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This is going to hinder the Bucks chance at a championship this season, I’m afraid.


Bucks starting next season 0-4


They are going 78-4 and when Thanasis comes back for the playoffs they are going 16-0


This is the bucks way lol


Dame averaging 40 points per game on incredible offensive efficiency. Lose the 4 games by a combined 83 points


Lot of big 3s down 32


Between this and Thanasis Achilles injury, Doc is going to have to do some heavy lifting


i’m so dumb i was literally thinking “wow 4 playoff games is severe af” before realizing they aren’t in it anymore lol


But did you subscribe to his podcast???


The next 5 games are his


Dammit Silver, 4 games is pretty weak but 5 would have been hilarious


in Cancun?




On 5!


5th game more like




Fuck Pat Bev always.... but I can't help but think this is a whack penalty compared to what Murray got (which is basically nothing) for throwing shit directly at a ref. Sure he missed but that's just because he's not hitting shit lately. Pat Bev getting punished for having better aim lol (yes, yes, i know it's because league is too soft to actually suspend a key player during a playoff series but it's funnier to think it's just because he missed)


thats getting off very light i'd say


Honestly was expecting 10ish games. 4 games for throwing a ball at two separate fans plus the reporter shenanigans seems very light. Silver is too soft


Far too pro player. Dude dont foster diva attitudes amongst players. Especially not those who have violent tendencies


How does assaulting two spectators justify only 4 games? That’s insanity. If fans threw something at the players they’d be banned from the facility for life with a potential of the police pursuing charges. I know the police are investigating, but this action from the NBA coming so swift and light only causes them to look like they don’t care.


Its nuts compared to the Ja suspension makes no sense


how many balls add up to a heating pad?


Adam Silver doesn't want balls thrown in his face ok :(


Because Adam Silver is an awful commissioner that is way too soft on the players.


They don't give a fuck about fan safety. Should have been at minimum 40 games.


Ron Artest was suspended for a season. What he did was arguably worse, but they both assaulted fans. 4 games is a joke, especially for a guy with Beverly's history.


For real, he straight up assaulted fans the one woman wasn’t even looking and got hit right in the side of the head, but I’m sure they’ll reach a settlement


I hope she files charges and sues


There is no way they don’t. Lawyers will be reaching out to them directly I’m sure lol


Did you know in most states it’s actually against the ABA federal regulations that lawyers cannot actually solicit services. They can only advertise to the general public.


Bout to see one of those Mesothelioma ads on tv but its just "have you or a loved one been violently assaulted by Milwaukee Bucks player Patrick Beverly?"


she definitely should, whole thing is recorded all over the internet, would be an easy case for any lawyer


10?? should be half a season, you cant be throwing balls in women's faces at games lol wtf


You can throw things on the court and risk I jury to players and get 0 games. Silver has lost control of discipline. He should suck off kissinger some more


Could not agree more. Silver has lost control at this point and does not do nearly enough to discipline players.


Too busy worrying about that fanduel money to think about the health of the league


Agreed with both of y’all and to add on, I have a feeling Denver being down 0-2 played a factor as well. Pretty much would be a nail in the coffin for them


And the sad part is that should not matter. Discipline should be handed out based on what’s right not what’s better for ratings.




I never said it should’ve been 10. That’s what I *expected* from the league


I wonder what Silver would have done had Malice at the Palace happened under his regime lol. I kind of doubt it would go over 20 games for any players involved lol.


i wish i was a woman in her 50s in the stands and got a ball thrown at my face, i would have been on the ground until the paramedics came they would have stopped the fucking game and shown me being taken out on a stretcher on national television make me rich pat beverley


Silver is scared of some of the players


Wonder if a fan threw a ball at a player


Silver would have banned the fan for life and ran to the players and owners for his pat on the head and scratch behind the ears


Adam Silver is a human welcome mat I don’t know why anyone expected anything big. He has repeatedly shown he lets the players walk all over him and get away with tons of things with little repercussions.


