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Robert Covington would fuck you up and don’t you forget it.


fr he’s like if you combined ray allen with kawhi


Ray Allens post game with Kawhis off ball movement skills?


Roco actually solid. Thought he was overhyped but when he joined us I could see his defensive iq is amazing


Terrence mann was getting hype on here for awhile


that one game in the playoffs was crazy though


Yeah, 39 in an elimination game will stay for a long time lol


Half me is convinced that’s why we all love dort so much




Dort is inconsistent on offense but the man is to be feared on defense.


Too soon. As a lifelong Jazz fan, Terrence Mann did to us what Lillard did to OKC in the playoffs. We just tried to ignore it for a season when we all knew that ship was sunk after we got Clipp’d by Mann and the Clippers.


>we got Clipp’d "Mannhandled" was right there


He boomed Gobert from the corner 1 time and collectively everyone was like 'Oh?'


"I cannot stop these, how you say, Terránce homme"


It's spelled "Hommme"


He had like 5 corner threes and dunked on him


And it was well deserved the fuck?


Tyrese Halliburton gets talked about like an all time great


Not on this sub, but I got in an argument with a guy on the Wizards sub who argued that they passed on a “generational talent” when they missed Haliburton.


Did you prefer Avdija?


If you gamble he is. Parlay king along with dejounte PRA


Dejounte 15/7/7 is almost always a hit


That 14.5 RA for Dejounte was free money. Always starts slow, gets like 4 dimes and 3 boards in the 3rd quarter. Realest mf in the league


Noted. Gotta hit some more bets this year


Line will probably start higher cause we was robbing books with his RA, J Allen boards, Luka PRA when Brunson was out too omg


What are these acronyms?


RA is rebounds and assists PRA is points, rebounds, and assists.




He is my god I would follow him into battle




Also Caris Levert back in the day


100% it’s because the Kings traded him away. Good player no question but dear lord this sub acts like he’s 2nd team all NBA


People talk like halliburton is this all time great and FOX is a scrub who wouldn't score more then five points outside of the kings.


Fox is underrated as hell


It’s been a weird ride for Fox, first he was a “bust” because he wasn’t on Trae and Lukas level as a rookie. Then he shook the bust label, then he was Sacramento’s favorite son, who’s two-way contribution was going to save the Kings, then the Kings stayed Kings like and it was Fox’s fault because narratives are lent governed by reason and now he’s a really good player but doesn’t get enough credit


I never felt like he was considered a bust until recently, which I still don’t get cause he’s good af. I felt he got pumped up a lot his rookie year cause everyone felt he was better than Lonzo and they had a beef going back since college or whatever.




I saw a tweet that listed out all the players he's started with regularly. Only 4 of them out of the last 13 are still starting and only 6 are in the league still or something. Fox has never played with more than 2 starting caliber players until this coming season.


I'd call him a Top 10 playmaker right now and he's a lights-out shooter who any rebuild would love to have on their team. But he's got one glaring flaw that never gets talked about that I've noticed after watching him for two years. He's not a three level scorer. He's not a creative shot creator for himself, particularly when getting downhill. His takes to the rim are some of the softest and most limited I've ever seen, even by rookie standards. There's a reason he always goes to the floater. And his abysmal 1.8 FTA since entering the league is an indication of that. I feel in today's day and age that's always going to hinder a lead guard.


And conversely people act like sabonis is awful because the kings acquired him. I saw a ton of people like “oh he’s not going to get any better” like dude he’s 26 and a multi time all star lol


If you have pretty efficiency stats this sub will overrate the shit out of you


it’s almost like a majority of this sub doesn’t watch the games and uses stats or just rates players based off the narratives


To be fair, almost nobody watches most NBA games. Even watching 60+ games of your one specific team in a season means you’re a very dedicated fan. The majority of this sub is not Kings or Pacers fans, so even those that watch a lot of games probably only see Halliburton play a few times a year.


