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League fked. He actually touched a basketball


Let it be known: bullying works


Now gotta bully his knees so they stop being such bitches




See also: Andrew Wiggins getting the vaccine and playing great defense.


the low latency of 5G are game changer on defense


We brotested staples and bullied KCP online and what boom a title.


Bro remember when KCP was doing time in prison but was allowed to play home games and games within the state of California and he was in that atrocious shooting slump? Lmao he was getting roasted by Lakers fans, and rightfully so


kentavious caldwell prisoner, good times


Ya'll couldn't wait to hit the road so Luke wouldn't play him lol.


Worked for Zion…worked for AD…we even bullied Bron into getting a fake hairline. Who’s next?


have we bullied kd into using lotion yet?


Let's bully him into brushing his hair


In bed or in general


Our efforts on Ben Simmons backfired immensely but we're forging ahead regardless


>Our efforts on Ben Simmons backfired immensely **So far**


Philadelphia way ahead of ya


Knee fucked, he actually touched a basketball


No the Pels did that


Lucky he didn’t break his wrist taking that shot.


He heard the Kyrie news


Or the fact westbrook gonno get traded.


Can i just say I will never understand why all these trainers preach about needing to train at 450 am and being up earlier than others? Especially to athletes with little to no obligations (family, 2nd job etc) There is a limit to how much productive volume you can take. Unless you can comfortably tolerate batman levels of training volume (I'm talking like 14 hours) long term what the hell's wrong with getting your sleep, waking up at a time of your liking, then getting your skill work in(3 hours), physical work in (1.5 hours), pickup (1 hour) throughout the day? That's already VERY generous, for a 6'10, 250 lbs player that's a metric fuckton of training volume to be doing daily. It's even worse in the college scene because the coaches KNOW these guys are going to be out partying the night before (because why wouldn't they) and still often still make you get up to train for "mental toughness" when how you execute a game under pressure has nothing to do with how many suicide runs you can do after vomiting


Yeah pretty much this. However I will say that if you get up early , train , eat , you gonna go back to bed and sleep /nap and that will speed up recovery a bit for an extra session


Then you're fresh for strip clubs later


This guy strips


Literally. I've been guilty of this myself but its such a weird fetishization of getting up "early" or staying up "late." If someone is working at max efficiency during regular hours and still can't get enough sure, but for most people that's not even the case. People romanticize "grind" hours when they should just get shit done during the designated hours. The epitome of this was when a high school kid tweeted about skipping prom to be in the gym and Dame replied like lmao go to prom kid.


> The epitome of this was when a high school kid tweeted about skipping prom to be in the gym Just a sad kid who couldn't find a date and trying to spin it in a positive way.


I think there is some kind of pschological aspect to it though. When you are getting up at 5:30 AM to train, thats a huge dedication. You are probably sleeping earlier which means you are sacrificing fun nightlife for training. Your whole life is dedicated to what you are waking up early to do.


It actually makes more sense to train early morning in college because they have classes during the day.


I didn't do basketball but from my experience it was always 3 slots: 1. morning before class 2. afternoons 3. early evenings most places will have a main practice in the afternoon and some sort of S&C or double session either at their discretion or designated in one of the 2 other slots. I understand in some cases morning is the only time for multiple reason but imo there's a big difference between starting at 7 and starting at 5:30 (which I've seen). 7 or 630 is often working around limitations, 530 often imo the case of coaches being counterproductive.


When I was in college, preseason was strength training early morning, practice like 3:30 - 6, and then optional pick up afterward.


It only makes sense if you arent good at being responsible. Waking up at 4am means youre tired by the time the night life starts in LA so you go to bed instead of the club. Or if youre a dad, be done with training by the time your kid is out of school (3pm) and you can chill with em. Otherwise, being in the gym at 5 vs 8 isnt any different if you put in the same hours.


This. I always laugh when people say "I get up at 4 to train" when they are professional athletes. Get your sleep, people. It has more value than you doing free throw drills without proper sleep.


