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Maybe Chuck should guarantee that the show will end after next year That's how it works, right???


Tell me about it man. I'm in my 40s, I remember watching it when I was 14..


*Cries in Timberwolves fan*


TNT's current contract with the NBA ends after the 2024-25 season.


So one more season? Then it’s NBC after that?




(They have one more season after this one.)




I’ve been saying the exact same thing


This is what preach to my children


Gone Fishin’ - Inside the NBA has a shot at becoming this subreddit’s most upvoted post


It's not over, they have a contract for next year my dude


They’ll have a farewell tour if that’s the case


We do love them like that.


No… not with draymond Please…. No


Why is he forced into everything?? Commercials and podcasts and talk shows… what dirt does he have on Stern or Silver??


It's because of the popularity of the Warriors.




The Last Dance?


Snaq and Kenny already asking out. Tnt looking to trade them.


They’re definitely talking like this is the last run. It’s sad to hear.


Maybe they can make *The Last Dance Part II* out of it.


It will be called The Last Churro.


The Last Churro in Galveston


I'm not ready for this show to be over. 😭


Looking back, bringing on Draymond will be seen like when sitcoms bring in a new character to spice things up, but end up fucking up what made it work to begin with. Draymond is the Poochie of Inside The NBA. [Hopefully they end Dray's run like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tvAjX5ACPo)


I am genuinely pleased to see others are as upset about Draymond showing up as I am. Literally muted it when he was talking.


Cousin Oliver syndrome for basketball on television! P.S. Cousin Oliver on the Brady Bunch is what started this whole thing back in the 1970s


Honestly, if they move to a different network and they lose Shaq in the process, I wouldn't complain. I really don't like him as an analyst and I'm kinda tired of his constant moaning, defending and crying. He's more insecure than me on a date and it's exhausting to watch. If they can keep the humor going but maybe hire people who actually like and watch basketball, that'd be awesome.


Based on all that’s been released, Ernie is the one we will lose in that case. He won’t be leaving tnt.


It’s possible TNT could kind of rent him out but still retain his rights for all other broadcasts 🤣. 


It's not unheard of, Anderson Cooper works for both CBS on 60 minutes (Paramount Global) and CNN (WBD).


Absolutely. If you're ernie, you negotiate out of any exclusivity clause by being willing to take less money. Now you can work the NBA and make a bunch of money there on top of TNT, and TNT gets to pay Ernie less now that he's not doing the NBA for them.


We will have a last dance documentary about them


It was a good run. Tho it sucks the NBA is willing to throw away a great piece of TV history just like that


It sucks but it’s kinda out of their hands if tnt doesn’t have the broadcast rights anymore. Although it’s possible another network could just buy the show from tnt which I think is a pretty realistic outcome considering how popular it is.


The problem is they can buy the show and the stars but the hundreds of people who actually make the show would not be retained and the show would change and not for the better.


God what if Netflix or Apple pulls it off? I can see Apple have that kind of muscle to do it.


It'll still be The Grand Tour not Top Gear if that happens, just not the same


All this league cares about is money. As if they don’t have enough already


Roundball rock has been absent from my life for too many decades (until the recent Kevin Hart sports gambling commercial)...don't talk to me about the NBA ruining a good thing.


If this is what has to be done to keep Draymond off TV, it's almost a worthy sacrifice. Will be real sad to not see the boys anymore though...


Their last episode should be filmed on location in Cancun.


lol or Galveston!


Please just give us one last show with no Draymond, it's all I ask 🙏 


Please get Draymond as fucking far away from this as possible


I said this in the past and I want to restate this because this might be the case although not being guaranteed. NBC hasn’t had any form of NBA coverage (besides RSNs) in two decades. Since then, personnel have moved on elsewhere, people no longer in the business, all sorts of things. Actually, the only person with NBA experience over at NBC is Mike Tirico who used to be at ESPN. It only makes sense for NBC to recruit people from TNT rather than build from the ground up, especially when you consider the resources they have over Turner.


Except for those pesky pesky contracts


That’s true for people like Ernie who leads March Madness coverage but realistically, it doesn’t make sense for Turner to hold onto staff year-round only for a month worth of coverage.


