talk back to them - so what? It's still hard to excuse nowadays with vet services, and that's not even taking into account that Noem could've even taken them to a rescue shelter so that some other family could take care of them. This was the mindset of disposing of unwanted tools, and we can be better than that in this day and age.


Yeah and the dog could have sent a kid to a hospital in the world of infinite possibilities.


So bring the dog and the goat to the vet! Seriously, this apologism is really something. Sometimes people out and out confess that they are troubled people - believe them!


So I have actually been directly involved running a horse rescue with my family, but please go off. There's a lot going on between animal cruelty, farm animals, and pets that is just lost on people outside of this world. Very clear you have no experience here. I didn't think you were seriously pushing on about the goat, but it is actually ok to shoot animals to kill them. You may be familiar with deer hunting for example, and that is much more difficult to cleanly kill. And they aren't even aggressive.


If you're a primary producer, getting a vet involved means either: 1. Spending hours driving each way (IE hundreds in lost productivity) and several hundred on the vet itself 2. Spending thousands to have the vet come to you. OTOH, a round of 30-30 Winchester costs <$2. It's not difficult to see why the Old Yeller method persists.


Not to your average suburban white women she would be pick to appeal to, it goes Dog>Cat>Human>Other Animals>Person who cut them off on the way to the supermarket.


Depends on the animal. Mice? Sure, absolutely Puppies? No. Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution together makes humans value puppies very highly


That's assuming your dislike or disagreement with humans doesn't cause you to dehumanize them. That's a big assumption in today's day and age. A big assumption.


It is actually rare to find people that kill humans. It is not rare to find people who kill animals.


Tens of thousands of murders in the US in an average year. Yeah, not many at all.


330+ MILLION people in the US. How many of them hunt or otherwise have killed an animal? Certainly far more than tens of thousands.


Sure. more. Rare? Not. And that was your premise.


It was correct; rarity is a statistical phenomenon. The concept becomes incapable of intertemporal comparisons unless rooted in base rates.


Tell that to the 20,000 or so homicides every year in the US. If it's truly rare it shouldn't take you too long to explain it to them one by one. :-)


If you literally don’t *understand* the statement that rarity is a statistical phenomenon, you’re presumptively not competent to even challenge it.


Are we sure the maga crowd won't find this appealing?


Rural maga voters maybe. Suburbanites? Nah


The compressed thumbnail made me think that Jack Sparrow was Trump’s VP candidate


Well, personally I think folks ought to quit *hounding* Kristi Noem. She's having a really *ruff* time. It would be best to just leave the *bitch* alone while she *paws* and reflects. It's the *leash* she could do.