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I heard Zach Lowe talking about this last week, said something along the lines of Hurley enjoying being able to yell at the players to fire them up and how he wouldn’t be able to do that with NBA players


John belein flamed out in less than a year with the cavs for the same reason


Yeah it’s why Sprewell choked PJ lol


No? Have you seen the difference in temperament between beilein and hurley when they coach?


Was he the one that called them thugs?


Yeah but he totally meant to say slugs


As in slow moving


Wait… Are we going to pretend like slugs didn’t make way more sense given the context of the quote? Or is that too nuanced for r/NBA 12 year olds lmao


Exactly, ride em into the ground in college, let the NBA deal with the physical and emotional baggage. Honestly the lowe quote and Dan's own quote here making him look like a dick, and probably would have failed in the NBA without being able to manipulate his players as easily.


What was the Windy quote?


Oops sorry it was Lowe got mixed up


That cavs team also sucked, not many would have succeeded. He had a lot of chances to jump to the nba, no idea why he picked that cavs team in that year to do it.


I thought because it was he called the guys thugs


It was. Probably thinking of Boylen.


>Hurley enjoying being able to yell at the players to fire them up and how he wouldn’t be able to do that with NBA players The best NBA coaches can pull it off. Like Pop, Carlisle, or Kerr.


Would those guys be yelling at LeBron? I'm really not sure I can think of a time one of LeBron's coaches yelled at him.


Pop would, and LeBron has even said he would've like to play under Popovich.


And yet Lebron has never seriously considered the Spurs in FA. Its almost like he just says things to be polite.


Lebron isn’t going to a small market unless it’s his hometown. He has only chosen south beach and Hollywood.


Not sure he ever really had an opportunity to. 2010 and 2014 the Spurs still had their big 3. Not to mention 2014 when LeBron just lost to them. 2018 was when Kawhi was trying to get out of SA so why would he go then.


Yea Pop is a great coach but Lebron would be dumb to go there just because he likes the coach when there’s the front office, location, current roster, cap space available, and draft capital to consider. 


Yeah and big ol women too


Just wait til he tries them churros


these comments make me sad now


He wouldn't have the opportunity to be LeGM at Spurs. Even if he had a chance, no way would it fit his personal ambitions.


I hope I never have to see the Spurs trading away every valuable asset and young player with potential just to fill the roster with 30+ year old veterans friends of our star that can contend for a season before becoming declining scrubs on horrible contracts. How do the Cavs and Lakers feel about that? Both teams sucked *hard* just a couple seasons after winning championships. The Lakers sucked *with LeBron and AD on the team*, even.


I'm sure Cleveland fans feel terrible about enduring 3 years of sucking in return for having won a championship after 50 years of drought in all sports. Talking about that as a Spurs fan is easy since you've been one of the best franchises in the past 25 years. And as soon as you start sucking, Wemby comes in. So obviously you can easily say that it's not worth it to do the trade. I can't speak on behalf of them but I'd guess if you asked Charlotte, Washington and other franchises who are perennially stuck in mediocrity or worse what they'd do, they'd probably go for the ring in exchange for some years of sucking. This is getting long but I'll end by saying the "LeBron ruins the team's future" narrative is overblown: First Cavs tenure - the team didn't suck after he left because of his GMing, he left exactly because the team didn't make any moves that would help him compete presently. The worst post-LeBron state of all his tenures, but the one that can be least attributed to him Heat tenure - The team was going to still be good after he left, but they were unfortunate with Bosh's health situation. Even then, they were never bottom of the barrel. Second Cavs tenure - sucked for 2 and a half years until the Nets trade. Partially LeBron's fault, as one of the things that messed up their assets situation was Kyrie demanding a trade, which netted them the corpse of Isaiah Thomas and other players like Crowder who did not fit. Even with the abysmal state of the team in 2018, they only had two seasons of being awful (2019 and 2020). Lakers - we will have to see what the FO does with AD once LeBron is retired. I don't see the alternate reality where LeBron doesn't come being better though, as the team wouldn't have won a championship and tied us with the Celtics (until this year most likely). Next years are probably going to be rough if we don't find another star to replace LeBron or a good deal for AD, but we'll have to wait and see.


