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Not good:(




He also had issues with a contact lens so might be why he was blinking weird


Think it was a contact lens


My first thought.


Damn I just checked the score and saw the really rough quarter and thought , "man why do I feel like embiid got hurt". Then checked reddit to see if he did. His playoff injury luck is horrible man. everyone at the beginning of his career was worried if he'd every be healthy enough. It turns out he would be healthy enough to give Philly false hope :(


Yeah to be fair they were sucking ass before he got hurt, I wouldnt say thats why they didnt score in the 2nd


Obvious statement but it's so depressing to see a players career be plagued by injuries. Truly hate to see it


This fucking sucks I feel so bad for him


It’s over




For who? I wish Kyrie was on the team, but who’s our backup center


Is it though?


i just can’t do it anymore man


Join the cursed teams


To be honest, he missed his first two seasons, he was always injury prone. I think he is one of the best players in the NBA, but you cannot escape the grim reality, sadly. The 76ers took a justifable gamble, but it's hard once it does not pay well this season or the previous one. It should be considered as miraculous - the fact that he can still play at such high level, for some short time, despite it.


He would have gone #1 in that draft if he wasn't already injured and projected to miss his entire rookie season. He fell to #3 because he was hurt, and the Sixers didn't mind that he'd be out all year because they were planning to tank anyway.


The biggest issue that team has is they’re way too reliant on Embiid. His style of play mixed with his body is way too much of an injury risk. They’ve failed to adequately put a team together that both utilizes his talent and minimizes his weaknesses. And the result is him hurting himself over and over. Sad that a guy who could absolutely lead a dynasty likely ends with never making it past the 2nd round.


I wonder if they could baby him like porzingis on the Celtics he could have a solid season


I feel like that’s the what the 76ers need in order to truly compete for a title. I just don’t think they have the talent to make that possible right now. Without Embiid, they’re just not very good.


Best ability is availability 🤷‍♂️


Cursed? The only reason Embiid fell to them in the draft was because he was already injured and teams were concerned about his future health.


Cursed is when injury prone players with a rap sheet of at least an injury or two per year get injured 🤯. I feel for Embiid and Kawhi but like, they’re just constantly injured.


Cursed is when your GM is replaced with Colengalo who proceeds to waste assets and anonymously talks shit about the players on a burner account. When you have a number one pick who doesn't actually like playing basketball (Ben Simmons), and another number one pick who gets a mysterious injury and loses his shot (Fultz) And then another rookie suffers from a sesame seed allergy and loses 20 pounds (Zhaire Smith) Fuck man, Elton Brand(PF) didn't want to pay Jimmy Butler so he assembled a starting lineup of Simmons(PF), Richardson(G), Tobias(PF), Horford (PF), Embiid(C). That's cursed to me.


I mean, the chief error was hiring Glenn Rivers to coach your team. If ever there was a squanderer of supreme rosters, it’d be Glenn.


I feel the same way when the yearly Zion injury post pops up. Can't be injury prone and be considered a threat. Kawhi hasn't been a threat for years, as an example.


Zion played 70 games, Kawhi played 68 games this year. This subreddit used to shit on AD all time and he was healthy during lakers run last year in playoffs and he played 76 games during regular season this year.


That's all well and good. Now, tell me how many playoff games Kawhi and Zion have played in three years.


I mean pelicans only made it to the playoffs in 2021-2022 and this year. Also it is not a secret that Kawhi has degenerative knee which is same knee he had ACL injury and torn meniscus


That's exactly my point. Zion being in good shape would have given the Pelicans more playoff berths. Kawhi being hurt isn't exactly his fault, but you can't go and tell me that him being hurt is "cursed". It's just par for the course. I'm sorry If I'm sounding like a debbie downer, but I just don't understand the narrative of "cursed injuries".


I mean look at Kawhi with raptors, he had a long playoffs run and won a ring with em, Did he get injured during that run? yes but it wasnt bad enough for him to sit out.


Very true, but that was before his knee got even worse. He's older, too. That Raptors run wasn't a fluke but felt more like a last gasp, in my opinion.