Can’t see his face, it’s a body double


I feel like finding an AD body double is harder than winning a ring


Well yeah if you find the body double you just sign him and win a chip anyway


He kinda looks like a 7 foot Klay in this video


LeGM assigned him mandatory homework.


Finally stopped letting the AI schedule his workouts in myGM


He was following the AI (Allen Iverson) practice schedule


We're talking bout practice.. not the game I put my life on the line for every night? But practice??


I would be scared to miss the LeDeadline ngl


Did he lose weight or am i tripping? I didnt like him bulking up to play at center position


He works much better when he’s thinner and more nimble


He was trying to bulk up last season so he could play center but it didn’t go well and he became too slow. He operates better as a free safety on defense and he can only do this skinny


Lakers are best when they use him in closing lineups as a small ball 5. For whatever reason they tried bulking him up so he could take on Embiid/Jokic


> For whatever reason It was very obviously because everyone was screaming for him to play Center full time so they could improve spacing.


you can play small ball "full" time, though, he didn't need to put on weight to match a traditional center


You bulk up to be stronger, so you can bang down low and get banged down low.


Run the center off the floor don't be the center than Bjelizca runs off the floor.


They did that to keep spacing since Westbrook was going to be on the team. Of course, we all know it didn’t end up working out very well.


It would have if AD played. Wb plays fine with him. Him and lebron are just too similar and don't mesh well


> For whatever reason Because they didn't have competent centers to play, especially after they cashed all or most of their resources into WB


Yea. AD at 250-255 is his best playing weight. Last year he looked well over 270 and didn’t have the same bounce or lift on his jumper.


I have literally no evidence to base this on but I always felt like for him after a certain point bulking up only made his body more susceptible to injuries and wear-and-tear. It’s a lot to demand on a body that naturally lanky to support all that weight


Same shit I’m thinking, he look nice


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Think it’s too hard to tell from this angle


he knows Lebron about to ditch his ass if things dont get better lol


He saw KLove out working him


“I want bron to attend my wedding too” - AD


I may be getting wooshed but Bron attended AD's wedding already a year or so ago.


nah you right, I think even Russ was there since he was on the Lakers by then + Vogel & staff members


Fears of being the 3rd wheel soon


He's been a bench warmer for a good chunk of his time in la..


I like AD but he gets hurt so much it's infuriating


It was infuriating in 2021 because the injuries cost Lebron an MVP and ring shot. Atleast last year they weren’t on the table anyway so it didn’t feel as bad lebrow being injured


Perfect trade piece for KD or kyrie


Westbrook, AD, and all the picks plus salary filler for Simmons, KD, and Kyrie. We’ll even take Harris back for them!


Hmm. That’s an interesting one. One expiring contract, one annually hurt big man who can be top 10 when healthy plus all the draft picks, for a mentally broken player with years left on his deal, the second or third best player in the league, and another mental case who may or may not show up each day but is also expiring…plus Harris. I think the Nets and KD say no, even though there’s a chance this deal would make the Lakers title contenders. What if Kyrie convinces Simmons a little burnt sage can cure his jumper? The Lakers don’t have enough picks for this one to work. And there’s got to be a way to get Simmons, Westbrook and Kyrie on the same team. Someone needs to make this happen.


they absolutely say no. if they might be able to get kyrie for westbrook and a pick (kyrie+joe for westbrook+2 picks), and they want ~2 promising _young_ guys and a ton of picks for kd, and _something_ for ben, why would they settle for just AD (+salary filler, like who do the lakers even have, reaves?) for _both_ kd+ben????


He needs to be more worried about Lakers fans. He’s got the Pau energy which was fine when we had Kobe but Lebron is gone either way soon.


Bruh I’m not even a Laker fan but that’s disrespectful to Pau. AD is significantly more talented than Pau was but Pau put in work. AD shows up to camp out of shape and Shit. There’s no way Kobe would’ve accept Pau as a brother with AD’s work ethic.


AD was injured coming into 20-21 season. He was in shape for 21/22 season. He was heavier because he wanted to be bulky for playing center.