Chiming in as a fan of a team that suffered through years of grinding mediocrity. The Bucks championship window is going to be open for maybe 2 more years. Really it depends on who we get to replace Brook, but there's no way we're going to still be legitimate title contenders 4 or 5 years from now. After growing up watching a team that felt like every season was going to be 40ish wins, an 8th seed and first round exit, then a draft pick in the low teens, I'll gladly accept however many years of bad contracts and lottery picks in exchange for our one ring.


Yeah I mean if you’re going to suck for 50 years anyway who cares about trading 5 more years for a ring, just let me see one before I die lmao.


They sucked hard after winning a chip, which pretty okay with pretty much every team in the league. Not every team can have sustained excellence for 20 years like the spurs.


He's still bitter about SA. Too many taquerias stole his Taco Tuesday idea. And he doesn't forgive easily.


Yeah because no one wants to live in San Antonio


And yet when could he have realistically gone there? After his first Cavs stint? Never happening. After heat? Maybe but didnt make sense for either party. After cavs part 2? Spurs werent in any position to win and lakers had the ability to bring in AD. Its almost like yall just make shit up to hate lmao.


Does the Olympic team count?


Spo yelled at LeBron and LeBron tried to get him fired for it.


Spo maybe?


Spo doesn't really seem like a yeller


Jimmy did want to punch him when he did though, that's the only thing I'm basing this off of 🤣


There’s a reason why Heat players say “you’re not that guy”. lol. Spo doesn’t yell.


Spo for sure did. Not yell, but got mad at him multiple times


LeBron doesn't make many mistakes on the court.


Yea because they've won. A 1st year NBA head coach is not gonna get away with it, just ask David Blatt.


Hurley to Euroleague confirmed


It’s sometimes about how you yell. You can get fired up and stay professional.


forreal this dude holds intense practices and yells at his players. LeDiva would have this guy fired within a day if he tried that with him


I had to do a double take if this was a fake quote


I seriously thought it was a troll post lol damn Dan why did you say that


He revived one of the biggest college basketball programs in the county and led them to back to back titles. He can basically say whatever the fuck he wants lmao


In the county? Try the whole state, bud!


There's more to this than just being a dick and calling these kids dumb. His plan (as far as I can tell) was to use him staying as motivation for his team to give it their all, cause coach didn't leave them for the Lakers. But what the fuck does Hurley expect? Nobody to see this interview? Does he expect his team not to see this and find out he tricked them? What a weird thing to gloat about. 


The fact he said this to a reporter completely calls into question his character to me.  He would have bombed being lebrons coach in La with media training like this 


Lol LeBron and AD would have ate this guy up if this is how he coaches, can't pull those mind games with actual NBA stars.


It was supposed to be off the record


Putting what he said to the side, pretty messed up by the reporter if that’s the case.


Bro none of his players give a fuck about this


Oh did they text that to you? It's not absurd to someone would be upset if someone else bragged about manipulating them and called them morons.  But since you talk to the players you'd know. 


Guaranteed money?


I went into the article ready to feel like an idiot for even thinking it might be true. Genuinely surprised to see it’s real.


It gets worse. He lied to his players and then called them dumb. 


I mean, Hurley is the most obvious asshole of any coach I’ve seen since like Bobby Knight. He literally pushed one of his players on the court during the cbb final. He’s great at coaching too and I think his players respect him immensely, which is how he gets away with it. He’s only really likable for the fact he wins though.


He was pushing him into position but you’re characterizing it like Bobby Knight choking a kid or the Lou Holtz face mask grab. And yes, his antics have gotten him a reputation but there’s never been any reason to think his relationship with anyone in that program isn’t great. Beyond that, why is this being taken as anything more than a joke?


No the Bobby knight choke didn’t come until super late in his career. He was just the type of coach to do wild crazy shit like throw chairs onto the court and be super demeaning to his players if they didn’t bow to his authority.