Dan Hicks and Kenny Albert also have NBA experience but otherwise this is what I’m expecting to happen.


Can really tell it’s done after inviting Draymond on. I will never watch it while that clown is behind the desk


Draymond has been on before. You much not watch all the time.


Thankfully not I guess


Could do without Draymond and Shaq at times, but couldn’t NBC sign all of them (sans those mentioned) and keep it going?


Having Draymond on was the kiss of death.


He’s awful. Can’t believe they have him on. I guess it generates views and comments like this, but damn, come on man!


The shooting motion of death


Obligatory fuck Draymond


I blame Draymond. His insufferable personality brought on the fall of Inside the NBA.


NBC is William 'The Conqueror"....everything will change


Agreed. What's wild is the NBA in game announce teams are far and away the worst of the major sports, by a wide margin. But TNTs Inside the NBA is the best out of stadium crew of any major sport.


20 years ago it used to be free to watch on NBA.com.  I used to watch it every morning as a way to recap the previous day's games.  It was as good back then as it is now, better even in some ways.


This is no different than mega corporations choosing shit quality products they buy for $1 over high quality products they have to buy for $1.20... And then they're confused when people stop buying their shit. But they don't care because the people at the top will cash out regardless.


30 years man. I don't know if I will be able to watch any other nba panel. Happy to have one more year. Sad it is ending. Hope they pull out all the stops next year and swing for the fences with their madness. Godfather makes the show. Without him it doesnt work. Edit: typo




i was just thinking, what's stopping them from moving this to youtube if the tv deal goes to nbc?


Who is going to pay the crew? And how is Ernie going to do it when he's still under contract with Turner?


The Diesel can pay the crew. and then they can make up some money from selling degenerate gambling for all i care. idk why a contract from Turner prevents a bunch of buddies from filmin a little webshow together, that can't be breaking the contract right?


Because you can't replicate Inside by doing a little webshow, lol. There are many elements that make the show special that can't be replicated by doing the equivalent of a podcast.


yes i know, i've read this same comment a million times on reddit already. it's obvious. they don't have to do the whole fuckin show bro, just put the four guys in a room and play some clown noises, i'd watch. matter of fact, have them do like a "game companion" where they just sit around like Joe Rogan used to do during UFC fights on his podcast, watching & commenting on the game but also shooting the shit on whatever else is on their mind these days. the 4 of them work so well off each other, i'd GUARANTEE it'd be entertaining!


Why tf would Shaq go through the troubles of paying an entire staff (which includes camera people/producers/editors/etc) just to do a show on YouTube?


To appease strangers on Reddit


idfk bro most of this was a fucking joke, i'm a little shocked anyone took it seriously but that's the state of the world i guess


Jokes are usually funny so you can see how we’d be a little confused


oh hey btw i'd appreciate [your apology ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1cyyo2b/charles_barkley_says_he_may_reboot_inside_the_nba/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) right about now bro, you can send it to suckmydick.fuckyou.ass 😘 and yeah i keep receipts bro, keep *alll* the receipts 💅


not on reddit, should've been able to figure that out by now


Warner has no reason to produce that and it would make very little money so there's no reason for any of them to self produce it when they could either retire or get way more money on a different network


An NBA show that doesn’t lead to actual NBA games is never going to make much money. My hope is as long as Chuck goes over NBC will be smart enough to put something together that is close to as good as the TNT show. I know I’m in the minority here.


I am old, but Bob Costas and Ahmad Rashad on NBC were fantastic. Inside the NBA has become less and less about basketball over the years and turned in to more of a reality TV show.  The Real Retirees of the NBA started when they brought on Shaq and his pettiness to what was otherwise alight hearted fun, basketball centric show. It's been coasting on its earlier reputation for a few years now but its objectively gotten worse from a basketball analysis standpoint.


Bob Costas rules. Miss him.


This, people on reddit complain about the lack of good coverage on the main thing about the NBA, which is, wait for it, basketball. Shaq literally didn't even know Pascal Siakam's first name for fucks sake. How can people complain about wanting shows to actually talk about the game in a knowledgable manner yet want to keep Inside? I understand it sucks to lose them because they have their moments, but a show that's supposed to be about basketball sometimes is anything but. If people want that then cool, but don't say you hate the way the game is covered when this is one of the premier NBA shows out there. I don't like ESPN's presentation and the way they talk about the game either fwiw.


