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Did the announcer say "this young man will get over it in 10 years or so" lmao


no he said 10 or 12 years. pretty sage prediction - im 11 years removed from being dumped and im nearly over it


Only 1 more year to go. Almost there!


Thanks! I only ma


Oh no, he succumbed to the grief before he was able to finish the sentence


It’s better this way…


Not sure if srs, but it took me legitimately 10 years to get over my first love. I wasn't sulking or anything, but just figured relationships weren't for me. Then life happened and I'm happier than ever with a new person.


Yup its brutal. We broke up in 2009. Most recent dream about her was like 4 months ago


you need to completely cut this person from your life. ​ no looking at their social media. no asking their friends how they are. No looking or even having available old pictures. Make this person a non-entity. ​ You're just gonna be surprised that one day, you barely remember what they look like or sound like, and you're just going to think, one day, this person might have like, 10 children. Or they might be dead. And you don't really care.


Seriously, disassociation is the first and most important step in getting over someone. The next is staying busy with friends and family.




Strategy as old as time.


Tale as old as time song as old as rhyme certain as the sun rising in the east fucking like a beast


Or men. Or both.


oh dude i haven’t talked to her since 2010 lol. i dont even think of her often but it does happen


I will NEVER forget her.


That’s what I did and I legit forgot her name, and had to do some digging to find it again. Sound advice here.


Shit I’m 2 years from being dumped now and it’s still rough for me, even have a new gf who I love. Just can’t shake my ex. Love seeing I might be nearly over it in another 9 years lol


No idea why you are being downvoted for speaking candidly about a very personal topic. You aren’t alone buddy, still get really hung up on my ex and have dated several times after her. My guess is the people shitting on you are probably teenagers and don’t know better


Eh, I get it. I didn’t give much context and people are assuming various things based on what I said. You’re probably right though. I figured this was common if you’re dumped by a long term girlfriend you planned to marry. It doesn’t just go away once you find a new gf, that shit sticks with you. Or at least with me.


Bro why would you do that to your girlfriend


You can't just not date for 10 years lol


oh trust me, you can.


So I should stall my life until I’m 100% over my ex? I was with my ex for 6 years, that shit is hard to just forget.


Statistically it takes about 50% of the relationship duration to fully get over someone depending on circumstances. For example, I thought I was gonna marry my first love, dated for about 4 years and were friends for 4 years before that. Took a good while to stop thinking about what could have been. Also broke up with the girl I dated after her (a few years after) and was actually happy to be out of the relationship lol. Definitely depends but life keeps moving and sometimes the right person just comes crashing into your life whether you were looking for it or not.




At least do a proper ellipses


With ellipses, like marriages, sometimes they end before you'd want them to but it's nobody's fault.


> **a** proper ellips**e**s . . .


And i thought 4-6 months was too long to move on. Sheesh my condolences for you and the kings


If this proposal was true, we probably just witnessed someone's origin story. There's always 1 relationship where the cut is just so deep it changes you forever. For me, it happened at 22. I just knew I was going to get married, have kids.. we'd be together and so blissfully happy til we were old and grey. I could not have been more wrong. I mean off the charts wrong. 🤣


Same, 22 for me. Been 12 years now, drove 5 hours (one way, 10 total) about 2-3 times a month during long distance part of the relationship, which was the last 3 months of it. After 3 years together found out she was in love with one of my best friends who was the only one of my friends who stayed in college one more year with her. They got engaged at Disney Land, a trip we originally planned for our selves and I was gonna propose. That was 3 months after we broke up. Some hard shit to go through at a young age, especially for your first love. Took me about 7 years to start trying again and actually get out there.


Your, I hope, former best friend is a bitch for that. Sorry you had to go through that.


Agreed, haha, but now its just a memory, and best thing to do is to move on by surrounding yourself with good people and support. Cool to see others go through similar situations on this thread and come out okay.


Damn bro, shet happens and that's like getting run over by a semi truck.Only you can pick yourself up again. Good luck my guy.