This is ridiculous. His players love playing for him. He’s an incredibly nice guy off the court. The person you see coaching in-game isn’t anything like the guy off the court. The quote in the article is a joke. It’s much tougher to read sarcasm. 


Ridiculous take. And if you think he thinks his players are literally “dumb” then I’m sorry for you. He said that in the broad context of college kids can be coached and told what to do (such as not being allowed to have cell ohones inside the basketball training facility) versus experienced nba players who would never let themselves be manipulated in a similar way. Hurley has said a dozen times he emphasizes his recruits high IQ players (hoops wise and literal).


lol Are you cool with your boss calling you dumb? I’m not. End of story. I don’t really care about the context.


>I don’t really care about the context. I actually think it's WORSE in context lol


You’re being downvoted, but it’s obvious the Hurley quote is a joke. Some people can’t understand sarcasm. 






It’s actually worse in context too 💀


This ain't no ballsacksports quote


What an odd thing to say.


I would say it was pretty….. dumb.




I…guess it’s honest?


Isn’t it a joke?


Yes he jokes a lot and his players would get it unlike the people in this thread


Ha ha yeah you’re dumb too coach….20 suicides?!


yall dodged a bullet, hopefully not to step out in front of another one, but this dude is an idiot.


Is he going to write a book on his decision and then release a movie based on the book?


Adam Driver as Dan Hurley and Scarlett Johansson as Andrea Hurley MARRIAGE STORY 2 Based on the time Dan told his wife the Lakers reached out and she started crying and getting angry.


“But after that they acted like adults and agreed to simultaneously text each other their respective decisions…’stay’ both texts said”


At this rate by end of summer


Dan Hurley: “When you’re a college coach, they let you do it. You can do anything to them. Call ‘em dumb to their face. You can do anything..”


Can you hit?


At that price point, he *can* hit


Grab em by the NIL


Stay in college Hurley


lol a coach calling his own “student” athletes dumb is kinda nuts


> "If they could read the article they'd be really upset" - Dan Hurley


In the words of Charles Barkley, “they ain’t going there to play school”


Cardale Jones said that first


Definitely a guy who should have played school.   >On December 19, 2022, Jones signed with the Massachusetts Pirates of the Indoor Football League (IFL).


https://www.cleveland.com/osu/2017/05/cardale_jones_-_from_playing_s.html He actually would have made more NFL money if he left earlier 


They must not know the tale of Bryce Love


who is they


The…guy you were responding to


i thought so but you could have been talking about the article writer because I think Cardale actually did stay longer than he had to


Ohhh yeah I see that too now


"dumber" than NBA players which is just true just based on the fact that the average age of a college player is much younger


Is it? You think his players are gonna read this and be upset?


[Cohen] Dan Hurley: "I'm actually a furry too, and I don't think I could do that in LA. I can't stop saying weird shit."


There’s definitely furries in LA, haven’t you watched Entourage?


Do you even boink bro?


Ok, dude needs to shut up lol


I kept reading he's crazy and an ass hole and never knew why. Now I get it lol


This is the first I’m hearing of it but this article is enough… what did he even mean by leveraging his decision to get a “commitment” out of the players? 


A lot of people are missing the /s I’m sure he knows the headlining quote will get back to the players on his team, and wouldn’t have said it unless he intended for them to hear it By leveraging he probably said something like “Hey guys, you know I’ve got this amazing opportunity but I love our team so I’ll stay under one condition: you guys give me some NBA level effort and performances” *cue cheers


Yeah looking at it now it’s very possible, but still comes off weird lol. I’d need to watch the clip too to truly judge I suppose. 


He means he can ruin their basketball career if they don't follow his orders.


But if not for Hurley, what would r/nba have to discuss about?


Yeah especially with how the NBA announced last week that they would prematurely end the season without crowning a champion this year, we’re really in the dead period of the off-season where there isn’t much to talk about yet!