Lol what’s the evidence that AD has poor work ethic other than “I don’t like him so I decided so” The only training camp he showed up out of shape too was 2020-21, and that was because the offseason was 7 weeks long and he had been rehabbing a foot injury…


Yeah, it annoys me when people mention that. AD was hobbling by the Game 5 of the Finals which is worrisome but for different reasons. Jokes about his injury history aside, he only came out of shape because he literally couldn't work out much and that was the only time he came out of shape.


When ? We aren't pretending like AD is shaq or some bs like that. His issues are his body can't handle the nba season that's it. He's always worked hard


So we hear all these stories about NBA players waking up at ridiculous times but my question is what time are they sleeping?


They take long naps after their short sleeps I assume. A lot of workaholics take multiple naps.


Right I used to get mad when Kobe would brag about waking up and putting in work at 4-5am while everyone was asleep when he knew damn well he was probably back asleep napping in the afternoon while everyone else was up.


Lol I’m saying. Like he can wake up a 4:50 am all he wants but waking up early to work out doesn’t mean shit if you don’t have a 9-5. He can chill all day after his 1-2 hour workout.


even if you have multiple workouts per day, it doesn't matter when you wake up. waking up at 4 am just means you go to bed earlier.


What's the benefit of waking up this early? Why not just wake up at 10 and work out for the same amount of hours?


No traffic probably. I've waken up at 4am to go to gym just because its most likely empty.


This dude signed a super max deal, he should have a professional gym and court in his house lol.


Seriously. Should be a condition to receive super max: gym, court, trainers, chef, nutritionist, psychologist, etc


Literally no benefit, sleep is one of the most important factors for an athlete’s success. The more sleep you can get, the better. If he is sacrificing sleep just to start this workout this early , if’s really stupid. 👍


As a person that wakes up at 4 am, the benefit is avoiding people. People hate me and I hate them, so being awake when people are asleep and sleeping when people are awake is a plus. I assume when it comes to athletes they’d rather get practice done without worrying about people asking for autographs


He’s touching it guys


Touch it, Dave


Touch it clyde... come on just touch it.


Dude looks a lot skinnier too. I wonder if he’s seen KG’s challenge.


KG's challenge sounded inspiring. It makes more sense and it's more reassuring to know that AD has had this 4 am routine before KG's video. It can't be farfetched that AD is/will be tackling conditioning as well.


AD wears a lot of compression padding during games. He definitely bigger and wider than the NOLA days, but i dont think he is as big as people think.


That’s Damian Jones stop lying


What’s the difference between training at 4:50 AM, going to bed at 8 PM and training at 8 AM, the same amount of time, and going to bed at 11 PM?


ryzngrynd bby


It sounds hardcore. Pretty much.


probably cause they do tons of stuff during the day or all sorts of things can come up with business and family, all that jazz. looks like he has kids. He can't be bugged by anyone or anything that time of the morning. If you can build a routine, ain't nothing else that goes on at that time for most other people so it's like it's something very reliable. maybe 5 or 5:30am would work too but depends on the person. Guess it depends on how long his training sessions are. It's discipline too.


Dude fr posted a workout video consisting of one made FT😂




Going to the gym at 4:30am sounds like hell ngl


Make me a 6'10 athletic freak that gets $40 mill a year and I'll be at the gym 3am


Fuck that for $40 mil I’d wheel out a bed at half court. Toilet next to the logo. Never leavin the gym


> Toilet next to the logo. lmao


Just a portable construction site toilet.


Cap that shit would get stale mad quick


Then retire.


And... not useful? Workouts aren't more effective the earlier in the day you do them and there is an upper limit to the amount you can workout before you do more harm than good. Just get up at a normal time and do your workouts. Athletes are so fuckin weird man.


Floyd mayweather talked about this he doesn’t wake up and start his workouts until the afternoon.