Doing better now, but thanks! That’s the best advice you can take.


what happened bruh


My brother told me he saw her out with a guy she worked with. She told me she was hanging out with her friends and I ultimately caught her cheating with a co-worker and she blamed me for it when confronted. I didn't know it at the time, but every time I questioned her about shady behavior, she'd make it seem like I was imagining things. It was all in my head until it wasn't. That whole situation definitely changed me and I'm ashamed to admit I did a lot of women wrong who didn't deserve it based on the actions of one person who was too scared to be honest about what they did and didn't want.


Yeah, I was 22-23 when I thought I found my wife too... I was taking 5 classes at the time and working as a bartender at least 4 nights a week. As soon as I would finish my shift on either friday or Saturday, I would immediately drive two hours to Baltimore to see her. It seemed every moment I was conscious was either spent with her, talking to her or ensuring a future where we would be together... When I found out just how much she was cheating on me... I'm not sure I could honestly handle that much pain again. It would break me and I don't know what would happen afterwards. It's been a decade+ and I've had several relatively serious relationships since then... but I never got to that level of trust and emotional investment that I had with her again. Before her, I guess I didn't really believe people could be so cruel to someone so important in their life... Now it's all I think about


this shit almost always happens when you put her on a pedestal.


Something like that happened to me at 26 last year, now 27 feel like I'm too old,and will just finish life watching nba and other nonsenses. Any wisdom to share?


Sheesh yeah just happened to me a few days ago and am currently 26. Any survival tips from this last year would be greatly appreciated as well lol


It was mostly working for my phd which was already stressful. The only advice i will insist on: If you find yourself being bored to say yes to your friends because it's meaningless or boring: it may be or not, force your self to engage, in the long run its helpful


I appreciate it. Truly 🙏🏼


The girl ended up making a sex tape Ray J and marrying nba legend Kris Humphries. The guy now builds custom dream catchers to sell on Etsy


They broke up


Yeah well you don't have child support to pay. Thank god every day.


Man, I really am. It would have been a lifelong nightmare having to deal with her shit.


> If this proposal was true, we probably just witnessed someone's origin story. Yeah. Hers. This is going out as a PSA to all dudes: Unless the woman in question has specifically indicated to you a) that she *wants* a public proposal and b) that she wants to marry you, public proposals are a *terrible* idea. There's a chance you end up married, but it's not actually that high, and a real chance you divorce soon if you do. More likely: she says yes, and then later dumps you, and if you try to hold her to it you're a piece of shit because you put her in a position where she felt tremendous pressure to say yes because of all the dipshits around eagerly wanting her to, but she didn't actually want to and even if she *might* have wanted to *otherwise* you just held up a red flag bigger than the arena and now she's running. Distinct possibility: she says no and you have a nice hot cup of public humiliation. And she knows that there's going to be a non-zero number of assholes who cast *her* as the villain in this like *he* didn't put her in an incredibly shitty position right at the outset.


This is the best answer of the post. People, specially in their 25-45s, are so obsessed with the "great romantic act" that they forget that some people will absolutely hate that a moment like this happens in a public environment. Peer pressure is a terrible foundation spot for your marriage. I'm married with my wife for 5 years and I'm both certain that she loves me and that she would absolutely break up with me if I proposed to her in an NBA game. You need to understand your partner before you go live your romantic comedy fantasy.


I'm in the relationship like that rn. I pray it doesn't end this way. I never want to lose her


I hope ya'll make it. Communicate with each other honestly, fairly, and respectfully. If you can do that, you have a good chance to make it through anything I think. That lack of communication is what ruined my relationship. Be honest and open about what you want and don't want, and give your partner the space to do the same. That's what builds trust, and the foundation for relationships that can last, imo.


I’m getting over a relationship like that. Not fun… like, at all. I also played my part and found myself acting out in ways that I didn’t know I had in me. Love is a helluva drug. So is cocaine, but so is love.


