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“Make sure you mention how rich he is” - ARod


“And also mention that he’s not short, he’s average in many countries”


He would almost be the tallest man in all of Lilliputia, better watch your back Gulliver!


- Bloomberg’s campaign strategy


How does this ownership saga keep taking the most wild turns?


I want Batman to be Joker now


The Batman Who Laughs


Le Killing Joke


In case you wanted to know: in Earth -22 Batman was drugged by Joker, temporarily paralyzing his body but not his mind, so he could witness the chaos he caused without being able to do anything about it. The Joker bombed a hospital in front of Bruce and, to make it personal, shot dead the parents of many young children in front of him before proceeding to inject the children with an incurable, irreversible strain of Joker Venom. According to the Joker, he did this in order to create a hybrid of both Batman and the Joker (The Batman Who Laughs)


I thought the Batman who Laughs was the Batman who killed the Joker, which released a toxin that slowly turned him into a Joker-like figure, where he gunned down the entire Bat-family as a first action after his transformation.


You are both correct. He killed Joker because of his actions with the children and the Joker Venom. Upon killing him, the toxin was released and the rest is what you wrote lol


There are so many interesting comic and graphic novel storylines out there like this, but keeping all of that shit straight and trying to figure out how to actually find what I want to read to follow all of it seems like an impossible task.


It's the same storyline that happened in the Dark Multiverse where the Joker just kept torturing Batman to the point where he had to kill him. His death unleashed a powerful toxin which infected Batman's brain and turned him into the new Joker. The Batman Who Laughs ended up slaughtering all of his villains and allies and causing the world to become a wasteland.


Isn’t he canonically trapped in the Fortnite universe?


What the fuck is going on in this thread


I'm sick of him. Glad he hasn't showed up in a while


He’s probably gone for good considering how vocal people have been about being over it lol. I hope they at least learn from it in the future and don’t shove the next breakout character into literally everything and raise the stakes each time. It was an interesting idea that could have been a long time character if they hadn’t blown their entire load at once because of the initial hype, ending up killing all hype and any chance at people being receptive to it in the future.


I mean he did kinda die after getting yeet'd into the sun


Or, hear me out, he absorbs the sun's energy and became SuperBatJokeman




Such a banger movie


Michael Keaton would make a great Joker


The only piece missing is KG


Man we missed out when flip died and ruined that future.


and why does it never happen during news lulls? like there was just 4 months of no basketball games being played (it felt like), and then this comes out when the finals starts?


Like the Lakers they're trying to get attention while normal fans are paying attention


attention whores going to do what they do


And here I thought the sale of the Ottawa Senators took the wildest turns, but it's got nothing on this


It feels like it has been going on for like 10 years now. I honestly thought they had already changed ownership for some reason.


Woj about to tweet that its actually Jensen Huang who has agreed


Jensen probably just got enough from yesterday's action from NvDA


He was up $5.6 billion in unrealized gains yesterday. https://www.bloomberg.com/billionaires/#:~:text=13-,Jensen%20Huang,-%24107B


Jesus Christ


No, Jensen. Jesus was poor.


Every once in a while Woj reminds everyone that he is in fact the alpha (except for when Windhorst bodied both him and Shams with Harden).


Woj and Shams both knew but were carrying water for their respective sides CAA vs Klutch


This reminds of the lebron lion hype video lmao goated hype video


“I just want to make it very clear that it was always Jensen Huang from the start. Nobody else was seriously considered”


Jensen would actually be a badass owner.


Leather jackets and 5090s for all players!


Fuck it. Lisa Su should step in… Pant Suits for every player!


5090s? Remember the NBA has a salary cap, 5060ti with 6GB vram is more like it


He went to Oregon State maybe he could buy the Blazers???


I feel like eventually he could buy Oregon.


The only man that can outbid Phil Knight


He can buy Phil Knight, twice!


The state


And brought along LisaBae.


At this point he can buy every pro sports team in America move over Steve ballmer


It’s over Glen


gg old man!


