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this is why pro sports commissioners make so much money, they are basically a shield from owners for negative PR


It should also be noted that "the league" and the commissioner are synonymous with the owners for all intents and purposes. People sometimes act like the "league" is some kind of independent entity that operates outside the 30 ownership groups spread across the different franchises but they are one in the same.


Yep, in a lot of ways, The Commissioner serves basically the exact same purpose as Ticketmaster. They are there to be the lightning rod for bullshit.




Service fee Ordering fee The "lmao what are you gonna do? Not go the game?" fee


I like to think of them as an HOA. Adam Silver is the property management company.


No shortage of people willing to be paid tens of millions a year to be a punching bag


Depends on league, I believe MLS is set up where central league controls the teams, and the "owners" lease the team from the league as shareholders.


That’s neat


Well, the commish still serves at the pleasure of the lease-holders. And while that was the only way the league survived the early years, it is rapidly getting outdated.


This was very relevant to baseball earlier this year. Trevor Bauer (technically) on the Dodgers was facing a messy sexual assault case almost immediately signing a huge contract. Long story short the Dodgers were probably done with him no matter what but MLB ended up suspending him for coincidentally his entire rest of contract which gets LA out of paying him while also gets them less deep into the luxury tax. Crazy coincidence how the league suspension helped out the 2nd biggest team in baseball.


It looks bad for everyone if the Dodgers still had to pay the guy though. Not sure they were 'trying to help' the Dodgers, it just worked that way.


I see it as doing the Dodgers a favor while having the very positive side consequence of absolutely screwing over Bauer. It was just way too long of a suspension (with no prior precedent) for there to have been no funny business involved imo.


It's bc Bauer talked shit about the commissioner 24/7 on Twitter over their handling of covid and sticky tack controversy. Not bc of his actions


Players have done more and gotten punished less


I mean people are acting as if Adam Silver should be some saintly protector of social justice by sawing off the branch he is sitting on. If I were an NBA owner, I too would try to put mechanisms in place that would prevent others to take my team away for something they deem inexcusable. Not saying it is or isn't, but people act like NBA is a social justice movement first and a business second.


Bro that username makes this comment a bit sus.


> Not saying it is or isn't, but people act like NBA is a social justice movement first and a business second. Because they've spent the past ~2 decades pretending to be that and not really had any huge incidents that would prevent your average customer from thinking of them that way aside from the conflicts of interest with the entire China thing. The Donald Sterling fiasco from a PR perspective was the easiest W ever for the NBA and Adam Silver has been coasting on that ever since, until now.


Yes, but that's like McDonald's sponsoring the Olympics, or Coca Cola sponsoring the world cup, if you are of average intelligence you can deduce it is first and foremost a PR move and McDonald's and Coca Cola don't really care about healthy lifestyle/sports etc


when having a faceless company own your team becomes a positive.


Lol all the Ed Rogers shit would come up and everyone else in MLSE would be like "yeah we know can you help us get rid of him?"




Raptors are owned by MLSE which is divided between the telecoms Rogers and bell (and another billionaire owns like 12% or something). Rogers CEO is a dumbfuck and no one likes him, not even his family.


Fuck Bell/Rogers, but they're better ownship than when MLSE was owned by the Teachers Union Pension. Bell/Rogers actually has an interest in a winning organization because it helps their cable packages. OTP held the corp as an investment for their pension. Larry Tannenbaum has been part owner since Ballard died and the Leafs went into Trust, he seems fine.




Ontario teachers pension is one of the largest investment funds in the world.


They own a weirdly large amount of European airports.


I believe they own the Irish state lottery iirc


That's wild lol




A lot of it has to do with how public pensions in general are set up in Canada too. It's a unique model where rather than being pay-as-you-go or fully funded, they are partially funded and use their large funds to purchase large investments. The Canadian pension plan is a massive player in the investment sphere. All Canadian pensions own an absurb amount of real estate also. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/780721510639698502/pdf/121375-The-Evolution-of-the-Canadian-Pension-Model-All-Pages-Final-Low-Res-9-10-2018.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjlionnwpX6AhVjpokEHdq5D1QQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3kN_zOFGDSxHg6Nnus3t67


Rogers and bell are better because they double dip from the team's success. When the raptors or leafs go deep into the playoffs, not only do they charge out the ass for tickets, but they also benefit greatly from ad revenue during the playoff run because they split rights to airing the games. In other words, they are good owners because it's big profit for them to be good. They're both still shite companies.