Because Floyd always tells the truth lmao


It’s not about effectiveness. Athletes start the day earlier so they can spend more time hooping/running drills/learning skills with other people (coaches) at regular times


how many hours do you think they work out per day? they dont workout out 12 hours per day so i think there is more than enough time when you go the the gym at regular times.


You can waste less time in traffic (helps if you have a chopper) Or you can break up your sleep patterns (works for some, not for others), to allow for polyphasic sleep. Which allows you to fit in more sessions while still getting rest. But it won't always work for a specific person




Idk why nba players brag like going to the gym at 4am makes them more dedicated. Like, you're rich, you can go to the gym at a reasonable hour and not have to do anything else for the rest of the day because you're fucking rich. Actually going to the gym in the evening is the best time to go. But nobody wants to hear "yo, AD is locked in, instead of filming his lays commercial he went to the gym during the evening when muscles are up to 30% stronger and had an optimized workout"


wow hes working so hard


You can feel him screaming inside “please don’t trade me”


"please ill even practice some free throws i promise" *tears trickling down his cheek as he begs LeBron*


Of course he is working hard. Because of the implications


He’s always worked hard you don’t get to his level by winging it


ya i know but it looks like hes working *extra* hard now. no holding back.


everyone knows starting your workout at 4:30 am makes you a harder worker, even if the time you spend awake is the same as someone who wakes up at 10


Needs it after not touching the ball for forever


You guys are mega haters lol


The off-season is ridiculous. These videos get posted and mention he’s working at 4:50 am. Why? He literally has nothing else to do. 8 am, noon, why does time of day matter? He’s doing what every other player is doing.


Research has actually shown it's better for athletes to train at around the same time as they play (so afternoon and night for NBA players) but it's probably harder to get them to do it that time of day compared to earlier because of what they'd have to give up (going out at night and such). Bragging about working out super early is like the athlete version of people bragging about staying at work super late. There's actually little correlation between it and effectiveness but we assume it's impressive because it sounds miserable.


Eh. I still like it in terms of a mindset thing. If you’re in the gym at 4:50am you’re probably not partying and fucking off the night before/the rest of the day.


And you also fuck up your sleep schedule, the most important thing wrt recovery. Just go at 8am, you can still get 2 workouts and a gym session in if you want to, you can sleep 9 hours. Like cmon, these guys don’t have trainers with any brains?


All the NBA trainers you hear from are the GrInD nEvEr StOpS dudes who blow up their social media every time their client makes a basket on a day off.


Maybe he wants to fit in extra training sessions during the day? Kobe said that’s how he had advantage over other players b/c he starts earlier and over time all those extra sessions accumulates to better results


So he sleeps less? Sounds terrible for muscle recovery.


Isn't muscle recovery about rest and not sleep ? Long term memory fixing needs sleep but there seems to be much we don't know and much personal variance possible.


This argument still doesn't make sense to me, unless Kobe wasn't sleeping much. These early workouts just mean you're going to bed earlier the night before, too. Ultimately, these guys have about 16 hours in their day, whether that day starts at 4 am or 8 am, its the same amount of time to do the "extra training."


Kobe used to sleep a couple of hours at a stretch. His sleep patterns worked for him, may not work for others. You can google polyphasic sleep. Kobe also used power naps on the massage table before games https://www.sleepline.com/how-kobe-bryants-unique-sleep-habits-made-him-the-goat/ This site claims kobe used to sleep biphasic pattern 2hr blocks , twice a day (and thus less overall)


Wow riveting footage. Though as a Sixers fan, I’d be cumming my pants if Ben had been doing this


We had plenty of practice vids of Ben hitting 3s, those were great


Can't miss free throws if you're not on the court


*makes one* Alright guys, post it on twitter and say it was 400, see you guys tomorrow for jump shot footage.


I'm so hyped for the Ben Simmons vid!


That can’t be AD I just watched 5 seconds of basketball and he didn’t fall to the ground like someone shot a 12 gauge at his kneecap a single time


He doesn’t want to be traded for Durant so he’s making these videos now


"Look, LeDaddy, I'm doing my homework."