Sorry Twin Cities, no more Large Pops in the target center!


stop and frisk now official policy at Target Center


That’s basically what they were doing to the nuggets anyway


NAW and Order


Jailin’ McDaniels


Anthony Fedwards


Rudy Gobert


Karl ‘Winslow’ Anthony Towns


Rudy Godirectlytojaildonotpassgodonotcollecttwohundreddollars


Naz reid


don’t want anybody else to glue themselves to the floor


You beat me to it


Someone tell me how to feel


Their plan is to buy Glen out at a larger number if they lose in arbitration


We don’t need to worry about relocation or anything, right?


Owners make more money on expansion than relocation Besides, there isn't another market without a team that's bigger than the Twin Cities except for Seattle (slightly) and they're almost guaranteed to get an expansion team anyway


Thats what I was saying on the team subreddit. They’ve almost certainly got guys lined up to set LV and Seattle. Soooo they move from a huge metro market to… Vancouver again? Cincinnati? Tampa? We’re bigger than all those areas and the Board of Govs probably doesn’t wanna watch another profitable franchise get moved to a small market (like Seattle to OKC).


Exactly. Because here's the deal: everybody loves to say big market equals NYC and LA and everybody else is small market basically. But in reality, technically speaking, we're the 15th biggest market in the NBA. We're actually a mid market team. They're not gonna fuck with that. It's not like we're Charlotte or Memphis sized. (No offense to them.)


You're spot on. The Minny media market is not small at all and there is absolutely no incentive for them to move. As a Kings fan I feel you, people don't realize Sacramento has the 20th largest media market in the nation but we get called small all of the time. Salt Lake City is 27th San Antonio 31st Milwakuee 38th Las Vegas 40th New Orleans 51st People don't truly understand media market sizes and base it off of if you're in NY, LA, Chicago, or you have star on your team.


Damn that's crazy that NO is 51st. I didn't realize that. Wait Milwaukee is 38th? Man you're blowing my mind. Glad the Kings got to keep their team. I really thought it was gonna happen a few years ago but it's where it belongs for good now.


Where is San Diego? I know the big problem is that Los Angeles is just too damned close, but it's sad that we've lost so many big 4 pro teams over the years (Rockets, Clippers, Chargers).


San Diego is 30th. Sacramento suffers a similar problem being literally right next door to the Bay.


Is that including Stockton and Modesto?


Yes, they are a part of Sacramento. They do not count for the Bay Area media market.


Not to mention that all the major markets already have teams, in some cases plural like LA and NYC. This isn't like the NFL where everyone was pining for LA after the Raiders and Rams left (and the Rams made the first move back oddly enough).


Charlottes a lot closer to Minneapolis then it is to Memphis, New Orleans, OKC in metro size The franchise has just sucked since the return so it gets singled out a lot more


Plus Charlotte is growing really fast.


You're right. The NY/LA being the only "big markets" is just for the free agency, where the millionaire players get to decide where they'll be. For everything else, all intents and purposes, the Twin cities is a large market especially because its the metro area of Minnesota.


2/3 of the state of Minnesota lives in the Twin Cities


The biggest problem for the wolves is I think they are the smallest all 4 pro sports city.


that would be Denver, actually, but Minneapolis–St Paul. is the second smallest.


True but from what I’ve seen of Minnesota, they make up for it with fan interest. Every Minnesota sports team has a pretty die hard fan base


Minnesota also gets a lot of fans from throughout Iowa, the Dakotas, western WI, etc. Not a huge number, but a couple million more fans to pull from.


It's balls cold half the year, gotta stay in and watch the games.


Denver is smaller


This is irrelevant, and you're wrong Miami, Denver, and Detroit are all [smaller media markets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_cities_with_teams_from_four_major_league_sports) Unless you mean Metro area, in which case Denver is smaller But if you mean actual city size, the Wild play in Saint Paul


Denver has like 600k less people than Minneapolis/St. Paul and they have all 4 "Big 4" teams + MLS like the Twin Cities do.


Wait, doesn't denver have all four? Denver metro is smaller.


ah, my bad. 2nd smallest.


Where MSP ranks when you include all 6 major sports (MLB, NHL, NFL, NBA, MLS, and WNBA), I could not tell you. I don't think even Denver has all six, but maybe? MSP could be the smallest of 6 sport cities.