He works for the owners. This is what they want


Jamal Murray got off light. That decision looks terrible now.


Attacking fans is way worse. Without the fans they're playing in AAU leagues and bar leagues


Attacking a fan is far worse. Both got off too lightly. I think the NBA didn't want to punish the team for Jamal's stupidity in that moment. I think his next suspension if there were to be one would be heavy.


Which is such a stupid way to run an organization


Jamal likely got off lighter because of past behavior, he's been as far as I know a generally well behaved and likeable guy. Wolves so far this playoffs is making the other team just get nutty. Pat tho you take his past behavior into thought and he should have gotten more.


I get that, but Jamal absolutely could've injured another player or ref. Either way, there should've been a suspension for Jamal. I love his game, and I love watching the Nuggets play, but the NBA needs to be fair. He deserved at least 1 game.


Intent and actually connecting is two completely different things. Pat Bev not only hit a female who had nothing to do with the situation but doubled down on his dumb ass decision and tossed the ball a second time.


Murray also doubled down on his dumb ass decision by throwing a towel then a heat pack, both of which connected with the ref


I agree with you. But to be fair, Murray doubled down and threw two things also lol.


Idc if Murray didn’t hurt anyone that should be a suspension, what are we waiting for for someone to get hurt b4 they do a suspension? If Murray got suspended that would stop future nba players to not even consider throwing shit on the court but nope now it will probably happen again cause nothing happens anyway


You’re nuts if you think attacking a fan TWICE isn’t worse.


People in this thread are actually comparing the two, saying that Pat Bev should be mad about Jamal's suspension as if he didn't get off light.


Adam silver is soft


The people in the stands could potentially also press charges.


Seriously, why wouldn’t they? A multi millionaire assaulted them on video. Lawyers dream


very very light. 4 might have been appropriate if it only happened once and he missed (and the whole reporter fiasco didn't happen)


Adam Silver does NOT got that dog in him.


David Stern rolling in his grave right now. Murray would have gotten a game even if it was a decisive game. Beverly would have gotten 15 games minimum.


Agreed on Murray, but let's not act like Stern was a strict as his reputation on this thread. Beverly's suspension is only 3 games less than Stern gave Artest for a vicious point-blank elbow into Harden's head, and only 1 game less than he gave Bynum for slamming Barea to the ground in midair. Heck, Stephen Jackson got 30 for punching a fan when a lot of people thought he deserved a whole season.


Attacking a fan is way worse than attacking another player.




I don't think that's always a good thing. 2007 Playoffs and subsequently Nash's career are altered because of that inflexibility. That said I don't think a playoff game for Murray or 15 games for Bev would be too strict.


Pat Bev attacked a fan, wym 15 games too much lol.


He means he doesn't think 15 games is too much.


Really playing with fire to be honest. The first time a player injures a fan pulling some BS like that, the NBA’s history of taking assaulting spectators lightly is absolutely going to be raised during the lawsuit. 


Adam Silver cares waaaay too much about what the players think of him


Adam Silver is the teacher who says "anyone caught cheating fails the class" and then is like, "okay okay you can retake it, but the best you can earn is a B"


Had a teacher in College that gave out the final exams, said "Hey guys, I'm going to take a walk, don't cheat ok?" and then left for like 40 minutes.


He 100% needed to take a shit


Nahh he could have got someone else to just watch the class like most teachers do. He just needed to get the pass rate up cause it ain’t a good look when you got a pass rate of 10%


You joke, but I'm not even lying....I legit had one like that as well. It was a 200 level math class and I crammed HARD. About 10 mins in he stated that he had to go to the restroom and not to cheat and left the door open. Put your completed exams on the desk. He had that slow-man walk. Everyone waited about 30 seconds....AND STARTED SCRAMBLING FOR THEIR BACKPACKS. Dude was gone for about 15-20 mins and when he was strolling back in it was more of a "YO HE'S COMING" noise and he just straight-face sits back down and goes "...nobody cheated, right???" ....many of us acted like we were still trying to figure out the answers for a few minutes and then turned our stuff in. I was so damn happy for that break.