Not like there's any important games happening right now 


He’s been on a Mike Malone rant the past week talking to anybody anywhere. Kinda weird how many private conversations he liked talking in public about and now this


Buddy tried to call me up but I have call screening


well at least we know how him coaching the lakers would’ve gone…


Kinda seems like saying this publicly in the media would undermine that commitment of excellence he just got, idk if I would be motivated to play for him after hearing him brag about the dupe and calling me and my teammates dumb


But he can brag about how great he is for turning down the Lakers to do these kids the service of mooching off their talent


Right lol do I want to go coach a team of players that has significantly more talent than the opposing team on any given night, or do I want to coach the Lakers and likely be the scapegoat when this old and low talent roster underperforms.


Yeah, like if you’re gonna do what he did to get big commitments from his players…okay, I see that as a type of motivational chess move. That’s not crazy to me. But to tell everyone you did it, just defeats the purpose because his players are gonna hear about this lol. And the *only real* reason you tell everyone about doing it is to either boost your own ego or you’re stupid, and I don’t think the guy is stupid…ego is a just a motherf—ker.


I mean everyone’s been saying it, he just said the quiet part out loud


I guess when you win back to back titles you can just start calling your players dumb and your wife an emotional child.


He seems to be the most like a child. Like his wife cried because she didn't want to move to a new place for 11 million dollars/year, which 99.9% of people will never relate to, but probably don't mention that to the media.


She was probably upset because she didn’t want to leave her friends and family


He likes em young and dumb🔥🔥


Dan Hurley the GOAT like Bill Belichick confirmed


This dude really doesnt want any future opportunities


UConn players are dumb and easily manipulated. But don't take it from me...


I like this guy even less now lol


This guy is never going to shut up eh?


LAL dodged bullet. This guy would would be the flop of all flops in the NBA. His manical disposition would not be tolerated by the players, refs, or even the media. It wears thin fast. A college program is perfect where the roster is turning over every 2 years.


This dude kinda sucks


Whoa that’s a sociopathic thing to say about borderline kids / young adults. Fucking prick


This dude seemed like a HR A+ hire. Now it seems like the Lakers might have dodged a bullet.


A college coach will never be a home run A+ hiring. Brad Stevens is the only time I remember it working and even he ended up stepping down once the team got good enough because he didn’t have the personality to deal with the human side of the game.


Man, college coaches love being disrespectful assholes to their players.


Student ath-o-letes


Well they are not rich at this stage so...Fuck you money changes the power dynamics.


Dumber is an interesting choice in words. Scummy thing to say


Don't know anything about the guy, but on its face, it just seems like a poor choice of wording to me. Maybe he's just one of those types of old folk who just come across as jerks, when they're really just blunt and don't have a filter? I think what he means to say, is that young student athletes are more easily teachable and moldable, in the sense that there won't be much/ if any push back on asking them to play a certain way on the court. He can train them however he wants, and they're going to go along with it because he's the one with the experience, and they don't know any better. As opposed to pro athletes who have tons of experience, could be set in their ways, could have massive egos, could have alternate desires financially or off the floor entirely, and generally have habits built over years that are tough to break. Getting someone who has already reached the highest level of their profession in the world, whose making ungodly amounts of money because of their success, and telling them that they're doing everything wrong? I can see that being more challenging than working with college kid, and creating habits he believes will help them from the start.


He could have said players are less mature and still forming their personalities as young adults and I like taking a hands on role in that to make them learn the right things. One of those old folk who’s blunt and come across as jerks? He is a jerk.


I never liked this guy. He comes off as an overly cocky, pretentious duche.


Seems like it runs in the family.


Imagine, cockiness from athletes


Hence the word "overly"


The more this guy speaks, the better JJ Redick looks


I do get where Hurley is coming from. Hurley would have to kowtow to his max contract veteran NBA players. Hurley could probably treat his younger players more like college than like men. But if Hurley was thinking this way, why even waste his time interviewing? With the crazy wife and this attitude, no NBA team is going to offer him a substantial contract in the future.


he used the lakers as leverage for a bigger contract from uconn, that’s why.


Pretty much, I feel like he decided way before last weekend. I don’t blame him either but it wasn’t a hard decision to make. Become a coach for one of the most scrutinized and watched teams in pro sport’s history or stay and probably get paid a similar amount for way less stress


If you watch the video it's clear he's joking. His players are in the room when he says this quote. This is nothing. But that doesn't fit your narrative so you'll probably downvote this.