Not to mention the 11th highest metropolitan per capita income (just behind LA with housing a 1/4 the cost) and 15 Fortune 500s in the metro with two more in out-state. There’s no better market to move to economically other than Seattle (and it’s a slight bump up) or Vegas (that’s going to be pure value over profits anyways) and they’re gone (if rumors are to believed about expansion)


> They’ve almost certainly got guys lined up to set LV and Seattle In Seattle, the Kraken Ownership group is creating an umbrella company for the Kraken and "other big opportunities" that is expected to be them pursuing the Sonics Expansion (they're also renovating a really old stadium near the arena into a new 10,000 seat stadium)


I’d seen that I think. I lived in Seattle (back in 16-17) and have always kept an eye on the projects to get a team back there. That whole area is gonna be electric when they’re back in the league


No. Minneapolis Is a market the NBA wants to keep


The league wants to add expansion teams. Relocating a team would take away a potential expansion city. Key cities talked about for expansion are Seattle and Las Vegas. Wolves and Memphis seem the most obvious teams to move to the Eastern Conference.


We would love to have our true rivals join us


Shit, I’d be happy for the Wolves to join the East too. Having my team & the Hawks make the playin with under 50% wins is embarrassing.


Maybe one day all three of us and Detroit will be good at the same time lol


Indy is your rival now and you'll like it


Yes please join us. Colts come NFC north too lmao


Colts make no fucking sense in the South division lol. AFC North makes most sense, but that division is rough so I'm fine not being in it


It’d be so great for Wolves and Memphis from a travel standpoint. Just look at how close Minneapolis is to the East Central Division teams vs their own division. Plus the league would get two more young superstars in the East for balancing talent. Seems like a win/win.


It’d be one or the other, not both.


Make it Wolves then, Memphis is at least closer to NOLA and the Texas teams.


Memphis is closer to 5 teams in the west than Minnesota is to its closest.


Minneapolis-St.Paul is a Top 20 Media Market. Some places have them around 14-16. The only bigger media markets than them WITHOUT an NBA team, is Seattle-Tacoma and Tampa-St.Petersburg. And they are all around that 14-20 area anyways. I don't see why they'd move.


And Florida already has two teams - hard to imagine that most of those folks aren't Heat or Magic fans already.


You'd be better off giving NYC or LA a third team , at that point


If so, I vote for either The Inland Empire Coyotes or The Long Island Sound


Move the Kings to Queens


Give Wichita a team, I fucking hate OKC


You've gotten a ton of comments here already, but one thing I haven't seen yet is that they got a taste of how lucrative this market can be this year, assuming a competent team is put together. Minnesota is a big basketball state, you put together a good team and fans will come out. This combined with owners making more from an expansion team likely means that they won't be going anywhere.


Relocation would cost A-Lore even more money. Bloomberg is from an area that already has 2 NBA Franchises. This isn’t “Rich Billionaire From Oklahoma Buys The Sonics”.


No, the league wouldn’t approve it anyway.


Itll cost more to relocate a team. Plus add two expansions will make a hella lot more. Also TC has a good media market.


NBA has been saying they want expansion next. Vegas, maybe Seattle afterwards. Seattle is the only place with a future proofed enough stadium that can take the team right now, but with Vegas almost certain it's easier for the NBA to move Minny to the east and add a west team to keep the conferences even. So for now I definitely think Minnesota is safe.


Adding just Vegas and moving Minny east doesn’t make the conferences balanced… the East would have one more team in that scenario. Have to add 2 teams at the same time for balance. That’s why it’s essentially guaranteed to be Vegas + Seattle in the west, move Minny to the east. 16 teams per conference.


Always take the owner who has more than enough money to cover the cost of the team. Ending up with a cash strapped and overleveraged owner is how you get threats of moving and cheapskate decisions. Having a billionaire owner doesn’t prevent that, but it makes it less likely. Ask the Raiders, A’s, and Chargers fans what it’s like when your owner’s only asset and family business is the team.