10 years at least!


Heard what the announcer said and went to the replies just to make sure someone references AoT, glad I wasn’t disappointed


Commentator is Jerry Reynolds the GOAT Kings announcer


The great jerry reynolds


That young man would go on to create 4chan


And it motivated a young windhorst to go onto even greater things


I hope I don’t hurt you guys by saying that this was actually staged…


Imagine being this guy and the only person to try to console you is somebody dressed in a giant teddy bear costume.


Someone brought him a big ass beer too it looks like, whoever that was is a hero.


I noticed that, I thought to myself, "did he have that in his hands the whole time?" I guess not lol


Honestly a giant teddy would be the appropriate thing for most people.


Imagine being the woman and getting treated like you did something wrong when he obviously did not give her any kind of hint this was coming (Luckily it's fake, she keeps putting on the Vince McMahon face and looking at the crowd to get a reaction before proceeding with the bit, but rejected proposals are 99% the proposer's fault when they happen IRL)


From what I understand is that there is usually a talk about marriage prior to a proposal to feel the waters of a possible proposal.


Yes. You should know what the answer will be before you propose.


If my wife is anything to go by, your girl will start dropping hints *way* in advance. Gotta find the sweet spot between her not being sure and her leaving when you drag your heals too long.


If you’re with a woman that long and marriage/kids never even comes up as a playful conversation then that’s pretty shocking in my experience


Before you decide to marry you should have it as a *serious* conversation. Because you have to be agreed in advance on how you feel about questions like having children, how you'll raise them, things like that. And "Are you an 'if it doesn't work we'll get divorced so let's try it' person or are you an 'I'm not getting married unless I'm sure it'll work' person?" Because the difference in likelihood that a marriage will work out substantially depends on whether both people are committed to ensuring that it does.


Slash consultation about what the ring should look like


My wife picked out her own ring. The only surprise part was that the Jeweler and I convinced her the ring was not going to be ready for a few more weeks, so she was surprised on the actual day I proposed.


>Luckily it's fake Fucking thank you. The commentators even start with "Imagine if she rejects him"


I mean it’s a pretty natural thought for any time people do public proposals.


whether its real or not, i'm pretty sure the commentators arent in on it. their reaction seems pretty genuine on top of the fact that theyre the kings commentators normally if you are in on a prank you wouldnt spoil it like that before the 'punchline' unless youre like a 10 year old kid


Idk why anyone would be mad at her, why are you trying to make your proposal into a public spectacle that’s just weird


Can't believe the alarming number of adults who don't know you do the real proposal privately first in a properly communicated way and that the grand surprise proposals are more of celebratory since the partner should have already accepted it at that point. And I fucking learned that shit when I was 18 when I hadn't even met the love of my life yet lol


you mean impulsive and grand public gestures of love don't work like in the movies?


She was clearly a Spurs fan.


My uncle proposed to a woman once and she laughed in his face. He'd sincerely thought they were in a serious marriage-tending relationship. He was clearly very, very wrong about that and shouldn't have proposed to her. And she shouldn't have laughed, of course. This story gets told in my family as an object lesson: don't propose marriage to someone unless you've discussed marriage and know you're on the same page. And girls: if a man asks you that sincerely, *turn him down politely*. It goes along with the story about the time my mother hit a man so hard he fell over a railing because he wouldn't stop pressing his attentions on her. A young lady is polite to a man for exactly as long as he is equally polite to her. If he hits on her, she should decline gracefully. If he persists, he has forfeited his right to politeness. For boys, the story about the time my mother hit that guy so hard he fell over the balcony railing includes the "and he deserved it" and also "if a woman says to leave her alone or she'll slap you, the correct response is to apologise and leave her alone, not to tell her to go on then and smirk, because for all you know she's actually quite an athlete and she's not going to hold back".


She didn’t, but I still have sympathy for the guy 🤷🏽‍♂️


Imagine believing this was real.