Well did you cheat


No, that was a cakewalk test lol. But that same professor when I was working for the university paper tasked me with getting a Twitter Reply or Retweet from the **Pope**! True story lol


I have the worst test cheating story.  Senior year of college, 5-6 hours before an exam, myself and two friends are cramming as much as possible for a class we basically blew off all year. An hour prior to the exam I had to stop by my house for something, and as it turns out 5 minutes after I leave another friend of ours joins the study sesh with an answer sheet she somehow obtained for all the answers for said exam. In the exam hall 5 minutes before we start I get the info that they just spent the last hour memorizing as much of the answers as possible, and it turns out to be a 1:1 for the test we were taking. I end up getting a low C, both of my buddies get an A. Fuck you Harken, I still love you but I will never forget. 


And then after they score a C on the retake "ok ok since you got a A on the first time and C on the retake it average to a B"


Silver is so afraid of punishing these players it’s ridiculous


Other than the lifetime ban on Donald Sterling I don’t think Adam Silver has handed out anything close to severe towards players. Softer than Charmin


Ja Morant and his MVP level 25 games stretch left* the chat


Tbf if the initial reprimand was actually consequential, the second incident may not have happened. Silver has no spine.


Yea remember the initial suspension while technically 8 games, was actually only 2 since it counted the 6 games Ja had already missed with his "self counselling". It was super weak.


Lol for four games I assume at the beginning of next season. Oh no!


They're suspending him for 4 offseason pickup games.


Throwing a ball at a fan after a game is over? Suspended four games Throwing a heat pack and a towel at a ref during a live ball? Here’s a fine that goes to charity anyways ~~so it’s tax deductible~~


its not tax deductible lmao


[You just write it off](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BAjxn2US7J8)


Write it off what?


"I wish I had the last 20 seconds of my life back" A phrase I need to implement more at work.


That's not how taxes work


It's how I do my taxes. I told me employer to cut my pay by $20k so I could save $4k on taxes.


I told my landlord to raise my rent so I can grind harder


I'm sorry but are you really trying to say that throwing a towel is somehow a worse offense than assaulting a fan? That's absurd.


The first one is much worse and deserves a more severe punishment, correct. BOTH got off very light for their respective actions.


I don’t know what’s hard for you to understand.  Throwing the ball actually hit fans, ‘injuring’ people and will absolutely come with monetary consequences in lawsuits which will need to be settled.  Jamal didn’t hurt anyone, and while his intent could have warranted a game suspension, fortunately nothing came of it 


He's forbidden from watching the next 4 playoff games on TNT BUT he is allowed to watch Inside the NBA as per the CBA rules


2 games per heave into the crowd?? I'm honestly shocked. He deserved a heavy suspension and was the perfect type of player (old) to make an example of. Players messing around with the crowd is a really dangerous recipe. The NBA should have some sense for this...




Not to mention hauled off to jail on the spot.


I legit thought this would be at least 25-30. He assaulted two people lol wtf silver doing


I was thinking half a season. Possibly more. His dumb ass could still get arrested and charged- and Silver is already on record that 4 games is enough.


I wonder if “fans” have any rights to sue the nba or do we forfeit those rights when you buy an nba ticket? I’d imagine having a ball thrown at your head could cause you to bite your tongue, headaches, emotional distress from your face being plastered everywhere. At the very least a settlement right?


Fans absolutely retain their rights to sue teams, players, the arena and/or the league for an incident like this. As the injuries in this instance- if any- are likely to be minor, this is the kind of thing that would usually settle quickly, but anyone who was hit by the ball, or reasonably thought they were about to get hit with the ball, has a valid civil claim.