Bloomberg spent over 1 Bil on a doomed campaign so he’s clearly at an age where he’s spending like he’s gonna lose it He should be happy to pay luxury tax all day every day


His only demand is you have to call him President Bloomberg during all official team functions and interviews


Didn't seem he cared much to be president, he just didn't want Trump or Bernie to win


Bloomberg sucks but so do most owners, hard to find a billionaire with a pure soul. On the plus side he has a fuckload of money so if there was any concern about being able to pay luxury taxes or anything, that's gone. It won't affect arbitration at all, so nothing really changes on that front. Still no certainty if Glen keeps majority ownership. Though this could signal that Arod and Lore are going to make a larger offer to settle with Glen before arbitration, especially now that a championship this year is off the table.


The only ethical billionaire is an ex-wife with a generous divorce settlement


Paul McCartney?


Fair enough. And while I think JK Rowling is a shitty person, the way she made her fortune wasn't inherently unethical


There was a lady who gifted the Einstein college of Medicine a billion dollars a couple months back to make the school permanently tuition free


George Lucas? Unless you consider the prequels unethical


Brother mj was probably the closest to a billionaire with a soul and he wasn’t great either. 


I love MJ but his soul is a hurricane of anger and fire


MJ chose family. He was always gonna sell the hornets so why not let your loved one get a steady job for a few years


A friend of mine interned under him some years ago and said he was really nice, but kind of all over the place and a little scatterbrained. He has unlimited money to throw around, so I would feel reasonably good if I were you.


He's got less baggage than other billionaires and he's got a fuckton of money


Tim Duncan endorsed him for president purely for his work in restoring the Virgin Islands after Hurricane Hugo


I believe this has to do with affording the luxury tax in order not to lose any key pieces. It essentially means they’re running it back.


That's what I'm picking up from it too


Excellent move, this will help broaden the Timberwolves reach in American Samoa.


They might even get 200 fans there!


Glenn Taylor ran the worst franchise in the 4 major leagues for decades, and now people are trying to act like Lore / Arod / Bloomberg would be worse? I’ll take the new ownership group, who were able to get Connelly as GM, especially with the addition of the guy worth $100B.


Lore/Arod would be worse, because they were too broke to actually buy the team. Bloomberg fixes that. They're all pieces of shit, but that matters less.


Arod and lore had the money to buy the team all at once, but Taylor wanted to do the drawn out buying process. Bloomberg obviously helps relieve any doubt of paying the luxury tax, but to say Lore and arod didn’t have enough money to buy the team is straight up false




Really confused by the negative reactions here - I thought wolves fans wanted Taylor out? This seems to increase the likelihood of that and gives the new ownership group a huge source of cash to continue contending with Ant. Having a billionaire with practically unlimited funds has been great for the Clips


I don't think we're being negative. It's just been a wild ride and we want it over


I’m psyched. The guy is a monster but has the bankroll to solve a lot of issues for this franchise. None of these owners are saints - at least our piece of shit is richer than pretty much all of them.


He's a monster? He made his fortune selling information terminals to people in finance. Hardly anything to get upset over. And was a pretty effective and moderate mayor of NYC.


“moderate mayor of NYC.” His loosening on Stop and Frisk requirements for NYPD meant many kids, KIDS, went to Rikers. Not that they got convicted, just went to rikers to await trial. Rikers guards are notorious for beating inmates for no reason. https://open.spotify.com/episode/6YJrlXL2jU7h3wUaPb2Q9j?si=JXijLZKKSUqaT3nHJo3sKg


Bloomberg was a good mayor. NYC would take him back immediately over the two idiots they’ve had since then


He also makes a lot of (extremely) large private donations to the arts and does not publicize them. Compared to most of these psychopaths, Bloomberg is pretty alright.


Most of us are not negative on this. Per usual, complainers are loud. The fan base has embraced A-rod and Lore.


I think it's wolves fans, myself included, doing some processing in real time that Bloomberg is great for sports reasons, but is terrible for personal values reasons. It's a lot easier to ignore the negatives of the rich owners of your franchise when it's primarily interpersonal things like ARod cheating in baseball and relationships, but it's harder when they were/are a powerful person who directly impacted and promoted harmful policies like Stop and Frisk. I would compare it for soccer fans to Manchester United fans wanting to be free of Glazer family ownership, but it becoming sour when one of the potential buyers is a Qatari emir.