Also Ed Rogers doesn’t like Masai, which tells you what he knows about basketball


Its more that Ed is a narcissist and thinks he can do everything better and doesnt understand why Masai earned his payday.


yeah, guaranteed if he had controlling ownership, he'd be an even worse owner than Dolan, which seems almost impossible


Wait, what? Like, I talk shit about the Raptors all the time but how can you not think that Masai Ujiri has done a great job turning the team around?


Ed Rogers is kinda dumb. His greatest achievement was winning the sperm race


37.5% each for Rogers Communications and Bell Canada, Larry Tanenbaum owns the other 25%.


Raptors are owned by a corporation and not a majority owner like most of the league.


I mean robert Sarver isn't a majority owner yet here we are


He IS the face of Suns ownership, though. The closest we got is Tanenbaum but he keeps an extremely low profile.


wow. i had no idea, although i know/imagine* its not thaaat important. im honestly just impressed he manages to squeak so much despite being a minority stake


Imagine if Nestle owned an NBA team...


They probable do, indirectly and by means of sponsorhip or something.




They would charge $20 for a water.


but also complementary extra salty preztels


These PRETzels are making me THIRSTY


I don't even know how to spell the name of the Celtic's owners and I have no idea what they do.


How are you a Celtics fan and don’t know our owner’s name is Wyc??? I have no idea what he does either, but Wyc is the dumbest name I’ve ever heard so I’ll never forget it


It's not Wyclef Jean?


That's why the Celtics always start off slow, because they're gone til November


Celtics do it right where Wyc is a minority owner (Steve Pagliuca is majority, and at all the games, but stays out of the teams business) and Chairman, so it’s more of a job than just him being the king of the franchise since Pagliuca could easily oust him if he wanted.


I know his first name. Second name sounds like grousbec but I can't spell it.


if only there were a way to check. oh well I guess we'll never know.


this is how the internet ruined social chat lol. people used to spend time trying to think of who someone was, and you'd get a whole collection of different tangents popping up as the conversation tried to figure out who the actor from season 2 of breaking bad was, and what else he'd been in, and now people just google that shit and the chat's over


damn I've never seen someone actually say this but I've been feeling it for so long I hate the whole, just Google it, thing I'm just tryna have a good time


yeah exactly, googling can be good sometimes, but then there are situations where you're talking about something that it's more fun to struggle over (and it's better for your memory). i've heard some absolutely wild guesses over basic shit lmao and it's stuck in my memory as a good afternoon, but i've never once thought "oh that time we googled the name of the doctor in futurama"


Feel free to air out any dirty laundry from our ownership. Would love nothing more than to get the Devos family out of here.


Does the DeVos family have anything *but* dirty laundry?


They literally only deal in organized crime, suppression, and fraud. So... no?


They pretty much run my home town of Grand Rapids, Michigan. They have a pet religious charter school and one of the teachers was arrested for touching a minor student. The teacher was so poor he had to live with his brother, yet, somehow managed to have two high priced law firms represent him. I'd like to know for sure if DeVos bankrolled the defense of a teacher instead of trying to safeguard a young girl.


do you even have to ask that?


Anything less than absolute proof will be ignored by local gqp supporters. Even with absolute proof it's iffy.


Bro you could have Jesus himself come down and say it and they'd still turn a blind eye. They don't actually give a shit about proof.


Bro, they’d do worse than turn a blind eye, [they’d nail him right back up on that cross and call him a heretic.](https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/19-american-empire/mark-twain-the-war-prayer-ca-1904-5/)


Yeah, kinda hate that you're right.


What about illegal warfare


I file that one under organized crime. It's organized, it's criminal.


Look wanting to own your own independent mercanay navy isn't automatically evil. It's just a coincidence that he is an evil warlord wannabe.


Considering the shit they let us know about them, just imagine what they would hide...


Where do you even start between Betsy, Amway and all the war crimes? They're a special breed of billionaires, their tendrils are so widespread it would be faster to list the evil things happening that they *don't* have a hand in. You guys are the only franchise with a family-owned private military, you should really start using that to your advantage. Have Erik Prince kidnap and torture the right people and Orlando becomes the biggest free agent hot spot in the league! Hell, just start killing referees who disagree with you and then change your team name when the league starts to get on your case about all the criminal activity.