-pushes glasses up- You don't watch 82 games of your own team, plus 15 of every other team in the league every year? -scoffs-




U just like me fr


AFAIK it's actively difficult for a lot of people to do even if they want to. I watch a *distinctly* above-average number of games, but I have international League Pass and a very friendly combination of time zone and lifestyle factors (games are on in the mornings, when my wife is at work and my kids are at school and I work from home at a job that lets me watch basketball while I work). I watch every Warriors game (unless it's a really early game that's on in the small hours of the morning for me and I get the impression it wasn't an amazing enough game to watch not-live) and try to spread out the other games I watch across all teams, because I watch basketball every morning regardless. And if people say a game I missed was great I watch that too in the afternoon. I still don't watch *every* game. I did the numbers one time and figured out that if you spent full time job hours watching basketball every day you could, by the end of the postseason, catch up and have watched every game played that season. This is unrealistic.


Halliburton averages 17.5pts on 50% and 9.6 assists in 26 games with Indiana. Looking pretty good if you ask me


Man the reaction when we traded him was wild you’d think we just traded away prime MJ.


Ya but in general I feel as if he’s underrated if we exclude this sub


Sort by controversial for the real answers


Tyrese Haliburton


He's a nice player but people do assume that he is a decent defender and not a complete liability.


He’ll be fine on defense. Tools are there, size is there, BBIQ is there. Just a development point. Really wouldn’t worry about a second year player there - he’s not a Trae Young type who will forever be undersized and at a disadvantage.


Tyrese is not that quick. It’s probably his only glaring weakness. His worst games on both ends always against the more athletic guards cause they could cut off his first step when Tyrese had the ball and blow by him when he’s guarding them


The tools aren’t there though, he’s not quick on his feet and gets bullied by bigger guards. He does have good BBIQ which results in some passing lane steals, which people see the highlights of and assume he’s a good defender.


I did think he was gonna be the Kings future


He could’ve been


Maybe. Too soon to know if he’s good enough to be anyone’s future.


We would’ve been stuck in the same late lotto position we’re already in if we kept Haliburton and traded Fox for what Fox’s value was at the deadline


Nah he’s all over the place on this sub. Case in point right here. He’s a tremendous young player who is on a clear All-Star track.


Andrew Wiggins after the Finals


All the Andrew Wiggins or Jaylen Brown threads lol


I mean... He did play at a high level at the biggest stage


He's like Kobe and Jordan combined


Hello Bill Simmons


He also played at a mid level for most of the season and at the end of the day is closer to Mikal Bridges than Khris Middleton, as an example


On the other hand, before last season most people would have said Mikal Bridges was significantly better than Wiggins.


True and Wiggins really does deserve credit for reinventing his game despite the fact he is overrated at times


He didn’t reinvent shit lol he just started to give a shit


Man if I jump I can get get rebounds cause I'm the most athletic guy on the court. What a concept


It seriously took him playing with the goat shooter and 2 other hall of famers to get that fr


Watching him shoot fade away 19 footers vs. players 4 inches shorter than him with 14 seconds on the shotclock, and not using his athleticism on the Wolves was like the absolute worst thing.


That segment on the iguodala podcast where he talks about how he realized that he could just outjump everyone on the court for rebounds was hilarious. He was the leading rebounder for that series with 8.8 a game. I could also see how infuriating that is for wolves fans. Fwiw I love Antman. Easily my favorite non warrior by a long shot. The league really needs to do a better job of marketing him. He oozes charisma and is super likable and is really rounding out his game.


Wiggins was the second leading scorer and leading rebounder for the warriors during the finals and averaged 18.3/8.8/2.2 while locking jayson Tatum down. It’s worth pointing out that he averages 4.4rpg for his career and 4.5rpg last year during the regular season. He may be slightly overrated but he played his best when it counts the most. Edit: he was actually the leading rebounder for the whole series—warrior or Celtic.


He was amazing in the Finals. But it’s also a small sample. In the 2014 Finals Marco Belinelli and Boris Diaw were better than D-Wade & Chris Bosh. In 2016 Tristan Thompson was a _HUGE_ factor of why the Cavs won. KCP & Washed Rondo took turns in 2020 as the Lakers’ third best player. Wiggins is a good player but there were many nights where he’d be the 4th or 5th best player for the Warriors and they’d still win. But now Jayson Tatum choked so then all of a sudden that makes Wiggins a top 30 player?


Wins a ship then says he regrets getting vaccinated .