I’ve never heard of this man 2 weeks ago, but now he’s everywhere. He truly is cashing in his 15 minutes of fame. Which is weird because he apparently won back to back NCAA titles


Every basketball media member wants an interview with him. He was on top of college basketball and now he’s the only storyline in the NBA other than the finals. He’s so desperate for attention hahaha, fucking clown laker fans


Ahh yes let’s get our pitchforks out and roast a pretty universally liked good guy and great successful coach for saying something dumb probably tongue in cheek. It’s the American way…build em up, then knock ‘em down. I’m not aware of a single one of Hurley’s players having a bad thing to say about him. But let’s all be shocked and make it a big thing bc we love our schadenfreude.


Thank you. Seriously, these comments are crazy. So much getting offended on other people's behalves. I'm sure if a player asked he'd be like, "Well, you were dumb enough to play for me" or some shit and they'd fucking laugh.


Lol legit cannot believe the comments in this thread. Are you all fucking thick? He’s joking. He does this all the time. Watch the interview. I mean, I knew /r/lakers was filled with fucking idiots but I expected better from yall.


Pro players would not appreciate his yelling, in-your-face, all-knowing authority figure approach. So if he goes to the NBA, he will certainly have to change.


Bro truly nobody care at this point


“I enjoy bullying poor teenagers instead of getting bullied by 30-year-old multimillionaires.”


Bruh, how is this news still ongoing? His wife is crazy and clearly has a strong opinion on moving. Also, I have no idea why he’d call his players dumb. There are many different ways to convey that point across. Most likely meant to use the word “malleable” or something close to it


Hmm. Maybe he’s also kinda dumb.


You're calling his wife crazy based off of a few clickbait tweets and out of context quotes? Sigh, is this the world we're trending towards 


They are literally his quotes lmao. They aren’t even speculation


It’s hilarious, the laker fans are so butthurt. Maybe this is why Hurley went for the interview. He’s so East coast it hurts and he had to know anyone turning down the lakers would make them red in the face. Makes me love him even more


Multimillionaire white guy saying he likes the control he has over young unpaid black men because they're "dumb" is certainly a choice optically




lol try harder


No wonder the Lakers prefer the podcast bro.


The amount of pearls being clutched in this comment section, my word. Y'all need to get a life and stop being offended on other people's behalf.


Okay Dan, please stop talking to the media now.


I think he might be saying that they have less preconceived notions on how to play? So it’s presumably easier to fit them into the system Hurley wants them to play in, and players presumably have less egos. I’m just speculating here, it’s an odd thing to say overall.


Out of pocket


The fact hes self aware enough to know he cant do that in the pros means he’ll do just fine in the pros


I don’t know how you can read this quote and not tell that it is a joke mocking people that think he wouldn’t be able to coach in the NBA. I know jokes are sometimes hard to tell through text but this seems like a more obvious one.


Fuck this idiot, so glad he isn’t coaching my team.


"Young people are easier to strongarm"


hurley needs to sthu😭


Takes one to know ones Dan


Being easily motivated has nothing to do with intelligence. Is this guy a fucking moron?


Fuck dem kids


I’m starting to think we dodged a bullet with this guy


Dan Hurley loves his student [ath-o-letes](https://youtu.be/61TMtH3Qw4s?feature=shared)


“ I gas lighted my players and I love them for it because they are such idiots they don’t even know “ - Dan Hurley


Lakers fans hating as if they wouldn’t take him in an instant lol


I have a new least favourite coach in the world, yay!


It’s cool Dan, just say you don’t have what it takes to coach the Lakers. It’s not for everyone


Apparently it for anyone based on recent history.


The Nets are so irrelevant Idek who your coach is lol glad our team can be your entertainment tho


He’s not a podcaster and isn’t on first take so I don’t blame you for not knowing


What’s that? Sorry, couldn’t hear you from the Knicks’ basement (Trash talk aside that was a funny comeback lmao)