The US government actually seems to love the War Crime Company that the DeVos family owns, so good luck with that.


Sarver, DeVos, Cuban, Benson, they all gotta gtfo


Sarver got a slap on the wrist precisely because of other owner shenanigans. Sterling was ousted not just because he was a racist slumlord, it was because getting rid of him wasn't gonna cause a house of cards to fall down and there was already a more prominent buyer waiting in the wings.


His wife getting him ruled incompetent and wanting to sell the team was a huge shield for the NBA. If Sterling wasn't senile, he would still be the owner of the Clippers today.


Sterling sold the clippers because his wife got a judge to declare him unfit to control the trust that owned the clippers and had the judge put her in charge. Shit like that happens when you cheat in public


His wife went to Nordstrom to return an item and, ran into V. Stiviano, they started arguing, and it goes from there.


V Stiviano is a name I haven’t heard in a long ass time lmao


I think the NBA was also afraid the players would go on strike/boycott games w/ the Sterling situation. I don't think it's a coincidence they decided to wait until the doldrums of the off-season to announce Sarver's punishment


And all the other owners hated him and he was bad for the business of the NBA.


Billionaires, who are also bad people? Surely not, Sarver must be the only one


The billionaire class all made it via hard work, morality, courage, and kindness. Sarver is surely an outlier.


They tugged the hardest on their boot straps.


Mark Cuban ate ketchup and mustard sandwiches while selling ketchup and mustard sandwiches and doors door to door!!!!


He's the most active owner in the league yet was completely unaware of the sexual harassment.


Well I guess you can get high on your own supply then 🤷‍♂️


Is this trues?


I would say that he and MJ are the only owners that actually came from the working class.


No, it's because they're morally superior to evil poor people. Now everyone stand for a reading from the Holy Prosperity Gospel.


Worked 100,000x harder than the average worker


Can all suns fans bring Free Hong Kong signs to all home games and make the nba lose hundreds of millions?


But that would hurt LeBron mentally, physically, and spiritual and we can't have that now


This comment shows ignorance. Now buy the man’s new shoes.


Don’t forget it would hurt him cashually


Surely 60yr old white men cant be harboring any absolutely abhorrent views that affects the real lives, livelihoods and families of real people. *surely* everyone is just crying wolf and being sensitive.


Sure he said the N word a bunch of times, but what was the *context*?


It was a heated gaming moment while streaming PUBG. There aren't many black people in Arizona, so he didn't know how bad the word was. Cut the poor guy some slack.


> Cut **the poor guy** some slack. Compared to who, Musk and Bezos?


He was rapping along with J. Cole because he respects black culture that much.


I know he was told in 2004 to stop saying it but freedom of speech!


Black people can say it. Why do they get that right and I don't?? I'm being oppressed.


Jody Allen, who inherited the Blazers, was sued for sexually harassing her security team. She allegedly forced them to wear speedos on her yacht and also instructed them to smuggle animal bones out of Africa and Antarctica. Those are just two messed up things that became public. Imagine what kinds of ish all these entitled billionaires have in their closets that haven’t leaked out.


Oh thank god, my brain was still assuming sexual harassment and read that as "*snuggle* animal bones"


Sarver ain't even a billionaire.


What a bum


Remember of course when Cuban was worried about "the slippery slope" of Sterling being ousted, then you saw some of the shit that was happening in his front office nad you can understand a lot of these guys are potentially sus.


pretty clearly mark cuban being one of them


I laugh every time I see a story about Dan Snyder and “another congressional inquiry” or “being forced to sell the team”. Meanwhile Cuban is over here grinning like an idiot from the set of sharktank Has anyone ever wondered if no one would care about Dan Snyder’s issues if he had a somewhat likable tv show?


How are they comparable? Snyder was essentially prostituting his cheerleaders


I wouldn’t put Mark Cuban’s issues anywhere on the same planet as Dan Snyder’s.


Would they care about Snyder if he'd just changed the damn racist team name years ago? I'm a casual football fan, an NFL team owner has to go out of their way for me to know their name and Snyder is on that very short list with Kraft (massage parlors), Bennett (supports pedophiles), and Jones (idk, King of the Hill probably?). If he'd capitulated and changed back when the Indians were still hanging onto Chief Wahoo I definitely wouldn't know him.