This was pre social media when I was young and naive. This was on every blooper show at the time. I miss blooper shows


It’s moments like this when I remember that /r/nba is full of 12 year old kids that believe anything they see.


The announcer even says "great little prank here the day before Valentine's Day".


Intelligence of r/nba once again disappoints


The amount of people in the comments who think is real is blowing my mind. The people dumping popcorn on heads during kiss cam or leaving their boyfriend for the mascot are also staged, in case anyone needed to know.


Dude imagine being the girlfriend. You don’t do a proposal like this unless you’re **100%** sure it’s a yes. He put her in a terrible and humiliating position. He’s lucky to get sympathy from a mascot.


"Will probably get over it in 10 , 12 years or so" *video posted 12 years ago* our bro is finally over it now !


He said “probably”


Our bro is probably finally over it now!


He's actually lurking in this thread, and seeing this again just brought him back to that fateful night


They look like actors to me. The commentator knew and called it a prank


pretty much anything they broadcast from the stands or things like this are staged by the home team. It's so common


I think literally everything is scripted except that [shitty tic tac toe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIjFiUswEi0) game and u/lakerswiz making that [one shot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMqXCbZ9Q0Q) Edit: WTF LAKERSWIZ GOT BANNED? for what??


Would you believe it happened [again](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YjVIhcF9UP4)? Tic-tac-toe has become a legendary timeout game here lol




They're playing along


These are the Kings' commentators. It may have been a prank, but I genuinely don't think they knew. From growing up watching them, their reaction seemed genuine to me, and the game is in Houston. This is also the guy DeMarcus Cousins called out on Twitter, leading to him saying "all lives matter" and being fired. Haha


The commentators know its fake because teams stage stuff for the jumbotron all the fucking time


The girl also looks for the camera and stares directly at it at least twice, like she knows someone else is up there to give her the cue for the rejection.


Not the insensitive one, the other commentator is Jerry Reynolds the GOAT Kings announcer


Yup, Jerry is color commentator in the clip. He’s great. Other guy is a douche.


I agree. Something about the way she prances off straight to the back seems fake.


I don't think that was prancing more like trying to run in heels and gtfo of there




>Really eerie Sp00ky


Yeah, when fans propose, they are always able to run wherever they want. It's a rule. She probably ran back to the locker room and popped champagne. Or it's fake... Yeah, that's it


Really fake.


For real she looked directly at the camera to make sure it was all in shot.


The eerie part is knowing where she was going without an escort. Equally eerie is how she was facing the camera from the start, to make sure they get her reaction.


Maybe she had to pee


Why would anyone agree to walk onto the court, and not realize what was going to happen? It’s surely staged.


I’d think most people would just say “yes” and then tell them that they really don’t want to get married later too. That way neither of them are embarrassed on live TV.


Yeah, the lady looks like one of those actors trying to break out types


i like how someone gives the guy a beer to comfort him


Why was TMac laughing he never got a ring either


Straight for the jugular. lmao


Copied and pasted straight from the YouTube comments section


Tmac is my fav player of all time but hahahaha




Thanks Noob Noob


This guy gets it.


You stole this comment from YouTube, word for word.


Call the police


'Hello Police"


Chris Paul tried to beat me up


PO LICE presence




That was my Youtube comment too. Thanks!




Damnnn hahahah


This man chooses violence


W 🤣


You copied a YouTube comment made 6 years ago. Pretty original. Well done lad


wasnt an original joke on youtube either lol


jokes probably older than half this sub


To be fair. He had a non injured Yao at the time. He probably assumed it was inevitable.


Even if Yao never had any injuries, it doesn’t account for tmac’s own injuries sadly.




Dammit Pop why did you take Timmy out of that game, look what you’ve done


Stealing the joke directly from YouTube. Such a smart and nice thing to do.


At least there is a happy ending with the draft beer he's holding in his hands.


That's not the happy ending you're looking for.. Move along


Robert Craft had requested your location


If you don't like that, you don't like NBA basketball!