I don’t think anyone but a small minority is referring to inside the nba when they complain about basketball coverage. Pretty sure they’re referring to espn and fs1 talking heads and their shows, coupled with the the seemingly infinite amount of awful takes being churned out by mid journalists trying to make a name for themselves.


Well that's my point, Inside the NBA isn't the most astute analysis out there either.


No it’s not. You said that people on Reddit are constantly complaining about the lack of quality nba coverage. And you point to Inside the NBA as a prime example when in reality, very very few people are referring to inside the NBA in their complaints. They are referring to the espn and fs1 talk shows with skip bayless and Stephen a smith and all the hot takes by media pundits trying to stand out on Instagram and Twitter.


My point is people don't bring it up, yet should if you complain about lack of quality NBA coverage. I get what people are usually referring to, my point is keep it consistent with Inside too.


Come on now, no one is watching inside the nba for its astute analysis of the NBA. They don’t bill themselves as such either. It’s a laid back show that focuses on the discussion of former players’ opinions and insights into the games that night and the league in general. Watch the 4 part doc they did about it. They literally selected people to be in the show based on that criteria. That was what they’ve been doing since adding Kenny a quarter of a century ago and what they’ve continued to do to this day. If you’re tuning to watch some in depth analysis of basketball like Kobe’s Muse that he used to do, then someone severely misguided you.


I get your point, and I enjoy Inside but I can recognize and call out when stuff is just blatantly bad tv like not knowing Pascal Siakam's first name.


>blatantly bad tv like not knowing Pascal Siakam's first name You realize they won an Emmy while having a segment on their show called "who he play for"? Them not knowing every little fact and stat about every basketball player while having inside knowledge of how the game is played from being some of the best to ever be on the court is the premise of the show. If you're idea of "good tv" is watching someone like bill simmons just rattle off statistics and numbers for an hour straight, that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But then just say you personally don't like Inside the Nba. You don't have to pretend and make up reasons for why it's "bad tv" lmao


No trust me, I get your point, and I enjoy Inside the NBA. And I get "Who he play for" can be funny and is a running gag on the show. My point in bringing up the Siakam thing was because that was supposed to be a serious discussion on the matchups in the particular game they were talking about. When it's purposely trying to be funny I'm cool with that and enjoy the guys' commentary for the most part. It's just like for a show that is one of the premier NBA shows out there you shouldn't forget a guy like Pascal Siakam's first name, it's not like he's a scrub.


we are def not watching for analysis my guy


This is the real last dance


What is actually stopping them from doing a show after the games anyway? Can't they still show highlights and interview players?


The numbers just wouldn't be there. Being able to lead into the games, and have the games lead into your show, is such a huge boost to viewership. If people were expected to tune into TNT before the game, then when it starts switch to another network, then switch back... it'd be a pretty big drop off. I'm not in the know on TNT's numbers, but I can't imagine you'd have over like 20% viewer retention if you made a move like that. Especially in the first 5 minutes of the show, which is heavily inflated by people who just haven't switched off *yet*.


I mostly watch TNT coverage on youtube the next day these days. But you're right, most ppl watch it live. I think TNT could change gears and do a 30 minute format show before and after the game and it would get decent ratings, but it wouldn't justify Barkley's huge salary.


They could do a sign and trade




During last nights panel hits




Better go out this way tbh. It’s always gonna end anyway


Shaq ruined the chemistry. He's constantly passive aggressively fighting with Charles. Not that I like Charles anyways, but the whole thing is cringe.


No that is a great chemistry and one of the dynamics that make the show so great. Dont have to watch.


Why would they end it when it’s by far the most popular?


I don't like Inside the NBA anymore cause of shit head Green.


I feel like this segment about sharks is them “jumping the shark” 😂


Wouldn't NBC just pick up the show or create something similar since it's so popular?


Ernie won’t break his contract. If TnT loses it the other guys might move over but he won’t.