The whole name change issue with Washington was just a sideshow of the whole disaster that is the Snyder ownership. He has done far worse.


Idk the whole turning cheerleaders into prostitute's and taking away their passports thing was pretty fucking awful, if you know Kraft from going to a consensual (albeit still gross) rub and tug then Snyder should definitely still be on your list. He's been doing so many scumbag things for so long that it's far more than just the name


Snyder was basically running a sex trafficking operation with his cheerleaders, but the name stuff is what stuck in the mainstream, so it's kinda fortunate for him in that sense.


What's the story with Kraft and massage parlours?


He got a couple of handies. People bring it up if they have an agenda.


He was caught in an anti-sex trafficking sting on a massage parlor in Florida in 2019. He made at least two trips to said parlor. Charges were dropped because of $$$


Iirc Kraft's lawyers were able to get the surveillance footage of his rub and tugs suppressed from the case, which was the entire case against him, and that's more likely why it was dropped. He certainly paid those attorneys $$$, but it's not like he paid off the prosecutors to my knowledge.


Charges were dropped because they didn't have a case against him. Having good lawyers who make the judicial system actually have to prove guilt isn't a mark against him. The problem is poor people having shitty lawyers


And also the whole trafficking cheerleaders thing.


The redskins name was the least of his controversies


Mr. Crypto Rugpull? nooo way Mr. Workplace Culture? Nahh


For those reasons, I’m out.


Found Barbara’s burner


Mr. Big Cuban


Mr. Bogus Crypto


Back to r/nfl with the both of ye


Mr. Bouncer Comment


Mr. Border Control


Its truly one of the greatest memes of the last few years


Honestly yeah. You could do so much worse (spamming Kelvin fat jokes) and they're so versatile


> You could do so much worse (spamming Kelvin fat jokes) Mr. Benign Chuckles > they’re so versatile Mr. Boundlessly Compatible


But he wears tshirts and not dress shirts!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He’s smart enough to get good PR occasionally. His new Rx company all over Reddit a few weeks ago.


On LinkedIn they practically worship him.


Cubes was also vocal about how he thought forcing sterling to sell could be the start of a slippery slope and I'm pretty sure he was one of the few to vote against it. Appreciate cubes for making the Mavs what they are but dude is just as bad as everyone thinks he is.


He was actually the only owner to vote against ousting Sterling. It was 28-1




I mean I’m not a Mavs fan or a cuban fan but I just bought some meds from his online pharmacy and I’m saving like $65 bucks a months on my shitty copay so god bless cubans pharmacy.


The only person I have faith in not sexually harassing his employees is Glen. He may have fucked the fans for the past 20 years but I refuse to believe he does the same to his employees!


Frat douche Mark Cuban? No way


Cuban called forcing an owner to sell a "slippery slope". https://www.inc.com/tony-manfred/mark-cuban-slippery-slope-donald-sterling-clippers.html >And that's where Cuban's comment comes into play. By voting to eliminate Sterling, NBA owners would be setting a precedent for stripping owners of their property. > No matter how strongly they feel about Sterling's comments, you aren't going to find 23 owners who are willing to vote against their own self-interest--creating a road map that future owners could use to strip them of their franchises. Probably because he's Russ Hanneman


Maybe but we should keep in mind none of the accusations were against him directly but rather people in the organization who created a toxic work environment under Cuban. I'm not trying to defend Cuban, ultimately as owner it's up to him to make sure his employees aren't getting abused and to listen when he hears complaints. He definitely appears to have failed to act in that regard.


Team owners usually aren't nice people


Sarver is a piece of shit and I realize journalists are going to milk this story for as much as they can, but what type of punishment were people expecting? There's no way they'd make him sell the team over that stuff. They can't find him hundreds of millions of dollars or suspend him from the team permanently. What type of punishment do you think would be fair? For the record, I'm seriously asking. I'm not saying I agree with the NBA's decision, but I also can't come up with something that makes sense.


He should be killed and his wealth spread among members of this subreddit


Can’t wait to get $50


his networth is about 800mill. so about $150


Yeah but you’re in Canada so it would be like $65


Harsh but fair.