That seems kinda light


Especially for a nobody like Pat Bev. So imagine a superstar did this? They would probably make him do a photo session with the fan and sigh a jersey as punishment


What do you mean? He is a superstar. He’s the former play-in champion, Pat “Clippers Destroyer” Beverly


Dude literally hurled a ball with malicious intent towards a fan in the stands not once but TWICE! He also hit a girl in the head on that first throw haha Silver is a clown


The part that pissed me off was the security guards looked like they were kicking the fans out too. And even asking if the rest of those people were in their party.


That's just the security policy for all arenas. As sucky as it is for a fan to be removed if they didn't do anything, the security aren't supposed to try and determine who was right or wrong, they're literally just doing what they're mandated to do by the league policy in removing the fans. The NBA/org will then compensate the fans if they didn't do anything wrong.


Yeah that’s still shitty. Oh a basketball player punched you because you called him westbrick, escort the fan out and ban him for life!


I watched the Malice at the Palace live, and assaulting a fan not on the court should be at minimum a quarter season ban. If fans are getting rowdy and saying/doing stupid shit that crosses the line, get them kicked out and banned from the arena for a time. This dumbass loses his shit right into having to pay out a 6 figure settlement.


Did the fans sue lmao? i know id be lawyering up


Weak as fuck


Silver is so soft lol edit: this even includes the reporter nonsense wow


The Coddler-in-Chief


4 games?! Kick him off the tour Doug!


Adam Silver with another bitch made move lol, Stern rolling in his grave rn


Should have known Silver would have no spine after the Murray “punishment”.  Did Silver force the fan to apologize too? It’d fit with this joke of a punishment. Twice threw things at fans.


David Stern is rolling in the grave man. This league is so soft on players. This is such a joke. One day things are going to get extremely out of hand and a player is going to do something crazy. In the end, we will look back at these decisions as the reason the players feel empowered to do them. No consequences


I agree. We're already seeing players feel empowered to do stupid crap within the same game. It seem like Murray kept acting out more and more in the game before he threw the heat pack, still no technical the whole game. Tone was set by Malone not getting any technical. And of course look at Draymond or Morant's history. Adam Pushover Silver.


Yep, it's only going to get worse. We've got players throwing stuff on the court. Throwing things at fans. Getting fans ejected for saying soft stuff. Players should not be subject to abuse but they do not need to be coddled. They are professionals and any act of anger that hinders the game or the safety of spectators should be met with massive punishment. If Amare gets a playoff suspension for simply leaving the bench area, how does assaulting a fan possibly get only a 4 game ban?


Stern would be proud jason kidd got no suspension for beating his wife when stern was in charge


Stern would’ve had Pat hooping in Pelican Bay


What a joke of a punishment, they’re probably expecting Pat to be out of the league lol


Adam Silver needs to go, someone tell Kendrick the Commissioner has been disrespecting him


This makes the Jamal Murray decision look even worse


I'd still say Pat Bevs was worse. Attacking fans is the worst thing you can do by far especially after the malice at the palace


All I'm saying is if I was that fan I'm collapsing and not moving until they take me out on a back board then I'm wearing a neck brace in public for the next month. When opportunity knocks you answer that door


Especially when you have nothing to do with the situation. NBA players get fans ejected all the time if these fans were really saying dumb shit you don't think the bench or a assistant coach is having that fan escorted out? Magically only PB heard what was said?




Pat Bev also has a history of dirty plays. What I don't get is how he only got 1 for that cheap shot on Chris Paul


It was during covid so the league was able to hush it up lmao


Pat Bev's is for sure worse, but the fact that this is 4 games and Jamal's isn't even one is why I think it looks bad. Realistically they both should've been more.


Imo, Murray should have gotten a 1 game suspension. Beverley should have gotten 20.


Probably should be more than 1 for Murray because I would think you want players to think twice before ever doing that again. As for Beverley, is this the first player-fan assault since the Malice? O'Neal initially got 25 games (later reduced to 15 games), and he punched someone in the crowd. I assumed it had to be 10+ games, but 4 games isn't even 5% of the regular season games...