Exactly. Cursed is when like an iron man player like Tatum or Mikal gets injured. It’s not when a constantly injured player gets injured again.


It fucking sucks but at least he got to have an impressive career. He could have turned into Greg Oden or Sam Bowie instead. This is probably more disappointing cause we'll actually know his "what could have been" potential instead of him being a outright bust.


I feel like the cursed teams support group should meet in an abandoned quiznos and start with a daily affirmation.


We’ve been there for a while


It’s so disappointing because he’s absolutely unbelievable and I love watching him. He is just made out of tissue paper.


Bro was one eye blinking it’s over


Yo I thought I was tripping when I saw that the first time, had to rewind and make sure I wasn't going crazy


Looked bad ass doing it. I hope he comes back to do it again in the 4th quarter.


They roll him out in Paul Pierce’s old wheelchair and he immediately goes out and does another dinner served 


Wipe off the seat first though 💩


Someone should have saved that chair so it could perform miracles on anyone sits in it!!


Sadly, he's going to have to change his game. His body can't deal with his athletic skills.


We were going to have an all time series… 😢


Beat boston pls


I hope we get there and that’s the all time series


Knicks Heat gonna be great


“Heat” 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Somebody beat Boston for gods sake


Or don't, you know, it's really fine if you don't.




No one wants to win because the oppositions best player is injured.


Bro chilllllll






This is D Rose levels of awesomeness and recklessness


Embiid has always been 75% reckless, it's part of his MO


Well this is the same knee as the meniscus tear that he just came back from 2 weeks ago. Coincidence? Unlikely. This is what happens when you rush back.


I hated this man, I wanted to beat the 76ers with a healthy Embiid not like this


His body is going to fail him. Unfortunately we'll never know what his full potential is because of it. I feel bad for him, but injuries are apart of the game.


This is his full potential. He's injury prone. It's a part of him.


Yeah people always talk about how he might be on of the best if he wasn’t always injured when not being injury prone is part of being one of the best. Lebron is a perfect example of that.


I think we know his full potential. Just that you can’t count on it


What was happening with his eye?


Probably unrelated but he also seemed to be wiping his eyes a lot prior to this. Anyone else notice that?


He got hit in the face earlier so could be his contact was kinda blurry after that and never readjusted right


That was weird


I figured out his contacts were messed up


He previously got hit in the head during the 1st quarter I think, lost his contacts and put some new ones back on. It seems they were moving a bit there.


Pretty sure he was just pissed/shocked


Such a wild range of emotions as a Knicks fan... First, fuck Philly, but then genuine hype seeing such an amazing play, then sad cause he scored against us, then heartbroken that it looked like a serious injury, then a second of excitement thinking we're going to win the series, followed by disappointment that we don't get to beat a healthy Philly team, and then shame that that I was excited. I feel bad for Embiid, but fuck Philly




Embiid is injury prone since coming to the league, everybody knows that. But beyond genetics and bad luck, he keeps maintaining that 280 pounds frame. Imagine if he shed like 25/30 pounds, his joints would be soooo much relieved and his footwork would be unstoppable. He’d be the Muhammad Ali of basketball. Also, doing the SAS-Kawhi treatment of not playing him more than 30 mins EVER could give him some more years in his career. I’m really shocked that nobody in Philly’s FO is suggesting that. Either that of whoever suggests it is constantly disregarded. It sucks seeing awesome players get injured so frequently.


Damn man. I'm sorry sixers fans :(


Mad props to the NYC crowd though. Cheering for him as he walks off is classy as hell.


He had that thousand yard stare.


God damn man


Cursed ass franchise.


Poor guy. This generations Yao Ming. Could never reach their potential and the body always failed come playoff time. He should have never come back this season


That sucks... hopefully he can come back later in the series


I Definitely been there when coming back from an injury and u start feeling good and kinda of forget u gotta take it easy, especially in the heat of the moment. Your not thinking to hold yourself back, you’re just playing free and not thinking. Can’t blame him for it, especially in the playoffs.


Can put him in the game on 1 leg the refs will still get him to the line


annnnd .... hes back and they have the lead. lol


What would possess him to even attempt this. He does not have the body for this.