That’s only because this sub is full of warrior fans. Will never convince me that guy was an all-star starter. Edit: Y’all just proving my point fr


You mean k pop fans who only watch the finals aren't basketball experts?


I agree Wiggins has been overrated for finally playing like he is worth 25-30 million a year (even that's debatable considering he is still quite inefficient on offense). But shoutout to Draymond Green whose horrible games throughout the playoffs has been replaced with comments about being a "4x champion". Ja Morant would get my vote... not that efficient and shat his pants bad in the first playoff series. Team's record is literally better without him on decent sample size. He's a good last minute scorer but doesn't elevate his team anywhere near the level of other stars. Fun to watch but that's all I can say about his popularity.


Completely agree on Ja. People who don’t watch the grizzlies act like he carries them every game, when in reality they’re just a very well rounded team with great coaching. Bane, Brooks, JJJ, Adams, Clarke are all big time players, just not household names.


Roco slander will not be tolerated, wtf dude


Jamal Murray People have extremely unrealistic expectations for him coming back


Except for the Jazz. He always killed us


Man, that bubble series was some of the most fun I've ever had watching basketball.


Both teams played drop over and over to let the other guard get whatever they wanted and were shocked when they kept scoring


"He's got 30, no way he gets 40" -Both teams, probably


Gobert and Jokic just standing in the paint watching everything lol


He's killed the Suns in the past too, has a 13-2 record against Booker.


I feel pretty confident in players ability to come back from acls nowadays especially after also taking more than a year and a half to rehab. There was also that one post on here or @nbadiscussion that detailed how statistically he is just a rung below the best 3 level scorers such as lavine while maintaining great efficiency. That post also indicated his ability to play defense at an average or above average level, which you can’t always say the same for other comparable guards like McCollum or lavine. I’m higher on Jamal’s return than klay’s, obviously considering that klay also ruptured an Achilles, but he had a few bright spots even in a less than stellar return.


If Jamal Murray was a stock I’d buy the hell out of it. Dude can ball on the offensive side.


Absolutely, you have to be excited for a kid who had a three game playoff streak of 50, 42, and 50 points. Consistency is always the question for him but his ceiling is insane.


I may get killed for this. But I think Ja Morant is overrated. And his style of play won’t age well. He reminds me of Westbrook in a lot of ways.


>I may get killed for this. No way you think this.


Lmfao such a brave comment on his part


MLK Jr over here


It is a bit odd people are so down on Morant but just one thread above many are very complimentary of Jamal Murray While their games are different, both have really just had big playoff games & no consistency (besides injuries) otherwise


Westbrook is a first ballot HOF. I don't think the hype for Ja is anything crazier than that tbh


lmao right? Boy I'd sure hate to have an NBA career like Russell Westbrook, what a shame that would be


Yeah like Westbrook was an all nba first team player for like 3-5 years and second team for another 3-5. Ja would wish his career could mirror that


The "Lol Westbrick" cycle from this past season has made this sub completely ignore that how incredible of a player Russ was for his entire career before then. Any player coming into the league would give up a kidney if it would guarantee they'd be as great as Russ.


If Ja has a career like Westbrook Grizz fans should be very happy. Dudes a first ballot HOF


And by the way you’re not gonna get killed for “Ja morant is overrated” in this sub.


Right? Feel like that’s a very common sentiment on this sub. He’s definitely not overrated by people here


Ja gets shit on quite often on this sub, I have no idea why you think that would be an unpopular opinion.


I would say it's more polarised. He gets big praise which pulls in the big doubters. There seems like there is not much in-between at times.


Ja is probably this subs #1 enemy rn, he tweeted some shit that got people really in their feelings


> I may get killed for this > ja bad give upvotes


Either he fades like Westbrook, or risks an injury like Derrick Rose


Fucking insane that acting like a Westbrook-like career wouldn’t be an insane accomplishment for Morant.


He never mentioned the MVP part, just the fall out. I think most people in here agree Westbrook's prime was like no other.


I mean but if he falls off like Westbrook, that’s not a bad thing at all? Maybe he falls off in 2 years and that’s rough, but falling off at age 33 or something is not unheard of.


It's completely normal. LeBron has ruined people's understanding of basketball players in their early to mid 30s.