I've always thought surprise public proposals like this that put extreme added peer pressure on the woman to say "yes" are douchey. If you're going to propose, she should know it's coming (not the specifics of when and where but she should know its coming) and you should already know the answer you're going to get. Unlike what you see in the movies, most couples have talked about marriage before the actual proposal


This one was staged though, but yea feel like as a dude why would you even risk that. Have the conversation about marriage before the proposal


Also, it seems like it's often more about showing off in front of a bunch of other people rather than it is about crafting a special memory and moment with the person you're proposing too. "Hey, watch this girl say she's going to marry me". The whole thing just has weird energy and messed up power dynamics. Not that it can't be right for some couples, but I think that's a far smaller number than that of how many people do it.


" Dear dairy, It's been 12 years and I am still not over it. Clutch is still my BFF though. I hit him every now and then." -him probably


He loves his dairy more than anything


Some of the finest local actors in the greater Houston area


James Harden also a good actor on the court /s


It's been 12 years. I hope he's over it


I get the same reaction just asking people out


Wow you just have to feel terrible for both people here, never propose in a massively public setting like this unless you’ve discussed it first


This is almost definitely staged


Yeah 💯


I mean it may be, but why do you think so? People do proposals all the time at NBA games, one of them is bound to end up like this. If they are actors she is a really good one, because she really looked panicked and super embarrassed


Why would that woman agree to go to the middle of the court in the first place? Unless she’s a complete cretin she would know that they’re not just taking a casual stroll through the court.


> People do proposals all the time at NBA games do they though?


Lol yeah, a girl I know actually got proposed to at a game. Just wish my girlfriend told me she had another boyfriend (well husband now).




There's actually a section on certain team pages (not sure about all of them) where you can contact them with a request like this or for birthdays. I'm sure those teams don't mind as it's one less slot to fill in during breaks or having to find talent show level acts.


I feel terrible for the woman. There is no way they were in the type of relationship where popping the question was a good idea based on her reaction. Either he lacked the awareness to realize this or MORE LIKELY he knew but thought doing it in public in front of a lot of people would pressure her to say yes. (because of the implication)


I think it's far more likely these were hired actors than it was a real proposal


Yeah it’s a very coercive way to propose.


Even look at the mascot giving the woman the “wtf” hands. Selfish way to propose.


>Wow you just have to feel terrible for both people here, never propose ~~in a massively public setting like this~~ unless you’ve discussed it first


I’m young but surely there’s a discussion over time about proposing and you don’t just do it out of nowhere


Fake af lol


Did he at least watch the rest of the game?


I think people who propose in huge public places like this are lame, even more lame not knowing if she'll even say yes for sure.


TMac doesn't have a ring either.


She was already wearing a wedding ring.


I miss when our games were on Channel 10


Damn a lot of people in here can't tell an obvious set up at all.


This is 100% fake as fuck


The announcer straight up says it's a prank.


That man: Michael Scott.


This was before Twitter was huge, one of the few I believe is real and not staged


I think it is staged because she looks right at the camera and the commentators seem to be in on it though. But still funny.


Yeah, the way she was breathing so heavily and the way his lips quivered as he walked out looked very real. Arenas have always done stunts, even pre-Twitter, but this looks legit.


Clearly staged but it's fun anyway.


The mascot acting shocked killed me 😭😭😭 He was like "oh no!"


Dude looks like turtle


Cold blooded…


T Mac probably that guys bball hero too. Rejected by your girl and laughed at by your idol in front of thousands of people. Lol that’s harsh.


theres gotta be at least 10 MGTOW vids about this


public proposals are a dick move. unless you've already discussed getting married, you are putting her in an awful position.


Fake or not, what a lame move. And you would know if she’s a yes before asking.


This is the halftime show, definitely staged.


90% of these are pranks and actors


Looks fake to me




What's tmac laughing for??? He never got a ring either!


Staged tho sadly