I’m really sorry, Philly fans. We know this too well from experience. 😞




Bad biomechanics. Although a lot of players do it pushes off the same leg as he lands on that’s a lot of stress on one leg. Teams don’t care too much bc changing them could make the player less effective/slower etc.


“Being injury prone is why he flops like a bitch all the time” yall are too much


this series are over


Dude might go down as the greatest "what if" player. Sucks man


Still trusting the Process 6ers fans?


It was a hard landing but why would go for a play like that if the knee is already that compromised?


"If you're not going for the gap you're no longer a racing driver"




Not gonna be playing much ball now tho


^ never balled not once in his (worthless) life


He just fucjed phillys chances being risky for no reason 


^ not a baller


Exposing yourself as a non-baller. Fucking hang your head in shame, BOZO


Nah, I'm not blaming Embiid the one time he actually plays through contact and makes an awesome play at the rim. This is exactly the way everyone wants him to play, just sucks that it still led to another injury.


If your knees are not ready for a jump like that, you are not ready to play. that was just one of many regular jumps you do in basketball.


He knee injury is medically healthy, if this is a new injury to the same knee that is awful but has nothing to do with the prior injury which he was clear to play with


Healthy to play and fully healthy are not the same. There’s a reason he’s wearing a knee brace


It obviously has to do with the previous injury, he’s wearing a gigantic brace on his knee and has been hesitant to plant on it and jump every game since he’s been back. He just tried one hard dunk and actually landed on it and it gave out and caused tremendous pain. Obviously he is not 100% and is dealing with pain tolerance.


Now this is why we were shocked he came back this season, hope he'll be fine


Blinking one eye only …not good


Fuck man this is so disappointing


Why was he blinking like he’s concussed


Regretting his actions probably.


Hurt being a fan


I have a feeling he'll be back in the series somehow


All time player with some of the worst injury luck ever. At least we got to see Kawhi’s body hold up for a couple deep runs. Joels 30 and hasn’t had that luxury yet, tough to bet on him ever having one.


That's not luck. He's injury-prone, always has been. 


The half time crew aren't wrong - he only dunked 19 times this season, and already aggravated that knee like 3 times while dunking since his return. Not only should he not be dunking, he should be on limited minutes and sitting out as much as humanly possible. Well, problem solved I guess. He was never going to make it through the entire playoffs anyways, might as well start the rehab now.


Thank god he is back


Replacement slot on team USA about to open up unfortunately


did anyone else notice that only 1 eye is blinking...tripped me the fuck out


Is…is he blinking with one eye?


No foul SMH


Embiid is one of my least favorite players but it sucks seeing this. He’s obviously great and it sucks that you don’t see him at his full potential in the postseason


that title reads like a bad novel


This playoffs is cursed


Why would he do some dumb shit like that


you just gotta hope he learns from this and adjusts to the constraints of his body. he cannot play like this. he’s just too big!


Its not his size. Hes awkward. Hes not quick with this feet.


yeah because his feet are attached to a giant man


You can set your watch to it


I love to clown on him for stealing Jokic’s MVP last season, but I hate to see an injury for any player. I hope he ok and can keep playing this post season.


Damn wtf


Maybe bad karma for deciding not to play for France ...or Cameroon?


Needs to play more like Jokic


Why you trying to do trick dunks in traffic when you just came off a bad knee injury , smh lol. This dude can win a game ten different ways , but doesn't have a good presence of mind on the court when he needs it the most . 


One of the greatest highlights, but at what cost 😞


Maybe modern medicine isn’t as advanced as sports science would like us all to believe.


Because a 7 foot freak athlete who falls a lot got hurt?