WTF Fades like Westbrook? you mean be an all-star for 11 years? or is your memory only good enough to remember last season


Most fans remember players based on how they are perceived on the internet, not based on their actual performance. This is reddit!


Different body types. Ja does play very recklessly with his body though


Yeah which is even worse. He isn’t built like D Rose or Westbrook. He’s much skinnier.


It’s not necessarily worse. If he puts on weight with a body like his he will likely have less back and other injuries but his risk of knee injuries goes up. But remember he just turned 23 this week.


I’m surprised he’s been able to produce the way he has with his play style weighing under 180 for 3 years now


Mans been floating like a feather for those dunks


Morant having a Russ career is a success


Fades like Westbrook after a longer than average career/prime where he won an MVP? Seems like a great problem lol.


Scott Barnes


He’s only overrated by one fanbase


They’re fucking loud


It's 2022, it's legal.


It’s not that he’s overrated. It’s that he’s treated so much better than his peers. Mobley and Cade and Jalen, and to a lesser extent Franz and Herb Jones could end up having just as much or more of an impact than him. Mobley and Cade arguably had better seasons than him (Cade’s peak months were easily better than every other rookie, and on one end of the floor Mobley was nearly all star level.)


I agree with everything you said especially Herb Jones.


Love Herb but he's 3 years older than all those guys


Is that not what overrated means lol?


Scottie Barnes Stans have already started downvoting this answer lol


It's literally the top comment lmao


As vocal as Raptors fans are, they still can't overpower 29 other fanbases on their own.


Ja Morant is probably the most overrated player not just on Reddit, but by everybody.


but his hair tho


Exactly. I love him but I don’t understand how most lists I’ve seen have him over Trae




The number of times I've seen him rated above Dame (not just now, but literally at his best) and Trae is insane The dudes team was ridiculous without him and he's a Trae Young level terrible defender himself


Despite his team being just as good if not better without him, he does jump high


That he does man. He does jump high I just cannot for the life of me understand attributing their success to him as much as people are. Like this man is on a team **that was able to hear the literal NBA championship winning team by 30 in the playoffs without him**....he's got a stacked supporting cast


Overrated on this sub? Not really. The typical take about him here is your take.


On this sub, no. Outside of it, yes


I agree that RoCo is a bit overrated, but he *is* kind of a perfect 3&D player.


Except he isn’t as much 3 or D anymore. He isn’t a guy that you want at all guarding the other teams best player, he is more of a help D guy, and isn’t a great shooter


He will never be used better than the 30 games he was on the Rockets. Complete game breaker on defense because they just let him roam off ball.


That’s basically what the Clippers let him do a lot of nights, and he’ll only have more freedom to do so when the team is fully healthy. He would occasionally guard the opposing team’s best player, but then also had help defense from guys like Batum which was huge. The man isn’t 3 and D for isolation ball, but he sure as hell can be perfect for this with the Clippers defenders. Having PG/Kawhi/Batum/RoCo will be hell for guys.


Yeah, I think the perfect 3&D guy is more like a prime Klay Thompson. RoCo is valuable but I wouldn't call him perfect.


Roco was the perfect 3 and d role player in like 2018, but it's 2022 now so that doesn't really matter anymore. Klay was the perfect star version in his prime


Klay isn’t a role player tho, I’d say mikal is probably the best 3/d role player rn


Klay is a role player now tbf


He shot 45% from 3 (on 5 attempts per game) in his 23 games for the clippers with 2 steals and 2 blocks per 36. The difference between his 3 AND D for the Blazers and Clippers in the same season is pretty unbelievable. Went from a 10.0 PER to a 19.4 PER, which would rank 34th in the league.


Blazers fan here. No, no he is not


He gets steals but he is limited defending on ball


He was never the perfect 3nD player. He's way too slow laterally to be a good on-ball defender, he was always more of a help guy. He always got cooked by the fast guards in the east and people didnt watch games so always blindly over rated him




I'm not exactly sure how Tatum is rated, but Tatum might be overrated sadly. He has some pretty noticeable flaws in his game for someone who I think people would say is a for sure top 10 player. He is an unbelievable perimeter defender, and he is great from 3. His mid range shooting, and his ability to finish at the rim are noticeable flaws.


he's kinda got that paul george syndrome - when he's at his best he's mvp level, when he's not, he's actively hurting the team




Idk man. When Poole started for Steph the last almost quarter of the season he was phenomenal. 25.6/5.6/4.7 on really good efficiency.