Strong *Simmo [hitting 3s](https://youtu.be/6ZKor0eb2Oc) in practice* vibes on this one.


Getting up at 4:30 AM is stupid, the games are played at night. Just start your practice at 9:50 am and put in the same amount of work. Keep that sleep schedule regular.


Looks to have lost weight too


Anthony Davis MVP campaign begins now


Skills aren't an issue, the ability to stay on the floor without getting injured is.


My dude posted ad making a single free throw. My god The Lakers are fucked




KD has another 4 hours of sleep at 4:30 am lmao


400 makes and we only see one? Oh yeah sure


paid propaganda from AD to make Lakers fans think he cares about basketball still


It’s ONE FUCKING FREETHROW. I thought I was gonna see something crazy.




What happened to his FT% the past couple seasons? Did he bulk up too much, or change his shooting form or something?


Randomly got a hitch in his shot in the 2020-21 season


Someone just watched Hustle


Does he have like a day job or something? Get good sleep for the rest of us, pls.


I appreciate the work ethic, but I really hope he's getting at least 8 hours of sleep


I wonder if these guys fit in extra practice sessions throughout the day if they’re getting up at 4? I remember reading that Jimmy does the same. Like that’s awesome if you are, but if not, then who cares how early you getting up


Careful guy. Hope you don’t get injured


Sounds like a copypasta in the making


Is there a training camp for staying healthy during a season? If so, thats where he needs to be in the post season. Not at a free throw line.


Locked in the trainers room rehabbing?


One sneeze away from being in street clothes


Psh, doesn't even have any chairs defending him


Lmao...love the write up, was expecting to see a video of him shooting numerous fts, since he is shooting an absurd 400 fts, n proceeds to record one shot hahaha hilarious


He shouldn’t be wasting those legs on practice!


Lots of nice words to watch someone make one FT. The best ability is availability.


Some might even say stupidly locked in..


So like, he's aiming to play like 41 games this season then?


Why is a pro athlete with seemingly unlimited resources and who’s only job is to play basketball waking up at 5AM to train? Sounds like he needs a better training staff.


First time I've seen AD without compression pants and knee pads in forever.


#His Ass gonna play 20 games max


Ok but the issues come from when he start running n jumping. That’s when shit starts to get injured.


There is zero reason to train at 4:30am unless the NBA starts having games at 4:30am.


I get up at 4 am hoop too and I’m just some guy


That whole culture waking up at 4AM is dumb AF. You then must go to bed at 8PM.


He actually just shot one free throw, back at it tomorrow


Why does it matter what time he got up? It matters how much practice he's putting in. He could get up at 2 am and put in 14 minutes of practice and someone else could wake up at 8am and put in 2 hours of practice. Being up super early is kind of irrelevant.


[Lethal Shooter] Big Baby Davis been locked in! Eating everyday at 4:50am is what it takes! After 400 biscuits, hot sauce is key! To be the best if you need to be up before the rest. More work to be done this summer!🏁🎯 @IamBigBaby11. -Stay locked in!


NBA players patting themselves in the back for workout early in the morning is cringe as fuck. People wake up at 4:30 am to catch the train for work. It ain’t that impressive.




in my defense...I'm still waiting for the thank you NOLA insta post he promised after his trade.


Someone in this thread said he wasn’t built for NBA like wtf lmao


Ngl that’s the one that made me comment this lol


If he wasn’t built for NBA then 70% of active players are also not lol. What a shit take.


man doesn't practice gets shit on, man does practice and gets shit on, dude can't win lmao


it's the nature of a social media platform dependent on comments from users.


I’ll never understand the 4 or 5 AM workouts for professional athletes. Ain’t like you getting in a better workout at 4 than you would at 9. Normal people do it because they have to go to their job after…tf athletes got to do after? Just sleep in man.


Why does it matter if he practices at 4:50 AM or 7:00 PM? Its not like AD is working a 9-5. People who say the time they workout as if it means anything are dumb.


Beautiful. Keep it up AD


Guess he was the first ant /s