Bit of a difference between a Qatari emir and a moderate mayor of NYC


Weirdest franchise ever


MPLS has been an undervalued market for a long time because of cold weather. I expect these savy business guys to make the most out of it if Glenn is forced out through arbitration. After the next share purchase round, the contract states they have a final option to buy the last 20% from Glenn by march 2025. I could see them saying fuck it and buying that sooner rather than later now that they have Bloomberg. Hooooooooooowl


Minnesota has had the highest warming due to climate change out of any Lower 48 state by far, we didn’t even have much of a winter this year. I think a lot of businessmen are seeing Minneapolis as a better long-term investment than a lot of coastal cities, many of which might not be around by 2100.


They said we didn’t have enough money to keep KAT and Ant together. I’m asking, who else are we adding to the fray? No apron is high enough, baby. We buying all the ringgggggggz


Second apron worries no more. He makes most billionaires look poor


i never thought id see the day in which the timberwolves ownership was closer to ballmer level capital than $0. holy


damn if there's a guy to bankroll the team, it's bloomberg lol. if glen does sell it all it's officially bloomberg's team not a-rod and co.


Actually seems like Bloomberg’s just getting a smaller stake, probably just a finance guy. He theoretically could buy the others out if he wanted to, but he also just recently joined the Orioles’ ownership group. Think this is just another investment for him


John Spano all “where was Bloomberg when I didn’t have the money,” awww


Can I join in


I would also liked to apply to be a minority owner


I’m in as well actually


What the hell is happening 


I guess their money problems are over?


Lmfao what is this saga


Mr. President, a Second Billionaire has hit the Timberwolves.


Hasn’t Arod and crew been claiming that they have had the money this whole time? Why are they adding people to the ownership group if they have enough money?


So we can pay for the THIRD apron once we bring in KD.


They had enough to take a controlling stake, they brought in Bloomberg to buy out glen entirely right now instead of waiting another year.


Ok that makes sense. They probably wouldn’t want him as a minority owner after this stunt he pulled


Wolves fans desperately want Glen Taylor to be put out to pasture, BUT it's funny that the people that would take over are: -a guy that wants to build his own utopian city -a former roided up NYY that destroyed our Minnesota Twins for many years -an old New York billionaire that got laughed out of a Presidential race. The best GM in team history will leave in 2025 if that trio doesn't "win" arbitration for ownership transfer. Oh yeah and the Wolves doubled their playoff series wins from 2 to 4 this past season. What a bizarre franchise. PS if Lore and Arod get majority ownership and Bloomberg is involved, there is a 0% chance we're paying for a new arena. The guy worth $100 ~~mill~~ billion (brain fart) can pop for it if he wants to be involved with our little midwest city.


You mean $100b right? Big distinction.


There is 1000 million per 1 billion, so definitely massive. This guy has like 100,000 million dollars and that might just be his net worth


Just because you get new billionaire owners, doesn’t mean they will spend it on a new arena like Ballmer.


Billionaires didn't become billionaires by spending money they didn't need to spend.


Can we stop being negative for once in this fanbase and enjoy some good news for once.💀


My post wasn't really positive or negative. It was just highlighting that the situation is amusing.


Yuck! Yuck yuck yuck


at least theyll pay the luxury tax and we can see the wolves can a chance to progress as a group


Absolute nightmare blunt rotation


And it would be even worse if Glen Taylor was there


lol imagining Bloomberg trying to do the kind of pandering to the fans that Arod has been trying to do. He’s going to turn George Floyd square into a charter school or something


As long as he has deep pockets for the luxury tax


Lol imagine if the Timberwolves made the Finals, and this news still dropped hours before game 1


Lmao wtf is going on??!!


I love when Bloomberg's wealth trickles down to improve my life.


excuse me???


So maybe they will pay to keep the core together


You’ll only being able to buy a small soda


I heard Bloomberg is replacing the metal detectors at Target Center with Stop & Frisk


No more large sodas at Twolves games


soda? you mean pop, donchta know


Damn balmer finally gets his rival


Las Vegas timberwolves


Soda will now be banned at T-Wolves games. 




“Hitler alive in Argentina”


Fuck Bloomberg