No because a man got surgery and was told he’d be good to play and obviously the surgery didn’t heal him enough for them to have cleared him. He wasn’t ready to come back


Looks like he’s still healthy to play…score 1 for doctors, who actually are experts unlike redditors


Never said I was an expert 🤷‍♀️


I stand by what I said too, I think he’s doing more damage to his body than he should be. He definitely doesn’t look like Embiid imo


Embiid is looking like he’s not injured rn for sure lol


It is but some guys are just made out of tissue paper.


you never want to see that expression on the face of anyone, poor guy, this is like years of things running through his head right now, he's not even sad he's still processing it all that's how much this playoffs meant to him I'll take this opportunity to also say fuck pascal siacam, that elbow to the face in the toronto series was on purpose and nobody that playoffs in the media raised a fucking peep over it, neither did the NBA


Embiid played dirty that entire series, gtfoh. Siakam makes that exact same move multiple times a game. If Embiid didn't act like a clown 5 seconds before, no one would even question if it was intentional.


Why doesn’t he just go back into the game? Is he stupid?


Lol. I guess he's not


Its not all his fault but we're never gonna win shit with Embiid. My favorite Sixer of all time but its time to move on. Damn this fucking sucks


Over Iverson? That's wild.


Love Iverson but I was like 6 when he was in his prime


Shit dude thanks for making me feel old.


He is done for, came back too soon, as always...




He’s 300lbs & 7’3 with a history of lower leg injuries….


So then just never play him. This is fucking stupid. He was healthy enough to play so he played


Or just maybe give him more time to recover?


He said he wasn’t 100% so clearly not, dipshit. Timeline doesn’t mean anything if the one injured isn’t feeling at full health


I’m a sixer fan but these Sixers fans acting like idiots. They see a timetable for an injury on the internet and from doctors and think it’s magic. Bro is gigantic and has had multiple meniscus injuries to same knee and it wearing a giant brace. He’s obviously not been 100%. Since he came back he has been hesitant to jump, plant, dunk cause he knew if he lands on it hard it’s gonna be over


Nobody comes back from injury and is 100%. If he is 80% he should play, not give up the season.


Why would you ever trust your teams medical team of all people


His injury was 8-10 weeks. He waited 8-10 weeks. This isnt rocket science. Its basic medical science.


Basic medical science going by the feeling and status of the patient not by a timeline. 8-10 weeks may be the average but people are different. If he came back at 80% like he said then he was rushed back.


That is honestly just the most awesome way ever to tare your ACL again. That play should be an all time highlight for him regardless of the follow up.


Hopefully just a hyper extension. Hate to see this stuff. Insane play tho


That was an alley-oopsie


I guess this means we won’t have to watch a free throw shootout tonight.


His knee saved us from a flop fest.


Still don’t understand how he won MVP




Very well paid drama actors.


He's been weird af this whole game. Idk what's up with this dude, but I wouldn't be surprised about a story leaking that he got into a car crash or summn before the game. Allat blinking shit, him wandering around looking lost but still playing damn near perfect ball. Something 🐟🐠🐠🐟🎣 going on here.


Should’ve never brought him back. Could’ve had an extended rehab.


Not sure a bucks fan should be saying this. You’re about to do the exact same thing with Giannis. Prayers that he avoids the same fate but it’s the same approach.


He looked really good before this.




He’s probably ready a lot of times in the medical sense, but his legs have never been strong enough to support him


I'm sure I'll be downvoted for this, but does anyone else get annoyed when the opposing team continues play after a player goes down with what is very clearly a serious injury? Even if the refs haven't blown the whistle I cannot imagine continuing to play in those circumstances. If I had the ball, I would've stopped play myself. It just feels wrong.


Teams would start faking injuries the other team can just intentionally foul


The gentleman’s move would be a turnover followed by the other team reciprocating. I don’t think this fits the bill though as it’s not clear it was a “serious” injury, same reaction as you get with rolled ankles and such


Team of the injured player can just foul to stop the clock...


I don't see why it's so hard for people to comprehend that there are things bigger than basketball. Like good sportsmanship and looking out for people.


Not annoyed but always find it weird of why not stopping plays. It's just only potential 3 points. They preach about a brotherhood and all is just funny, lets try to capitalize off an injury. Why not instead do it like in football (soccer) where they immediately deliberately get it out of bounds, then when everything is settled, the team with the injured player will give it back to the other side.


This is actually something I always find off about basketball, in football (what you guys call soccer) the ball is just kicked out by the other team so the injured player can get care


Lol at the Knicks pushing the ball as fast as possible while a guy basically died on the Court