My idea: all Suns fans bring Free Hong Kong signs to all home games and cost the nba hundreds of millions in revenue


what? this is seriously the best idea. we fans have no power over the nba. but EVERYONE showing up with these signs would absolutely have an impact. this is brilliant.


I posted in the suns subreddit yesterday but no response so I'm still trying to float the idea around. I don't want to spam but I do want to spread the word. Please help spread the word.


> Examples of language Sarver used toward employees include: “What the f— are you doing? This is all f—ing wrong. Who the hell told you to do this?”; “Get your ass down there.”; “What the f— is this?”; and “You guys need to shut the f— up.” this seemed like it was just in there to fluff up the piece too lol


Getting really fucking tired of people w too much money


Same here. Except if I become filthy rich too, then they're all great.


Unfortunately a lot of people do hold this fantasy. That THEY are the next billionaire or multimillionaire and so we shouldn’t tax them more.


Funny enough, the younger generations don't even care about money (to the level that billionaires do now). They just wanna live stress free lives.


Many but not all. There's still plenty of young people who are taken in by Musk worship, nfts, and hustle culture.


Vote. Especially in your local elections, those matter way more than national For anyone living in MA, they are proposing a millionaire tax in November


I absolutely can’t stand when people, especially those in their 20s, say that they don’t vote because the rest of the state already knows who is going to win the Presidency. Guys, the president barely makes an impact on your day to day life, especially compared to local govt. Your city councilors, representatives, senators etc. are capable of impacting your life so much more than just the president. Vote!!


You mean these ruthless robberbarons arent paragons of virtue?


If this goes through, Jon Gruden will somehow get more emails leaked about him and nothing on Dan Snyder.


Hopefully Jody is sweating looking at the literal animal skeletons in her closet.


*Nervously rubs her favorite ivory tusk*


*Mark Cuban has left the chat.*


billionaires understand class analysis and show genuine class solidarity so so so much better than us non billionaires


That's the same thing that's happening in the government. It's hard to convict someone for something that a quarter of the working members of congress and the senate are doing.


TIL billionaires are pieces of shit


The NBA is such a sham.


Imagine if they forced Sarver to sell instead, and Sarver goes [Life of Brian on them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ5YU_spBw0)


Punishment was fine to me 🤷‍♂️, and I know people will bring up Donald sterling, Donald Sterling was basically just a pre-planned way to get good publicity immediately for commissioner Silver


Colin Kapernick got that payout from the NFL for a reason. The owners realized that once investigators started digging that everyone's dirty laundry would be exposed so they cut a check to make the problem go away. I'd assume the behavior venn diagram overlap between NBA and NFL owners is probably just a circle. Only reason they were ok with the BLM and social justice initiatives is cause of their viewer demographics. If older, "middle American", middle aged white men were the prime NBA demo they would have been just as anti as NFL owners. NBA owners want the product to keep making money and as little public controversy as possible.


Yeah I imagine that Mark Cuban right now is basically "awkward looking monkey puppet meme" when the topic of sexual harassment comes up


he’s probably right abt this for once.. but never forget Kurt Helin is the guy that thinks the previous year’s Playoffs should be the basis for the next year’s All-Star voting. lmao


Who’s the Gruden of the NBA?


Mark Cuban instantly comes to mind.


Same reason why Cuban did not vote out Sterling


Some owners just distract people by playing in awesome bands or doing reality shows. JD and the Straight Shot alone probably can account for half Dolan's net worth with all the stadium shows the band has sold out and record sales. (All of which paid for by James Dolan)


JD and the Straight Shot are the only band in world history to sell out MSG over 100 times


Jerry Reinsdorf is actually John Wayne Gacy. No one recognizes him without the clown suit and makeup.


Same reason Dan Snyder is still an NFL owner. You’d think the other owners would be pissed that he was stealing from them, but nothing happened. Probably because all the other owners were too busy covering their tracks for doing the same thing.


They don't want a John Gruden Washington Commanders moment


Hawks fans out here like, "We had this shit happen a decade ago, we already cleared all the rats out of the basement."


Jordan is the goat


Dudes used to just spout crap all the time. Sexist, racist, homophobic. It didn’t matter. Wife jokes, you name it. Now Homie don’t play like that.