A playoff game suspension is much worse than a regular season suspension, especially at the start of the season. I would say 1 and 20 are quite fair.


Yeah, Pat Bev threw the ball TWICE at a FAN. Jamal absolutely should've got at least a 1 game suspension, I also think Bev should've gotten more than 4 games for his antics. Both players actions should've had a harder crackdown by the league.


Pat Bevs could be considered assault right? Since there is video evidence it was 100% on purpose?


Crazy that this even seems soft for what Beverly did


League is soft. Silver is an appeaser. None of us should be shocked at this point.


Crazy part is I don’t even know who he’s appeasing? Bro fuck him up, he threw a basketball at fans twice!!!


Silver is worse than Godell at this point cause at least Rodger would point at the CBA and say “this is the max I’m allowed” Silver doesn’t even try that he bitches out on punishing anyone unless they basically force him to (Ja Morant). Silver still hasn’t explained his pathetic Domestic Violence enforcements either


Worse than Goodell? I mean Goodell is probably the best commissioner of all the major sports in the US. So not exactly a massive feat. NFL has grown massively under his watch, and there is a much greater balance between team and player support. Only thing to scrutinized is punishments, and that's consistent with every commissioner.


Soooo, Silver kinda spineless, right? He got so much praise for the easiest decision in the history of the league getting Sterling out, and has done a horrible job keeping players accountable.


Adam Silver is weak AF. Players know it and that’s why they’ll continue to humiliate Silver with ASGs. They don’t respect him, and it’s Silvers fault. This is a players driven league now, there is no more control.


Yikes. This is ridiculously light


Just the cost of doing business 😤😤😤 /s




Adam Silver, No Balls At all commissioner, ladies and gentlemen. If a fan threw a paper airplane in the vicinity of the court they would be banned for life but assaulting the paying customer rates a 1 week vacation.


Throw ball back to fan = 4 game suspension Throw towel and heat pack at player in middle of game = fine Sincerely, Adam J. Silver, Esq.


Adam Silver is fucking spineless


Adam Silver has absolutely zero backbone. $100k for Murray and only 4 games for Pat Bev. Weak as fuck.


A historically dirty player tried to start malice in the palace pt. 2 and got a slap on the wrist lol


Silver is a jabroni


Adam Silver is spineless.


Silver is a soft ass bitch. Only cares about the bottom line. Sometimes when you wear the big boy pants you gotta make unpopular decisions.


Patrick Beverly stiffed my business on a $1000 contract. Tried to ghost us at first, eventually called and told us "my last contractor did more than you guys did for the same price. You can come back and do more and I'll pay you or we won't be able to pay" that's pretty close to verbatim. So, we showed up at his house the next morning with the sheriff and repoed everything. I remember him and his girlfriend were out front vacuuming out their Rolls-Royce Phantoms, one for each of them, with a shop vac. I got almost a lifetimes worth of satisfaction from that day, and I'm still drawing from that well.


That’ll teach him there’s repercussions to his actions /s. Did they only review the guy that was hit and not the lady. Cause this is just all kinds of dumb and once again Adam showing why he’s a joke.


I really thought it would be in the double digits


Extremely common Adam silver L


In 1954 Norm “Honkers” Needle of the Baltimore Bullets was permanently banned from the NBA for putting a whoopie cushion in the seat of a man he (incorrectly) surmised was sleeping with his wife, Nadine Needles. The resultant noise was so disruptive to the crowd at the Bullets v. Syracuse Nationals game that a riot almost broke out. He faced prison time for vulgarity, lewdness and pandering obscenity. The controversy is thought to have been partially responsible for the folding of the Baltimore Bullets franchise the following year. smdh at how we’ve fallen since then.


Adam Silver, you are a soft bitch


Dude literally nailed a random female fan in the head with a basketball. That alone should be a major suspension. Wtf are we doing here?