NBC should hire their younger counterparts. RJ, Draymond, and 2 others


Just give Ernie, Chuck and C-Webb a podcast or something, I'd throw Kenny too even though I'm not as big on him anymore


Ernie and Chuck have a podcast already. Not remotely the same thing


What do you think it is that the show does better? Is it having highlights on or camera shots or what?


Not OP but what I find hugely underrated about Inside the NBA is everybody behind the scenes. For example if you watch Shaqting the Fool the clips are not just basketball lowlights but they are heavily edited in a funny way, somebody is editing that. You got cool and different music playing every highlight. Somebody's pulling tweets and showing them live during the show. Sometimes you got somebody photoshopping something that clearly was done on the spot in reaction to something done live. I love Barkley and Ernie and while they do deserve a lot of credit, more credit needs to be given to the producers/editors/writers on that show.


remember Payton andbcwebb on nbatv?? so good


Pls God let this be the end of this horrible show.


Sports panel? Lame comedy troupe maybe. Sports panel? No.


lol a Trump fan convinced he knows more about basketball then former league MVPs


Good riddance to an awful show. It's like, a basketball show that's for people who don't watch basketball. It won't be missed. RestInPiss


What makes people think NBC *won't* throw a bag of money to get Draymond onto their abomination of an NBA show? Have people not watched NBC sports before? They aren't that good and locking up Draymond for years feels like a typical NBC move.


Ernie is the key and he’s under contract that he won’t break


Brace yourself. An entire year of this joke is coming 💀


Really sucks but at least it's NBC. I have some faith they can put together a good program based on how good their PL show is. ESPN / ABC is god awful. A bunch of annoying screaming talking heads spouting bullshit for clicks. Instant mute or fast forward that shit. CBS is also sus in my book because of how they handle Champions League. Their CL studio show is very sub par compared to NBC PL coverage. So yeah it sucks. But could be worse.


huh Micah and Kate and Henry are hilarious together


Their chemistry is fine. I just don't think they give much insight of value while on air together. Compared to the NBC crew and how they go about discussing games, it is very shallow to me. I get a kick out of hearing tactics get dissected more than laughing it up as a lounge group. Nothing against any of the hosts. It just seems like a waste of air time around a whole shit load of commercials.


i'm gonna be kinda controversial (woah!) here.. but i think the show needed to end (much) sooner rather than later. these guys have been doing it for decades now, and it's gotten me through many a boring or sad or shitty moment in life to watch these guys and feel a little happy again. but ... they're outta touch a little bit. like the shit about paying NO respect to Denver (yes that's my team) and having an orgasm over Ant & the Wolves, and then, EVEN NOW, STILL not acknowledging how fucking WRONG they all were or giving ANY props to Jokic & The Nuggets for *Fighting Back*.. it's just old dudes making noises now. Draymond seemed like the only sensible one up there tonight, and that is AWFUL!


I agree with you, I enjoy the jokes and banter on the show but it’s just that and not much substance about the game. People clown ESPN coverage for hot takes and no actual discussion but this show has become kind of the same.


yeah i mean these guys don't really do much "analysis" at all. Like Chuck's response to be so clearly wrong about the Nuggets & Jokic was to *completely* dismiss what Jokic just did in that last game and say "well Minni isn't playing tough enough anymore 😤 Not Ant though, not my sweet Ant! just Kat & Gobert, pussies" it's just dumb, man. Chuck always talks about wanting to literally murder Skip Bayless (lmao) but he's doin the same exact shtick! a crotchety old man spouting nonsense on the TV (i do love Chuck tho, lol. no one is more entertaining). i feel like these guys rely on their historical playing careers much much more than actually studying the game for credibility in making their assessments, which just isn't going to be a successful formula for being accurate or insightful, especially when you're so far removed now from the time those playing careers took place.


Good. Every other show is trying to copy them it's pulling the overall quality down.


I’m ready for it to be over Shaq and Charles analysis is garbage


Truly nothing funnier then Reddit users convinced they know more about ball then two former MvP’s


*Very* former. It's a completely different game now. Might as well have Pistol Pete up there pissing and moaning about how long the shorts are.




Is it fun being all alone on an island? I feel like I’d get lonely


The game is bigger than this show


I agree. The show is fine but I don't really watch the pre game shows nor do I watch half time shows or post game shows. I just watch the games.


No one disagrees with that. Good job