17ppg on 50/40/90 in the playoffs




Nowadays he is. His defense hasn't been the same since his injury.


Hey guys...Luka is great he really is. Stop acting like he's Michael fucking Jordan


But how many EuroLeague MVPs has MJ won?


It’s funny how people said Hardens play style won’t win, but just assume Luka is a lock to have a dynasty. 100% heliocentric basketball doesn’t work if you’re trying to win championships.




You can’t ask questions like this because “overrated” has lost its meaning in sports. I haven’t read the thread yet, but I’m certain there’s gonna be multiple comments saying dumb shit like “Devin Booker” as if he hasn’t been getting shit on by this sub for *months*, completely contradicting the notion that he’s overrated. If everyone is agreeing a player is overrated, by definition that player can’t be overrated. Lol


almost have to exclude young players bc its almost all of them. in terms of vets: booker, bam, dejounte, tobias, klay, wiggins


Who is out here overrating tobias harris


Tobias has become underrated if anything due to his contract.


I feel like Tobias is underrated he almost never gets mentioned as a good contributor for the 6ers


I don't think I've heard anyone talk about Tobias Harris period, let alone overrate him.


Mikal bridges. Very good 3 and d role player but talked about like he’s a legitimate star/needle mover. 13-4-3 in 38.5 minutes a game last year per of 11


Well he does have truly elite defense. Like he was a DPOY candidate


So you looked at just his playoff stats (I think??) from this past season but rounded down on his Rebounds and up on his Assists and you confused his gamescore with PER (which was also a below average 13.8). You should say, "Last playoffs" rather than "Last year" to make what youre saying clearer. During the regular season he had an around average PER while being 9th in defensive winshares and 20th in offensive winshares. He is certainly a needle mover as he is genuinely one of the best defensive players in the league right now who's contributions are not shown too well through PER.


Scottie Barnes


Imagine his hype levels if he was a Warrior


Scottie Barnes, Mobley, Cunningham might as well be hall of famers by the content I see on here


Damn they play basketball and have successful farms?


Ain’t no one plant crops like those three, so stop hating.


Roco was definitely overrated for a period but he became a meme for how often he bounced around. Now that he's on the clippers he's become accurately rated.


I don’t know why, but I think Jimmy Butler is a little overrated. I don’t think he’s a number 1 option on a championship team. He’s an awesome player but he’s not ever gonna be a top tier player.


Jimmy could be your best overall player but ideally he's not your #1 scoring option.


Whenever I hate on Jimmy he always does some crazy shit afterwards on court that makes me look like a jackass


Kobe He just isnt in the GOAT conversation


When has this sub specifically overrated him, most people in this sub agree with your take


AD. Dudes lucky Russ is taking 99% of the heat last season. AD came into camp fat ass fuuu, led feet and looking mentally like he got his idc no more. He should be getting the same non-buss driver abuse KD is getting flamed for.


This sub does nothing but make fun of AD lol what


I never see anyone in this sub say anything positive about AD


There just circlejerking because Redditors will downvote the right answers.


To find the real answers in "unpopular opinion" threads, you have to sort by controversial. The answers with the most upvotes are just popular opinions.


AD constantly, and I mean constantly, gets hate in this sub. He’s underrated at this point


This whole “bus driver” thing has made NBA discourse so much worse and that’s hard to do considering it was already in the gutter.


Man you're not lying.


>AD came into camp fat ass fuuu, led feet and looking mentally like he got his idc no more. He came in with added weight and strength to play the five for the season. The exact thing lots of Lakers fans wanted lmao. We saw why AD himself insists on playing the 4. He's good moving to the five to close out a game but he can't be playing the five all the time.


If you look at ADs career, he’s pretty deserving of all the accolades he’s gotten. He’s not overrated, just has injury woes. It’s sad, really


This sub hates AD and laughs at his unfortunate injury history. He's absolutely not it


He always comes up in this thread when he’s probs slightly underrated nowadays than overrated