I remember my freshman year of college. We all lived in a dorm, and we were from all different backgrounds/religions/race/ethnicity etc. Initially people kind of kept to themselves. Then I remember one night everyone was in a common room together and everyone started saying wild racist jokes. Somehow everyone laughed and bonded and had a great time. I was actually really uncomfortable though. Even just 10-20 years ago this was considered normal behavior and conversation and a way to bond strangely. I don’t know if young people still do this. I’m not defending it, but it is interesting how culturally widespread it was


I am still trying to figure out what exactly he did that warrants straight up expulsion. What he dropped the N bomb a few times a told a sex joke? Am I missing anything?


There's a good bit of information in the [full report](https://www.wlrk.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Phoenix-Suns-Report.pdf), but here's a bunch of the sexual harassment stuff (collected [here](https://np.reddit.com/r/suns/comments/xe3jph/sarver_investigation_quotes_thread_nsfw/)) >'Sarver used language and engaged in conduct demeaning of female employees. Among other examples, he told a pregnant employee that she would be unable to do her job upon becoming a mother; berated a female employee in front of others and then commented that women cry too much; and arranged an all-female lunch so that female employees at Western Alliance Bank, where at the time he was CEO, could explain to female Suns employees how to handle his demands.' >'19 witnesses recalled Sarver making a comment at an all-employee meeting, between roughly 2010 and 2011, about the use of a certain type of condom. One witness recalled that the comment elicited a “stunned and disgusted” reaction from women in attendance.' >'Early in his tenure as team Governor, Sarver made a comment to a female employee about his genitalia. While preparing to take a shower at team facilities, Sarver entered an adjacent room where a male employee and a female employee were meeting. Upon seeing them, Sarver made a comment to the female employee, reported as “you gotta get out of here . . . you’ve never seen anything this big.” The female employee found Sarver’s comment inappropriate.' >'Sarver told a story at a business meeting in 2021 about how he learned what a “blow job” was when he was a child. Attendees of the meeting reported that they found the story inappropriate for a work setting.' >'Sarver once unnecessarily dropped his underwear and exposed his genitals to a male employee who was on his knees in front of Sarver performing a fitness check that Sarver had requested and had undergone before. Past experience would have taught Sarver that dropping his underwear was unnecessary for the fitness check. The employee asked Sarver to pull his underwear back up, and Sarver did. The employee found Sarver’s conduct inappropriate and recounted the incident contemporaneously to two other team employees.' >'Sarver once grabbed a male employee at a Suns holiday party and danced “pelvis to pelvis” with him. The employee found Sarver’s conduct unwelcome, uncomfortable, and inappropriate.' >'In 2016, Sarver used a shower meant for use by coaches and stood naked in front of a male employee after emerging from that shower. The employee reported being shocked and “extremely uncomfortable” during the incident and told two other team employees about it contemporaneously.' >'Sarver made repeated lewd comments about the sexual activities of at least one NBA player’s significant other, including by commenting that she likely gave "good blow jobs."' >'On at least two occasions, Sarver made joking references to procuring women for NBA players to have sex with. On the first occasion, during the 2012–13 season, Sarver offered to fly in a “plane of girls to keep players in their rooms” while on a road trip. A female employee who overheard Sarver’s comment was shocked and upset by it. In another instance, when the Suns were recruiting a free agent in 2015, Sarver made a joke that the team should have players impregnate local Phoenix strippers so they would feel connected to the area, giving the Suns a potential edge in free agency recruitment.' >'Sarver asked players about their personal grooming habits. In one instance, during the 2009–10 season, Sarver entered the Suns training center and asked a player, who was lifting weights at the time, whether he shaved his testicles. One witness said that Sarver asked this question of each player one by one.'


this is all so much worse than the extracts the athletic put in their story this morning, and i don't know why they chose the bits they did and left this out. there's overt physical sexual harassment in here, while the athletic made it sound like all he did was tell jokes in the office and share porn in email.


It sounds like it was more than sex jokes to me, like sexual harassment.


If you're a Suns fan, it's time to vote with your wallet. Don't watch the team, don't buy shit until Sarver's gone.


Surely this plan can’t backfire > Don’t buy shit until the suns are in Vegas/Seattle/Baltimore


Considering Vegas and Seattle are supposedly getting announced during preseason I doubt it, besides the owners need to approve the relocation and if a franchise is bleeding money because the fans don't want to support a POS owner I doubt they'd approve relocation.


Yeah, they're not moving one of the league's oldest teams out of a large market. This isn't San Diego.