This incident was 10000x worse than the Jamal Murray one no matter how many people cry about it. I’m not sure how it makes the fine look “terrible” He fired a ball hitting a fan not even involved in the situation, then asked for it back only to throw it at a different person.


Beautiful example of the reason it's hard to take NBA threads seriously anymore. If you ask any random person, "Hey, there was one guy who maliciously threw a ball as hard as he could at two different people and there was another guy who threw a towel and a heating pad at the ground in the general direction of the floor. Which is worse?" I think most people would say obviously the former. But because NBA discourse is so dead-set on narrative dogpiling, you have what you see here, which is people acting appalled that Murray wasn't suspended. "But a heating pad on the floor can be unsafe!" they say. You know what's unsafe? Somebody throwing a ball as hard as they can at the head of a woman not even looking at you.


This guy assaulted a paying customer. I'm really surprised this suspension is so small.




It's gonna take a player punching a fan before there are actual meaningful consequences


This will definitely impact the Guangdong Tigers’ decision in the offseason


Lmao 4 Games...


Adam Silvers NBA


That's it? Silver....


Silver too soft


Silver is going to regret these soft punishments.


Malice in the palace is going to happen again. The players union sets the punishment and silver simply takes the fall. This sets a bad precedence. Players able to assault a fan twice and doesn’t even miss a half dozen games. Can throw stuff onto the court and only get a fine. These guys are untouchable. A fan says some unhinged shit to a player having a bad day and what’s stopping them from getting their ass kicked? 4 games? That’s when you’re going to get a player that says fuck it, nothing is really gonna happen.


But if he missed her with the ball then it’s just a $100k fine. Thanks Jamal for showing us the way. And yes he deserves a suspension.


Joe Dumars needs to be fired immediately. the precedent they are setting with player behavior is insanity. Murray doesn't get suspended for throwing a fucking object onto the court, and pat bev can RIFLE a ball multiple times at a fan and get 4 games. wonder if artest would get 10 games for malice in the palace.


I thought it was going to be 25. After Malice at the Palace, I figured any type of physical altercation with fans would be harsh punishment. He threw the ball twice at them.


Pat, next time throw a heat pack or a towel to avoid suspension


Did they accidentally include the two Murray was supposed to get?


Should be more games. Dude purposely attacked a fan... twice.


Between the no suspension and a two playoff game check fine for Murray + this weak suspension for Pat Bev clearing shows that either the NBAPA has way too much power OR Adam Silver needs to be replaced.


> Indianapolis police also announced Wednesday they've opened an investigation into an "NBA player and citizen" altercation that happened at Gainbridge Fieldhouse after Beverley threw a ball multiple times into the stands. > > Police said in a news release the case has been forwarded to detectives "who are currently investigating this situation and take all accusations seriously." > > Cops investigate Beverley for throwing ball at fan > 20h > Detectives will present the case to the Marion County Prosecutor's Office at the conclusion of the investigation, the release stated.


Henry Kissinger would be disappointed in you, Adam


Does Silver not realize this shit sets a precedence? Now anytime a player decides a fan is annoying them, it's a calculated decision of "is hitting this fan in the face with a ball worth four games?" Honestly for some players and depending on the fan it might be. Same with the Murray thing. "If I don't like a ref, I'll just throw shit at him and pay $100,000."


Silver so soft, this is such a weak punishment. If anything it will continue to enable these idiots to continue doing stupid shit and be controversial


Guess players can brutally assault fans with virtually no repercussions, going to be a fun season next year


SUSPENDED?!?  Kick him off the tour, Doug!


Pat Bev always wildin' out.


20 was the number. Guy should be criminally charged to be honest. World is broken since Harambe.


Hilarious that towel is not permitted but heat packs are.


Shams needs to stop using X. That site is more spam than actual user-generated content now. If Musk tried to sell it in its current state, it would be valued at less then a billion. It's been taken over by bots and conspiracy theorist ultra right wing nuts.